In this episode: We take three days and travel from Bormio to Italy to Antibes France on the French Riviera! After stopping in Menaggio for a snack we pass thru Como and head into Varese for the night. The next day has us stopping in Turin. Heading up over the Colle dela Lombarde into France and the beautiful Cote d’Azur region, we work our way down the mountain into Nice and then stay in Antibes for a couple of days.

    0:00 Intro
    0:54 Map
    2:33 Como Lake Tunnels
    3:45 Menaggio
    5:20 Varese
    5:45 Turin
    7:00 Trip Tip
    7:54 Into France
    10:40 Nice and Antibes


    Welcome back this is  WeRideMotoz and my name is Glen. And I’m Carrie. Okay in this episode we are going to leave Bormio  where we stayed last night after we finished the   Stelvio Pass the day before and we’re going  to head down to, ultimately, Antibes France.

    It’s going to cover three days this  episode uh but this uh this first   part we’re going to go to Varese, which  is in Italy, which isn’t too far away. It was a bit of a rainy. It wasn’t  a bit of a rainy day it was pouring!

    It did it rained a lot we finally hit I don’t  even know where it was we just saw a little town. I was cold and we were wet and it was. We saw um we were looking for a coffee  the little villages we could not find  

    One so finally we saw a mall it’s  like let’s just go in there and. If nothing else we were going to get out of the  rain. I mean we wear uh vented gear over there   and we have rain jackets light ones that fit  underneath so weren’t wet yeah but it was cold.

    And it’s just kind of yucky and rain so anyways we   sat at this table probably  for a good hour and a half. Yeah we had a big pond underneath us when we left. Yeah yeah dripping all over the place. So by  

    The time we’ve we’re done there the  rain had lifted and off we head out. It was still a little bit cloudy  and rained on and off as we. So the interesting thing is that we wanted  to we wanted to the west side of Como Lake  

    Because we we’ve been over, uh not on the fully  east side, but from from Como the town or city,   we went north to Belaggio, and it was nice it  was a cool little run along the side of the  

    Lake it was you know you couldn’t go fast but  it was fun and view and we kind of thought hey,   you know, we’ll go down the west side  maybe we’ll see, what’s that actor that   everybody? George Clooney! He lives around  there somewhere but he made a no show but  

    Uh you know for the most part it was just a  bunch of tunnels it (lots of tunnels) tunnel   after tunnel after tunnel which today when  it was pouring rain was nice but you know. Not much of a view. Kind of boring.

    And you had to get off often right in  the tunnel was the way to get off to go   into the town so you took another merged  out of the tunnel into another tunnel. Ya you don’t have any visual clues or cues  other than there’s a sign saying turn off  

    Sometimes it’s in the middle of the tunnel  sometimes it’s right at the end of the tunnel And I think the little town we were  headed for, we actually missed it,   so we had to turn around once we got  out of the tunnel and then go back.

    Yeah I think we did a couple detours. We wanted to warm up have lunch get another  coffee so we turned off into this little   town called Menaggio (probably saying it wrong)  but anyway it’s across the lake from Belaggio. So we rolled into town and uh as we  always do appreciate the motorcycle  

    Parking which is very convenient 99% of the time. Right right in right of the lake and was great  perfect perfect spot it was great yeah we got   off parked the bike got off toured around  a little bit it’s uh I think it’s lavender  

    Harvesting it must be lavender harving it must be  lavender harvesting season because they’ve got. I think July early July and August. So  so we’re just catching the end of it. Yeah they have all the products  that they make out of that yeah

    Yeah so we walked around a little bit sat  down got a bite to eat and then jumped on   the bike and we thought we’d avoid the highways  took some of the the roads through town but of   course it’s a lot slower because you know  it’s you’re going through town either on  

    The highway in the tunnels or slow in the  town so we we kind of did both yeah did it Quick run around Como. We didn’t go into  Como just took the highway around it and  

    Then ended up in Varese for no particular reason  I think it was just the town we picked yeah on   on route we’re on we’re actually moving on our  way into Spain to meet with some friends which  

    Would be happening in a couple episodes I think  we’ll we’ll hook up with them so yeah we just   uh toured around and then it was our one of our  favorite parts about Italy. It’s aperitivo time! That’s right. Yeah you can’t beat it.

    Going to be leaving Italy so we have to  make sure and. Yeah go to Italy figure   out aperitivos because they’re a  good deal. get our last few in. Day two of the 3-day ride we’re leaving Varese to   Turin and this is a really short  ride it’s like I know 50 60 km.

    I don’t I don’t know why we didn’t even do it   yesterday it makes no sense (I’m  not sure) but anyway we didn’t. Maybe we were cold and wet and just called  it quits. Yeah I don’t remember. I don’t   remember so that’s like like months ago. Anyway,  

    So we got into got into town  toured around um parked the bike. Turin was an interesting city. It had lots of  public squares like you just walked from one   to the other and they were all so busy people  about and I don’t know if it was the weekend.

    I was trying the odd phone call. I think I phoned   my parents. I think you’re  trying to talk to your mom. Somebody’s got the Bongos going  and they’re on super loud mode Yeah they knew had to have a good time there  so it was it was an interesting uh city.

    Uh we had underground parking in this one  that we had to pay for we couldn’t get any   parking near the near where we parked the  bike uh I think I parked it earlier in in   a cramped little spot but here’s a tip trip  a trip tip maybe by the time the series is  

    Over I’ll be to say that uh I parked the  bike in the parkade left it sitting there. It was all great and later like a few  hours later I’m like couldn’t find my   keys went all the way out down the street  into the underground parkade and every  

    Vehicle that got in this parkade passed our  bike and guess where my keys were sitting! On the seat of the bike. It could  have become an instant hiking holiday. Yeah that’s right backpacking.  Yeah that was kind of a dumb move.

    Anyway toured around Turin, saw a few sites and  once again aperitivo time. Yeah that’s right. Ok, today we’re leaving Turin and going  to Antibes. We’re going to be crossing   over the border into France today. Um we  don’t like taking the main highways so I don’t like to pay tolls

    No because we were being um frugal  we got a route that avoided all the   tolls and all the highways and it  took us on a very interesting road   today we weren’t hadn’t planned it and it  just kind of worked out but man it was.

    Yeah so if you want a good drive it’s called  in Italy it’s SP 255 it’s considered one of the   dangerous roads probably because it’s basically  one lane wide up the side of a mountain (on the   Italy side) grades that go between 7 and  14% and uh yeah but it’s a fun little ride

    Yeah it took us up into the mountains it was  a very unique kind of landscape up there. When you hit the summit eventually it’s  called the uh I’m going to hope I get   this Colle della Lombarda (something  like that you know me in pronunciation)

    But there’s a big statue up there (the goat?  Was it a goat?) Some kind of animal. Yeah I   couldn’t find any information out about  it I could find anything and and even   there’s what I can only assume to be old  military structures up there I couldn’t  

    Really find anything about it so if you  know anything throw it in the comments and Be interested to know. Add it in somehow but but really nice  ride. The Italian side was one lane,   the French side was a little nicer, it was it  was a little wider so it wasn’t quite as sketchy.

    Went down into a ski hill right away  on the French side so then they had   going out of the ski hill they had really  better road. It was a nice road going out. And as we dropped in elevation it got warmer  and warmer so when we finally rolled into Nice,  

    Which is on the French Riviera, busy as you  would expect it to be. It’s nice and warm. Yep we didn’t stop we we’d been to Nice years  and years ago so we just rolled through.

    Got to Antibes and then it was pretty late we got  in. I think we just had a snack went to bed. Yeah. And then the next day we hiked  around town and took a few sites. Yeah it was it was nice being on the  coast, they it was a port a port town  

    So they had some very nice yachts (oh yeah  some there’s some money there) yeah definitely Yeah they have a big fort there that’s star-  shaped but I don’t know, for whatever reason,   we have no photos of it other than the one oh yeah  

    It was closed so we couldn’t go in  it but we did walk around it. Yep. Well I’m going to say we had aperitivo time but   it’s not Italy so it’s not aperitivo  time but whatever they call in France. We found a great little sushi restaurant.  It was very good spectacular sushi.

    That was very good highlight of the day. Yeah and uh so that’s that’s  the end of this episode. Tomorrow we are going up into  lavender country. We are,   and the Verdon Gorge we’re going to  see and then I’m going to find a nice  

    Little little pop town stop for lunch so  (cool) that’s what’ll be doing tomorrow. See you tomorrow!

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