Avid researcher, truth seeker and host of the Juan on Juan Podcast, Juan Ayala joins Mikey and Bub for an epic SWAPCAST! Some of you have been asking for an episode on the occult and we delivered! Juan schooled the fellas on systems of alchemy and the homunculus. What is a homunculus? Tune in to find out! We also cover the mysterious story of alchemist John Dee and his scryer Sir Edward Kelley. This is an eye opening episode that we’ll never forget!

    Juan enjoys long walks on the beach and talks about conspiracy theories. In his free time, he spends time with his family and has various hobbies ranging from fishing to mountain biking. Since he was a young boy he was raised in a religious household, forcing him to question a lot of things growing up. He eventually broke out of that matrix and because of his hunger for knowledge, his podcast was born.

    The Juan on Juan Podcast is a show where he talks about life, current events, esoterica, the occult, and other mysteries of the universe. He has interviewed a variety of guests on his show including scholars, artists, authors, and musicians. His goal in creating his podcast is to ask the hard questions and to share knowledge on certain esoteric subjects.

    Join us as we travel with Juan Ayala down The Strange Road…
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    Hey what’s up guys Mikey here from the strange Road bub what’s happening uh we’re here with Juan from one-on-one podcast Juan what’s happening man what’s up dude this is a little little intro we’re get we’re getting started backwards today right yeah yeah well exactly we had an awesome conversation

    Leading up to this right now and we’re to pick up right where we left off U but uh dude happy to be on your show this is awesome strange Road one-on-one swapcast Baby R to rock yeah yeah yeah yeah I was wondering how we’re going to do that so

    Yeah check them out check me out TJ jp.com everyone knows where to find me and I yeah I’ll plug my intro and everything at the beginning so it’s all good bro but the the aspect I talk about this a lot on my show right the occult

    Esoteric I think those are topics that a lot of people want to understand and there’s many different interpretations I’m not saying at this at any point in time that I have the answers I don’t believe I do so because you I because I’ll have people within the

    Organizations and which I talk about so like these magical orders Golden Dawn the Lima whatever all these different orders that’ll hit me up and some people aren’t happy some people are like hey you’re closer than you than you might think otherwise and it’s like well there’s no secret societies anymore it’s

    Like anything that you’ve ever wanted to learn is literally at your fingertips yeah on the internet and it seems like that we’re it seems that were’re Dumber now than we ever have been since right since the beginning we it seems like society’s more dumbed down now than they were and we literally have

    Supercomputers in our pockets now that’s part of of the conspiracy if you will or not I don’t know and I like to think about what I talk about like conspirac cult to where the conspiracy meets the occult where it meets the there’s one more thing at meet in there religion

    Right I think it’s all interconnect I think it’s all connected in some way or another because if you think about it we talking pop culture movies and music and Jay-Z and Beyonce and I mean I went I went down my rabbit holes with the cult symbolism and it’s just everyday life

    Realistically it’s inned in everything yeah it has to be that’s why it all works together and you’re like how does this connect to that that doesn’t make any sense but there’s always some weird connection like that Michael Hoffman he’s a really well-known author and I guess the cons iracy occult realm and he

    Talks about how the regular person nowadays is more initiated than the actual initiates of secret societies because of the things that we’ve been exposed to Again movies and otherwise and I think that I’ve always thought about this where in the during a lot of things that we know today as far as

    Hollywood they were born during the Great Depression they were so during the 1930s I thought about like how was it that these movie theaters right cuz that we had that thing happen in 2020 I was like how is it that movie theaters stayed alive well

    It’s been it’s been a sort of MK Ultra technology since the beginning because in the 1930s people and this is going to tie into the bigger picture people kept movie theaters alive and we had King Kong we had Dracula we had uh which which’s what’s another one white zombie

    We had all the greatest hits of like the Mythos of Hollywood if you will was born during the 1930s and I was like wait a minute how was where all the money come from for them to fund those movies like how were they if if the economy was

    Collapsed right where did they get the money to produce those movies and the the reason was people were flocking to the movie theaters why because they were it’s a form of escapism so they were going into these rooms and they were living through the movies they were living through the characters they were

    Living through the stories and I mean I don’t know about you guys but what I I love crypted podcast so I was sit and I listen to stories cuz everyone loves a good story oh yeah everyone loves to hear a crazy story cuz so I don’t know

    About you guys but I I’ll be sitting sometimes even reading a book or listening to a book or whatever and I think when somebody’s telling a really good story that just hooks you and it drags you in this is what these people these people’s lives were garbage they

    Were poor you know there were people unal living themselves during this time because it got so bad but then when they would enter these rooms right dark light s they were living through these movies so the people kept them alive and you zoom back out it’s like well you start to

    Make connections as to let’s say all Hollywood is an initiation well guess who uses caves through for their initiations and their rights and rituals well secret societies use caves for their rights and rituals you know everybody use it myth the MTH cult and all these different the Freemasons use

    Caves for their rights and rituals and it’s like there’s something about that and then you you link that to Egypt there’s a reason why there was you know sarcophagus and all these different maybe not only was it for a burial type of thing uh death rights whatever might

    Have had also some connotations right with the Knights Templar there’s various conspiracies with them and those are they’re tied to the to the church but when I start to make all these connections I go man there’s there’s a lot more here that meets the eye and I I

    Honed in really on Alchemy and the reason I honed in on Alchemy is because on the outside I wanted to understand I’m like what’s going on here what is the what is the bigger picture they’re turning lead into gold I mean why are they using all this simplism and when

    You start to understand you go wait a minute through these individuals pursuit of want of wanting to obtain the philosopher stone we have C the industry of Ceramics the guy who invented ceramic Pottery was the it wasn’t Ceramics I have to think of exactly what it was it

    Was some sort of of pottery he was the reason he created was CU he was collecting he was trying to make the philosopher stone MH right we have guys like paracelsus who helped eight right the 16th century Alchemist helped create uh you have anesthesia right you have a lot of things attributed to

    Paracelsus that again was an alchemist was just crazy think of like the the archetypal mad scientist in a lab somewhere like that was paracelis little guy carried around a sword that people thought he had a homunculus in it which we can get into and he had a horse that

    The devil gave to him that never tired what what’s sorry what’s a homunculus we’ll get there so okay cool leave that one there we have so all right and I’ll break it down so we have Alchemy right and this is Hermes this is the the line of Hermes all these guys

    Back then were Hermes Trice uh Trice magistus who was th from Egypt they’re the same exact guy you know let’s go back let’s go back further let’s go back further so you have the emerald of th which you you talked about the Underworld the caves that’s the halls of

    Amenti when th writes about the in The Emerald Tablets of going into the dwelling he talks about and that’s where the knowledge is the halls of aen whatever you want to call it the the akashic records but it is it’s all underground this this I don’t know what

    Any of this means well the Hall of men mes you said the the Hall of a m mint mind that sounds GRE for mate yeah yeah m m is mine in Spanish so you have that that connection there but when I said let’s go further do you know who

    They’ve linked th to be related to as far as biblical patriarchy so the knowledge of alchemy comes from the Nephilim the Nephilim pass it down to the yeah to the daughters of men and and in exchange for right we we’ve read the book of Genesis uh so they’re doing

    Favors for the me for the women vice versa and we have this bloodline of Noah that they were one of the greatest Alchemists of all time the Alchemists there’s a lot of commentaries on the Book of Genesis and I’ve done I’ve done I’ve done one translation so far on

    Gerard dor a commentary on the Book of Genesis where they believe that the Book of Genesis were it is illustrating the magnumopus in alchem so how to create this philosopher stone this Unis Mundi Unis Mundus which is essentially a little world in a vessel if you will and in in

    Alchemy there’s various things that The Alchemist works for the homunculus in my opinion is one of them which you can get a copy of the homunculus owner’s manual on TJ jp.com I’ll send you guys a couple of these that’s cool oh yeah that’s really cool it’s 33 pages of how to take

    Care of your homunculus so the the homunculus is one aspect of the of alchemy you have the philosopher stone you have the Divine Androgen and then you have the Elixir life or elixir of immortality now the philosopher stone there is a red stone there’s a silver

    Stone so the red stone creates gold the silver Stone creates silver and the homunculus is a what I’ve termed a blood and bones Talisman and we can get into that that’s a whole different subsection the Divine Androgen this is a weird one where The Alchemist essentially goes through a

    Sort of metamorphosis so they’re concocting all these potions and all these things and they’re drinking it to try and renew themselves and there’s stories about a lot of ancient Chinese Emperors this is why at the the Terracotta Warriors there’s a giant pool Mercury oh my because these guys right

    They were experimenting with different forms of mercury to try and extend their life so if you look at the origins of alchemy in the in the East right you have the idea I’m sorry so Chinese Alchemy you have the idea of more they were more focused on extending their

    Life so these guys were literally dying of mercury poisoning because they were drinking these concoctions that their that their Alchemist their Court of Alchemist was just mixing for them because they wanted to live forever I mean who doesn’t want to live forever that’s the whole thing of transhumanism

    They want to extend life as long as possible right so they’re they’re going to do whatever right everyone I mean Summers of Jeff Bezos you know also getting into that whole thing of it literally says the title was Epstein his whole all his genetic experiments oh I mean getting

    Basically your own blood boy to get your blood transfusions weekly like yeah well that’s what the the aoro ranch in New Mexico no I mean that they made a joke about that on like Silicon Valley about the one dude like as far as like Tech Giants and people do you know it’s

    Another weird kind of like woo woo type movement of hey we’re gonna do blood transfusions and yeah we’re gonna get you know skin creams made out of this kind of body part or whatever like I don’t even want to talk about like got stuff so bizarre Beyond me or I’m like

    We used to not want to test animals or like use it you like do this and that like it’s gonna get I’m with it interesting bro I’m with it I’m just I don’t want to hang tight bro because it’s gonna get this is just a tip all

    Right this is just a tip we’re gonna I’m warming you guys up this is the esoteric foreplay that we’re into right now let do let’s do it and so we have the philosopher stone The Elixir life which and the Divine Androgen which again the the way it’s described is that

    The The Alchemist becomes an an androgen being and they become interdimensional in some sort of way and it’s done through again taking of these Elixir there’s stories of the their hair their hair falling all out their nails falling out and then growing back their teeth falling out so almost like a like a

    Vampire almost like some weird werewolf type of lure and then you have the so we did the philosopher stone The Elixir life the Divine Androgen now we have the homunculus and again all these topics that I’m say that I’m saying we’re going to dive the deepest into the homunculus

    But they’re all their own deep di like the father of binary code laes was the the guy that we have the ones and zeros in our computer be he was fascinated with Alchemy and he went around collecting stories of transmutation and a transmutation is the projection of Base Metals so projecting you’re raising

    Its value so going from base metals to gold right so they The Alchemist believe which they weren’t too far off but The Alchemist believe that if everything is composed of the same material which it is atoms therefore you can trans the same atoms that are in lead are in Gold

    So if you’re able to again Alchemy the manipulation of matter okay now The Alchemist is working on four different different dimensions simultaneously so whenever you do conduct this magnumopus and you do get the lead to Gold the projection right and the there’s various stories of people who were present well

    There’s also stories about guys who conducted and did the magnumopus and did their concoctions and everything and their mixtures and all that stuff and the light from that reaction of turning the Le into go was so big that it got embedded in their DNA and changed their DNA and transformed

    Them into what is called the homol Luminous a light being so this is where it gets woo woo because in alchemy you have the immortal Alchemist which were the guys who every couple thousand years you get a new one who were able to conduct the magnumopus and achieve the

    Highest level the great work and they phased out of reality they phased out of existence now why is that well because in alchemy once two learn to manipulate matter you’re able to step outside of space and time and manipulate space and time from the outside I just kind of

    Blew my mind like this is the this is like the white Brotherhood material that I talk about some sometimes absolutely the Rosa Cru what made you think of those like you know just smise really quickly like if you do get to that you know if you’re

    Here over and over and over and you keep reliving this life you figure it out and then you get to that point and you are just like maybe Nicholas f one day you just like whoop you just blip like right out of existence because you’re like I

    Can now manipulate my own atoms to get out of this St Germaine you seen the new Flash phes in through the walls like that I did just watch that’s so funny and I would not have watched that than I was Sir Francis Bacon he was an alchemist he’s supposedly St Germain

    There’s these beings that’s this white Brotherhood material where whether it’s Jesus or Buddha or um you know this is very interesting they ascend it’s this whole you can call them gods or ascended masters is the name that the white Brotherhood gives and there’s literally like a hundred of these beings and

    They’re St Germain Sir Francis Bacon the this essentially the same guy that like he said learned this material perfected it and ascended into these higher Dimensions which fascinating there’s all these representations of Sir Francis Bacon over this being has come back over and over and over again but it’s St

    Germaine it’s Jesus was um you know going back to um uh you know even Krishna Krishna and Jesus they were both born of the of the Virgin Mary so you have these beings like Juan saying that come back throughout time but they’re really the same being I see what you’re

    Saying there I mean that’s I get it I’m thinking like Buddha if you go with the The Dol Lama or you know supposedly but um I get what you’re saying I get what you’re saying I’ll throw a wrench into the mix so if you if you start to get

    Into like Philip you know what they call they call it dicki and narcism or something like that so Philip dick Philip K dick oh yeah he talks about how reality is a computer and all these characters that you’re talking about this white Brotherhood it’s actually the system almost kind of sort of injecting

    Itself with antibodies to try and Purge reality but yet we know what happens to all these figures they’re crucified they’re whatever XYZ but it’s actually again this is very uh gnosticism was one of those things that I I got into heavily when I first started because it

    Was right along the line of like hey all the stories that you learned yeah there’s the complete opposite of those stories in this look look at the NTI look at the Dead Sea Scrolls and then you just start reading that and it shifts your Paradigm it like completely obliterates whatever indoctrination that

    You had and you’re like damn now how how can I believe the stuff that I was taught already if I already see the opposite is here what makes it different that yours is the official narrative this is the underground and I’ve learned from history that usually the people who

    Are talking truths they usually end up somewhere not alive so and and and our society now kind of sort of rewards people for I got banned off of YouTube because I was talking about this thing yeah and I’m telling the truth it’s like are you or are they making you believe

    That you’re telling that so again it’s very slippery slope but yeah they Philip K dick would say that the that the system is injecting itself trying to essentially heal itself with these figures and he believed and I’m in accordance to what he’s talking about that the Alchemist the reason that they

    Were wiped out was because they were at the border of what he called this next evolutionary step and it makes a lot of sense because whenever I’m doing research and I follow the historical aspect of it so I like to like to speculate and I like to speculate a lot

    But I like to speculate even more when I have some sort of historical thing to back it up with right and I know history is fake and it’s been fabricated whatever but we still need a system to measure out time frames right so whenever I I read works of like Philip K

    Dick that fill in these gaps of like what what was nosis well to the gnostics nosis was this sacred knowledge MH and it’s like well there’s no writings as to what it was well what if no was some like because they were Alchemist too what have nois was like the sort of same

    Thing where there’s a string of words and letters and ideas that will destroy you like Mikey and Bub as a person that if you were to read something there’s a string of words that would just undo your entire reality itself that’s a curse and just like break you just like

    Break you completely just a string of words yeah that’s a curse essentially so what hynosis is just that that once you learn that truth you you just dissolve out of reality once you learn the name of JFK’s real assassin group you fizzle out of existence like that’s the one

    Thing that’s just holding you back baby we don’t see you ever again that’s it you’re done like like damn that dude achieved the next level like the fan P the fan complex is one of those things in the human nature was like you want more and more knowledge like my son the

    Other day asked me daddy do you know everything like no I don’t I don’t know I don’t know everything cuz to them you fix things you put batteries in their in their toys and like oh you he knows my daddy knows everything it’s like daddy do you know everything I was like no

    He’s like well why why don’t you know everything I go because you can’t possibly know everything and he’s like well why not and I’m trying to grasp how a five-year-old’s mind works and I’m like I was like damn why not could you imagine knowing it could you imagine

    What it would be like if you you knew everything and and I and to me I was just thinking about all the different cosmologies all the 45 different denominations of Christian just Christianity like what happens when you connect the dots between all of those and you just start to think like

    Damn what would you want to know everything is that what it would be like to be a God right to be God maybe a lowercase G I don’t think anyone can I think that were a lot of groups in history have tried to become the godhead but I don’t think they’ve ever achieved

    God I don’t think anyone can be God I think that is I think God is you have to drop your ego to get to those places of understanding that’s a big part of is destroying your ego to be able to get up in that’s part of the whole alchemical

    Process is transmuting yourself in you know your your Consciousness um so many people have always thought just focusing on the gold aspect of turning lead into gold you know they’re you’re transmuting everything your physical being your spiritual being um you know like you were talking about the the gnostics the

    Early Christians the aans are so fascinating when you learn about the aans they were the early Christians that’s basically who Jesus and um Mary Magdalene and also John the Baptist you know essentially they were in these early early groups that were kind of these subsect of of Judaism but really

    They were connected to the Egyptian Mystery Schools they were cultists when you re read about the Dead Sea Scrolls a lot of these things that these early religions were all over the place and there was there you know Mithra and all these different groups um you know the zoroastrians you know they were

    Constantly sharing knowledge and traveling to Egypt and and those things um but you know a lot of our kind of modern Christianity comes from those groups that weren’t Christians at all they were pretty much mystery School followers that’s a hard pillar to swallow for a lot of people but it’s

    Like hey I mean that’s again if you follow the chronological history these guys that I’m talking about were at the Forefront of Christianity were the founders like the right platonist neoplatonist all these guys were at the Forefront of Christianity and that’s why you have a lot of parallels I’m not

    Again I consider myself a Christian not the not a practicing Christian by any means but I do believe in Jesus Christ and I do believe that you know he died for our sins and all that but I’ve learned to put aside my personal beliefs and focus solely on the research aspect

    Of things so if I if I talk about something doesn’t necessarily mean I believe believe it 100% it just I I find history interesting and this is one of the ones where it’s like there’s so much to it that you start to really peel apart and go wow this is really really

    Fascinating so we have again the gnostics are at the Forefront of this Evolution we have have the concept of a homunculus and now the homunculus is a really weird one for me at first because when I stumbled across it so the word the word grammar comes from grimore and

    A grimore is a 16th century book on spells the reason that that’s the atmology of the word grammar so essentially a grimore was a book of words uh recipes for spells so magical spells and that’s atmology and so you had these weird Grimm Wars that when I

    Stumbled across I’m like all right this is this is really bizarre but again I think we all have a morbid aside from what I had mentioned at the beginning where we all want to know the truth of something’s real we also have like a sort of morbid curiosity when it comes

    To certain things I don’t know about you guys you know sometimes that’s why True Crime podcasts are so popular people want to hear the the details so when I’m learning about this I’m like wait a minute so essentially homunculus which is an another branch of of alchemy and mind

    You in alchemy you had different branches as well so you had the paracelsian line you had the valentinian line you had the whatever other line they had different schools of thought there’s the dry path wet path like there’s so many different just you can weave in and out like when it comes to

    Alchemy and the homunculus essentially we’ve all seen and this is the scary part about the homunculus that recently there’s been a few articles that have come out where they’re like Chinese lab creates entity in in lab without a mother and a father like that science to like that’s

    Science today right or as I like to say you know trust the science well trust the Seance right it’s kind of sort of the same thing right seances so we have this aspect of wait a minute that’s we’ve all heard the story of Frankenstein right I mean if you haven’t

    Right they were doing essentially what they were grafting together this being they shocked it came to life well there’s a precursor to that is the Golem you the Golem which is in Jewish mysticism a a Man created from the ground animated through word magic essentially so they

    Create this they they mold this being and it’s an Android it’s more of like an AI techn technological thing we’ve all seen the Terminator right so a Golem is the Grays the the what you like yeah the Grays are kind of like these androidy kind of human they’re they’re really

    More drones than they are you know they feel like they’re you know they’re they don’t really have they’re kind of just blank you know they’re more robotic than anything well Greer says that the Grays that we know that abduct and do all these experimentations on people are actually biologically created beings by

    The US government so I just again an interesting connection there with Alchemy with essentially the artificial creation of Life yeah because at the core of everything right what God giveth God taketh well God creates life God creates new beings so Alchemists were like you know we want to be I think at

    The core of reality itself Society I think people want more money so The Alchemist had that done like all right let’s create Gold All right we can create an endless amount of gold boom so that’s why Rudolph II had a whole Court of Alchemist working for him Alchemist

    Alley in Prague you can go there and that was the of where all the Alchemists live mind you this is royalty okay this is royalty the the the the Holy Roman Emperor okay Rudolph II this is royalty this is the top of the top they they

    Believe in that like damn oh yeah I want to live forever I want gold yeah Elizabeth thei John D lived with Queen Elizabeth for his whole entire life until he was really run out that’s the guy that would speak through Angels through his crystal ball oh my yeah

    We’ll get to that we can talk about that he’s like Sir Isaac he’s like the predecessor of Sir Isaac Newton who was an alchemist like John D Isaac Newton was he was a follower of John D who was like pretty much a magician very cool

    100% And by yeah so it’s raining now so just in case it’s it’s blowing hard got you so just in case the John D is the typical fan pack that’s who it’s modeled after so they believe that he had made he was able to do all these things

    And so they believe that he had made packs with with the devil so we can get to that that’s an noi and that’s another one of my fores that I love talking about cuz again it’s inter dimensional so you have this artificial creation of life you have royalty you had money that

    They that they were they were interested in this sort of thing and that’s just that those are just one of the people that were interested in this sort of thing right so the Alchemist unlimited money sure gold all right what’s next uh let’s see live forever immortality yeah we got that too

    It’s like H what’s left well what if we could create artificial life all right we got that too so that’s where the homunculus comes in where essentially what it is it’s uh and and the alchemical homunculus is an artificially created being through the use of alchemy now that’s fine right because

    That’s that’s think of it like a little helper a minimi in Austin Powers where it looks like right the problem with that is that only a few Alchemists created it there’s fewo there’s there’s a few stories about it there’s instructions on how to do it depending on which philosophy you follow

    But then it gets really weird because they go okay so we created this little alchemical being if it’s created through the great work through the Royal art then wouldn’t it itself be magic so what happens if by I don’t know dissect it or vivisect it and use its body parts for different magical

    Purposes and you got entire books on just that using different body parts of the homunculus for different magical purposes and again that’s where it can get really dark really quick wow and also very interesting because it’s like wait a minute wait a minute because you start to tie in other things that go

    Right we talked about Epstein earlier well just use your imagination yep as to what could possibly be going on why strange Temple that was white and blue on his property on the island there’s a lot of strange just basically made of cardboard almost it’s like particle board like what why do you have

    Some strange temple in your backyard yeah yeah and I’ve I’ve connected that to the Hong that’s along the 33rd parallel which is in in New Mexico the land of enchantment which is near the Trinity site where they some people believe that the US Government tried to create a homunkulus using radio

    Activity with their big jumbo cylinder thing that no they never told anybody what it was for but they’re like yeah kind of you know think of like like a bob in you know Twin Peaks or something like that like this thing that well that’s what uh what were they trying to

    Do Mr E and J talked to me about when I went to moth band Festival that all this deep underground Base outside of Point Pleasant is where now all those pwns are it’s all collapsed because that was the Subterranean layers where they were doing all these ridiculous experiments

    Oh my and so either they created The Moth Man or were ripping open portals and multiple apparently there’s a few guys in Point Pleasant that know where these portals are um you know Moth Man being a homunculus is a theory yeah yeah because got out of the

    Cage and they’re not ch popping him up anymore and using him for alchemical purposes he’s some kind of interdimensional higher being that isn’t exactly physical 3D think about it think about it I just B blown my mind so you have homunculus means little man in in land little Min miniature man little

    Manu from yeah that’s what it means right yeah homunculus means miniature man Min homunculus homunculus yeah I’m G start calling that hunk and then culus which is small again I don’t know how to hus hamulus hamulus yeah yeah so they start they had these these little people these little men

    These little men then new Wily Wonka movie has I guess uh you know the in the trailer has the man in the jar Oompa loomas but they started mixing all right so when they created the little man they’re like all right well what happens if I use the you know the womb of

    A The Vessel of a bird or a cow or a bull whatever insert whatever and you start to get chimeras okay and that’s where you get in my opinion the minitar right and all these things the the the harpies right all these different chimeric creatures throughout all of history especially in ancient Egypt

    Where the land of chem alemi is where Alchemy comes from the Egyptians were again the gnostics were the first Alchemists and that’s where you get th and Hermes and all these guys that passed down that knowledge so and in their depictions I just went to a King

    Tuck exhibit not too long ago in Atlanta they have right the the hieroglyphs and everything and they have little what they call shopes where it’s these little these little statues that would help the emperor in the afterlife they would animate in the afterlife and help the

    Emperor do all the chores what does that sound like it sounds like a little magical helper again this idea of a homunculus sort of sort of being because mind you the word homunculus didn’t come into existence until the 16th century so let’s just let’s just

    Keep that in mind but we can call these Proto homunculi which again there’s different names for them they were called the child the form the substance you know it had different names right before was called the homunculus so just to keep that in mind and again I know

    This is a whole lot of stuff but oh I love it history starts to make sense when you’re like all right if they were doing running experiments well you had as late as the 20th century Crowley who wrote a book called The moonchild now this is where I believe

    Epstein and all these guys come in and the use of inin noan magic because through this book that was that was published in 1929 bch I believe it was 1929 by Crowley he wrote it earlier than that he has there it’s a story it’s a story about two groups of two different lodges

    Uh the Black magicians and white magicians and their fight over an unborn child the moon child that they were trying to create and essentially what a moon child is is where they use the fetus as a sort of Talisman to be able to house an elemental entity an angel

    Demon use your get your pick and I’m getting some weird feedback on my end do you guys hear that I don’t think so uh when I started talking about the moon children my thing starts bugging out yes you’re over the target all right so I’m going to take a

    Small pause and go to the bathroom sorry I’ll be right back go ahead yeah yeah go ahead let me I just went away I think no it’s still going yeah I don’t hear anything I mean unless it’s just when you’re talking that you’re hearing it on your end on

    Your own voice so a little bit when you uh go ahead talk again again it’s like it’s gone now right on um I don’t know maybe you said the storm was coming through a little bit more earlier maybe it’s maybe something happened with that I don’t know I don’t really hear

    Anything everything sounds Stellar to me but it doesn’t mean it couldn’t be on your end as well read the time stamp right on I don’t think Mikey had any issue on his audio as soon as I start talking about that start right getting all he hopped up out like going to the

    Bathroom I’m gonna put my phone on airplane mode just in case because yeah but yeah we’re getting a bad cold front coming through and um it’s coming down hard it’s going to be really bad because I promise we get we get tornadoes is the issue so yeah we

    Get y bad lightning because of the lakes in the area you know really big natural freshwater lakes they attract a lot of lightning did not know that is Florida’s actually the lightning capital of the world so also did not know that I love lightning yeah when the when the lightning hits the

    Ground um it like crystallizes it’s like it has some and my friend he has like this whole section of his shop he has like a c book club shop and he has this you know the the big uh like the big snails I forgot the name

    Of it but it’s like a you know the big snail you know what I’m talking about like the the water snail oh a nautilus but that was hit by a lightning or something crazy bro and it’s got like this crazy design on it from the chemical reaction of the

    Lightning I have I’ll have to send you a picture but it’s whoa CRA yeah it’s really crazy I’m down with that yeah yeah vitrification something like that yeah it goes through like some process yep all right turn to Glass all we’re good the sound is gone cool cool so I don’t

    Know what the hell happened there but all right so we have um Crowley moonchild which inspired Jack Parsons and elron hubard oh boy so you got Jack Parsons the father of modern day rocketry you have Elon hubard the founder of Scientology and they were in the desert over in California doing sex magic

    Rituals trying to summon an elemental the Scarlet woman which some people say that he did actually achieve and this was during the 40s and it was his second wife margorie Cameron which was the Scarlet woman redhead oh oh she was a redhe head and she went on to get in in

    Contact with I think it’s Kenneth Kenneth anger yeah anyways some people in Hollywood Kenneth anger that whole thing and she ended up starting her own yeah exactly and that that movie in particular with was it his name palaski what’s Roman y palansky palansky he wrote that movie and did that movie

    And it turned out that everything that was in that movie he was accused of after the fact so when I when I said moonchild earlier mind you these occultists use fiction and reality yeah and it has some sort of amplification effect where it amplifies either the the

    Spell that they’re trying to do or something it does something and it’s got to do with the idea of just the right this vowel magic or the or or even grammatical entities how I said the word grimore comes you know transforms into grammar eventually so there’s something magical about language itself and

    There’s something even more magical about writing about it solidifies it in reality in some sort again some sort of weird way I’ve I don’t understand this any more than I did when I first started but this is just patterns right so from this 1929 book we have a rocket sign

    Scientist which a lot of people go it’s not rocket science right it can’t be that hard well rocket scientist was an avid follower of Crowley and he took some of these spells that he had written in the moon child book and put them in to test put them

    Into application in real world and it just comes to show you like these guys we’re talking about royalty people in royalty who were believing in these occult esoteric alchemical beliefs yeah you have what they said was a super smart guy right jack Parson the guy maybe he was in touch with entities on

    The other side I don’t I don’t know but he was believing this knowledge how about this one the python man recently the interview I believe it was on uh Joe R oh yeah and he was hunting for pythons in this old abandoned building and there was all this occultic

    Symbolism and what they thought was like basically a night gown of a little girl with like some kind of magical ritual Altar and it freaked him the hell out sure and he got out of there and as he was driving out he was being followed

    And they find out that it’s one of Jack Parson’s jpl’s old buildings from back in the day with their their work with NASA and that building was owned by Jack Parsons who was a known occultist I don’t know if it was own because I know exactly where it’s at anyone can go

    There so that’s in Homestead it’s the old I don’t know the name of it I don’t know if it was owned by Parsons there is still a rocket in The Silo there and I have I haven’t been there I was invited one time to do some to do

    Some that’s rituals there they anyways they want to invite me there to to open up portals and I had said no so the I know where that’s I know where that’s at I don’t know if it was owned by Parsons but what happened was they were testing

    This is before NASA switched over their fuels when they were using actual solid fuels and the reason I know is because I’ve fished the canal the aerojet canal there and the Everglades which was specifically put dug out there for the transporting by barge of these Rockets

    So they Ed this one Canal off a us one for locals because I lived there for a time so the locals don’t know what I’m talking about and this is right before getting to the first key so you have Florida it’s all the way at the end

    Homestead all the way at the end in the middle of the Everglades all the way at the end right before getting to the bridge to go to the Florida Keys oh yeah seven mile bridge or whatever it is the yes I there you go bro driven to Q West from there

    Yeah so so it’s one of those exits that you go off to the side before going that long road to the Keys and again I I don’t know if it was owned but I do know which episode you’re talking about I recently brought that up was just on on

    The confessionals where we talked about the the Miami aliens and we brought that up because again the idea of I to me this is my personal belief space is not what they’ve told us and I always say space is fake and gay but space is if you look at

    Everything if you look at the naming uh so Parsons would do a him to pan every every rocket launch and if you look at he’ do a what every rocket launch a him to pan so it’s it’s one of their gods pan oh him

    To pan I’m sorry him to pan I got you now yeah yeah him to pan so yeah have pan Panic they relate that to baam at me all these different deities Idols whatever you want to call it copy and so the connection of NASA with the occult it’s

    Obviously there like that’s the dark history of NASA was thinking that earlier yeah Nazis pars the Nazis Parson illusion control too if we’re talking about keeping people in this kind of Plato’s Cave of knowledge control like if if you want to control what’s the thoughts about what’s going

    On up above us in space you generate it for us right you tell us what’s out there you say hey we’ve sent Rockets up and it’s like this or right like you get out the action the action of sending a rocket into space to me is a ritual so

    If you look at how how it is like how it’s it’s a phace you’re not wrong shooting a giant phace into the sky you know think about what the this this is I’m I’m trying not to bring in other cosmologies but if you look at the firmament you know what the

    Earth symbolizes and everything so it’s again it’s a sort of it’s a fire ritual essentially is what it is and everyone’s attention is focusing on it now I think in my opinion A lot of these astronauts were kind of shady maybe there’s people on those Rockets maybe

    Not and maybe those people that we see on on on these feeds maybe they’re off grid somewhere where they got access to some sort of internet and they’re able to live you know the bubbles in space never made never made sense to me I’m

    Not a flat earther I am more of a a hollow earther if anything I think that the answer is at the bottom of our oceans so because you got that whole thing now well that does go to the moon landing and Jack Parson’s connection with Jared Leto’s current house that he

    Lives in oh God which was in the in Laurel Canyon which was a secret basically run by the intelligence community and was a massive Sound Stage and set which supposedly was where they film the fake and and having uh Kubrick on board Jack Parsons was a part of that

    Uh your boy from Scientology back then oh uh before Scientology you know all these guys came they were all cras yeah they were all followers of CR they were all government assets there they were all inside intelligence assets I still he was a Navy man I still have a big

    Problem with the whole Landing stuff we just had a a probe or we had we had something that just went a skew here recently in the last week or two that was supposed to be this probe we spend you know sending up we’re supposed to send Mann missions coming up in 25 I

    Think or end of 24 and they’ve pushed that off to 26 it’s like okay I’ll believe it again when we get there maybe we could just take all the steps we did before to get there so many times and just do it again and have you know biggest Neil Armstrong hit another golf

    Ball off the Moon I mean the biggest secret society the the US government I mean if you you ever wonder why the Secret Service is called the Secret Service now that makes a lot of sense to me the Secret Service the SS servicing the secrets yeah yeah that’s

    In the open too Homeland Security when it was found that was literally the Nazis had a a group in German that’s literally translated into Homeland Security oh really yes Hitler had a Homeland Security well you know the it’s almost like the the CIA became a a corrupted form of was the OS the

    Underground but once the Nazis infiltrated through Operation Paperclip there was like infiltrated I mean we just brought them over who infiltrated they probably just hey come over here it’s cool now yeah you know all the way build Rockets with running [ __ ] through Argentina you know all those guys were living in

    Argentina and there’s whole communities in South pretty well documented that himler and uh a lot of the high ranking including Hitler probably made it to Argentina and who knows what kind of effect they could have on our culture throughout these years you know through the CIA and secret societies and Hollywood

    And yeah but it’s just not the story everybody wants to hear it’s not the reality everybody wants wants to happen it’s not the movie ending that everybody went into those buildings for when they were you know years ago looking for that escapism right ju so like maybe that’s

    The whole point of it is like maybe that’s why reality is not fun to deal with is because it’s not the way that we would choose for things to go a lot of times but that’s kind of what is going on so but that is also one of the things

    That keeps me grounded in it is trying to like deal with it so I can like actually figure out what’s going on like I can’t go back to being ignorant I could I couldn’t try if I wanted to and that’s something that I I don’t know if you can tell I can’t

    Really have normal conversations to people anymore I understand I can’t watch a movie anymore without going into this I start I I started watching Prometheus the other night oh boy aliens Prometheus like at least three or four times in the last couple months I’ve watched that film I love that movie so

    Much A lot of people didn’t like it but I like it and I started watching it and the the the planet that they go to where the engineers are at it’s a 223 we revers as 322 which is the whole skull and bone yes the and I was like when I

    Saw I was like ah all right whatever so but you start to catch things the more you learn the more things start to pop out and and now it just kind of sort of happens automatically especially now with doing it like decoding for a community it kind of just automatically

    Sort of pops out to me to we like okay then I can talk about this on the show or whatever it is and it’s a blessing and a curse I guess but yeah it really sucks the the fun out of everything because you start to deconstruct everything I mean yeah but they’re

    Putting so much garbage in like even kids shows you know baby shows like you know the whole Coco melon I was just gonna say Coco I would not let my watch CoCo melon never it’s woke now like if you put Coco melon on they will literally it’s the only thing they’ll actually

    Watch like when when babies are little they don’t even pay attention to the TV so who figured this Coco melon on they are on it and they will watch it for hours upon hours if that’s people will just put their kids in front of Coco melon for hours and I’m like this is

    Weird it felt weird right away I’m like nope Weir is it a program like you know Str I I don’t want to make any com about to check it out if you would catch me stuck in my office next week and they watching celon whatever the hell that is

    Probably having a juice pack and it’s nothing weird it’s nothing like weird it’s just the timing that they use the colors that they use the cadences that they use in the show it’s MK Ultra for little babies bro it’s like that’s what I’m saying that’s what I’m saying it’s

    It’s like some kind of like your eyes never close you know like just feeding you somehow I I know the I know the vibe I get it I don’t know if we ever had shows like that when we were kids I mean Duck Tales was never that nefarious you

    Know they were just teaching US History lessons about Aztec gold and you know uh you know making a time machine with a you know a multicolored popsicle there lot of symbolism in Ducktails there was a lot of symbolism a lot of ULM and stuff like that duct tals for sure I was

    B so I was born in ’94 I don’t know what year you guys were born in but we had Dragon Ball Z we had yuio we had I never watched any of that GRE Power Rangers we Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles we about a decade Transformers homunculus

    Hul rat bro dude a rat in the sewers that teaches you Kung Fu come on bro yeah and then named after different historical people Michelangelo was it Da Vinci whatever Leonardo Donatello Raphael yeah they were all famous all those guys yeah they were well they had

    Us hookline in Sinker I’ll tell you I’ll tell you what you might be making a lot of sense right now no dude I know I’m making because when you go back and I’ve tried to put some of the shows that I watch for my son yeah and it’s like oh

    Yu-Gi-Oh the shadow realm well to some occultist the shadow realm is a real place like it’s like wait a minute like what curge the Cowardly Dog weird things happen in the middle of nowhere well the the desert is the right you have the Skinwalker Ranch in Utah and the deserts

    And then it’s like well the devil lives in the desert it’s like and then you look at the first episode it’s like the room is 66 six and a half and I’m like stop we’ve been we’ve been fed this for a very long time and Dragon Ball Z SpongeBob freaking talismans if you

    Collect them all together you get granted A Wish by a freaking dragon and then they’re like Demi Gods like what’s going on like all that stuff was all back in here and I think that’s actually why I’m interested in all that things that I’m interested because we grew up

    Watching this sort of stuff so Ian I grew up with Indiana Jones I GRE up right Goonies Indiana Jones was a lot of occultic like Indiana Jones had a ton I’m saying like cartoons like I wasn’t sitting there watching all we just didn’t have that we had Bugs Bunny maybe

    There was some stuff in that I don’t like not as I it doesn’t seem as overt as it’s stuff like today where it’s like some of the things that I’ve seen where I’m like what is the pyramid symbology going on and they’re talking about you

    Know like the the there was one clip of this cartoon from like where they were doing it from like a Hollywood stance at time where I was like this is so strange like I can’t believe this is a children’s cartoon like what what does any of this have to do with kids like

    Where they’re even going to pick up on this like I could follow the plot of fat cat schemes in tailpin I knew what he Rescue Rangers I knew I knew what fat cat was trying to do you know he was trying to Corner the market and and

    Fruit or whatever he was trying to do like I got it but it wasn’t like you know fat cat was out there trying to You Know cover the the the human trafficking trade like you know that’s what I’m saying saying like that’s the kind of things getting slipped in where I’m like

    That doesn’t make any sense I can take other innuendos but like I don’t how do you overtly put in some of the weirder things where I’m like that doesn’t make any sense go watch five American Tale remember that what does that mean FAL fival American goes Mouse go watch that

    Again the first one dude it is we were KS very little kids watching American Tale that’s an adult movie go watch that I’ll have to rewatch it is dark dude it I can’t watch I won’t watch Pinocchio I’ve only ever seen that once in my life never back too much Pinocchio

    Homunculus another one there you go there you go okay I now that we’re getting more examples out here I’m with you all right bro I mean all a lot of Disney is based on Old dramatic folk folklore which has more darker Roots so it’s all B but just has the Disney Twist

    On it I mean the whole idea of Disney the reason it’s right in Florida it’s the most magical place on Earth there’s a reason why they’re there you have Disney along Disneyland along the 33rd parallel in California there’s a reason why it’s there I don’t know if you guys

    Have ever read Walter Bosley’s work with the the latitude 33 but essentially they’re tapping into these lay lines right these Dragon lines these old toer currents that’s the club the 33 Club in Disney Walt Disney has a private club called the 33 Club did not know

    That and it’s on the 33rd parallel how literally called the Magic Kingdom how do you get into that Walter Walter Disney like the the original Walt Disney wasn’t a Freemason the one that was a Freemason was his brother Roy I believe his name was Roy yeah Roy Disney he’s

    The one so yeah he you do have a 33 33 Club he was part of the de which is a sort of like Boy Scouts funded by Masons which whatever the in Florida it’s built again along the same parallel that NASA space space Exon which is the 28th

    Parallel and the 28th degree in templarism is the degree of the Sun so I think it goes back to like right Florida is the sunshine state I think it goes back to Sun worship and the and maybe not even the sun it might be right the the the brightest

    Star which we know that’s Lucifer right the lightbringer which some people talk about it being Saturn other people talk about it being Venus there’s a whole bunch of different cosmologies Cube getting into the Saturn’s Cube and um Saturn having basically a hexagon storm that’s in the shape of a hexagon

    On on the North Pole what is that about I mean that’s just bizarre like a perfect geometric shape you so the conspiracy behind that that’s that’s my that was my first ever interview really the conspiracy behind that the Saturn time Cube simulation is that if if you’ve ever heard the noises coming from

    The planets like so if you if you YouTube right now sound that mercury makes or sound that Venus makes or sound that sure Saturn makes Saturn sounds like screaming like people screaming damn and the conspiracy is that Saturn being Kronos being Father Time yep being you know all these different cosmologies

    That he’s the Demi urge and that there is a simatic device on Saturn that’s creating through sound frequencies creating and being Amplified through the rings of Saturn right being pointed directly at Earth to keep us in again this sort of simulation to a false reality in a sort of way and

    I mean we’ve seen movies about that left and right you have play you know Plato’s Cave that’s essentially what it is like people are believing the Shadows on the wall versus actual reality and so the idea that that’s why there’s that shape because of the simatics and now simatics is the use of

    Sound to create shapes yep and if you if you connect the lines on the on the hexagon it creates a cube the Saturn is the seventh day of the seventh planet from the sun seventh day of the week is Saturn day I’m sorry six planet from the

    Sun sixth day of the week uh and you have a six-sided shape on its North Pole so that’s where you get the 666 symbolism and then if you look at the history in any mythology this Kronos Saturn God it’s never good you know he’s eating his kids he is you know

    Control over time so very alchemical right so it’s like if he controls time then then what else is going on so that that’s where that comes from and you see once you and that’s what did it for me that’s Nick Hinton the Senter time Cube simulation where once you see that you

    Go okay well all these movies Hellraiser Transformers at the S side of 911 you have Stanley kubri it’s Saturn it’s it’s black cubes it’s like wait a minute the all spark is a cube a black Cube and the hell Riser they they go in through the different reality in the cube the the

    Cube the Black Cube Memorial at the 911 site then the other day there was some dude who fell into it like bleeding like what was going on there that I didn’t see that one that sounds it was a 33y old man or he fell 33 feet something

    Like that oh always it never fails he start to make those connections but again numerology is it being skitso and just like seeing patterns where they’re not right because it’s easy to to make things up and that’s where you get the whole tinf hat thing where it’s like oh put your tinf

    Hat on I think if you’re like I think if you’re like overly like charged sometimes you know some oh yeah you know like you can see a conspiracy everywhere if you want but like I think when you just again take in so much of that information over time it’s like it is

    What you’re saying it’s like some people can look at those 3D puzzles and get the picture really quick to just pop out like you just know how to let your eyes un Focus this to me is a way of getting so much information that you get overwhelmed to where you let your brain

    Just go out of focus and then it just starts letting things rise up out of it where you go I can’t really tell you why but this thing right here doesn’t seem right this seems like it’s weird or off or whatever you want to say about it and

    Like there are a lot of times you just don’t really have the capability to put it into words or context but you’re like my gut feeling from all of this information I’ve taken and over time to be kind of trained as this uh cadaver dog of conspiratorial thought or nature

    Whatever it is like it does it just kind of presents itself to you and you’re like H that’s why that’s weird to me you don’t even know it sometimes I had to hit pause cuz like bub just said you get ungrounded with this stuff and conspiracies and all those things led me

    Looking into the occult and magic and Crowley and Madam botski that’s what led me to a lot of the conspiracies in the occult stuff within you know the secret societies and kind of went backwards and came into the the modern era of oh all of these things go back to Crowley go

    Back to blatsky but blatsky was going back to these kind ofu you know you know Crowley was doing rituals inside the Great temple that’s when that weird little being that he writes about in the in the book of the law and uh gosh I can’t remember yes and it’s this creepy little

    Bigheaded Gremlin looking dude that’s lamb so different instances yes okay let’s go through these what happened here so lamb is from the amantra workings that happened in New York and the and the Cairo workings which happened in the great chamber yeah in the king’s chamber that’s where he got

    In touch with Iowas now lamb a lot of people say that Crowley was and let me make sure I’m saying it’s amantra or alantra alantra working so it’s yeah the amantra working okay so I gotta right the so in the amalan workings he was doing it was during was during

    420 right it was around 420 I it was uh 48 something like that they were doing these rituals and it was in New York they allegedly opened up a portal and this being revealed itself to him that a lot of people argue of the whole conspiracy that aliens are actually

    Demons because you have curlyy who was an occultist using black magic to get in contact with these things fair enough IAS which was in Cairo was a voice that cley heard during a seance with his wife at the time where essentially he heard a voice that made him get into a trance

    And write an entire book which is the Libra Al the book of the law which is the core like the Bible for thma for theom mites so you have one of the more Infamous and I’m not going to say greatest because I don’t think he was great one of the most infamous

    Occultists that influenc you know rock music and a lot of artists of their time like the forgot which which is the Jimmy Paige that bought the the beat is it Jimmy Page that the house anyways I’m not 100% on that that history but he did influence a lot of people

    And we have this guy who was talking to interdimensional beings essentially that could have arguably been aliens and I think that’s what alien is like that it’s extraterrestrial or interdimensional you know could be the same thing and so that’s where the homunkulus also comes into play because the the

    Homunculus essentially is a vessel for what some scholars believe some scholars believe two you know a few different things some Scholars believe that homunculi are actually artificial demons that you’re creating a demonic entity some people believe that homunculi are vessels for demonic entities and that would play you know

    Give Credence and fortify the idea that the Nephilim maybe perhaps that was the nephilim’s like backfire plan hey let’s teach this knowledge to where they can make a vessel for us that way we can come back and inhabit that vessel right we demonic possession is a real thing is

    A real phenomenon so what a better way than to give a backup plan to the people that you’re teaching these dark arts who like hey you know if if I do get destroyed because maybe they could tell the future maybe they knew God was going to destroy them all like I let’s teach

    These Arts these people they’re going to pass it down and they’re going to make all these vessels for us and that’s the whole you know lmar zul thing where they’re making these Nephilim vessels you know with the blood of the cows because the the the cow blood is can

    Actually be used in transfusions for humans I mean they’re interchangeable so that it’s also the plot of Chucky is it really pretty much Chucky the very first scene in oh he puts himself into a different Chucky pretty much yeah like he’s doing a Magic Ritual he’s doing a Magic Ritual and he’s dying

    When he’s dying because he’s this Satan worshipper essentially bro that movie is way and I had I had a sleepover in second grade at my house and I didn’t realize that nobody else watched these kind of movies nobody except me and hold on bro hold on you guys were like hocus

    Confirmed there you go shucky confirm the HM that’s funny that’s hilarious d i d i didn’t even make that connection bro thank you for that cuz that’s one of the yeah just popped in my head I’m like dude that’s the plot and that’s scary as hell cuz he’s like screaming as he’s like

    Transferring St there’s just like big lightning storm that kicks off it’s in the alley right when he CH down he turns into Chucky and then next thing you know goes home with that little kid Andy so again these movies Jesus are grounded in some truth to a certain degree and I

    Mean I don’t know about you guys but when I see a movie that says based on true events I’m wondering the whole damn movie what the true event was so you know it puts you in a sort of state of mind that maybe opens you up more like

    To be more receptive right right right you know like the Texas Chainsaw Massacre knowing that it happened in real life well what part of the movie was true thing you know like what part and you’re left the whole time like oh the the one the one that really freak me out

    Hereditary it’s like based on true events wait wait hereditary is I don’t think I’ve seen it oh what’s so so don’t watch it because because G we have a theory that the well so we have a theory that the movies that that company produces a24 are cursed so

    Any okay so we’re gonna need to talk about this sorry Juan you just stepped on I don’t want to spoil the movie for you you don’t to spoil it it doesn’t it doesn’t involve homunculus is it how old is this film homunculus confirmed how old are the movie homunculus confirmed homunculus

    Confirmed good God that’s a homunculus hereditary 2018 2018 is there any like is there actors in it that I would know actresses or might have been one of those have under the radar Tony Colette Alex Wolf and then that’s the only people that you those are the main two

    People okay so you believe that this film is produced by a company or or or a group that their films are cursed a24 right on I want to he this Mak some very occultic films and let me pull up their their film Library so people know Midsummer I don’t know if

    You guys have seen that one exmachina was one of I watched X Maka uncut gems with Adam Sandler was one of them I’ve watched part of that that’s so let’s see Priscilla everything everywhere all at once I haven’t watched that one but I heard that one was pretty occultic too

    Hereditary ladybird the whale with with oh the whale with this guy is that what’s his head yeah yeah that’s good one yeah haven’t seen that the witch which I heard was really trippy too I haven’t watched that but anyways the point being that for this particular movie hereditary they

    Took various Grim Wars so Magic books on Magic and they pieced it all together and they made their own Grim War which in my opinion would still work because that’s the thing about magic it’s meant to be adapted it’s meant to be used now right they took a whole bunch of

    Different and we can get into John de and an noan here after this because Parsons was using that for the homunculus the Babylon working ritual to make the Fe fulus the the the woman manifestor and so they’re taking different pieces of different Grim Wars and and they made a Grim

    War for the movie specifically for the movie now I was going to have this guy on who did this really really really great breakdown about hereditary on this YouTube I forgot the name he told me he was going to come on but he never hit me

    Back up but essentially he has like this whole theories of I love when people really go crazy with with like fanfiction and like develop the story further than what we’re given you know like I really love that and so in this movie the people who are behind it have

    To know have to have a deeper knowledge of the occult to be able to construct what they constructed and part of the occult again this is just us and by us I mean like my telegram group and stuff where we’ve come up with the idea that certain movies are cursed certain and there’s

    Certain like my wife w’t won’t will not absolutely for no reason for for for any reason watch horror movies and the reason for that being because she believes that you know things can happen and and that’s true because during a couple years ago there was a few reports

    Of people watching that movie with that clown and they were being possessed in the movie theater because again you don’t know what a diet doesn’t just consist of what you’re eating it also consists of what you’re consuming so if you’re consuming bad things on a daily basis it’s going

    To rot your brain and not maybe not physically but you know what I’m saying like spiritually or whatever it is it’s gonna wear down at that filter yeah and that’s the remember what Lindsay said Lindsay brisbine we had Lindsey brisbine on from the chilling podcast and she L

    Lived in a demonically haunted house here in akan Ohio um if anybody hasn’t heard of the chilling podcast you should go check it out um very well done um very well well put together um but she lived in this house for I don’t know a year and a half 2 years three girls

    Three girls her roommates in college and you know when they were getting a tour of the house they saw this really strange symbol in the basement wall not I mean they were like they were satanic very desperate to get into this house and so they just didn’t want to split up

    As roommates they couldn’t find a house that could accommodate three it was like two or nothing so and they got into this house and early on uh around Halloween they decided they were going to watch uh The Exorcist and so they’re all in the living room and all this weird stuff

    Starts happening in the house it just like raised all the energy and like gave whatever was going on like an amplified ability so they’re like okay we should turn this off and she said if you live in a haunted house or demonically haunted house do not watch horror movies

    I mean it makes sense it’s just like throwing you know amplifies it throwing salt and pepper into a dish you know you live in a haunted house you start putting on some fantasm or polter guys and the next thing you know they’re like hey you got popcorn too I’ll join you on

    The sofa and you’re like no like I’m good go back to be there’s something there’s something in the occult that is called ulted scaffolding okay and I think I think I’m the only one that’s ever talked about and and it’s a culted scaffolding it’s in relation to this

    Other thing Pythagorean palaces which is a whole different um you know um Theory but essentially scaff ulted scaffolding you can apply it to really any occult principle where it’s the intention that goes in behind that work that was produced so take it it take it as this

    So when they’re writing the script all the stuff that was left out of the script right you have the director’s cut of a lot of movies where they cut off certain amount I think it was Eyes Wide Shut where they where there was like 20 minutes that they never put out or

    Whatever it was and I mean that movie is already bizar as is but the concept of when people are in a culted scaffolding tips for people to to get a grasp on it when you’re doing a sketch and you you know some people use like reinforcing

    Sketches or I don’t know what it would be called to to you know they draw a circle to draw a head well and then after they’re done with it they erase it that’s sort of a culted scaffolding where you don’t know what went in behind the creation of said thing so on our

    Money it says in God we trust everyone automatically assumes like hey that’s that’s you know Jesus Christ right the god that we all know and love how do you know how do you know right these were guys that were in secret societies that were part of secret ultic groups and you

    Automatically but yet it has an allseeing eye has a pyramid all all this weird garbage on our money sigils right this what it is sigils that everybody everyone’s life revolves around right nobody can do anything without it so it’s like it’s pretty occult and it’s like well you automatically assume in

    God we trust that it’s the god that you know right what about people from other religions and and and God we trust it do they automatically think it’s like if they’re Hindu or whatever like is it they’re Gods I don’t know again no disrespect but you get what I’m saying

    No no money is Babylonian money mat 100% it goes back to Babylon through enslavement through these paper systems that was all about Jesus going into the the the money changers in the temple and kicking them out because that was like your early that’s like your first Rothchilds and were

    Rockefellers mhm so people that were in banking were always into the ult bers always into the yeah and that’s again that’s a hard pill to swallow for some people so like oh you’re reaching it’s like no if you traced back the origins of a lot of

    Things so that’s why I said that there might be some secret hidden thing Within These movies and I’m us using a24 because again you got to watch it to to really understand what I’m talking about because it’s like a regular movie at first that you don’t really know what’s

    Happening and then at some point in the movie at like it really because you know it’s a horror movie during the entire time that you’re watching it you go okay but where’s the horror you know what I mean again based on true events it’s very low but they’re doing programming throughout the entire

    Movie that’s what this other guy breaks down he’s like oh do you remember this part with where she was doing this and that it’s like oh it’s all connected to this at the end it’s like whoa so if you’re not conscious of it you’re never

    Going to catch it but at one point in the movie it gets cranked up to like one 10 you go oh okay and then boom the finale at the end where you’re like that was really really disturbing and you’re left with this like weird taste in your like Midsummer Midsummer was created by

    The same people and from what I’ve been told they follow each other chronologically I forgot the guy told me uh one comes before the other it’s a continuation anyways but Midsummer again very low at the beginning and then it just at one point you lose yourself in

    The story you go how did we go from this to what just happened right so it gets very disturbing and and I’ve I’ve watched movies that had really like changed me a little bit and maybe hereditary not one of them but still pretty up there and I’m not talking

    About like movies that are like banned in the US or whatever because there’s some of those but again this morbid curiosity of of when you tell me don’t watch that you know you’re going to watch don’t watch the Human Centipede well why not well yeah I’ve stayed away

    From that one yeah I’m going to leave that one alone I’ll take your word for it I want to watch that’s I want to I want to see what he’s talking about on this one watch I watch that watch yeah burn you are watching but it’s like

    You’re talking about growing up well we information wise yeah we grew up in a time where we were getting like the early parts of the internet yeah we were we we were watching people get unived on camera you know watching all the Taliban videos and as a kid going through Middle

    School you know what I’m saying like we were exposed to these things and that there was some very disturbing ones that people you know you would come across even till this day you’ll get one or two on Facebook I don’t really go on Facebook anymore but there’s a lot of

    Like Gore at the early stages of of the internet that we were exposed to I was in Middle School and High School like that has some that has got to do something to you in the long run you know what I’m saying like there’s a reason why people got pts yeah P ptsds

    Are real oh yeah kill some especially when you’re that young seeing somebody get beheaded is you know I remember the that’ being a video I caught one time somehow and I was just like no that’s not for me like I I didn’t sleep well for like weeks

    Yeah we were in early during that time the production value they had some great production value at point where I was like they definitely do where I was like man this looks this guy just got his head blown up but it looks really good like the sh was yeah the the quality

    Like really shot up to where it got to a point where I thought it was fake like some of the stuff looked it looks what look so real because it’s fake that some of those were fake I thought it did come out that uh I’m sure there were some at the

    Yeah some of those were I believe you know probably like some kind of CIA group or something like that what was the statement I keep ringing around in my head is believe nothing of what you see and only half of what you hear yeah but seeing is believing well not

    Anymore and thing unless I am right there next to you to witness it it’s really tough anymore with videos and deep fakes and this and that and just yeah to the level of you know somebody put a video up the other day on X and there was like what’s wrong with this

    Video and it looked like kids from like the 1920s like this video just been colorized but then when you’re watching the video you just start to notice the hands and that’s where you got to look at well the digits are all jacked up all the time or like when they’re moving or

    Something like they more for like kind of looks like Vincent denafo in the cell when he’s like speeding up and slowing down as that weird like Psycho Killer Inside Jennifer Lopez Lopez’s mind like that blur effect you know where like you can tell something’s off but you’re not

    Sure what it is but it’ll get better and better and better yeah and that’s the thing the the right what I call the the destruction of The Uncanny Valley because as humans right and this relates all to homunculus and we can you know tie it all in at the end because it’s

    It’s I’ll go and I’ll say I’ll go on record to say that a lot of people in power in the government in Hollywood and otherwise world leaders are homunculi now I’ll State as to why but the destruction of The Uncanny Valley as a person you know when something is off

    You know you get all these stories of skin walker and all these weird stories where people see something and they go damn there’s something off about that there’s something that isn’t right and I think that’s the soul I think that’s what that’s the essence right that’s and

    Now I’m not talking about when somebody has like mental health issues because you can also tell when that and again I’m not saying that in a bad way but you can also tell when somebody’s not there you know because they they’re they’re delayed in some way right I’m talking

    About something completely different I’m talking about just like a weird way of being and not just I’m a weirdo but you know you get what I’m saying an NPC or something like that that kind of dehumanizes a large amount of of the population I would I wouldn’t

    Say yeah I’m not going to say NPC I don’t think that’s the correct I don’t think I don’t think that would exist I don’t think that an actual NPC that is there for texture exists that’s just my some people believe that yeah that there are people who are here just for texture

    Have you ever seen your neighbor bring in groceries I’ve never seen my neighbor bringing groceries does that mean that they’re fake and they’re NPC no but you know what I’m saying like that sort of thing like there’s a lot of things that sometimes don’t add up but right and

    That’s just a funny one but I meant more of like just like a term to like cover the fact that like if there are people out there that are like you’re saying maybe more of the humuli like uh effect it’s not necessarily that they’re an NPC but like almost like what you’re trying

    To say I think is I don’t I don’t mean it by that okay I I mean it by that a homunculus so we have the evolution of magic and magical systems so John D created a system of magic that got past on Golden Dawn all these secret societies Cowley picked it

    Up he turned it into his own thing you know groups in between there the rosac crucian and all those I don’t think the rosac crui were involved in in Nokian but the you get you pick up these this knowledge you modify and you tweak it to

    Your own setting so you can use it it’s okay because again you’re tapping into a higher power you have Cowley and then he inspired Parsons which Parsons took it and kind of tweaked it and made it into his own thing so there’s an evolution of the tech right the I think it’s

    Technology I think the EO is a technology that you’re able to use and tap into and so Crowley really broke down and he writes about this the idea of the homunculus not an alchemical hom he did say that an alchemical homunculus could possible right he did write about that

    But he broke it down to where in my opinion I think this is where Epstein and all these guys come in a homunculus could be as simple as the surrogate mother that you had you know carry your child which we know a lot of Elites and a lot of celebrities

    Use surrogates I mean that’s that’s a thing in Hollywood and we we know very the Kardashians and various people who have used surrogates I’m going to make sure that she has the baby on such and such day as such such and such time XYZ boom They al they astrologically

    Align the birth of that person because maybe they believe that by being in the the Leo constellation you know having a rising Leo and a setting whatever I don’t know a lot of astrology but it plays a role in alchemy and all the things it’s like they have more

    Favorable attributes as a person that that to me right there that’s a homunculus now apply that to the US presidents we know the US presidents are all related by blood I mean they except for one of them that they that they trace back their lineage all the way

    Back strange that’s strange right like we know a lot of royalty and Elites they they you know nepotism and they keep everything in the family so what’s all that about the hapsburg chin they’re Germans chin the HS they’re all Germans they were interbreeding with one so their chin was like yeah the Russian

    Zars were all cousins with the sounds like game of thres type stuff the targ well the house story right I mean yeah um the house the Windsor they were Germans they were all first cousins with um Queen Elizabeth’s uh father was first cousins with Nicholas I first uh the the

    Last Zar of Russia and then also you know the the back then it was the Prussian Empire right which you know German Empire whatever you want to call it but they were just all you know France Ferdinand was related to all them and I got into that uh YouTube charts um

    Guy that makes all the the big charts on YouTube and then he makes these huge posters but he makes these big high resolution PDF files and then we’ll just digitally scan all through these charts and you look at how all these people are related and then you go into other

    Kingdoms of like Finland and Norway and how you know the Russians were really just the Roose people and how all these different groups and how the countries were just created by these big families that were just migrating to other places to start new kingdoms prob a coincidence

    Bro you know Charles the first is one all coincidence you know D I’m sure it’s just I’m a person that loves I like to connect the dots I get kind of hung up with but the funny thing is when you do that people go oh that can’t all connect

    And you’re like no but it I mean I can look through all this and tell you it does and that’s when it gets weird and that’s why I said at the very beginning I know absolutely nothing more than what I do since the beginning of when I started researching all this I’m

    Just presenting to you the research you make of that what you I have my own ideas yeah obviously because taking in so many different points of views but I don’t know I’m not saying that this is the truth but how you’re saying when you start to look at the bigger picture you

    Go something’s off here something is weird about what’s going on right and there’s you start to see see a pattern emerge you know and that’s why I don’t like the term conspiracy theorist I think it’s pattern recognition you know we we recognize patterns we connect the dots and we we

    Do the you know cuz some conspiracies are stupid I mean I think that some conspiracies are just it’s meant to Take Your Eye Off the Ball well and to delegitimize actual real things yeah yeah but but look at Jack Parson like what Juan’s telling us you know about

    The JPL and NASA people really didn’t get hit to that Jack Parsons in all these connections until 40 50 years later well you’re talking about back then you would had to have known Jack Parsons or a story would had to have come out made the newspaper yada yada

    Like the information travels so much faster now or at least it used to I think it’s stifled a little bit more now they’ve gotten better at muddying it so it’s hard to figure out what’s real and what’s not because if we could get all the raw data I think it would be too

    Much easier to figure out what’s actually going on so there’s always like like today for example what was it the SEC put out something about Bitcoin from the sec’s account and then moments later like minutes later they had to retract it and it like made it made

    Bitcoin do some crazy maneuver like the SEC what did they tweet something about they might have to hold thems accountable and like bring themselves to court for what they did for Market manipulation like that’s that’s where we’re at I saw the wick yep I saw the

    Wick yeah it was it was crazy it’s just interesting the hacktic it it shows it show even in shows right the on I if you guys saw the show you um no I did not I think I have so it’s a it’s a really good show the

    I’m not gonna spoil but at the end of that show that series they really show what I believe is is like happening like I don’t know if you guys ever saw house of cards with Kevin spy know what happened with him yeah but that show and

    How when they ask I think they asked a representative or something one time like how accurate is that show and he’s like well it’s 99.8% accurate like oh why not 100% he’s like well because in a legisl you know legislature wouldn’t pass a healthc care reform that quickly you know in the show

    How quickly they had passed it it’s like that’s the most unrealistic part of it the passing of the yeah not the other stuff the extortion the murder the this the that like like that oh that’s everyday yeah everyday cart and you know to me cuz like a lot of people will be

    Like hey you know don’t talk about obviously there’s certain topics that you can’t talk about and I mean that’s a given right there’s certain things that you can’t talk about which we know what those are and but to me there isn’t any sacred knowledge that you’re not supposed to have that you

    Wake up that you wouldn’t wake up for if you know what I’m getting at right I think that sort of knowledge where you don’t wake up from knowing what you know is if you walked in a room to some people doing something that they weren’t supposed to be doing prominent people

    Well now you’re alive ability so therefore you need to be eliminated I think that’s the dangerous stuff like as far as all these alchemical TOS if there if if if if there is some truth to any of it all because it could all be fake

    And gay as I like to say I think that that that’s a possibility that maybe these people were trolling us the whole time and maybe they they knew the secrets and they just never wrote it down I mean that’s also a possibility which that that could that you can apply that

    Principle to any part of History any part of ancient history if you look the To the victor the spoils whatever group wins is the group that graffities over the previous civilizations God’s names and puts their own and and tears down their statues and tears down their buildings and builds churches on their

    Old sacred temples and all we know that happens so how much of of of history I mean just history itself how many times do you not make a typo sometimes typing things up you don’t think things are going to be translated incorrectly or type and I’m not trying to say this to

    Discredit any religion or say it’s fake or anything I’m just saying man is imperfect we know this man makes mistakes just take that into consideration because people will fight Wars over religion religion alone so just think about that next time you know you want to judge something or

    Whatever it is you know at the end at the end of the day I think that how how I have always said I think that we all have the different we all have the right puzzle pieces they’re just mixed up they’re all jumbled up and not until and

    That to sound cliche but not until we can all come together we’ll be able to solve this this puzzle because I don’t think that’s GNA happen either I think that the people that be the powers that be need everybody in a in a constant state of fear in a constant state of of

    Disorganization again religiously politically I mean we see that a lot and I think that some people worship their political parties you know again that that I think if you’re still caught up in the Left Right Paradigm you’re I think you’re you’re in the you’re in the meat grinder you know

    You still have you have to really break out of that out of that mentality because I think that’s just herd mentality and right mammals are are some of the only animals that that Stampede look at Buffalo I mean they would Stampede off a Cliffs they use that same

    Analogy for humans you know like everyone starts to panic yeah starts to jump off the cliff and and you’re not you know it’s just yeah it’s it’s crazy dividing the people from the inside that’s how you take down Empires you know that’s the the Army Handbook of the

    The Green Berets of and you know the people that go in and other countries you know we do that to other countries all the time we embed ourselves in into their culture and we start dividing whether it’s through newspaper articles whe it’s through the radio like that is

    The Playbook we do that why wouldn’t somebody else be doing that to us right now right and is embedded into our culture right now it is so much easier to take us down if we’re all worried about Trump and Biden and all these fools that are just dinosaurs that need

    To be their monkey and they need to be you know the whole swamp not needs to be drained not just the left swamp and the right swamp it’s all one big giant you know so you go ahead and you stack spaghetti sauce at a store China China

    China you can’t tell me that’s a real person bro I mean both of those guys you can’t tell me they’re real people there’s no there’s no way there’s no way bro you know what I’m saying like there there’s it’s in front of people’s like William Shakespeare one of the one of

    The greatest how do I say this one of the greatest not magicians I don’t think he was a magician maybe maybe he was a magician I think that he was into some there’s a conspiracy that he traveled around with John D and and Edward Kelly but the right he’s at the Forefront of

    The English language like at you know a lot of words that we have come from Shakespeare and this is a guy who literally tells you you know the world’s a stage every man and woman has their entrances and exits it’s what it is at the at the front of it and

    Again you can’t tell me these are real people they’re hom they’re homun I believe that they were bred for a certain purpose part of a certain family who will exert their power and it just the charades going on you know a fight we saw this in wrestling you know when

    The two fighters would be mortal enemies and then find out they they found them doing you know some sort of drugs backstage yeah that was Weinstein always talks about this kayab he always talks about wrestling in kayfabe and how you can apply that to Politics as well and

    It always makes me think of the movie Road Trip when uh the one guy needs to learn all of the Greek history and he’s like do you know wrestling he’s like yeah he’s like well then I can tell you Greek mythology and history he’s like I’ll just explain it to you through

    Kayab yeah well that was John Dugen and the iron Chic oh Jim hacksaw Dugen Jim the John then John Dugen John the hacka Dugen and the iron Chic were part after an event and all these people saw them at the bar getting hammered together like you can’t do that you guys

    Hate each other like no dude that’s all a show some journalist was there and wrote it up in a newspaper and that was like one of the first instances where people started real like wait a minute wrestling’s not real at least wrestling at least wrestling I never really got deep into I

    Know people who have gone like wait when used to watch it every Sunday after church an entire lore bro it’s like on entire lure Jake the snake at least wrestling is one of the ones that I’ll tell you it’s fake up front but still people will believe it like people those

    Kids watching it believe all the stuff that’s being they’re going extrapolate that bring that out like well and now when you can make that a little bit more finely tuned to where it’s not as easily recognizable how do you really know it you know what I mean like so that’s the

    Finesse of the kayfabe that’s going on is it’s gotten so much better where people like you really think they’re friends I’m like yeah yeah they go to each other’s weddings and this like yes they’re friends like they’re going to show you one way to get you to vote one

    Way but uh behind the scenes man do you think they don’t all sit at the same tables and go to the same meals and get the same pay and benefits and insider trading and whatever else like yeah there’s a whole host of reasons to get into that club Pelosi’s the greatest stock Trader

    In the in the entire history right better than uh oh she beat all of the hedge funds last year her return is like got some knockers on her though bro I’m G tell you that much oh yeah you know she serious Andrew Schulz call calls them them Heavies she yeah something

    Like that serious hood Spa now ju I I do want to backtrack cuz we we brought John D up and and uh I don’t know who John D is I just know the name now I know I just I’m I’m like a babe in the woods

    Here yeah talk let’s talk about cuz cuz thinking John D Rockefeller but I know that’s not right hey there’s a lot of great books and and and things that I’ve read a little bit but I’ve seen a couple really good documentaries about John D and and in noan Magic and that that

    System which is Enoch the root there is Enoch which is the grandfather of Noah with it um The Book of Enoch which is one of the the books from the Bible that were were were not allowed to be included um doesn’t make any sense but I’ll follow you so that’s kind of the

    Lineage of but Juan yeah John D and Edward for the record John D Rockefeller did have right create the creature at Jal Island that we all know and love as the Federal Reserve I’m sure that’s just I’m sure that’s just a a coincidence but John D yon D and I

    Have I don’t know you can see it on camera you can’t see it but I have a massive tone of of the magical journals of John D and Edward Kelly now John D was a sort of polymath he was the court astrologer of Queen Elizabeth now I

    Don’t know of a lot of the history behind John D he was a mathematician he was a cartographer he was at the Forefront of a lot of cartography which is also a cult in my in my research Maps back then were used as talismans and they were used for all sorts of weird

    Things also another aspect of the homunculus is to help you find treasures which Edward Kelly the the associate of John D found the voyage manuscript with the use of a homunculus a spiritual creature as they like to call them so again it wasn’t a h but it was called a spiritual Creature

    If you will and so John D he got he this is what the fan PCT is modeled after he he had this crazy Rich history and I’ve read like prob like five or six biographies on John D and he had a you know political career he had a mathematical career he was the

    First one to translate ukids forgot which uid paper in English so he was a he was it was all he was all over the place he was a polyman and it got to the point where he’s like yo he had the largest library in Europe for

    His time at one point so he had all he had all these crazy books including including a copy of the two copies of the Libra vacay which is a grim warn how to create hula so there’s the connection there you can connect John de he might

    Have read it he might have not maybe he collected it right there was a lot of manuscripts that were collected back then but nonetheless he did have a copy of that so I’m sure he was aware he was an alchemist too he was trying to create

    The philosopher stone and he got to a point in his life where he felt that he had acquired all the knowledge in the world and he needed to step he needed to find knowledge and extract Knowledge from outside from outside space and he needed to he believed that he needed to talk to

    Angels and entities is what he was talking to and outside sources and he needed a way to do it so at one point in time there’s a story where he is in his house and he hears a knocking on his window and he opens the window and I

    Forgot which Angel it is I think it’s Raphael or or or Michael one one one of these typical Angels you know like the different archangels one of those and he gives them a little quartz egg like a little and this is still on display at

    The one of the museums he gives him this little egg and he again he has this Supernatural thing this is a guy who was being haunted by Poltergeist he had a lot of poltergeist activity in his house there was things falling off the the walls and knockings and just weird stuff

    Going on with this guy he he documents all this he can read all this okay and so he’s trying to find a scrier to work with him in order to access this other side right and scrying essentially what it is is it’s a form of divination and you’re supposed to

    What you’re supposed to do is you’re supposed to stare you know some people use different things but mostly it’s known as using a black mirror you’re supposed to stare into the black mirror and you’re going to go into this sort of hypnogogic State an altered state of

    Consciousness and you will start to have visions okay that’s just again the crystal ball think of the crystal ball as one of the forms of divination that’s where it comes from in modern pop culture the crystal ball that was John D and Kelly were using this crystal ball

    And Kelly was the one that was receiving the messages from the Angels not John D John D was just taking the system and essentially cataloging everything and making it into something Edward Kelly had no idea what he was saying or doing he was just literally the guy that was

    Channeling the information through these crystal balls through these angels is how they were appearing more into this Crystal Ball it’s wild [ __ ] it gets we’re going to turn it up to 10 it gets way better so the and by the way he had various scers he had one barnabus

    Was which one of the first ones that he had they he ended up like stealing from him so he ended up get letting go of him and again I could be getting some of the the details wrong but he had at one point his son was also scaring for him

    John D’s son scried for him for a little bit and after Edward Kelly and John D broke up I’m going towards the end here there were magical journals that were lost in another set of seances that he had with this other guy and we’re never going to know I think

    His name was Bartholomew the the last one we’re never going to know what they encountered but essentially he finds Edward Kelly who again there’s mixed feelings as to if the grifter was Edward Kelly or if the abusive one in the relationship was John D they’re still split they were saying

    That John D was Abus of Edward Kelly and vice versa that’s what I heard because John Edward Kelly had a a reputation for being a forger and he was the cro cropped eared Wizard and he was forging documents and they would chopped his ears because of as his form of

    Punishment so he was the black sheep and when he introduced himself to John D he told him his name was Ed Edward talbet well he didn’t tell him his real name and at one point in time the angels are like this guy is lying to you like like

    There’s something fishy going on with this guy guy’s Not What It Seems and eventually he ends up telling him his name was Edward Kelly and maybe they he lied to him saying that so he wouldn’t recognize him or something who who knows like we don’t know what was happening in

    Between them behind the scenes mind you these guys were scrying and having seances for 10 12 hours a day they were in this room their kids are running around the room they’re trying to do this SC like it’s crazy because this was a form of right it was Angel magic it

    Wasn’t although he was labeled you know making deals with the devil and that stuff to them Alchemy and and again this is the the the psychology of the time because you have the you know the the Salem Witch Trials happen after and and all that stuff but the idea that as long

    As it was natural magic Mahia naturales which is if God put it in nature and I mix a plus b and I get C it’s okay because otherwise God wanted to put it here if he didn’t want me to use you know what I’m saying like a technicality

    Like as long as I don’t use outside forces right outside influ astral influences it’s good and I’m also Talking to Angels so it’s I’m talking to angels and they’re going to protect me and they’re going to make sure that no demonic entities enter and mess up what

    We’re trying to do here we’re just trying to get information so that was their philosophy and they’re doing all this stuff they’re they’re trying to also trans M let into gold they’re doing all these things and eventually the Angels give to them a system and this is what’s they didn’t

    Call it in noan at the time but essentially it’s a language with a syntax with a whole so you can look this up there’s a whole anian dictionary and linguists have looked at this like actual doctors and have looked this and and they go it’s not a madeup language it’s a

    Real language that we don’t know where it came from yeah okay and now there’s conspiracies behind that like well Edward Kelly made up the whole thing if Edward Kelly made up the whole thing he would have to be one of the smartest individuals of all time because the way

    That they were presented this alphabet essentially in all these tablets was backwards right so in some of the Visions there’s there’s a whole bunch of different ones in some of the Visions the angel had a long stick and he would point at the letters One By One backwards this was a painstaking process

    Am I this to this this happened over you I don’t know exactly how many years but over years and the reason that they wanted to so there’s 30 I think there’s 31 athers and athers is different dimensions essentially okay and every Aether has its Guardian so an entity

    That guards that Aether and the Angels were showing them essentially what some people have come to hypothesize about is that they were showing them a different dimension other other realities through the use of this technology through the use of an noan the language in which Adam named everything in the garden in

    Which the last person to know it before he went with God was Enoch okay that that was the whole story behind that of why it’s the last person to know it was Enoch so that’s why it’s called enoan they didn’t call it enoan when when they

    Were doing it to them they were just doing seances they were just talking to Angels right so they were being showed this alphabet backwards and all these tablets and you can look these up in the British Library Museum online you can look up the whole tablets and everything

    That this is real things it’s just grids of numbers grids of numbers and essentially what you do is because people practice an noan and it’s one of the most powerful forms of magic from what I’ve been told and one of the most dangerous forms of magic and what they

    Do is they follow the letters and they’re able to make the names of different entities and you’re able to call forth the Guardians of these athers and again access them or consult them but they hate humans and they get really pissed off when you call on them so the

    Angels when they were showing them the the names and everything they were doing it backwards and they’re like we’re doing it backwards right now because if we were to do it forward and you accidentally were to spell something you could quite possibly bring forth the destruction of your entire reality like

    That that’s how severe this was that these Angels were showing them again how to deconstruct reality and John D again this is a really vast topic but John D went on to create demonus hieroglyphica which is a sort of alchemical symbol that’s used to deconstruct reality

    Itself there’s a joke that John D is actually the Dem urge and you know with the whole uh camera obscura and all that stuff that he’s actually the one you know controlling reality and all stuff again there’s a whole thing because this guy was talking to ultraterrestrials and

    If you read the descript descriptions of what he was talking to in my opinion and what I what I’ve been meaning to do is I’ve been meaning to do an episode on just this and I want to plug in the descriptions that you that he gives us

    Into AI to get a picture of what you were seeing oh wow because at one point in time we’ll tune into that yeah at one point in time God shows himself and I have a I have a picture of this God shows himself to them this is towards the end

    God shows himself to them and he didn’t show himself into like what you would what what you would what we call Satan God right the old man on a on a throne white hair you know we’ve all seen that we all think of God like oh he’s you know Sky Daddy Santa Claus

    Santa Claus maybe a little thinner European whatever you want to call it right like the whole thing and he shows himself as a whale okay covered in eyes so think of a whale covered in eyes that was God to them now there’s various ideas as to what John DEA where Kelly were doing

    Some people say that they were taking psychedelics some people say otherwise some people I don’t believe that they were taking psychedelics because yeah and I and I think that the abuse was on both parts I think that Edward Kelly was taking advantage of John D’s naiveness

    If that’s even a word he’s very naive right he’s very a matter of fact guy think of a nerd right he’s really smart he’s probably a nerdy guy you know like hey I can talk to angels for you bro you know help me cover these medical bills

    That my sister has and that and I married a woman that I hate like this was Edward Kelly like he married a woman he hated and all that stuff and so they they travel throughout Europe it gets to the point where the guy the angels are

    Like all right we can promise you and mind you they made magical furniture they made in Nokian tablets they made Rings they made chest plates again this story goes deep all under the instruction of these angels and it was to use this magical system now it got to

    The point to where the Angels were like all right essentially to wrap it all up in a nutshell the Angels were trying to bring forth the apocalypse and they wanted essentially A New World Order of a of of a new religion okay this new hermetic religion you know essentially

    What they what they wanted to do and got to the point where the Angels were like all right we’ll proceed on to the next part and mind you Edward Kelly is the one getting all these downloads all right and he’s telling John D and it got

    To the point where he’s like all right well the Angels want us to go visit Rudolph II and tell him that he’s been possessed by demons and that he must give himself up and and free of himself of these demons mind you you’re going to go in

    Front of one of the most powerful people in the the holy Roman Emperor at the time mind you he was the only reason that they didn’t die is because he was the alchemical emperor he loved all this [ __ ] like he loved all of alchemy and all of all hermeticism and all that

    Stuff he loved all that he also had a court of midgets he thought that little people were magical he had a lion around roaming around there’s records of him paying people off because his lying like Ma on people and stuff like that like tiger bro Wild guy Wild guy so they go

    Up to this guy and they’re like Hey listen you’re possessed by demons and who told you well the Angels told us all right he dismisses them right he very stoic this guy had like no feelings whatsoever this guy didn’t really care and then long story short they get

    Kicked out of Prague because Edward Kelly got into a fight with one of the guards ended up killing him and they ended up leaving right this whole I I want Hollywood to make a movie on John D and ever Kelly it would be the craziest movie because it’s like the the the

    Story is wild oh yeah with CGI now it would be incredible it would be crazy I just don’t think they could have made that movie 10 Years A well maybe 10 years ago but 20 years ago when John de kind of started hitting the Zeitgeist in this story started hitting the internet

    But now oh my God it’d be up a series on I need to read up on HBO Max or Netflix or whatever yeah so they visit Rudolph and then at one point in time this is the infamous Wife Swap they’re scrying and the angels are like all right well

    If you guys are gonna are gonna you know do the magnum opus and use the system and and transcend to the next level essentially you have to share everything including your wives that’s where it always gets weird doesn’t it so it got to that point to where always

    Gets weird you know Edward Kelly wrote at one point in one of his J entries like it was done you know like they did and the whole joke behind all that was they literally swapped wives because the you know the Angels were telling them to

    Swap wives so they ended up doing the do with each other’s wives after all this time and it’s like were you talking to Angels the what were you talking to if you were even talking to anything at the end of the day that made you do that

    Like what aizar wanted to hook up with John D’s wife I mean imagine I would have I would have loved to be a fly in the wall for that s like right you know they’re they’re yeah I don’t I don’t I don’t know he’s going to take

    This got it’s got to be done you know if we want to trans if you want the next set of tablets you’re going to have to do it all right yeah how all cults end and begin with one of the guys once the deuce the other guy’s wife then once

    You’re on tape then you’re you’re you got to do the bidding yeah oh be so great story and before that it got really weird because they and again this is depending on the story there my my favorite is when a group of angels show up and group of entities and and there

    Was also demonic ones in there too there was one point in time where the angel was like Hey I fended off this this other entity and it it got really bizarre because in some of the Visions the Angels would be fighting and hitting each other with sticks and and then at

    One point one like chopped another one up into pieces it was like really it was really psychedelic it was like really weird and mind you can read all this and books you look up John D’s magical journals and so at one point in time this group shows up and they’re like hey

    Who called us and Edward Kelly’s like hey I didn’t call he’s like well you somebody called us and they go back and forth like who called and and it said that the Angel takes a spade right so a a shovel and starts to beat Edward Kelly

    Just beat him profusely and John D is writing likey Edward Kelly throws himself on the floor starts screaming in pain and his arm they broke his like ethereal arm and his arm was all red uh there was one point in time where Edward Kelly asked the the angels for

    Money there’s another time where the Angels start speaking in Latin and Kell’s like I’m not good in Latin so stop speaking in Latin so very weird stuff who if it’s a b such a bizarre case and that’s again that’s why I love it because what did it really happen maybe it did happen

    But because of these guys we have the enoan system and it’s interesting because once you use the enoan system I’ve I’ve heard a accounts of people encountering inocian entities on the other side and they’re very geometric in nature so Angels Angles so like that makes me think of like

    Lovecraftian the angle that was obtuse but not really like this nonukan architexture like these nonukan angles where it’s like what are you looking at it’s like AI art when you look at it but it kind of morphs and it kind of resembles what you’re thinking about and

    Your brain will kind of like form a picture but when you really start to look into it oh the fingers are off or the eyes are off or it looks it looks like what I think it does you know so right very weird again it’s it’s such a

    Psychedelic I’m not I’m not giving it you know I’m not doing it justice I’m doing a very condensed version but yeah John di Kelly essentially from them we get the fian bargain which is the deal with the devil and we have the in noan system which was pass down Golden Dawn

    All these different secret societies they say John D was the at the Forefront and the founder of rosac Cruis they use his symbol the monus hieroglyphica as the symbol if he was or not I mean it was after his time who knows if he had anything to do with that but again very

    Smart guy worked for a lot of royalty but at the end of the day he died penniless and broke miserable yep and miserable they broke into his did they broke into his Library stole all his books and at one point he got stuck with with King James that hated him and was

    Terrified of him because King James hated magic apparently so a very very superstitious guy but that’s a whole another story because religious guy King James you know what he he did in in 1611 but I’ve got my own thoughts regarding that and that’s a whole other podcast

    But yeah dude man this was this was awesome dude I feel like I just got an education yeah you did like I was like we are talking about stuff here I’ve never even de I wanted to do an episode like this for so long cuz like I said a

    Lot of this stuff I’m like as Juan’s talking I’m like oh my gosh bing bing bing there’s so much hitting me cuz it’s been a while since I looked into a lot of this so it’s really fun for me to get a refresher and he he goes he knows much

    Much the deeper levels of a lot of this stuff than I do so it’s really really been awesome dude um it’s been awesome great episode like he said earlier on everybody loves a good story story right like that’s what I love about doing the podcast in general is just like I just

    Feel like I sat down to like a TED Talk of like s soteric and Ault for me just for me don’t don’t take my word for any of this resarch I don’t mean it that way I’m just saying just to broach the subjects even if it’s in a Sci-Fi way of

    Even giving you the thoughts of something to open your mind up to these realities or these conversations that’s all I meant I didn’t I didn’t mean to like go out and you know start toting the path but uh no it’s just more of like there are people go how do you even

    Know about something like this how do you ever hear about something like this it’s like well somebody else either research yeah right right and paying attention and paying attention and stringing together the different pieces to really cuz your narrative is going to be different than somebody else is it’s

    Not going to be you know verbatim as mic or eyes or whoevers even if you’re in the same thread sometimes you know you can have disagreement like no we both agree with homunculi but your homunculi is one way and mine’s the other way it’s like you can get there right it’s like

    So that’s more of what I meant yep yeah and that’s why I like going on on a lot of different shows because I like to even if I cover the same topics we still cover them from a different perspective or right you might say something like

    Hey Chucky is a hunus like was you know I can’t even comprehend yeah let’s hit the uh let’s hit the homunculus confirm button homunculus confirm bam you know like I didn’t make that connection right there like ah I love that playback that sound bite so yeah this is this is fun and

    Hopefully like I said double check my research again there’s a lot of information that I poured out there do I tell I encourage everybody do your own research right and and and anything right and and read you know read there’s a lot of information out there and I

    Feel like people don’t read anymore and you learn a lot from Reading from my experience right yep if you do it if you do it correctly take the time and really internalize it afterwards and digest it sometimes I’ve been a victim of reading too quickly and forgetting whatever you know just like

    So sometimes I have to like really Pace myself to be like I need to keep this piece of information yep it happens to me I’ll read you know a few pages put it down digest what I just read for a day or two and then pick back back up because some

    Of the stuff gets heavy and gets dark too you know sure it does that that was me I had to tap out after a while I I like to go back into it and and Dabble like tonight this is fun but you know you can overwhelm yourself man this has

    Been great let’s put this baby to bed fantastic um this is the the strange Road homunculus to bed I’m going to get bunk beds for humulus the humk oh man uh yeah this is the strange first the strange Road one-on-one swapcast it’s been epic this has been great I know we’ll do another

    One of these would to um but it’s been awesome aome the opportunity to get in front of your audience our audience people that watch our show are definitely going to love this um I’m stoked yeah I’m Mikey this is bub we the strange Road um you guys can find us at

    The strange Road on Instagram Tik Tok Twitter wherever you listen to your podcast uh we got the YouTube show rocking and rolling um you know we’re putting out a lot of different reels Clips Tik toks different stuff like that um we’ve got a show called strange happenings uh our interview show the

    Strange Road come check us out right on TJ jp.com atthe oneon-one podcast on all social media platforms YouTube Tik Tok Twitter all that good stuff patreon.com the one-on-one podcast and yeah yeah give me you guys’ information I’ll send you word the homunculus owners Manny so you can keep your homun I want to

    See awesome there you go love it love brother Juan appreciate you man thank you so much absolutely what a show awesome hell yeah well we are signing out done peace love and chicken Grease He


    1. Great conversation – thank you! Juan, just before you mentioned that your wife can't watch horror movies, I'd paused the video to tell my husband that there was no way I could watch the movies you were mentioning. I have almost zero tolerance for any movie – they're just too real, for lack of a better way of putting it. So what's up with that? It's all so interesting to consider…

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