One Leeds Fan Channel is exactly what it says on the tin. Leeds United bias and getting the fans perspectives!


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    0:00 – Stream begins
    5:00 – Transfers
    12:07 – Defensive structure
    28:00 – Crazy comment
    30:00 – Ampadu or Struijk?
    43:00 – Jaidon Anthony
    50:00 – Leeds’ position
    55:00 – Firpo
    1:05:00 – Squad regeneration

    Hello everybody welcome back to one leads oh go away WhatsApp ping ping ping um hope you’re all doing fantastically well it is Connor we are back with the first episode of the debriefing I don’t know Lads quite a while it feels like but we’re back here discussing five wins

    In five we’re back here discussing Le United undefeated in 20 24 is the march on the title charge nine points off the leaders Leicester who we’re all not impressed with Oscar is jittering around with that Angar he’s making me feel a little bit drunk to be quite honest with

    You but we’re we’re here uh discussing Le United after yesterday’s fantastic Victory against a Norwich Citys side who were a little bit more difficult than maybe we all expected Gabe how’s it going from America how’s everything mate all good I I I just want everybody in

    The chat to to know how many bad American accidents I’ve had to hear in the last three days for some reason there’s been an uptick in Connor’s I don’t even know if it’s banter but it’s just he’s doing these American accents that he knows are bad and probably not

    Close but he’s doing them anyway and persisting and I think he’s secretly hoping I’ll be like oh you know that was good that well done it’s so yeah I’m but for that I would say I’m having a pretty good week yeah shout out to Martin lawrenson who’s become a YouTube member

    Shout out to you mate um Oscar how’s it going there um how’s how’s the fury Tash today mate all good it’s good mate it’s good it’s hiding me a Pauling beard be fair so you know I thought I’d mix things up Lads i’ mix things up I see

    You’ve got the handheld mic as well you know it’s gives different feel it just it gives yeah yeah we we actually just like to engage the uh the biceps here gab yeah exactly yeah seems like a worthwhile wait for the both of you um but yeah we’re back here

    Discussing everything that’s going on with Le United Paul glinder says evening Connor Gabe and Oscar hello there Paul JC’s in the building I met JC at the weekend everybody um an absolute Sterling fella no brownie no he has he has he left us this week unfortunately

    As Gabe left Gabe left me on the patreon podcast not long ago um evening jent how you Derek and Ronnie kippin which is the goated name so far on the one Le streams says evening Lads okay um let’s get into it I mean when did we last do the

    Debrief I think it was two weeks ago maybe 10 days ago long yeah it feels like it feels like it feels like we’ve got to get through um so I’m going to start off I’m going to start off with the rumors because we like to do the rumor mill on this

    Channel we like to speak through a few things how are we feeling now after after yesterday’s game after the the the injuries the you know how the squad makeup is at this moment in time Gabe leag United how we shaping up great question Connor I don’t really

    Know what to make of the transfer rumors uh looks like the links we’ve had seem to be pretty weak um really depends on who you trust I mean what I’m more concerned about is how the current crop of players we have are playing and I gotta say that

    Once we get into the match and know I know we’ll get into it it seems like we’re maybe ironing into some consistency Oscar what are you doing with this camera you’re you like to see more zoomed in than before unbeliev it’s right back to the original angle you had uh

    No one wants that no one wants it that zoomed in in terms of the Bas yeah know I appreciate why don’t you make some ASMR sounds while while I finish up here uh long long and the short of it is you know we all know the positions we’ve

    Talked about it for weeks we need strengthening it looks like they’re looking but as we’ve all said we should probably resign ourselves to the idea that this is going to be our Squad going forward yeah does feel like that uh Godfrey uh rumors today circulating that

    Uh that is going to be a difficult one to get done a shame really Oscar Ben Godfrey would be a superb addition the versatility along the back line absolutely and it feels like it feels it feels like right now mate in terms of that addition leads to leads lead to sort of

    Pin in for that that really aren’t we yeah it’s it’s a weird one because I think in general it’s been a really quiet transfer window I think across all the teams especially at this level you know you not really seeing do anything Leicester they’ve um leester are

    Probably the only ones who I think have really done anything it which and made a few loan signings but no one’s really full on gone for it but yeah I think Godfrey in terms of profile you know the fact that he’s a backup at Center back

    You know you’d imagine to rhon and then Pascal and then we know he can play fullback as well he’s done it for Everton he’s done it for Norwich we know he’s used for the far system leadership physically he fits his team quite well in says a profile and he would have made

    A lot of sense you know he might still make sense if we can get that deal D obviously he’s got a relationship with farker from at Norwich um where they had a lot of success together so it definitely made a lot of sense to me um godfre but there’s been a few links

    Hasn’t there obviously Giles was linked at one point Connor Roberts I think it’s also been mentioned of um his name is completely escaped me Calvin Ramsey as well from Liverpool um so it’s interesting it does feel like we’re going for that kind of versatile player across the back now more than anything

    Obviously Manuel Benson as well um you know be an interesting one as well um but I think surely we’ll get one or two in I think you’ll see probably a late Surge from probably everyone not just in the championship across England really I think it’s almost like it’s almost like

    A game of Domino’s at the minute just waiting for that one move and like everything’s going to kind of fall into place you’d imagine um so yeah I do think there will be movement I I think we will see some signings but even if we

    Go with the squad we’ve got now I still think it’s a good squad I think it’s a squad that’s you know good enough to get us promoted I think you’ve seen that you know last couple of weeks that you know all of a sudden we’ve got a situation

    When Pascal Comes Back available you know who who comes out the team does Pascal necessarily get straight back in you know all of a sudden you know at the start of the Season our starting 11 was our starting 11 now there’s quite a bit of debate in certain positions you know

    In terms of you know bamford’s coming to the pitcher um but I still would like some more bodies in in the building you know just to kind of cover you know for injuries and suspensions and you know it’s still you know we’ve got an intense next few months coming up you know eight

    Um 18 games you know in the space of less than well just over three months less than four months so it’s an intense couple of weeks coming up you know basically playing you know Tuesday Saturday every two weeks so yeah it’s going to be intense and I think we do

    Need some more bodies in there but I think it’s yeah it feels like a bit of a psychological game you know obviously with Benson as well you know between us and samton does feel like maybe we’re trying to disrupt upset the apple cart a little bit with samton maybe with Benson

    Who knows but yeah I still feel comfortable at this moment in time but I still think there’s room for it makes no sense though I don’t understand I don’t I don’t understand this whole Benson thing I’ve no if if if there’s a right sided position open if

    Leeds were to sell Willie Nonono I’d understand it but Leeds are on the verge of offering him a new contract it makes absolutely no sense Manuel Benson is not coming to lead United I will go out on M shield and say that it may unless there is a late turn with willing

    Nonono I don’t this seems lot of paper talk agent talk and and and I don’t understand why Leeds have been sort of picked in this apart from the obvious really yeah I think I think obviously the only thing I would say is that in terms of impact Off the Bench in terms

    Of what they’ve done in the last year or so I’d feel a lot more you know not saying that Benson’s going to happen I I personally don’t think it will happen I think you know all roads seem to at the minute lead to Samson the fact that they

    Have got a spot open on the right side of the pitch you know in fact that they are if anything Samson the one part of the pitch they do like is probably out wide in terms of depth Oscar who would you rather have Willie Nonono in the wings or Manuel

    Benenson um nonto of the first half of last season definitely but nonto of this season and last couple of weeks I think I’m looking at Benson I’m thinking he’s probably the bigger Game Changer but yeah I I don’t know really I’m not I’m not I don’t think I were going to start

    That’s the thing I think what about what about what about was a longterm Premier League option who you rather have in Benson or lonto I think the ceiling’s higher with nto I would say personally age got in I think there’s no doubt about it Dan James is Daniel farker man

    On that right hand side and I don’t think Mel Benson’s going to change that I just think in terms of the structure you saw the difference in the team in the second half where you know the Natural Balance wasn’t there and I think Daniel farker sees that and he’s had you

    Know he’s he’s not really given nonto a chance because Dan James has been so good there so I think you’ve got to look at that as as well in terms of long term nonto has got the higher ceiling of the two for me um I think Benson you know

    The fact that Vincent company hasn’t been using him at burnly and the situation they’re in it’s saying a little it’s saying quite a lot to be fair yeah yeah but your take mate well I’m I’m looking at Willie NATO I know he from what I understand had a has a

    Slight injury right which is one of the reasons he didn’t come off the bench but you’re right we’ve never had a lack of op in the attack out wide we have loads of them that are being underutilized and that’s not a criticism it’s just because of how well other people are playing so

    Um it doesn’t make a lot of sense for me unless of course we sell somebody but um yeah I guess if it happens it happens sometimes you know um things happen in the market last couple days that you didn’t necessarily see coming that is always a possibility but I don’t know it

    Seems like uh this is a player that it doesn’t make sense to me unless we move somebody on why we bring him in I think there’s bigger priorities isn’t there you know you look at the depth at fullback and you know possibly at Center back as well if if if Charlie’s not

    Going to get himself back into the first team pitch I think they feel like bigger priorities to me um but yeah we’ll see we’ll see it won’t be a leads window if we weren’t after a Winger at some point would it I mean lot since like probably

    The last five years we’ve always ended up signing a Winger of some sort um so let’s see uh Daniel says hi on it leads and needs a strong for with guest appearance EG Wilco promotion season can’t disagree with that Daniel I think we’re at a stage now where leads are in a really

    Really good position two points off a game obviously played extra to our Rivals and leads at the point when they play westr M albian we’re nine points behind look we’ve played a game more um but overall we are where we are you’d rather have points on the board

    Gabe and I’m looking at it right now and I’m thinking think to myself the mental the mental game right now is huge it really is and leads have put themselves right back into that picture haven’t they yeah we’ve been talking about um needing to grind out results

    And beat teams that even though they come and play really well and even though they’re they’re not bad sides we should be able to beat them this was one of those matches I mean look we’re looking at a tale of two halves here in the first half we enjoyed 60% of

    Possession to their 40 um other than the possession Gap there wasn’t a lot in terms of clearcut chances however we happen to take ours and they happen they happen to miss ours and we’ve been on the other side of that conversation before and that is the difference right

    So if you want to get promoted or being contention from one of these top two spots that’s what you have to do terrific ball in by Dan James excellent work by Patrick Bamford um the way we defended though um this is kind of as a you know ex- Defender myself I really

    Like matches like this totally neutralized where their attacks would come from they had a lot of possession especially this one stands on in the second half they had a lot of the ball but when you look in terms of the actual shots on target they had there just

    Wasn’t a lot going and a lot of that was between between the way the center halves defended and the way the fullbacks played Josh Sergeant you know I know we kind of joke about him on this channel came in with two goals in his last four five goals in 11 matches uh

    Good in this in this division completely totally taken out of the game uh we neutralized Sara as well who had third has um up to this point 13 goal involvements in the league that’s in the upper 99th percentile in terms of chance creation uh a really really good player

    In this division g g Gabe we missed we neutralized Sara because Sara couldn’t put the ball in the back of the net from two yards out that was but that comes to listen that was a small detail though listen that goes to taking your chances

    Right and at the end of the day we’ve been on the other side of that other than that one chance name anything else that that you could think of that was from nor nor and uh um you know they did again they had the ball at at times um

    They did a really good job make no mistake they came to play and they they’ve been a squad on the rise um and I think I I thought I thought Gabe they were one of the better teams that we played in possession I thought they look

    Really good on the ball I think there were some things that we’ve talk about we’ve talked about having a young team and young players and ways that’s going to manifest and one of the ways that manifested yesterday are uh was when we were under pressure and we managed to

    Finally get the ball there was maybe like a stand of 15 minutes where it seemed like they were just holding the ball on us we did get it it literally was that it was and when we got it we gave it right away and that’s just young players right but really want to

    Highlight the defensive work of Joe rhon I thought he was absolutely superb I thought RG gray played really really well um I thought Junior furo played well um in addition and Ethan idus continued to do a job in there this was a blue collar win we and we’re gonna

    Need performances like this I thought the Tactical plan that Fara deployed was was excellent and the players uh executed it perfectly so I’m I’m pretty pleased um in in terms of when we’re looking at the table now our possibility of getting into one of those automatic

    Promotion spots you have to say you feel much better um going in on a vein of positive form and being able to grind out a good win when things aren’t always going your way yeah uh shout out to Bradley Andrews they tell about donation I’ve never seen

    A man smell his microphone as as much as this Oscar fella PS go get a fullback and godfre for Road on cover just don’t tell him he’s gonna be second choice time to be selfish shares for your donation mate yeah I mean I think we’re

    All of the same mindset when it comes to additions really I think a left back standard just a left back coming in and someone who versatile um some you know just just almost an auxiliary Defender who can work along that right side and those center backs that that that Center

    Back way as well but I think leads find themselves in a really tricky position uh Lads to be honest when it comes to recruitment because we can’t guarantee anybody game time I think every single unlike any other side really in my opinion or many other sides in this division leads simply cannot offer

    Someone coming in right now minutes yeah ex exactly that but but I think I think I think Oscar when you look at it what position what position can someone come in and solidify their reputation I think Daniel farer is convinced on furo I really do and I think if furo is to you

    Know become injured whatever his boy is Byron we know that on that right hand side his project like it was with aens at Norwich is Archie gray I I I do not see any way and we’re going to get on to the game in just a bit but just in terms

    Of signings I think it’s really important to discuss this I’m going to make a prediction right now and I mentioned this on the stream so it sounds like I’m contradicting myself but from where we are now on the 25th of January I don’t think we make a

    Single Sig in I think he is completely convinced with what we’ve got right now and I think his insurance his Assurance is going to be the those players just coming back and I think he’s relying right now heavily on what’s going on and he’s convinced by that

    Potentially I mean what I’d say is the S as you kind of already alluded to we’re already in a situation where one of stuck one of stout sorry Stout I don’t know why I do that I don’t know why I do that I don’t either but it’s delightful

    Now I know why I do that Stout um guev or kamaru won’t play all at the same time we’re in that situation now which is mad when you think it you know you look at all them three players they probably walk into you know other than Leicester they probably walk into the

    You know the other sides up there so it is mad you know in certain areas where we have got really really good depth you know in say of having a luxury of put Nono on the bench um you know it’s things like that you look at and think

    In certain areas we’ve got really good depth but in terms of signings it’s not necessarily signings for the starting 11 I’m looking at I think it’s more looking at depth you know in terms of say if we signed to Ben Godfrey you know to see

    Out sort of the last 10 15 minutes of a game being Now put on Ben Godfrey to head away set pieces and stuff like that that’s that there is no way there’s no way players no no but even Ben Godfrey there were a player of that caliber who

    Arguably is is in terms of look we can have the conversation right now is arguably better than Joe rhon arguably no no no I’m saying arguably I’m not saying he is but I’m saying with the trajectory of his career how good he was for Norwich in the championship where

    He’s been for Everton I’m just saying there would be an argument there that he’s better than Joe rhon he a player of that why and this is what I’ve said with so many players who’ve been linked with Le United why if I’m a player and Gabe but me and Gabe have had many

    Conversations about this off air as well as a player and take your lead United glasses off am I turning round in the January window and saying you know what I’ll go to lead United I’m not getting minutes we’ve seen it with carvalo we’ve seen it with Giles there’s no way

    Players like Ben Godfrey in my opinion would come to lead United because they’re not guaranteed anything you want to go somewhere where you guaranteed minutes and exposure that’s a challenge at this level I mean if you remember the promotion season we had that same issue

    With Eddie and ker you know in terms of in that promotion season you know not be able to get you know him on the pitch you know all the time or at all really you know in terms of because you know Bamford fitted the system you know at

    That time so well so you know it’s nothing new for this leag United team in that kind of sense and that is the challenge of recruitment at this level you know it’s part of why Benson I’m I just I realistically can’t see that I’m probably 7030 against happening for that

    Exact reason yeah the fact that he’s on the bench at Burnley why would he go to the bench at leads you know if he does great but I just can’t see it in that scenario similar with David Brooks who have seen mentioned you know he’s not a

    Guaranteed starter in this leag team by any stretch of the imagination I I wouldn’t have said you know I think he’s a quality player but that is that’s what you got to look at is you know scenarios like that and you know that the nature

    Of this league if we were a team that rotated a lot great but none of the teams in that top four really rotate other than maybe IP switch you know they tend to go with the same kind of structure same kind of personnel week and week out and you know that is that

    Is the consistency you get in terms of performance and you know results so yeah it’s definitely a challenge you can’t underestimate that it doesn’t matter how much money we have or haven’t got in this window you know you still got to convince players that they’re going to

    Get the game time and they’re going to be a big part of the of the picture and I don’t really see you know in terms of the names that have been mentioned so far any that have made me think they’re going to seriously change the picture for leads they’re going to be players

    That get us up on their own I’ve not really seen a link that’s got me that excited even carali you mentioned there Connor is he as good as rter in the 10 not for me no no I think he’s a quality player he’s well up there in Championship number 10 but he’s not

    Going to start over rter and then all of a sudden you know you could have the argument you put rer on the right and sides but then you have to change all your Team Dynamics to fit players in and that’s not that is what you don’t want

    You don’t want to be doing things like that you know especially at this point in the season you know yeah and obviously you’ve seen people like Joel pero on the bench as well you know assigned for 10 million and he’s you know he’s on the bench halfway through

    The season you know that with 10 goals as well yeah yeah exactly you know the standards are really the standards in this lead teams especially in the attacking areas are ridiculously high you this Le team another thing you have to think about too in agreement with your point is that Daniel Farin knows

    The league really well and he know knows what it takes to get promoted there are times where you can do things that follow all the all the right lines of logic like you know Lees United have done it to bring in like a left back and reinforcement I remember the Douglas

    Signing you know a guy that had been a part of a promotion team been there done that reasonable fee um but ultimately sometimes it just doesn’t work out and you end end up being hampered with a contract and there was no logic for Barry Douglas not working out at the

    Time there was no injury wasn’t it like and just so you can do everything right and at the end of the day sometime he’s not a premier league player is he so what we don’t we’ve talked about this before we don’t want to be signing people we already have a huge wash of

    Player Le players leaving in in the summer I think farc is probably I know there’s already been some confusion in the comments I want to clear this up I don’t think we’re necessarily talking about what we want to happen we’re trying to get in the mind of Daniel far

    And and say this is what we think he’s going to do and there is a certain logic to it and I don’t entirely disagree with it in saying okay if we make two or three moves right now for players to add depth and um put us in a better position

    To get promoted what do we do with these players if they go and on top of that we’re going to have to do a squad overhaul this summer anyway even if we stay in this division so so you know I think it’s a little bit risky to not

    Bring in those reinforcements but I do understand that especially with far see he seems to be like if he connects with a player like he’s gonna run he’s gonna back that horse um and so it seems like that’s what he’s gonna do well yeah there the other things to factor in you

    Know to follow on from your point there Gabe is that people like Elias chair were being mentioned there’s options Off the Bench mention that lot but you’re thinking about Eli’s chair you know the fact that you know he’s got a strong connection to the QPR the fact that he’s

    You know he’s starts week in week out you know in the same division currently I mean we’re far back SE in QPR don’t get me wrong but would you really leave being a regular star at Championship level to go on the bench at Championship level I don’t think you do and then I

    Think I think as well Oscar you know when you look at Mickey Mikey I should say his comment here we need a much stronger bench that’s for sure I mean when do you to win at this level though I don’t know if you do this is what I

    Mean Mikey I think you know we do the rumor mill every day on this channel but when I’m actually giving my thoughts on the caliber of the side I do think it maybe needs an addition or two but the problem is right now with the quality of the side and the options the

    Guy has Off the Bench no other Championship manager has the quality if we’re looking at the past couple of months of having gruev and nonto Bamford SL perau Off the Bench no other manager has that caliber of player coming off the bench and I would and I would genuinely genuinely include

    Southampton and Leicester in that I don’t think any of the championship side has that caliber player coming off the bench Conor too think about alen went straight into the midboro team and they’re a midt side in this division so Sam Byam who who I think at this point

    In his career we can all say if RG gray wasn’t able to go at right back you would imagine Sam byon would go in there he’s being used as a sub for either one of those those positions left or right back again I I know that we would rather

    Really bolster these positions have true competition but you have to think that if a guy that we didn’t expect to see the light of day on this team again can walk right into a Middlesboro side for this division it should be enough to be competitive for a top two spot

    Especially with the Firepower we have in the attack again I don’t love it I would like to have more tools but especially given the way Fara sort of rotates in the event of injury versus just rotating the squad just kind of the way he does it it makes

    Sense I don’t yeah I think the other thing to mention is is that you know if at the start of the Season you you know we would have been referring to you rter and James as you know right at the start of the Season we wouldn’t have been

    Referring to Rutter and James as players that are going to produce the output they have you know R Top of the assist charts Dan James on double figures in January you know this is Daniel far ability to improve players you know as to be you know taken into consideration

    You know a lot of these players Gray by them as well you can throw into it they wouldn’t have been considered you know players that straight away stand out as players that are going to get you promoted out the championship or get you pushing for the top two so I think

    Credit has to go to Daniel farker in terms of his ability you know to coach One V One V one coaching I think there’s no doubt he’s improved pretty much every player on this team for me I’d say you know certainly the starters I can’t think of one player who’s not improved

    You know quite a fair bit um so that’s got to be factored into it as well but yeah in terms of game changes Off the Bench was we’re definitely up there if not the best you know having that luxury of pero Off the Bench you know yes he’s

    Not the perfect fit for us in that nine roll I think we all acknowledge that but when a game state is getting a bit chaotic and everything’s all over the place you want someone with that cool head you know composure of a perau who can come on bag you a penalty bag you

    You know a goal from distance you know and has moments in him you know we mostly criticized pero this season but he’s still got 10 goals for us that’s the standards I think it sums up the league really you know I think we said about any other season with the points

    All we’ve got would be any any any other season that Tri that tripe that is in the Premier League right now Sheffield United L that absolutely I mean I am convinced right now Oscar Jo sorry just interrupt your point and obviously continue you’ll be able to continue that

    32 points mate 32 points keeps one of those sides that is that is the the metric in my opinion the Premier League this season and I’m confident of that that it’s just absolutely embarrassing The League last year oh man I mean the competitiveness with what it was was going down and obviously

    The other sides it’s embarrassing really um this season’s Premier League in my opinion and it’s also not necessarily true anymore it was in the beginning of the year but like but what as of last week Conor I think I shared with you the table comparison after 27 matches it was

    We’d be in third versus fourth now so like but a lot closer I’m right saying well no that the rest of the pack would be further down yeah no not a lot closer points but I think what I would say with that is I think the standard of those

    Top four teams I don’t I don’t think has it ever been bigger in terms of AC crossly in terms of in the standing for a top two race it’s ridiculous to four top top four that’s top four what we have now in the championship is ridiculous yeah I think the only time I

    Can think of that’s comparable is when we went up um over brenford and well West Brom finished second you know they had Pereira um Dean G brenford had that BMW front fre that which was absolutely ridiculous that season that’s the only time I could think of but they both them

    Teams were nowhere near as consistent as what you know samton Etc being so it got to B factors in that I think the gap between fourth and the rest of the league is enormous to be honest with you and you see it on the pitch you know I

    Think Norwich are a good team but there was a clear golfing class I thought in that game you I thought yeah I agree I agree yeah I agree I think most weeks you I think even the pron game we weren’t at our best but I never felt

    Like we’re were going to lose that game you know I never felt like Prest more likely to score than us it always felt like okay we’re not creating as much as we normally would do but if anyone’s going to win this it’s going to be leads and yeah and and obviously it’s the

    Options Off the Bench that make the difference Carl this is a mad comment mate from me mate and listen we’ll get the other two Lads opinions on this why does everyone everyone say we can’t think farer is as good as beela when we have more points than we did in the

    Promotion season it’s up Bea mate Carl listen I presume you’ve been a leads fan for a long time mate take your yourself back to the doldrums take yourself back to the Dark Ages when Le United were finishing 13th to 16th in every single Championship season Marcelo bielsa came

    In and reignited this side with pretty much plus Patrick Bamford if you’re talking big permanent signings the exact same team to turn this Titanic ship of a club around like he did the thing is that’s what I hate about a lot of these comments and and listen K you’re

    Entitled to your opinion buddy of course you are but you’ve got to apply context to every comment you make you have to apply context the context applied to that is Bel Elsa had scrubs scrubs middle of the championship range players to work with middle and then he got

    Those middle of the championship range players to finish ninth in the Premier League this guy sorry sorry but listen I wasn’t a massive fan of listen I thought at the end at the end when it came to be that he should have been replaced I

    Thought that and I’m not going to die on that hill but at the end of the day Marcelo Bea is in a different Stratosphere to Daniel farker and that doesn’t mean I dislike Daniel farker whatsoever but let’s contextualize this because to be honest I don’t think it’s fair comparing farker against Marcel BSA

    For farers farel interational pedigree Conor about the way he national teams club club pedigree B Bea had and I think 100% what you just said he took players that even our fan base thought were mid if that players anybody that says that they always thought Calvin Phillips would be

    What he turned to be is lying NE this fan base was done with Calvin Phillips Luke aen he’ll he’ll never get to that again by the way Phillips never gets that level so I mean I think that’s the difference and far is in a really fortunate position to have huge

    Financial backing uh even at this level we brought him some of the best players in the division so yeah it’s apples and oranges it’s it’s not a slight on Fara as Conor just said but it’s not fair to compare yeah it’s totally I mean it’s it’s like comparing you know promising

    Youngster to Messi isn’t it really it’s like it’s just an unfair barometer to have you know realistically you know leads will never have is that a bar reference Conor does that count yeah I’d say it is oh you gotta drink I told Conor that if you mentioned Barcelona he has to finish his

    Drink got it I yeah you’re nearly done go on but my point is you know it’s a unfair comparison it’s it’s a unnecessary comparison just judge the play Just judge the player judge the manager by their own right kind of thing you know in terms of farker compared to every

    Other manager in this league is far more proven you know in terms of you know if you look at it comparing it I asked the question okay who would you rather have in a promotion push who’s been nown done it twice from similar positions come alive at this stage of the Season he

    Seems to be doing the same thing again you don’t you wouldn’t rather have farer you wouldn’t rather have anyone over farker at this moment in time you know to deal with this current situation all right pep yes I know pep like that I’m talking about Championship level

    Championship level no I get it I don’t want to get gab gab Gabe I can see those cogs in your head because we’re bringing up in terms of comparison with Marcelo Bea I mean I I would absolutely want to have Marcel beela over D oh yeah no I’m not

    Disagreeing with that but Marcel oh you’re saying oh you’re saying you’re saying right now I was going to say yeah yeah that’s was actually available for the job got it okay yeah yeah the other thing to factor in as well is the pressure on farker is far higher than

    What it was on beela you know in terms of beela that first all right the second season the pressure was on a lot more but in that first season anything we did above mid-table really or above the playoffs was a bonus you know there was no expectation going into that season at

    All you know this season if leads don’t get promoted you know you’ve got some of potentially might be leaving you know RH on all these quality players we’ve got r as well you it’s going to be if we don’t get from OES and that’s the pressure on farer so the scenari is totally

    Different the beera will never have anything like that again specifically I’m sorry to burst everyone’s bubble there but we won’t it’s and trying to chase that is a mistake you we won piling on Carl here best move it along yeah let’s move on let’s move on from

    BSA let’s move on um Le leub says Bamford cook Andor this Bamford Redemption it’s not even a great F but it’s a an unhinged unhinged graphic and I appreciate it that’s the com the I just I love that banford that I just I just love how every single leads

    Fan was on the edge of the seat for banford playing against Andora and they were everyone’s like oh come on banford he deserves it LFC Jody said be be start an attacking player farer is better defensive anyway we won’t get into this there’s no point but listen we can have

    Talks Here There and Everywhere about be SP farker that’s about as far as you can take it with different squads of course it is um but let’s get into a real interesting conversation Lads I want to put it to you um so Pascal Stout out the

    Side at the minute for me the best center back in the championship uh that that’s my opinion um but uh listen and I know that can be an outlandish statement but uh the reason I bring that there no doubt about it he’s well up there yeah it’s my

    Opinion it’s between probably him and v f closely followed by Joe RH on that’s probably the pecking order I’d have but um overall um if if Pascal St is to come back obviously we know he’s had an a ductor injury hypothetically because this is going around on the Twitter

    Sphere at this moment in time what would we do Ethan ampadu who’s been fantastic at the back um but the big stickler right now for Le United is Ila gruev in the middle of the park so a few dominoes to move around here for Le United a few

    Chess pieces what are we looking at right now Oscar in terms of the the sort of uh sort of way around this Le United puzzle well we don’t need to rush stke back in that’s one that’s one you know luxury that we’ve got I would put the

    Stout back in personally I I do think cedo’s been really good I think he’s he’s looked like he’s played center back all his career in in a back four the fact that he yeah he has played center back but he’s played center back in a back three which is totally for me is

    Totally you know totally different he’s not very often played much football in a back four so I think he’s done great but for me personally I’d want aadu higher up the pitch and unfortunately because I think he’s been great for us I think it’s Glen Kamar who comes out for me

    This at this moment in time and I think he’s been absolutely brilliant and yeah it’s but that’s what I mean one of them’s got to come out which is crazy but I think as go ampadu greev at this moment in time in Midfield I think I

    Don’t you can drop GRE surely not surely not exceptional no but for a man who understands the Tactical side of the game you’ve got two exactly the same profiles maybe say they’re exactly the same they’re not they’re not exactly the same very very similar because if you

    Look at guv’s heat map I agree with you it it’ll start to progress up field a little bit more but in terms of where he starts when leads were in possession it is just on the toes of the center backs and that’s exactly where ampadu starts sure and when they’ve started together

    Oscar they’ve not been impressive there not yeah there’s only been a couple of games where they have played play together to be fair but I don’t know it’s it’s it’s Up For Debate I mean there’s not a lot in it really I’m not going to be fuming whoever gets

    Gets theal whoever gets dropped I think they’ve all got strong cases I think Kamar there’s no doubt about it controls the game better in terms of probably than anyone in that Midfield you know composition but I think in terms of ampadu what he gives you off the ball

    Guev what he gives you in pure ball progression yeah they’re similar players but I do think guev you know in terms of pure passing range is the best in the team in terms of pure passing range I AG think the best out of possession in Midfield so I think listen I think what

    We’re going to get is I think there will be rotation in that Midfield I think it’s the one position in the pitch where I think you might see a bit of rotation um because for that exact scenario I don’t it’s G be a case if Glen kamaru

    Comes out the team Oscar maybe maybe a 352 352 that’d be nice maybe a bit of pragmatism bit of pragmatism from the manager maybe who gets dropped out their front players then you got to drop one of let’s not even go through this hypothetical it’s not going to happen

    He’s not going to change formation J drop drop Dan James Dan James right wing back yeah yeah potentially I mean the reality is whoever plays I personally think it’ll probably be greever comes out I I I do think it he’ll probably stick with Kamar and ampadu and there’s no problem with

    That at all it’s very strong and listen it will it will change game by game there’ll be weeks where kamaro’s man the match and it’s like oh we got to start kamaro and then guev will play the way he’s been playing so I think when you’ve

    Got this kind of quality that we’ve got in midfields and I don’t think anyone at the base that midfields in this league Compares with our options you know you forget about Archie gray you know what if we got Ben gy through the door and he he goes to potentially goes to playing

    That right back position inverted right back yeah you all a sudden you got arre gray as an option in Midfield you have to remember he’s a midfielder not a right back so there’s a lot of different options and you got to factor in injuries but the most important thing of

    All with all of this we don’t rush Pascal back into the team don’t back in got to make sure it’s good for the next 18 games or 21 games for it playoffs has Edo left but impressed the absolute SI [ __ ] out of you guys I I I I had no idea no

    Idea he had that in his in his locker Gabe I mean those little chipped Channel balls you know the his ball connection like just just in terms of how he you know if you played football before when you’re striking a ball you see when someone’s you it’s so obvious where

    Someone’s weak foot is I was on the watchong last night and I’m looking at how he’s striking a ball and I’m thinking I have absolutely no idea which is his strongest foot here it’s so impressive for a central midfielder though it’s part of the reason manager after manager for Club all over the

    World try Central midfielders and Center half roles because the passing range and ability with their feet is much better um the difference is that a lot of times just the kind of pointed Focus moments and physicality and kind of physical wear of wear and tear that happen in the

    Position are just different um and you know sometimes it’s not completely rare for a holding midfielder to um to you know kind of have a larger physicality but it’s kind of why end of career you see a lot of holding midfielders move into that Center half rle it happens a

    Lot I wasn’t super shocked by it I think it he has a and this is not a criticism of Pascal Stout’s passing he’s a good passer for a center half but ampadu plays a better long ball absolutely does and plays a better ball in the channel as well so I think Pascal’s better

    Defending on set pieces so there’s trade-offs you know um but and Pascal is literally our only threat for goals as a defensive option that’s true that’s true although aidu can get up but uh yeah I’m absolutely sick to the stomach that Joe rhon can head anything out of the box but when it

    Comes to offensive you know set plays or whatever it may onget when he he will get a goal Jo Ron he’s gets in so many good he gets one but he may not he might he might not anyway to answer the question about it’s it’s a plus one to Oscar’s

    Point to finish that the point about IDU that there’s no need to rush rush Pascal back on one hand it it certainly benefits us but we also need to take a step back and see and look at that that all the Acquisitions we made um in the

    Summer are all looking like they could be division Elite it just this it’s a it’s not a great division up top to bottom so you can get away with doing these things switching these players around in these positions because of the level of it’s terrible division terrible

    So I don’t want to I think the only reason I say that is because sometimes I think as a fan base we can get kind of carried away and start you know uh comparing what we’re doing this season to you know other teams and other leagues and I think it’s sort of just

    Not a great idea um but I I really would hope that fans aren’t in any way shape or form comparing this to the Premier League somebody somebody I screenshotted it I screenshotted it to sent to you both later on I won’t name who it is because I don’t want to embarrass

    Anybody but said uh um that that your Gino should be worth 65 million quid now that’s what I saw so I you know what on one hand I appreciate this level of support we give our guys it’s nice um Al there’s weird people are criticizing Jaden Anthony as

    Well it’s really really bizarre yeah I want I want to address I just want to address that before we get in it did sort of vex me a little bit Jay ny’s mother pissed me off his mother listen we and everybody in the chat know how

    Influential our mothers are in in our in our lives and I think I think it’s it’s really terrible that football takes that away from just general humility like an an understanding football is a a great sort of deviator away from you know just general life and when you look at Jaden

    Anthony to say he stepped on the pitch last night if my M had passed I would be absolutely broken broken shown up yeah yeah and I’m sure all of us would be broken I’d be out for there there genuinely is reasoning for being out for six months seven months so the fact that

    He came on last night in my opinion put a decent performance in got Gan put a ganis got ganis booked after pretty much the first two minutes as he was on the pitch leads then didn’t go down that side which was unbelievable to me to get him potentially you know sent off or

    Whatever he then put a really good ball in for for for censio Somerville who put the ball over the bar that could have been an assist yeah he was off a little bit towards the back end of the game but Jesus Christ can’t imagine why yeah if

    Someone’s mother has died that week at such a young age I feel absolutely awful for the kid he’s only a young lad I am not going out I think he’s absolutely despicable that you’ve got some fans who are going after him and going after his performance I think it’s completely

    Wrong sometimes you’ve got to put yourself in the position of a footballer they’re just trying to show how Edge lorded they can be and look I know sometimes we get accused of of doing things like that there’s not a take that we come up with that’s caricatured you

    Know sometimes we may not always agree with what people say like I’ve certain certainly criticized the manager and I know that sometimes it can be quite binary you can say oh you shouldn’t but there are some situations like this where and let’s step back his performance wasn’t bad I don’t know what

    People are talking about it’s it’s bizarre and just like oh you know I understand but he shouldn’t have been on the pitch for me it’s like shut up you’re not saying important it’s just a stupid thing to say and I’m with you Connor so I’m glad

    That we’ve seen none of that in our chat the folks in in this channel seem to be a lot smarter than that but it’s just absolutely disgraceful I don’t I don’t get people sometimes it just goes so far beyond football it’s untrue as you said Connor I mean just it’s beyond football

    That it’s a it’s a totally you know separate you know you got to put yourself into Jan Anthony’s shoes I mean the commitment to play last night that’s the type type of players you want at Le United that’s the type of players you want representing the shirt and you know

    We’ve seen it before Jay Anthony when he first arrived you know Jay anony you know in general it’s being tough for him going to the leag you know in terms of the fact that he arrived on Deadline day you know straight away that first interview I thought that’s the type of

    Personality he wants at the club the fact that you know Dan James has been in great form since he’s arrived he’s not really had that run of games but you know you have to remember Jane anony you know listen he’s not had the Run of games and I think that’s important for

    Any Winger I think to build some kind of consistency but there’s been times where he’s he’s made impacts on games off the bench R Us you know certainly in the first off September October period remember mil W away uh Watford at home you know he had an impact on those games

    And he’s a quality player at this level you know having that kind of depth in your squad is amazing and the commitment you know the fact he’s a lone player as well you know to have that commitment to play for this football club and he just comes across as a fantastic person and

    The exact type of Personality what in the club and you know if if Jay n needs any time out the team then I I’m sure we will give give him it um but obviously you know this the scenario seems to be that you know he just wants to get straight

    Back into it and that’s fair enough isn’t it everyone’s difference but um you have to applaud Jay anon’s commitment and I totally agree with you Conor I mean it destroy anyone you know absolutely destroy anyone you know that kind of news especially sudden as well

    You know I think is what you read as well so it’s just yeah it’s um just hope that Jane Anthony is okay and you know it can’t be the fact that we’re in the middle of promotion battle as well the pressure in that alone and yeah just

    Amazing from Jan anony you know show that level of maturity and you know I I think even Oscar even if he had gone on bereavement like yeah yeah I okay you know it’s I don’t and and Jeremy I appreciate your comment here man it’s that’s that’s got to be

    Unimaginably hard look I think that it’s just it’s just really strange that you know we’ve the fan base has done it with a number of different players as as well and it’s just it’s just weird um you’re not really saying anything edgy no one’s impressed you know to

    Criticize and and Paul said the same thing about his mother and and listen it’s it’s terrible terrible terrible stuff and yeah anyway shout out to Jaden and and I hope all you guys in the and girls in the chat as well when you going through personal trauma that’s you know

    You get through it and and all that sort of stuff but um if we if we’re getting on to you know the the the game last night we’ve not really talked about the EB and flow of it fellas we’ve not really talked about what Leeds did how

    Leeds performed well I mean I looked at that Norwich side and I thought I’m looking at Jack Stacy I’m looking at ganis I’m looking at Ben Gibson I’m looking at Duffy I’m looking at McLean SAR I’m going through the whole lineup here Johnny row anell Hernandez Off the

    Bench Ashley Barnes Off the Bench Adam eer Off the Bench Josh Sant starting up top I’m looking at this and I’m thinking this is a side within a three-year parachute payment cycle this is aside I’m looking at the squad makeup and thinking to myself goodness me that is

    Not a bad championship team whatsoever that will be that team and how they’re playing now a little bit of momentum results against Southampton Hall and West bromage albian they’re going to be in the mix at the end of the season potentially coming up against leads United and getting that result yesterday

    I think there’s too many people who are overlooking that it was a really really good result and that is the double over Norwich City Oscar yeah exactly you know I think you know obviously we focus a lot in the top four but some good teams you outside that top four you know I

    Think centry Norwich have really caught my eye last couple of weeks I think they’re two teams where you look at they’ve got some absolutely outstanding players you know Norwich you’re looking at people like Johnny row scored 12 goals this season from out wide you know for a team that’s not necessarily being

    Challenging you know all season but the interesting thing with Norwich is they started the season amazingly well you know amazingly for the first two months I think they were top of the league first two months and just had that spell in October and November that’s kind of

    Just thrown them down the lead table I think they’re definitely a better side than what the leag table says and I only see them moving up um and I think I think them and comry for me will be top six I do think West Brom as well you got

    A fact factor into it as well but you know I’m looking at potentially go dropping into them playoffs I don’t fancy playing either them any of those teams over two legs to be honest with you um because they’ve got difference makers but yeah s s there’s certain

    Plays in that Norwich team if we went up you’d say oh Sara straight away Johnny row yes please you know you’re looking at certain players in that team and the well coach Dan David’s Wagner is no mug at all at this level you know he got hfield promoted you know he’s done you

    Know decent stuff at Norwich and it’s a Well coached side so it’s a good win you know the fact former US Men’s National Team player shut up course of course it’s shut up you it’s we’ve got the Barcelona count with Oscar who’ve got the US get that in to get that

    In it’s but no listen last two games I think we were a lot better on Wednesday than what we were against Preston to be honest I think much much more composed performance um I never felt like we’re not W not going to win the game you know

    Even when n missed those chances I still thought we had the better chances to make it two-nil um so yeah you know the fact that we’re winning games in a different way that’s the ultimate difference between all Sams and and ipswitch at this moment in time is

    They’ve been able to grind out them wins All Season we’ve only just started doing it so our ceiling is high at this moment in time you we’re not having to play superbly well games three or 4 nil you know to take all three points we found

    That new Edge to our game and yeah brilliant to see Oscar I’ve got a question I’ll come to actually I’ll come to gab first um nine points between Leeds and Leicester Leeds have played a game more Is it feasible right now to ask the question can lead un United still win

    The championship game Oscar you’re hearing this too or is it just me hey I’m not saying it’s me I’m not saying I no no no no no no no no I I feel like you’re this close to doing an American Auctioneer accent so I just want to know

    If he also yeah I want to know if he also heard that like at the tip of your voice no I don’t think look it you have I have to answer this in two ways if you made me put money down and that would show me show you what I actually

    Believed right and so I think the smart money would be that no we’re not to catch Lester however in the same way that we talk about we a couple injuries away from disaster as a team Lester AR exactly I mean things could happen and again we we

    Still have to play them Lester again so yeah I mean it’s it’s not nine points is not an insurmountable g g Gabe with where we were and I know we’ve play played a game extra yeah after the West Brom game nine points behind the top two

    Now we we we find ourselves two points behind of course we played a game extra point behind Southampton but this division can swing and I want to emphasize that we need to have a run no matter what happens um in order to ensure our promotion similar to what

    Southampton’s had in the first half of the Season we need to do that at least we can’t afford to be dropping you know uh points to roams or or or you know teams like that anymore it looks like it’s still a little bit early to say

    This but it looks we have turned to Corner in terms of grinding out results and being able it seems like the side is coalescing a little bit that could also change but this is a great Point 17 behinds three weeks ago it is uh absolutely attainable nine points is not

    A huge golf at the top we’re not talking about the difference between Premier League teams and teams like and Gabe and Gabe we’ve watched leester we’ve all watched Leicester they don’t look brilliant do they I I I still cannot get on Oscar and because me and Gabe talk

    About this all the time but I the individual quality is insane what they’ve been be able to keep listen they they’ve won the Premier League they’ve been in they’ve been in Europe they’ve done all these incredible things whilst they’ve been in the Premier League they’ve been relegated they’ve got that

    Sort of depth um sort of by being in the Premier League for so long and Southampton have had the same thing we’re so unlucky going down with these sides but still they’ve had this sort of depth acquired from years and years and years in the premier league and

    Success but you I I look at that side any single time I’ve watched them play any single time I am more impressed by what I’ve seen with our top performances than what I have seen by their top performances they as a coach side systematically tactically when I’m

    Watching them I see a lot going through jub Hall everything going through jewsbury Hall and I’ve look as a as a team and I think if you get the if you get it systematically right like we did at the king power they are more than beatable

    But the problem is the caliber in this division is just so substandard yeah they’ve got quality players there’s no doubt about it and I’m on the similar kind of vibe with Samson really I actually think Samson are better to watch than Leicester to be honest when I’ve seen them I think

    They’re better I think they’re better think both teams trying to play Ticky taker at Championship level and yes it worked great for Burnley it’s worked good for teams in the past but you look at it to an certain extent and I’m going to do another Barcelona reference here

    When you’re asking Hamza chowdery to play Dr Ro the inesta role like is what Leicester fans are saying and things like that you’re thinking are they actually saying that Oscar are they really they’re really saying it might be disgraceful be ashamed of that that’s absolutely ridiculous new shevy things

    Like that think him is that optimal for Leicester really is that the optimal way for Leicester to be playing really you know Flynn down playing in the in the Ester role and things like that you know is that the optimal way for them to play will that work for him in the Premier

    League you know if they got promoted I don’t think it would you’ve seen it with Burnley this season I think you got to be a lot more adaptable but I think ultimately hury Hall mavididi fatwo you know Oscar I have to ask a question way

    Let me cut and ask you a question yeah Tom kanan’s played well Oscar you’re you’re you’ve been a Barca fan for a long time as well it’s like your second team right but it’s it’s just when you’re watching it and you’re thinking it’s not it’s not no no hang on askcar

    Yeah barcel you’ve been a Barcelona supporter as well as lead supporter right yeah that’s all right what does it do to you as a Barca fan when you hear people in the second division in the English football system comparing their players to some of the best footballers

    Who have ever play the game in shaby in NES I mean you die inside a little ultimate thing it is just like cringe with you’re thinking it’s disgraceful it’s Leicester are not top of the table because of playing siki Saka football that’s that’s the point that made the

    Top of the table because drewsbury Hall Mai DD the defense has been to be fair you got to give Mesa credit the defense has been really really good this season you’ve made good signings I’m not not discrediting anything mesus don’t fans will be like it’s pu a level defense I

    Mean absolute both pass yeah it’s one of though I just don’t think it’ll work for him at Premier League level I I just don’t think it’s the optimal way for them to play I don’t think it’s sustainable um I don’t think it’s fun to watch I do think s Leicester there it

    Feels like there’s another gear to go up for Leicester but I don’t think they’re going to do it playing Ticky Tacker football personally but they are not top of the table because of playing that style of play as I say that that is not the reason the top of the table which is

    You know might be an unpopular opinion but I think anyone at this point in the season you know nine points behind 18 games to go half a point a game we need to make up it’s not impossible it’s absolutely not impossible and we’ve got to play ler as well obviously we’d have

    To beat Leicester to make it realistic but it’s psychologically you look at it um you know in terms of the fact that we can go second at Bristol City psychologically that is absolutely gigantic and we know at this point in the season we’ve seen it to

    Our our downside really you know in the season when we’re going for promotion with Sheffield United how big psychological blows can be over the season you know we never recovered from that wigging game back in 2019 we know how big the psychological blows can be

    Who who knew that Oscar was going to be the enemy of tikit taka like like Sam allise over here no of the three of only if you can play Tick taker I it’s it’s for me it’s the best style of play when you’re watching Bernardo Silva

    Or pedri do it it’s totally different to watching ham sh and Flynn DS trying to do it that’s the point of making yeah um Sol me now say it it doesn’t work in our game solid comparison there Oscar love that mate well that’s what I’m trying to do I’m just saying it I

    Oscar Oscar GMA GMA don’t worry mate we know you you’re the ballman that’s why we have you on the Pod mate because you’re the ballman um 442 puming forward right let let’s speak on this man and I want to shout out sofa score or as Gabe would say sof for score

    Um they are sponsoring the channel at this moment in time everybody and listen they they are they are well worth checking out when it comes analytics and all this good stuff and what we’re going to do at this moment in time it’s free to download with the one leads affiliate

    Link which is in the description below where you can find the patreon link as well and um you can become a YouTube member um Junior furo Oscar um if fact we’ll go to Gabe actually um we we’ll come on to Oscar with a with a final conclusive Point how

    Surprised have you been with this guy because for me at this moment in time listen if the geizer can stay fit yeah if he can stay fit what I loved about him last night I said on the preview last night if he can pocket Jonathan row that’ll be his toughest task Johnny row

    Has been unbelievable this season 13 goals so far norwich’s key outlet and he literally has been one of the top players in the division if fur Poole can somehow nullify him he got tight to him he was able to interpret where he was going inside and outside he was Dynamic

    Going forward as well he’s recovery Pace was decent last night when he was caught out in occasions in transitions um listen this guy at the minute is maybe proving a little bit of an issue when it comes to Le United potentially recruiting for recruiting for a left back because of his performances what

    Are your thoughts yeah I mean it’s look I don’t didn’t really have any doubt that if he was fit he could play at the championship level I mean I don’t I don’t have to keep repeating what I think about the general standard in the championship the question has always

    Been you know can he stay fit and this division for all its warts is a physical league right so it’s hard to play and there’s sometimes there’s a lot of matches in a very short sequence of time as well so um in terms of how he’s actually played it hasn’t blown me away

    Surprised you know he’s had ability um maybe not at the Premier League level that’s the toughest division in the world this isn’t even close to that so I’m happy about it and when you mentioned causing problems I know what you mean but it’s always going to be uh

    Be welcome when our players are are are doing really well and maybe we don’t have to go spend money on on someone else if he can get now there’s always going to be injury concerns with him I mean um but it’s been nice to hear him

    Talk about it a little bit and be a little bit transparent about that he’s disappointed on how things have gone and that he’s just been happy to stay healthy and that he’s finding some confidence and look it’s good for everybody uh so long may it continue I’ll always be a little bit nervous

    Given his track record of injury and sometimes how long it’s taken him to get back into form after um after those injuries but for now he’s gotten a run of games and he’s played well so that’s that’s fantastic Oscar is he as Gabe said I sort of agree with

    Gabe there Premier League he’s gonna get mullered he’s gonna get mullered and I’m never convinced he’s going to be good enough for the Premier League I’m not I just will not be convinced that Junior Pho as a footballer from what I saw with him in the Premier League he’ll be good

    Enough Championship wise can he be one of the best left backs in the division yeah I think what I’d say is is that systems make players okay did anyone see Dan James scoring 10 goals and getting what it six assists I think it is you know no one would have said

    That would Dan James have said he’d get that by January you know I think systems really do make players you know I think the things to mention with thpo is is we can’t can can I just say Oscar so you’re saying if the system was right in the Premier League then potentially Dan

    James well we’ll see you know listen are we convinced Dan James is ready for the Premier League you know that that’s the other question I’m you I think there’s a lot of players in this team where they’re doing great in the championship they”re not necessarily shown they can

    Step up another level you know but that’s not really what we’ve got to worry about too much so far but we can’t act like you know furo has not had success at some points in his career you know he has shown at times you know real glimpses of serious quality you know at

    Season at Bettis and this is the reason I’ve referred to systems make players at Bettis he played left wing back you know he wasn’t playing the back four you know and we know we see Barry Douglas you know mentioned Barry Douglas earlier on he was playing left wing back he wasn’t

    Having to defend it was all about what he was doing going forward and the thing is if you look at the two years before this season you before he’s had this run of games we haven’t done much attacking we’re being on the back foot in the vast

    Majority of games so all you’re doing is magnifying the weak there’s no doubt about it Junior furo defensively is not one of the better defenders in the not one of the better left backs in this league but going forwards I I think you know you look at what he can do with the

    Delivery you know terms of from the wide areas the decision Deion making has been really sharp and I think we’re now seeing part of it because of the drop down and part of the fact that he’s playing the closest by far to his position that he was at Betis now in

    This Daniel farker team know the fact that Archie gray tooks in a lot more we are effectively a back three off the ball you know whether it’s guev dropping in aren’t you tucking him from the right hand side we’re effectively back free and Junior furo is effectively a wing

    Back in this team you know he’s that far forward and I think you’re now seeing the stronger parts of his game we’re more possession based we’re not trying to play a transitional game you know he’s able to stick high up the pitch and listen Junior furo has always had weak

    Parts to his game you know he’s always had weak parts to his game where you thought oh you know I was amazed when he signed for Barcelona I’m not gonna lie to you um but he’s he has got his positive bits you know that’s that’s

    What you got to add into it um but yeah listen in terms of what we need this Le’s team someone to overlap creno Somerville I think he’s been the most convincing so far and I think s Byron’s played really well but the fact that Junior f just has an extra bit of

    Quality in the final third the fact he’s a left footed left back something we haven’t had for a long long time but it won’t get too carried away you know listen it’s still only four or five games no no have to keep hammering that home that point and you don’t you know

    Because it feels like if Junior Fair has one bad game it feels like oh sell him get rid get rid you know the reality is Junior furo will have a bad game at some point everyone in the team will have a bad game at some point but I think with

    Furo if he does have a bad game it will be bigger it’ll be mag Oscar the the the issue is he’s not played games so if you’re not playing got injuries and suspensions you know we know furo loves to tackle um you we know that much you

    Know he’s always a risk of you get Lov the Y car Jesus just important to remember too that the competition makes everything look better so if like the reality is we’re in this division we should be talking and we are about how someone plays at this division but

    There’s it doesn’t matter who the manager is I I do just agree with what you’re saying in essence Oscar that certain players are built to thrive in certain systems but what I actually think is that the success of the system is entirely built upon the players so if

    You have players that are are more like you can be a systems ideologue if you have perfect players if not it’s the Premier League is not a place where playing in a particular system is going to make somebody play out of their skin and I think no hang on you’re not making

    This point the people in the comments are uh I think there’s been comments about like Dan James that oh if he’s under farus system in the Premier League then he’ll be better the reality is that Dan James is putting up the numbers he’s putting up for the same reason Adam

    Armstrong is putting up the numbers he’s putting up and we could go up and down the championship the same reason Josh Sergeant scored five goals in 11 games because he’s playing in the championship that’s why yeah but yeah yeah yeah but Gabe Gabe Gabe Gabe Gabe you’ve got to

    Judge it on where we are now you can’t look too far ahead you have got to judge that’s why I said agreed for this level right in the beginning uh uh uh I’ll say it again for this level absolutely I think is Junior furo can stay healthy

    Dan James should be right where he is I’m not unhappy with these players at this level I think all I’m responding to is the some of the discourse we’re getting in especially in the comments section about well if we go up with Fara then I expect this this player to be the

    Same player it’s not gonna be the same no you’re right you’re right no you are right that there’s a lot of players you can say that about though you know up and downar be able to do what he does at Championship level at the Premier League

    Level you know will gu be able to do that you know I think I’ll be able to you know step up to you know Melia there’s a lot of players you can question that about that’s why that’s that’s why Oscar just a just a chime in

    Before you get going mate that is why there is so many that I have a massive problem when it comes to fans saying doesn’t matter if we get to the Premier League we’re we’re gonna finish x y and Zed in terms of the mid in terms of midt because of

    What we’re doing right now this squad needs absolutely turfing up and the be the most beneficial thing of what this squad has right now is is a good defensive record and that is something that you can build on in the Premier League yeah I think I think you know

    Obviously we’re looking a lot into the future here but I do think the foundations of this team I think farer himself has evolved a lot you know we have to add that you know Daniel farer even at Championship level never had his team off out of possession as good as

    What we are right now defensively you know we look so structured we we hardly M hardly has anything to do you know most gam do you think that’s because of farco or because he has better players now I think he’s a bit both you know I

    Think you got to say that what okay right look at the back line you’ve only added Joe RH on to that back line really if you think about it all right Archie Gray’s come from the academy but he’s the only new signing in that back line and right yes he’s I personally think

    Joe ‘s the best center back in the league you know I think Pascal’s obviously well up there as well but you can’t just put it down just to Joe rhen you got to say Daniel farus system as well I’m just saying though osar like you’ve gotten position position I don’t

    Disagree with you you think those two are two of the best center halves you think that are three Center midfielders are three of the best center midfielders in the division you think our Wingers are some of the Best Wingers in the division and I think the only position

    We don’t farer he’s improved a lot of his players you know in terms of you know Pascal I think there’s no doubt about that he’s improved Pascal he’s he’s got more out of his ball play and and I think the other thing i’ add about Dan James is yes the drop downs

    Definitely helped Dan James but even in the Swansea shirt you know when he was getting linked to man united when he was getting linked to us he was never striking the ball the way he struck the ball last couple of weeks you know this season you look at some of the goals

    Don’t we see the correlation between the teams that have recently gone down and the teams that are playing the best in this division because they have more players that have been in the Premier League and also also also with that once again we have to contextualize every single time

    The division that we’re in the division that we’re in has to be taken into con and not only that but you we can say Pascal’s improved because of Daniel farat I’m not taking that away from farat presum he has done that and I presume you are looking at a better

    Player in Pascal Stout but contextualization is the fact that he’s also next to Joe rhon which is natur going to improve Pascal Stout in comparison to let’s say a robin [ __ ] or Liam Cooper yeah of course but you say that about any team at this level you say it

    About like is is Pep that good when he’s you know been a to sign like people like Ruben Diaz and that like you no matter how good the manager is they’re still going to need quality in that team you know no matter what still going to need

    The right profiles in the right areas and I think he’s about finding those right profiles and I think we’ve done that um but my point is you know you look at certain goals Dan James has scored this season for example you know it doesn’t really matter what league

    He’s in you we’ve seen him smash you know Finding find the top corner from 20 yards out it is Unthinkable Dan James is doing that you know even in the Swansea shirt when he was playing his best football he just didn’t do that he didn’t I remember that man united goal

    He scored everybody was sure he was on his way do you remember that yeah but that’s like what a oneoff example but some of the finishes he’s produced you know sorry Oscar I but the fact of the matter is it’s not like he’s getting loads more chances he’s just a lot more

    Ruthless and I think you got to say youo look at people like buend di he played his best football under farer I think he’s just a very good onetoone coach you I’m not saying his bl’s a level in that regard I’m not saying that at all but I

    Think You’ got to say It’s a combination of things this season for us we’ve got quality players we should be a team that’s very minimum pushing for top two but you you have to remember no one at the start of the Season no one would have said georgino rter and Dan James

    And to an extent to an extent Somerville are going to lead a promotion charge they’ve been saying people like Sina you know how many people through the tower as soon ASA left I’m not saying they’re wrong to do that by the way but you know all hopes disappeared you know that

    That’s got to be an element of credit to Daniel farker in that regard let’s get on to Plymouth because we’ve not touched on that yet uh Gabe do you rotate the entire Squad uh or do you look at keeping a couple of first seers in there

    I think I’ve I’ve I’ve he marks when I’ve looked at the starting lineup sort of four or five first team has still been in there but I definitely would look at integrating a couple of well more than a couple of youth players what what are your thoughts yeah I’m I’m

    Going to answer your question with a question of my own Connor to be a little bit obnoxious but I actually think it centers on the point do you start a player like uh Matteo Joseph or do you because you know when when else is he gonna get a run out of

    Games right because we have to win more most of our games but it is important to develop right or because he’s such a confidence player you continue to go with Bamford and play the hot hand and hope that it just continues his confidence go going into because you

    Know all things being equal I know we’ve criticize him and we’ve done fairly so but when if he’s playing like this we’re gonna be very very difficult to beat U because even when he’s I I think it’s mental if he doesn’t start Joel Pro in this game mental

    Really yeah yeah I do I think if he if he doesn’t if perau has been emitted from the side which he has been for the past what what five games now if he doesn’t start this game if I’m Joel Pro I’m raging yeah no I think you’re probably right I think you’re probably

    Right uh what if you play some the 10 but you know we would rather say I I I genuinely I’m going to the game at the weekend if you’re given me who i’ rather see I’d love to see Joseph I’d love to see him start yeah something and if he

    Doesn’t get in in a match like this or at least I think you’re probably right go with pero and then play play Joseph at half time or something like that because I mean at some point you have to play some these young guys now I’m not

    One of those one of those fans that thinks that Joe I think mentioned my haircut like five times we’re back on this yeah all right the French crop and Grimsby bring it all back um but no you do have to get those players in the side but

    You’re not going to play them in a high stakes match in the league right so um yeah so to answer the question that you actually ask I think heavy rotation uh you need to give some players some opportunities but I mean but then again there’s some players that are gone no

    Matter what and I wouldn’t waste my time with them um I I don’t think peda is like I’m just why play peda you know like what what do you get out of playing Yan pava We’re Not Gonna recoup anything from him he’s out of here summer right

    How about we move on to uh score predictions I’m going to go with a I think it’s going to be a a medium sort of rotated side and I’m going to go with a narrow I think keeping that home form up is is definitely something that these

    Literally need to do in terms of momentum because I’d love to keep that record up I’m going to go with a narrow similar exact well exact same actually 2-1 win over plmouth like last time Gabe yeah that seems to be the lucky score line that we’re playing with at least we

    Don’t lose when we call out that score line um I’m gonna say two nil lead United with clean sheet giggity Gay Thoughts everybody else what does everybody else think uh Oscar what your thoughts mate um yeah I reckon 2-1 I think Plymouth are good team to beer

    Plymouth in terms of they’ve got some really really fun players in that team you know players that you can easily see you know potentially getting moves you know Morgan whisker is probably the one you look at I think he’s a fantastic player possibly the best right-sided

    Player in the league you know in terms of you’re going off form and that lot um but what I’d say is I’m gonna go with I’m gonna go with Adam Armstrong because I feel like he’s been playing on that yeah yeah I mean he’s up there he’s up

    There there’s a few obvious you I mean fat will I’ve got a thr F in there he’s just phenomenal um but but yeah you look at it and I’d agree with youon I think medium changes you know in terms of there will be some changes but I don’t

    Think it’ll be whole scale I’d like to see the players who are bang on form you know like to Bamford um you know keeping their place in the team you know just to keep that momentum building furo keeping that momentum um you know whil because I

    Think the confidence players in a lot of way so I just think keep that confidence building and if you need to sub them off you know early doors go for it um I’d agree with you as well Oscar Oscar as well could it’ be JB and Adam

    Fora yeah Factor isn’t it it’s um it’s the that isn’t it um you know listen I think um you know for sure as well you know if he can get a run of games you know he’s a really capable player at this level um so that’ll be interesting in that regard

    As well um JB can JB play against us though he’s only only would he not be he’s on loan he can’t play yeah I would have thought he could play we’re gonna see Adam forw in there aren’t we it’s but yeah we’ll probably see foresaw um but yeah it’s it’s it’s

    It’s a tough game but I think keep the players in a this moment in time maybe not for shock up tide potentially so see either playing against us because JB is on so there we go Smash down I’d also love to see Joseph get some decent amount of

    Minutes in this game I just think he I think he’s a real potential option for us off the bench you know in certain games you know the fact we’ve got five Subs um Matias isn’t I think Matias is probably dead on here and sort of AIDS

    To what Gabe was saying I see in the turn but he well that’s where he plays he’s not a nine for goodness I think it will be I can’t see per going nine from the start from the start of the game I just don’t really see it I don’t see it

    Really what if he plays per with do you know what I want to see in this game I want to see a Joe rhon header that’s what I want to see a Joe R it’ll be a header away out of the box oh no I want

    Him to corners and long throws Tony is Stoke we’re just terrible at set pieces Lads were terrible on we don’t ever score on get him watching Ryan shc cross videos yeah we need our own Bight but let’s leave it there it’s been a bumper episode an hour and 15 you lucky Devils

    We’ll have something more coming on the patreon a little bit later on but thank you Gabe for joining you’re welcome Connor thanks for invting me every week thank you and thank you Oscar for joining really appr really appreciate it and we’ll be back next week with the

    Addition of the U debrief we might even have a blonde fellow who is is the manager of oet town joining us if he can uh join us on the night but guys thank you so much and we will see you in a bit cheers


    1. Don't think we'll win. There are worlds where we get 2nd place. But we need to be so clinical in the remaining performances of the season. We have to be able to capitalise on Southampton slipping at some point, because those instances will be few and far between. I see Ipswich finishing 4th and don't really feel too worried about them. If it comes to us vs Ipswich at Wembley, I'd back us, but I'd rather not be in that position regardless

    2. Agree with Oscar a lot of the metrics for this season point to farke coaching us in a way which will be far more effective in the premier league. So far we have Least xg against, most xg created, most possession won in the final third.

    3. They need to stop the play-off nonsense and go back to the top 3 go up its not a fair system. You could be 3rd 10 points diff and still not go up not fair at all. They dont do it for going down.

    4. I hear comments about 49ers should get working in the transfer window. It's as if there is a shop that you walk in and just choose a player. Any one who comes will want to play

    5. We woulda been top of the league now if we started with this team. Or at least another 6-10 points. That’s the takeover fault not Farke s , but we have to keep winning and beat Leicester at home then the Leagues open

    6. Depends how much Paraag wants to go up. If it’s as much as us fans he will cough up the loan fees etc for Godfrey and some full backs. The Leeds now are different to the Andreas Leeds they don’t broadcast who we’re going for they just turn up they’re the complete opposite to Radz

    7. How can people say gnonto can play in prem, when he can not perform in championship !!! Championship is poor standard, thats why some players look great, gnonto does nothing !!!

    8. Just to echo your point conor about things being a distraction from certain parental issues, just wanted to say a big thank you to you and the lads for helping me out for an hour or so .🤍💛💙

    9. My comment was totally taken the wrong way before and my others weren't read where I elaborated I was not taking anything away from Bielsa I also see him as the second coming of christ 😂 like everyone else. I was speaking to all the ppl that were not happy with farke and was making the point that he has more points than Bielsas promoted team had at this point and Bielsa did take 2 years so let's trust in what farke is doing as he is getting the best out of players, I was a fan when Howard Wilkinson got us promoted consecutively to win the title but I wouldn't compare any of them as they all have different squads and different challenges all great managers that's great to watch MOT

    10. IF (and big if) Firpo and Bamford stay fit for the rest of the season while keeping or improving their current form, I wouldnt mind them being bench options in the prem. Still need to upgrade for the starting 11 still for sure. Actually all but 2-3 shouldnt be in the starting 11 if/when we go up. Great stuff as usual!

    11. Fair enough we can’t guarantee minutes that younger players want but why can’t we get an older player in who is happier to play a supporting role. I’m all for buying for the future but what about right now. We need more options

    12. Back in Wilkos day he brought in Steve Hodge, a top quality player who came in and made important contributions off the bench. Guess we're not going to see the likes of that happening again, but maybe thats the sort of player we need

    13. Big problem here is the fans are being led up the garden path ref incoming players by all these YouTube sites everyone passing on different rumours to see who gets the most subscribers

    14. Farke won the window. Rumours pointing towards the we need to strengthen camp. Four straight wins and as he said he trusts the squad and his January elevations of Bamford and Gruev prove him right. He deserves a bit more trust and love ?

    15. The average record of the remaining away fixture teams are 8 wins, 12 losses and 8 draws. That is decidedly in the lower half of the table. I think they get to around 95 points by the end of the season.

    16. In terms of this current team in the championship, defensive wise it’s good, and we’d be fine if we didn’t do anything until the summer
      We need a CAM certainly, and I’d say another ST that’s good on corners and has a solid shot. Our attack managed to only get 1 for 12 shot attempts, and if one of Norwich’s close calls went in, it’s a completely different vibe here.

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