It’s time to leave Salisbury and head home. There aren’t any other campsites nearby that are open at this time of year. And Garry certainly couldn’t cope with wild camping.

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    #bicycletouring #cycling #england

    Morning all another cold night last night although I don’t think it was cold as it was the night before um there was certainly No frost um this morning yeah it’s definitely a bit fresh um I think we’re just going to head home uh today I’ve probably said

    This last night but never mind I was good to repeat yourself yeah I probably just head home home today uh maybe stop home for a night or two and then go out again although uh somebody I was talking to uh yesterday said that um there’s meant to be rain coming in

    Great well I don’t know where I was I’m the battery cut out um there’s definitely uh one of those batteries see seems to have packed up so but at least I know which one it is now so I’ll replace that one or other order one when we get

    Home yeah I think we’re just going to sort of go maybe as direct the route home as possible um I might even just well going on the last two days performances um we might only make it as far as um Southampton oh and then thank

    You and then perhaps get on a train but we’ll see how we feel once we get over to Southampton right let’s get over this little Bridge what building over over there oh let get P his dog and I’ll turn you around perhaps I’ll wait until I cross the Road oh I knew you stop to try come on oh oh going get seasick that morning o new offer well oh shall we oh dear um deep it I don’t think it’s that deep go okay got for that don’t want to pull in any water today BL me that would be cold oh

    Ow what gives you the idea it’s rush hour behind me come on somebody let me out please thank I think it must be a bit colder today my um fingertips were absolutely Frozen well we’ not been going long we’ve only just come out of soulsbury but there’s a big hill coming so maybe

    Some of the heat generated from that will go down to my fingers certainly has worked my fingertips are quite warm now although I’m sure they’ll soon uh call down once we start going down I’m I’m not I’m thinking now I’m going to stop at the top of the hill here um

    This old Southampton Road I might head down there I’m sure I’ve done it before I should just consult the M though just in case um the only reason being I’ve not been that way for a long time although I do seem to remember it was quite

    Hilly but I’ll have a look at the topic cuz we meant to turn left just up the road there there so I’ll have a look I think I must have imagined coming or going down that old road cuz well looking at the map it doesn’t go far

    Before it goes onto the main A36 and that is a busy road but I suppose um Years Gone by it wouldn’t have perhaps surprised me if I did cycle on that I did used to go on the main roads as I’ve said many times now we’re we’re going to stick to

    The um cycle route which is it’s the normal way that we come and go a little py care hunting going back throwing I think I’m going to have to stop soon and swap over uh coat I’m getting rather hot in this one of course probably will cycle home cuz well it doesn’t matter

    What time I get home tonight I’ve only got to go in turn heating on and that’s it don’t have to worry about putting some tent up and I might even get fishing chips for supper although that’s a long way off that’s interesting it’s not interesting really um really in

    Southampton um who knows what way we’ve come in but we have um we’re right by um Southampton Hospital which is where I think I’ve got to go about my back I’m sure that’s where the neurosurgeons are based glad SE up a bloody Hill might not be cycling

    There this is very pleasant um sou an and common think I probably come up through here before who knows but why do you always get a bloody runny nose when it’s cold where does it all come from not liking the direction of this wind I think it’s um

    Northeast of Leos saw which probably explains why it’s so cold today it’s colder today than way it has been so far can tell by the way my nose is running all the time well this beat’s going over that in a bridge this is not such a big

    Hill although no doubt will end up going up some Hill soon I might have to stop and put um the Hat on really quite cold today don’t normally wear one but he’s being and all that we did come up a hill I never realized Southampton is a hilly I

    Suppose the way we normally go sticking along the by the coast there it probably would be flatter I was just debating whether I to go right um which takes us down to the um uh sort of usual cycle grou down to uh wses but I think for a

    Change we’re going to stick on this Main Road even though I know there’s a bloody big hill further down but hey ho look used to be a nursery on the left there now it’s bling a new house in the state there’s that bloming h on on [Applause]

    The could be so bad if there’s a c and I don’t think no Reas or we could if I can get over I’m going to go where go don’t think I can oh oh IU can tell NE it went the bag right I’m going to stop and have a look

    Yeah should have done then come on oh all right that’s say then we’ll get the uh cport ferry to fors smouth that wind’s blown across here oh me rather open was closed nothing to do with us there’s more houses going up to the right there let me a little bit of

    Landing let’s just stick a load of houses on it all right I got a cross be annoying if I have which I think we do come on a little detour just wanted to see if um the aircraft carriers are in you can see or not in the

    Distance right let’s go and get that gosport Ferry back to Portsmouth must admit they don’t really look much but they have much do they cost a billion P each or something look there we go got B Ferry I don’t even need to buy a ticket I got one from last

    Year I saw this boat uh last week I done had my camera in me then and think so yeah I think it got blown here on the on that storm Hank I think it was looks like it’s probably been abandoned now probably be there left to rot well we’re nearly home we’ve just

    Um come through chich oh god um we not made um two B time really it’s halfast 5 so to be honest I didn’t think I’d get home till about 7 so but yeah I think we should be home by Quast 6 um oh God he knows uh depends if I stop off fishing

    Chips which I think there is a very strong case that I might well we made it home um I didn’t bother stopping at the um chip shop um well a I wanted to go home and B it was um quite busy so we’ve literally just got in um the Tank’s hanging up

    Everything is here soen got um I’ve put everything indoors and I’ll sort it out in a minute um myage for today is is 76 so not too bad oh BL me 76 and 222 in uh total since um we left the other day um as I say I think I’m going

    To be home for well I’ll definitely be home tomorrow um we might head off again after that somewhere um not too sure although like I say there there’s rain forecast so if starts to rain we definitely won’t go I don’t mind this cold but not the rain right well

    Hopefully hopefully I shall speak to you all soon goodbye


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