The 5 things I like about Aberdeen Scotland from my experience living there for 3 years. Aberdeen is beautiful and I would love to go back there someday but I’m appreciative of the experience and living near the sea within a 5 minute walk. If you haven’t checked out my previous video on 5 things i dislike about Aberdeen click here

    Let me know your thoughts in the comments below if you live or have lived in Aberdeen.

    Please like and subscribe if you like this content and follow us on tiktok to help support the channel. Thank you for watching guys and I’ll see you in the next video 😀

    #Mexico #uk #likes

    Hi guys and welcome to another video this is my five likes living in aine and we’re starting with number one which is living close to Nature uh it’s surrounded by mountains Cliffs um uh Forest a lot of greenery and it’s right next to the biggest National Park in the UK which is K

    Gams uh it’s about an hour and 40 minutes maybe um from abedine so it’s not that bad and like I said it’s just surrounded by all different uh different spots that you can go and explore in abedine truly breathtaking truly amazing you won’t be disappointed number two is this scale of the

    Town um it’s not very big it’s not very small it’s just in between so me that’s quite perfect in other words um everything’s quite close together um apart from some houses quite far out it depends where you want to live I live about 20 minutes away from the city

    Everything was convenient the buses the trains the shopping centers you name it um yeah it’s ve very convenient for everyone I think especially students and it’s not that expensive to live in the city center but I won’t recommend it because I don’t think the places look that

    Great um depends what you you’re looking to get number three you’re living right next to the beach which is a big Pro I mean h you know if if you want want to just go and chill out or if you want to just clear your head a bit or go

    With family you can just take a scrub uh a sorry a walk on the beach and it’s really nice really refreshing uh it’s it’s not an ugly Beach either it’s quite beautiful and it’s a long stretch um up to the bridge of dawn um at the end of there is is really nice

    And you see all the boats you see all the windmills you see dolphins you see sea lions yeah it’s pretty cool and it’s really nice to to have that experience uh of living in within a 5 10 minute walk to the beach for me uh which I really

    Enjoyed so yeah number three is the beach number four is the work you can find work pretty easy in my opinion and I never troubled getting a job um but for the first year I had about three jobs then the second year I went full-time doing deliveries on my

    Bike which is to me was quite perfect the town cuz like I said it wasn’t too big it wasn’t too small and the waiting times weren’t not uh much so you you could get on to the next delivery and earn more money it was quite good

    Um I really enjoyed it so if if you ever in if you’re ever in a and you can’t find a job just get yourself a bike a cheap push bike uh earn some money is very hilly and it’ll it’ll take you a bit of getting used to

    Uh then once you got enough money get electric bike and you can earn more money and trust me it’s it’s a nice job nice easy going your your own boss and it’s um it’s it’s good to make money number five is the local businesses you have quite a lot of

    Commercial things don’t get me wrong but there’s a lot of local businesses as well uh popping up in aine uh like vegan Bay uh there’s Mount Cafe um Bandit bakeries many many options many options for food food which I really enjoyed and many options for vegans cuz I was

    Plant-based well I still am but now and again I’ll have maybe an egg or a piece of cheese who knows but uh the options for food is pretty amazing and I would say the best desserts as well going to get uh you going to get amazing cinnamon buns Donuts

    Uh cookies everything you can think of really nice uh options there so if you if you like the video guys um please give it a thumbs up it would mean a lot and leave a comment below on any thoughts that you have on abidine if you

    Liked it or you dislike it and if you haven’t seen my previous video on my on my five dislikes of aine check out here and hit the Subscribe button if you haven’t subscribed already it would mean a lot and we’ll see you in the next video guys take Care

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