#truecrime #documentary #truecrimedocumentary #creepy #scary #investigation #unsolved #serialkiller #scarystories #unsolvedmystery #horrorstories #crimestories #scarystory

    Tags: true crime, documentary, true crime documentary, creepy, scary, investigation, unsolved, serial killer, scary stories, unsolved mystery, horror stories, crime stories, scary story, true stories, stories, horror, scariest, true, cold case detective, crime, cold case, true horror, true crime stories, unexplained mystery, found online, unexplained mysteries, scary videos, scary mysteries, scary events, law, murder, true crime podcast, unsolved mysteries, crime documentary, psychology, top5, top 5, explore with us, unexplained, real stories

    Is this just really good magic or something way more Sinister okay so the video I’m about to show you might be the best magic trick ever or something way more Sinister this man apparently has the ability to control Shadows just watch this magic trick and let’s talk

    About it after can I see the Shadow the shadow of your hands with my hands can I see the shadow okay I see 1 2 three take your hands away 1 2 3 so yeah guys how crazy is this this man is either the best magician on the

    Planet or has some sort of voodoo spells I don’t know how it would react if somebody did this to me and I really never want to find out this isn’t altered or edited at all so how in the world did he do this here’s the video

    One more time so let me know your thoughts on this in the comments see sh the shadow of your hands with my hands can I see the shadow okay let I see 1 2 three take your hands away 1 2 I took someone’s life because I was obsessed with True Crime Story my name is Yung Yu Jong and I’m a 23-year-old Korean woman like many people I’m passionate about true crime and horror films but one day I decided to take action I became obsessed with the idea

    Of killing someone I began to devise a plan to find the perfect victim so I signed up to a tutoring app pretending to be my mother I scanned over 50 profiles on the app to find a young woman of 26 who taught English she lived alone and tutored from home which

    Unfortunately made her the perfect victim for me I dressed up as a student and went to her house after we agreed to meet as soon as I entered her house I stabbed her over a hundred times until she died afterwards I stuffed her body into suitcases and threw them into a

    River I thought I’d committed the Perfect Crime but it wasn’t so I was recorded by the security cameras with traces of blood entering and leaving leaving her house on several occasions what’s more the cab driver noticed these blood stains and after dropping me off he contacted the police thanks to this

    They managed to catch me I’m currently in prison and my case will be reviewed in 20 years do you think I deserve another chance this is an incredibly disturbing True Crime update from New York a one-year-old child has been killed and three other children remain in hospital after substance

    Paraphernalia was found at a nurse three in the Bronx the New York Police Department received a call on the 15th of September regarding three unconscious children four children that were in the care of the staff at the deino Nino daycare appeared to have come into contact with a substance that led to

    Hospitalization of three of the children we know that disturbingly one child was Dead on Arrival and the cause of death is believed to be a direct result of the interaction with the substance police stated all three children were un responsive and demonstrating symptoms of O exposure a life-saving substance was

    Administered to all three of these children in attempt to save their lives the children in hospital are thought to be an 8-month-old girl a one-year-old boy and a 2-year-old boy following the 911 call the police inspected the nursery disturbingly they found a kilo press now if you aren’t aware this is an

    Item that is commonly used by substance dealers when packing large quantities of substances this man stabbed his mom to death over AAL LaVine tickets in March 2008 39-year-old Robert Lions was living in Chicago he’d been living with his mother for about a year 61-year-old Linda bck the pair had apparently not

    Been getting on very well at all and had several arguments in the lead up to the fateful day on the 14th of March Robert saw that there were tickets going for an AAL LaVine concert he was so desperate to go that he would kill for these tickets his mom actually refused to buy

    Robert the tickets and in a rage Robert hit her over the head with a bottle of champagne he then stabbed her nine times the attack was actually so brutal that he ended up breaking the weapon not content with savagely killing his mother he then poured household cleaner all

    Over her before leaving the house he then casually went to a book shop bought a book and drove around for a few hours authorities ended up hunting hunting him down and finding him at a local Hooters Bar Robert’s defense in court was that he suffered with mental illness he was

    Diagnosed with bipolar disorder and was apparently not taking his medication at the time of the killing he was eventually sentenced to 40 years in prison for this absolutely hideous crime are all professional sports rigged watch this video and let me know what you think I’m was like listen the closeout

    Game is the hardest game in your life and they be like why and I can’t say can you say I can’t say but I’m like no fam listen like this is the hardest game you’ll ever play in your life [ __ ] no I’ll tell it go ahead you got to be the the

    Vehicle the vehicle the vehicle no it’s real though no no I remember we about to play game seven uh 2012 so we’re about to play the Celtics or whatever game seven so I’m hype as hell I’m like yeah bro we got a gain seven like we out the

    BAM like this going to be lit so alen’s like you know we going to have to win by 15 just to win by one so I’m like what you mean he said bro this is the NBA is entertainment like LeBron is in a heat or waiting

    Would you rather watch the celest or the Sixers play the Heat I’m going be honest with you I’m on a team I wouldn’t even watch the Sixers play the Heat type [ __ ] like so we get in this game you how much money the NBA is going to lose like this

    You know type [ __ ] I mean I guess like a decent the mind like would you watch that game next week it was a Heat versus Sixers I’m like n like okay then so like that’s why I’m telling you take M and M from this I’m like what he’s like

    Millions of memories cuz this is entertainment damn what a bar this place was built just to live out the dark fantasies of its creator on some unsuspecting guests it’s HH Holmes’s Hotel of Horrors so Holmes moved to Chicago in the late 1800s so that he could open a hotel for the 1893 Chicago

    World’s Fair apparently he was a hit amongst the ladies even though I don’t see it but I guess it was slim Pickins amongst those that didn’t die of tuberculosis in their youth and this hotel was full of Nefarious instruments down in the basement there was an incinerator that was person sized he had

    A shoot that went from a windowless room all the way down to the basement there were rooms that were either completely sealed or had too many doors in order to confuse guests guests would often complain about their doors being jiggled at night as if someone was trying to get

    In their room and as the hotel was being built workers would constantly complain about HH homes as we weird Behavior there were reports that he would ask people working on the hotel if they were willing to kill another worker for him and if they said no he would fire them

    And this children is why we need unions not to mention a shocking number of women were disappearing from the hotel so this is the part of the video where you get to guess what he was doing in there and we’re going to say it together

    On the count of three ready 1 2 3 skeleton harvesting that’s right he was harvesting skeletons to sell to a local medical school this only lasted for 2 years until he was found and convicted of murder but some report rep say he killed up to 200 people in there mostly

    Women some people also believe that he was dra the Ripper but that is for another video anyways we’re going to talk about more scary homes later bye pretended to be the perfect mom on Tik Tok but ended up killing my three-year-old daughter my name is Nicholas priest and I’m a 23-year-old

    American Girl I used to post videos of me dancing with my 3-year-old daughter Kaye I pretended to have a very good relationship with her I made people like me but I was was hiding a very dark secret I didn’t love my daughter I didn’t care about her I just used her to

    Gain subscribers when the camera was off I beat her brutally every day and didn’t even look at her she was a burden to me I started dating Callum we were totally in love and sometimes even beat my daughter together on August 9th 2020 I invited my boyfriend to my house to make

    Love we locked Kaye in a room while we did our thing however she began to cry very loudly she was just getting in the way of my sex life so my boyfriend and I hit her so hard that she started vomiting and fainting after that we laid

    Her on the bed and went back to our thing when we finished we noticed a strange silence in my daughter’s room and when we went in she wasn’t breathing we called the ambulance but it was too late the autopsy revealed that Kaye had broken ribs beforehand it was also

    Revealed fed that her death had not been instantaneous but that she had been suffering for hours my boyfriend was sentenced to 14 years and I to 15 for involuntary manslaughter do you think this is a fair sentence this is 21-year-old Daniel Abed khif Daniel was a serving soldier in the British army

    Working as a computer network engineer for the Royal corpse of signals however earlier this year Daniel was charged with Terror offenses after placing three canisters with wires at an RAF base in Stafford with the intention of inducing the belief that the canisters could explode or ignite he’s also accused of

    Eliciting information that could be useful to a terrorist he was arrested earlier this year after an investigation by Scotland yard’s counterterrorism command and he was being held at hmp wesworth in Southwest London but yesterday on Wednesday 6th of September he managed to escape he was working as a

    Chef in the prison’s kitchen and he managed to cling on to the bottom of a delivery van and be transported out of the prison grounds and into London Police have absolutely no idea where Daniel is right now airports and Ferry ports are now on high alert and police

    Are asking the public not to approach Daniel if he’s spotted but to dial 999 immediately he was wearing a white Chef’s shirt red checked trousers and brown steel toeat boots although it’s possible he may have changed into something else and it’s unclear whether he had help doubts are now being raised

    About the security at ones with prison and why Daniel was being held there in the first place with it being a category B Prison terror suspects are usually held at category a prisons such as B Marsh I’ll be keeping an eye out for the live updates and let’s all hope that

    He’s found soon just as this young mother was escaping from her abusive partner the unthinkable happened this case is the perfect example of of why people are so afraid to leave abusive Partners 19-year-old Amelia Arnold was a devoted mother she lived in stevenage and had been dating at 22-year-old Jack

    Wall jack was reportedly abusive to her throughout the relationship and she’d actually seek help from a CBT therapist Amelia confided in her therapist that the verbal and physical abuse started in August 2012 she reported how Jack had threatened to snap her neck as she slept

    On one occasion he threw a table and a pair of scissors at her he had hit her around the head and kicked her but she was too scared to report it to police she was really frightened because he threatened to kill her if she told anybody and she was right to be afraid

    Her therapist was obviously concerned and sign posted her to the Women’s Resource Center as well as referring her to Child Services Amelia seemed to be really trying to get out of the relationship and in September 2012 she reached out to the council she requested their help in getting rehoused with her

    Little girl away from Jack on the on the 8th of November however Jack confronted Amelia and the pair got into an argument he hit her around the head using a dumbbell-like object and then strangled her once she was dead he took wires from his games console and tied her body up

    He then called his uncle 42-year-old Joseph Potter who shockingly agreed to come and help him dispose of her body he agreed to bury her with him in the local Woods Amelia’s body was discovered in Hatfield in the local Woodlands 3 days later Jack would go on to admit

    Manslaughter in court but claim he never meant to kill Amelia the jury though saw straight through this story and found him guilty of murder he was given life in prison with a minimum of 19 years and his uncle got just 2 and a half years when this girl vanished it would be a

    Decade before a random member of the public solved the mystery it was September 2010 and Paige Johnson was just 17 years old Paige was from Florence in Kentucky and had a 2-year-old daughter for that reason it was very out of character when she suddenly vanished she was last seen on

    The 23rd of September driving round Covington she had been with 22-year-old Jacob Bumpass the last time Paige’s family had seen her was actually the night of the 22nd she’d asked her mom if she could go to her sister’s apartment in Covington Jacob claimed that he had dropped her off around 1:00 a.m. that

    Morning not far from her sister’s apartment initial searches were unsuccessful and there was no sign of paig it was like she’d vanished into th air her case went cold and her family was understandably confused and heartbroken rumors were Rife in the area about what may have happened to paig and

    Many pointed the finger at Jacob he was rumored to have been very uncooperative with police however it would be a Whole Decade before there was any news on March the 22nd 2020 a member of the public from Williamsburg was out hunting for dear antlers horrifically he came

    Across a human skull his wife called police to report the finding and police headed over to inspect the the scene there they also discovered a rib bone sadly the remains were confirmed to be paage in July that same year Jacob was finally arrested he was charged with

    Abuse of a corpse and tampering with evidence frustratingly though police didn’t have enough evidence to charge him with homicide due to the state of the decomposition there was no evidence of trauma and obviously just the small remains of a skeleton that meant there was also no way to do any toxicology

    Tests they couldn’t determine how she died and whether or not it was intentional they could however prove that Jacob was guilty of leaving Paige’s body in a wooded area and they managed to track where both Paige and Jacob’s phones had been that night Jacob’s phone pinged at around 4:00 a.m. on the night

    In question just over a mile from where Paige’s body was found he was found guilty of the original charges and given just four years in prison what nothing in there mate look at that what look at that on May 27th 2018 this man was pulled over by a police officer because

    He had a broken tail light on his vehicle when the officer approached Stuart weldon’s vehicle however he looked in the back seat and noticed that there was a woman back there tied up bound and gagged she somehow managed to scream out that she had been kidnapped and the officers placed Stuart under

    Arrest upon being interviewed by the police the woman then claimed that Stuart had held her captive for an entire month and during that month he had tortured her beaten her with a hammer and repeatedly assaulted her she was then treated for multiple injuries including a broken jaw stab wounds marks

    From being hit by a blunt instrument and even a leg infection after Stuart was arrested however his mom called the police and stated that she had noticed a foul odor emanating from Stewart’s home and after police obtained a search warrant and and headed to Stuart’s house pictured right here they were shocked by

    What they found in the basement of the home which Stuart shared with his mother they found the decomposing body of a Woman They then searched the property and found another body under a tarp and another body in the garage these bodies belong to three local missing women 26-year-old Kayla Escalante 34-year-old

    America Leiden and 47-year-old Ernestine Ryan as it turned out Stewart was a career criminal who had been arrested 14 different times in the past he had been arrested on charges of assault of assaulting a police officer of burglary of fleeing from the police so it was very clear that Stuart wasn’t a very

    Good man but like I said no one could have expected the discovery of those three bodies rotting in his mother’s home that day as it turned out Stuart had kidnapped these three women at different times held them captive in his torture room in his basement repeatedly assaulted them day after day for

    Extended period periods of time then when he had gotten sick of the women he had murdered them and buried them there on the property thankfully Stuart is serving three consecutive life sentences meaning he’ll never see the light of day outside of prison again but I can’t just

    Help think about how crazy it is that him being pulled over for a broken tail light was the entire reason why this entire story broke and if the police officer hadn’t pulled him over that day then those three women could possibly have never been found this is slaughterhouse the Isis video nobody

    Should ever watch explained the video that I’m about to explain depicts the brutal execution of 15 men and this graphic video was released on the 12th of December 2016 the video was filmed in a slaughterhouse in northeastern Syria and the 15 men that were executed were accused of spying on behalf of an

    International Alliance led by the United States the video is about 4 and 1/2 minutes long and it opens up showing the captured men who are going to be executed it shows them being apprehended handcuffed and then thrown into pickup trucks the video then skips forward and you see the setting for the executions

    It’s a large slaughter house with meat hooks dangling from the ceiling the captives are then moved into the building essentially hurdled and moving like cattle to the corner of the room all of the victims are on their knees handcuffed in the corner and then an Isis member wearing all white approaches

    And he then starts grabbing the heads of the victims and putting them down it’s like he’s playing a sick game of Eeny meeny miny mo the killer then does this a couple times before he picks his first victim the first victim is then dragged away

    From the group and laid down next to a blood drain immediately one of the Isis members takes a razor sharp knife and slashes the victim’s throat he is then hosed down by water as the blood goes down the drain the camera focuses on the victim and even though there is loud

    Music playing you can still hear the victim gasping for a breath it’s also worth saying that these executions are filmed in HD which make them that much harder to watch the first victim eventually passes away and is then hung by the feet on a meat hook so the blood

    Can drain from his body after the first execution takes place the video then shows a montage of several men getting the same thing done to them having their throats slash and being left to bleed out many disturbing graphic shots are shown during this segment including this

    One shot that had the camera in the drain so that you can see the blood flow and drain away you also hear the sounds of the execution because there is no music in the background at this point as the video continues you see two men hung by their feed however unlike the other

    Men these victims haven’t been executed yet the camera then shows a closeup of the victim’s face and he looks content with his fate two Isis members then simultaneously slash the two victims throats who are hanging by their feet at this point you really see the reality of what’s happening in this video The

    Slaughterhouse floors are completely covered in blood and you see 14 bodies hung by their feet on meat hooks like animals at this point there is one victim remaining the victim kneels beside the Executioner with a knife who reads a brief statement the victim is crying and shaking as the reality of

    What’s happening is settling in once the Executioner finishes the statement the final victim is lighted on the floor and has his throat slit like the other 14 victims but the final victim had a lot more struggle as his throat was being slashed his legs were waving around in a

    Last attempt to get away from the Executioner he then bleeds out and the final body is then dragged away in a cinematic nature and this is where the video includes just like all Isis videos the production and quality is extremely high level they film these executions in a movie type style and nobody

    Understands why Isis makes the videos like this but many people think it’s to recruit new members it’s like they try to make these videos look appealing which is just very strange never go looking for this video for obvious reasons and this is just another example of how cruel our world actually is it’s

    Crazy that human beings do these types of things to each other on a daily basis it’s absolutely sickening this is the most disturbing cartel murder ever and this is a trigger warning Maria Fernanda Garcia Alvarez was a 16-year-old girl who was executed by some drug cartel members on suspicion of investigating

    Against them she was missing since July 15th 2021 and a few months later a gruesome video of her execution began circulating on Gore sites and Reddit the video is 2 minutes and 31 seconds long and the setting looks like some sort of forest or some trail in the woods near a

    Forest when the video starts Maria is on her knees with her hands tied behind her back she’s wearing jeans and a white blouse shirt and the look on her face will keep you up at night she is surrounded by at least three gang members the cameraman the one holding a

    Gun against her head and the other holding a pretty long knife against her throat the opening 50 seconds is your usual cartel interrogation the interrogation is translated to interrogator demands her name she replies Maria Fernando Garcia Alvarez the interrogator then asked who was the person who ordered you to infiltrate us

    Maria replies Fernando Mendoza the interrogator then asked who planned all the stuff you’re doing she says Fernando and Francisco the interrogator then says tell us the people who infiltrated us give us nicknames she replies Oscar and then another name that can’t be made out finally he asked who did you report to

    On everything we did Maria said Fernando Mendoza the killer then ends the negotiation by saying now you’ll see why you don’t want to play with us as the video plays out it is extremely hard to watch Maria is panic breathing and on the verge of tears her killer then

    Proceeds to cut into her throat while holding his hand over her mouth and bringing the knife back and forth like a saw and while watching you can instantly tell the knife isn’t sharp enough to cut clean through a neck which makes this 100 times worse for Maria Maria is

    Screaming and screaming while crying his hysterically the sound of this is horrific and will keep you up at night eventually the knife gets through the skin and into her throat and at this point Maria’s screams change pitch dramatically she tries to struggle but the other man holds her in place her

    Screams get deeper as the killer continues to cut and cut and cut for a split second she manages to move her head which frees the Killer’s hand from her mouth she then lets out a desperately loud scream that you wish you’ve never heard the killer then regains control and puts his hand back

    Over her mouth and continues cutting she is still screaming after a minute of having her throat cut at this point it seems like the Killer is losing his composure I would say for Maria screams and then takes the tip of the knife and puts it into her throat and pushes it

    Down with his palm right into Maria’s windpipe and at this point her screams change in Pitch again you almost hear the scream and air leave her throat the killer then moves the knife side to side to try and make the wound bigger and after all this Maria is still conscious

    The killer then proceeds to stab Maria in the stomach a couple times and seems desperate to get the job done and it’s extremely apparent that this is his first time doing anything like this he then proceeds cutting her throat and stabs a knife again into her body at

    This point Maria’s body then goes limp the killer then looks at the camera and throws up the peace sign and the video ends this is truly one of the most sickening cases I’ve ever researched and it’s a shame stuff like this happen happens daily I beg you to never go

    Searching for this video because it’s really sickening and sad and it will honestly just ruin your day or might even ruin weeks of your Life the murder and torture of junko Fuda is one of the most disturbing stories I’ve ever read we’re going to cover some extremely graphic details with this story in order to tell the full story so please viewer discretion is advised so this is junko Fuda she was born on

    January 18th 1971 and eventually she would be murdered at the age of 17 after being trapped in a virtual hell for 40 days so in school Juna was a very great student she barely ever missed class her friends loved her she was popular and she one day dreamed of becoming an idol

    Singer but all those dreams would be shattered in November of 1988 that’s when these four teenage boys come into the picture Hiroshi Miano Joe lagura Shinji manado and Yushi wab throughout all of their youth these four boys were hardcore criminals they had damaged school property committed a number of

    Thefts assaulted people and not one of them was a good person so on November 25th 1988 two of these boys walked around the town that they lived in with the intent of assaulting and stealing money from a woman somehow by chance they came across junko as she was coming

    Home from work that day riding her bike one of the boys kicked her off the bike and the other boy pretended to just come across her and wanted to help her so trusting that this guy would help her she followed this boy and he led her to

    A warehouse where he assaulted her he then assaulted her in a hotel and after this he called his other friends and told them that he had abducted this girl junko so at about 3:00 a.m. he took junko to a park where the other three boys were waiting they found a notebook

    In her backpack and said that they now know her address and if she tries to escape they’ll have the Yakuza or the Japanese Mafia kill her and they then took her to a house where they gang assaulted her so this house that they brought junko to was owned by one of the

    Boys parents and they held her captive in the house after they abducted her they realized that her parents would be filing police reports and looking for her so they had junko call her mom and dad and say that she had run away and she was safe but in reality she was

    Being held hostage in this home with these four boys and junko would be held in this house for 40 days of pure hell and at this point I’m going to really advise you if you have a weak stomach to scroll on because this is where the story gets really really disturbing and

    This is a case that I can’t I could never stop thinking about so for the next 40 days while junko was held hostage these four boys along with other boys and men that they invited to come into the home repeatedly beat tortured and ass assaulted her many times they

    Assaulted her in groups and the torture that they inflicted on her is some of the most disturbing stuff I’ve ever read about well in groups they would often take turns doing whatever they wanted to junko they forcibly shaved her pubic hair they forced her to dance in front

    Of the group without any clothing on they forced her to touch areas while they watched and they would often kick her out to the balcony with no clothing and leave her there overnight they also inserted lots of different things into her private areas things that included a

    Bottle a lit match a metal rod and they force fed her copious amounts of milk and alcohol at one point these boys even made her smoke multiple cigarettes at once and inhale paint thinner and in one particularly gruesome incident one of these boys doused junko’s arms and legs

    In lighter fluid and set her on fire and keep in mind the whole time they were punching slapping assaulting her throughout all of this they also refused to feed her any food and only gave her water milk and alcohol at one point throughout these 40 days

    Junko became unable to move due to the infection of her injuries and the extent of her injuries so she became confined to the floor of the room and they made her defecate and go to the bathroom on herself and they never cleaned it so on January 4th 1989 one night after one of

    The boys lost a game the previous evening he decided to take his anger out on junko so he dowed her in lighter fluid set fire to her body and she awoke and tried to put it out but it was no good and she slowly collapsed the boys

    Then then began to punch and kick her unresponsive body they lit a candle and dripped hot wax across her face they placed two short candles under her eyelids and lit them and they even forced her to consume her own urine eventually after she was kicked she collapsed onto a stereo unit and went

    Into a fit of convulsions but that didn’t stop the attackers even though according to the police report she was bleeding profusely and pus was pouring out from her infected wounds these boys continued to savagely attack her they then dropped a heavy exercise fall onto her stomach multiple times people think

    This might have been what finally killed junko but this entire ordeal lasted for 2 hours of beatings torture and pain and that night she died so after freaking out and realizing that junko was dead the boys then placed her body in a 55g tank and filled it to the brim with wet

    Concrete and throughout her ordeal junko had told her captors many times that she regretted only not being able to watch the finale episode of her favorite show titled dragonfly and so one of the boys actually found a videotape of that final episode and plac it in there with

    Junko’s body he would later tell investigators though that he didn’t do this because he pied junko he did this because he didn’t want her ghost to come back and haunt him so this obviously ended the story of junko but eventually after the police questioned one of the boys for a separate assault and

    Kidnapping that he had committed he confessed to her murder and the next day they went and found this drum and of course they found junko inside of it now this is going to infuriate you if you’re still here the longest sentence handed out to one of these boys was 20 years

    And that was the longest sentence and the other three boys got less than 10 years each for all of these horrific crimes so all of them are out free in society right now this is a story that continues to haunt the people in Japan and if you’re still here right now I’m

    Sure that you’re going to be haunted by this story there are details that I could not include in this Tik Tok because they were simply too graphic but thanks for listening and yeah I just this story is one that disgusts me I cannot believe that they didn’t get

    These sentences that were higher it’s just hard to believe that this happened in real life and that human beings are capable of being this evil it’s just shocking


    1. Nicola Priest was not American! She was from Solihull in the UK , English definitely not from the States, just sayin when you are reporting on a MONSTER do the 3 year old who died right by telling the story correctly Kaylee Jade died to give her peace to get down dirty with a man!! Absolutely a disgrace to the female race! And wtf??? 14 years for beating a baby girl to death!!! Makes me sick to my stomach!!!

    2. This is the laziest channel I’ve ever came across. All your videos are repeats, and you post the same lame ass video of the shadow person in every single video you do. I’ve seen multiple others post the same thing. Do you listen to your viewers at all?

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