I worked for 6 hours on a very slow monday daytime, here are the results from the shift.

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    Welcome back everyone it’s Monday morning um we are on3 35s already uh started at4 to 9 and we is currently 10:44 um so not a bad couple first couple of hours um we’re going to be working pretty much all day today um till about 4:00 is when I’ve got to pick

    My GF friend up from the station so yeah we’re just going to see what we get to uh I’ve been a bit over the last couple of days so I haven’t really felt like working too much so today yeah we need to get some money back in the bank um

    Yeah I’ll update you when the next one comes in all right um it took about 40 minutes to get another job and it was a little4 37 job so not the best um it’s very very quiet out now so hopefully we just get enough jobs to keep us going um obviously the always

    The goal for an Uber driver is 20 an hour before outgoings anymore it’s um it’s a bonus uh any less it’s not very good so yeah we’re sitting for this hour so far we’re sitting at 4 37 um just a minimum Fair job took me about 2 minutes

    Um but yeah I’ll uh I’ll keep you updated when the next one comes in hopefully fingers crossed fairly soon all right update uh went home for about an hour um it was dead out so yeah just couldn’t be asked went to had a bit of lunch and stuff and now I’m

    Back um just done two minimum Fair jobs um pretty easy Round the Corner jobs which is nice uh one 430 and one another one £430 so we’re at4 I believe so it’s slow but it’s ticking over so not too bad so um yeah I’ll just keep you updated when the next

    One comes in okay two more jobs done uh we are now up to 6180 uh and some women’s just been dragged into a tree by a dog Jesus Christ yeah I’ll keep you updated with uh I’ve just got another one for5 something um you’ll see it in

    The next clip Okay so we’ve just hit 76 and 25p we’ve just done three more quick little jobs uh I think they was all 4 30 or 4 37 um it is currently 12 minutes past 2 um so I’ve got about an hour and 50 minutes

    Left uh going to try and get over100 obviously um it would’t be too bad I mean I’ve had a break of an hour and we started late tonight late today so yeah not the best day but definitely not the worst to be honest um yeah so obviously

    Uh when the next one comes in I will let you know okay and that is US finished for the day um got to pick my mes up from the station it is now 3:47 um so he’s working for 6 hours today um 6 hours total being online time um and we finished on

    9397 so not very good it’s I mean we worked the dead hours of Monday um it has started to Surge all over brenwood of where I was um but the traffic’s horrendous so you can’t get anywhere surge jobs just it doesn’t really matter if they’re surge or not it will take

    Forever so am I bothered not really um I hate working School times I can’t lie it’s just the worst time to work um just so much traffic um yeah just I would rather not work but um thanks for watching I do appre appreciate it um if you do like

    The video please like it comment subscribe um do appreciate it so uh yeah until the next one thank you for watching


    1. Uber UK, not happening in my book, it`s called " get a fucking Taxi" or if your a southern cunt, it`s called a cab, i cannot stand American crap in GB.

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