Learn how you can join “The Way of St. James Bike Tour” by visiting my website at: https://bicycletouringpro.com/saint-james-bike-tour

    If this looks like a bicycle tour you might enjoy, consider booking your own tour today with Top Bike Tours Portugal: https://topbiketoursportugal.com/porto-santiago-compostela-bike-tour/

    Or you might be interested in the “Silver Coast Bike Tour,” which is a super flat and easy bicycle touring holiday along the central coast of Portugal: https://bicycletouringpro.com/silver-coast-portugal/

    To learn more about Top Bike Tours Portugal and book your own cycling holida, please visit their official website at: https://topbiketoursportugal.com/


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    Boldin visit cycling holidays is a small tour company that operates out of an almost completely nondescript building on a narrow street near the trigati metro station in the north central part of porto portugal i arrived in porto along with 20 other individuals from all around the world to participate in the

    Way of st. james bike tour with folding visit cycling holidays a week-long bicycle train pilgrimage from porto portugal to the shrine of the Apostle st. James the great in the Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela in northwestern Spain after checking in at the fold and visit headquarters and being fitted on

    One of the company’s many rental bikes I met up with some of the other way of st. James bike tour participants for a guided walking tour of the city with one of the folding visit tour leaders a young man named Jose a We want to get the most all teacher of the building cannot change the color off first permission to the City Hall 9% of the cases josée introduced himself and then took our small group on a two-hour long walking tour of porto portugal showing us the churches the train stations the

    Architecture and the history of this beautiful european city this one it’s the traditional Portuguese it’s the salesmen under once I am Americans said okay and supply with the pudding my favorite part of the walking tour was when josée took us to the south mental railway station in the center of

    Porto in this single room there are approximately 20,000 blue and white tiles dating from 1905 to 1916 Just three From the south bento railway-station we continued our tour through the city and eventually made our way to the waterfront one of the most picturesque parts of Porto That used to be a stock market palace and since the beginning the city of Kochi used to be Harbor City so we used to receive a lot of people from different kinds of different parts of the world so the stock market for the city was a very important building so

    The Bishop of the city allowed once there we walked across the loose the first bridge and entered the Burmester wine cellars where we were given a short tour of the winery and learn why port wines and other wines made in the dura region of Portugal are so special for

    These one for example but of course for bottling the port wine we done we don’t use the same machines as before because we need to do not solve any more bottles for example we sports 7.5 millions of bottles in the movie business eventually we were taken into a large tasting hall

    Where we were given the opportunity to taste several of the wines we had just learned about after our walking tour of Porto was complete our small group of weary travelers return to the porto trinidad a hotel and promptly fell asleep it had been a long day we were

    Tired and we knew that we had a big day of bicycle tour and ahead of us in the morning we woke up early and had breakfast in the hotel there was a big buffet breakfast on offer and we scarf down the delicious presentation as quickly as we could before returning to

    Our rooms grabbing our things and making our way to the fold and visit shop for the start of the bike tour I was a little worried about the traffic leading out of Port au with such a big group I didn’t know how the phone visit true leaders we’re gonna get us all out

    Of the city without any of us getting lost or separated from the group but to my amazement the bike ride out of Porto was a whole lot easier than I originally thought it would be we wound our way through the cobblestone streets down to the river’s edge and then eventually

    Found our way onto a separated bike path along the western side of the city [Applause] Sometime around noon we stopped at a small local restaurant and ordered lunch After a well-deserved meal we jump act on our bicycles and began the second half of the cycling portion of the day Before we knew it we arrived in the sleepy city of spos’n day and checked into the hotel suave Mao a large rectangular hotel with white walls a Red Roof and a swimming pool located in the center of the building That night the Fulton visit tour leaders Sergio josée Iago and Pedro took us out to a nearby restaurant where we got our first taste of Portuguese seafood as a vegetarian I had a somewhat difficult time finding something substantial to eat but others in our group paid extremely well and our feast that night

    Was a great way to end the first full day of our bicycle train pilgrimage to Santiago de Compostela on the way of st. James bike tour with Fulton visit cycling holidays tell me about the bike ride yesterday Oh the bike ride yesterday was great quite the adventure it’s got beautiful scenery well

    Organised so I recommend it for anybody yeah it was excellent where are you from in the world I’m from the United States yeah at the moment Kentucky and why did you come to Portugal well it’s something I’ve always wanted to do it’s just an opportunity for great

    Adventure actually I saw it on an Instagram message from you I think and then somewhere along the way I got interested in Portugal and so it was a great time to do it yeah what do you think it for today that’s smart oh I love it it’s beautiful yeah yeah

    Absolutely yeah it’s enchanting that really really truly is brilliant how was the bike ride yes it was great getting out of Porto it was fun but it wasn’t as bad as I thought it was gonna be and it was nice to get out on the river and

    With the ocean on the one side was beautiful smooth riding well not smooth my supply of blood and the CRT scenery was nice ocean views it was nice so what was your favorite part of the day I think just when we got out of the city and we’re riding along the river

    Got off the rails that was nice I want to say two things first of all put all the luggage in the morning try to put it near to the van yeah we have some luggage they don’t have the orange thing and sometimes it’s a little bit tricky to identify but we already

    Know all the loaded but try to always put the luggage near to the van okay second and sorry it’s a most important one on the road in the bike path we don’t care so much about that but on the road please be extra careful always try

    To be on the right please avoid to go on the middle of the road because our two most of those are two-way roads and we need to be always careful try to maintain always a single line and always most on the right as possible okay and

    Look at the guys two guys normally they do a lot of signs so be extra careful if you have any doubts any questions during all the tour please say one of the guys okay The first few kilometers on the second day of the way of st. James bike tour led us down a dirt farm road then we turn inland and began cycling on a mix of paved roads and cobblestone streets [Applause] One moment we were cycling along the Atlantic Ocean looking out at the water splashing up against the rocks along the shore and the next moment we were biking through colorful flowers growing outside small beach bungalows The terrain on this particular day was almost entirely flat which made for some really enjoyable sections of beachside cycling you You have the number in your key card and you have the list is over there on the first but on the first floor you have to wrestle between alpha 71% you have to dinner if you want to dinner with us and in the morning that is included in your

    State you have the breakfast in between alpha 7 Philippa 10 shower over here walk-in shower and here is the room really nice bed and then out here is a big balcony But a good view of the pool in the evening a small group of us from the way of st. James biked or walked to the center of town which was filled with dozens of delightful restaurants cafes and souvenir shops in the end we opted to eat at a charming little place called

    Baptista where we were offered a plethora of seafood options as well as some vegetarian pasta which turned out to be one of my favourite meals on the entire bike tour On the third day of the way of st. James bike tour we woke up early ate a delicious buffet breakfast in the hotel dining room and then jumped on our bicycles and cycled down the road to the nearby ferry terminal Okay right now we’re going to catch the ferry boat to go to Spain to the other side then after that after we get out we’re going through all the way through the coast okay it’s a beautiful place with bike lanes over there and we’re going to stop in a little village called

    Oh yeah there usually it’s where we lunch then after that we go to Bayona it’s where we’re going to spend our night and in Bayona it’s a very touristic place a very famous place the clients going to stay probably in the best hotel in this trip

    It’s in a big castle historical one and I think today for the clients we can see them all excited because this is the most easiest day and usually with this weather people love it to cycle in this thing because it’s really really easy and it’s kind of exciting to the past into

    Another country yeah yeah so you’re going to see they are going to see new food for example the tapas it’s a very famous for example when you order a beer you can get the tortilla for example it’s a little tab where you have potatoes and eggs for

    Example and then you’re going to see for example because the Spanish they like to close the shops after the lunch because of the CSS and people do the siesta other people get out to go to the cafe’s with the family so if they want to dinner they have to dinner light in

    Spain and they’re going to see that the language is slightly different from the Portuguese and I think that that’s a good thing about crossing to Spain so they can see the difference between Portugal and the Spain so close countries but with with differences how do you feel the trip is going so far

    Very good the group is really really good I’ve done this a few times with other nationalities like Russians and Mexicans they’re all good but this group we can see different nationalities like Canadians they’re from the United States Americans so and everyone is talking another I think the ice was broke and it’s very

    Nice because usually only in the like the third day it’s when we break the ice but even yesterday I think people were already talking with each other and I think it’s a it’s wonderful last night we had a great dinner with some people of the group we had fun we talked a lot

    So it’s being great even for us for the team of sölden visit it’s great When we got off the ferry boat we cycled down the beach and into Spain rather than bike straight onto a busy road filled with cars and traffic we skirted around the coastline on a series of wooden boardwalks and biking trails this was one of my favorite segments on the entire bike tour Around lunchtime we reach the tiny town of Oya where we parked our bicycles and then walked into town for another delicious lunch and the priests from this region they used a very easy way to fish all the the fishes in here they bet they put some things on here near to the this

    Part so the beach is during the highest level of the water come do it they wait for the low level and it was easy to fish for them and they used to just to give the fish for all the people passes around so this part is known for the

    Third green route it’s easy to do it and known by that part ok as we ate a skinny cat rubbed up against our legs under the table quietly begging for a taste of our meal on this particular day we spent several hours cycling along the coast around

    Every bend in the road was another spectacular scene filled with blue water ocean views small towns and villages and friendly people either walking or cycling the Camino trails leading to Santiago de Compostela when we pulled into the city of Bayona Spain and I saw the large stone walls surrounding our

    Hotel I knew we were in for something special I couldn’t believe that this magical place located just a short walk from the city centre is where we’d be spending our evening Today we are we have to go maintain all the group together you cannot go spit up so we try we will try always to keep all the group together if something happened all the group will stop and wait for the others okay if you need something you will have always three guys like

    Yesterday the first hour we are without this for friend because they have to go and come back again but don’t worry about it we have all the things you need it we have food and water ok ok need something say hi and we are going I didn’t want to leave our hotel and

    Bayona Spain simply because the day before had been so incredible and our night in Bayona had been so spectacular that I just didn’t want to leave but the tour leaders promised me that there was still plenty of good cycling ahead of us and some magical accommodations as well

    So with some hesitation we left the city of Bayona and began cycling north towards the city of Santiago de Compostela in northwestern Spain My name is Bob Lafleur and I’m from Ottawa Canada I belong to a small club of older folks that like to bike we’ve been to Cape Cod and niagara-on-the-lake here – up in Canada and we go for a bike trip every year and my wife and I saw

    This advertised the going to the Camino has been on my bucket list for many years and she found this trip to our liking because of my advanced age walking with is not appropriate so we’re very very happy to be part of this or what’s what’s been your favorite part of

    The trip this time well there’s some awfully nice people in the group the hotels we’re staying in our fantastic the food is great the bicycles are excellent and the view is unbelievable up and down the Atlantic coast like this the castles the homes the villages it’s all rather spectacular There was some beautiful beachfront cycling at the beginning of the day but as we neared the city of Vigo the traffic began to increase and we really had to concentrate on staying together as our large group slowly made our way through the crowded city Thankfully the traffic was moving slowly and the drivers were courteous so we made it through the hustle and bustle of the city without any problems [Applause] After we made our way out of the city of Vigo and cross the iconic cobblestone bridge in a vowel we knew that the worst of our bike ride that day was behind us While most of the way of st. James bike tour is extremely flat and this is a bike tour that almost anyone with any bike riding experience can complete successfully the final Hill of the day was a short but steep challenge Gotta race you to the top [Applause] Oh [Applause] Okay first of all today it’s an easy day 25 kilometres okay there are the route it’s really easy glad we have pavement roads some thirst probes okay in the woods okay in some parts all right we’re going to do a break in the middle of the morning

    Around 11:00 11:30 in a very nice park you’re going to love it okay I rejoin so far very much okay we hope that you have the same feeling about us okay thank you very much for listening and let’s hike On this particular day we really began to see the number of pilgrims on the trail increase there were hikers and bikers everywhere [Applause] [Applause] Once in the city we cycle the short distance uphill to the nearby tolerate better Rio hotel a hotel unlike any other I have ever stayed at before the hotel itself is really rather small consisting of no more than a couple dozen rooms but the grounds on which the

    Hotel sits is absolutely massive and it’s one of the most beautiful places I’ve ever had the pleasure of staying on any of my bike tours anywhere in the world the parade that Rio gets its name because the hotel is situated up high on the rocks overlooking a bend in the Meo

    Reverb below from the hotel you can look down in almost any direction and see the water from the river making its way through the rocks on the river floor [Applause] okay this must be start there okay My name is Gordon Davies I’m from war master and Wiltshire of Beland yeah have you ever been to Portugal before no how would you describe it to someone who’s never been killed before it’s very hot the wine is lovely the food is fantastic about a great time and some of the

    Architecture very good but once you get through and you got that land smell what’s know of plants fresh plants things of this nature and trails and my views waterfalls are fantastic today couldn’t get better than I know about a fantastic time and what’s it soaking wet after eating we walked out onto the

    Streets of the city and made our way to the nearby thermal foot baths where we removed our shoes and soaked our feet in the warm water during the day these hot springs are used by the numerous pilgrims making their way to Santiago de Compostela to wash their feet and relax

    After a long day of hiking on the road but at night when we were there we had the entire place to ourselves and we delighted in the peace and solitude of the baths warm water knowing that we only had one more day of cycling ahead of us before we reach the final

    Destination on our incredible cycling holiday in northwestern Portugal and Spain [Applause] [Applause] Slowly up and down we have time let’s do a very good movement because today as you know what is the last day it’s not the most difficult one but you already have five days in your legs so let’s go easy down ok the air was filled with excitement on

    The final day of our week-long bike tour to Santiago de Compostela in northwestern Spain 25 individuals from all around the world had gathered in porto portugal and ridden for five full days to the north now there was only 40 kilometers to go before we reached the shrine of the Apostle st. James the

    Great in the Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela traffic was heavy on the Camino footpaths on this particular day but the spirits of everyone on the trails was high The scenery on this last day of the tour did not disappoint there were times when we found ourselves cycling on narrow dirt trails that pass through shaded forests and other times where we were able to bike along easily on beautiful paved roads that pass through small towns and villages all along the way

    Locals and pilgrims alike greeted us with friendly smiles as lunch time drew near we found ourself cycling into the center of padrone Spain a town with great religious and historic significance [Applause] I mean what felt like no time we found ourselves in the center of the city and standing in front of the famous Cathedral in Santiago de Compostela We had done it and the tour leaders from Fulton visit cycling holidays were the first to congratulate us on the completion of our Arai Yeah Oh dinner together Ruby it’s 8:00 at your hotel right now we have the art part to do it’s going with the bikes part the bikes and after that go to the Ibaka to take the cat the Campostella in this square wilt or equal to all the way in

    The end of the despair down to the right it’s easier if you go there in the morning because in the morning we don’t have so many penguins reaching in here in Santiago so in the morning it’s easier when building on what time did they open in the morning It was interesting to just sit and watch the people wandering about in Santiago de Compostela some of the people I knew were locals who have walked these streets hundreds or thousands of times in their lifetime while others I knew were pilgrims like me who came to Santiago de Compostela

    For a wide range of reasons some come to the Cathedral in the center of the city for religious reasons while others choose to come there for the history some make the pilgrimage to Santiago de Compostela because they saw a film about the Camino and decided for one reason or

    Another that this looked like something that they might like to try themselves and others like myself come to the scenic city and northwestern Spain because it’s not really about the place itself but more about the experiences you have getting there along the way Say how it’s done well let’s see it this is the this is the normal one they put your name and the date that you made it yeah and this one it’s a personalized thing again my name how far we traveled from where we came and the date we

    Completed it well now where is your passport book oh oh that would be yes this every five minutes for the last six days yes here it is So it’s it’s getting full anyway these stamps are every city and stop that we we made the routine is to go in and NASA person inside stamp it for you when you pull this out they all know what to do so when we just on the problem so there

    It is you have to get how many stamps another big book this which we get two per day yeah which we all do easily and then of course the final stamp is right here at the pilgrims office intent given by the pilgrims office in Santiago Spain

    So you did it you completed idea that mission I completed it yes I did [Applause] [Applause] today is [Applause] but anyway I think we should all acknowledge the [Applause] that’s a I like blenders we feel a great sense of accomplishment right and we have achieved it’s a real milestone in the lives of some of us that my age and middle aged folks what are the things

    That stands out in my memory is the wonderful the number of friends we’ve made the contacts we’ve made with one another but the my the purpose of my remarks is just to pay tribute to this man’s and give you the reasons why Sergio we love you and your number one issue is

    The safety of security we have gone through hell through their uphill and downhill fine I’m trying to make is the safety of security by you and your team your uses for guys are really special – and my mind anyway I I would like to the sink pay tribute to each individual but there

    Is no time all I want to say is I will highlight one of them it’s the vein is the van [Applause] [Applause] before coming here acid I was bragging to my friends that we were we were going on this trip and that my wife had organized this trip for us and that there was a band following us but I told everybody because of my advanced stage it’s probably in the ambulance disguises

    But the van traveled it transported the sick the injured the frustrating swelling tired anyway I have I could go on and on and on but Luis names tremendous accomplishment for me it’s been on my bucket list for many years I’m so proud of myself and proud of you

    And I consider myself now part of the bowels team [Applause] anyway on behalf of my wife’s with myself and my friends partly a lifetime of adventure and taking them on trip trips around the world [Applause] not knowing what the terrain nor do we all know and it was extraordinary and

    Worst day was wonderful and we went from sort of letting go and saying like oh my god but I really want to thank Sergio and Tiago and Josie and Pedro you made a wonderful trip for us and this was really magnificent and I came on this trip to challenge myself and while many

    Of it was beautiful scenes oh my god the colors to be wearing so I could go on and on but for a lot up and down there was human power [Applause] hello I’m Darren Alf I am the bicycle trained pro since 2001 I have been traveling around the world

    On my bicycle and since 2007 I have been teaching other people how to conduct their own incredible bicycle tour and adventures anywhere in the world now one of the things that I like to do as the bicycle touring pro is to show that there are different types of bicycle

    Touring sometimes I show myself and others camping in a tent and sleeping under the stars and other times like on this particular bike tour I like to show that you can bicycle tour with a little bit more luxury stay in nice hotels be guided along a route by experienced

    Local guides have a lot of the details taken care of for you so that you can simply show up at the start of the tour and enjoy yourself by riding your bike and not having to worry about where you’re gonna sleep at night or which route you’re gonna take and all of the

    Other details that come along with planning your own self supported bicycle tour and this particular bike tour the way a st. James bike tour with full visit cycling holidays was not my first guided group tour that I’ve done in the world I’ve done several bike tours like

    This in other parts of the world but I can honestly say that this bike tour with full visit cycling holidays was one of the best guided group bike tours that I’ve ever participated in and it honestly had a lot to do with the people working at the company I just really

    Liked these guys all of them that were that there were four tour leaders on this trip and each and every one of them I just thought was incredible so down to earth so friendly so helpful there were no real issues on this trip at all and I

    Had a great time and I know that everybody else participating in the tour as well had a great time so I like this trip so much in fact that I’ve decided that I’m going to go back to Portugal again in 2009 and participate in another bike tour with Fulton visit cycling holidays it

    Will be the silver coast bike route this bike tour that I did in this video was the way of st. James bike tour which went from Porto Portugal up to Santiago de Compostela the the bike tour that I’m going to be participating in in 2019 is

    The silver coast bike tour and it goes from Porto Portugal down the coast to the south so very similar terrain I think but a completely different route and not only am I going to be participating in this particular bike tour but I’m inviting you to come along

    With me this is a bike tour a guided group bike tour with full visit cycling holidays that you can join me on so if you have ever wanted to go bicycle turn in Portugal if you’ve ever wanted to go bicycle touring with me the bicycle turning pro or if you’ve ever wanted to

    Be featured in one of my bicycle turn pro videos here on the bicycle turn pro YouTube channel now is your chance I am doing the silver coast bike tour in September of 2019 with full visit cycling holidays if you’re interested even if you’re just interested in participating in this bike tour please

    Check out the link in the video description down below there’s also a link on the bicycle trim Pro events calendar page so check that out and if you have any questions or you actually do want to join the tour in September go ahead and contact either myself Daren alpha bicycle trained Pro

    Or contact fold and visit cycling holidays directly and simply tell them that you want to participate in the silver coast bike tour with bicycle turn pro in September of 2019 thank you guys so much for watching my videos here from the way of st. James bike tour I really

    Really enjoyed not only participating in the trip but sharing the adventure with you and I hope to see you in September 2019 in Porto Portugal for the start of the silver coast bike route with folding visit cycling holidays thanks for watching guys see you on the road bye woo

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