Come meet the m@Motourev team

    How you all doing me MERS welcome back to the midweek Mumble so obviously we’ve done a bit of promotion this week as we got some really good guests I’ve really been looking forward to this and we’re going to have a proper proper good laugh so already we’ve got some people in the Sol

    Chat hold on I’ve got an echo there we go that was me absolute admin [ __ ] nightmare so already we’ve got uh uh rev bomp flash we’ve got BK bo uh Andy GSA tractor ad Moka um James is it is that bromo bromo um Chris GT Patriot Alan pigy roids

    Obviously all it’s very strange bers are just popped in as well so obviously some of these are some of the lads from the m r gang so let’s bring them on and uh we we’ll have a chat I’m just going to Chuck them all on now and then they can

    Introduce ourselves and we can all get amongst it how you doing boys you’re right how do how do first of all I just want to say thank you for straight off the bat for for for coming thank us yet thank us yet no no no mate you’re not my channels about

    It’s Ain going to get no worse so no honestly was not thank you for coming on because I know you don’t this do this kind of stuff usually so I really appreciate you know the The Four Lads here time of the effort and to come on

    So I appreciate that Lads so right then we’re going to go through now and uh get get a few introductions done so noodle introduce yourself what B you Ro where’d you come from I’m noodle I’m from link sh lincol sh I got a BMW XR at the minute 2015

    Oh XR nice I like them I like them XRS how long you had it for uh over a year I think year and a half yeah just fair play right then I’m going to come to just the last so flash where you introduce yourself kid where you from F you [ __ ] Nam is

    How you doing which size your [ __ ] balls Ang go on got onone and here it goes on AK flash I’m from not far from ulot from staff you uh I ride a BMW k600 yeah that’s about it really mate what year what year is the k600 2019 yeah nice then we’ve

    Got the M man himself Mima who I speak to on text a lot cig you’re oh mate I’m good yourself s sand introduce yourself then M what you roing what you’re doing yeah what shampoo you use yeah Craig uh uh head and shoulders I no I haven’t got dandr um Ro

    Cross T 1200 2013 plate proper B I’m the only one in the group with a real man’s B yeah whatever s and then last but not least we’ve got Jester how you doing mocha yeah not bad mate not bad not bad so go and then introduce yourself mocha so I’m Jester

    Um from from Burton on Trent uh darer area and uh R BMW XR same as same as noodles but I’ve just purchased a new bik not not released a video on what I’ve purchased yet so we are going to get live we are going to get an exclusive then oh

    Definitely got no choice mate just are you with an internet calf there computers be internet C at the minute that’s that’s the main base for pornhup in [ __ ] UK you say yeah he’s in a call he’s in a call center is he yeah this is the [ __ ] Center one so it’s

    All where’s Vick where’s Vick he’s he’s down here bless him so so we’re just we just kick off so what what B did you have originally just I had Hond VFR 800 um same as Ms in but in bread I loved it it was a nice

    B until we went to w till we went to Wales that that put the nail in the coffin for me unfortun thankfully I got saved by m and his VFR three times is that one of the reason I want to thank everyone being so patient while I’m on

    Here we got you back didn’t we we got you back home yeah we did mate yeah yeah it was um it was tth it was a tenth ride say that after we we use my bik as a donor to yours my bik was never the same after that no

    Comment one of the one of the main multiplugs just melted under the seat I thought the got to go a so I re I re my state was on it way as on it way yeah but it was overcharging it would have took the rectifier nasty things yeah yeah so so

    Long you had that um cross two or four C because I was I was actually looking at one of them before I had the be it was a year September year September what what made what made you give for that out of everything well it was when

    Um when we did the when we did the aor sigan to and I got that uh the Press bike off Honda I got the NT 1100 yeah and as soon as I got on that one I thought oh this position is brilliant and obviously doing a week in France on

    It I thought I’ve got the one bike I need to get like a more upright uh Adventure style bike got back and I just said to the Miss stra away the VFR 800’s got to go over about four weeks I got rid of it and brought

    This fair play you got just before I got M didn’t you yeah yeah because I was I was I was thinking about getting an XR but it was just at the price range and I thought plus plus I’m just girly B at XR so I thought

    Got got to admit though that cross T is the most comfortable bar I’ve ever satten in my life honest to God i i road tested one before got me the only thing with it is it’s just just the weight of them man just so 27 that’s the same as a BM to to

    Be honest like I said before I bought my BM I test Rod loads of bikes loads of bikes but and there was all good BS all nose BS but I jumped on the BM and I D go anywhere and you know you just sit on

    On straight away I was like yeah I L his nice position shoulders are nice and relax I was like yeah straight away no position went out read it for about I don’t know four or five hours come back and I was like yeah I’m [ __ ] have it because that was just [ __ ] amazing

    You can do everything on it you like say you can go Offroad if you want to go and have a [ __ ] Lick Round change your toes you go and have a Lick Round it’s [ __ ] brilliant but I was actually the good thing with the BMW is you’ve got

    The white all in the right place and it’s all at the bottom yeah it’s all Lou probably the cross two at the weights all at the top yeah think a GN GS it’s just it kind of gripes on me a little bit because you spend all that money on a

    Motorcycle same as the GS then you’re gonna send it down the lane I’d rather go and get another bike a secondhand bike say a trial bike or some description either something like that yeah do do that you know what I mean no that I was gonna

    Say I don’t know don’t know I don’t know it’s not I mean I mean for me I like my aim my aim is to Rite to Australia yeah I’m 46 now so when I’m 50 I’m gonna have four months off and I’m Miami to ride to

    Australia so that is the reason why I bought a BMW because that that bike that I’ve got now is going to be the bike that I ride there on so I’ve got yeah so I’ve got to be prepared to ride that bike in soggy buggy shitty condition yeah if you sharks crocodiles

    Everything you need a snorkle worms I mean um yeah but it’s it’s all right I suppose what you should have done you got a a smaller bike first and then gradually increased it but if you’d have done that then it might take you two years and at two years time you might be

    At the point on the BM where you met your limit already in two years and then you’re going to be gaining knowledge rather than hitting your point at two years and then you got to jump on a BM and then learn that BM for two years if

    That if that makes sense um like I say I’ve done I would say off-roading but I’ve been sh riding and a bit of [ __ ] dirt riding and stuff like that but but yeah it’s uh Ro Roy’s done a bit of off-roading he’s done offroading on the

    Grass he’s gone Offroad onto the back of uh flashy he’s gone Offroad into the side of oburn as well off you just good keep it on the [ __ ] road literally off road yeah in need he needs onroad boy he need stabilizers is what he needs [ __ ] yeah yeah by the way I’m gonna

    Bring it us now if you hear somebody snoring it’s the [ __ ] dog I just say somebody snoring yeah it’s a dog um just let why now cuz why’s in the side chat here but his camera a working again so you yeah to be honest he’s M muted as

    Well so I call I I don’t know I don’t know what’s up with his his stuff um so so this off-roading Peak is this something you want to get into um or your on dis at the minute are you just are you just testing the water

    I’m just testing the water at the minute like I say I’m I’m I’m at the point where I’m still enjoying it and I’ve dropped my bike a couple of times but I’m still enjoying it I’ve not had a aad to kind of put me off um but like like

    For me I’m I’m still in I still really wanted the ters do you what I mean and that’s more kind of thing they’re going to do big tours like um and like the charity events that I do as well so the charity roids that I do so the next big

    One that I’m going to be doing which I’m planning now I know it’s only 24 but in March 24 I’m doing uh 20 countries in 20 days so I’m going to that’s that’s the next big and then I’m going to when I’m going to do that you just going to go to

    Wells and back yeah keep back yeah so so yeah so my actual it’s been done it’s been done before 20 countries in 20 days but I actually want to beat it I want to do like 23 24 25 but get to kind of spe is that going to evolve

    Off-roading yeah yeah some of that’s going to be the uh Enduro um uh trials so there’s I don’t know if you know uh it’s called the Tet so and what it does well if you’ve heard it your sound but it goes all through Europe that does so

    I’m gonna I’m going to be doing sections of that and sections of of r roing as well so that does yeah so it’s it’s just something that I’ve like say it’s something that I thought of because like I said I did Scot his little SAS last

    Year um so says it’s all about the toyes he don’t it’s all about the bollocks yeah yeah well he [ __ ] is mate cuz if you watch that video when my mate come off [ __ ] last week last weekend he had a brand new set of [ __ ] to on more a been on 12 months

    So see I’d like to do a bit of off-roading but my concerns got so much me I don’t drop the biker down into the bike that’s my concern yeah I mean for me that’s one of the reasons why if you look at my bike I’ve got them um Lao bags at the sides

    If it’s in the low M front bags that’s why that’s why I put them on there yeah yeah so so all I’ve done with mine all I’ve done with m is literally pad them out with [ __ ] so in the left hand one I’ve got like a full one piece

    Waterproof suit even though I’ve got uh gortex I got to go full laminate suit in full gortex suit in that one and in my right hand one I’ve got a um a cover from my bike which I packed in which I always take if I get to r or take

    Anywhere just so I can if if I need to I’ll park it up in the street outside out mind just cover it up and nowbody knows what it is but that’s all I’ve done I just pack them to that and then every time I’ve dropped it it always

    Landed on them before it it’ss the crash bars or yeah yeah you know you might you might smash your hand guard but your hand guard is like [ __ ] 12 quid rather than smashing you know your your frame or scratching all your frame or anything like that so that’s what I do I

    Just pad them out at least Goose did some similar to that we went to Wales I think he was on his Bandit and he had an empty top box so we decided to put 20 bottle 20 glass bottles of buiser in there and he was surprised when we got

    Back and I was all smashed and he just like a [ __ ] swimming pool in there drinking it like like rosu his boot he was the side of the road you had to tip it there the storm Dr oh man [ __ ] that [ __ ] yeah but that but that’s

    What I’d say and I’d just say just just some at light just just really build up to like I say me me and that lad me and Phil went down to that we’ already done that route once that off-road kind of track once already but

    It was bound dry when we went it was really really dry but the on Sunday was it Sunday Sun Saturday or Sunday when we went it had rained and and genuinely it was [ __ ] slippy as [ __ ] really really badly slippy um so yeah and and and if

    I’m being honest I had a couple of mammas myself I was following him and I’d had a couple of mamas myself where you know up sidewards oring you know what I mean you have a bit of a panic or you hit the you hit the front break a

    Bit too hard and you just [ __ ] slide rather than stop where you know you should be using your back break or you know I mean they meant the potholes in the west at the minute it’s like you’re offroading in you it is [ __ ] it is shital it really everywhere everywhere no better

    Here wrap off the field I think my best drop was uh we didn’t have we didn’t get it on camera we went to the oil of white and we pulled up at the hotel I put me this lock on took the luggage in the hotel

    And then we come back says well you know let’s go find a pet station let’s go get some sausage rolls or something to eat I did to usual I just Trang open I thought I went to pull off I was went straight over the and bars Fire Blade landed on

    Me an crush me ankle so I’m L I thought any minute all the boys are going to come over running to save me I looked up and goose is just stand there going I ain’t got me [ __ ] camera on I ain’t got me camera on well that’s what Phil said straight away

    All as I heard because I I was following him but then what what I find myself doing is watching him and not watching where I was going do you know what I mean so I’m like [ __ ] ring look kept looking at him and I was like right I

    Need to get past him because I’m looking at him and every time he [ __ ] wobbles I’m wobbling and I’m like well I need to [ __ ] ride me on roid so I’ll I’ll go past him and then we get through a big puddle mate and I’m sidewards on this

    Puddle I [ __ ] hell and then I get through the puddle get to this gate and all way over on the P talk is [ __ ] he’s obviously [ __ ] fell off normally I was I more GED I was more GED then I have my real faing camera WR I thought I’d have

    [ __ ] got cat I catch it but then as soon as I pulled up his l he’s got me camera but it’s all it’s all laugh at that’s all it’s about it’s about having a laugh at you you know and the first thing I said to him is you know you were

    All he’s like yeah yeah yeah you know I think he’s a bit bruised better than bruised but you know the the the thing is like you go offroading and if you me like like we wear we wear textiles textiles e for off Ry they e for off Ry you I me you need

    Proper off R kit not [ __ ] a textle jacket a had texto [ __ ] trousers yeah you need the pop armor don’t you you need you need the like um The Lads I was talking to I think a couple of on here is is is isimo on here yeah he is if you

    Look at isi isim Moto his channel he’s into off-roading and he’s got all like the the [ __ ] leggings with all the armor in and J I mean the more like The Snug fit [ __ ] with all the Armory and everything that’s what you need that’s what you flash has got some aress chaps

    If I any yeah yeah r as rev he’s got hisy can’t get in I can’t get in anymore see [ __ ] have you lost that much weight hey he’s put his wallet he put his wallet down put his wallet down and draged his fun backwards I don’t know if you know this

    P but Craig’s only one who’s squeezing his nuts off he’s sitting in his shed at the moment have you Notic well what i’ about to do I’ve about to I’ve about to Rob Trent pads to do this on so I’m all kicking off on there going mad daughters doing me nothing so I just thought shed shed quite often I come up here with my deck

    Chair with me vpe and I’ll just sit here for an hour sometimes and just look I’ll just sit here and I’ll just look no ad TOS but like sits there I just look at my cleaning products [ __ ] I crack one out fair play see that’s two minutes your day gone then

    Bo boy 10 o’cl when he goes to bed he’s on cracking out CLS yeah Bo Tomy goes to bed at 10 o’cl he’s like 14 year old kid he’s had like 13 and there nothing comes out at the end just [ __ ] little puff of smoke comes at the end

    Heister for a minute I about to put my glasses on because the car blood you can’t you can’t see where you are ones you Nick them off what your miss wearing if you wearing them room what’s that t what’s that tough on your head G keep swear you in no AR or something

    Look sitting by the E literally just got in oh fair I just got he just got in for a long day work oh yeah I’ve been out mate he ain’t he ain’t you been out you don’t believe in that been out some to each you know

    What I mean you got to keep the Missy sweet fair play you know I mean so did you we was talking about offal yeah did we was on about that war we um from our 50th this year doing some off-roading in Wales yeah yeah then you know you could do like the Yamaha

    Experience and stuff like that I’m for that the problem is I mean there only me piggy Noodle and Jester what’s we’re in our 70s the rest of you ain’t going to be able to do it he says these things because you know we can’t get at him you see W say that

    In front of you I’ll get tomorrow you where you going I’ll see him at work by way I’ll batter him yeah oh well no I’ll go to work and work he just turns up and Anno me turns hard it work to B four kids from year five what

    He’ll do he’ll nor he wait for me to get a cup of coffee and then he’ll me door me offish as soon as a walking he jumps out like a [ __ ] I throw coffee everywhere all over the place that’s all I was in the box today ID big cardboard box scaring the

    Kids and the laws against he got away with it before he got away with it could prove it isim M well ishim M has just got on so he’s asking us all what we’re ring so obviously I’m on a BM um we got uh

    Noodle he’s on a XR X XR Just J is on a XR XR as well M on the a real man cross t e it cross T at real man’s bike yeah nice that is and then we’ve got um flash who’s on a setti drugs um he’s got the

    K600 what you got Goose a v clap is that the Thousand or the 1050 clap uh the Thousand the Thousand mate I’ll tell you something now Double D my mate he’s he’s got the 1050 I’ll tell you something [ __ ] got a video coming out soon about goc’s bike

    Um but we we’re not going to say anything until the video comes out we can’t say nothing until uh next when the videos is but you will understand when you crazy legs on the bo Jay how you doing M yeah so he has he had his operation on

    His anle for Sumit yeah so um yeah he had that a couple of weeks ago I believe I went I went out with him probably three weeks ago um three weeks ago yeah about three weeks ago and then second night yeah yeah he’s he’s Bing breakfast he says so I’m definitely [ __ ] turning

    Up for that bastard you want to turn up for that so now he he um he come along that off-road trial with us on [ __ ] Ro to so fair play to him so on his on that brand new KTM he bought oh yeah yeah yeah I watched your live stream

    That what you was talking about yeah it was honestly it was fair play to the the both of them Phil and him [ __ ] went out went out of that on on [ __ ] road toys so fair play to but uh Phil Phil changed his toys to offro toys and [ __ ] fell [Laughter]

    Off so but uh so what what what Toys you got on your BMW so they’re called an andless they’re called they many cheap ones cheap off Ro to I think for the set that about 200 quid um I got I got given them um from BMW when I was doing that

    Scottish little soldiers run so they give me them but I because I’d already bought a set because I exped them so I’d already bought a set of tires so I did that and then use them to get to the IB Festival on and then since the IB Festival that that’s kind of got

    Me into doing I would say offroading a really offroading it’s more sh roading or you know like the fire track and [ __ ] like that yeah stuff like that did you go did you ever go on the track at AB yeah the courses yeah yeah I did it on the Freud

    Nico what you doing get off you got no nuts mate what are you doing he trying to me so he goes so so all is it is is it’s um there there there’s two or three different tracks and it’s it’s worthwhile going even if you di to the

    Tracks because the social event the social event during the day like the talks and um like the boook onings and there’s loads and loads of stores there you can go around people you know showing you to pick your B up [ __ ] tiet for honestly the social side of it is as

    Good as going around on the track and the the the live bands of the night [ __ ] brilliant absolutely [ __ ] brilliant they had um ACDC on last year when we was there and it was honestly mate it was [ __ ] awesome the Saturday night was like like a proper [ __ ]

    Festival I think that’s what we need to do one of our weekends is get a get a band on get a band playing honestly might the drums you on the drums then Craig is the gorilla on the drums at CAD advert well we got Phil Collins old [Laughter]

    Phil have you come to join him mate sit down me busy a bik a Bo today vickies so so how long do you reckon this this this Zed’s Gonna Last then this Kaki got I think he keep it probably keep it now yeah yeah I think he will so we

    Go a good ride he’ll do his usual one he’ll keep it until we do a big ride and then he’ll say this weekend for me I know some I know some [ __ ] ch ing the bike every 12 months for 18 months boys one some one thing goes

    Wrong and he’s like it’s [ __ ] it’s [ __ ] I it’s gone and then two weeks later he’s bought somebody else yeah iord to I think any I think any bite you get none of them are going to be perfect no matter what you have there’s always going to be something you’re not quite

    Happy with you know what I mean hold on let me just lose the door guys yeah I mean we all take the piss out of for buy all these BS but if I had the money I’d probably do exactly the same as he buy

    It like it buy another one oh yeah do it all the time yeah be the same I only changed my Triumph because when we when we went on that France Tour it was it was the and it was the handle bar position that was doing me and the

    Seat and everything was comfy on there the hand bar position was ridiculous why they cooking your bollocks as well with the exhaust on no yeah they got that’s Reon I Chang that’s reason I got a BMW I thought I ain’t going to do another long Tour on that on

    That um 1050 Sprint no chance on [Laughter] it I think I think like for me when I started when I first started touring I bought that little kazaki versus 650 when I first started touring and and it might I thought it was s and it w

    Until we went on to and I started riding other people’s bikes I realized how [ __ ] it was you what I mean everybody’s bikes what was it the bike what was [ __ ] or just that because it was low CC no it it was enough to do

    With it was just the bike the bike was crap the the the brags was shocking the handling was shocking the [ __ ] seating position was crap but i r up to Scotland and because I don’t know any different it was my first touring B I only just finished racing so it’s my

    First touring Bo I was like all right this is how you feel you know [ __ ] going up there got up there and then I jumped on Double D’s vom for like I don’t know fuing yeah honestly for about 13 Mile and that’s when he fell off mine

    So I’m at the front of my channel when we more [ __ ] laughing at him he jumps on there nearly goes into nearly plays into the back of everybody because there’s no breaks so he’s like he’s pumping the bres ditches it um but then like I say then I jumped on to um mt7

    Which that was just a [ __ ] Wheeling machine I had to get that off that straight away because all I was doing is [ __ ] popping wheelies everywhere so I had to get off that and then um I went on to the um the 1300 the GS the BMW

    1300 no 1600 and that was phenomenal phenomenal but uh but yeah it was just one of them I I went back onto mine and it just felt really [ __ ] old compared to everybody else’s the brakes felt [ __ ] like I said the suspension was [ __ ] crap it was just it was just horrible

    Horrible to [ __ ] ride that’s what what i b um I mean I had a 19e gap between bikes and after 19 years I brought a 1995 Fire Blade so I’d gone from [ __ ] old bikes righted 19 years at another [ __ ] old bike so I’ve got no idea how

    All this technology had changed day bug no felt and I was just happy with that completely happy with that when I had to go on Goose’s vom I thought like [ __ ] me everything ain’t rattling to pieces on it this don’t this don’t feel right yeah yeah the VFR they got this one it’s

    Funky second gear oh goose is yeah it’s got a second gear is a bit clunky but you know po that fine [ __ ] you now but that’s what I like about just but that’s one of the reasons why I I test once once once I got back from Scotland I was like it’s G

    I’m selling it because compared to everybody else is bought that was [ __ ] you know what I mean and like you say it was just just that old compared no I can’t say compared to everybody else’s but the technology felt old if that makes sense compared to everybody

    Else game Chang is it how quick the technology changes and it just stuff like IBS and and and and stuff like that you I mean where you you know I’m I was still breaking like like I was roiding on the track so I was using me front Brak as

    Like an hand brake and then dabbing me back break for fing for the IBS so I could go down the corner using the IBS as the back break to get around the corner but now because then that BMW it’s all integrated it’s I think it’s

    Like 7030 so you hit the front break you hit the front Brak it’s 70% bre yeah man it’s phenomenal phenomenal honestly I can’t get over I got the breaks are on mine they’re brilliant really stop anything you know what I mean yeah yeah did they go into the back of

    Yeah didn’t stop Roy going into the back yeah nothing to breaks that one was it he’s a knob he likes the rear end but if he’s watching bet he eing and Jeffy the tell Roy’s lying there naking in bed now covered in fried onions I bet yeah scatting his bollocks no doubt

    Here have you got another another bike in mine py if if I was going to buy well I have yeah the one I’m saving up for at the m is the vog 300 and that’s just like a uh it’s a bit like a CR 250300 that’s that’s the bik on on S4 at

    The minute yeah yeah it’s called a a V 300 you just thr mate brand new yeah brand brand new they money like [ __ ] 3,700 quid brand new yeah do you know what I mean and then well that’s what they calling on the um the CRF Killers because they’ve got a digital clock

    They’ve got rev gauge they’ve got uh USB on there day they’ve got clocks on there everything that you’ve got to add to a Honda CRF is already on there it’s already good to go so it’s a worth the money I had a good look around one

    Um or at the ibr festival in fact um I’m sure exit test Road one at the at the the ibr festival everybody who jumped on it was got off it and I sped on and I was like [ __ ] brilliant manate brilliant for the price i d you why people are going to go

    To Honda and go and spend twice as much when that does exactly the same for half the [ __ ] price and it’s brand new so you know and you’re getting all you know you’re getting all your warranties and everything with that so if I don’t get if if I don’t get that

    Then if I as if if I was going for a road road bike I’d get a um MV AUST or F3 yeah 675 F3 well they worth a few pennies they are aren’t they they am now I stop making them stop making them there I’ve been watching some of these

    Reviews just recently on these uh these Benelli is it the TR trk 702 and I gotta say what six grand brand new what a boy you get for that yeah yeah I mean I I had I start I started looking at the uh like the himalayans and and stuff like

    That but um after I spoke to um sa M UK because he had one Derek he had one it and he just said I had nothing but problems with it just constantly Royal Enfield because I just had nothing but problems with it all the time he says

    Some they get fixed somewh else would stop working there get F some else will stopped working he says I think he had his about six months and handed it back he just says do it no more and I just said to but sometimes you get a B like

    That don’t you you get you get a B where you get it and you just ask G about that yeah I’m sure Mom was made on a Friday night Friday afternoon job M was before the weekend yeah yeah that’s it the V 300 yeah that’s the one I was looking at so

    That’s what I’m siging for at the minute because like said how how much do they go for brand new they’re about I’m sure they’re about 3,700 quid brand new they a a lot bad is it there they a a lot honestly ly and that’s brand

    New so you know what I mean for for the for the price of that if you look at that I mean you you say he’s he’s polished it so same hairdresses as me ma three yeah but but you know if if you wait for these VES for the next 18

    Months two years You’ be able to pick one up for a [ __ ] couple of grand yeah so they’re good aren’t they like I say you don’t mind droing a few times it’s not the end of the world is it so no not for that money jent me at the end

    Of the day you know if seems to have that Outlook with an Africa twed just drop it a few times it do matter yeah it’s it’s like it’s like that when when you get like um like this BM that I’ve got gentlemen yeah it’s it’s a 20

    Grand bike but it’s what you’re going to do with it you know if you’re going to go and sit on if you if all you’re going to do is tour row tour on it then you look at you need to look at something more tour based than a GS because it’s a

    Great bike it’s a great Touring bike but you’ve got to look at some like like the k1600 or some some more orientated to touring a lot more comfortable there’s a lot more bugs out there they’re a lot more comfortable for touring than than a GS but you know you got like say the

    Reason why I bought it is for the longevity to to do something when you know [ __ ] four years and did you find that flash you know when we had that 16 hour day going to Switzerland was your body battered at the end of that because I F like I’ve

    Been um that’s 16 hour Dayland I was tired yeah yeah I was tired I was asleep on the bike yeah I was tired yeah but I think we’re all feeling after after a while weren we it’s a long time on a bike plus plus it’s late hours as well so all

    Concentration was needed so it all going it KNE the knees that do M your knees yeah just just in the knees that’s all that was all was saw no I was fine it yeah but I I’m very tired yeah very tired you see when I did Scot his

    Little soldiers I mean my longest day my longest day was 18 and a half hours yeah I did I did from um I went from Glasgow all along the west coast so I did um um Apple cross and all that [ __ ] and then up up to the West Northwest

    Coast across the North Coast to Jonah grouts and that was I think that was 98 mile I did did die in a day good good run yeah but all was exactly the same but like say I was doing this for Charities and you know the quickest

    Anybody had done that was 14 days so once they told me they’ done it in 14 days more my priority then or my target was under 14 days so that was during that big day basically give me a [ __ ] day ahead so then I was like right

    Instead of doing 450 a day or can now do another two or three big days and Smash It smash it do you know what I mean and look well fortunately I did I did it in 10 days but I’ve had a couple of other

    People ask me would you do it again or I just said no not not for charity I w’t do it in that time scale again because I was just absolutely [ __ ] ball if you watch some of the lives yeah go on flash sorry I think depends on what kind of

    Road you’re riding well does it well if you did that many many hours on the saddle if solely on Motorway for instance that’s that’s going to be just my nor in it you know what I mean you’re going to be falling sleep straight away aren’t you I think what we did because

    We didn’t go on the motorad at all we kept on all the minor roads Moun routs whatever it kept us or you know we kept in touch with what we’re doing kind of thing if you’re on a Motorway doing that kind of mileage you’re going to be

    Dropping off you know what I mean that’s what I found 16 hours one so much physical mentally mentally gone I was just mentally tired was absolutely frazzled yeah I mean what what I found is I I kind of I was kind of lapsing in and out concentration almost so i’ I’d find

    Myself like looking back Goose was to sleep so so I’d get somewhere and I’d have a brew like i’ sit there have a brew and then i’ think I don’t remember the last two hours yeah don’t know I don’t remember any of the road where I

    Was where I been or nothing do you know what I mean and then you know you travel another two hours and you remember it kind of thing and I just that’s what I found I just found myself like almost coming in and out of of concentration

    And yeah that’s what that when it comes dangerous isn’t it you know what I mean yeah you you don’t need one thing to happen and if you’re not fully on there you know that’s a good thing though when you watch the footage back there you think I don’t actually remember jumping that red

    Light over that raway when the train was coming I don’t remember any of that you get to the bit you forget well when we got when we got G aren that night I made two mistakes that night coming through when we Gott trying to find a way through into L to find out

    Where we were following us was your mistake I thought well I pulled out in front of a taxi just to doing a U-turn yeah piggy had already said there’s a taxi coming guard so I didn’t he didn’t register just pull out straight in front of him I think your brain’s already gone

    At that point he switch yeah you’re na you know yeah yeah look and what I found as well though is like did you find the next day did you find the next day for the first couple of hours you was proper switched on because you’d had a good night’s sleep

    So you was how told you was night before You’ gone to Sate World Cup and I youve literally woke up I’m ready to go well that night I mean we got there was it qu to 12 I me I was buzzing like a vibrator night couldn’t sleep couldn’t

    Sleep I must had a couple of hours sleep and I remember the next day I didn’t feel tired the next day I just felt like I’d had about 300 coffees I just felt I don’t know if it was just like adrenaline but I I just felt jittery all day long

    Yeah comy when you that comes Iny well Goose says it does that you and he didn’t complain you could tell that now that [ __ ] phone’s getting bounced about my garage you got no eating [ __ ] hell I’m surprised you not got your gerb and jacket on actually I have put e socks on goose if my Miss is Wasing machine

    Another one please yeah get get your ass up and get your chap get your chap points yeah but it’s it’s like like I’ll watch afterwards I watch my lives back and you can see how because I try to do a live every night but I just couldn’t sometimes because I was just [ __ ]

    Absolutely ball bagged but the nights that I have done a live so that like the first three or four days you can see that I’m I’m quite chirpy but then you can see the next for like three four you just see changing and you can you can Sim like

    And and this is what I want you to to kind of put across with with the Scott’s little soldiers obviously that the charity that is that is that all of that is for is children um who deal with PTSD stress um self aring and stuff like that that the

    Because the it takes 18 months for the government basically to sort their [ __ ] out so what Scot his little soldiers has is is a a patch of money so when when their parent dies in the military they just give them the money there you go go

    Get go and get it straight away you a Gotta Wait 18 months there’s [ __ ] three grand go [ __ ] sort yourself out so so for me we’ve we we’ve got PTSD so you can stand there and say at least there oh no I’m helping somebody do you

    Know what I mean and and that’s what I wanted to show I wanted to show the good times and the bad times and and that kind of transition from how slow it can take to like I got down to um L’s end and like I I I booked in this um hotel

    And I was just absolutely knackered manate I was just absolutely [ __ ] deated and I had a shower had a bath [ __ ] went down had had some food come back up had a law in the bed had a no Kip got back up went and had a swim cut

    My air [ __ ] I did a live and you could you could you could see the difference the next day with me just kind of doing a bit of admin for myself and getting off the bike a little bit earlier and kind of giving myself an opportunity

    To to have a bit of time off the bike and [ __ ] we got to Switzerland we took that next day we was meant to do the passes and we took that day off and we just went into interlock and yeah just spent the day walking around something just just a bit of downtime

    Yeah yeah I mean when when when our with our Lads what what what are F obviously we we all serve together the lads are aing with so what all find if we go away for like five I know five or six days seven days the first couple of days is like

    [ __ ] Manic and stra on the on the all have a be we all arguing and you know what I mean get back we more get on it but then after like two or three days of everybody kind of like decompressing almost with each other then you you you see the mood

    Settle down then and you get into a flow and I mean you can have a couple of beers have some food and stuff like that but that first couple of days really [ __ ] I always do that the first night I a stupid smash a couple of bottles of

    Red wine I’m just spazzed out then or the next day then trying to get on the tunnel going across you know your end’s just completely wrecked yeah it’s just excitement you get excited at the start yeah well it’s like well yeah I do I I

    Did it at the ibr festival got there the first night I was like when did the trail smashed it down there do you know what I mean and and half of it like you say it’s just excitement tell you nothing else it’s just [ __ ] really

    Exciting you what I mean but you you run on adrenaline don’t you you just run on adrenaline yeah you’re banging the drinks all of a sudden it catches up with you yeah we’re well beh we are yeah he’s just an animal yeah falling down stairs and smashing up and everything

    Animal he got dbas on his coffee but no coffee you know what I mean fair play play team so have you got any any big tourers lined up as as groups this year we’re doing we’re doing a black forest in July oh mate if you need

    Any any um roots not one I got none of that [ __ ] um if you need any Roots then I can send you some across mate of what we did but one one place I will say you’ve got to go it’s in Switzerland so but A4 it’s it’s probably about four

    Four and a half hours there um is the rowing Falls which is where I’ve heard it’s amazing but you got to be careful because I they give me a bollocking so I put my drone up so I flew my drone over it so I’m there having to fly around doing getting some

    Video mate I must have only had the Drone in the air [ __ ] two minutes and this like I don’t know what he was I don’t know whether it was a copper or not but he’s come up [ __ ] giving me a [ __ ] bollin and I was like you know you’re

    Like I don’t know what you’re [ __ ] saying I don’t know what you want about so and then in the end he pointed at the Drone he was like this I flew the Drone got my got my footage and flew the Drone back um so and then I ended up just

    Putting the Drone in in my back box and I drove off left left the lads theet just wed up the street like a nauy school boy but uh but yeah but but you can get um um tourers on the bikes and they actually go into the waterfalls the

    Self and come back out it’s [ __ ] honestly it’s worth watching the bike mate honestly it’s [ __ ] amazing it’s it’s brilliant Place brilliant brilliant brilliant PR so if you do try try and get the reason we picked the reason we picked Black Forest this year is it’s

    It’s a short this year so we’ve only got the six nights because originally I wanted to do the uh the two of the grandel all the way to Monaco we just could couldn’t do it we couldn’t do it and I thought was white black forest have you

    Got have you got you got accomodation yet yeah yeah all that was booked in September I was gonna say because I know in the black we stopping north north of Strasburg so we’re not actually staying in the Black Forest we’re coming the day we doing it from coming through

    Strasburg through the black forest and then coming out South back into France oh then to work our way back up so we’ve only so what I’ve really done is the b500 because you’re just hearing there about all the the speed cameras and the speed Li loads of coppers what I’ve done

    Is I’m just picking parts of the b500 that every every so many miles I’m just going to shoot off do all the side roads and that then jump back on do another few more miles and shoot off so it’s it’s only a little a little tour this year it’s nothing nothing major this

    Year like I say if you want if you you know if you obviously I saying you a [ __ ] or nothing but if you want at least then you can have a look and get [ __ ] that’s a good Ro M the all [ __ ] when you ain’t doing it

    Yourself what I mean if you a’t put the time and the effort in the more [ __ ] I’m for I’m only good for the [Laughter] G yeah I think I might look at um might look at uh to the Grand Alps next year or or M Spain next year

    Spain I want to do I want to do the problem is with us is having like being in the group to the tour is you know we normally get average about 10 it’s just trying to find who’s got can get the time off at the same time that’s our biggest

    Problem I mean like I mean what I mean obviously we are in the the same [ __ ] scenario but all as I do I just I’ll pick it I’ll pick two dates and then I just say to the lads majority [ __ ] rules it’s this date or this date and I

    Usually fix it to a bank holiday so we have like the weekend before and then we run up to the bank holiday and then we usually come back on the bank holiday so they Ain got to use as many days but but that’s what that’s like say it’s it’s obviously you’ve got

    A big group to deal with are yeah so that’s a lot that’s a lot of [ __ ] admin to be fair for you big bunch of knit to deal with I just [ __ ] I just [ __ ] B him get abuse abuse that’s what it’s all about the way

    It is you wouldn’t have it any other way no no if somebody somebody was that there sh abuse yeah you’d think something was wrong I don’t think it’s very often we actually have a serious conversation even less when actually on the bo got the cardos on I don’t think

    There’s a serious conversation what happens in that to her at all constant piss taking from the second go me like I’ve been watching your channel for for years before I started my channel I was watching your channel and you know you and and that’s what I

    Was saying earlier about when when I ask people to come on because you can see through the videos if the same type of Personality as you you what I mean so when I watch surprise these guys to come on surpris I did well to be fair I I’ll

    Say this now I only sent him the link so he sent it to you oh yeah but but but that’s you know you can you can you can kind of portray yourself how you want people to see you know what I mean and like for me I want it I want

    More channel relevant to who I am so that when somebody meets me then meeting the person who is on the [ __ ] Channel you know what I mean not you know somebody who sat there and then they meet them I think in the early days it’s it’s very easy to get lost in the

    YouTube bollocks yeah especially when you you know you start ining the big channels and you know you thinking right I got look up to these knob EDS and some people they get too lost in it they can’t get out of it then no yeah and

    Then you can’t you end up kind of being a channel you can’t manage because you you know you’ve been that false you’re going to run out of ideas what to do and then you basically that’s when you just see channels will just disappear they’ll just go because I’ll

    Do it for so long I you know it is easy because I think you know at the beginning a lot of channels do do it you start seeing a few subscribers coming in and you start watching numbers and it’s very very easy to get caught there that dark trap

    Yeah but I think we just picked up on it quick enough and I just thought that’s I mean know it’s another reason why we don’t do all these interviews and and stuff like that you know it’s I’m St interested in that that [ __ ] side of it

    Yeah you know I just wanted to be us not being noeds well them not being noeds I just me brilliant with square on the bikes and I thought just capture that so we kind have started off doing that got a little bit lost in the YouTube [ __ ] and then

    Got back to it and just thought right if we play a video once every two months that’s how it’ll be yeah he said this I’ve got to do some every week we’ve got it with the numbers and I just thought I’d say playing this playing the game

    The game no but that’s that’s one of the reasons why you know straight straight off the bat I said thank you because you know for me or know that when I asked you well I’ve asked you before and you says we don’t we don’t do that kind of

    Thing and I was just like sound no problem you know I totally appreciate that but knowing that you was watching some of the lives I was thinking you you can you can see how some people start messaging start messaging and then the chat starts coming in more and more and

    More and you could see you can kind of gauge other well I can when I’m looking at it I can see the gauge of the interest through the side shut so people come in the first week and they hardly put anything and then the second week

    It’s a bit more third week bit more fourth week bit more fifth Week start a bit of bant so you can start you can see the kind of report already building with with other channels when you just even in the S chat so and that’s why straight

    Off the bat I just said thank you because I know that you you guys D to this you D to these [ __ ] group talks you know I know you’ve been asked you know probably [ __ ] loads of times so for for you to pick my channel you know

    What I mean I [ __ ] I appreciate it so you’re a good bloke as said didn’t he I think you know who you can connect with you know you know pretty quick who you can connect with and who’s a complete [ __ ] yeah so that’s why that’s why I

    Don’t speak to the rest of the guys that’s why I’ve changed my number yeah but it’s like when we like when I like of text Greg and you know you know we’ve had a we’ve had a bit of a chapter we’ve been trying to meet up for

    Try to meet up months now but that but like us meeting or me texting a that one nothing to do with like I’m trying to get him on the channel it was just genuine how you doing fanty meeting up should we have a brew should we do this

    You know what I mean I don’t I don’t ask people to come on the lives or anything for me to get anything out of it what I want to do is like just so if if for example people don’t see your channel I don’t know why the one [ __ ] see your

    Channel if they watch my channel but if they do your channel then it highlights your channel and then it highlights my channel from the people who who kind of go on yours so it’s it’s it’s a win-win situation with the people who reaching out for me on the side chat who are like

    [ __ ] I I seen these channels before when I’ve had like people like uh M mongle on [ __ ] you know a few people just growing the family and it’s grow the family yeah and and that’s what I’m saying so but that’s we like with these uh these the Wales

    Weekends because I think at the most I think we’ve had about I think it was about 75 the most we there that was our biggest one but it’s real because those are real people and the real people you’re regularly communicating with and that’s the bit what we like

    Said you know you talking to 70 people but you’ve got like 5,000 Subs that don’t add up no you know no people you have no idea you don’t know whe robot subscribing to you you got no idea they are no can I can I just say we’ve got

    Alby wanting to come in but I can have on so if somebody wants to jump off I’ll jump off I’ll jump off they all want to jump off now don’t they who wants to go then who wants to go I’m gonna pop off and uh get some bit SED ready one off thank

    Youate you for later see you tomorrow later love you lat work and don’t beate coffee I’m going now I’m just popping in just popping in quick to say hello why it’s half time with a football so oh fair play fair play thanks for popping in mate how you

    Doing welcome pleas pleas to see you all boys it’s full and [Laughter] winning i’ got to be doing all just I was gonna sayy you got your noty on El Old Man City top on bed t-shirt so I’m ready for me bed so after the foot early start tomorrow

    Fair play have you still got the gold RNG of you all be yes I have yeah I’ve got to get a new mirror for it though because I I tried to reach around and push it fold the mirror in because one side was folded tried to push the other

    Side in but I hit it a bit too hard and it smacked in it the brake lever and it put like a bullet hole in it so so I got to get a new one now that’s about that’s about four grand just for the mirror probably my mate works at um the graph

    Honda dealer o sorry my mate works at the Grafton Honda dealer he’s going to price it up for me tomorrow let me know so give me a shout see what it costs I’ve seen them on online DMP or something like one of the motorcycle sales places they’re doing it for like

    10 quid 11 quid but it’s got a blue tint to it and I don’t know if that’s going to be if it’s going to work or not so I’ll see how sure he’s got some AliExpress mirrors in his shed you can put on your gold ring some stick on your

    Cho [ __ ] chopper with [ __ ] gears in the middle one of them see how much they go for now they’re about go for worth a fortune yeah as well old BMX for some [ __ ] decent winning yeah especially if you had the remember the old mag wheels where if you bookle them you could

    Freeze them and they go [ __ ] straight what You’ been boys been chatting about chewing the F you I thought my ears were burning yeah been talking about bards oh yeah yeah that hurts every time you say that word you know that thanks D I think I’m all right mate yeah cheers PL

    Yeah still not 100% but I’m getting a getting you back to work yet you gone back to work yet I’m doing a bit each week just take it easy whenever you’re ready buddy whenever you’re ready look like a nice place where was you in Scotland uh oh yeah we went to top side

    Of in vaness first and went over to went over the other side went stopped in this uh Lighthouse a nice time it’s on my YouTube channel by the way py a I saw the bit where you filming when you first thing in the morning when the sunrise that was beautiful wasn’t it

    Yeah yeah it was nice yeah yeah all like be there when it’s snowing and glad out right on that Peninsula it was really rough really rough you couldn’t stand up when it’s windy no way yeah really well me and alal were supposed to camp in Scotland last weekend because he just

    Like a winter camp between the first the first couple of weeks of January and he said he said to me you want to jump on I was like yeah I’ll come with you like you I mean and then I messaged him on the Thursday I

    Was like mate is this in the F the weather there’s a g coming in I said it’s 10 up there I went mate I says on a serious note you I’m a laughing a j and freezing your nuts off I says on a serious note if some if someone goes on

    There I you ain’t you ain’t going to get off a mountain you ain’t G to you’ve got to get you out to the [ __ ] Hospital you know what I mean you got to get your bik out I said you know you need to look at this on on a [ __ ] sensible note you

    Need to look at it there you’re staying there you going nowhere you’re staying there and you know how quick hypothermic can down look at the rain we’ve had over the last couple of week well last couple of days it’s [ __ ] mad me and Andy me and Andy

    USA Andy going up there in May we’re going back up to dooro for a while we’re going to do mile and then uh probably jump on the sky quick as well yeah yeah yeah that’s got that mad Road a we zigzag up yeah we’re gonna have a go over there and then we’re

    Staying on mole for the night as well so that should be good so begin the may we go yeah has Andy still got his Gold Wing yeah yeah he’s got the bagger a he he’s got the bagger I’m G I’m jumping off I’ll catch you all later see you later

    By yeah so then there was four of us so what what um what trips you got plan in piggy um the the any one I’ve got now there and his um Normandy the 8th anniversary oh are you going I’m going that as well what date you going over um the Wednesday the

    5ifth so Wednesday the fifth Wednesday oh yeah see I’m over the fifth because the they’re doing some big Festival on the the Fifth’s the Wednesday the sixth is the Thursday is the Freud there some big Festival that’s um where where they did the S where the where they had that big

    Fight at the S over the bridge I can’t remember the name of the [ __ ] the town now but they’re doing a big Festival get through there on the Friday so um like a big March and everything there’s all different [ __ ] I don’t know all different [ __ ] cars and to a

    Play so I want to I’m going to that’s what I wanted to go over before I want I want to go I there on on the sixth yeah not well five days so I’m going to go with the on there um I’ll get there early Wednesday morning and then so I’ve

    Got Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday and then come come back late Sunday night so right we so wanted to do that this year so wanted to do it Saturday and then come back on the Thursday Thursday or the Friday but I’ve got um I’ve got another thing to go and do my son’s um

    Anniversary of his golf tournament so yeah Rick’s golf tournament so we got that now on the six so I’ve got to come back so got to bring It Forward it’s going on the Friday the 31st going be there Friday Saturday Sunday Monday come home on the Tuesday but they’re saying on the

    Saturday now they’re doing a massive firework display on all of the five Landing beaches in unison on Saturday night they’re doing that on Nico have a day off um they’re doing they’re doing that on N to the 6th as well oh are they bril yeah they’re doing on they’re doing it on the

    N to they’re gon to stretch it out they’re going to stretch this out oh I think celebrations are going on for about two weeks three weeks there there you can go on there’s a I can’t remember name of the website now but there’s a website you can go on to and it it

    Basically breaks down every day that it’s new enough all through J it breaks out every single day no yeah they hav’t put it all on yet because they’re G have the paratroopers over um over San Mary GLE as well have thousands of paratroopers jumping out yeah you know where the one’s hanging up

    On the on the on the chur yeah yeah that’s my dat when you get there and you in your seat you got the airum there as well I I might get up on the Saturday morning and just go come back Sunday morning you never know if you do you go up Well yeah

    If you want to stay Saturday night give me a shout cuz we’re we’re about 80 km outside that’s all we are so about an hour ride from from Normandy Beach from Utah Beach from Omaha Beach yeah we’re about an hour ride out that’s all you’re taking

    A you taking escabar to the Grave yes on the way through yeah if he don’t blow out again so yeah hopefully you won so that’s one of the things that but but after watching uh your series that that kind of we went last year with the lads and I watched

    Your series and I was like [ __ ] man I’ve gotta I’ve got to go now I’ve got to go so and that that kind of pushed us lot even though we’re more X army because you because you see that [ __ ] all the time you don’t want to keep

    Going back to places like it you what I mean because you get you just end up get having a bit of a [ __ ] Downer if I’m being honest sometimes but then when when me and Marcus went to Belgium um a couple of well a couple of months ago to

    To the World War I stuff and went through them gray the um the trenches where they dug The Trenches out yeah that was that was phenomenal because we me and Marcus we went with uh Stefan um M travel UK he’s he’s a German lad but

    We met him over there but when we was walking through it was just mad they dug The Trenches how the lay of the land was undulating so where the where they a dipping down like this they dug The Trenches lower so if they’re standing up they’re like for

    Example the front of the trench was like chest eye but as you walk past and the trench dipped down like that they dug out so the they have to dig down too far to get the trench to keep it wrap up again it’s phenomenal the the the

    Construction in in them trenches was was [ __ ] brilliant but it was but like for me and Marcus we went back there and like the systems and the stuff that they use in [ __ ] 1920s we still implicating that in you know [ __ ] 2020 2021 we’re still using it we might

    Have changed it slightly but yeah we’re still using the same [ __ ] stuff yeah Basics are there aren’t they still when we where that Canadian grave the Canadian Monument was do you remember Craig oh yeah the’re two big all the cruff where the trees have been smashed

    And stuff and oh it’s amazing to see there was all the signs w walk because there was obviously still un exploded bombs there in there yeah I tell you the one the good one we went to um we’ve been to a couple of English ones and a couple of

    Belgian ones and a French one and this that and the other and Stefan says oh can we go to a German a German grave soone was like yeah sound right then so all these graves are absolutely pristine they’re [ __ ] lovely do you know what

    I mean and then we so he’s put it in his satav so we followed him we go to this wargrave mate and then basally we parked up we couldn’t even see it so we looking around we was like where’s this Warg grave so we get off

    The BS having a look having a look round and then we found this wargrave m the grass was like [ __ ] that o and all it was was like wood and Crosses that’s all it was and then there must have been about 10 headstones so we we walked in

    Had walk around and you could see Stefan getting a bit upset because of how pristine all these other wargraves and because all the countryes basically paid to have the upkeeper in Germany though so and he was just like basically Germany Germany have just gone this happened one we went to was pristine was

    It the one the yeah yeah but it was very very somber though wasn’t it that compared to the the American cemeter more lot low key was it a lot more low key sorry go on no go on I found as a ger I found two German cemeteries on our

    Way this year to the Black Forest which are literally like what you just said pey you know them lit in the middle of nowhere and there’s none of them have been kept none of them are looked after by by the wgrs or anything that there so I’m quite looking forward to seeing that

    Although it sounds horrible I’m looking forward to seeing it where it’s just over drama to the cemetery yeah but I tell you what we we did find out again this and this is we I know this because of Stefan so there was there was all loads and loads of crosses but but like

    Any a couple of headstones and there was any little short headstones so me and Marcus what we was thinking oh they must have been officers because they’ve got a headstone do you know what I mean and then it come about it were it was there was um oh [ __ ] hell not Muslims [ __ ]

    Jewish Jewish Jewish yeah so the Jew the Jews had actually fought next to the [ __ ] Germans wow and I was like to begin with I don’t believe him I thought that’s blocky B but then when we got back to the hotel straight on [ __ ] Google yeah was right I was no

    [ __ ] way no no way like that when we went to thator you know you think you know this massacre this Village you know 643 people you thinking you know these Nazis do it and I I think it was about 90 some odd percent that was French soldiers yeah yeah the majority of them

    Were French what was doing it had just obviously been encripted by the Germans and a lot of them have done it I suppose for I suppose to keep their families protected surv that is you know you need to come and jooy US yeah but all them atrocities I would also CL is majority

    Of them I was French i’ killed them you know when we went to the British Memorial when we went last time this time they they’re putting um silhouettes of all it was it 1,500 and something yes I read that yesterday they’re putting they putting 1,00 the amount of people that died they’re

    Putting that amount of Silhouettes out there on the field that’s going to be amazing I think they’re visitor centers built now isn’t it the might should be yeah yeah I think the education Cent there yeah so we’re gonna pop back there and have a look at that that’ be awesome

    Seeing that yeah that be it’s always good going like on the anniversary as well because it’s like they have everything there don’t they all trucks back 44 is it I think if you get to meet any veterans at this anniversary it’ll be last anniversary you meet oh God

    Yeah well imag be for the 100th anniversary is going to be none of them left no no no well that’s what I’m saying there there’s so you imagine if if there was even if there was 16 which I know some were but even if there was 16 they’re gonna be well they’re goingon

    To be 96 finish the 80th anniversary so even if there was 16 that’s the one thing what’s well I’m good to debate about not going this series because obviously you know we tried not last year we did it was the year before wasn’t it we tried to come back and arrange it

    Um I’m just GED at that you know you know I might never get that chance to say you know thank you for everything you did well the inv the invite still there if you want to jump on and come just let us know so

    Yeah like I I mean the one of the lads that comes with us is just a yeah well he’s just a C3 he just one of the lads I mean but we class him as an arm labri just to see if he lad but he took a

    Photo of us looking out at Gold Beach right so all there five of us just stood there looking out at Gold Beach right now on that foto it looked really picturesque and we’ all stood there over our backs towards him looking out at the beach and this that and the other but on

    The flip side of that Queen we’ve actually all stood there arguing which would be the best way to attack the [ __ ] beach so I’m saying i’ have g a left flanker I’d have gone down this ridg line here and I pulled in and then come across theot and other

    People know he’s G no no [ __ ] straight on that’s no no what you should have done is come right and but the photo is phenomenal because we just all just stood there like looking out like I said on on the flip on the if you could

    Hear the hear the photo talk we W actually just stood there [ __ ] arguing which which is the best way to come in sometimes it’s the moment what makes the picture and it it’s the moment that makes it yeah we have some cracking pcks as well don’t we yeah CRA I must

    Admit like when I got there or when I was going around I I didn’t think I’d feel so uh I didn’t think I’d get as upset as I did do J I mean and like it it was just out of nowhere as well when when I started to get upset and it was

    Over [ __ ] the slightest thing you what I mean and I suppose that’s because obviously when you you know you see conflict and stuff like that you can kind of see it deal with it and kind of put it to one side yeah but when you go

    Back and you then you realize how hard and much order they had it I’m like [ __ ] fair play to that’s one thing I noticed when I remember doing the first Norm to editing the footage and it was something I never really picked up on at the time

    But obviously you know we we’re on our way to whatever Monument we’re going to see everyone’s [ __ ] about ripping their piss giggling laughing you know crying with laughter and then as soon as you pull up to a monument everyone just kind of switched into yeah more Ser mode yeah yeah it’s

    Serious yeah it’s it’s I think it’s can respect yeah yeah yeah I think you just realizing it really H you how much you respect what they did for us don’t it so went to to my great great Ellen’s great great Grandad’s grave Paul’s Pablo’s great great Grandad’s grave and

    I see it all the time when you watch these who do you think you are to chase their ancestors I think why are they crying I didn’t even know the people you know what I mean but when I got there just it washed over me because all of a

    Sudden I I stopped and I thought well hang on a minute if it wasn’t for him yeah they wouldn’t be alive I wouldn’t have married her I wouldn’t have had my kids I wouldn’t have my family and my life would be totally different you know

    It to her we wouldn’t have been on that to it all just wouldn’t have come together it tot different yeah yeah that that’s one of my makes appreciate you know really makes you appreciate things when you stuck think yeah I don’t know what episode is where you take that lad

    To the grave and it gets upset that was oh was that bear that was in DF W it yeah when you went went through DF and it sits down it sits down and you could just you could just see the emotion starting to that was Roy that was Roy

    Yeah when that was when we went to your grave Al oh was it but what I did I used that part of Roy crying in the next episode because he he never sent the footage so I made the episode put it live and then he sent me the footage of

    Him crying in the cemetry he so grateful yeah he so grateful to actually be able to go out there and pay his respects when he it was funny because you could see him crying like that and his tits were shaking as he was crying it was brilliant I’m glad we again this

    Year Craig Craig just got that of about 30 [Laughter] be the last chance I ever get to go back and do it again so my last the third time I’ve been now so be the last time I go back I’m GL that I’m not coming out

    With you boys this year so I’m still looking at property in France that’s the aim is I want to get out this country I want to live yeah oh you see M BAND and uh shadows and that that are out there I was looking I was looking the

    Other day we found what wasn’t a deand you know house amazing five bedroom two acres of land and they got two outes would have been converted like into granny Flats like two 51,000 is that it 51 Grand yeah wow yes you got you got a few quits to spend to

    Do a m a little bit that was the thing with this one it was completely done it wasn’t even was even there what I like about France like it’s like being in England in the early 80s late 70s nice and quiet the roads are quiet a peaceful

    I love it I love I just found I just found the respect there I just found the respect in France yeah seems to be what we’ve kind of lost in this country big time yeah you know respector seems to have gone here know yeah you know this younger generation and said it’s just

    It’s just chaos we was on about today said it was like stepping back in time yeah yeah yeah I mean we we were saying this today at work about um cuz we one of the lads watched them on [ __ ] I can’t remember Tik Tok or some saying that they’re going to bring they’re

    They’re going to ask all the Young Generation Now to join the Army just in case you have to get to war with Russia and I we was laughing we sat there and we we was crying laughter and like these Lads these Lads are stand there like and

    I’m in the Army and I’m what you laughing at and you like mate can you imagine the generation fighting take me Xbox for me yeah yeah I mean it’s yeah I mean it’s like I said to him I says M you look at the Russia and Ukraine war now right now yeah there’s

    Ground Forces troops there yeah there’s fighting forces on the ground but you’re not having much uh face Toof face contact you’re not having many face tace battles everything’s drawing aerial shots and stuff days know I mean and that’s piggy be good because he’s good with the drought and he piggy get every

    Target every put it through the letter box wi he so get it tell him to get a [ __ ] job there job SC for drown but yeah it just made me laugh because you know you know you look at these Lads now and you’re just like

    Could could could I get to war with you could could I rely on you as my rightand man knowing that you’ve got more back and genuinely I genuinely I don’t think I could no we but I think we’re the we’re the last of the Dying Breed mate I tell

    You so our age group Our Generation now I think we we’ve got parents who same of my parents who probably same Al be you know who were at that age weren’t they I mean my dad was in in the forces in Egypt he me Granddad my dad’s dad he was

    In in in the forces at the same time so you know what I mean it and we were brought up to have that respect and we were disciplined do you know what I mean all right we try to do it I mean respect doesn’t cost you anything respect does cost anything but

    These days the Parents Just Don’t Give A RS ass and they they don’t discipline their kids I mean against oh you’ve been so naughty I tell you what I’m do I’m going to reward you with five minutes to yourself just and it continues and it continues and it continues I mean there

    There’s there’s quite a few schools now the the the curriculum and that now World War II is being taken out of History not being Ted schools I’m saying there it’s not relevant you know so you can’t just erase no you can’t you can’t erase it and and and also like I

    Mean my granddad was in World War II my dad was in the Army I was in the Army my great Grandad was in the Army so a lot a lot of my family is military based do you what I mean so so for me with people

    Are saying it like you know when when you got Steve in the military biker on here Jeremy when you give you know some of the worst places you can getu and for me like one of the worst places I went to was [ __ ] Northern Ireland and people look Northern Ireland really

    And I’m like yeah and I say why why Northern Ireland I mean because you can you can understand what they’re saying yeah any other country you go to you to the Balkans War you go to Afghan Iraq or whatever yeah you have fire fights we had fire fights in Northern Ireland and

    Stuff like that but when you walk past somebody and they’re G just let you know mate a blocking the flat up there gonna [ __ ] shoot you if I’m saying that in Arabic or whatever you idea and then you know you get the you get the kids running B just smashing

    In your head with a [ __ ] with the brick there in the alleys and stuff like that orange marches you g do the orange marches for one year yeah again you say about the respect and stuff and I’ll be old school even these days you in in our time you had a 50 cup

    For somebody when they went down you wait till they got back up again these days they jump on your head stick a knife in your back you know I mean it’s like just never know when to stop there no just no respect it’s just

    Like world we live in now so yeah like I say it’s just one of them I just I just and that’s one of the reasons why of well initially the reason why I I booked because I thought you guys were going to be there so I was like what I’m

    Going to do is I’m going to book and just not say anything and just rock up I was come back before you go so it was just aame as ath was going on I was just I was I it just getting more and more impossible for me to do it problem is me

    Is he’s working in schools I can’t take any holiday yeah I could only have school holidays outside of that the only option you’ve got is founding sick but I’m going and the reason I’m going early is because of Rick’s gol so I got get back so I can go back to the

    Golf weekend cuz they’re doing it in Spain this year so I come back from France on the on the Tuesday and I fly out to Spain on the Thursday no I’m not doing wall bad I thought I’d let you answer that one you know what I put it in the diary but I

    Looked at the prices again the other day it’s still 80 just to Camp so per night so I’m thinking well that used to be 880 with all the food and stuff before now it’s £80 of stuff without the food cuz all the food vendors are there now to make it easier

    For people to get food which I understand and I know things go up I thinking wow that’s 160 quid for a weekend that’s before you have your booze and anything else you know soive it yeah I mean for that just just for I’m back say that though that’s

    Where we met wasn’t it Alby was it wbad yeah i’ I’ve booked the Villa for six of us for France and it’s only costing us um £90 each that’s it for for four nights so it’s costing us what £37 pound a night eat something like it’s ridiculous price you see when see when

    I’ve looked into it I L I looked into it and I found it cheaper so what I’m doing is I’m on the Wednesday I’m going across the tunnel early on the Wednesday and then I’ve booked um fair play they’ve given me military discounts so for four

    Nights it’s only costing me 200 quid for four nights that’s good that no no hotel hotel with breakfast and it’s a three bed room as well because I said to him I says can I can [ __ ] three people come they says they can but obviously you g they gonna have to pay

    For the breakfast but you we’ve done you the room now so it don’t matter and I was like superb but coming back and catching the fairy back from Deep because it was cheaper to go back from DF than it was to go up to the tunnel

    And then through the tunnel so to come back it was actually cheaper to go via thep so we be coming over on the tunnel and back via thep over the I’ve got the tunnel Aon back for 93 quid and I used 40 pound of Club Card of vouchers

    Doubled that up to 80 it’s supped to be 13 griid for the train [ __ ] right so for the train and then I’ve got a villa like we had Craig when we went a big Villa for six of us we’ve all got our own bedrooms in that as well so that’s

    Well I think two of them got a share um the two brothers Le and Le and Paul they’re going to share and then the six of us I think it’s costing us all about I think with the with the ferry and that as well about 260 with the train I me

    About 260 good each so it’s not bad for for nights is it really no so I’ve got I’ve got the tunnel going over there at 37 quid and then I’ve got a return Ferry coming back at something like 27 quid cuz 2id 27 quit yeah cuz it’s like I

    Can’t remember it it’s like 9:00 at night all right yeah yeah yeah so I was like I’ll have all die there it’s a three hour Crossing I thought I’ll just [ __ ] get my B and just get me head down for three hours you see for Germany I think it’s

    Where at the cheapest this year I think we’ve got the tunnel there and back and all six hotels for 290 quid each that’s just what I’ve seem to found is over the the east side of France towards Belgium the hotel seem are hell of a lot cheaper than coming through central

    France what date you G again Craig Monday the 22nd and come back Sunday the 28th okay Monday 22nd to 28th because on the Monday piggy is away goes on holiday Goose goes and all with the family so kind of it that’s why we couldn’t do the

    Eight days this year we down to six days who who’s actually going this year so we’ve got Go slash yeah yeah DAV Jim o Roy piggy Wade that’s it I think the 10 of us okay yeah because d ross ain’t gone is he’s he’s left now he left for what

    Month you what month you going there July see because me and goose because we both work at the school I get school holidays off but Goose doesn’t Goose he’s like a normal job he has to book but he can only have that first week of the main six weeks

    Holiday oh yeah yeah because the rest of the score holiday he has jobs planned he has to do at the school like all pain in all rooms so we always we can only have that first week in the six weeks holiday and pigy gets at same week

    Because he has like Factory shut down kind of works that first week kind of works for everyone nice man nice what should I know about that i’ come with you so we’ll see what we’ll see what next year brings Year bring yeah we’ll get get mashed up at

    This [ __ ] weekend have a laugh oh yeah right then planed for this weekend is are you going to the world Weekender then I am yeah um like I’ve been given a a cheap ticket so uh well somebody’s bought a ticket and basically they they’ve asked me if I wanted it off

    Price so I was like yeah sound um so I’m just King I may I may see you there yet so I don’t know yet so yeah I intended to go I couldn’t go last year so yeah I’ve never done I’ve never done one you haven’t been for the last two

    Years have you lby because we’ve been on yeah I I broke not last year because we was away in Switzerland but the year before that I broke the I broke early from the tour in night the South tour oh yes yeah and I went down didn’t I cuz I

    Left you guys early and uh yeah I think I went for one one day the following year as well but last year I couldn’t go at all because we was in Switzerland it was just two two ARS the just the gistics didn’t allow me to get back in

    Time so py thanks for having us buddy yeah so we’ve we’ve been on an air and half so I think that’s been it’s been Wicked honestly it’s been absolutely brilliant as yeah it’s been nice honestly and again like I say thank you for all coming on I really appreciate it and uh

    No worries we still got to meet up yet P we still got to meet up yeah I’ve got I’ve got some some stuff here as well a so I’ve got some treats so come over to my you have to come over to my end I’ll come I’ll get you some treats as well

    From work yeah good to see you looking looking well flash as well mate I’m getting there you trying to say I’ve got got some weight on nothing wrong with that mate I got P extra padding pushy yeah yeah right then’s right then so thank you thank you all see you later

    L see you later boysat byebye right then superb so as usual if you can all stay safe keep your family safe and if you can all do one thing please which is smile thank you very much cheers see you soon in more so me I’m out take care and I’ll see you soon

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