Salut les amis!! Nouvelle vidéo! Je vous emmène avec moi en France, Catalogne et Espagne.
    Le tour d’Europe se poursuit, encore un mois de voyage en vélo pliant.
    Voici le programme de cette vidéo :
    – Aprés avoir pédalé l’Eurovélo 15 en Allemagne, pause en france pour 15 jours (je suis originaire du sud de la France), je n’avais pas vu certains membres de ma famille depuis de nombreuses années car je vis au Canada.
    – Direction ensuite la Catalogne avec ma mère dans son village natal (on va rigoler)
    – Alicante me voilà! je visite le magnifique château qui surplombe la ville ainsi que le quartier Santa Cruz (mauvaise idée d’y aller à vélo ahaha).
    – Crevillent, ville à 40km d’Alicante je suis accueillie chez Caroline et sa famille qui vient aussi du sud de la France
    – Pour finir, j’arriverai à Murcia, j’y rencontre des cyclistes et gens inspirants. J’aurais la belle opportunité d’aller à la rencontre de 2 projets inspirants développés par des gens qui souhaitent vivre autrement.
    Merci à Ancha de l’ONG B-Live :
    Merci aussi à Paco pour son projet El Huertanico : et sa chaine YouTube :
    Paco développe un jardin écologique hors de la ville en ravivant la tradition du potager à murcia!

    Un beau programme en perspective avec en bonus comme toujours mes commentaires en temps réel!

    Merci à toutes les personnes qui m’on accueilli dans cette vidéo, Caroline et sa famille, José et Juan!

    Chapitres :
    00:00 Introduction
    00:39 Direction la France : apéro et claquettes chaussettes
    06:07 Catalogne dans le village natal de ma mère
    07:39 Direction Alicante
    20:34 Direction Crevillent à 40 km d’Alicante
    25:23 Direction Murcia
    32:09 Rencontre Ancha à Murcia : rassembler des jeunes et jardiner ensemble
    35:57 Rencontre avec Paco : Un beau potager à Murcia
    42:09 Conclusion

    Pour voir, l’épisode ou je te présente mon vélo :
    🚲Je filme avec l’A7III et la Go Pro 8
    🚲Les musiques je les trouve ici :
    🚲Le voyage continue ici :… ici…
    🚲Mon vélo Brompton est un M6R (C line)

    #spain #bromptonbicycle #bikelife #allemagne #eurovelo15 #Europetour #foldingbike #missioneuropeenvélopliant #vidéossuryoutube #initiativespositivesetengagées #réinventerlemonde #laptitereinventerie #brompton #bromptonbicycle #bromptonlifestyle #BromptonLife #folding #bicycletouring #bicyclelife #bromptoncommunity #prendreletempsdevivre #espagne #spain #france #catalogue #catalunya #bromptonbicycle #alicante #murcia #filmeràvélo #vidéastenomade #europe #europetravel

    Abonne toi et A+ pour la prochaine vidéo! Aurélie

    Pour m’écrire :

    Episode 36 – France – Catalonia – Spain: Hello! (Amsterdam to Lisbon by Brompton folding bike and train) In this new episode, I continue my tour of Europe towards France and Spain. Having lived in Canada for many years, I took the opportunity to visit several members of my family in France

    Before heading to Spain and Portugal and finishing this trip by folding bike. Subscribe Friends, I’m in Mulhouse (France) I left Düsseldorf maybe ten days ago. I arrived in Mulhouse. 600 kilometers we did it with chouchou it’s crazy! There is a little canal there, it’s so cute, so cute

    So the program for the next few days? If I don’t hurt a pylon, I take the train to Mulhouse. And that’s it, I’m touring the family for a fortnight and then we continue with Spain.

    But here I’m going to tell you that it will be good to relax a little, to eat well and to rest, I’ve said it twice damn, I’m tired. Hi friends ! We have arrived in France with Archie, we are in the south with my parents and there it will be a cleaning mission.

    I think after two months of traveling, it will be good to clean chouchou It’s still cool to come back and that my parents’ house is like the middle of my road. Finally, all my family in France, I followed an itinerary. I took the train, I didn’t cycle in France

    And there were members of my family that I hadn’t seen for ten years. My parents, it’s been 2 years since I last saw them So yes, it’s cool to also include them in this tour of Europe, it also gives me energy for the future because when I’m my parents, I am very keen.

    They do everything to make me feel good and so, yes, I have a lot of gratitude for that too. I’m also going to leave things, things that I took when I arrived in Amsterdam. I had a lot of things, I told myself I don’t need all that.

    So we will also lighten the load. And there you have it, we’ll see how things will go next. Amsterdam to Mulhouse, we traveled 2,300 kilometers between the Netherlands, Denmark, the south of Sweden, Germany to Mulhouse. There, I’m leaving again next week, heading to Spain and Portugal to finish the adventure.

    Another month of travel. Before starting the cycling adventure which will begin in Alicante. I’m spending a few days of vacation with my mother in her native village, in Catalonia. Torroella de Montgrí (Catalonia) I’m not ready damn it What’s it going to be like when we’re drunk?

    But now it seems that you are closing your eyes Figueres (Catalonia) Alicante (Spain) Hello friends, welcome to Alicante. I feel like it’s a new journey, I’m in a parallel world I think. I go from the Netherlands to Denmark, to Germany, to France, to Spain. In short, the shock. I must not screw up.

    Okay, I just got off the train. No, but the Alicante station looks like a serious airport It’s amazing. It’s like at the airport, there are trolleys for luggage. There’s also security, it’s crazy. Phew, it sucks to cycle again after two weeks.

    My bag in the back is lighter, but the one in the front is heavier. I don’t understand. I don’t understand. On the other hand, here you have to forget the cycle paths, they don’t really exist. For two days, I rented an Airbnb. I admit that I’m going a little old-fashioned.

    Spain is the country I have prepared the least for. So there you have it, it’s a bit of an adventure. There, I rented an Airbnb, it’s not very expensive in Alicante I think I paid €25 for the night. And so there are two days, time to refine the entire itinerary to finalize everything.

    And then we left! Tomorrow we are going to visit Alicante. There’s a castle overlooking the town, so it’ll be pretty pretty I think. It’s really beautiful friends but there are really too many tourists I have the impression of being in another world, it’s crazy but it’s beautiful this castle which overlooks the city

    It’s wow and the temperature is just too nice. Santa Barbara Castle Good morning friends. Today, we visit Alicante a little. First we’ll have a leisurely breakfast. We’ll take out the sausage. Honestly, I want to try sausage and chocolate, to see if it goes well together.

    We see that people live later because there is no noise. it’s wow, there’s no noise in the city and it’s already almost 10 a.m. So if I put sausage with chocolate, will it be good? It’s seriously not bad in fact, you can’t taste the sausage because the chocolate is too strong

    But it’s not bad. We’re going to go there relaxed, we’re going to go there with a Spanish atmosphere, we’re not going to stress ourselves out, we’re going to do one thing after another, it’s going to be so good. So I offer you a little tour of the castle. The castle

    Is called Santa Barbara Castle. It’s the old American series Today Chouchou he’s going to stay in it. I’m going to go to the castle on foot because it’s 1 km from here and then we go up. It takes 20 minutes, but I don’t know if I can go there by bike and

    Then, if I go there by bike, if there I can’t visit, it’s a bit boring. Today’s historical minute It is a fortified castle at an altitude of 169 meters. The origins of the castle date from the 9th century. It was bombarded in 1691 by a French squadron.

    During the War of the Spanish Succession, it was held by the English for three years. It was bombed again afterwards. In the 18th century the castle’s military role diminished. It was sometimes used as a prison during the Spanish Civil War. The castle remained abandoned until 1963, when it was opened to the public.

    Elevators have been installed inside the mountain. Will I take an elevator? No way. I’ll go on foot. It has been classified in Spain as an asset of cultural interest since October 13, 1961. You know everything. Damn, he must have seen some crazy things happen to him. Well, friends, let’s go up the castle.

    166 meters, that shouldn’t be very high. Oh well, I’ll stop there. That’s it, the view is beautiful, we’ve seen it, we’re going back down. The girl, she is going up 4 meters and says ok let’s go back ahah I had the good idea to take my big bag with my tripod, my camera,

    The batteries, all the heavy stuff, which is normal, normal I was right not to come with Archie because it’s huge and going up is so good because there are lots of views. There is the view that we just saw there, at the very top. There are also lots of little viewpoints

    Where you can see well and where there are no tourists and that’s cool. And you can really see all sides of the city. And that’s really great. In the distance, you can clearly see the mountains. I don’t know what these mountains are but they go all the way around like that.

    It’s so cool to be in short sleeves. to put on the sunscreen and put on the cap. This is the first time I put on the cap. There is a small fountain downstairs. It’s really the Spanish rhythm. It’s huge, Alicante is huge. There is really something that bothers you here.

    This time we left with Archie. We are going to the Santa Cruz district of Alicante and in fact, we are going to go up the same path that I took to go to the castle. But in fact, we shoot before and after we go down to the Santa Cruz district.

    There’s going to be a lot of stairs, it’s going to be annoying but it doesn’t matter Oh la la It’s beautiful Friends, I just got back and I actually went to the organic store. I bought organic apples, I bought plums, I bought tangerines and peanut butter.

    It’s going to be very heavy, very heavy. We’re not in trouble, I tell you. After this little family getaway to Alicante, I have an appointment to meet Caroline and her family. Caroline, like me, is from the Catalan country and she, her husband Vicente

    And their two children welcome me to Crevillent, a town 40 kilometers from Alicante. Friends, there is a cycle path next to the road. I can’t believe it, it’s amazing, it’s amazing, that’s what I normally have to follow, yes. Oh my there is a cycle path

    But at least there is a cycle path and that’s good. Oh my, there we have 8 kilometers of cycle paths. It’s so good, did I say it was so good? We’re in Spain, friends, it’s amazing! I feel like I was in Denmark yesterday and here we are in the middle of Spain.

    It’s still crazy stuff. My brain hasn’t had time to acclimatize. It’s crazy ! You see in fact, it’s hyper. The vegetation is different, it’s really more arid. There are mountains there, it’s amazing. Palm grove of Elche In fact, he didn’t take me through the main road,

    He took me through the small secondary roads. Come on, there are 8 kilometers left How is it spelled Aurélie? Aurélie it’s very difficult to write, do you want me to write it for you if you want to copy it? Yes ? Come on, she will write it to you

    Because in French the sound O, we can do it with an A+U an A+U in French it makes the sound O, don’t ask me why it’s very difficult the French

    In the word Aurélie, there is an accent and there is an E at the end to make it pretty like the first name Sidonie Oh but darling, in my first name Caroline, there is an E and it’s not an E to decorate it, it’s not to decorate, you have to say it CarolinE

    Ah but there’s everyone, it’s excellent. You have to take a photo I love it. A photo for your video. Minute Unfolding the bike Go ahead Aurélie excellent except that the wheels are smaller yes they are smaller Oh yeah they are small the wheels And there you have it! So good, I love

    Comme à la maison. I left a little later this morning, I left around 10 a.m. but it’s ok. Today, 50 kilometers. Direction Murcia So we are going to go and discover this city. Everyone says it’s very pretty. So there you have it, friends for the day’s program, it’s perfect because it’s quiet,

    Well, it was quiet. Oh, what the fuck is this path. Oh, I don’t want to. It’s a fucking dirt road. Ah, but it doesn’t last long. Orihuela (Spain) We are on the Camino Levante between Orihuela and Murcia And it’s a cycle path like that. for 20 kilometers, it’s so good

    And it’s Eurovélo 8, but they call it the Camino Levante Friends, I’m still on the path but in fact, I still see a lot of public dumps everywhere like that it’s polystyrene. Plus, it’s super toxic, polystyrene is disgusting. So it’s crazy. And I still see them often. Pomegranates.

    Ah so cool, I love it. Murcia (Spain) When I arrive in Murcia, I land in an ecosystem of committed people who want to move things forward in their city, at the community cycling level and by developing local agriculture. I will first be welcomed by Juan, a passionate cyclist.

    I cycled from Minsk (Belarus) to Istanbul with a bike like that with a Brompton? Yes with a Brompton wow it’s crazy Also I went to Naples to Marseille Wow! great and you still have a Brompton or more now? yes I have two. Friends, a little tour of Murcia today.

    It was so good yesterday, I was welcomed at Juan’s house. It was so good. He invited me to his terrace. He’s the one who redid everything in his apartment, he lives alone in this building and up on the terrace, there were even solar panels. He did all his own electrical installation.

    It’s pretty crazy, it’s pretty crazy. We had a good laugh, we had a good laugh about the French, French jokes, it’s all funny. And he really cycled all over the world too. He cycled in America, he cycled in the Balkans, he cycled to Norway, Sweden, Morocco. It’s crazy.

    And in fact, what’s crazy is that what is Luck? That’s because he cycled most of his trips in a Brompton too, with a dry bag in the back. And he has two Bromptons. Honestly, what is luck and formerly, in fact, he had a bicycle shop which he closed

    And he repaired Bromptons and other bicycles. he really specialized in that. Wow the weather is amazing. Honestly, it’s big, I’ll tell you how much it is? it’s 26, 26 degrees. It’s going to be 28 at most today. And There you go. When you don’t have a bicycle

    And you come here and you pedal like that, it’s free you see, you don’t do that in Montreal because it’s snowing at the moment. It’s not possible to do that. or otherwise with the combination Look, there is the flag of Canada with the Spanish flag. It’s crazy !

    After this visit to Murcia, I have a meeting with José, a cyclist who has cycled through many countries, notably from Spain to India. Thanks to him, I met Ancha then Paco who are involved in two beautiful ecological projects near Murcia. My name is Ancha and I work at Red International B-Live

    We are in Murcia in a garden. It’s one of the first gardens near here. We’re right next to the cycle path. And we, with our organization, receive European volunteers and we work on European projects at a local and international level. with a focus on inclusion and the environment.

    And also the participation of young people. This organization has been operating for 10 years. Here, we are in a typical Murcian garden which was abandoned for several years. The majority of trees are lemon trees. and we would also like to diversify with plants and trees from Murcia

    So that this space is a point of reference and meeting between different young people both locally and the young people that we receive from the international so that it is there an exchange of knowledge and sharing the values ​​of the earth. Come This garden is close to the cycle path

    Which is 5 minutes from Murcia so what we want is for people to be able to come by bike and thus encourage sustainable transport. Also, we would like it to be an intergenerational space, it is first and foremost to share knowledge of the earth with young people. by also integrating older people

    And we see that it would be important for young people and older people to meet so that there is an exchange of knowledge. Our daily life is directed we start college, school, we go to college, high school, university and going into nature is a leisure activity

    It is not seen as something that can help our well-being. to be general when yes, that’s what it should be. Since this video was filmed, the location has changed a lot. They have created gardens on site and organize activities with young people every Wednesday. I interviewed Ancha

    About the mission of the NGO she supports, which is called B-LIVE and it was really very interesting, we did a little interview in the rain And now, I’m going to interview El Huertanico for an interview in Spanish I don’t really speak Spanish well, I think we’ll have a good laugh.

    El Huertanico is someone called Paco and who has actually developed a whole ecological farming project near Murcia. He works with restaurants to offer good quality local products and also works with volunteers. , young people. It’s great to be with inspired people who want to get the city moving.

    There, I go there, I follow the cycle path which runs along Murcia and he leaves the city. And it’s not raining so it’s perfect. The only day of the week it rains is today. I am Paco Orenes and I created the project: El Huertanico.

    Here we are in Rincón de Seca which is a small district of the city of Murcia We are in a garden of Murcia it is a marvel that these gardens of Murcia are and I who was born here, and who am the son of a farmer for 4 generations

    And I wondered how to recover these gardens? because they were getting lost there wasn’t much desire to follow the tradition of the land. it’s a shame, because people have left to work as civil servants or in other sectors. so this tradition of working the land in Murcia was being lost. My mother cooked

    At home like all mothers here in Murcia for me the cooking she did was truly amazing and my father was a farmer and they both complemented each other well at home. When I grew up, I studied cooking

    And I realized that it was so easy at home to go to the garden and bring vegetables to cook them that in today’s reality, it It was complicated to find and you are not sure when you go to get vegetables that it comes from a local farmer,

    There is no certification that it is organic. This land produces what you give it, it is incredible, it is a land that gives a lot. We have products that are good from here like tomatoes, artichokes, peppers, eggplants. I work a lot with restaurants that are interesting in the region. Come, I’ll show you

    Everything I work here is with things that we find nearby With this, we can make bags, objects We also use it for hats and at the same time use it to make ties for tomatoes use things nearby that are all 100% natural Look at the tomatoes growing here

    Look at how beautiful this tomato is It’s a tomato that is starting to look very beautiful, very fleshy. Here, it’s a variety of potatoes a variety of potatoes that are quite small. We haven’t planted them for several years. When we can harvest them, what we would like to do

    Would be to organize a party, on a Saturday for example , where people come, we harvest them, we cook together. around a typical Murcian dish Potatoes with garlic which is the basis here. I give workshops here to young people who have mental problems because the earth really helps them connect a lot,

    It also helps them get out of their daily lives where they take a lot of medication and a lot of problems. We bring them here to the land, in nature we plant things with them we explain the tradition to them and as they are also from Murcia,

    They remember that their grandparents planted that and it is important for them to do it well . These strawberries I give them very special care because because these strawberries only grow for 20 days in the year 20 days in May they are very small

    These are strawberries which have adapted to the land of Murcia with a incredible flavor, an incredible flavor but the most interesting thing is that at the time in all the gardens we planted these strawberries and the women of the gardens went to the city center of Murcia

    To sell them in the main street They used the stick which is used to hang tomatoes with a wicker basket with these strawberries to sell them in the center of Murcia. and what happened? All that is completely lost today it is lost. and the cultivation of these strawberries was lost for 50 years.

    And I grew some and I went to Murcia to the stores where they sell strawberries to present my products to them and an elderly person behind me said to me: but this smell, this smell, it reminds me of my childhood

    But where do they come from? I recognize that these are the strawberries that come from the vegetable garden. All this part are edible flowers that we started planting a short time ago with seeds that I collected. after we make a mixture I collect these edible flower seeds, I mix them in a bowl

    And then we sow them so that in the spring people can come and see them, contemplate them and it’s really beautiful, because I act like a small path for people to walk there so people can be in the middle of the flowers, in complete connection

    Feeling this vibration of nature which fills you with energy this is what I want to do here with the people in this garden. You will notice that even here, I still put the Birkenstocks with the socks. Whether I’m in Canada, Denmark or here, we wear shoes with socks.

    No, but I’m not going to make it. Oh, it’s shit here. Sango, please and what are we doing here? on this land yes, what are we doing here on this vegetable garden yes I’m sorry for my Spanish.


    1. Hello amigos ! For subtitles select CC 😄Direction France, Catalonia and Spain with my Brompton folding bike and train! Bring your sunscreen, tee shirt, and flip flop socks, lesssss gooooooo for this new video!

      Hello les amis ! Direction la France pour quelques jours de pause dans la familia, puis la Catalogne et l'Espagne, en vélo pliant Brompton et train. Sortez la crème solaire, les tee shirt et les claquettes chaussettes, on va se mettre bien dans un nouvel épisode!

      Vamosss à la playa oooooo 🎶🎶

    2. Bonjour Aurélie, des vidéos toujours très intéressantes comme d' habitude mais surtout bien faites ! Un travail de qualité que l' on apprécie))
      Bon pour comparer notre météo nous avons eu hier et aujourd'hui moins 20 et un beau soleil après une tempête de neige ! … J ai fait deux petites vidéos de mon quartier à St Petersbourg dans ma chaîne youtube "Alex De Petersbourg" je ne fais pas de publicité)) mais pour voir par curiosité mon quartier …
      Prends soin de toi et c'est toujours un plaisir de regarder ton voyage et j attends la suite .
      Alex de Petersbourg

    3. Merci pour cette nouvelle vidéo Aurélie, tu as roulé sur un des chemins nombreux de Compostelle, le Camino Levante ;-), très beau partage, de belles rencontres, une synchronicité incroyable, des paysages à couper le souffle notamment depuis le château perché à Alicante, il me tarde de voir le prochain épisode 🙂 Buen Camino Amigos

    4. No me lo puedo creer. Tantos meses siguiendo tus aventuras y has estado en mi ciudad, Murcia, además con Juan, que lo conozco. Mi primera Brompton se la compré a él cuando tenía la tienda Hospital de Bicis. Qué pena no haberlo sabido y haber paseado con las Brompton por la ciudad. Saludos

    5. Je suis très admirative, j’adore tes vidéos où l’aventure, la bonne humeur et les beaux paysages sont présents… sans oublier, bien sûr, ces belles personnes que tu nous présentes lors de tes voyages. Je t’ai découvert grâce à ce magnifique chouchou (Archie) ❤️. C’est un vrai cadeau, merci Aurélie.

    6. Life is always better under a Spanish sky 👌 It's great to see you continuing your journey and meeting so many lovely people, initiatives and projects. The commitment of these people is so important for all of us to live together and it gives us encouragement for the future. Thanks for sharing my dear. 😍

    7. C'est toujours un plaisir de te voir dans tes belles aventures qui donnent a chaque fois envie d'enfourcher le vélo . Très bonne nouvelle année mon amie .

    8. Grands dieux! Comment résumer tout ce qu'offre cette nouvelle vidéo — et finale de son voyage? — d'Aurélie? Pour une chose, je viens de la visionner en début d'après-midi du dimanche… "tranquillos", comme dirait notre globe-trotteuse préférée. Et c'est justement à tête reposée que l'on apprécie la qualité de sa production : les plans d'images soignés, la musique d'ambiance, les commentaires rigolos. Mais en réalité, c'est l'approche aussi écologique que ludique que sympathique d'Aurélie qui font que quiconque elle rencontre, ces personnes l'aiment tout de suite. Mes coups de coeur sont aussi nombreux que les escales de notre championne et de son Archie : Die pour le panorama des montagnes; le village natal de "maman Délimal" (que je ne tenterai même pas d'épeler!); Alicante pour ses rues de quartier et son château; Crevillent pour sa famille d'accueil aux enfants aussi mignons que polis (quel dessin, en passant!); et Murcia, notamment pour la rencontre avec Ancha (le parc communautaire) et pour l'intervenant que j'ai baptisé "Paco le passionné". Personne dans ma famille n'était agriculteur ou agricultrice, mais Paco a très bien rendu "pourquoi" il veut rassembler les personnes tous azimuts autour de la terre nourricière. Que dire en conclusion? Shakespeare avait fait dire à un de ses personnages : "The world is a stage." (que je traduis de façon très libérale par "Le monde est ton estrade… à toi de le découvrir". Alors, si cette vidéo ne donne pas envie de partir à la découverte de diverses parties du globe et de provoquer des rencontres entre humains, je ne sais pas ce qui réussirait à le faire. Bon, ceci dit, je ne veux pas être triste en me disant : "Ah, zut! Plus de vidéos d'Aurélie…" Au contraire, "Allez hop, Aurélie, suis ton instinct, reprends la route avec Archie et offre-nous éventuellement d'autres tels bijoux! Excusez-moi pour la longueur de ce commentaire… mais pour moi, cette vidéo et toutes les autres que nous a offertes Aurélie témoigne de la beauté du monde… et du "bon monde" qui l'habite!

    9. Je suis toujours aussi impressionné par la capacité d'Aurélie de repousser les limites de la gastronomie; saucisson et chocolat, mais que fais la police! Enfin….Merci de nous faire voyager et rêver. Alicante et sur ma liste maintenant 🙂Bravo pour ton courage et ta générosité 👍

    10. I can definitely say that this was my favorite video! It was nice to see you reunited with your family. I think this was a rare moment that you explored without Archie for a brief moment! Beautiful mountains and coastal lines. I did like seeing Archie along the pathway in Spain with the blue and white building. Great addition of the Spanish cultivators and the insight on their humane mission to teach others to grow for a great cause. I give it many thumbs up, Aurélie! 👍👍👍👍👍🤗

    11. WOW!!! What an episode! So many things happened from France to Spain! I loved it, I was looking forward to seeing Juan's Brompton bikes, it was great to see your family visit and I'm very happy about the time you spent together! Thanks for sharing another great episode of this adventure!!! Greetings friend and congratulations!

    12. 😀😀😀👍👍👍🙌🙌🙌👏👏👏💪💪💪
      Excellent video Aurélie, continue your travels and best wishes for your next adventures.

    13. Même après presque 45 minutes avec toi, c'est encore trop court !!!
      Encore un moment de bonheur, mais d'émotions aussi avec les retrouvailles de ta famille.
      A travers toi, l'Espagne en vélo fait vraiment envie, au moins déjà dans la partie que tu nous fais découvrir.
      Comme à chaque fois, vivement la suite !!! Mais bon courage pour le montage 😃👍💪

    14. Coucou Aurélie !! Merciiii pour ce nouvel épisode haut en couleurs et chaleur d'Espagne, olééé !! 🤠C'est vrai que c'est tout un autre paysage mais c'est chouette ! Est-ce que tu as pu te baigner pendant que tu étais là-bas ? J'étais aussi contente de voir apparaître maman Aurélie (coucou maman d'Aurélie !! 😁👋😊) et une nouvelle dégustation culinaire digne des "grands restos d'à la bonne franquette"… saucisson + chocolat = truc de ouf !! 😛🤣😅🤤
      Au fait, je te souhaite une belle et heureuse année 2024 ma chère ! Moi, je continue de suivre ta chaîne c'est sûr et j'espère un jour que nos routes finiront par ce croiser 😉🙂

    15. Belles images encore et encore on se régale de te suivre c’est un bonheur et je ne savais pas que tu avais des origines espagnole du coup comme moi, pour ma part c’est mes grands parents qui étaient Alicante et Andalousie.
      Bisous 😘

    16. Your scarf looks good on you.

      Isn't the big camera heavy? I want to change from a small Sony to a big Sony.
      a beautiful mother.
      Train travel is always exciting.
      I can't be so envious of your short-sleeved outfit.^^

    17. Incroyable Aurélie! Quel plaisir de te voir avec ta famille, ton sourire témoignait de ta joie avec grande éloquence. Nous étions en Espagne en septembre, à Malaga avec des aventures aux alentours (Frigiliana, Ronda, Gibraltar, Caminito del Rey) et ensuite Séville, terminant à Lisbon. Nous avons d’excellents souvenirs. Mais rien, vraiment rien, ne compare à tes aventures en Europe. Merci de les avoir partagé avec nous, c’est très apprécié.

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