#Pointless #pointlessuk #richardosman #alexanderarmstrong

    ” T, O, P” U.K Cities | Pointless UK | Season 24 Episode 27 | Full Episode

    Alexander Armstrong and Richard Osman host this unique quiz show as contestants try to score as few points as possible by coming up with answers no-one else can think of.

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    [Applause] thank you very much indeed hello I’m Alexander Armstrong and welcome to pointless the quiz that puts obscure knowledge to the test let’s meet today’s players [Applause] And couple number one hello I’m Laura this is my fiance Daniel and we’re from donc cter couple number two I’m Janine this is my very best friend Becky and we are from warington couple number three hi I’m Katie this is my husband Paul and we’re from London and finally couple

    Number four hi I’m Tony from Newcastle and this is my friend John from Nottingham and these are today’s contestants thank you very much all of you lovely to have you with us uh that just leaves one more person for me to introduce still traumatized from the time he forgot the capital of

    Surinam it’s my pointless friend it’s Richard hi hey everybody hi hi well two returning pairs who had sort of I’m going to say slightly different shows last time ktie and Paul got through to the head-to-head very well played lovely to have you back now Janine and Becky got through to

    Round two but they didn’t just join the 20000 Club they joined the 300 Club oh yes say they did 200 club and then a lock down extra 100 for and that it really is it’s quite Niche though yeah there’s not many people in the 300 Club

    It’s lovely to have you there um but I know you’re smart I’m sure we’ll see you go long way through welcome podiums 1 and four to the show and the jackpot is building up quite nicely now I would say yeah really is yeah so the guys didn’t

    Win the jackpot ell and Gavin last time we’re adding another £1,000 as is customary so today’s jackpot starts off starts off at £7,000 there right if everyone’s ready let’s play pointless You know this but I have to repeat it the pair with the highest score at the end of each round gets eliminated so just keep your scores as low as you dare best of luck to all four pairs our first category today is UK geography can you all decide in

    Your pairs who wants to go first who wants to go second and whoever’s going first will they please step up to the Podium okay let’s find out what the question is here it comes we gave 100 people 100 seconds to name as many UK cities containing the letters t o or p as they could Richard yeah in a UK city as of the beginning of 2020 with uh one

    Of the letters t o r p somewhere in its name or all of them why not yeah come on F boots yeah thank you very much indeed Richard uh Laura welcome to pointless great to have you from doncer Yes uh tell us all about yourself I am a

    Confectioner oh a now that’s fun yes which means you make confection we make fudge we make toffee we make peanut brittle all the best things mostly fudge lots and lots different kinds of fudge different flavors of fudge yeah there’s like I think there something like 5506 flavors of fudge that we made steady

    What’s the best flavor of fudge um probably salted caramel of course it is Sal M okay now UK cities containing one of those three letters or maybe all of those three letters go I wish I C geography I’m terrible at geography I’m going to say Portsmouth Portsmouth Portsmouth there you are

    You’ve gone for all three uh let’s see how many about 100 people said Portsmouth it’s absolutely right look now go to P not bad at all very solid start to the Round 4 yeah fully 50% of the uh the letters of Portsmith are a t and o or a p which

    Is some going that is got five packing five of them in there thank you Richard now Becky welcome back thank you remind us all about yourself Bey so yeah I’m a civil servant I’m also a mom to the three little humans and um yeah I in my

    Spare time which I don’t have any of um I like to go to gigs festivals live music all that kind of how far in advance do you plan your Festival attendance about 4 seconds cuz I generally find if I arrange a babysitter for something one of my children ends up

    In hospital there’s some weird correlation of course yeah okay now Becky what are you going to go for where are you going to go for I am going to go for the lovely city of Lincoln Lincoln Lincoln says Becky let’s see how many of our 100 people went for

    Lincoln Lincoln is absolutely right 40 is the only score we have at the moment and you pass it oh at that down to five yeah in the uh in the Lincoln Castle prison they have a chapel they have a chapel in which this they have individual upright stools so even in

    Chapel prisoners are are segregated wow yeah they can’t sit next to each other they’re all separated from each other like that thank you uh excellent good now Paul hello welcome back remind us all about yourself Paul so uh I’m a creative director for a production company Sports production company in the

    Main in the main what’s your favorite thing that you cover I always enjoy the the football uh do you get to travel around I mean do you get get to go to some unique places uh so I was in uh Minsk uh last year oh Minsk beautiful in

    January to be in Minsk now that now that Winter’s here yes yeah and we had to um film a advert and make it look like spring it was plastic flowers that’s what they do up right up right um okay so Paul what are you going to go

    For um I’m going to go for Norwich norch says Paul let’s see how many of our 100 people said norch it’s not bad look at that 11 for nor very good yeah one o there in uh in Norwich one solitary o That’s the the cathedral where they put a 50 foot

    Hilter skilter in supposedly so you could see the cathedral better but I think it was sort of a publicity thing which worked very well cuz it was on the news everywhere thank you very much indeed Richard now then John welcome to pointless tell us all about yourself

    John uh I’m a cardiac physiologist uh in Leicester but I live in Nottinghamshire uh I’ve got two young kids as well so they take up a lot of my time but other than that I enjoy uh cycling and uh cooking and fermenting and fermenting fermenting yeah oh this is exciting this

    Is making sort of proper sauerkraut and things like that yeah food I’m drink very good what’s a cardiac physiologist yes oh yes what’s a cardiac phys thanks good good good Pro what’s a cardiac physiologist sounds amazing uh so basically if someone uh has suspected heart disease they get sent to our

    Department and we give them diagnostic tests and yeah see if we can help with the diagnosis ask can I ask one other question about it of course is fudge good for you everything in moderation there we go good answer John uh yes brilliant okay

    What are you going to go for uh I might try and go for something north of the border and I hope it’s a city I’m going to go for sterling sterling says John let’s see if Sterling is a city let’s see how many of our 100 people said it if it

    Is it is a city well 40 is our high score five is our low till now till now John one is our new low very well done indeed that’s a terrific answer John very well played I spent a bit of time in Sterling last year they have crime

    Writers Festival there it’s a lovely place but they were renovating Sterling Castle in the 1970s and in the Queen’s bed chamber behind some paneling they found the world’s oldest surviving football it’s been there since 1540 a 1540 football W there someone that just presumably the the uh cabinet

    Makers was putting the paneling in one of them comes in see see the football see the football Angus he goes no I’m I was just here he says well I know I’ll be somewhere else and he com no I can’t find it you that’s it the other guy say

    He says no I haven’t got it also there’s there’s a cotney guy who’s gone up yeah always there’s always a cotney isn’t there who F air football can you find it in the end no I couldn’t find it anywhere it’ll turn up sooner or later well I hope to that’s amazing ah yeah

    Man of a thousand voices yeah thank you uh so listen we are halfway through the round let’s have a quick look at those scores one the best score of the past very well done indeed John then we travel up to 40th near end where we’ got Laura and Daniel

    And various other points in between Queen but Daniel a little bit of pressure on you there you got to come up with a nice lowc scoring answer get thinking now good luck with that we’re going to come back down the line now will the second players please step up to the Podium okay Tony welcome to pointless tell us all about yourself hi I’m a marine biologist by trade um but actually at the minute I’m currently selling stuff on eBay so a bit of a downgrade um in my free time I enjoy snooker and golf and shark diving very

    Good indeed and happened with the marine biology will you be going back hopefully yes hopefully yeah it’s just obviously it’s a diff difficult jobs Market at the minute but uh yeah yeah um Tony there you are you’re on one which means if you can score 38 or less you are through to

    The next round okay let’s have a bash at rippen rippen rippen says Tony let’s see how many of our 100 people went for Rippon here is your red line rippen is right and I have a hunch it’ll be good enough yes it is you are thr down to one look at that equaling

    John’s fabulous score take your total up to two good work how about that on Podium 4 look at that 1.8 amazing stuff isn’t it lisis Carrol’s father was the cannon of rippen Cathedral we are thank you uh now Katie welcome back uh remind us all about yourself Katie uh I’m currently on a

    Career break looking after our nearly 2-year-old Molly um and pondering what my next career move might what well maybe we should Ponder together can I say don’t do marine biology yeah that is what I wanted my daughter to do I thought that was quite a good area but

    Well she’s only two well no but you got to plan ahead I mean I guess um right so Katie there you are you’re on 11 28 or less gets you into the next round okay um I think I’m going to hope that this is a city and go with sford sford says

    Katie let’s see how many of our 100 people went for suf here’s your red line sford is right and it’s good enough well done down it goes to two fabulous work 13 your total got some amazing answers coming up now it’s terrific stuff well played everybody uh yeah there’s a thriving

    Television industry up in sford I mean there always was up in Manchester Manchester and sford now there’s all sorts of stuff going on thank you very much Richard now then Janine welome welome back thank you tell us all about yourself again yes uh so I’m an events

    Manager I have a little boy also called Xander and in my spare time I sing in a lady’s Barber Shop choir how many of you in the barber shop choir uh nearly 70 wow I always imagine Barber Shop groups being sort of small close harmony sort of just maybe four or five people

    70 that must be a noise you make there I mean a nice noise but a big noise yeah a great noise yeah well that’s fun now you’re on five by the way Janine which means 34 or less gets you into round two okay I am going to go for Bradford Bradford says Janine

    Here is your red line will bradford get you into round two let’s find out it’s right through you go Brad we down to one fantastic takes your up to six very well done I mean just terrific scoring this is great stuff yeah bford it was named the UK’s most improved City 2019 never

    Quite sure whe whether to take that as a compliment or not yeah exactly Daniel hello Daniel welcome to pointless uh tell us all about yourself uh so I work as a repair technician uh repairing mobile phones um in my spare time enjoy playing video games and watching films

    So repairing mobile phones do you do it with one those exciting little trays and lots of tiny little uh magnetic screwdrivers that’s it lots of little Parts lot of very exciting because there’s just so much going on in there I mean wow that’s off to you and also when

    You get home fudge exactly pick of the job there we are all good I have terrible news for you though Daniel which is that I’m afraid you are the high scorers that’s even before you’ve given your answer so um sorry about that that’s not a problem um what are you

    Going to go for uh I’m going to go with the Welsh city of bangal Banger Banger let’s see how many of our 100 people said that no red line I’m afraid as you’re already the high scorers but Banger look at that lovely answer down goes to two fantastic score 42 your

    Total yeah terrific work very well done listen some great answers out there there are some pointless sers out there I’ll go through some of the low scorers we’ve already seen quite a few low scorers but you would have got four points for Canterbury manaster Leicester Newport St Assaf and St Davids three

    Points for Belfast you got two for chelsford Gloucester and Worcester other one pointers out there Chichester Herford St Albin Stoke on Trent and the pointless ansers were Kingston upon Hull Westminster and Winchester very well done if you said any of those thank you very much indeed Richard well we’re at

    The end of our first round which means we have to say goodbye to one of our players 42 is a very low score for us to be sending people home on I have to say um but that’s the kind of round this has been um but it’s been lovely having here

    All beit brief and we’ll see you again next time Daniel and Laura thank you very much but for the remaining three pairs it’s now time for round [Applause] Two into round two and you’ll have noticed one of our pairs has gone three of you sharing the Accolade of being low individual scorers John Tony and Janine John and Tony are lowest scoring team so very well done for that anyway our category for round two this after

    Afternoon is foreign languages can you all decide in your pairs who’s going to go first who’s going to go second and whoever’s going first please step up to the Podium okay and the question concerns German words for occupations Richard yeah on each board you’re going to hear Xander try and pronounce six different German occupations you have to tell us what those occupations might be in English please and I wish you sir the very best of luck

    Thank thank you very much indeed okay so let’s have some fun here is our first Board of six German occupations and we’ve got de de secret the secretan deer the ferin there I’ll read those again for you secr secr ferin there we are Jin wow I there’s two obvious ones I think but

    I’m going to go for the bottom one and say hairdresser hairdresser for deer let’s see if that is right let’s see how many of our 100 people said hairdresser it’s right that goes down to nine very well done indeed J great start to the round nine the head

    That’s very well played it’s so tempting on that first Podium to go for a big obvious one taking a risk on the first Podium very impressive yeah thank you very much Paul hello what are you thinking um that I should have taken German as a gcsc and not

    Spanish um I’m going to go with the top one and say baker Baker for de Baker let’s see if Baker right let’s see how many of our 100 people said Baker Baker’s right and down he goes to 22 not bad I was thank you paol I was genuinely

    Looking at that thinking what’s de backa what’s de backa I was thinking maybe it’s something like someone who invests or something thank you very much indeed Richard now uh Tony Tony this is your board yes do you want to fill in all those blanks for us uh I’ll have a Bash

    Obvious a mechanica is car mechanic I guess secretary secretary I think the Kelner is a brewer but I’m not going to go for it I’m going to go for crank and fer or crank and schwester which I believe is Nurse okay Ken Fleer let’s see if that is right nurse how many of

    Our 100 people said that nurse it’s right nurse is Right nine is our low score till now three our new low score very well done indeed Tony that’s great work Tony very well played they’re pretty good on that last Podium aren’t they Ken house hospital that’s crank house is a hospital or

    Clinic yeah got it now the mechanica the meanin is absolutely a mechanic scored you 55 and secretar Etc of course is secretary quite a low score for that given it virtually spelled it out that would have score 39 now de Kelner the Kelner in not a brewer it is a waiter

    Ah waiter or waitress would have scored you Five Points so nurse is actually the best answer on the board well played thank you very much indeed well we’re halfway through the round let’s take a quick look at those scores three well done Tony best score of the pass 22 the

    Highest score of the pass so Katy a little bit on your shoulders there you got to see if you can get yourselves back in the game with a nice low score so good luck with that we’re going to come back down the line now will the second players please step up to the Podium okay let’s put six more German occupations up on the board and here they are we have let me read those again engineer engineer there we are John look at that another low score on the far Podium another low score if you can score 18 or less you’re into the

    Head-to-head ah I don’t speak a word of German few of them hope I can work out so I’m going to go for the music and say musician you got to Hope musician here is your red line can you get below that with musician let’s find out it is

    Musician down that goes to 47 takes your turtle up to a nice land 50 I wonder what the other 53 members of our 100 thought that was Musketeer thank you very much Richard uh Kat on 22 27 or less gets you into the head-to-head also don’t speak a word of

    German um I’m GNA Hazard a guess at De Gartner is Gardner surely Gardner let’s see if that’s right let’s see how many of our 100 said it Gardner there’s your red line it is gam 37 is what it scores you uh 59 is your total uh there’s a connection there

    Monty Don The Gardener was born in Germany how about that there you go now uh Becky you’re a nine you have to score 49 or less okay that board is all yours do you feel like talking us through it so I think starting at the bottom the engineer would be a sensible

    Guest um Arts suggest an artist I’m going to go with the top one the uh bo verman and the being a firefighter okay firefighter says Becky here is your red line can you get below that with firefighter let’s find out it’s absolutely right and you are through very well done

    Indeed that’s good 13 takes your total up to 22 shall we have a little look at the rest of these um uh engineer uh engineer is engineer you’re absolutely right uh would have scored you 27 now de artst you’d think it was an artist it isn’t

    It’s a doctor uh would have scored you four points and uh Rex sval is a lawyer would have scored you three points bests on the board well don’t if you said that at home thank you very much indeed Richard uh so at the end of our second

    Round we have to say goodbye to another pair Oh Katie and Paul this is where our paths diverge I’m so sorry it’s been lovely having you on the show I’m sorry this is where we have to take B but thank you so much for playing Kat and Paul brilliant

    But for the remaining two pairs it is now time for our head to Head congratulations Janine and Becky John and Tony you are now one step closer to the final and a chance to play for that jackpot which let’s not forget he’s currently standing at £7,000 but before we play the head-to-head let’s see if we can’t boost that jackpot even more by finding some

    Pointless answers here’s how it works we gave 100 people 100 seconds to name as many craters on the moon as they could Richard yeah going show you uh six answers two of them will be pointless answers two of them will be correct but not pointless and two of them will be

    Red herrings they’ll be incorrect if you can get one of those pointless answers We’ll add £250 to the jackpot if you don’t get one of them nothing happens we don’t knock any money off uh see if you can get both of them at home fantastic okay here come the six possible creators

    On the moon and we’ve got Armstrong Rockwell molka cernus Osman Marcel there we are do your conferring out loud because it’s to everyone’s benefit to hear what you’re all saying Janine and Becky uh you go first um I think want to go M that’s a bit more unusual yeah sure yeah we’ll go

    For mka okay molka let’s see if that’s a pointless answer a pointless crater it’s right first thing it had to be and it’s up Point very well done indeed Janine and Becky that’s the first pointless got now John and Tony can you truffle out the other one that’s the one way we’re going

    To go for what do you think well that’s good it shows your instincts are right you want to go Marcel yeah guess we’ll go Marcel then okay Marcel let’s see is that the other pointless answer Marcel no bad luck bad luck uh not Marcel Richard well listen I’ll tell you what the other

    Incorrect answer was he starred in the film Moon so that’s Rockwell that means there’s an awesome and an Armstrong crater on the moon no way that’s how about that it makes sense there’s an Armstrong because of your um Dad Neil Yeah well yeah sure so there is still

    One point this answer up there I’ll tell you now cernus is not a pointless answer cernus would have scored you seven points so one of us is pointless about time we solved that I think on this occasion it’s you I think I think the Osman is the pointless

    Answer let’s find out what’s the pointless answer Osman absolutely right and Armstrong you scored three points which is not bad but if I tell you that the Ben Miller crater scored 20 says it all that’s cool though we both got craters on the moon it’s nice that’s nice yeah thank you very much

    Richard uh very well done indeed you managed to find one pointless answer uh so we can add £250 to the jackpot which means it now stands at £ 7,250 but who will be playing for it let’s find out from the head to [Applause] Head okay as ever the first PIR to win two questions we’ll be playing for that jackpot and now you’re allowed to confer which is lovely here is your first question and it concerns 19th century works of art Richard yeah we’re now going to show you five picture

    Clues to works of art that created in the 19th century uh you’ll see the initials and the number of letters in each work of art as well and the painter thank you very much indeed okay let’s reveal our five picture Clues we’ve got a t u Renoir b t s s

    Man c b Melee D T HW constable and E A TMR to L the Tre there we are now Janine and Becky you’re our golden Coupes so you get to go first so we’re going to go with e um at the Mulan Rouge at the Mulan Rouge say

    Janine and Becky now John Antony it’s over to you jna took us through the rest well A’s the umbrellas C I think is Bubbles D is the hay Wayne so go hay Wayne then I guess we’re can I think the umbrellas and Bubbles would be easier to

    Guess than the hay Wayne I’ve not heard of a Wayne before so okay so yeah we’ll go D for the hay Wayne please okay you go for the hay Wayne so we have at the Mulan Rouge and we have the hay Wayne um Janine and Becky went for at the Mulan

    Rouge let’s see if that is right for E how many of our 100 got that it’s right down that goes to 20 very well done uh meanwhile John and Tony have gone for the hay Wayne let’s see if that is right for D how many of our 100 got that it is

    Right o not bad 34 for the Hayway but well done Janine and Becky after one question you’re up 1 nil yeah only one answer out there that would beaten mul moose not a that is The Umbrellas very low score though 27 points for that wow you think that was a

    There’s a clue there surely surely lead B for a moment C is Bubbles you’re quite right 48 now this last one you have to know who this is to build and so it is glacias and he is Spanish the Spanish singer is the answer there and that

    Would have scored two points a terrific answer well done if you said that thank you very much indeed okay here comes your second question John Anton this is the one you have to win to stay in the game so good luck our second question today is all about monkeys Richard yep five Clues

    Concerning monkeys in in some way or another there we are okay let’s reveal our five monkey Clues and here they are we have got in slang terminology a monkey refers to this amount of Sterling alternative name of the Chinese novel by wuen that is sometimes known simply as

    Monkey the Wicked Witch of the West sends flying monkeys to kidnap Dorothy in this 1939 film the Australian musician who had a 2019 UK number one single with dance monkey and Marcel was the name of a pet monkey belonging to this character in friends there we are John and Tony it’s

    Over to you um you I think the second one down might be Journey to the West all right let’s go for that one then because everything else that I know is not going to get there yeah it might be wrong yeah so for the second one

    Down we’re going to go for Journey to the West Journey to the West say John and Tony okay now Janine and Becky can you talk through the rest of that board okay we can’t agree thinker monkey at the top refers to1 but um and the wicked witch is um

    Wizard but I think we’ll go for the bottom which is Ross okay you go for Ross so we have Journey to the West and Ross John and Tony went for Journey to the West the full name of the novel simply known as monkey how many people said Journey to the West it is

    Right and it’s a lovely low score that that’s pointless look at that very well done indeed and being a pointless answer even at this latter stage of the game it adds another 250 to the jackpot Tak a total up to £7,500 very well done indeed that’s what you’ve got to beat Janine and

    Becky and you have gone for Ross for the bottom one Marcel the pet monkey in friends uh how many of our 100 people said Ross Ross is right and down that goes to 44 very well done indeed John and Tony just what we needed from you you’re back

    In the game after two questions it’s one all beautifully done very well played there very rarely get pointless answers in the head-to-head um now a monkey is actually 50000 worth 20 ponies um 10 points for that the wiked Witch of the West that is in Wizard of O wizard of ours and that

    Would have scored you 67 points now this song was number one for 11 weeks tones and I and that would have scored two points so very well done if you said that at home thanks very much indeed okay here comes the decider whoever wins this third question goes through to the

    Final place for that lovely big jackpot so best of luck to both pairs our third question today is all about Phil Collins hits Richard titles now of five Phil conin top 40 hits we’ve missed one word out of each one but which word have we missed out thanks very much indeed okay

    What are the missing words from these Phil Collins hits and we have got a blank kind of love 1988 blank into the light 1996 can’t stop blank you 2002 another day in blank 1989 and I wish it would blank down 1990 there we are Janine and Becky will go

    First it’s difficult to work out which one’s going to be the least known of these so we’re going to go for come on uh Another Day in Paradise another day in par Paradise say Janine and Becky now then John and Tony do you to fill in the

    Rest for us yeah top one’s a a Groovy Kind of Love I can’t stop loving you I think I think it’s dancing to the light but I think we’re going to go for I Wish It Would Rain Down okay I wish it would rain down so we have another day in

    Paradise and I Wish It Would Rain Down Janine and Becky went for another day in paradise how many about 100 said that it’s right no 75 for another day in paradise John and Tony meanwhile have gone for I Wish It Would Rain Down let’s see if that’s right let’s see how many

    People said it it’s right and you’ve won the point very well done look at that down to 32 but crucially lower than 75 which means John and Tony off to three questions you are through to the final 2-1 uh well played jents you were right about Can’t

    Stop Loving You as well it’s another pretty big scorer though that would have scored you 63 points so groy kind of love you’re right about is another big scorer would have scored 42 the best answer on the board by quite some way you right about that as well dance into

    The light well played would have scored you four points thanks very much Richard so the pair leaving us at the end of the head-to-head round Janine and Becky I’m afraid it’s you our golden couple in the head-to-head you’ve been fantastic across the show today uh really lovely

    Low scoring you just came up against John and Tony with a pointless answer for goodness sake in a head T I mean it’s not seamly but there we are that’s what happened uh so we say goodbye it’s been lovely having on the show thanks so much Janine and Becky but for John and

    Tony it’s now time for our pointless final congratulations John and Tony you have seen off all the competition and you have won our coveted pointless Trophy right now though you get a chance to have a go at our pointless jackpot and at the end of today’s show the jackpot is standing at £7,500 well and 250 quid of that you found in the head-to-head I mean what about that you know if you find if you find a

    Pointless answer in the head to head surely you can find one in this last round it all comes down to what the subjects are really I mean what do you want to see come up oh sci-fi films or nature I think we’re both good on nature and science ’90s based Irish priest comedies

    Yep yeah okay uh well let’s see you never know you never know today’s selection looks like this 1990s music Shakespeare’s tragedies South African Rugby World Cup teams and Innovation invention and Discovery what do you think I don’t know mon his music could be any thing yeah I mean um at

    Least we kind that’s kind of my era I guess or innovation invention Discovery if you want something a bit left field that could be anything get some science in it could we What You Know music think music maybe might be a bit safer I don’t know I mean it what do

    You reckon yeah let’s go music 9s music okay music we’ll go for music okay 9s music music hey very best of luck looking for any of the following please for that uh very very nice jackpot looking for any 1990s uh UK Top 40 hit for Simply Red that’s from 1990 through

    To the end of 1999 we’re looking for any film that had a song nominated for best original song Oscar from the ’90s that’ll be the 91 ceremony through to the 2000 ceremonies cuz it they honor the songs of the year before or we are looking for any act in Rolling Stone

    Magazine’s 100 best albums of the ’90s please so simply read films that have had a song nominated and acts in the 100 best albums of the 90s very best of luck thank you very much indeed Richard as always you’ve got up to a minute to come

    Up with three answers all you need to win that jackpot 7,500 is for just one of your answers to be pointless are you ready yep let’s put 60 seconds up on the clock there they are your time starts now right best rasar song You Got The Bodyguard you’ve

    Got Prince of Egypt um Titanic Titanic yeah I suppose that would actually work as well albums of the Year axe um Primal scream um Nana yeah probably which one smells like te it doesn’t match just the X okay um some other ’90s X um Happy Mondays yeah I

    Kind of think what which ones would be pointless though obiously you got your big ones like your brick pots and stuff yeah other films other films um oh this is trickier than we thought did you say you don’t know any no nothing would be pointless noart from

    The obvious stuff um just any act from the ’90s it’s going to be Rolling Stones the90s Michael Jackson okay shall we go we’ll go black gra okay that is your time up let’s hear your answers three answers um yes I just okay we’ll go for for films nominated

    For best original song will go Prince of Egypt Prince of Egypt and for the 100 best albums will go for Primal scream Primal scream and what’s the last one I just said um black grape and black grape of those three which is your best shot at a pointless answer probably go Primal

    Scream okay Primal screen will put last least likely to be pointless Black Grape Black Grape and Prince of Egypt goes in the middle okay well let’s put those answers up on the board then and here they are we have got black grape The Prince of Egypt Primal scream well three

    Excellent answers there one of them has to be pointless for you to win that jackpot let’s not forget 7,500 quid is in the running here if one of those answers wins that what would you like to do with your spoils John you first I don’t think I was expecting it

    To be so big so I probably um we could do with a new kitchen really so it’s a pretty hefty sum towards that I guess otherwise nice holiday be nice in the summer very nice Tony uh I would like a snooker table fulls siiz snooker table I

    Would also like to go shark diving and bucketless golf around San Diego area bit more than mine good well listen who knows one of these answers might win that jackpot for you okay now your first answer was black grae in this case we’re looking for the axe in Rolling Stone Magazine’s 100 best

    Albums of the ’90s Black Grape has to be pointless you to win that jackpot of £7,500 let’s see how many people said it oh oh clearly didn’t make the cut not perhaps not to Rolling Stones taste I don’t know we’ll discover um let’s hope nobody said your next answer The Prince

    Of Egypt in this case we were looking for films nominated for best original song Oscar during the ’90s if it’s pointless £7,500 is yours how many people said The Prince of Egypt it’s right now Black Grape wasn’t right Prince of Egypt is absolutely right that it takes us down through the

    Teens into single figures still going down still going down still going you done it very well done oh well done fantastic brilliant very well done Prince of Egypt wow what about that ah there’s a snooker table there’s a new kitchen I mean all sorts of exciting things happening now Prince of

    Egypt was a pointless answer you are taking home today’s jackpot of £7,500 well done I mean from the moment they came on and said they were cardiac physiologist and a marine biologist and then got one point each in the first two rounds you figured they might win the jackpot

    That’s really really well done Primal scream incorrect answer so well done uh when you believe from The Prince of Egypt very nicely remembered um you can just you talk among yourselves I’m going to go through the pointless answers for the people at home you think about the money uh Simply Red fans uh

    Here’s some pointless answers for you ain’t that a lot of love say you love me the air that I breathe we’re in this together ghetto girl Never Never Love uh Night Nurse remembering the first time in the Mantra all of those were pointless s Simply Red now those best

    Original song Oscar films Evita you must love me Philadelphia Streets of Philadelphia uh Pocahontas Colors of the Wind everything was pointless there apart from Titanic Lion King bodyguard Aladdin Beauty and the Beast Armageddon Robin Hood prince of Thieves and Toy Story every other film that was nominated was a pointless answer now

    There are loads and loads of pointless ansers here in this final category more American actually than the UK ones air the French band were pointless answer bu Dr Dre pavement Tupac Alanis maret Beasty Boys Beck Ben and Sebastian Bob Dylan Cypress Hill de Soul Dees mode Eminem on Vogue Fiona Apple Fuji Jay-Z

    Jeff Buckley Johnny Cash Mary J blig Massive Attack My Bloody Valentine Neil Young Pixies PJ Harvey Chemical Brothers Flaming Lips Tom Petty Tom weights wuang Clan lots of other pointless sters as well but very well done if you said one of those thanks very much Richard and

    Thanks once again to Our Winning players John and Tony who take away today’s jackpot of 7,500 well done join us next time when we’ll be putting Ro school and knowledge to the test on pointless meanwhile it’s goodbye from Richard goodbye and it’s goodbye from me goodbye Yeah


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