Jan 24/2024

    Hey Riders! Talk about one of the coolest events that I have seen on Rouvy. A Group ride pursuit. Yes in this event organized by Gem City ICC, we watch as the Group leader gives the other riders a 2min 10 sec head start before he starts chasing them. So this is basically the Hunter vs the Hunted, with SR-71 being the Hunter who has to wait and watch as the other riders take off in advance .

    What an awesome concept…..when riders get caught, they can then go into normal group ride mode as they will then have the positive effect of the magnet pulling them along with the leader. Or they could then become a Hunter and help the Leader by taking some big turns at the front and pull the others back.

    What a great twist on a Group Ride, do a bit of high intensity riding before you enjoy the more relaxing experience of a proper group ride. Go all out and escape, maybe you want to help the Hunter, there are so many cool twists to this one. Can’t wait until I get a chance to join in on one of these. Don’t miss out folks this is the next big thing on Rouvy.

    Search Gem City under Group Rides if you would like to participate.
    Also please like and subscribe if you enjoy my videos. It really helps the channel and my efforts. Thanks Riders.

    Hey Riders inside cycling World here coming live from the studio located somewhere in the frozen tundra of Canada got a cool new event here today let’s take a look at this baby what we’re doing here is um Gem City ICC group ride with a Twist so in this one

    It’s a group ride great to see 25 people signed up for it it’s a group ride where the leader gives the group ride people a head start in this case it’s like going to be 130 seconds so it will be up to the leader of the ride to chase those people down

    Going to be interesting to see what will happen when they get caught will they start helping the leader catch the other people in front we’re doing fors file to omn mode Black Forest 2 omn mode uh in Germany it’s 12.1 km long so so that’s

    About what is that 7 mil 7 1 12 miles 431 M of climbing so it’s an average gradient of 4% so the leader could have uh some tough work cut out for them here um we max out at 9% just going to have a quick look at the start shoot here okay

    So we’re starting in 2 minutes as usual so here’s the name and in case you’re looking for next week Gem City ICC and um I think this leader this little blur pure leader gives 100 30 second Head Start that’s probably going to change you know week

    To week on the course the events you know I think there’s a lot of variations that could be done here to make this a really really interesting event uh you could give people faster bikes slower bikes there could be multiple people at the back waiting to chase a group at the

    Front give them like a f minute Head Start and see if you can hunt them down pretty fascinating really uh let’s just jump back quick if we can I’m still waiting for that watch button to show up so as you can see here here’s the gradient uh you know there’s a little

    Kick at the beginning you know little bumps like four five 6 7% maybe some false flatty stuff through here but you know you do get some you know 6 7 8% yeah this is all fals flat think the climb really starts uh in Earnest as they would say at around 6

    Km so we’re going to have a 6 km uphill slog a little bit of false flatty at the top too hopefully our leader has selected the right bike let’s see what happens here we’re in the uh the start shoot now just uh waiting on my watch button

    You know how this goes right I wish I could be in the start shoot with them I’m sure tension is increased nerves are probably frayed and I see now 26 Riders registered let’s hope the majority of them show up there’s a few GRC team members in here as

    Well got Dawn here for sure uh Billy hoes here uh of course uh the leader of this event SR71 the lead Chase anyways uh is an IC is a Gem City ICC Rider and a GRC member so this is uh in the final minute before we start just going to hover right here

    And here we go folks getting right to it so up super early today I’ve been up about an hour and a half now pretty excited for this event it’s 4:15 in the morning for me so here we go you’re like where’s all the action what’s going on

    Our leader SR71 here is sitting in the start shoot let’s get to the front have a little look around we’ve got dayon here dayon rides with GRC Belgian 66 6 rmo Tony pH Philip bagger 69 who I see with M uh muckers all the time here’s Dawn uh GRC member

    Lyy HF not sure what HF stands for let’s have a little look here oh this is cool let’s go to the front here and have we got Tony Philipe 86 we’re looking back at ton right now group chasing up behind the uh the motorcycle camera got that dude that’s hang crazy

    Off the back of the camera uh let’s just do a little map mode here so you can see here we’ve got like a nice group moving away and SR71 is sitting in the start shoot still so you can see everyone pulling away here through that first Little

    Village I’m sure SR71 at this point is just like just dying to go back to camera see he’s still sitting here just having a little look around uh yep that would be behind him let’s get to the front oh we’ve got some cameras loading okay everyone going

    By taking a look back here so we got Baggers ping pushing hard at the front hitting the first kind of little kicks you can see on the profile on the bottom to the kicks happening so at this point here JN should have just Tak taken off I believe okay so here’s

    Baggers we’ve got traviso got a good group we kind of FR here Belgian 66 anther 1968 this looks like jbh 111 and we’ve got Dawn right here at the front take a little look back to SR71 he’s on the Move now he’s on the Move now getting into some action cam here

    He’s chasing the camera right now I’m just going to bring the camera a little bit closer to us see if we can do that I’ve got on Far sorry that’s from my setting yesterday let’s go with a middle view Mouse is getting stuck here don’t quit that so now things have been moved

    Up a little bit now we’re just hovering over uh SR71 shoulder here pushing hard 5 watts per kilo and so at this point here to the closest Rider John has a distance of 400 m to make up the front Riders let’s take a look at this they’re

    Out uh 900 meters ahead of John what can he pull back here is this possible uh traviso just hammering along here they’re they just came out of a little bit of a bump I saw some 67% there so we got traviso and Belgian 66 working together Baggers is caught

    Little bit of No Man’s landine here can see the two ahead of them and then there’s 100 meter Gap back back to uh jbh 111 we’ve got Dawn back here as well in fifth place moving along quite nicely pushing over 300 watts at the moment moving ahead oh interesting I see

    That it looks like is this bagger here uh sorry jbh 1101 is on a TT bike so that might H you can see the positioning on the bike here beside Dawn that is a TT bike let’s have a little look back at them here so we’re going to

    Look back back yep that’s TT position we’ve got anther uh 68 pulling up behind them Tony Philip not far behind either rmo let’s uh flip the camera around here so you can see there’s Riders just around the corner here let’s get back to John here

    And see how he’s doing so at this moment Jon’s pulled back 300 met on uh it looks like TX no what we’re going to do and just ahead of that Rider is uh bvy 05 Gem City Ridder uh We’ve also got Kristen there donon right together and lyy just

    Cranking away up ahead let’s get a little look at lordy here check out the gear he’s wearing so behind lordy you can see day on so what I want to do now is get to this Rider here TX and in the distance you can see Jon coming John SR71 is

    John John’s coming around the corner cranking I’m not sure which bike uh JN selected I believe look at him moving up here just flying up and into the distance he goes that’s so great uh bra is next up the road let’s see if we can have a

    Little peek back and see Jon anywhere I’d like to see him come around the corner but I don’t think we’re going to see him at this point a little bit too far so at this point here Jon’s caught one and just flew by the rider there uh

    That he passed just wasn’t didn’t have the right kind of momentum to jump on his wheel and help out I’m hoping some of these Riders are going to actually want to become the hunters BR here just just bogging down a little bit on this climb here 3 4% it’s

    A little bit false flatty there we can now see Jon in the distance you can just see him coming off the edge of the screen John just emptying the tank here uh what we’re going to do now is just pop back to the front where we’re at traviso got traviso Belgian 66

    Working really well together and Baggers is right there as well further back we have uh anther 1968 who is with Dawn right beside him all the way uh which was the rider that had uh yeah it’s jbh here see jbh is going to fall off now they might pull something back here

    Any of these little kicks 6 7% they’re going to have a a bit of a struggle because they’re on the TT teike just behind them we’ve got Tony Philipe Ramo lyy HF doing great with donon just coming up behind him now danon’s reeling lyy back in but

    Let’s get back to uh SR71 here have a look at this so bvy has just been passed oh yeah Kirsten was just passed by um s oh sorry I’m on bvy now looking back as JN comes up so here comes John he’s just past kren sorry Kristen and Bry

    05 moving well can John maintain the speed further up the road he’s got donon now donon SR71 B and CHR Kristen they ride together quite a bit so he knows what their abilities are donon is just maintaining a nice steady Pace here not pushing huge Watts I know danon’s coming back from an

    Injury Lloyd’s working extra hard up front right now he’s pushing almost three watts per kilo so I’m going to go back to Dane on here now let’s see what we can do here so Baggers yeah we got a good group The the front the group at the front’s working

    Really well together Belgian 66 here there’s three Riders at the front traviso 6 watts per kilo Baggers um they’re all there there’s three Riders at the front a couple hundred meter Gap to anther 68 and uh dawn again GRC member great guy um don’t know anther yet but we’ll find out who

    They are so let’s just keep an eye on Dawn here for a second here’s Dawn’s Viewpoint he looks like he’s riding on the Tre madone which is probably the ideal bike for this probably the best combination of Arrow and uh weight savings so dawn has just moved path

    Anther Dawn’s doing well over four watts per kilo now but let’s get back to uh so at this point SR71 is about 1 kilometer behind Dawn there’s a lot of strong Riders here oh and we just missed a pass let’s get back to uh SR71 we’re going to

    Have a little Peak back here we can just see lyy just slipping back behind uh SR71 at the moment gaps growing quickly we’re out to 20 M great ride so so far just going to chug to the back here a little bit uh so we lost Tony Philipe looks like he had a

    Disconnect we do have so we had 14 riters on course we now have 13 so some of the signups couldn’t make it which is unfortunate I think they’re they’re missing out on an awesome event here John just hammering down here on the flats trying to keep his speed up

    Little again a little false flatty he’s going to have to to pull back a big gap here now he’s got 750 m to pull back on row 208 let’s jump up to rmo here’s his Viewpoint try out a different camera mode here folks ah little Pano

    Mode sit on Rainbow rainow is only 172 M behind jbh and Dawn’s only 300 M so there’s this one Gap here this is you can see it on the screen right now on the bottom of the profile SR71 has the star on his bubble rmo has the green

    Bubble up ahead Let’s uh do a little map mode here so here’s rmo uh the other Riders are just ahead here’s our leader traviso the top of the screen purple would be Baggers uh then we come back to Dawn here Dawn and anther I believe then we got jbh here’s rmo

    And if we’re lucky we might just see JN off the side of the right hand side of the screen here might be just too big of a gap at the moment just’s pulled back 100 meters since I just started talking about this battle here okay we can’t see him yet let’s

    Just give it some time how long can John push this big Power for I mean the Riders ahead of him are they’re matching them they are matching them at this point rmo uh I think sees Jon coming up slowly look at this here now we were at 750 meters now we’re down to

    570 and that distance is just dropping rainbow might have been changing gears they’re trying to get some power going knowing that Jon is coming up behind them so again John that’s SR71 I’ll probably use the name interchangeably here let’s pop to the front a little look back here at our

    Leaders so we’ve got uh traviso here traviso is a level 62 Rider so does a lot of riding obviously riding with Belgian 66 and these two Riders here let me just have a quick peek at them 60 to 70 kgrs at most I would say yeah Belgian looks like he’s just

    Over 70 kilos traviso H like 60 kilos that it’s hard to really tell the numbers are changing a lot of me here mental math it’s not my greatest at uh 4:30 in the morning beggers seen Baggers a lot on the muckers ride hopefully his uh disconnect

    Issues are all figured out here I know he’s had some problems with that coming back to anther uh okay so here’s what we’re trying to watch here oh you can see just in the distance lyi is trying to come back great job by lyy here see now what’s going on here

    Folks is that since SR71 is the leader of the group ride the magnet is in effect so ly is getting a little bit of a toe back to the front check this out this is what that’s the beauty of this event when you get ped and caught you’re

    Going to have the magnet pulling you back so you can see the riders that have been passed uh lyy and Kristen are right there b is there as well so if these Riders could get back on terms with JN they could probably get out and help him a little

    Bit you know like ride in front give him a little bit of a break on the climb here so sr-71’s got a little bit of more false flat to do here uh maybe we’re just past the definition of false flat now I’m seeing four and 5% I’d say up to

    Four false flat but you can see the three Riders just behind them they’re they’re coming up fast now let’s get back into map mode here they all are here’s the other Hunters they’re coming let’s get back to this okay so rmo holding on for to De your life at

    This moment still has a good Gap though this is where it’s going to start to get really hard rmo looks like they’re on the Trek Mone so good bike choice that was the smart one for today um and we’re going to start climbing here pretty hard so if we take

    A look at traviso we’re going to see what the climbs going to be like so so traviso Belgian 66 and bagger 69 they’re all on the 6 to 7% stuff right now and you know I’m thinking we’re probably not going to get too much worse

    Than that 89 would be the most I think nine is the max gradient for this I think there might be some that 89% stuff might be right at the split that’s up ahead if you look at the red bubble on the bottom there’s a little black dot I think that’s where

    The steepest might be I have done this ride before quite a few months back okay yeah so you can see here now with the start of the climb that Ramo oo rmo is just I saw big numbers there for a second must have been just like a little

    Sprint Jon’s bringing him back still coming back let’s get on John here you see L lordy just floating in the distance so there is magnet effect effect on this ride but Jon’s just putting down a lot of power looks like he’s on a fairly fast bike too I can’t tell what he’s on

    Is that the Sur he’s on I think he’s on the CLL so he’s going to have an arrow advantage on any of the flats sorry folks just having a sip of coffee there in the bunker in the tundra okay so the distance is dropping the whole time let’s see how rmo handles

    The climb it all that’s what we’re up for here so there’s a Ramo 208 and jbh 111 those are the two closest that I think ah look at this here jbh 1101 I was going to say looks catchable and I think definitely catchable now that I see them on the TT

    Bike straight up TT bike this is going to be a struggle up this hill now in fact we can see Ramo closing the distance here on jbh JB’s view looking forward looking behind you can see that Ramo is trying to come up from behind you know Jon’s not very far

    Behind the corner there I’m going to just jump to a map view here just to show you the layout here we go jbh struggling now still putting down great power though it’s just the bike the bike is slow up these climbs jbh is here Ramo 208 is that what it is yeah

    208 is the Green Dot and Jon is his first yellow dot right on the bottom of the screen being pursued by the other Hunters come on other hunters get up there help a guy out okay back to camera mode we got some action coming down so here yeah look at behind us here

    We got Kirsten sorry I keep saying Kiren Kristen Kristen Kristen Kristen Kristen I will never forget your name Kristen we have Kristen lyy and bvy coming back at John getting some magnet effect come on folks get up there and help the hunter out Ramo just holding on now 125 meter lead over uh

    SR71 jbh managed to pull out a little bit of distance there on uh rmo so looks like jbh is just pushing a huge gear gear here yeah huge gear up this hill I can see their uh Cadence right now is in the 50s and I like this this is something I would

    Do I’m not a spinner I’m a grinder obviously jbh feels comfortable pushing this gear good for them and we’ll look behind look at rmo here in the 90s spinning up the same Hill so just totally different rotting techniques it’s going to Just Bounce away for a second here we’re going to

    Flip the camera to the front and we’re going to pop up to Baggers bagger 69 uh I think I saw Baggers in the muckers race yesterday by the way that race video will be coming out today so we got bger 69 leading the way for Watts a kilo uh with

    Traviso looks like Baggers is trying to go on a move here I believe putting in a little bit of a dig in uh just opening up a tiniest bit of Separation to traviso which traviso is now trying to react to yep traviso are reacting take a look at this

    Folks but uh Belgian 66 has been distance on the first part of these climbs so we’ve only got two at the front working together now back to SR71 has got uh three Gem City Riders right behind them 25 meters back but they’re struggling to get back on they are totally struggling to get

    Back on his wheel they can see him but they just cannot pull him back great job by John here maintaining three watts per kilo all the way and now the distance to row is coming down again I think rainow is starting to struggle I think we’re going to see Jon

    Come around this corner right away I’ll give you a little map mode some perspective look how close we are now so we’re through the split maybe the steepest stuff is coming up right away might be around the next Bend I can see a little uh chicane here in the

    Road guess it’s technically not a chicane but uh looks like one from the map view Ramos’s trying to run trying to run the hunters the hunted is running Jon’s pursuing though 75 met to go now let’s get back to our camera view so here’s Ramo John is uh 78 meters

    Back might see them come around that corner just might see them no it’s just a little bit too far still and you know rmo here is on the Trek madone I believe JN is on the svello so the Trek madone does have a climbing eventure you can just see Jon’s

    Name tag popping up on the screen right now at the back there and ly’s name is there as well good job lyy get up there and help John I can see the others as well jump back to the beginning uh sorry the front uh Baggers is here traviso back on

    Terms with Baggers uh Belgian has fallen back further they might have had just a little bit of a bad spell there um they were right at the front the whole way up until about kilometer I’m going to say kilometer 7 kilm 7 and a half then we’ve got anther riding alone

    These Riders riding alone uh will struggle a little bit once uh they have no one to draft with look look in the distance here we can just see Dawn here’s Dawn by himself too see if Dawn is completely alone yeah oh no Dawn can see a rider

    Just around the corner then we fall back to jbh who is on the TT bike just grinding this massive gear up the hill okay so Ramo is within sights Ramo is within Striking Distance now the struggle is going to be in my opinion I think that um John SR71 will catch

    Rainow here in yeah it just depends how much this hill grinds them down I mean this is a bit of a grind of a climb here now you know remember the course is only I believe 12 km long and there was over 400 MERS of climbing you can see here

    We’ve already climbed 250 M with 181 to go so that’s 430 M of climbing that’s uh 1,300 ft of climbing in imperial units and the majority of that you can see is in the back end of the course there is false FL at the top here’s John Ramos’s on screen

    Now ly’s only 26 meters back chasing John and he can see rmo as well moving back to PR 05 riding with Kristen we then have TX and donon we’ve only lost one Rider and that’s Tony Philipe now I think Tony Philipe was putting out a lot of power

    At the beginning not really sure about what kind of Rider they are uh but that might have been a very unfortunate disconnect for them rmo knows it’s inevitable now rmo is thinking oh my here he comes I’ve been in the situation and you just kind of hold on just ride your own

    Pace don’t try to go above your ability right now because if you’re matching their numbers you might be looking at the screen matching their numbers and and maybe 3 and 1 half watts per kilo for the Chaser is easy maybe it’s just their their normal pace

    And so when you try to match them at 3.5 thinking well I’m matching you they can turn it up another notch just see another Rider off the screen too I think we’re seeing jbh just up ahead actually we should be looking back yeah we’re getting close now folks we’ve

    Got another catch going on so this is rmo looking back at SR71 and lyi just in the distance ly’s doing a great job today very good lyy here comes SR71 20 M Gap now rmo should jump onto SR71 wheel and you know recover for a you know let’s give him 30 seconds 40

    Seconds recovery and then jump on and maybe help SR71 get up that hill there’s a bit of a gap now it’s we’re talking 800 meters out to Dawn this may be the hard part now because these front Riders are riding very strong okay yeah see here with the gradients in

    That the track is um the Mone climbing bike it’s got a little bit of advantage on that CLL managing to pull a bit of distance out let’s get back to the front and see what’s going up here uh so we got traviso with Baggers and just in the

    Different distance we can see that looks like Belgian 66 let’s have a little look forward can we see them around the corner so Belgian 66 is in third place at the moment it’s got a 200 meter Gap to traviso and bagger 69 I wonder if I’ll see them off the screen maybe not

    Kind of just taking a corner here going up a big kick switch to Map mode they are just around the corner here so the Red Dot and purple dot that’s Baggers and traviso followed by Belgian 66 here moving back to anther 68 and if you look on the far right hand

    Side of the screen at the moment you can see a yellow dot that’s Dawn team GRC pursuing them great job pushing three watts per kilo then we’ve got jbh look at what’s going down here folks I think jbh is starting to suffer on that time tral bike going up this long

    Grind they’ve got a huge weight disadvantage Ramo is now catching jbh 1101 and you can see the pursuit from behind so if we go to rmo here let’s quickly do this let’s get back to the action rmo now has jbh in his sites let’s take a look at jbh

    Again you know the gradients come down to that 5% range maybe they’re able to get their gears up a bit looks like jbh was just having a little look back there too I don’t know if you caught that on screen there or not but they were looking back they know they’re

    Coming there’s Rayo SR71 just off the edge of the screen so we’ve got 100 meters now uh for the catch up to sixth place for SR71 the leader of the group ride and again lyy right there just hanging on to the the group leaders Wheels get up there lyy nice

    Job let’s go back to John here so yeah you can see these are the riders that were passed earlier hanging on John’s view so we’re now at uh 64 M to rmo again rmo has slight advantage on that Tre I think the Trek is a three weight rating whereas the cell is two

    Meaning the cell is slightly heavier that’s not very much though the cell up until very recently was probably the best bike in the game in the software I want to call it a game yeah it’s a game to me okay so we can see rmo less than

    50 meters now we’re less than 100 meters to jbh it’s all going down here on this Bend here folks yellow Rider is jbh green Rider is raino SR71 is the the tag here you can see in the middle little bit of a kick here we’re hitting some 7even 8%

    Stuff they’re really going to close the distance on jbh now just set a total weight disadvantage on that uh TT bike I guess on a group ride you can select whatever bike you want so that’s really interesting though okay rmo is just hanging on for their position and and doing a great

    Job doing a very good job of just holding the leader at Bay John’s put a little bit of uh distance into the Riders he’s already passed behind him I think they’re all struggling to keep up with his pace less than 30 m so you can see here Ramos is focused

    On catching jbh less than 20 M now let’s watch this one go down um we’re going to go to jbh we’re going to have a little look back here so you can see Ramo 208 coming up behind jbh again jbh is in the 50s Cadence you

    Know high 50s low 60s powering up on that TT bike decided to have an extra hard workout now has decided to put a bit of a dig in when row comes up on him just gaps him a little bit there do you see that just dropped a bit of power and pulled away

    Again you know now we’re in the 3% stuff maybe the cell starts to have that little bit of Advantage again soon as it steepens up again though you see that Trek coming back and it depends what row does too Row’s uh you know just over 2

    And a half watts per kilo John’s chasing here so we’re 50 m back from jbh to uh SR71 hey guys I got to go to the front because there’s action going on up there too we got Baggers still with travisio and uh they won’t be caught they’re coming to the Finish

    Now going to jump on to traviso we’re going to get a Sprint finish here so we got traviso and Baggers 69 uh both pushing four to five oh five six watts per kilo I think B bers is looking for something here Baggers is gone bers has gapped put a bit of a gap

    Into traviso traviso counting with seven wats per kilo is there anything left here for traviso no Baggers has got it traviso is going to be second place we will then be popping back to sorry folks popping back to Belgian 66 at this point I’m going to jump to a map

    Mode just so I can see in overhead so you can see here Belgian 66 is coming up to the finish line on the top left here just under the uh the profile we then have anther 1968 all these gaps are big enough nothing’s going to change here then we

    Have Dawn doing a great job three watts per kilo you know uh just coming through this little town let’s have a little look at dawn here see what’s going on and then I’m sure when I jump back so Dawn’s totally uh decked out and Tre gear today ideal Choice 3 wats per kilo

    Great workout now by the time I jump back let’s see if things have changed so we’re back to jbh we’re going to have a little look back from jbh here still pushing that monstrous gear 53 revolutions per minute with Ramo chasing you know 90s to 100 so two totally different styles of riding

    Here spin or grind I think both can win you know I I remember the term in the 2000s spin to win all that stuff yeah well maybe for some people the Grinders can do good as well uh SR71 just trying to close the distance to raino so I think we’ve still got some

    Action here everyone else up ahead so first through fifth place positions are secure nothing’s going to change there unless they you know flat blow a tire uh snap a chain they’re all safe and secure so first through fourth have finished Dawn’s coming to the finish right now

    Less than 500 meters to go excellent job Dawn uh the battle here is going to be for 6 sth and eighth and who knows if someone comes up from behind we’re not sure about that but at this point they haven’t been able to so even with the magnet kind of

    Pulling them they haven’t been able to bridge back to our leader but rmo just keeps holding SR71 away okay d uh sorry SR71 just in the middle of a gear change there saw the power drop quickly now once we get over the top here there’s a little bit you can look

    On the profile a little bit of orange left here steeper 5 6% then we’re more into the flats this is going to be sr-71’s last chance to get ahead of these two Riders going to sit on uh rainow for a while yeah this is quite the uh you know cat

    And mouse game here they’re kind of all pulling back moving away like just uh a couple minutes ago rmo was right on JB’s wheel jbh gave it a little dig and pulled away and again now what’s interesting here too is now at this point here the rider with the most Advantage is now

    Jbh at this point here he has the fastest bike in the game in the battle I hate saying game I don’t want to say that I want to make this seem like a game it’s gamified exercise competition that’s a game cuz I’m a video game player uh yeah TT bike here

    Probably the specialized ship I’m guessing and they’re probably just going to fly away now so this came down to bike Choice here just held them off long enough you should see the Gap growing from jbh to rmo and SR71 now this is just going to grow John will have a chance here

    Because he is on the Cella which is a a fairly fast bike as well you just see Raymore in the distance and the Gap is growing so let’s uh do map mode again here we go so you saw how close those dots were before looks like uh yeah look

    At this here you can just see it happening on screen right now on the map mode SR71 is now coming up right behind raino let’s get out of here and get back on SR71 and see where we’re at look at this folks yes the caught has been made he has been

    Caught can he respond okay well rmo was trying to respond to this he’s like I’m not getting caught today he’s doing everything he can see B is just lurking in the backround here Breet 05 is just lurking uh 40 m back from SR71 okay so things uh just spread out there a bit

    Again but yeah so look at this here now now getting on the nice really flat stuff false flat here we go as I meant to say earlier not the C the catch has been made morning morning brain folks and there we go SR71 flying away now can row

    React will he just say that’s enough I don’t want to run anymore slowly just drifting back okay now this is going to be an interesting little battle here because we’ve got jbh 111 125 M ahead of SR71 both putting out about the same power jbh you know in a

    Better you know Cadence now better maybe not uh I’m saying grinding is spinning is not necessarily better than grinding for certain people uh this person likes to push a big gear whereas John’s Flying more in the 90s you know highspeed spinning I struggle with this because it really zaps my heart

    Rate raino is just hanging on here now maybe Row’s going to come up and give uh SR71 a hand four watts per kilo we’re coming to the finish right now folks oh here we go Sprint finish Sprint finish rainow just nips around SR71 at the Finish kind of a

    Cheeky little move there that’s your finish folks let’s just keep an eye here everyone else is coming to the finish right now great job everyone so we still have TX out there we’ll watch TX across the Finish Line what an awesome event that was so cool um you know I

    Think there we were looking at BO bike Choice decisions here’s our one breakdown of the day Tony Philipe very unfortunate so you can see how on those rides you’re really mixing up the group ride now if I would have been caught I would have helped the leader out that’s

    Kind of my style I would have dra I would have pulled for the leader at that point I think once you’re within 5 10 meters you’re caught especially when you’ve been giving a two minute and 10c Lead um but you can modify those so much this is

    Way more interesting to me than a normal group ride where you just toodle along and you get pulled by Your Leader um think of it that for the first little while you’re getting racy and a bit more intensity and then you can toodle in the

    Last part of the ride this is my style and I think I want to participate in this next week uh so anyways this is coling inside cycling world please support the channel drop a subscribe if you can and uh we’ll see you again soon


    1. This is a twist on the standard group ride that we have done a couple of times. Everyone likes the theory and most end up setting higher power numbers than they do in a race.

      I am SR-71

    2. Great video commentary by Colin. This was a very fun group ride which was not only fun to participate in, but planning a strategy prior to ride was also part of the fun. John motivated us to have some good power numbers by giving us a head start.

    3. Great video Colin… I rode it and then watched it all! I found out after the ride about your video. Next time it'll add extra motivation to push, thanks.

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