#Denmark #copenhagen #hygge #europe #danish #happiness #happy

    Are you happy? Truly, deeply, blissfully happy? If you’re like most people, the answer is probably somewhere between “meh” and “not really.” But here’s the thing: there are people on this planet who seem to have cracked the happiness code. They’re not just content; they’re vibrant, joyful, and radiating a contagious positive energy. And guess what? These people aren’t mythical creatures. They’re the Danes.

    In today’s video, we look at WHY ARE DANISH PEOPLE SO HAPPY? Secrets of Denmark revealed. Keep watching to see why Denmark is rated one of the happiest countries in the world. Whether it is Denmark travel, living in Denmark, or moving to Denmark, I will share some Denmark facts and travel tips. We tour Denmark in the Denmark vlog.

    Subscribe to see more about Denmark, Danish tradition Copenhagen, Copenhagen Walking Tour and Hygge. Learn how to Optimize Your Success, for a 2024 reset, and 2024 Goal Setting. On this Growth TV, learn self-improvement goal setting for your 2024 Glow-Up. Inspired by Anna Bey, Patricia Bright, and Mark Hyman, MD.

    Inspired by Why Denmark Is Insanely Well Designed Inspired by Spending Christmas Holidays in Denmark with my Chinese Family

    Inspired by from Korea to Denmark ✈️ i brought my husband to Copenhagen over the holidays

    Inspired by American’s First Time in Denmark (People, Food, Aesthetic, Bakken, Copenhagen) Pt 1

    Inspired by 2024 Simplify, Plan, Thrive – minimalist hygge lifestyle! Plus Flylady Declutter

    Also check out: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=coB_N…

    On Be Healthy Be Youthiful, we go through What are your 2024 Goals? Optimize Your Success, 2024 reset, and 2024 Goal Setting Personal Development, and Goals for 2024. On this Growth TV and Motivational Video, learn about self-improvement and goal setting for your 2024 Glow-Up. We will discuss Goal Setting 2024, Self-improvement, Health, and how to Look and feel young at any age. From time to time We will address Public Health, Nutrition and Health Promotion to help you feel amazing! Stay tuned for the latest

    Let me ask you something. Are you happy? Truly, deeply, blissfully happy? If you’re like most people, the answer is probably somewhere between “meh” and “not really.” But here’s the thing: there are people on this planet who seem to have cracked the happiness code. They’re not just content; they’re vibrant, joyful, and radiating a contagious positive energy. And guess what? These people aren’t mythical creatures. They’re the Danes.

    In today’s video, we look at WHY ARE DANISH PEOPLE SO HAPPY? Secret to happiness revealed. Keep watching to see why Denmark is rated one of the happiest countries in the world. Whether it is Denmark travel, living in Denmark, or moving to Denmark, I will share some Denmark facts and travel tips. We tour Denmark in the Denmark vlog.

    Subscribe for Denmark, Copenhagen, Copenhagen Walking Tour and Hygge. Learn how to Optimize Your Success, for a 2024 reset, and 2024 Goal Setting. On this Growth TV, learn self-improvement goal setting for your 2024 Glow-Up. Inspired by Anna Bey, Patricia Bright, and Mark Hyman, MD.

    Inspired by Why Denmark Is Insanely Well Designed Inspired by Spending Christmas Holidays in Denmark with my Chinese Family

    Inspired by from Korea to Denmark ✈️ i brought my husband to Copenhagen over the holidays

    Inspired by American’s First Time in Denmark (People, Food, Aesthetic, Bakken, Copenhagen) Pt 1

    Inspired by 2024 Simplify, Plan, Thrive – minimalist hygge lifestyle! Plus Flylady Declutter

    Also check out: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=coB_N…

    On Be Healthy Be Youthiful, we go through What are your 2024 Goals? Optimize Your Success, 2024 reset, and 2024 Goal Setting Personal Development, and Goals for 2024. On this Growth TV and Motivational Video, learn about self-improvement and goal setting for your 2024 Glow-Up. We will discuss Goal Setting 2024, Self-improvement, Health, and how to Look and feel young at any age. From time to time We will address Public Health, Nutrition and Health Promotion to help you feel amazing! Stay tuned for the latest as we discuss Personal Power; along with self-development topics! In 2024 Plan with me, let’s work on a Reset for 2024 and share some inspiration 2024, motivation to LIVE YOUR BEST LIFE!

    #visitdenmark #beautifuldenmark #denmarklife #traveltodenmark #cozydenmark #discoverdenmark #copenhagendenmark #denmarkhappy
    I visited christiansborg palace Copenhagen during a Copenhagen walk. Plus, Copenhagen Park walk, Copenhagen street walk, Street walk in Copenhagen. I learned The art of hygge and Scandinavian cozeness. Hygge the danish art of happiness, Hygge simple joys

    Click here to subscribe: (http://bit.ly/47eiHGO)
    Click here to subscribe: (http://bit.ly/47eiHGO)Goal setting 2024

    Let me ask you something are you happy Truly Deeply blissfully happy well if you’re like most people the answer is probably somewhere in between me and not really but here’s the thing there are people on this planet who seem to have cracked that happiness code and they’re just not content they’re vibrant joyful

    And radiating a positive energy that’s contagious guess what these people people aren’t mythical creatures they’re the Danes yes the Danes those seemingly sto reserved people from the land of Vikings and Hogie they are consistently ranking the top of the global happiness reports leaving us wondering what’s the secret more importantly can we learn

    From them it isn’t just about feeling good once in a while it’s about uncovering the secrets to a life filled with contentment joy and Lasting happiness a life where you wake up stop feeling grateful go through the day and with purpose and fall asleep with a

    Smile on your face sounds like a dream well it’s not it’s a reality for the Danes and it could be a reality for you too hello everyone my name is Sandra Maria guman Singh and in this video I will reveal the unique aspects of Danish Society their secrets of being the

    Happiest Nation on Earth and their approach to work life balance community and well-being that sets them apart so stay with me until the end I am in Denmark presid experiencing firsthand the fabric of happiness that is woven into this beautiful culture being in the Danish populace I can genuinely sense this contagious

    Happiness among the people their behaviors their interactions it’s all part of a mosaic of positivity that’s very hard to miss now you might be thinking what’s their secret are they all secretly sipping Enchanted potions of Joy well the answer is far more interesting than magical Elixir it’s all

    About their way of life a unique blend of culture values and everyday habits that cultivate a permanent state of well-being it’s a tiny country with a population of barely 6 million people yet despite its small size it’s consistently wrecking the charts as one of the happiest Nations on earth now you

    Might know Denmark is famous for its breathtaking Landscapes we see here and occasionally chilly weather but did you know that even though most St live in cities these days they still hold a deep connection to nature for them it’s more than just stepping outside it’s a lifestyle it’s about skiing down snowy

    Slopes or simply taking a Serene stroll through the woods physical activity isn’t just about burning calories for the Dan it’s a way to find joy and pleasure in movement now forget the usual gym routines Danes prefer lacing up their skates for some skiing hiking through the forest or taking dips in

    Crisp Lakes it’s about finding Delight in movement and integrating it to daily life no wonder they’re in such great shape all that walking biking to work and shoveling snow keeping active is part of the parcel of their everyday grind plus you will see a lot of these

    Around the city no wonder it’s because Copenhagen is rated the best bicycling city in the world in Denmark bicycling is one of the primary forms of transportation whether Sunshine rain hail or snow I was so surprised to see them on their way to work the grocery store or even social events commuting by

    Bike is the fastest easiest most healthy and environmentally friendly way get around the cities of Denmark and the numbers speak for themselves there are fewer sick days for residents health benefits and reduced CO2 emissions now along those same lines this would make most of us happy free public healthare

    Yes Denmark has free public healthare for its citizens and residents the Health Care system is regulated by the central government although most services are provided by the five regions local governments when it comes to their Cuisine their big and good oldfashioned butter yes butter is the star in their kitchen not oils or

    Margarin and guess what it’s not just for flavor it’s for nutrition too Studies have even shown that consuming milk fat like butter can decrease the risk of obesity who knew butter could be such a health secret now let’s chat a little bit about the weather picture this snow covered Landscapes and chilly

    Temperatures for most of the year you think that’s a recipe for misery right well not for the Danes they have a saying there’s no such thing as bad weather only inappropriate clothing rain or snow you’ll find them biking around undisturbed by the elements and those low temperatures they’re doing

    Wonders for their bodies it’s like a natural metabolism boost enhancing Sleep Quality and even helping manage Cravings some even swear by starting their day with ice cold showers as for sweets that’s an interesting story in Danish kindergartens they stare clear of adding sugar to their meals children tend to

    Avoid sweets until they’re a bit older even as adults they Reserve their sweet indulgences for holidays and Saturdays and they’re not just munching on chocolate bars Danish love their salty licorice I tried this this licorice treats which are low on sugar but big on satisfaction smart move right well I

    Don’t like it I tried it well you know here in Denmark lunchtime isn’t your typical midday Affair and let me tell you it’s a hearty spread think potatoes meet fish basically all all the good stuff that’s loaded with protein and carbs but come dinner they switch gears opting for a

    Lighter Fair almost like breakfast remix fish sandwiches veggies cheese yogurt this way they hit the hay without feeling like they’ve swallowed a brick now here’s a Danish Beauty tip that might surprise you saunas aren’t just a cozy Retreat from the cold they’re practically a cultural Cornerstone in

    Fact inviting someone to a sauna that’s a whole respect in D culture and you know what this sauna routine might just be the secret to their glowing skin and robust Health talk about hot Beauty treatment and speaking of beauty here’s another nugget Danish skincare is all about Simplicity Winter Winds can be

    Very brutal on the face so moisturizing is their holy Grill forget those multi-step routines Danish women keep it stripped back using just the cleaning cleansing oil to keep their skin hydrated they are are minimalistic Queens of beauty rarely will you spot a Danish lady using more than just three

    Facial products a day and here’s where it gets interesting their diet Danes prefer cooking at home hardly dining out their secret recipe for a Fit Body loads of red fish packed with vitamin D and omega3 heaps of veggies and berries a plenty and they’re not big on red meat

    Either you can see that here ah coffee let’s let talk about my favorite part coffee because in Denmark it’s a sacred ritual forget the quick caffeine fix it’s not just about coffee and a cookie it’s a mental timeout it’s a time where you ditch your work in devices sit with

    Friends and Savor your coffee it’s about hitting the paws and soaking in the Good Vibes not the rushed coffee dashes you might feel elsewhere moreover their supermarket aisles good luck in finding plain old white bread there d folks have been on the whole wheat bread train for

    Centuries back in the 18th and 19th centuries bread was King and it was all about that whole wheat goodness now you heard me said this earlier have you heard of hugie it’s Denmark’s secret ingredient for happiness and comfort it’s this cozy untranslatable concept that’s all about creating Serene moments

    For yourself and your loved ones think curling up with a good book cooking dinner with your buddies or just enjoying quiet evenings hugie is about feeling comfy and spreading warm Christmas especially during those long dark Winters it could be a crackling fireplace Candlelight flickering a warm

    Cup of tea in your hand your loved ones by your side it’s about slowing down appreciating The Simple Pleasures and fostering connection and guess what those cozy moments savored regularly contribute significantly to guess what overall happiness and you will see this word hugie just about everywhere so you

    Can’t miss it and let’s not forget their work life balance unlike some cultures where we work and it seems to take over every aspect of life the Dan prioritize leisure time they understand that happiness comes from more than just a paycheck they take that breaks they enjoy their hobbies and they spend

    Quality time with lover ones they have learned and accepted the fact that while being passionate about your job is fantastic equally crucial to clock out regularly and take some time off and they’ve got one of the most generous holiday allowances globally stretching up to a whopping 5 weeks whereas in the

    US it’s a modest figure of about 9 days per year and this healthy balance helps them avoid burnout and maintain a positive outlook on life another benefit there of course I can talk about da happiness without mentioning their unique approach to Parenting they focus on creating a safe and loving

    Environment where children feel supported and encouraged to explore their individuality it Fosters self-confidence resilience and a sense of well-being that carries them into adulthood so what can we learn from all of this well the good news is that Danish happiness isn’t some unattainable dream we can all incorporate their secrets into our own

    Lives no matter where we live or what our circumstances are we can create hugy moments advocate for social justice prioritize our health and well-being and make time for the things that truly matters to us so that’s why Denmark consistently ranks among the happiest countries in the world and that’s

    Because it’s all about Community work life balance welfare Simplicity sustainability and of course the Cozy concept of hugie remember happiness is a choice not a destination and by adopting some of the Danish ways of life we can cultivate a more joyful and fulfilling existence so go forth my friends and

    Embrace the Danish way of Happiness your smile awaits you thank you for watching don’t forget to like share and subscribe for more fascinating insights

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