BREAKING NEWS: You can subscribe to our channel and click the Super Thanks button below for more information. This will guarantee that you don’t miss any of the videos our team has produced, including the special reports, the latest updates, and exclusive content about the conflict in Ukraine. Russian and Ukrainian forces fought each other in trenches. This type of warfare eventually gave way to long-range missile and drone warfare as the winter months grew harsher. The southern fronts of the conflict have gotten very little attention, despite the Russian occupying force’s intention to invade the eastern and northern regions of Ukraine…

    #Russia #Ukraine #Donbas #ukrainewar #war #putin #Bakhmut #Luhansk #Crimea

    You can subscribe to our Channel and click the super thanks button below for more information this will guarantee that you don’t miss any of the videoos our team has produced including the special reports the latest updates and exclusive content about the conflict in Ukraine Russian and Ukrainian forces fought each other in

    Trenches this type of warfare eventually gave way to long-range missile and drone Warfare as the winter months grew harsher the southern fronts of the conflict have gotten very little attention despite the Russian occupying forces in ttention to invade the eastern and Northern regions of Ukraine this is

    The case even when the fight has been raging for a while the ukrainians have gained a significant Advantage as a result kev’s goal in contrast to that of its adversaries was to drive away Russian occupation forces from the southern region of Ukraine as well as

    From the black and OA Seas kev’s goal in contrast to that of its adversaries was to drive away Russian occupation forces from the southern region of Ukraine as well as from the black and oaf Seas for the duration of this cycle the Ukrainian Armed Forces persisted in using their

    Principal offensive tactic from the past along the kendine pro line and the Black Sea Peninsula Russian military personnel have endured several aircraft bombardments missile strikes and drone attacks in recent decades Russian military personnel have endured several aircraft bombardments missile strikes and drone attacks in recent decades with drones carrying out these

    Strikes Ukrainian forces has regularly targeted a significant number of Russian military installations air bases armed storage sites and military hardware military hardware was one of the other objectives the Russian occupiers released comments in which they expressed their dissatisfaction with the situation they find themselves in following their failure to undo their

    Victory in November most of the complaints stem from coordination and Leadership issues among the organization’s various units special troops from the Ukrainian Marine Corps primarily hold kinky a defended settlement in the heart of a bridge head it is located on the depr river and serves as the local Air superiority of the Ukrainian

    Military the Russian military is now vulnerable to strikes at any time of day or night due to moscow’s senior command’s inability to act quickly to resolve the situation according to Russian military bloggers Russian forces were denied permission by the Russian leadership to Target Ukrainian planes and helicopters close to kinky therefore they were

    Unable to do so in a timely manner this was the cause of the incapacity to Target airplanes from Ukraine a lengthy process requiring the consent of Russian commanders is necessary before executing artillery strikes in order to be allowed troops must also provide Target coordinates along with photographic or

    Video evidence the vast number of Ukrainian drones and artillery that are operating in the area prevents Russian forces from engaging in combat since they lack an acceptable quantity of electronic warfare gadgets over the course of the last 24 hours Ukrainian soldiers have eliminated 18 Russian Invaders three hostile boats

    And two weapons on the Left Bank of Carson they have also been accountable for the destruction of two weapons in an effort to destroy them the Ukrainian forces used artillery and drona swarms to Target the Russian gunboats and weeping systems located in dipro Natalia humc the commander of the Southern Defense Forces unified

    Coordination press Center delivered the message they released it in the midst of a nationwide appeal for assistance the enemy has lost three ammunition Supply sites including the ones used to replenish the field and its forces human Yu claims that they refilled the field and its forces using

    These Supply sites human Yu claims that because their aggressive efforts were ineffective the Russian Invaders withdrew back to their old positions since then they have been planning new offensives most of which they have executed without the assistance of humaniac in his commentary on Ukraine’s efforts to expand the bridge head on the

    Left side of the dipro river humaniac noted that the weather and power-to power ratios make such work particularly difficult despite resuming their offensive operations the day before the Invaders were still able to maintain their positions and develop the bridge head on the left side of the hums River as noted by

    Humaniac as a result the Ukrainian Army positioned on the Left Bank of the dini pro River gains a motivational advantage in the kinky district and the surrounding territories Ukrainian forces had destroyed up to 90% of Russian Hardware another military blogger urged Russian troops to desist from sending equipment there locations given that the

    Military gear had been destroyed by Ukrainian forces this advice was given Russian military blogger Simon pegv asserted that the Ukrainian lines surrounding kinky held firm pegv also claimed that the Russian staff responsible for maintaining control over the bridge head were exhausted pigb said that the Russian government also controlled the bridge

    Head the Rari review identified Colonel General miky tolinski who is the southern Joint Forces Commander in Chief of Russia tolinski was the one singled out as being culpable for the Russian army sub standard performance at the cranky Bridge head since he was the one directly responsible for the subpar performance the blogger’s critique

    Offered up some of the most thorough public apologies for their sources to date three Ukrainian Navy units with a combined strength of under 500 Personnel heavily fortify the areas in question most of Russia’s attempts to strike the cranky Bridge had failed before they reached the Ukrainian fortifications according to sources that are supportive

    Of Kev UK key of supporting sources provided the information for this article Robert brovi the commander of drone operations who coordinates Supply and Air Assault forces operating in the Pearson region stated that while Ukraine has successfully blocked Russia’s predictable attempts to approach the Ukrainian Bridge head long before they reach Ukrainian lines forecasting

    Russia’s future attempts to approach the bridge head has become increasingly difficult brovi is in charge of assembling the Air Attack forces and supplies according to the information brovi gave drone Pilots were flying over the nepro river’s Left Bank as said by brovi drone assaults by amateurs successfully thwarted the most recent

    Major attempt by Russian forces from the 810th Marine infantry brigades to attack Ukrainian Marines on January 6th the Russian military was responsible for these drone assaults brovi further disclosed that the Kremlin men never approached the Defenders closely enough to fire their weapons on them furthermore a conflict has emerged

    Within the Kremlin due to Russia’s persistent reluctance to demolish the kinki bridge someone is responsible for the Bridge’s collapse Colonel General Toy’s immense popularity among the Frontline troops demonstrates Russia’s dehumanizing domination over the Left Bank of the nippo river toiny is the most likely applicant for this position

    Because he has declined to recognize the achievements of Ukraine he is therefore the most qualified applicant from what is evident the operational landscape in the southern theater of operations remains ambiguous and Ukraine is taking advantage of this uncertainty to strengthen its position Ukraine has targeted Russia’s most important military installations on

    The peninsula in an attempt to stop the conflict and regain control of Crimea the purpose of this program was to accomplish both of these objectives the militants made a significant contribution to the efforts that Ukraine is currently making insurgents assaulted a Russian military air Strip located in yoria Crimea the

    Guerilla movement did not consistently secure the Airfield according to an examination after completing the investigation they made this discovery according to aesh a large number of B12 and 12 aircraft and the pansier 96 k6 missile defense system were found at the site by atch it was mentioned that

    Several aircraft were fixed here even though it was found that there was a continuous lack of protection across the area the data that is currently available demonstrates this it is crucial that you become aware of the fact that yff pretorius beaches located in Crimea which is presently under temporary International protection have

    Gun positions installed by Russian Invaders In order to help in the struggle Russia is now deploying uncommon multi-barrel Rockets to the front lines guerillas present in yapor recorded the action during the unloading of grad one to make matters worse Russian Federation owned vehicles are also transporting the so-called dragons

    Teeth fortifications to the avator region the Ukrainian Armed Forces had earlier in the day struck a Russian government air defense installation the attack happened not far from yoria a Crimean town that is currently under provisional government this could be a sign that the Air Defense Forces of Russia are ill

    Prepared to repel an invasion from Ukraine it’s likely that this is the situation Crimea is home to a sizable number of air defense systems operated by the Ukrainian Air Force yuriage a non-s spokesman for the Ukrainian Air Force claims that these systems are powerless against Ukraine’s Western made

    Armaments Russia is currently in control of Crimea by using strikes against civilian areas and drawing attention away from the conflict the Russian government is attempting to hide the truth that it is unable to defend Crimea and Southern Ukraine effectively the number of effective bombings that Russia has carried out on

    Ukrainian territory has increased over the last two weeks the Ukrainian authorities largely believe that drone and missile assaults are to blame for a sizable number of fatalities two Russian missiles were launched towards a hotel located in K the second largest city in Ukraine as per the statement released by

    The kke governor today 11 individuals sustained injuries due to the attack the Ukrainian condition emergency service has made images of the severely damaged Hotel available firefighting apparatuses were present at the scene of the event Governor ol senah hubba reported that at about 2,230 2 s300 missiles entered the hotel

    According to Governor sinah hubo Turkish journalists were among the casualties of the tragedy the city of K which is around 30 km from the Russian border has suffered terrible damage from Russian bombardment ever since President Vladimir Putin launched his full-scale invasion of Ukraine in February 2022 ruthlessly destroyed by Russian

    Bombardment this has happened ever since the attack started a male individual aged 35 who was in critical condition was one of the nine individuals injured in the latest incident according to the governor who discussed the situation by telephone the Ukraine has asked its Western allies for for more assistance in the fight against

    Russia’s aggression president volodimir zalinski applied pressure to Western allies while he was in Lithuania president volodimir zalinsky applied pressure to Western allies in order to install more air defense systems he carried out this action while in Lithuania as part of Ukraine’s attempts to bolster its defense against Russian

    Forces the country that is part of the Baltic Sea has been one of Ukraine’s most reliable allies in accord ordance with research results published by Germany’s Keel Institute for the world economy 1994 in terms of gross domestic product Lithuania is the country that gives Ukraine the most Military Support

    It is important to remember that the United States of America is the single largest contributor to Ukraine’s defense budget even if Ukraine manages to secure more supplies there remains a great degree of uncertainty about how the fighting Zone situation will proceed to worsen to find out we will just have to

    Wait and observe given this let’s examine the events that transpired in Davos to make sure that the West is aware that Kiev the chairman of the European commission has issued a warning to the West requiring them to keep giving Ukraine financial support and military hardware as the Ukrainian Russian conflict approaches its second

    Anniversary the US and the EU have asked Ukraine’s allies to continue providing the same levels of funding there is no evidence indicating that the this agreement will be settled anytime soon Secretary of State Anthony blinkin committed to sustaining the United States support for a meeting with President Vladimir zalinsky on Tuesday

    The location of the Gathering was in Ukraine despite a dispute within the us. Congress regarding the approval of fresh funding the Gathering took place in Ukraine we remain unwavering in our pledge to support Ukraine going forward and we are collaborating closely with Congress to achieve this goal for

    Ourselves blinkin told zalinsky what he thought during the Davos World economic Forum saying I am sure that our European colleagues will follow suit Jake Sullivan performing in his own production in addition to expressing gratitude to President Joe Biden’s Administration zalinsky acknowledged the bipartisan support in the US Congress he

    Said the following in his statement the leader of Ukraine flew to Switzerland to attend the meeting despite the fact that he is experiencing Rising War fatigue in the capital of the United States and the European Union we really depend on your assistance to continue your amazing support throughout the preceding two

    Years he addressed The Forum via a video link Ursula vandan the president of the European commission said on Tuesday that the West needs to increase the amount of money and weapons it provides to Ukraine if it hopes for Kev to succeed she informed the top business Executives

    Gathered in Davos that her warning was in response to remarks made by the president of the European commission Ukraine has the capability to win this conflict but in order to succeed they will need to keep building their opposition starting in 2024 and going forward the Ukrainian people need a

    Stable source of money in order to protect Ukraine and reclaim the region that is rightfully theirs they must have a steady and adequate supply of arms during the meeting zalinsky also met with Secretary General Yen stoltenberg of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization who said that Ukraine was

    Getting closer to Nato zalinsky had also attended the conference before as a result this will be seen as encouraging news for Ukraine which has been preparing a reform plan for a considerable amount of time as part of its Ascent to join the military Alliance this will therefore be perceived as encouraging news for

    Ukraine furthermore stoltenberg pointed out that the conflict between Russia and Ukraine during the past 2 years is one that should give give rise to Hope even still there remains a dangerous situation on the battlefield Tuesday saw the proclamation of a state of emergency in the southern Russian city of

    Vores an assault conducted by a drone originating in Ukraine caused this concurrently International leaders convened in Davos to deliberate on strategies for ending hostilities and embracing artificial intelligence this incident happened concurrently Russian air defenses destroyed five Ukrainian drones operating near vores according to the Russian Ministry of Defense yolina

    Fanova whose six-year-old son sustained injuries during one of the attacks claimed that the drones broke through the window of her residence at approximately 2:30 a.m. on Tuesday or 2330 GMT on Monday according to Elena fedan NOA one of the attacks resulted in injuries for her son as per a report

    Released by the news agency Reuters fanova gave reporters the following comment during the Declaration to the media fedin NOA stated I quickly grabbed the child amidst the smoke and debris there was smoke and shards everywhere in the same incident a little daughter sustained injuries according to an official

    Statement the city of vores with a population of over a million people is situated approximately 250 km or 155 mil from the Ukrainian border it was announced that a state of emergency had been established in the area to address the aftermath of the incident based on remarks made by the city’s mayor bam

    Stannin the authorities in the K area of Northern Ukraine have requested that the residents of those communities evacuate in order to handle the aftermath caused by the occurrence for more than two dozen Villages that are located in close proximity to the front line the authorities in the K area of Northern

    Ukraine have requested that the residents of those communities Evacuate the Russian bomb bombardment of the region justifies the request during the invasion of Ukraine that took place in February 2022 the Russian military was successful in seizing control of a sizable chunk of the country in spite of

    The fact that they have been unable to make any progress in that region they have insisted on continuing their efforts to take control of that territory a statement that was released on social media by the K Regional Governor stated that in light of the present security situation we are executing a mandatory population

    Evacuation from the Kendra Shiva and kirusa Villages of the kupiansk district this is in response to the fact that the situation is now unstable according to Governor o sagov the order would have an impact on around 3,43 people who are now residing in The Villages including 279 children when

    Cities and villages in Ukraine come under Russian attack the Ukrainian government often issues orders for the evacuation of settlements which includes 279 children under the age of 18 in most cases people do not strictly adhere to these instructions when they are provided Russia has decided not to participate in the debate in Davos

    Regarding the peace initiative submitted by the president of Ukraine a total of 83 different delegations have evaluated the plan put up by zalinski urging Russia to remove its soldiers and accept responsibility for the war crimes it has committed currently delegates at the world economic Forum wef in Davos Switzerland are engaging in negotiations

    Concerning Ukraine’s presented peace proposal both Switzerland and Russia have expressed their disapproval of these negotiations stating that they are both pointless and ineffective according to statements made by Dimitri pesov a spokesman for the Kremlin on Monday the negotiations that are taking place in the Swiss Alpine Resort would not be successful if Moscow

    Did not par participate according to the organizers pesov reportedly made these statements at the meeting that took place the day before there were 383 individuals there to discuss the approach that should be taken to deal with the problem that arose as a consequence of Russia’s invasion of its neighbor in February

    2022 on February 22nd president of Ukraine Vladimir zalinski presented a 10-point piece plan aimed at ending the violence the plan demands the removal of Russian soldiers from Ukraine the redrawing of the lines between the states that make up Ukraine and the prosecution of Russia for war crimes that have been perpetrated outside of

    The Ukrainian border during the annual Summit of the world economic Forum which took place on Sunday representatives from the National Security Community brought up the notion during the course of the conference the meeting was held continuously leading up to this the zalinsky proposal was discussed at three separate events of like nature

    According to Andrew ymac who serves as the chief of staff for the president of Ukraine there has been an increase in the number of individuals who are attending the seminars which is a concerning development there were a total of 18 Asian delegations and 12 African delegations present on Sunday approximately half of the

    Delegates that represented Europe were present at the event the participation of Nations that are located in the global South in our initiatives is becoming increasingly prevalent among these countries according to his writing this demonstrates that people are aware that the conflict in Europe is a problem that affects all of

    Mankind according to his writing this is consistent on the other hand Ukraine has received assurance that it will not communicate with Russia regarding the issue after giving the matter a great deal of attention zalinsky has come to the conclusion that any and all negotiations with Russia are unlawful on

    The national level as a consequence of this Russia which controls a little less than 25% of Ukraine has been driven to condemn the idea as absurd pesov issued the following statement having this chat is merely for the purpose of having a conversation due to the fact that we are

    Not a part of this process it is not possible to organize it in a manner that will result in certain outcomes our lack of participation and disregard for the potential outcomes of any conversations help contribute to the impossibility of organizing this process in a meaningful way any circumstance at

    All he underlined that the Gathering was a phase in a process that sought to eventually obtain Russian participation ignasio casassus the Swiss foreign minister who co-hosted the Davos peace plan conference recognized that Moscow is not currently prepared to engage however he stated that the Gathering was taking place despite the

    Fact that cassus acknowledged that Moscow is not yet prepared to work together he he still presented this information zalinsky praised the attendance of representatives from South America Africa and Asia which only served to make the situation even more difficult they were present for the entire discussion on Monday afternoon he

    Arrived in Davos Switzerland where he will embark on a campaign to Rally support for Ukraine in the face of tiredness in European union and American circles he will be traveling abroad to accomplish this objective at the time of his arrival it was noon the information provided to him indicates that the work

    On the new assistance packages and security assurances is accelerating the process of establishing agreements on the simultaneous production of firearms and ammunition immediate action is required in the context of drones it is essential to have a discussion regarding this delicate subject matter before moving on Experts anticipate a future expansion in

    Drone production we are inerting all possible effort to provide you with additional encouraging news within the field of air defense according to the individual we are considering both missiles and electronic warfare and we believe that both will become more prevalent in the future both of these concerns are of the

    Utmost significance to us in recent years there has been an upsurge in the frequency of aerial strikes that involve planes missiles and unidentifiable unmanned aerial Vehicles because there is a possibility that the conflict along the front line in eastern Ukraine will break up into smaller portions this is the reason why

    This is happening Russian air defense systems successfully destroyed three missiles fired by Ukraine over the course of the Southwest according to a statement published on the Russian Ministry of defense’s telegram messaging app Channel Russian air defense systems successfully destroyed three missiles fired across the entire region in the

    Early hours of Monday morning during this time period Ukraine Ukraine made the announcement that it had successfully shot down a Russian military command aircraft by a intercept flying far over the aaf SE they were in the air in recent days Ukraine has been increasing the amount

    Of pressure that it is exerting on its Western friends due to progress made in the air fight Ukraine is pressuring its Western friends to gift additional air defense systems and missiles Russia has been accused of breaking several United Nations sanctions due to its purchase of weapons from North Korea nevertheless both

    Pyongyang and Moscow claim to be working on improving all elements of their cooperation despite rejecting any agreements related to such cooperation Sergey lavro the Russian Minister of Foreign Affairs extended a cordial greeting to Choy Sun his North Korean counterpart upon her arrival in Moscow on an official visit on Monday at

    This very moment Joey Sanu is in Moscow for an official visit I am great F that you are following


    1. Putin started this belligerence with BACK STABBING CAWARDICE.
      Claiming "It is only a military exercise"
      What can anyone expect out of someone with such DISHONORABLE

    2. Remember that Russia has beenhitting civilians in Ukraine since 2014 1 Further is it proved that the drone in the ladies home is Ukrainian? DAAAA? get proven evidence first please. the lady in Russia has my sympaties and I feel that Drones must not be used where COLATERAL DAMAGE WILL BE CAUSED ? BE BLESSED AND PROTECTED .


    4. Putin wants peace ok them get your war criminals out of the wole of Ukraine and after that putin needs to turn himself into the international criminal court

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