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    #mysteriousdiscoveries #originsexplained #archaeology #archaeological #discovery #discoveries

    Hi it’s Katrina discoveries in Nazareth a new archaeological Discovery in Nazareth has revealed some interesting secrets about the past you may remember Nazareth as the place where Jesus grew up new research has shown that Nazareth was substantially bigger than what historians believed it was generally thought that Nazareth was just a small

    Village but it was likely a huge Town sprawled out in the middle of the desert and because it was so big the citizens of Nazareth would have been a lot more involved in the politics of the day researchers say the people here were probably extremely conservative and very

    Much anti-roman you might be wondering how any of this is interesting well it all pertains to Jesus and his rise as the Son of God British archaeologist Ken dark says the Jewish people living in Nazareth abided by the rules of their religion much more strictly than the surrounding cities for example

    Excavation in ancient agricultural land has shown that the inhabitants of Nazareth never never used human excrement to fertilize their fields even though their neighbors in the town of sephus just four miles away did that’s because it was considered forbidden in the Jewish religion there is also proof of certain Ceramics and objects that

    Were religiously pure unlike the neighboring town from the same time period zarus was heavily influenced by Greek and Roman culture but not Nazareth all the evidence points to the city of Nazareth being wildly conservative and the home of several revolts against the Romans anti-roman Rebels created a sizable network of underground hiding

    Places and tunnels underneath the town as researcher David Keys says religious Jews saw Roman and Greek influence as a serious and direct threat to their faith this environment and political climate clearly would have shaped Jesus’s views of the world Stone altar in the desert city of ataroth located in Jordan an

    Ancient stone altar has been discovered the altar dates back 2,800 years and bears two nearly indecipherable inscriptions the words were written in the moabit language with the numbers being written in hieratic Egyptian the altar itself dates back to a time after mesha king of Moab rebelled against the

    Kingdom of Israel in the Hebrew Bible the Rebellion is mentioned as a historical event but up until now there has been absolutely no proof that it happened the Bible says that before the Rebellion Moab was forced to pay tribute to Israel in the form of thousands of

    Fresh lambs and obscene amount of wool this was enough to cause Moab to rise up and they quickly conquered ataroth and killed most of the city’s inhabitants one of the inscriptions on this ancient altar describes the plunder of ataroth after the city was defeated it appears

    That the bronze looted from the city was presented as an offering and then recorded on the altar the second inscription is a little more mysterious it states that 4,000 foreign men were scattered and abandoned while the last part could only be deciphered as the desolate City it’s all quite cryptic but

    One thing is certain this archaeological evidence is proof that another story from the Bible is rooted in reality new desert spider in the brutally hot and dry Wasteland of India’s Thor desert a new species of spider has been found it’s a jumping spider and arachnid that can literally leap off the ground and

    Latch onto your face they are cute or terrifying depending on your thoughts about spiders they live in the desert usually perched on Blades of grass this discovery was made in the Thar Desert National Park wildlife sanctuary named sud sudo mogis sui after an Indian zoologist it’s a totally new species

    Which belongs to the larger family of salta Cid in total there are over 600 different genre of these jumping spiders with three new ones discovered in India back in 2021 35 species of this particular genus have been discovered across the globe luckily you don’t need to be worried about ever coming across

    One of these spiders unless you happen to be crawling around in the scrub land of the th desert the spider is pale with Sandy Brown limbs huge fangs and markings of black and dark red we don’t know exactly how far it can jump but almost certainly high enough to freak

    You out dinosaurs in the Sahara experts have found yet another fantastic dinosaur that lived in the Sahara Desert 100 million years ago the discovery was made by a team of Egyptian and American researchers who say the dinosaur was once a powerful meat eater This ferocious Predator is named abelis Sor

    And it grew to an almost unbelievable 36 ft in length it wasn’t just long but extremely heavy as well weighing about 3,000 kg this is just one more monstrous Beast added to the already long list of predators living in the Sahara back in the day researchers believe the

    Prehistoric Sahara Desert is one of the most dangerous places that has ever existed while we don’t know how so many gigantic Predators lived in such close proximity scientists think it had something to do with specialized prey in other words a whole bunch of carnivorous dinosaurs lived in relative Harmony

    Because they each prayed on a different kind of victim it made life for small animals a nightmare the evidence of this dinosaur was discovered thanks to students at Ohio University who recovered its bones in Egypt It’s actually an unnamed species of the abelisaur group and the first of its

    Kind it lived approximately 98 million years ago at a time when the West desert of Egypt part of the Sahara wasn’t nearly as dry and inhospitable as it is now so many dinosaurs have been found here that researchers are convinced this was actually a rainforest or at least a

    Lush jungle type environment the sheer number of predators suggest a thriving ecosystem from the microorganisms to the carnivores it’s Shout Out Time big thank you to Dominic adrean and christe Gibson Cormier for supporting this channel be sure to subscribe if you haven’t already to join the origins explained family

    Cartner caverns in the southern desert of Arizona two men discovered an underground Wonder in the 1970s as far as the story goes two friends from college who studied in Tucson went out on a weekend Excursion to look for an underground cave what they ended up finding was kartner Caverns Subterranean

    Chambers which formed hundreds of millions of years ago Arizona was once fully submerged underwater as the water receded it left a limestone layer underneath and then over the next 330 million years that Limestone turned into the wetstone mountains and it also eroded and dissolved to create these

    Passages underground then over a span of about 200,000 years minerals were carried by water under the ground where they filtered to create beautiful formations in a variety of vivid colors the end result is what we see today in kartner Caverns big room there is the most extensive formation in the world of

    Something called brushite Moon milk incredibly colored stalagmites and stalactites the caverns are also home to over 1,500 bats in the summer have you been there let me know in the comments below the last king of Babylon a mysterious carving was discovered deep in the desert of Northern Saudi Arabia The

    Carving depicts the very last king of Babylon created 2550 years ago it also has an inscription explaining who this great ruler is the carving was made in the 6th Century BC to depict the Babylonian ruler nabonidus it was found by archaeologists from the Saudi commission for tourism and National Heritage

    Engraved on a Basalt Stone in the hail region there are approximately 26 lines of ancient uniform script on it making it the longest uniform inscription found in the region the Babylonian King can be seen standing with a scepter in one hand and four very important symbols etched

    In front of him there is a crescent moon a sun a snake and a flower scholars believe the images hold some kind of religious significance but haven’t been able to actually identify that significance yet they could be linked to ancient Mesopotamian deities representing Gods like Ishtar of the

    Stars the Sun God shamash and the moon deity sin what we do know is that nabonidus ruled Babylon from between the years 556 and 539 BC which was terrible luck because this is when the kingdom fell to Persia Babylon had stretched all the way from the Persian Gulf to the

    Mediterranean Sea and nabonidus had been responsible for conquering huge parts of Saudi Arabia just four years later he was forced into Exile north of el height and Babylon was brought to its knees aside from the single basalt rock with the carving on it there are other mysterious archaeological sites found in

    This desert area there are ruins of fortresses broken water installations that once brought crops to the people of al-h known as fedak in ancient times times and even ancient examples of rock art sand that breathes in a bizarre new discovery researchers have learned that desert Landscapes are not quite as

    Barren and lifeless as they may appear not only can the sand dunes of the desert grow and move and even interact with one another but they can also breathe researchers used a sensitive probe to reveal that sandunes quite literally inhale and exhale water vapor they did this by plunging their

    Instrument into a sandune in the Qatar desert the instruments scan the temperature the radiation and the moisture it turns out that sand dunes inhale hard when it’s dry and that the wind sweeps off the top layer of sand to create waves of humidity that push downward along the dunes it all comes

    Down to water vapor water vapor percolates between grains of sand like pores on the skin of the sand dunes when the wind blows these pores are opened and the pressure changes injecting air into the pores and squirting out tiny invisible puffs of moisture mechanical engineer Michelle LJ explained it quite

    Simply saying the sand is breathing just like any other organism breathes even when no liquid is available the sandunes make their own moisture and this breathing is probably what helps microbes stay alive in the sand the wonders of the Arabian Desert the Arabian Desert is home to so many

    Magical ruins and forgotten pieces of history that you could spend weeks exploring them all one of the most fascina a perhaps is in Abu Dhabi a place called bidah bent sad it’s an ancient Caravan site that once housed a great community of farmers extending All

    The Way North to the edge of the Arabian Peninsula the small settlement used irrigation systems to bring life to the desert and flourish for at least 5,000 years near the ancient Caravan Hub where Traders from all over the world came to sell their goods there are other places

    Of interest like Bronze Age tombs from 5,000 years ago and Garn bin sad Garn bin sad is a rock about 120 ft tall that Towers over the landscape there are Stone tombs embedded in the top where the bones of the elite members of the desert Societies in Abu Dhabi were once

    Buried another fantastic place in the Arabian Desert is the hilly archaeological Park the site dates back to about 3,200 BC to a time when human beings lived in rock built Huts kind of like giant Stone Igloo this is the largest collection of tombs and buildings in the United Arab Emirates

    From the Bronze Age archaeologists have found Villages entire barial grounds and broken agricultural infrastructure from the um Anar period ancient home of Abraham British archaeologists recently uncovered a sprawling complex near the ancient Sumerian city of ER in the desert of South Iraq the structure is about 4,000 years old and had likely

    Served as the administrative center for the powerful city of ir arguably one of the greatest cities to ever be built by human hands and certainly the first true Metropolis to ever grace the planet but it’s also quite interesting because researchers say this particular structure was functional around the time

    When the biblical Abraham lived in the city just before according to the Bible he left for Canaan Stuart Campbell from Manchester University called the sprawling complex a breathtaking find it’s unusually large over 260 ft on both sides meaning it was likely one of the largest buildings in the city

    Researchers believe it was used for administrative purposes or it could have had religious connections whatever the case it almost certainly played a major role in the politics of er to put it into perspective it’s almost as if archaeologists have found the Supreme Court building of ancient Mesopotamia

    The biggest mystery right now is trying to figure out why it was erected 12 mil from the actual capital of Sumer forgotten Moss archaeologists in the Israeli desert have discovered the ruins of one of the oldest mosques in the world the ruins are 1,200 years old located in the ngev desert the discovery

    Came during the construction of a new neighborhood Builders uncovered a square room facing in the direction of Mecca as you might already know mosques are always designed to face Mecca it features a small Niche where men have prayed and it could have held about a dozen worshippers at one time it was n’t

    A very large building but it was one of the first researchers discovered a luxurious estate building not very far away this suggest the mosque was used by Elite members of society as they practiced their religion Islam arrived in Israel specifically in the ngv desert region extremely early in its spread in

    The 7th Century BC about 1,300 years ago a major transition started to take place as people of both Christian and Jewish faith began converting to Islam it took a little longer for Islam to sweep across much of the rest of the world first going through the Middle East and

    North Africa but Israel was one of the very first places and so it’s no surprise to see that one of the oldest mosques ever built is still here in the sand lying in Ruins mysterious tombs five new tombs dating all the way back to the ancient Song Dynasty of China

    Have just been discovered in the Northwest province of shanii the tombs were actually found while government workers were conducting Road repairs they broke through the surface of the road and came across some of the most stunning tombs ever seen according to the head of the archaeological team Lee [ __ ] these Subterranean Chambers were

    All made from brick over 30 burial items have been uncovered so far including copper coins and pottery pots the chambers were also found to be decorated with weird cat carvings not jungle cats but ordinary house cats cover these ancient tombs it seems the people of the Song Dynasty even a thousand years ago

    Had a fascination with house cats as for who was buried in these amazing tombs we don’t really know that yet the Song Dynasty began in the year 960 and lasted for around 300 years before they vanished by 1279 the Yan Dynasty from the North had come down to conquer China

    With help from the Mongolians and the rest is history Clues from a Welsh City a very recent archaeological dig in 2022 has revealed the oldest house in the city of Cardiff at least that’s what archaeologists are speculating right now researchers with the Kirra and Eli rediscovering heritage project

    Discovered a single Clay Pot that dates back 3,000 years when the pot was found the researchers have been trying to find a missing link between the Iron Age and the Roman period instead Dr David Wyatt says they found something even more remark remarkable they stumbled upon a roundhouse near the Cardiff West

    Community High School that shows the earliest clues of the origins of the Welsh City to understand the complexity of what’s Happening Here we have to look at a few different periods in history first there is a place called The cirra Hill Fort about half a mile away from

    Where the roundhouse was found the hill Fort was occupied in the late Iron Age before the Romans showed up in Britain but the researchers wanted to know what happened to the people of the Hill Fort following the Roman Invasion and so they turned to the site near the high school

    Thinking The Roundhouse might have been a secondary settlement Instead The Roundhouse proved to be even older than the hill Fort it was occupied in the Bronze Age around 1500 BC and because it’s standing in the city of Cardiff that currently makes it the oldest known

    House there but who made it and how many other houses there were and what they had to do with the Romans is still a huge mystery The Tortoise and the Egg a new strange and bizarre Discovery has been found at the archaeological site of Pompei inside the Roman city buried in

    The ash of the volcanic eruption from 79 ad was found a tortoise and an egg The Tortoise and the Egg were both discovered underneath the clay floor of a storehouse scientists believe the animal had probably died just before the actual eruption of Mount vvus it had dug itself a burrow underneath the

    Storehouse so that it could safely lay its eggs but then something went wrong according to Valeria amorti an anthropologist who works at the site the tortoise failed to properly lay any eggs and that perhaps caused its death the bizarre situation with the tortoise was discovered while experts were Excavating

    An area of Pompei that had been devastated before the eruption about a decade earlier in 62 ad by an earthquake the earthquake had destroyed a large chunk of the city and it had only recently been rebuilt when the volcano destroyed everything but the story is not over yet researchers have been doing

    A lot of work to understand what was happening in Pompei before the volcanic eruption this tortoise has actually helped a lot in this particular area archaeologists have been able to figure out that not all the houses were rebuilt after the earthquake in 62 many of the houses remained broken and so the

    Neighborhood became so deserted that wild animals moved in this tortois is evidence that even before the eruption some neighborhoods of Pompei were so sparsely populated that reptiles were living in the homes instead of humans cultural entanglement a recently discover tomb has revealed some bizarre cultural entanglements between the

    Ancient kingdoms of Egypt and Nubia Egypt and Nubia were at War a lot the Egyptians hated their neighbors to the South and they fought plenty of legendary battles to try and dominate the region and then around 1500 BC the Egyptians finally conquered upper Nubia the area of what is today Northern Sudan

    Once the Nubians were conquered and the people from both Nations started to mingle they began to take on cultural aspects of each other evidence of this cultural mixing has been revealed in the recently discovered Graves of a pair of women these women were discovered buried in the Nubian style but decorated with

    Egyptian f they were in tuned at an old Cemetery in the ancient Village of Tomos in Sudan after Egypt’s first major occupation of Nubia tombos became a colonial Center this was where much of the governing was happening and where most of the Egyptian citizens would have moved to start their

    New lives in what to them was a new world both of the women were buried on a bed in a flexed position which is 100% Nubian style but around one of their necks was an amulet of the Egyptian god be and around the neck of the other woman

    Was an Egyptian heart Scarab both women appear to be of high status though it’s not clear if they were racially Nubian or Egyptian Professor Smith from Purdue University says these burials are direct evidence of a kind of cultural mashup people had the ability to choose whether they wanted Nubian things or Egyptian

    Things as the culture slowly bled into one another at the frontier land between the two kingdoms medieval demon the figure of a medieval demon was recently found during road construction in the United Kingdom workers were busy digging along part of a new section of Lincoln’s Eastern bypass when they came across the

    Head of a sculpture that looked like it had come from outer space this thing was ugly the bulbous nose like an ante eater and huge eyes that could only belong to an otherworldly being but of course this figure was very much from our own Planet it actually dates back to around 1160 ad

    And is the head of a devilish Beast while it’s not immediately obvious by looking at it because it’s so weathered the figure is supposed to have its mouth open and a human head stuck between its animall likee jaws the carved head had probably come from a church or a chapel

    And was meant to depict a terrible demon swallowing a person down into its belly this kind of sculpture is known as grotesque a style of demon known as a beak head there were all kinds of these things in the medieval days and churches across the UK demons made to look like

    Nightmarish Birds priests and preachers would have used these extremely graphic sculptures in their sermons to make people afraid of the terrible fate that would await them in hell if they never repented ancient Inca tomb in the capital city of Lima archaeologists discovered an ancient tomb from the days

    Of the Inca Empire but what’s really crazy is that this tomb was discovered in the last place anyone would have expected it was dug out from under an ordinary person’s house a workingclass family came across the entrance to the tomb where down below their floor was

    Sleeping a noble who had been down there for 500 years according to the lead archaeologist on the project Julio abanto the tomb was probably used for elite members of the Riano Society this was the culture that lived in Lima before the Inca showed up in the early 1400s and dominated most of Western

    South America but because the city of Lima was built over the remains of the prehistoric world most of Rancho’s history has been lost this mysterious Discovery was a total fluke the owner of the house iooa was nearly in tears when he was talking to interviewers he was so

    Overcome with emotion and surprise that an actual piece of ancient Peruvian history had been hiding under his floor experts believe there are probably plenty more tombs hidden underneath the neighborhood maybe even the remains of temples and other ancient buildings terra cotta statue terracotta statue number 28 is posed in an extremely

    Strange position the statue was found inside the melum of the great Chinese emperor chin Shi hang in sheni Province one of the thousands of terracotta warriors that were buried with the emperor to protect him in the afterlife this was upon his death in 210 BC after he had founded the Chin Dynasty

    And UniFi China for the first time in history but this particular statue has proved to be a little more mysterious than the others almost every single Terracotta Warrior statue inside the melum is in a sitting or standing position but number 28 was crafted to be kneeling on the ground while leaning

    Backwards so that its shoulders brush the ground almost as if it was trying to limbo the statue was taken out of pit k991 and no no body’s really sure why this statue was made to be so strange one of the guesses is that number 28 along with other statues from the pit

    Were Meant To Be entertainers for the emperor in the afterlife this statue could have been doing some kind of dance act or literally trying to limbo where the other terracotta statues were warriors this one appears to be part of some kind of army of terracotta entertainers mysterious coated Jewel an

    Extremely mysterious Jewel was recently discovered in North Carolina specifically in Brunswick town a place which 300 years ago was practically on fire with hate for the British crown this was a place where rebellions were plotted and where the British Living in America planned their escape from British Authority the mysterious Jewel

    Was discovered in the ruins of a Tavern which actually predates the American revolutionary period the archaeologists found the Pressed Jewel on a very old cuff link and were shocked to see that it was inscribed with a secret code there’s a lot of information to unpack

    Here so let’s go back to the tavern it was built on the edge of Cape Fear River around the 1730s sometime in the 1760s it burned down that was one decade before the town itself was raised by Angry British during the Revolutionary War we don’t

    Know why the tavern went up in smoke but it may have had something to do with the revolutionaries conspiring inside of it the jewel would have been worn on a cufflink and it was etched with the tiny words Wilks and Liberty 45 this was the secret code that the

    American Rebels used to show that they were in opposition to the king of England this was a nod to the radical John wils who helped Inspire the revolutionaries to fight back against their English oppressors human bone jewelry on a small island in Lake Ona Russia archaeologists discovered burial remains that date back

    8,200 years years but these burial remains are far more disturbing than you could ever imagine a group of researchers from the University of Helsinki examined the prehistoric grave Goods that were buried with the people and discovered that the bodies and the artifacts had quite a lot in common the

    Artifacts that were buried with the Stone Age humans were made from Stone AG humans scientists have always known that in the Stone Age our prehistoric ancestors made jewelry out of bones and teeth but they had always assumed the prehistoric people used animal bones the new analysis of the remains from Russia

    Shows that they had actually been using human bones to make jewelry a total of 177 Graves were excavated on the island inside many of the graves were artifacts made from teeth and Bone decorated with things like elk beaver and brown bears the researchers also found small sculptures of animals showing how

    Incredibly important these creatures were to Stone Age life in freezing Russia the biggest shock came when the researchers decided to test the bones to see what animals they came from and found that nearly half the samples were human bones it seems humans in the Stone Age had no problem dissecting their dead

    Friends and turning a femur into a statue or their teeth into a necklace Arthur Stone Arthur stone is a monument from the Stone Age that dates back 5,000 years it can be found in England and is the subject of many different mythological tales and stories there is

    Even a legend that says the great King Arthur killed a giant here and that when King Arthur knelt in front of the great Stone to prey his knee indentation was left etched on the ground in 2022 archaeologists with the University of Manchester decided to find out once and

    For all what happened at Arthur Stone they visited the giant Monument located near the border of Wales and and herfordshire and then they started Excavating they haven’t found much so far but believe the whole area was extremely busy in ancient times this stone monument was erected around the

    Same time Stonehenge was built roughly 3,700 BC and so it could have been made by the same Druids well even though Arthur Stone looks like a single Rock standing about 13 ft long and weighing 25 tons initial excavations show it was probably part of something much larger

    The entire structure may have been part of a mound over 100 ft long with mysterious underground Chambers there could be bodies hiding under Arthur Stone but the researchers still haven’t found them the giant Nazi Eagle on December 13th 1939 three Royal Navy Cruisers had a standoff with a German

    Ship off the coast of Uruguay this was the closest World War II ever got to South America then in 200 6 a huge Nazi Eagle made of bronze was found in the same area gripping a swastika with its Talons this gigantic piece of Nazi memorabilia was originally on the stern

    Of the Nazi Battleship that got into the altercation 75 years before after the battle of riverplate the ship was scuttled this was because the Germans feared that if the British got a hold of the ship they would steal its state-of-the-art technology the huge Eagle is made almost entirely of bronze

    After its Discovery it was taken to a warehouse that was guarded by the Uruguayan Navy the Supreme Court ruled that the company which found the eagle should get 50% of its profits should the piece be sold though they made Uruguay the rightful owners of it fast forward

    To 2022 and the object is still a source of controversy experts argue that it should go to a museum instead of being put up for auction at an estimated sale price of $26 million at the moment oment the 660lb bronze eagle and swasa has yet to be

    Sold World War II ghost booat over the years much of the water in California has begun to dry up and as a result all kinds of strange and bizarre things have been found at the bottom of waterless lakes and rivers at Shasta Lake officials with the US Forest Service

    Came across a ghost boat that was used during World War II the ship was revealed for the first time when all the water in the lake evaporated and the vessel was discovered sitting there at the bottom the boat was found with a marking 3117 on its side suggesting it

    Had been assigned to the attack transport ship the USS Monrovia over 75 years ago the Monrovia was the same vessel used as a headquarters for the famous General George S Patton during the invasion of Sicily in 1943 it was also briefly used by President Eisenhower himself and later

    During dur the D-Day invasions that took place in the Pacific in the Pacific during World War II there were more than 100 D-Day but how in the world did the ghost boat get discarded in a lake in California after it became separated from its main attack vessel that’s a

    Mystery that nobody has ever been able to solve so far there are two abandoned boats that have been found in California and nobody knows how they got there sunken Navy destroyer explorers recently discovered the age of a Navy Destroyer Escort that fought against the Japanese Fleet in

    World War II the ship was part of the largest sea Battle in human history fought in the waters off the coast of the Philippines in 1944 the ship was identified as the USS Samuel B Roberts also known as the Sammy B it was uncovered by American Explorer

    Victor vovo the same guy who found the USS Johnston in 2021 the Sammy be was discovered at an unimaginable depth of 22,9 16 ft broken in half on an underwater slope the Samy B took part in the legendary Battle of Samar the deciding factor in the war against the

    Imperial Japanese Navy they suffered their biggest loss of ships during this battle and they failed to push back the US forces as a result they were kicked out of the Philippines the Sami B managed to disable one of the Japanese heavy Cruisers with a torpedo however the vessel spent almost all of

    Its ammo fighting the great Japanese battleship the yato before being critically wounded by another Battleship called the Congo a total of 89 crew members lost their lives during this naval battle in the end the ship sank below the waves and wasn’t seen again until it was finally discovered in

    2022 at the moment the site of the Sami be is currently the deepest wreck ever found Nazi bombs and the sea monster during an air raid that took place in London during World War II Nazi Pilots dropped bombs on an incredibly rare fossil of a sea monster in May of

    1941 explosives fell on the Royal College of Surgeons where the fossil had been kept since 1820 it was originally excavated 2 years prior at a site in Southwest England and it made history as the first nearly complete skeleton of an IUS but when the bombs fell on the college it was blasted to

    Smither just recently scientists uncovered something nobody thought would ever be seen again they came across two forgotten plaster casts of that same destroyed skeleton one hiding in a museum in the United States and the other one in Germany according to Dean LX from the University of Manchester it

    Was by chance that researchers found the cast in museum vaults there have since been plenty of other iosaur fossils discovered since World War II these creatures lived from between 250 million and 90 million years ago and they were kind of like killer dolphins with alligator snouts however it was still

    Extremely exciting to recover a prized fossil that was thought to be destroyed by the Nazis even if it’s only in the form of casts scientists also say the fossil was likely discovered by Mary Anning one of the world’s first leading female paleontologists and fossil collectors toxic Nazi shipwreck a Nazi

    Patrol boat was sunk by British Warf fighters in 1942 the John man was originally a fishing tler when it was launched in 1927 but when the war broke out in 1939 the German Navy repurposed the ship and turned it into the v302 a patrol boat in February of 1942 It joined a convoy

    Participating in operation Cerberus a simple man maneuver to push battleships and heavy Cruisers from the North Sea through the English Channel to German ports the maneuver didn’t go over very well and the British bombers rained fire down on the ships the v302 previously the John man was destroyed and 12 crew members were

    Killed although many of the vehicles were damaged during the operation the small Patrol boat was the only one that sank it’s now sitting 115 ft below the waters in the nor North Sea off the coast of Belgium technically the ship was never really lost it’s in such shallow water that everybody knows where

    It is but in 2020 a research team from the Flanders Marine Institute in Belgium analyzed samples taken from the steel hull as well as the surrounding sea floor they learned that the ship is still leaking toxic chemicals 80 years after it originally sank and considering this was only a tiny Patrol boat it’s

    Likely that much larger vessels from the war are also leaking toxic chemicals to this day the only good news is that scientists say the toxicity levels are relatively harmless and the site of the wreckage is now rich in biodiversity it has turned into an artificial Reef over the years and is

    Home to fish crabs sea anemones and a wide variety of marine plants even though the whole thing is toxic life continues to flourish bomb in the Po River an extreme drought in Europe revealed an unexploded bomb from World War II tucked into the side of the river

    Po in Italy a fisherman discovered the American produced bomb in Late July 2022 near the small Italian Village of Borgo vilio the bomb was hidden under the water and was partially covered in sand for over 70 years but just like with the ghost boats appearing in the United States drought revealed this lost

    Wartime Relic military experts were called into to deal with the bomb according to them it weighed almost 1,000 lb they had to excavate 3,000 civilians before military personnel could diffuse the bomb they then moved it to a quarry 30 m away and detonated it under controlled circumstances there

    Were no injuries or damages and the whole process went very smoothly the craziest part was that the bomb had been sitting there on the bank of the river all that time and nobody had known if something had gone wrong and the bomb was hit by a propeller or involved in

    Some other accident who knows what kind of damage it could have caused John Doe in August of 2022 the body of a John Doe was returned home after being missing for a total of 77 years the remains of a man now identified as private Carl G dorsy were finally returned to Molen

    Kansas a small town with a population of under 350 people dorsy will now get the chance to be buried in a modest ceremony with his living relatives he will also be receiving full military honors Carl’s story takes us back to the beginning of World War II he joined the military at

    18 years old and was placed in the fourth infantry division he was fatally wounded while battling Germans near grow in the hergen forest it was one of the bloodiest battles in the war lasting two months in the Autumn of 1944 Carl was originally listed as missing although in reality he was one

    Of the 33,000 soldiers that were killed or injured during battle his body was discovered shortly after the combat by a German citizen and he was buried as a John Doe up until his remains were officially identified and he was exhumed and returned to the United States he was one of the

    46,5 199 US servicemen still unaccounted for from World War II however experts Believe The Unofficial number could be as high as 77,000 mysterious War object on the beach a family in Texas just discovered an extremely unusual object that washed up on the beach they were on vacation

    When their trip turned into a real life history lesson Amanda Ward was visiting port aranas beach with her family one Saturday afternoon when they came across a gigantic bundle of mystery material they couldn’t identify what they were looking at but it looked like a rock with skin growing on it the family began

    Poking and prodding the Curious object which was wrapped in a tan colored Fleshlight coating and had Barnacles and clams clinging to the outside of it when they still couldn’t figure out what it was the family posted photographs of the object online to get a public opinion

    There was a lot of speculation and many people chimed in to give their theories of what the bundle could possibly be some claimed it was a lost Amazon package others said it could be a chest full of treasur but as it turned out the discovery was

    Nothing but a rubber baale from a sunken German ship from World War II this was not the first time such a mysterious object washed up on the beach either these Bales started appearing in Texas and Florida in 2020 and before that they were found along the beaches in Brazil

    The Story Behind These bundles began back in January of 1944 the SS Rio Grande a German Blockade Runner was spotted by the USS Omaha off the coast of Brazil the Rio Grande was carrying tin Cobalt copper and raw rubber Bales the crew of The Vessel Abandoned Ship after they realized they were spotted

    This ultimately saved their lives since the Omaha opened fire on the ship and sank it all these years later giant rubber Bales are still washing up on Eastern shorelines the HMS urge the British submarine HMS urge was discovered by D in 2021 it was sunk by a German mine while cruising underwater

    Near Malta in 1942 Maritime archaeologist Timmy gambin and other researchers from the University of Malta made two Dives down to the wreckage in order to identify it as the HMS urge this was fairly easy to do considering the name was etched onto its Tower before it went missing in

    April of 1942 this submarine had a strong Naval career it crippled the Italian Battleship Victorio Veneto and even sank the Italian Cruiser band but after the British admiralty ordered the submarine to regroup in Egypt it went missing Malta was bombarded by the German and Italian Air Forces and HMS

    Urge never arrived in Alexandria to meet up with the rest of the warships for a long time nobody knew what happened to it it was officially reported lost at sea with 32 crew and 11 other other Personnel on board the ship was initially found in 2015 by a Belgian

    Diver off the coast of Libya who claimed it was sunk by Italian war planes during a secret mission this caused a bunch of conspiracy theories to start circulating but none of them had any Merit when the wreck was officially discovered off the coast of Malta researchers were finally

    Able to learn what really happened the urge never even managed to escape the coastal Waters The Vessel and ended up hitting a mine and went down without a fight fishing for an engine in April 20122 the engine of an aircraft from World War II was pulled out of the water

    Off the coast of New Jersey a former National Guardsman was out fishing for squid in the waters of Cape May when he accidentally reeled in what may have been the engine of an F6 F3 Hellcat the squid Fisherman’s name is Randy camp and he was accompanied by the ship’s Captain

    Named Jake wisot they were going about business as usual when they felt something heavy stuck in their net when they finally managed to get the mystery object into their boat they realized they had something very special Randy reached out to his contacts at the naval air station Wildwood Aviation Museum and

    The curator identified the engine as a pratt and Whitney 18 cylinder r2800 apparently this type of engine was used by many military air crafts during World War II so it was difficult to identify exactly where it came from it could have been from the greman f6f Hellcat a deadly fighter used for

    Battling the Japanese Mitsubishi a6m Z during the war or it may have belonged to a northr p61 black widow fighter there is also a chance that the engine Came From A Douglas dc6 which is still used for transporting cargo to this day but how did a random engine get stuck on

    The bottom of of the Atlantic this happened because Cape May was once a stronghold for the Navy during the second world war they had their administrative headquarters inside the Cape May Hotel the whole area needed a strong military presence because it would have been a particularly ideal

    Target for the German Nazis the aircraft engine most likely got discarded off the side of a boat for whatever reason then sat at the bottom of the ocean for 70 years thanks for watching which of these World War II discoveries did you find the most exciting eni of Babylon the

    Atrahasis Epic is the ancient story of a great flood sent by the many gods of Mesopotamia to destroy all of human life it’s very much like the other flood myths found in every religion since the dawn of time but with a different twist in the Babylonian version it’s the god

    Ani who warns a single good human a man named atrasis to build an ark written in the 17th century BC the atrahasis is believed to be based on a story that was much older passed down from Generations before the Sumerian flood story was written in 2,300 BC and the Epic of

    Gilgamesh that also tells the story of a great flood is older than that the atrahasis begins when the world was created but human beings didn’t exist yet The Story Goes that the Elder ancient Mesopotamian Gods would force the younger Gods to do all of the work

    On earth like digging out the path for the tigis and Euphrates rivers they got tired and rebelled so eni the young god of wisdom convinced the rest of the Gods to create something new to do the work instead the gods then used their resources to create human beings

    Starting with seven men and seven women who became the first humans on Earth at first the gods loved having these human servants but they started to get annoyed because the humans were always causing problems the most powerful God and liil became angry and sent plagues and drought to make them suffer finally the

    Gods decide to send a flood to wipe them out Andi feels bad for one of the humans atrasis and warns him atrasis must gather two of every animal on his ark so that life on the planet can be saved After the flood the gods feel bad and

    Regret what they have done eni proposes a new solution to the gods so that the humans stop causing so much trouble there will now be more suffering demons will destroy infants and women will die giving birth and so the god of wisdom also brings about suffering to humankind

    Cunos cunos or karunas is the name of an ancient Celtic God who represented all things in nature from Flora to fauna and even fertility this is a little strange because most deities in the ancient world involved with fertility were female Ser nunus was an exception he can

    Be seen depicted in ancient artwork as as a stag wearing horns or antlers and also as a cross between a deer and a bird vka Monica in Italy is home to one of the greatest collections of prehistoric petroglyphs covering a span of over 8,000 years here you can see

    Representations of the magical God standing and wearing a long tunic he holds a knife in his hand and wears antlers on his head images of him can be found everywhere in the Celtic world including France Denmark Germany Ireland the list goes on sometimes times he is sitting down holding a knife and

    Surrounded by snakes and oxen and wolves historians believe cunos may have been the inspiration for later depictions of the devil in Christian medieval literature even though he represented nature and fertility nobody is entirely sure what this God’s name means although some have Associated it with the Celtic

    Word for horn because of that he’s considered the Celtic horned God one of many horned gods in Celtic mythology there are so many gods monsters and great beings in Celtic lore and because they really didn’t write much down a huge portion of them have been lost the

    Anonymous God of Palmira at the ancient site of Palmira located in modern Syria archaeologists uncovered over 2,500 inscriptions in the Aramaic language these texts date back to as early as the 2 Century ad and seem to suggest there was some kind of anonymous God worshiped by the people here the

    Biggest history for scientists has been trying to figure out who exactly the celestial deity was and what role they played in society the thing that makes it so confusing is that the inscriptions refer to the deity as he whose name is blessed forever lord of the universe and

    Other lofty titles it was the Polish archaeologist Alexandra kubak Schneider who analyzed the inscriptions which were found on Stone altars in the ancient city where sacrifices had taken place she said that for at least 100 years the people of palmir worshiped a single deity that was the lord of the heavens

    And who had no name one inscription said that the great one came in the hour of trouble made a miracle on the day of Justice dated 214 ad clearly this was quite the benevolent being so why didn’t he have a name researchers believe it was actually taboo to say the name of

    The deity alowed which is why he’s considered Anonymous to understand where such a god came from researchers had to look closer at the ancient city itself Pala originally functioned as a caravan city until around the first century ad when it became a huge Metropolis from which trade came through Persia India

    And China it was one of the richest cities around a pearl in the desert the people who lived here were from all parts of the world and many of them were freed slaves this means that many different religions were floating around at the same time a kind of cult must

    Have sprang up from all of these conflicting religious beliefs and the people just kind of agreed to worship a single great entity either that or they agreed to reference all the entities as lord of the world and not say their names out loud M lante goodle mik lante

    Goodle was the Aztec deity of death a terrifying figure from ancient Mexico that was normally portrayed with the face of a skull along with his wife mik gatel he ruled the underworld called miklan he lived at the very bottom of this place which similarly to the Christian version of Hell had nine

    Levels when a person died they were forced to Journey for four long years through horrible trials all the way to the bottom of the nine levels of miklan to be able to be with their God this is pretty unique in the world of Forgotten religions because there was no Paradise

    Purgatory or predition there was only miklan where all the souls of the Dead went except except for women who died during childbirth people taken by storms and those sacrificed all the rest traveled to meet the Aztec god of death who would either allow their soul to rest or make them disappear

    Forever historians believe the lord of the Dead was woried across the entire Mesoamerican world just like how so many gods in Mesopotamia came and went under different names so too was mikli represented in meso America he was known as yum simil to the Maya

    As Koo to the sapot and as tiim to the terrascan regardless of which particular culture was worshiping him he was always the god of death and the underworld symbolized by owls spiders and bats kagutsuchi kagutsuchi is known in Japan as the Shinto god of fire he also goes

    By the name homusubi and is the son of isanami and isagi for those not familiar with the Shinto religion isanami and isagi are the Creator Gods these are the primordial beings who pulled the islands of Japan out of the sea and gave birth to the rest of the Gods known as Kami

    Kagutsuchi fathered eight Warrior Gods eight Mountain Gods and several others he was considered a destructive force to the Japanese because to them fire was one of the most dangerous elements they typically made their houses and buildings from wood and paper instead of stone and mud like so many other

    Cultures because of this offerings needed to be made to kagutsuchi frequently or else their houses would all burn down the story of kagutsuchi birth is rather disturbing he was so fiery hot that he killed his mother during birth and his father was so angry that he chopped off his head the blood

    That squirted from kagutsuchi neck gave birth to his first eight children and they all became powerful demigods and masters of martial arts his father chopped the rest of his body up with his sword and as more blood was shed more children were born in the Edo period

    Between 1603 and 1868 the Japanese lived in Mortal fear of this God they performed massive ceremonies to Ward him away so that he wouldn’t come and burn them in their sleep namu during the days of the first great Kingdom of Sumer they worshiped a large Pantheon of gods one

    Of the most important was called namu the Primeval mother goddess who not only created Humanity but gave gave birth to the gods themselves she may have been the inspiration for Gaia the figure of Mother Earth from Greek mythology she was also later replaced by the Babylonian mother goddess Tiamat

    Throughout just about every religion up until people started worshiping a single God there was always a mother goddess and she was always responsible for the creation of pretty much everything unfortunately namu story is a little vague with her story changing over the centuries we know she helped Ani to

    Create Humanity when the gods became too annoyed to do the work to build Earth we also know she was likely the city patroness of eridu before eni replaced her NAU’s importance waned over time the Babylonian counterpart Tiamat became far more popular as the mother goddess and the creation story changed as well by

    The time the Sumerians were gone so too was the memory of namu Luna Luna was to the Romans the daughter of Hyperion and Thea and one of the most important figures in the original Roman Pantheon her father Hyperion was the ruler of heavenly light and one of the 12 Titan

    Children of Gaia and Uranus Thea was his sister the goddess of sight whose Brilliance was unparalleled Luna was in all likelihood a personification of the Moon her brother was Soul the Sun God and her sister was Aurora the goddess of the Dawn Luna was also the lady consort

    At least one of them of powerful Jupiter god of sky Thunder and king of all the standard Roman gods he was essentially Zeus since Roman and Greek mythology really did mirror each other in almost every way the most interesting story involving Luna has to do with her and an

    Astronomer named emian he was also one of Jupiter’s consorts but Luna took a particular shine to him as the goddess of the moon she came to emian every night and gave him her protection and they ended up having 50 Offspring together called the Manet these were representations of the 50 months of the

    4-year cycle based on the old Greek measurement of time malok out of all of the old Canaanite Gods molok was by far the worst and the most terrifying he was described in the Old Testament as a great and terrible God associated with human sacrifice he’s mentioned only

    Briefly and in the most vague way possible with no information of where exactly he came from in fact molok is quite a mystery we know he wasn’t worshipped by the Israelites because they never practic the ritual of sacrificing humans to appease gods that means that malok goes back much further

    In time at least to the Phoenicians unfortunately the true extent of mok’s horror is not historically known we’ve seen him all over the ancient world depicted as either a bull an ox or even a Minotaur he may have been the ammonite God milcom or he could have been the god

    Ball from old Mesopotamia whatever the case Cults of worshiper praise Mok as they practice human sacrifice quite often with children in every story and in every mythology regardless of what name he goes by Mok is always represented as some kind of bull and he’s always in need of child sacrifice

    Victims there are some unconfirmed stories that the cultists used to Fashion metal bulls with empty stomachs then put children inside the Bulls and roast them alive Lord veruna Lord Aruna is one of the oldest and most important vdic deities from ancient India there are four vas all knowing Gods who

    Represent the heavens the Earth the air and the water these gods are always there always listening and all powerful for example the ancient vidic texts speak of Lord varuna as someone who encompasses the entire world and for that he’s worshiped as the personification of the sky he is also

    Believed to be the one who controls all bodies of water and so he’s the god of the ocean too he has 1,000 eyes so that he can see everything that’s happening in the world at the same time and he’s normally spotted flying around on a chariot pulled by seven beautiful swans

    However there are also depictions of Lord veruna as a man adorned in golden armor and sitting on the back of a MAA an ancient sea monster to this very day Hindus continue to worship Lord veruna most people consider him the sea god and it’s customary to to offer him a coconut

    On the raka bandan day he plays a role in many important rituals because after all who wants to anger the Sea and the sky chaos before there was a Pantheon of gods in Greek mythology there was nothing the world was a Dark Void and then there was chaos chaos emerged at

    The dawn of creation from the darkness chaos was often represented as a female entity a primordial force of mass and energy she was the beginning of everything thing an endless twisting darkness of creation and potential chaos was also the atmosphere around the earth the invisible air and the fog and the

    Mist it was from chaos that the three primordial gods were born she gave birth to Gaia the Earth Tartarus the underworld and Aeros love some Greeks then refer to chaos as m a god of Fate that was self-created chaos would go on to Bear two more Gods arabus the

    Darkness and Nyx the night Greek writers and philosophers would go on to Define chaos as the mix of elements that existed in the universe chaos has no father or mother or Creator and knows everything that happens in the universe and Beyond Brazilian prison town the Brazilian Village of Doos is home to

    About 90 residents The Village has no grocery store not a single church and is in the midst of being swallowed by the jungle it’s over 100 miles from Rio de janeo positioned on a mostly Virgin Island known as Ila Grande but while this place may look like a jungle

    Paradise in truth it has a dark and haunting past many of the buildings are abandoned and filled with tropical vegetation the old soccer pitch has turned into a Grove of trees and the main square of the city is gradually becoming a meadow prior to 1884 The Village was home to an estimated 5,000

    Enslaved people brought to Brazil from Africa these people worked the sugarcan fields and coffee plantations in 1888 slavery was abolished in Brazil local authorities purchased the island and turned it into a prison according to associate professor galum Rosano with Rio de Janeiro State University prison Islands were all the rage at that time

    In the second half of the 19th century all the best prisons were on Islands from Alcatraz to pianosa the tropical island remained a prison until deter oration and prisoners rights organizations caused it to be gradually abandoned by 1994 most of the prison complex was destroyed because the

    Community on the island had relied on the labor of the prisoners to live conditions quickly grew dire Food Supplies dwindled the school shut down and the houses fell into disrepair there are still a few people on the island now but the town is slowly fading away Tomb

    Of the deposed Emperor Le hay was one of the worst Emperors in Chinese history he ruled during the Han Dynasty installed as the emperor in 74 BC but just 27 days after he was made Emperor he was deposed and scratched off the list of official Emperors there were supposedly

    1,127 examples of misconduct placed against him and he was banished Emperor Leu was such a disgrace that he was exiled to live life as was a commoner he died about 20 years later though his bloodline lived on through his 22 children even though he was banished he

    Still had 16 wives we don’t know what happened that made the emperor shamed so publicly many of the records surrounding his life were intentionally destroyed to erase him from the history books but here’s where the mystery thickens the deposed Emperor’s tomb was discovered in the northern part of shinan in 2011

    Archae olog just entered his tomb and discovered over 20,000 artifacts even though he was supposedly banished to Life as a peasant he was buried in a massive grave filled with Jade artifacts gold and bronze and 5,000 pieces of bamboo slips written with the wisdom of confucious clearly the emperor was still

    Important enough to be buried with an insane amount of riches what he did to be banished why he was still important upon his death and why his name was near L scrubbed from history is unknown Garden of the Hesperides lixus was once a major Phoenician City alongside the river

    Lucos right at the edge of the Atlantic Ocean the mysterious City in modern Morocco was supposedly the site of a mythical Garden from which golden apples grew in abundance this was the mythical place out of antiquity called The Garden of the hyperides Legends say the garden

    Was tended by magical nymphs it was also the place in Greek mythology where Hercules had to travel to kill the Ladon Dragon which protected the garden from trespassers today the city of lixus is little more than a ruin its streets have turned to dust the Temple of Hercules is

    A crumbling mess of stone and the Roman Theater has been abandoned for centuries the old channels that once brought running water to the inhabitants are dry and there is no sign of the mythical Garden said to have gifted the residents with delicious golden apples great Zimbabwe the ancient city of Great

    Zimbabwe was supposedly one of the most impressive metropolises on the planet modern archaeologists agree it was an engineering wonder of the ancient world however the archaeologists of the past credited the African City to the Phoenicians or Babylonians no one could believe such a grand place was built by

    Africans this was a major issue with archaeology prior to these most recent decades people who were supposed to be brilliant scientists were ignorant to the history of Africa and racist believing any great ruins found on the continent were built by the Arabians or wandering tribes of Mesopotamians we now

    Know that was very wrong there is no better example of how wrong the old explorers were than Great Zimbabwe it was a megalithic City built of stone between roughly 1100 and 1450 ad in Zimbabwe it was likely the work of the Shona culture whose descendants make up

    Much of the local population to this day but it may have also been built by other neighboring societies who migrated to the city looking for a better life 600 years ago Great Zimbabwe had roughly the same number of people living in it as London England the city grew wealthy

    Through trade and they were positioned to receive Caravans from Arabia India and China unfortunately we don’t know what happened here in the end after 350 years of unparalleled Prosperity this city was abruptly abandoned it’s now now nothing but a ruin with the busted fragments of the old Royal City mud

    Brick houses large walls and conical Towers littering the site there are also the ruins of over 200 smaller settlements and trading posts in the surrounding area China’s secret pyramid China supposedly has a gigantic pyramid that dates back 8,000 years this mysterious pyramid is top secret and rumored to be guarded by the military

    Whispers of the structure go back to at least 1912 that was when Fred Meer Schroeder an American traditor was traveling through the shanii province he wrote in his diary that he witnessed a pyramid standing roughly 1,000 ft tall and twice as wide he also claimed it was surrounded by a group of smaller

    Pyramids three decades later US Air Force pilot James Gosman witnessed a pure white pyramid while flying over China that he claimed was twice the size of the Great Pyramid of Egypt when the German investigator hardig hdor traveled to China in the 1990s he couldn’t find it instead he encountered the Chinese

    Military patrolling the area no one has ever been able to take a clear picture of this pyramid and no mainstream archaeologists have been invited to investigate the pyramid is supposedly kept a major Secret by China but nobody understands why maybe it’s a royalty thing with China not wanting to RT the

    Graves of buried rulers from centuries past or maybe it’s something even weirder do you think China is hiding a pyramid let me know in the comments below Dragon’s Triangle the mysterious Dragon’s Triangle is the Japanese version of the Bermuda Triangle in Japanese folklore the triangle has been considered a dangerous and unpredictable

    Zone for at least 1,000 years locals call it Mano Umi which translates roughly to the devil sea the mystery is that things here seem to disappear Sailors have reported fishing boats Vanishing Without a Trace some have supposedly witnessed a Dragon Rise to the surface of the water and others have

    Seen entire Crews be pulled from their boat down to the watery seabed between 1952 and 1954 five Japanese military vessels and 700 crew members allegedly disappeared within the Dragon’s Triangle the triangle itself begins in Tokyo moves Southeast to Guam then Northwest to the southern tip of Taiwan and North

    Again to Japan technically the whole area is part of the Philippine Sea it is a volatile and highly volcanic region known for its seismic activity in Japanese Legend it was the dragons triangle that wiped out the fleet of the Mongol ruler kublan when he tried to invade Japan in

    1281 Japan was on the brink of being conquered by the Mongolians when their ships were decimated by two mysterious storms that rose without warning since then the Japanese have attributed their safety to the Wrath of the Dragon’s Triangle which sank 900 Mongol ships and killed 40,000 soldiers caves of

    Mystery outside the city of Bubba nesir in India there is a mysterious archaeological site called the udayagiri caves the caves here are partly natural and partly human-made they serve as temples and have been around since at least the first century BC there are a total of 32 caves that began as natural

    Caverns and were transformed by human hands into marvelous temples all the temples except one were dedicated to the jism religion jism is one of the oldest religions on the planet dating back 500 years before Christianity it is still widely practiced in India with an estimated 5 million followers much like

    Buddhism and Hind Hinduism jism promotes Enlightenment and encourages people to be nonviolent and respect plants and animals and speak the truth followers of jism are not allowed to steal they cannot become attached to worldly possessions and ideally they are celibate just like how Buddhism worships the great Buddha jism has its own

    Spiritual leaders as well there are 24 genas who supposedly reached spiritual enlightenment and thus escaped the Vicious Cycle of physical re birth the udayagiri caves were made by worshippers of this religion one of the caves may have even been occupied by the legendary queen of lalatendu casari historians

    Believe she may have lived in the double storied cave with 32 cells each one decorated with well preserved sculptures and reliefs Citadel lafier Citadel laf ferier is one of the most spectacular archaeological sites in Haiti it is an iconic and massive Stone Fortress located on top top a jungle Mountain

    Utterly abandoned and totally creepy it was built purely for defense the issue with a small island like Haiti is that building traditional Coastal fortifications was not ideal fortresses like that would be vulnerable to any attack by sea by building a citadel at the top of a mountain the Haitians had a

    Much better chance of Defense they could attack Invaders trying to breach the island and had a major defensive position that would be nearly impossible to beat but why was The Citadel built at all construction was complete in 1820 with the whole point to protect the recently freed Haitian people there was

    A real concern that the French army would come back and enslave them a second time to prevent that from happening they built a Monumental Fort to defend themselves but the French never came back and so its 365 cannons never got used Temple of seti the one of the greatest and most

    Mysterious temples in all of Egypt can be found in the ancient city of abidos it’s the famous temple of seti the first carved out of stone 3,000 years ago the temple originated as an necropolis for Egyptian royalty throughout the first and second dynasties then it transitioned into a place of worship it

    Quickly became one of the top pilgrimage destinations in Egypt for the cult worship of Osiris as the worship of Osiris became more and more popular pharaohs continued to build more Monumental structures in abidos the temple grew positively massive as each Egyptian king made it better and better

    To show their dedication then under the rule of Ramsey the 1 in the 19th Dynasty between 1290 and 1279 BC the Temple of seti the reached its peak it was even home to the abidos king list a long Gallery with the coues of the previous 76 ruling f arrows it’s behind the

    Temple that we find one of its most intriguing features there is a large structure called the osirion the mystery is that no one knows what it is the structure is behind the main Temple but doesn’t seem to hold any purpose some have suggest that it was designed as a

    Copy of a tomb from the Valley of the Kings archaeologists say that nowhere else in Egypt is any similar architecture found giving them very little to compare it to we don’t know who built it what it was for or why its foundations are even lower than the

    Temple in front of it hisham’s Palace hisham’s Palace was built around the year 734 ad in the Jordan Valley during the rule of Khalif Hisham ibin abdal Malik it’s an important historical place because it was one of the very last desert palaces built in Jordan in other

    Words it was one of the final pieces of ancient architecture constructed during the reign of the second Islamic caliphate it’s famous today for its simplistic style its construction of sandstone and baked brick and its classical Islamic illustrations the mysterious ruins consist of three main parts there is the bath complex the

    Agricultural estate and the palace itself but you might be wondering what’s so mysterious about the palace the thing that really bothers archaeologists is that they don’t know who lived in hisham’s Palace there are no textual sources that reference it we know was a product of the umad dynasty the second

    Caliphate to rule after the death of the Prophet Muhammad this was a time when desert fortifications palaces and castles were built throughout the Jordan desert each construction was usually funded by a figure within the umayyad ruling family but the patron of hisham’s Palace is an enigma the second mystery

    Is that we don’t know what happened to this place it was destroyed around 749 ad shortly after it was built some suggest it was an earthquake but that’s never been proven the whole place was abandoned shortly after and then lost to the desert sands thanks for watching be sure to subscribe if you

    Haven’t already for more videos like these and I’ll see you next time bye


    1. Hi Katrina thank you for your hard work and the effort you put into your uploads. It's good to have other people's opinions on history. I really believe that we have been lied to or at the very least been given outdated information and half truths.

    2. Has anyone ever really put 2 an 2 together? Or is it just me? Tell me that Anubis and the modern day Dogman, or werewolf don't have nothing in common? All over even eyewitnesses being national park rangers in Yellowstone national park. It naturally peaks my interest.

    3. please stop those silly clickbait post images.. whatever you call them. The image to this video is an Anubis statue about 200 feet tall… Why do you do that?

    4. You should start another channel.. 'Mispronunciations Explained'… You know, where you explain how you could get simple names and phrases wrong when there are living people from said areas that you could ask..

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