Die abenteuerliche Reise der zwei Brüder geht weiter, die beiden Jungs sind nun in Russland angekommen! Wie geht die Tour nun weiter???

    Die beiden Abenteurer Moritz und Felix sind immer noch auf Achse mit ihren BMW Motorrad Boxern unterwegs. Moritz auf seiner SWT-BMW mit Rahmenverstärkung, USD Gabel und einer Zweiarmschwinge. Felix reist auf seinem Oldtimer, einer BMW R 60/7 die fast mehr als Original ist. Beide organisieren gerade den Transport mit der Transsibirischen Eisenbahn vom Baikalsee in die Landeshauptstadt Moskau.
    Von der russischen Hauptstadt , Moskau, aus , wollen die Beiden nach Lettland, dann nach Litauen und über Polen nach Deutschland zurückfahren.
    Was den beiden Weltenbummlern auf jeden Fall im Kopf hängen geblieben ist, ist die ständige Hilfsbereitschaft auf die die Brüder bei der Reise gestoßen sind.
    Auch die Ängste die im vorherein wegen Kriminalität und Korruption aufkamen waren völlig unberechtigt am Schluss.
    Sie mussten immer wieder feststellen, das Dinge die man nicht im Voraus planen kann, von unterwegs aus plötzlich ganz leicht zu organisieren sind – so auch der Transport mit der Transibirischen Eisenbahn.
    Das Gefühl als Reisender auf dem Motorrad unterwegs zu sein, das war so unglaublich schön, denn man war immer, wirklich immer, Gast im jeweiligen Land das gerade bereist wurde.
    Die jungen Globetrotter waren auch froh, dass sie einem liegengebliebenen Reisenden auf den sie unterwegs gestoßen sind helfen konnten, so konnten sie auch mal wieder etwas gut machen.
    Felix beschreibt, dass er die ganzen Impressionen die auf ihn eingebrasselt sind gar nicht verarbeiten konnte. Es war einfach so viel an Abenteuern und so viele schöne Momente die sie in der Zeit erlebt hatten.
    Im weiteren Gespräch mussten wir feststellen, dass es nicht mehr leicht ist von uns aus auf Achse auf dem Landweg aus los zu reisen.
    Auch Manuel erzählt in diesem Video von seinen Erlebnissen auf seinen vielen Touren. Die Drei machen sich Gedanken in welche Richtung und welche Länder man eigentlich noch reisen kann….

    Wir, das TEAM von SWT-SPORTS, hoffen dass wir den beiden mit dem neuen Projekt beim Erfüllen ihrer weiteren Ziele und Reisepläne helfen können.


    #enduroboxer #swt #bmwgs #abenteuer #abenteuerreise #globetrotter #tour #russland #moskau #transsiberianrailway #baikalsee #bmwmotorrad #bmwgs #bmwenduro #makealiferide #makelifearide #motorradreise #russlandreise #reiselust #reiseenduro #erfahrungsbericht

    We also saw it from the window, from our bunk. There are only birches, sand and a bit of swamp and that’s it. It was also clear about the time limit. I started a new job, I had to continue my studies. That’s why we decided

    Not to drive ourselves and when we arrived in Moscow we recovered a bit from the train ride. The motorcycles arrived 3-4 days later, then we unpacked them and then went from Moscow to Latvia, Lithuania, Poland and then back to Germany.

    But we did that very quickly because we were burned out. We were tired. What was the invitation process like? Was it difficult to find space for the motorcycles on the train ? Not at all. Moritz went into overdrive;

    It was impossible to organize this from home, even over the Internet. We then just went there and said we would like to have 2 tickets to Moscow, that wasn’t a problem. And we would like to ship 2 motorcycles , that’s no problem. There’s a warehouse at the back, that’s the post office.

    Then we asked how much it cost, I think it was $350, converted to US dollars. A significant amount, but it was manageable because it was a long distance. Then we somehow packed them together in a wooden box and it was very easy. What

    Unsettled us in advance was that we couldn’t clarify it. We had to rely on it, it would have been tight for driving. You can’t plan everything but we’ll give it a try . I would also like to add that if you are at Lake Baikal or Irkutsk, there are so many

    Trucks driving in one direction. We always noticed this when refueling, we always refueled with the same people. We took a break, they took a break. It’s possible in this country if you ask and say invite us and the three of us sit in the cabin

    And pay you for food and a bit of diesel then it works. That’s completely different to us. Most of the worries we had in this direction were things we couldn’t organize. Now it sounds like we had everything planned out, but that wasn’t the case.

    We’ve already tried to do the big tasks beforehand and most of the worries we were worried turned out to be overblown. Concerns about crime could be completely ignored; it wasn’t a problem at all. On the contrary, you still get something.

    All right, we had a bit of corruption at the border. It’s always the same! It’s always these customs officers, these state officials who deduct it. That’s unfortunately the case, but we were absolutely safe and there were no dangerous situations. All the problems like

    Getting back by train disappeared into thin air as soon as you got there, it was no longer a problem. You couldn’t organize this from home, but it was easy to do on site. You just have to be friendly. If you talk to someone stupidly it won’t work. You have to say

    What you want, what you need and what help you need and then it works. You have to chat with people, say in Hesse. But the thing is, if you talk to people, they may not be able to help you, but they may know someone who can and then

    You can help each other. We had someone who organized welding work for us in Mongolia . He used a starter cable like this and hooked the electrode like that and didn’t have a mask on, he welded like that. That was so cool,

    We still have photos of it, very funny. They simply welded it together for us and mostly resisted everything we wanted to show our gratitude for. The shoemaker in Russia was horny. We met him in the back of Russia. So

    We were in Baikal, no, in the Altai Mountains on the Russian-Mongolian border and there was this, what is the Mongolian national festival called? It’s called Naadam. Naadam festival or something like that. They simply close the country for 5 days, you can’t get in there,

    It’s a holiday. We had to wait there, but it wasn’t so bad, it’s really nice. Then Our motorcycle boots fell apart because we had of course saved money. Sure, that’s right. I think we had Bundeswehr boots. For €60 with petrol-resistant soles, but I don’t think they’re that petrol-resistant. Then they somehow fell apart

    And it was Sunday and in some village. We then asked the restaurant where we ate if there was someone who could repair shoes. Then they gave us an address or a name and explained to us how to get there. Then we went there

    And rang the doorbell at a house like that. As it turned out, the shoemaker actually came out and saw us and opened his workshop on Sunday and sewed and glued the shoe for us. He sewed the sole through the leather with his hand and

    Didn’t want any money. He then invited us to dinner with his family. He did n’t want any money but he invited us. He then brought out preserving jars full of home-made schnapps. We were skeptical at first, but then we were convinced and even

    Got a nice 1 liter preserving jar. As provisions. So we got along really well and it was amazing. There was no question that he would sew us this shoe on Sunday afternoon, awakened from his nap. You have to say that

    Being a traveler in these countries is something different. Here it is, the roads are perfect and if anything goes wrong you call the ADAC or something. That means somehow no one is really dependent on anyone being helped. It’s completely different there because they drive

    The last junk cars on a track like that and there’s no ADAC there either. People are simply different and they know that it is difficult to get from A to B. We could only return it once. We had bought a satellite phone for the

    Most remote areas, but discovered that the network coverage outside of Germany is very good. We very rarely had no network, which is perhaps a typical German problem. 5G on Lake Baikal. Yes, exactly. What is this now? You can upload your videos there, but

    This doesn’t work on Erzberg. That was pretty awesome. And then we were on a track somewhere in Mongolia and someone drove up in his Ford Focus, I think he was from Russia. He wanted to go on vacation, we had met people in the meantime and were

    Traveling with 4 motorcycles. We were behind and then we see an oil smear, first a big spot and then a thinning oil smear. We were really worried that it was one of us. There was a Ford Focus on the side of the road and it

    Drove over the off-road track. We then expertly laid ourselves down underneath and were then able to see the individual corridors. The gearbox was completely cracked, of course the oil was out. He then asked us if he could continue driving, but we advised him against it. There was no network there,

    So we took out our satellite phone for 1 euro for 1 minute and said call someone . He then calls and said mom. First he called his mother in Russia. I don’t know if she was able to help but we moved on eventually. These are things that

    No one will take away from you. You’ve had it all your life. Absolutely. That’s been 5 years now . At 70, the cigar is still rolling. Yes, probably, you can tell that we are now reminiscing vividly and that was already 5 years ago. This is totally crazy. During this time we

    Really experienced so much every day that we couldn’t even process it. In the end we were happy to be in the Trans-Siberian and not be able to do anything for 75 hours. We talked and said it’s crazy that we don’t have to do anything and we’re still moving forward.

    If the train breaks down it’s not our problem then the technician will do it, that was a great feeling. Then we were able to start reflecting and this memory is so densely packed and you still know everything. That’s the crazy thing, it really sticks with you. With a

    Thinking about it a bit, I still remember every campsite from those 3.5 months. The pictures help, of course, but we didn’t take photos of everything. Sometimes you remember stories that you had forgotten for a long time and then they come back again. You experience it every day,

    Something happens all day long . That’s already a good condition. What about the future, do you plan to do something like that again? Yes, next March. No time pressure! So the idea was, after the tour it was clear that it was awesome. That was great fun, but

    Driving an original road /7 over gravel roads to Mongolia might not be the best idea. You could just see it, I had a lot more breakdowns. The entire luggage system collapsed and the shock absorber moved sideways. The fork was leaking. So at some point we just poured more oil, which was

    Difficult. The only thing we had good control over was the engine. It’s of course stable and that’s why we both love the motorcycles, these boxer engines simply have great properties. Now of course the question was, if you do something like that again,

    How do you do it? If you spend €10,000 and buy a new XT700, it’s a great motorcycle that you can definitely ride around the world with. I started a money box with an XT700 in which I always put my change and then I thought,

    Actually you don’t want the motorcycle, actually I want what you do. So to take a BMW with this engine off-road so that you don’t have to constantly repair it. This gave rise to the idea of ​​building a motorcycle like this and, if possible,

    Going on another trip like this together as brothers. In which direction should it go then? Do you already have an idea? That’s the big question. At some point I had the idea that I still find it romantic to leave home and arrive home again. That would be really cool,

    But the question is where do you go and what do you do there? You can also somehow look for smaller routes like just to Morocco and back or something like that. At some point I had this

    Crazy idea of ​​maybe doing an MS Africa tour, but that’s pretty intense. A lot is changing there . Firstly, it is very complicated when it comes to VISA, there are countries where it is not so easy. And then especially with the changes that are currently taking place, Western Sahara is

    Probably working now. Democratic Republic of Congo things get tight in the knee. Exactly, especially beforehand when you go to Mali and so on. It’s just like Iran, you think about it a lot, but once you’re there it can work, there are still enough people

    Traveling there. It’s okay, but you have to think about it carefully. You have to think about what you want to risk and what you risk the most is the one thing you have, your life. Right, yes. If it’s not the people that kill you, it’s the traffic. This should not

    Be ignored either. Most of the people we see are very peaceful people, I’m sure of that. It just depends on the political situation. We couldn’t do the tour we did now either today. You can’t get into Russia anymore

    . We go around in circles all the time too. What do we do now? So France, Netherlands. We’ve already driven around the top, we’ve already been over there. Now we wanted to start from Morocco but I was already there. And shipping and

    Then Alaska, Canada I don’t know. We’ve also considered going to the USA, but that’s just too expensive. We’ll do that when we have money. But an idea that’s also a bit of yours, you’ve started to get a bit excited about South America, that would of course also be

    Spectacular. But that’s also difficult, I’ve already been there. I’ve already done Mexico, Guatemala, Belize. At the beginning I was still wearing Jack Wolfskin slippers. I had always wondered about the holes in the ground, I didn’t know there were tarantulas in there – I

    Was a stranger. Then the border crossings in a trunk like that, like in a suitcase like that, I saw machine guns live for the first time like in a John Rambo movie. The had them screwed onto the top of a GMC. Then you get over there and put your hands up,

    That’s the border crossing. There is a kind of gas station there, which is customs. Then , when I was newly married and 25, I thought about whether I wanted to do that. I mean, maybe a lot has changed now, but I got into a taxi in Kampun,

    I just wanted to go to the weekly market, and he said he wanted my money. I wanted to go to the farmer’s market because I wanted to have a sheath sewn for my knife so I had that with me too. Then

    I pulled it out and told him to drive me there. It was clear that I had to get out , but I still had my money. No one needs such situations. That’s correct. But I think that Central America is also tougher. No idea. So you can actually get all the way down .

    So of course these will be financially expensive stories, so you have to look at them somehow. We are not in the same situation as a family. I mean socialism, that counts. Which he uses again and again. That would be another idea, but even

    If it’s not a big tour, we had this idea. It must be so spectacular and yes, it was worth it, it was crazy. I also think that you can have just as many experiences in smaller sections. Of course it’s not the same as

    Traveling for 3 months in a row, but at some point that’s no longer possible. We would now have another time where we both happened to be in a situation where we

    Could really take some time off. The idea is that we will film it accordingly, but where it will go is not yet clear. I don’t think you can plan that far in advance. Now it’s not that long, now it’s only a year, but I mean in the last few years we’ve seen how

    Quickly things like this can change. We are now looking at Albania and I always think to myself, do you have a plan? No I dont have anyone. We’re just going to go, we wanted to start in Romania and then go to Albania. Maybe a ship will go to Italy,

    Then I can visit my friends briefly and then go back down to Romania to the bus. Without a plan at all, it might be better than always aiming for everything. Are you out of Belarus? No. We thought about that but it would have been difficult. This is completely

    Broken somehow. I also thought about why that doesn’t work. They then said there were only two crossings where Europeans were allowed to cross and that’s why we drove through Ukraine in a war zone. We knew that Crimea was occupied in 2018. But

    I didn’t even know that there was war down there. That’s why we had the long interrogation at the border, why are you leaving, your visa is still valid for 2 months. What kind of problem did he have? Afterwards in Germany when I opened the newspaper I knew that what

    We had done wasn’t all that cool. We’re just at the top. I found this part, Lithuania – Latvia – Poland really cool. Yes, that is beautiful. These are pastures like in the Netherlands with cows and so green. We simply didn’t have the capacity to really get involved with it anymore. We

    Were on the road for ages and then we wanted to go home. But you’re right, it’s beautiful. In Central Asia we only had dust and bumpy slopes. Actually you go there because you want something like that but at some point it’s

    Good. The golden spoon is too much for you, right? There were also landscapes like those in Lithuania and Latvia, green and hilly and there is water and so on, it’s like wellness. I thought it was so beautiful, I didn’t expect it at all

    When we drove up to the North Cape. There were ferries without engines, with one rudder, what’s going on there? It was like being in the Stone Age, it was really cool to drive there. Or coffee, you go in from the back and she makes coffee on her coffee machine in the shop

    Because there isn’t a single café in the village. There is a road but there is no road before or after the village. The truck drives there and the children are playing on the street. I I thought I was in the 3rd world. I experienced really cool things there,

    It was totally fascinating at this TET. It only started to suck again when we were in Finland because it only went straight. Well, unfortunately, that’s just how it is. It’s good for the country that this structure

    Is there, but in the other countries it was a real adventure. That’s exactly what we’re looking for. There are a lot of ways to get information and organize yourself on the Internet, so we were able to rule out a lot of things. It’s not that easy not

    To drive on the road in Germany. How many travelers did you meet along the way, were there many motorcyclists or did you feel alone? Very few actually. There were always sections, the Pamir Highway, which is probably familiar to many people. The second highest road in the world,

    Suddenly one cyclist after another and also motorcyclists. But actually that was pretty rare. Especially in Iran, someone came towards us once, there were really very few of them. You can forget about it in Turkmenistan anyway, as most people don’t get a visa.

    But we have already met a few people, a Brit, a German from Russia and a Japanese who recommended the Pamir Highway to us. We actually hadn’t planned it at all. We actually wanted to go straight to Uzbekistan without it. What was the Japanese man traveling

    With, a small yellow Suzuki? I don’t know anymore either. He said you can simply apply for a visa for Tajikistan for €50 online and then we said good, then we’ll do the 2000 additional kilometers. We actually said that was enough but then

    We turned right. We then met more people in Russia and Mongolia . There is only one street. Yes, and you can get there quite easily via the northern route. Somehow everything only leads along these one or two streets and you meet someone there. Or by

    Train, I think that was the difference. Central Asia is also difficult to reach for some nationalities . The British, for example, hardly get any visas for Iran. Turkmenistan is also a threshold and then a lot of people just drive around at the top. Then we

    Met this Israeli who was riding a 690cc KTM, I think. He only changed tires and oil once and that was it. At that point we had already repaired Felix’s motorcycle dozens of times. But it really was a completely different way to travel.

    That was also interesting, it has to be said again. He simply had nothing to say, it sounds so stupid. Of course he had something to tell, he drove this great route. But many of the stories we told here in conversation

    Always had to do with problems during the journey. And you had to solve it or have it solved. Exactly and that’s how you came into contact with people. In some countries it is different, in Iran you are simply spoken to, but the greatest stories arise from people who

    Try to solve a problem together with you. Which one of you has the cell phone number of the woman from the AVD? Yes, that was good. The number was 069. It’s definitely in Frankfurt, we come from Frankfurt so we like the AVD. No, it’s exactly like Moritz said,

    You can always reduce it further. From the car to the motorcycle, then to the bike and at the end you hike. I think motorcycling is a great intermediate measure, you can cover distances, but I didn’t want to do more than 400km a day on my motorbike. That

    Slows things down a bit and that’s a good thing too. The technical challenges we faced also forced us to approach things differently. This Israeli with his KTM had a great motorcycle, he certainly had fun but he rode along it more than through it. We met two Belgians there who were each

    Riding an XC600, which was really cool. We got along well with them too, we traveled together for almost a week or two. They were also there at the Greek shoemaker. Exactly right . They had a similar style of travel and rode motorcycles that were just as old. Once was

    It’s funny, we drove together on a newly asphalted road in Mongolia and drove along comfortably. Something failed in your case, I think in the end it was the spark plug. There you have the picture when you threw the spark plug into the desert. We

    Were driving behind the Belgians, then he had a problem, they didn’t notice and kept driving. Then it took us forever, even though it was just the spark plug. We thought about it for ages and didn’t think the spark plug would break. It took half an hour to an hour

    And they didn’t come back. We thought that wasn’t possible, that they would just drive on without us. We then solved the problem and continued driving and then they suddenly came towards us and said we had just broken down and a wheel bearing had

    Broken. So we had a breakdown at the same time and basically changed the wheel bearing and spark plug at the same time. That’s just fun. What is your message for everyone out there? What can you say, take the time if you have a plan and an idea. You

    Always have to take the time, there is always a price for doing something like that. Sometimes you just don’t have time and you don’t have the money, but you have to take it! We don’t regret doing it at all, even though we both had to make compromises. You took a

    Semester off, which was difficult. I had to convince my future boss to hire me six months later. Everything worked and now we are happy. I’ll make a cut. I would like to thank you very much for being there and

    Providing us with material. It will take a while for the video to go online, as Aron has something to do (yes, a whole 23 pages of text!!!). We are working on your project, we will try to present it in a timely manner. Wonderful. Shut up. If you liked the video,

    Like us on Instagram, Facebook, TikTok or wherever else. We have also linked this report from the tour somewhere. There are still a bunch of people who watch the videos and don’t subscribe. So subscribe to us and anyone who wants to support us

    Can become a member. Thank you for watching, your Manuel Schad from SWT-Sports.


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