As Israel’s war with Gaza’s militant group Hamas spills into the fourth day. At this moment developments coming in from the waterfront. The death toll on the Israeli side has climbed to 900 while over 687 Palestinians have been killed as well. The Hamas militant group has now declared that it will begin executing the hostages.

    #israel #israelpalestineconflict #gaza

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    As Israel’s war with gaza’s militant group Hamas spills into the fourth day at this moment developments coming in from the warfront the death stool on the Israeli side has climbed to 900 while over 687 Palestinians have been killed as well the Hamas militant group has now declared that it will

    Begin executing the hostages listening to that message that the Hamas group has released take a listen from this moment we announce that for every attack towards our people who are safe in their homes without previous warning unfortunately we will have to execute one of the civilian enemy

    Captives that we have hostaged and we will be forced to broadcast this in video and audio we announced this decision and we hold the responsibility in front of the whole world to the Zionist enemy and its leadership they are responsible for this decision woring updates coming in on the

    Host situation as the militants threatened to execute captured Israelis unless the Israeli air strikes on Gaza are stopped and this as the mediators from Qatar are still leading negotiations with the militant group since Saturday qatar’s foreign Ministry has revealed that the country is involved in mediation talks between Hamas and Israeli authorities till

    Monday there was a possibility of a female prisoner swap well Qatar has been leading these negotiations with us involvement since Saturday last week but the question is that what is it that Hamas wants from these negotiations what are they looking to get in return for setting the hostages free well several

    Reports indicate that hamas’s first order of business at the negotiation table is securing the release of 36 Palestinian women however a spokesperson for the militant group has said that the objective is to secure the return of all pales inan prisoners in Israel now over the years Israeli security forces have arrested and

    Imprisoned more than 5,000 Palestinians including women and children well here is where the tally stands total number of Palestinians languishing in Israeli prisons stands at 5,200 out of the total 33 prisoners are women and 170 of those in jail are Palestinian kids a 2022 un report revealed

    That since 1967 which is the year when Israel ceased control of East Jerusalem the Gaza Strip and West Bank as well the Israeli forces have arrested an estimated 1 million Palestinians a past Trend indicates that if the Palestinian prisoners are tried they get prosecuted in Israel’s military Courts


    1. Esse povo Palestinos eles nao nem um tipo de educação sao pessoas sem cultura como a esquerdopata mesmo e igualmente eles
      Pessoas sem estudos sem educação nem uma 😮

    2. When you really look at it and do a little research isreal have been killing Palestinians since 1948 killing men woman and children with no mercy isrealis are European white people around the world are the same people the biggest murderers on the planet

    3. I think hamas don't get them hostages are ownly thing that stoping Israel forces marching in so as soon as they kill they are dead mess up thing is took alot of people from around world hostage plus killed Philpino care workers trying too work and send money home is that acceptbul no this much bigger then couple country they don't give crap about any people hamas does they gun you down if Philpino just like rest that what people who say it all western countries were killed or Jews no in fact it was East countries as well

    4. So knowing that not just western countries were murder there was indeed Eastern countries non of them part of Israel were shot and kidnap these hamas say kill more Philpino people that geat too know and these protesters cebraiting that too you make me sick

    5. In fact is D F I who killed their own people who is in Ga za. The continue attacking and dont have any interests in rescue hostages 💁🏻‍♀️

    6. They need to say something about why these hostages are (probably already) dead…this just Hamas making up a reason, trying to cover their own ass.
      I don't believe they EVER intended to return anymore living hostages at this point.

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