Soccer Comic Rant #507 Can Omar Berrada Really Help Man United On The Pitch?! Why are United fans excited about him, and should they be? After 8 months of punishment Ivan Toney only learned to cheat more. Liverpool vs Bornmouth. Shefield United vs. West Ham was crazy. Dortmund game & Sancho. Arsenal vs Crystal Palace. Was Potter just there to hang out? And upcoming FA Cup Matches!!!! ⚽️🏟⚽️

    Ian Edwards

    Neil Chakravarty

    Martin Harris

    Merch Link
    Soccer Comic Rant

    Lee Hudson…

    Aaron Brungardt

    What’s up y’all my name is Ian Edwards and welcome to the soccer comic rant uh thanks for listening on iTunes Omni Studio Spotify and just wherever you’re listening and if you’re watching on YouTube like And subscribe we love you thanks for listening uh tell other

    People about the Pod and you know we get it in here uh this week we’re going to talk about uh Graham poter showing up at a Crystal Palace game what’s that all about you you know what I’m saying you know we’re going to talk about uh Arsenal’s lucky 5 nothing win over

    Crystal Palace uh we’re gonna talk about Liverpool beating the heck out of Bournemouth in the second half of that game uh we’re gonna talk about uh the W West Ham versus Sheffield United it was a good game then it was a boring game and then it was super exciting the last

    Five minutes of the the game in that order and uh we’re going to talk about Omar Beretta coming to United poached from Man City so to speak and what’s what’s he do what does Omar Beretta do why is everybody excited you know what I mean so we’re gonna find that out and uh

    I was watching a Dortmund game and the Dortmund and the colone fans threw some coins on the field so we’re going to see what that’s about and uh we got the usual co-host uh lee Hudson stand that com from England Southampton fans if you couldn’t tell by the jerseys in the

    Background what up fam how you I’m all good I’m all good we’re on a 21 game win or non losing streak sorry not win streak 21 game non- losing streak um yeah I’m I’m I’m happy about football which is still a weird feeling to me I’m

    Not used to this um you know football football for me supporting Southampton has mainly been lows with sort of M the occasional highs I’m not used to feeling this high for this long I’m waiting for it all to come crashing down if you keep waiting for it to come crash it down it

    Will just just ride High boy bro enjoy the high you’ve had the lows take it like so you guys are 21 games undefeated like your non- losing streak is a grown ass man you know what I’m saying it’s 21 years old yeah can drink in the US now

    Yeah it can buy guns can join the Army if if your non losing drink uh gets caught selling drugs it’ll get maximum time in prison there’s no child sentencing laws that could save that non- losing streak it’s it’s an adult you got an adult non losing streak

    That’s pretty impressive for any team in any League I’ll take it yeah the uh it’s the it broke the record for the longest in our history um which uh yeah the original one was set like 130 something years ago or something damn jeez I wasn’t even something about that yeah so it’s

    Um no 10 something because we we we we were founded in 1885 and we joined the football league in 1920 um and I think it was the next year after that I think at 21 or something we we got that streak so it’s 100 the streak had been over a hundred years old

    Um and we broken it h congrats Southampton my my my thermos is Southampton colors your jerseys are so you know we celebrating you know it’s like our our manager said after the game he got asked about it and he just went it’s you know it’s a nice achievement

    But it means nothing if we don’t achieve our goals this year um he goes it would just be a nice thing to have had and it doesn’t really mean that much if we don’t make it count at the end of the season so I’m with him on that um yeah

    You know I don’t I don’t I don’t want to look back and this be the only thing we achiev this season season yeah you’re on your way to making it count now who did y’all beat might as well just get into who did yall take advantage of down there in the basement or

    Football uh we beat uh we beat Swansea who we beat them 5- nil the day after Christmas which I went to in the home game so the away games came around real quick um and uh yeah we the first half we were really good for like 40 minutes

    And we fell apart a little bit at the end of the half and conceded but then we went straight back down the other end and made it 3-1 it was 3-1 by halim um and we we looked really good we got a bit lucky with one goal because it was

    Offside but there’s no VAR in the championship so um we benefited from that a little bit um but uh SEC second half they they put up a good fight Swansea they caused us some problems they they forc the keeper into some good saves so um yeah they they may US earn

    It um but it’s you know it’s another game another game in the bank another three points we’re second now because zip switch don’t play until tomorrow um so we we’ve got that second spot which is nice um puts a bit more pressure on IP switch um I switch are playing

    Tomorrow and I’m doing a show in IP switch tomorrow so oh home maybe I can go and like poison the water bottles or something just just be bad luck don’t don’t Bill Cosby nobody just be bad luck for the team bro there wa there way they’re they’re playing away um but it’s

    Against leester they’re play they’re playing Leicester who are top of the league so um something be good for us yeah yeah something’s got to give how many points ahead of them are you now oh um we are level with ips switch we’re just ahead of them on goal

    Difference um so yeah we kind of need them to to not win against Leicester but I mean if if they don’t if they beat Leicester we’re only seven points behind Lester then so it reels Lester in a little bit so whatever happens there’s a benefit for us in this game so if you’re

    A fan in this position what do you want the chance to catch them both or the chance to pass the team that’ll get you into second place which is the automatic qualifying position like what do you with the the the chance in the future or the bird in the

    Hand see the like the the dreamer in me wants ipswitch to win because I think we can catch Leicester um in the current form but the pragmatist says Leicester to win keep us second we then get the confidence of being in second Ipswich don’t get the confidence of beating the

    Team top of the league um which gives them more confidence to get back into second place so um yeah so I mean a draw wouldn’t be the worst result for us in the world um but yeah we’ve got some we’ve got a real tough sort of couple of weeks coming up

    So I’m trying not to get too ahead of myself with this because um yeah we we we could end up dropping some points over the next two three weeks we got some really hard games got a lot of away games as well so um yeah it’s uh it’s

    Not going to stay this good for forever why not what do you mean it’s the good times now let the good times roll yeah that that’s tough a tough thing to want the draw the Leicester win or the IP switch win I would go for the

    Lester win I’d like to stay ahead of ips switch and just keep it going from there and also like you said like I don’t want them the confidence of beating Lester and walking around with their chest out feeling like oh we could beat anybody from this part of the table down so yeah

    Yeah I’d go for the I’d go for the lesser win uh so that’s great congrats yall the guys are doing dope uh man united we also have an unbeaten streak going two weeks in a row we didn’t play this week we played last week we didn’t we didn’t

    Lose we didn’t win we tied with Spurs so you know I I know what it feels like we got two two weeks in a row of not losing so just an infant thank you bro thank you uh I guess I’m trying to figure out what since I have this out everybody’s

    Talking about it uh Manchester United name Omar Beretta a CEO and we got him from City and you know the thing is we I’m I’m not as excited as a lot of people are people are excited because we got him from City and City’s successful and uh this is an inos move

    They came in and they’re going to run football operations and this guy used to run he was the head of all the teams in the Man City group but it doesn’t to me this position translate to like the field so while executively this looks great to me it doesn’t me like we still

    Don’t have a director of football which if we got like one of the top direct as a football that was on this guy’s level then I’d really be excited I think a lot of people just excited because it came out of nowhere because we took him from City but you

    Know I think all this guy really does is help Jim Ratcliffe Run is it nice is that ni the other team that he has yeah he has nice yeah so it so this guy used to run all the teams under the umbrella for City Group Radcliffe comes

    To United already owning nice so it just helps him run nce and United this is not just a United appointment He’s going to be over both the teams and maybe cycling or whatever this group owns so it’s like United fans yeah you could be a little

    Excited but be aware of like what this whole I don’t know what this position really does like I’ve read it but how does it help Man United what do you think about Beretta I I think it’s uh I think it’s a good move um like I say won’t it won’t

    Be the magic wand um but I think it’s a good um building block in the place um because like you say you still need a director of football that that I think will come and I think a good director of football working with this guy will will

    Help you um because he worked for barcel before he worked for City um then he’s been at the city group for like a while now and he was apparently a big part of the harand transfer um and he’s got experience with sort of media rights and marketing and

    Stuff like that as well but he’s he is a he does seem to be a football guy soon so like football guy too as well so um yeah it’s uh it’s an interesting appointment I think it’s um it’s an upgrade on what you’ve had before um because it was Richard that he replaced

    So um you know you you’ve not had much luck in that position um in the past so I I I think he’ll be good for you um but yeah the director of football is a is a bigger appointment in the long run um than this

    One but like I said I think it’s all building blocks you need all these parts in place um it sounds like he’s very business savvy um in terms of the business of football um so that plus with you know some real high quality Talent identification and structure um which hopefully a director football

    Would bring as well then I think that would help you move in the right direction well so let me just read this to you and this is one of the things I have to find at first that inos made this major statement at the beginning of week is

    Our stated ambition to reestablish man united as a title winning club right and they said stuff last week about like placing emphasis on the field on the pitch and improving things there but they go and hire someone who’s good at commercial stuff he was in commercial stuff at

    Barcelona and he’s been in commercial stuff with Man City so everybody’s excited again well this is like a misdirect hire this guy doesn’t have anything to do with like on the pitch he might be able to get us a good director of football but until he does that you know I’m

    Like this got nothing to do with that major statement that everybody was excited that any El made this week you know so let’s see we’ll see I’m not you know naying or being Doom or Gloom I just like so what right now that’s where I’m at

    Uh trying to think of the other things we need to cover uh so Ivan Tony and we all watched all four games this weekend first of all how do you like there only being four to five games on a premier league weekend what what’s the feeling um I think there’s pros and cons

    To it I definitely prefer a full fixture list um but I means you can give them a little bit more attention it’s a little easier to follow everything that’s going on um but I do like having all all teams play at some point between the Friday

    And the the Monday um just cuz it chops the fantasy football league into two two weeks which you know I’m trying to see who I’m going to get ahead of I like to know I like to know after that one we priori is prior um but no it’s I think it’s just

    Better when all the teams are playing um but it’s nice now and again I wouldn’t be against it happening once or twice a season but I like the full I like the full list I think it’s just good for teams as well well I mean I think it’d be unworkable

    To do it over a full season because they won’t be able to fit it in but um yeah now now and again it be a nice little change all right uh I I like that they do it now that they figured out a way to do it but you could still have football

    So we’re not starved so it’s cool I mean it’s funny I’m like so used to getting up at 4:30 and just watching game after game until they go off now there’s this thre hour break in the the middle I can go back to sleep I wake up and then

    Watch the next game and then boom there’s no more games I’m like this is weird but it’s it’s fine it was weird to also see Premier League games being played this weekend at man united Not Taken part in it so that’s weird but I say after the the glut of games over the

    Holiday like everybody’s eyes need a break from just being to the screen watching game so it it comes at the perfect time like we all need to like lose some football weight after the holidays and this is a perfect way to do it uh so one of the

    Big games this weekend let me find it so I can sit right and and and this is one of the games that you mentioned was going to be one of the games of the weekend well you said this like maybe maybe last week brenford versus notam Forest brenford 3 notam Forest 2 Ivan

    Tony returns and uh one of the first thing you know Ivan Tony hasn’t played football in a while he uh broke the law and they punished him by taking him away from football for eight months but uh the take the punishment didn’t work because the first thing he did was cheat

    So so what do you think of Ivan Tony moving the ball and moving the fo during the free kick um I mean it’s it was sneaky um but I think that I mean it’s it’s a hard one because it’s kind of a gray area um

    Because he moved it he moved it a bit but also so he didn’t move it just before he kicked it like they had enough time to like players need to be on the other team need to be vigilant and they need to be adjusting to that [ __ ] like I

    Think there was one player trying to tell the goalkeeper um one on the one on the the left away from the wall yeah I think someone was trying to tell the keeper and yeah just you know you got to adapt to that and and be a little bit sharper

    Um you know credit to him it’s clever um it’s up to people to catch that um I don’t blame him for trying it um you know it’s it’s just clever it’s uh you know I’m surprised they didn’t like take a look at it or anything afterwards properly because you know it was

    Sneaky it’s definitely some if it’s not cheating it’s definitely gamesmanship um but it’s uh yeah I mean and and then he still got to execute it as well um it still wasn’t an easy finish um I think it just showed how hungry he was

    For a goal on the comeback I I feel like it just showed how much he hasn’t learned during this time of punishment like he’s said I used to cheat behind everybody’s back and I got caught now I’m going to cheat on camera in public in front of everybody and show you that

    Crime Pays uh like I I figured Ivan Tony would come back with a vengeance but not this way not and uh the the I saw him moving the ball I saw what he did after like I watched the game but I didn’t notice it until like men in Blazers like showed

    Actually everything that happened and so I saw him moving the ball I was like but why didn’t the ref turn around and see that he moved the ball because the foam is on the right and the ball’s on the left and then I see him move the foam

    And then before he takes the free Kick The Ref is standing right behind the ball and Ian Tony and that ref must have been looking at that wall going man that’s a shitty wall this guy’s going to score not knowing that Ivan Tony moved the ball and the foam but yeah the refs

    Have to pay attention to it and that one uh player but you know now that I think of it he might have been a brenford player because there was one player that was to the left of the wall it might have been a brenford player I have to

    Look at this thing again I put it in the group let let me see but yeah yeah if you’re on the team you you you just have to watch everybody this is like gapo football see you see something say something because people are out here cheating they they they

    They they they Wilding let me see if I see this thing once again so Ivan Tony moves I’ll just put it on again yeah let me just see this I see him move it yeah that was a forest player on the left side away from the

    Wall I don’t know why he didn’t say something and and another thing about this game is if these two teams play again they can’t weigh these jerseys these jerseys are too close to each other it’s confusing like there’s too many stripes out here like somebody pick zebra and

    Somebody pick a solid and none of this too too many you know we wear the same Stripes who’s going to wear stripes and we’re both going to wear it yeah that player on the left I can’t see his name but he should have definitely said something faint in front of the ball or

    Something so Ivan Tony gets away with it and uh brenford end up winning the match 3-2 mopai scored I’m trying to think of anything crazy else happened in that match I can’t remember but it it’s a good win after Ivan Tony coming back and and scoring

    Uh the other games this weekend did you see uh what did you think of Sheffield United versus West Ham um I mean you s that right earlier when you said about the uh you know the fact that it was it was Bor it was it was entertaining then it was boring that

    It was entertaining and crazy again um yeah it was there was some interesting stuff going on there I mean um debut go we spoke about him last week Ben Britt and Diaz um the British Chilean guy who joined on that’s him why does he have like the jawline of a comic book

    Hero you know when you were young and you draw like your version of a superhero like his jawline is like superhero drawn big I I think it’s uh I think the Beard’s doing a lot of the work there for him uh um um but yeah I mean he it was it was a

    Good goal from him as well because he had to show a bit of desire to get to the ball first and then to put it in as well um so yeah that was that was interesting after West Ham had already already taken the lead um and then yeah

    Like you say got dle for a little bit then my boy Ward prow stepped up and uh scored a penalty um and then yeah it all went crazy with the the red cards I mean the sheffeld United red card um was 100% red card he he sort of jumped into that

    Tackle with two feet um absolutely red card rer yeah yeah Brewster’s one definitely a red and then the West Ham one as well um sua was definitely a red um because he was just stupid like he’ already just got a yellow and then he went straight in and made a late tackle

    Like a late challenge to trip someone and and aggressively Tri them as well like it wasn’t just a like a slight thing or an accidental thing so yeah he deserved his red as well and then the penalty was was justified the keeper came and just you got to get the ball

    There if you’re gonna wipe a man out you need to get the ball so he didn’t get the ball the guy kind of hit him too with his arm too I felt like I could have went either way but I think like it is more exciting to see West Ham drop

    Points they’re like a little bit ahead of us but I was like this could have this could be a wash this could be nobody’s yeah like I think there was more him on the keeper side though um and he didn’t get anywhere near the ball

    So yeah I’d I’d have given it and uh and then there was a big decision at the end where Jared Bowen thought he should have had a penalty penalty um with a guy who wasn’t even looking at the ball um that was a rugby that was a rugby tackle

    Penalty it was a rugby tackle um so yeah another one little bit you know for them to fi hard done by but um yeah entertaining game for a you know for a Sunday it’s uh lot going on yeah that extra time was that extra time slapped it was action-packed for a game that’s

    Lost its momentum like two red cards and two potential penalties one went in both teams went down to to 10 men a piece and ends up being 22 and I I still feel like this doesn’t matter Sheffield United you I don’t think you’re going to

    Get out of this and I feel like I don’t know I don’t like I don’t really I’m not really feeling Chris Wilder and his intensity and and what he claims to bring to this team I just don’t think it’s going to work it’s mean they’re just probably not good enough so it

    Doesn’t matter yeah and I think the only reason he got the job was because he managed them in the past and he got them promoted to the Premier League and did a good job in the Premier League for a season um because his previous jobs had been failures in the championship um

    Failed at Mid failed at Middlesboro failed at Watford um so it was a weird appointment I like I said I think they definitely only gave it to him because of his history there but I mean he’s improved them he’s definitely doing better than the last guy did um but that

    Wasn’t too hard um because they were the worst team in the league under under him yeah Hig B them it was it’s just just some terrible results oh man yeah some horrendous results Arsenal versus Crystal Palace I mean Arsenal gets I felt that you know you gotta look

    Out for Crystal Palace coaches back is against the wall the players have been you know rallying around him a little bit you know they they they you know they they [ __ ] with Roy Hudson but man uh Arsenal do what they do man they always start out good Gabriel got the

    First goal 11 minutes great corner just you know just in there oh they finally gave that second goal as an own goal in Google to Henderson which is messed up that’s that’s Gabrielle’s goal that’s messed up that they took up and Gabriel should have two goals trossard and then

    Martinelli two in extra time one in one in the 94th minute one in the 95th minute so yeah man uh fun game throughout but yeah Crystal Palace man that’s a tough tough tough loss so let me ask you question is grah powder was at the game is he just there trying to

    Get his kids into being Crystal Palace fans or is he just hanging out at the game or is he h is he there because the owners want him to look at the team and consider this to be the next team team that he’s going to coach like well if

    You’re a coach like Grandpa you know if you go to the game of a coach that’s in the hot seat that yeah everybody’s going to be looking at you in the stands going oh this is who they’re going to replace him back and that’s and that’s pretty so

    Why would you go if you’re just hanging out when this I know they ain’t that many games at weekend but I don’t know if grandp still lives in London because he coached but why do you think he was there yeah it’s always a weird one in those circumstances and I think

    Sometimes it’s just to remind people that that person’s still around as well because not even just for the pish job but he’s just saying it but it it will because he’s gone to watch a game like you say where a manager is under pressure it then makes the because if he goes and

    Watches Man City versus Liverpool no one one cares that he’s there um the TV cameras probably don’t even pick it up because he goes to that game where one of the managers Under Pressure the cameras pick it up and his name is back in people’s minds for a second so even

    If it’s not for the pish job I think it means that everyone’s like oh yeah he’s still around and he’s still available um maybe for some other jobs but I think I I think godamn geniusly godamn genius Palace would be the right sort of level job for him I think

    Um because I mean I think it’d be a weird one because he was he did so well at Brighton and those two clubs hate each other um so it’ be a little bit weird move there but I think he’s he needs to drop back down to that tier of

    Clubs to rebuild His Image a bit because I don’t think another club of Chelsea stature will hire him um at the moment just because of yeah his stock obviously fell quite dramatically after the Chelsea thing so I don’t and and also I don’t think any of those jobs are going to become

    Available maybe West Ham if they end up bowing to the pressure and getting rid of Moyes um because they they got knocked out the FA Cup by a championship team in the week and then yeah they they they drew this weekend and if they go on like a little streak their fans get

    Pretty restless um because they’re ungrateful um I know that’s that’s what I forgot to talk about in the West Ham game he’s six and fans I can hear from here fans over there West Ham fans W in their coach fired and he’s six he’s ahead of man

    United he’s behind T Arsenal Aston Villa Man City yeah he didn’t do good in some League cups but he just won you something and he six like like how how much do they and he assembled a team of really good second class Avengers to play for the team like how much do you

    Hate Moyes to to be like get him out like what what type why do they hate him I don’t know I think it’s just like the they don’t like the style of football um it’s it’s um yeah I don’t know they just I can say they just a fan

    Base that turns pretty quickly but um you know it’s it’s I think that so so West Ham would be in my opinion the highest sort of level of job he could get if it became available um like I don’t think another sort of Club that’s bigger than that would would be up for

    Hiring him right now I think he needs to re but he could get back to that level um but yeah I think I think Palace won be the worst place for him um you know they got record he good at West West Ham yeah and Palace I think

    That sort of Club I think I think he would potentially unlock more CU e and people like that hadn’t been doing that much under Vieira Vieira W playing him then hudon came back in and was playing him and there was like an initial upturn then he sort of gone

    Quiet a little bit again at times but I think someone like Potter could really Revitalize him um and I think he’d be good for a lot of lot of players there so yeah it wouldn’t be the wouldn’t be the worst job for him in the world but

    Palace yeah it’s it’s a bit of a slide their form’s been yeah patchy to say the least um let me just have a quick look at the table to see how far away they are now from the bomb I think they’re yeah they still got a little bit

    Of a buffer because Luton are on 16 points and and Palace are on 21 so um they got fivepoint buffer which you know that can get eaten up in a couple of weeks if they’re not careful but right they’re still above Forest they’re still above Everton um and then Luton Burnley and

    Sheffield United I still think will be the three that go down like they keep showing some of them like little flashes of life like especially Luton um but then it will just disappear again um so it’s uh yeah I I would still put money on the bottom three being the bottom

    Three come the end of the season all the promoted teams um but yeah it’s easy for a team to get sucked in if they if they get stagnant yeah I mean I don’t believe in those teams little splashes like nobody just sits in sinks quicksand and just

    Sinks to the bottom they always flap their arms a little bit and that’s all they doing man they just flapping arms but you in quick sand and you going down to the bottom there’s nothing you could do about it uh trying to see if there’s any uh what

    Do you think of Liverpool’s play against Bourn like that’s one of the four games that was on this weekend and uh Liverpool mosala is not there uh endo’s not there they have injuries uh they had to like Shuffle around like who’s going to start but Liverpool I feel like

    They’ve done such a good job of reassembling and rebuilding in just really one year because it was last season in the middle of the Season that they realized oh [ __ ] need to rebuild and then they just spent a ton of money this summer and a little bit last summer

    And uh you know because they got Darwin Nunes and and I want to defend him a little bit and I’m not defending him because he scored two goals today like I want the people the Liverpool fans who have been upset with this guy because they showed his stats before the game

    And it was like I guess they played like 19 games he was like six goals eight assist or five goals six assists and I like that’s not bad for somebody that doesn’t start every game you know I mean sometimes he comes in 20 minutes left in a game and when he

    Misses it’s some of the classiest misses it’s not like he misses he hits the post it’s not like te o Werner in front of the goal it’s not like HS like you know what I mean like these are professional misses that just need to go a few

    Centimet to the left or right and there would be world class goals and today the those centimeters was in his favor and he was hitting the back of the net and it’s like this guy is going to be good I feel like the only reason why the

    Liverpool fans are upset with him is because he came in at the same time as harand and then they wanted him to be Haren but this guy you get to watch him grow on your team and become your Halland and I think there’s probably more value in a player

    Like that like having them grow and turn into your next Ian rush but Darwin Nunes is gonna be the truth man and if I’m wrong then then I I just got this one wrong also I saw this female she used an ex player she was on Vi at five and they

    Were talking about gak Pole and how she doesn’t believe in gakpo I forgot her name you know but she she they they were praising her in saying that she’s usually on point and anybody could be wrong but ever since she said that like a month ago gakpo has been on fire I

    Feel like gakpo was on fire before that I believe in GPO I wanted gakpo for United he was considerably cheaper than uh Anthony and got more points and more assists in the same season in the b in the in the Dutch League League than Anthony did and look what G gpo’s doing

    Over there so yeah man with like playing the players that they could play they had a young right back in Trent Alexander’s place today and I think he had an assist and uh J went off like J might not always be available when he’s available and he can be on the

    Field the team he’s playing against is in trouble this guy can put the ball in the back of the net uh what did you think of Liverpool’s performance against Bournemouth and Bournemouth not I’m only GNA say this because it’s funny Bournemouth going into the dressing room at halftime and not coming back

    Out yeah I mean they were a different team in the two halves I think they um they really worked Liverpool that first half and you could see Li will sort of grow into the game slowly and then by the end of that first half they were dominating um and then yeah just

    Obviously went into overdrive in this in the second half um I think Bournemouth were a little Lucky in the first half because that Justin cver tackle I think could have been a red um it was a little bit uh yeah it was a little bit naughty

    That one um but yeah once the liver hit their stride they were just they were just really fun to watch I mean that first goal especially the sort of One Touch into play around the box and then the calm finish from Nunes um the way he

    Just opened up and rolled it into that far Corner really nice like you say J’s finishes were class um and then nun’s back on the score sheet again to round it all off so yeah just just clinical from Liverpool and Conor Bradley is the the young right back who came in um so

    He did a good job and and Joe Gomez stepped in did a good job as well van having van dijk back helped um then a little bit I think as well mallister was back in the team because he had had a little spell out um so yeah just yeah all the players

    They’re missing Robertson Alexander Arnold Endo soai Salah who they they didn’t need him yeah um and and Salah picked up an injury at afcon as well um with Egypt so he’s coming back to Liverpool for treatment but if he’s fit if if Egypt reach the final or the

    Semi-final and he’s fit by then he’ll go back so um Liverpool aren’t getting him back any earlier than Egypt finish in the tournament so it doesn’t really change anything on that side for them that’s smarter Egypt they learned uh then they learned uh the from the mistake that France made in the world

    Cup with Benzema like Benzema got injured and then he’s gone from the team he goes back to Spain gets healthy they get to the final where they would could use a bener and they’re like no we’re not bringing you back and it’s like I’m sure benur would come back for that

    Final like France would have been world champions twice and Messi wouldn’t have been won won the World Cup and and uh what’s this stuff that that Ronaldo was saying what did he say about the is it about the balondo award or the the FIFA award or both what what did he say

    Like I’ve been seeing him say stuff like he’s like like this in these Awards now that he used to win now that Messi’s been winning him is that what he’s doing I’m not sure I’ve not seen much on that I saw him I saw a quot him saying that

    He’s like the greatest goal scorer or something um because he scored more than everybody in the last football calendar season right but I think but you scored those in Saudi Arabia and then he tried to Big up the Saudi Arabian League which he’s getting paid to promote on top of

    Being paid to play in and he said it’s better than the French league so he’s the only person that believes that I don’t even think the Saudis believe that yeah whatever he has to say to justify it to himself being there that’s what that is that’s him that’s

    Him trying to convince himself by saying that um because it’s it’s not been a good um it’s not been a good January pr- wise for the Saudi League like Jordan Henderson um quit to go to ax um apparently he wasn’t happy there he also hasn’t received any wages um while he’s

    Been out there CU he deferred them to try and avoid tax in the UK but now he’s not going to get now he’s not going to get anything so I’m kind of glad that that went [ __ ] for him um and also um uh AER leaport the ex-man city center back

    He is out there now um he’s on Ronaldo’s team and he came out and just sort of said that it’s not good there um said that it’s not like a great place to live um and he he just wasn’t very compliment mentary about it just s of saying like

    You know compared to sort of the top European leagues it’s not it’s not the same experience um he tried to throw a couple of little compliments in there but he was pretty much just saying like we came here for money and it’s not good um so I think um it’d be interesting to

    See how the Saudi League moves forward whether or not this is just like an initial flurry that we saw last summer because everyone was like oh this is you know CH this is going to change the face of football kind of thing and I don’t

    Know if it was just a they threw some money around they got some big names from Europe to go there but they haven’t put anything in place to make the experience um enjoyable for the players and the players to live in um so yeah it could be that they just sort of threw

    The money at the front end and they’ve not considered any of the other aspects of those players playing lies while they’re in their country um so yeah it’s going to be interesting to see how that pans out whether or not it will it will mean less players look to move there

    Because I don’t think I’ve really seen any big names linked with going out there in the January window at all um so it might be who knows a short-term bubble where they just they tried to to run before they could walk and rather than build it

    Up from the ground up they’ve tried to build it from the top down and that’s never usually a good way to build something yeah that’s like uh they on some what was that League that was in America before the MLS and they had Beck andar and Pelle

    And you know like those things never last it was great for a few years in the 70s and people remember the cosmos and how loaded that team was and but you know the in ultimately everything failed so you you got to crawl before you can

    Walk you got to build a thing and I know you got a lot of money but that’s you know that’s the Great equalizing Factor like really watering something and growing it and organically and letting making it become a product before you try to sell it you know yeah but at the

    Same time even though it’s failing for some players like I I can access it now and watch those games if I want and and that wasn’t possible before so it helped but they they still have to do a lot more you have to do both you got to

    Spend money and you got to keep growing this thing organically and let time do its thing you can’t like jump ahead of time yeah the it was the nasl I believe the North American soccer league was the uh the old school one yeah it was

    Huge all right uh so I told you was GNA ask you this and you gave me the answer before but uh that was off camera so I’m watching Dortmund play because you know sano’s there now and they had an assist last week so I see want to see what he’s

    Gonna do this week to see if like he got his gift back and uh he did like win a penalty in this game and I’ve only watched the first half so far but after Dortmund scored all the fans in the stadium through these fake gold coins onto the

    Pitch and sto the game and even the players and the people who worked in the stadium had to clean up these coins for like eight minutes so there was this break and they weren’t throwing them to hit the players they was just I don’t know if it

    Was a tradition or what it was but could you explain this um so yeah it was a it was a protest from both sets of fans um happened in the 12th minute because the fans see themselves as the the 12th man that was the symbolism uh behind that but they’re

    Just not happy that the Bundesliga uh sorry the German fa um who run the Bundesliga they’re they’re selling some of the the TV rights for some sort of investment opportunity um and I think that’s it’s only going to financially benefit the German fa rather than the clubs right from the sounds of

    It and that is why that they’re throwing the money because they’re accusing them of being money Grabbers um and I think they just see it as as allowing too much outside interest into something you know people that might not have the the best interests of The

    League at heart and and German fans are really really protective of this I mean they they were massive protests they they’ve never really liked the fact that Red Bull came into the league um with the Leipzig team there was a lot of protest against that and you know they

    All have the um the ownership model where no one can own more than 49% of the club so no one has the sort of the the total power um and and yeah German fans they’re very very particular about that and you know it’s sort of some people

    Might look at it as as being a good commercial opportunity and a way to try and compete with the the Premier League on that level and I I think a lot of German fans they’re quite uh idealistic and they don’t want that to happen They Don’t Really Care um as long as they

    Enjoy the product themselves they don’t care if it’s competing with the Premier League or not um you know a lot of them I think are already pretty unhappy that Bayern have the level of power that they do um sort of monopolizing that League although they lost this weekend and

    Leverkusen is still Leverkusen I think are the only undefeated team in the top leagues um Alonzo yeah they’re doing they’re doing great um so yeah it’s um that’s what it was all about and it’s just uh yeah German fans being uh um sort of very active and taking a stand at something

    That they see is against the best interests of the the league well good for them it’s just too bad they can’t stop the league from being a one- team league but shavey Alonzo is doing his thing right now like you just mentioned to to to to shut down this Bayern thing

    You know so I hope he makes it till the end of the season and then I wish Jude Bellingham was available for dortmund’s last game at the end of the season and where he didn’t play and they lost and Bayern like just yeah won won the league

    Because then I wouldn’t feel bad about Bayern winning the League this season you know what I mean because for some reason I don’t want Harry Kane to go all the way to Germany and byon to lose the league that it was just such a it so

    Harsh it’ be hilar you know what I should just go with the funny more you know what it’ll be funny and and it’s like the year Bayern finally loses the league is when Harry Kane is there Harry Kane who never he BR he turned Byron spursy you know what I’m gonna go the

    Joke of it I can’t be like I mean not that I want them to but it’d be hilarious if Tottenham managed to win something you know an FA Cup or something yeah and then he goes he he he goes to a one Club league and loses um right right now Leverkusen a

    Seven points ahead damn um Bayern have one game in hand um but seven points in the Bundesliga is is a decent lead um and Bayern apparently think they’re going to solve that by signing Kieran tripier well so I’m there’s a theme to these signings so they got K they got

    Dire there yeah and and then trippier used to play with Kane at Spurs so I think Kane is lonely he’s like could you go get some of my boys some people to hang out with like I don’t care if you they play I don’t care like all of a sudden how is

    Dyer who couldn’t get a game at Spurs who hasn’t won anything how how is he valuable enough to get game at Bayern so the only thing that got him to is Kane you know what I mean and D was on so say d was on the bench this

    Weekend didn’t come on yeah I didn’t expect him to I and and they lost with him on the bench so the more Spurs players you bring there the worst you do so so be careful Byron you know what you know get more Spurs players make it more than a one

    Team league go go ahead man get them all get tripa too I like trip trip trip one outside of Spurs it’s like they’re trying to assemble like an old Spurs team though like this is like 2016 Spurs with like d and trippier and stuff so yeah wondering who they’re going to

    Going to go for next is going to try and get paulinho or something or you you know it’s hilarious like if Bayern doesn’t win the league because there’s that tally which is more than 50 players who have left Spurs and one titles and wouldn’t it be ironic for the

    Best player to leave Spurs and not win a title when all these lesser known expers players win other places and won titles you know what I mean so Harry Kane of all the ones that you would expected most definitely win a title nothing nothing there’ll be

    Bananas uh you want to do the the fantasy league since that the whole week did finally get done uh we can have a look at it although the whole the whole week isn’t fully done because there’s one more tomorrow wolves and uh wolves and Brighton um but we we can we can

    Have a look at it um let me just go into it now now was was close last time I looked between me and Martin because we me and Martin were level on points last week um and right now Martin is three points ahead of me um but I don’t know for how long

    Because I have Mar’s only three points ahead of me but I’ve got some points to come off my bench in and I’ve got I’ve got one player playing for bright we’ve both got a player playing for Brighton different players though um so he might finish he

    Might finish the week ahead of me I’ve got a bunch of points from I made Ivan Tony my captain um because I thought he was gonna he was gonna come back and do something yeah Che yeah he told me beforehand he was goingon to do that he told me he told me

    To put a bet on it he told you to bet um but yeah top of top of the the league right now I don’t think he’ll be caught even in that one game is uh Ahmed Zer he’s back on uh back on top still armad Zachary is doing it Joey Duda still

    Second in third I think that’s the same order from last week’s or from the last time we looked so um yeah it’s all as you were um but like I said the real battle is me and Martin 16th and 17th in the league only three points separating

    Us so we’ll see how uh how the rest of this game week goes Martin played his Wild Card though Martin I’ve still got mine um for the second because you get two a season one before and after Christmas um and I I’ve still got mine so Martin’s Martin’s Martin’s he’s he’s

    Shot his load early just like Spurs do um every season um so hopefully hopefully I can catch him and overtake him with that in the bank I’m betting on you so can’t count on Neil uh and then this week is weird football-wise just because there’s Callin CaRu Cup games and

    Midweek right and then there’s some FA Cup games on the weekend or midweek weekend yeah but there’s also Premier League games coming up next weekend right it’s it’s y so it’s kind of weird because I think United play on the 28th let me see n no we play a FA Cup game on

    The 28th so we yeah there’s there’s a load going on yeah it’s kind of jumbled up and and confusing so because normally you like to like talk about the Premier League the Premier League doesn’t start again until Tuesday after the Brighton game obviously tomorrow the Premier League doesn’t start again until Tuesday the

    30th and there’s five games that day and then there’s three on the Wednesday and two on the Thursday because the weekend is all FA Cup so the weekend is all FA Cup all right so let me see so we have a game against Newport because they beat

    Eastley e yeah the team that you wanted to win so United don’t mess this up it’s an easy win I’m going to say that even though I know better shouldn’t say that there’s upsets in the FA Cup and United has been mad rag tag you know we’ve not

    Been balling like we should but uh let’s let’s uh show that new CEO beretto you know that y’all belong on the team uh maybe maybe we need something like that we need like somebody would like the respect like that for our players to be like all right let’s get

    It together let’s impress this guy I don’t think he’s arriving until the summer oh for real yeah but people still know his ey is goingon to be on them you know like yeah oh yeah like yeah it’s like he’s gonna hire the person that’s going to get rid of you if you don’t

    Start delivering you know so yeah let me just try to pull up a FA Cup window and see if there’s anything we should talk about and then we can get out of here fa C schedule and you guys are still in the FA Cup right yeah we play Watford it’s an all Championship

    Fixture um that’s uh next Sunday I think uh Tottenham play Man City on Friday that’s huge yeah I think that might be the biggest game of the uh of the round to be hon honest Chelsea Villa should be interesting um yeah team can beat Chelsea oh yeah 100% um the lowest team

    Left in is maid Stone United um who they’re down in the uh the National League South they’re playing ipswitch um so I mean I kind of want ipswitch to win because then ipswitch stay in another competition and play more games I kind of hope midstone just go there and try

    And injure all of their best players um I hope midstone just go there and kick kick the [ __ ] out of them physically hilarious Rex in the game yeah they’re playing Blackburn which is um which is potentially winable blackb aren’t in good form right now so who knows um but yeah

    Us against Watford I I really don’t care if we win because I I don’t want the extra games um so I think we’ll rotate our team a bit but it means we can extend the streak so um I kind of want us to win in a way but I kind of don’t

    Want us to win keep the street going man like believe in yourselves you know you can you know maybe maybe you’re not in the Premiership but you shouldn’t be in the championship and you can beat all these teams in the championship and uh you know come back up so and and still

    Handle some FA Cup [ __ ] and you’re gonna play the game it’s just depending on who your coach is gonna what what your coach feels is important whatever happens I don’t want to re don’t want to replay don’t want to replay yeah uh Tottenham Man City that’s

    Going to be some heavy [ __ ] on Friday so and this is tough to you know I don’t want Man City to win anything else on top of what they won but I don’t want Tottenham to beat Man City you know what I mean so that they can walk around with

    Their chess out so this is tough to to like who do I want to lose more it’s it’s harder to ask you know what you guys have a replay I hope you guys end up with a replay let’s add another game to your schedule let’s do

    That I think if Spurs go out against Man City that’s them done for the season because I don’t think they’re going win the Premier League it won’t be physically impossible like mathematically impossible for them to win for not for them to not win the Premier League but I think cuz they

    Already out the carabel cup and they’re not in Europe so this will be the last thing the last cup they have a chance at um so if they go out of this that’s kind of season done for them other than trying to finish in the Champions League

    Spots so yeah I want them to stay in it then I want I want them to have a distraction I don’t want them to just be completely focused on the Premier League you know what I mean I I don’t trust that Spurs that Spurs might do something

    They might finish top four you know with all they have to do is focus on the Premier League so yeah yeah but I I don’t think they can beat City but at least go to uh another game get cup tied get Cup tie and then then I’ll decide from there

    Fulham is going to be up against Newcastle I big Newcastle needs to win a game soon so it might as well be this one yeah well I guess you know that’s pretty much it we talked about Premier League the four Premier League games wolves Brighton tomorrow I feel like Brighton should win tomorrow

    Because wolves has a lot a bunch of players out in the Asia cup and their leading scorer is not there and uh I think they have some other players missing too I can’t remember their names right now yeah but yeah Brighton Brighton Brighton needs to handle this

    But let me see where Brighton’s at in the table and see if I can afford them to win tomorrow like like yeah yeah I need uh Brighton to lose to be honest because they have 31 points and we got 32 I don’t need them I don’t want to end the weekend in a

    [ __ ] wo I mean even even with missing players like Gary Gary O’Neal’s got them got them playing this season so uh yeah it’s not beyond the realm’s of possibility that they could do something yeah it’s funny Gary O’Neil Neil’s old team is right behind him in the

    Standings so he wasn’t good enough to coach Bournemouth but they’re 12 he’s 11th and he’s 11th with a team he’s 11th with a team that didn’t do any shopping the only shopping they did was him and they lost a good coach and he’s so he’s

    He’s doing good so you know good luck to Gary O’Neal as a matter of fact beat Brighton Gary that’s what I need you to do that’s I need you to beat Brighton tomorrow with or without you missing players all right uh you got any shows and stuff coming up this

    Weekend uh yeah I’m uh I got a busy week I’m in IP switch tomorrow um if this comes out before then Monday night um but then I’m in London like solidly Tuesday through to Sunday um so I’ll be I’ll be posting the details all them on

    My uh on my Instagram so Lee Hudson comedy um but yeah literally show every night um through till Sunday in London so I’m hitting it hard although I’ve got some some other places coming up uh outside of that um over the next uh few weeks in like February and places

    So um yeah where am I going to be going to be in Reading going to be in Cardiff got a bunch more London stuff be in Leicester G be in Birmingham in February um I’m going to be in Leeds in February um yeah all over the place so

    Um yeah just at the start of February I’ll post my uh my my list of shows up so uh people can see where I’m going to be um but yeah other the nips switch London for the rest of January and then uh all around the the country in

    February all right dope uh and for me just keep follow me on Instagram at ianas Comic and on Twitter ATS comic uh post sketches standup bits on there and you know the podcast on the soccer comic rant Instagram so yeah man thank you all love you thanks for listening watching

    And uh well good luck to your teams unless you saying ours one

    1 Comment

    1. That Toney goal was crazy! how did VAR not call that goal back? Even if they noticed it a couple minutes later. By the definition of the law, it's a clear "you can't do that" kind of play. It's kind of wack that the goal was allowed to stand. In my humble opinion at least. LOL

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