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    â–ș 2 schusselige Cowboys gegen den Django. Jedoch ist dies kein klassisches Duell, sondern eher eine Schatzsuche.

    Originaltitel: 2 RRRingos no Texas
    Mit: Franco Franchi, Ciccio Ingrassia, Ennio Girolami
    Regie: Marino Girolami
    FSK: Freigegeben ab 6 Jahren

    Franco und Ciccio sind beim Heer der SĂŒdstaatler eingerĂŒckt. Keiner will glauben, dass sie einen wichtigen VerbĂŒndeten gewonnen haben: den Kavalleriehengst, Django, der nicht nur reden kann, sondern auch alle Kniffe des Feindes kennt. Auf der Suche nach einem vergrabenen Goldschatz geraten sie in die HĂ€nde der Nordstaatler, die gegenĂŒber einer SĂŒdstaatler-Stellung einen DrĂŒckerposten bezogen haben. Der “gemĂŒtliche Krieg” wird leider von Franco und Ciccio wider Willen angeheizt. WĂ€hrend die BrĂŒcke zusammengeschossen wird, flĂŒchten Franco und Ciccio mit Djangos Hilfe und können schließlich nach gefahrvollen Abenteuer noch erleben, wie die um den Schatz rivalisierenden Bösewichte beiderlei Geschlecht einander umlegen. Dass fĂŒr solch kĂŒhne Heldentaten die Orden nicht ausbleiben können, ist sonnenklar.
    #Filme #italowestern #Action

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    [Music] has been around for a long time using fair means, but again at Untersee GmbH & Co, why did I say yes [Music] don Giovanni [Music] Then the Americans would come but that too one day actively we receive our presents to them expected ordered they made the wall minimal during the lotter you see my child it proves itself again timely appearance ensures good leafing

    You really do that dad will be but am I the first to go to the dance we are good-natured people but in that point we don’t understand any jokes don’t need to get your hopes up the first

    Where mark has to be terrible for you say the first place but this stop laugh high this limit wasn’t you were still your mother defend you to the last drop of blood cloudy we won’t simply push her away so timidly, my child has been making out this woman for millions

    And yet with you she expects that you can believe me, that I can put up with this. Now you want to say that you have places to come, you have somewhere not to go to the toilet, now I’ve had enough will be mine and if you placed

    Only from the first dance does not belong and I say I have given us the Irish are still eleven and wife [music] Sabrina is not only my masters mostly arango Katharina stone met there is not there the divine 19 Europe this time More all of our women are confused by this

    Evil desert after what under the balance you know which one I promised the first dance [applause] will allow the ladies then choose I’ll swap with you with you with you with you with you with you with you I’ll dance with you with you, I’ll dance with a drop then

    She’ll stay with the family, won’t she, beautiful child, music maestro, a piper polka, they say, dear me, the farmer, is a very healthy and strong person who didn’t become a soldier. They know the story, they stopped The young man was

    Registered as a woman at the registry office at the time because the wife of the registrar registered the traffic at that time the team wrote Katharina Frank Unger H but his name is Franco Katharina so Franco you understand it is his first name and Katharina

    I’m not conceited but bring the polka I better that’s a man of the 1 [Music] this time I managed it no wonder if you look as dazzling as me and now I need a double sleep of course I’m happy about the pants close the window he wanted to

    Face Becker the day after tomorrow and 2 with one change to wood far around to age yes I will try to you know that I can’t tolerate the slightest bit of golf I’m a very light sleeper I don’t know it was the door [music]

    First there’s hammering there’s drumming now there’s a cheekiness so early on tomorrow to drum [music] it addresses all men everyone becomes efficient man is brought here in the south the situation has been this from what time is it that you recruit your soldiers at a

    Human time not in the middle of the night but me again today I ‘ll have to pull myself together otherwise I’ll go downstairs and then these brothers would always be at Tom’s service too quickly, how to do things that were missing just like me,

    This place has already made all the strong men available to the fatherland. I’ll give you a call the second contingent here why send your pretty because it was just two old ones are worth as much as a young one that’s psychology

    And mathematics my friend and look what I think let’s get out of my son [music] but see Him at the start of the Bundeswehr jewelry pieces are supposed to be a pearl. I would make sure that we need strong men, but weak heads seem

    To be in the majority. They are proof to me that it is incomprehensible that no one wanted to be when I come back again without volunteers. This very gem degrades me I have to [music] we’ve just met and met each other, haven’t we, dear citizen,

    You allowed me to drum out of bed, but perhaps you wouldn’t drink a glass of whiskey again As you can see, I’ve already had the bottle of it. I don’t like it when people contradict me, my friend. The highest virtue of soldiers is obedience. A soldier never contradicts.

    Unfortunately, I’m completely deaf on the clock and I can’t hear anything [music] on the other hand you come to me if you come to my pile then you will be kissed on the forehead by Gloria so funny of course yes then came to me again came kissed me did you

    Notice the new one just kissed me on the forehead even without me in The fight is drawn and Loya kisses me somewhere completely different. I was talking about Gloria, not about Gloria. Let’s change the subject after a fly, come drink, camera.

    Dying for the fatherland must be a pleasure for a guy like you, after all Do you see now we say yes it is a pleasure to die for the fatherland but for my how should I understand that unfortunately I am not an American and not 16 but Italian but

    America is his adopted homeland so to speak a second mother after nonsense the person only has al Maliki will have another polemic against it, it’s completely pointless that you order another bottle, you can save yourself the expense, I can drink from morning to evening for the sake of comfort,

    You can lie on your knees in front of me and whisper, I don’t think I have to volunteer, I do [music ] you can have you are my witnesses who has consented the commander and the general when in January the chairmanship from behind and penetrate wear a headscarf and the middle class

    Who is the uncle at the back then again cnet com they have happened straight away the sausage is there The volunteer isn’t quite here yet, it’s all about fame and honor, your bike will last after Gloria, a pretty flop tail, at the

    Moment he’s still missing that beat, but give me ten days and I’ll turn into a soldier. This person has nothing else on his mind Soldiers, that must be a fixed idea of ​​his since I don’t need any polish, I need Gloria, I need what you get, you won’t destroy my career.

    They don’t know what they want I’m going to make a man, so I doubt that I wanted them to be households, connect me with this constant interruption, it seems that I, they were probably black, you shouldn’t interrupt yourself again, I just forbade them to do that, well [Music] them Thing has consequences but an order to be delivered outside

    Is Africa or on and later on I don’t have now now I have time don’t forget me corporate Charles 16 Cavalry Regiment I’m taking you to the commander just a long way behind me give me something to drink personally take care of it head crack and

    She has been given a high honor because the hunter has given us the order to attack the general has found us worthy of a task on which the success of his offensive depends our company is to cross the new trainer to get to know the Apaches

    And the fine attack from the rear as far as the order from general handel I wish that the company is ready in half an hour from power to wage its wars the patrol had this done to collect bubbles to order class bubbles

    [music] how are you like that to me pure like so white appeared [music] a cheeky always to blow me and welcome barneys to attack ordered immediately to the start two gold got two gold and factor immediately the stable that’s my specialty and if the golds something against it rabbits have against

    It Horses should have it if I have the stable we are ordered to attack, we go one to the other in the stable with the clubs with the notes on them. Wouldn’t one gold be enough then we

    Still have a reserve we need two years to do something for you, you think you can stay at home and get elected as miss steel white, do whatever you want and I’m bad at the IDs [music] that will be a horse [music]

    You can see that you still have all the strings on the fence about what that stuff is said know what that I wanted to talk stuff, I wanted to have the deforestation so I keep it under control, my comrade, he’s

    Really not going to join the military when I come back into the world, it’s going to turn his mouth around for a year. Damn it wasn’t the saddest person on God’s earth. I’m not at all You feel like making

    Jokes, you want to pin something on me, I’m just a pawn for all of you to work in the fields, I don’t harm anyone, I’m not interested in you at all, only in Gloria and the spec who knows what’s going to do now, maybe she’ll tell me often I don’t

    Feel like joking and I don’t feel like going to war either. I lost an eye on the battlefield and I’m about to be baptized by fire for my sake, but before the last rites I’d like to hold you by the strap. Maybe the Nordstadlers will be frightened when they see me I have

    Lured myself into a trap I give the courier example high and how do you know that like hey you are you you just have everyone why are you hiding come back comrade please come back

    I’m here who had spoken to him I would be I’m standing directly in front of you what does it mean directly in front of me in front of me there is a horse [music] [applause] [music] [applause] only speaks speaks

    He gave the very alone the people wrote for it are you really a horse that can talk my name is So my name is Django and I know that I’m recovering from the shock here. I think it’s very doubtful and everyone I know,

    Thank you, please, we have to do it all over again. Stadler Verein, by the way, you told me something about one earlier Courier tell that’s great and what you have to do to get to it you have to spread

    Out in a small forest explain ambush great what you had the study is competing what are the studies on which this top honors are I have hours to watch the commander and media already on the way I’ll tell him though not sympathetic commanders told him against

    The failure you don’t use I have learned must have learned are just modest [music] are performed the just Maßbach II didn’t want them ready I have to shake my ears quite a bit with the commander clown farmer beforehand the man and so I have

    Logged you the thing with the DIN spec but only to be people whether the courier from this morning is a game and I think they believe themselves Ina says that what only drinks once is that we do that, what do you know Can you, we can’t tell the secret and if you’re

    Happy to tell me that I’m thinking about the beach, that the Yankees are lying in wait for us in the woods. They want to lure us into a trap, yes, but that would be me telling the captain. Let’s go together to the captain Yes, I’ve been able to walk before.

    Do you know what you’re talking about? Please think of me as an idiot like you do. Waiting for me here is forbidden for recruits and who’s going to tell the commander that the brat was a spy this morning? I think so I was silent and this informer

    Asked that of course, now nothing is coming, the guy was back out the gate if what you are reporting is really true then you have saved our company then you should be promoted to officer thanks to whom is this information from Sargent from my volunteer

    From Matthias I I hadn’t thought of who did he get it from? What did I ask you ? There is the possibility of asking him. The man is standing at the door and specialist newspapers.

    You should have brought the most dangerous ones with you straight away. The volunteer for the report I I’m allowed to address a captain with meanness and stuff like that if I keep the edge, I can’t

    Understand the fact that he had no education, he commander, we’re not allowed to leave beforehand. I know that. I think I ‘m trying to set a trap for us by leaving us in the woods from the top game that’s my more really alone entitled to pass it on to just not

    So forward you just not so forward just not so forward you want it in you will pull it together she has fallen very really high now forward she reports something You know the grove that is full of Nordstadt and it’s swarming with Yankees when I

    Let’s put it like that, an ambush here in the world in the little wood is a boy, I’m behind in the woods, that’s the ambush in the little wood, it’s that behind the tick, she doesn’t want it, he does

    N’t know anything, he’s always just rattling around stupidly, they always listen to her, yes Like auxiliary students have to stick together Captain, please get to the point now. He keeps interrupting. The order was delivered by a private. They were dressed up as lace.

    How to buy them. I have no idea, but the man is definitely like Versailles because he’s not a lace but, conversely, he’s a player of everything Sure , I understood the volunteer, did you understand that? He understood . Thank God there aren’t just idiots like you here

    When I was in the last phase, I admitted with his ration that the food mark wasn’t there, that’s what it says today, too horse that, as I said, is a stallion and to which you

    See that the study blown in the mare see the stallion and here it will be 1 it was the mare of every cured liked that she let our stallion give her the reputation of course the mare also has a crush on him

    It would be unbelievable where we have stallions who talk to soldiers and go on rural study trips. As long as the horse is a soldier, of course that should never have happened. You’re completely right if everyone did that, they’ve made it through but

    Don’t forget that it’s not a horse even just a human being what do you and you from the first number two from before I was violent before I take him out but a house company of hostile red sorts forward march [Music] I’m innocent I’m innocent I’m innocent [Music]

    Come out That says as well as two thanks, my darling, sorry that I’m a team to you, they say, but that someone knows about them, but I don’t have any sweat here, something is cutting, you’re pulling anyway,

    I can now say thank you for how the bridges behaved, I certainly don’t have that For the perpetrators, why are you taking away my illusion? Let me kiss you. Do you know that I like you a lot? You can also cook? Instead of them, you really guard these data, that only

    Those from the commander, I also have a lock on Korbel, but you heard the command from the commander, thank you The carriage drove by itself without a driver. The commander gave it the order. You will never be promoted. An order is an order. You don’t think about it [music]

    Thanks to you it will be quite nice. Yes, it is used tremendously. Here is my speech We put it in but we didn’t circumcise it when we say Switzerland circumcised then we mean inserted we also say to human to human to human I am

    Now but I’m not that wild yet no boots again others I will never be either commissary bread it’s an abomination to me the whole commissary operation is rubbish I would never have bothered with it yes unfortunately there’s only something to drink here first he took it to this day that’s just something

    For you look something and holy and then today that I don’t subsides and always leaves you in a good mood a killer ham another roll of spaghetti a plucked chicken has the commander pieces two salami sausages that is the biggest food

    In my body and stomach Janko between the two of us has it hard enough I have organized the delicacies for myself and I believe But that’s not strange at all. I let go of the handlebar and pulls you around. I organized a Porsche for you [music]

    Which has already been abolished, this role reversal and fair value gets used to everything. We could n’t at least take turns. You won’t even see him I don’t think I said that I’m good, I don’t want to have any problems with the union, I’m sorry, but

    I’m also not in the position to be able to accuse you of not being tired, pretending to behave in Passau. We owe it all to this nonsense, the commanders. I would almost wish that in this one small forest really the yankees are hidden [music] report unit for the solo dance dare the yankees

    Are really close I’m telling you chains they might have met us so you were right how good that we logged in you’ll hear you now he should talk great how could you you had a hospital for the prisoners, I fought like

    A lion, what can I do against so many, they were dressed like South or North Seidler, I can’t tell. They pushed me in front of them from behind and are completely incompetent against the numbers, we have to It’s a great idea to bring back this Karl who you

    Freed by force, but if he were an informer he would never warn us. Just a halfway sensible person would, for example, believe this story about a talking horse. Maybe he’s just going crazy and thinking then he

    Doesn’t have to go to war with you, a simulant, you think we have to be his job, I ‘ll get you talking, we’re responsible for him being caught again, it’s okay, you don’t dare appear again without the man, I have them

    All I give full powers to my free ankipans now get ready for something a little [music] must be ready is coming Italian [music] yes fiori that means the world can’t be [music] a nice idea you promised me that they would be successful there will be I now cafĂ© co [music]

    Now it’s completely that little bit [music] what because you weren’t expecting me you were expecting me I see you’ve prepared a cafĂ© for two me and my friend stallion are hoping for something new since when do horses drink coffee and that gets his heart, I made coffee, broke the store ,

    I didn’t follow you all over Texas for days and neither did I listen to his nonsense you hear no need for him says that it’s worth talking where your friend is in fact so maybe you like it so much but today it’s Burkheiser on his knees and speaks the last

    Effect why do you want to make me prefer after all I can’t help it that is StockhĂ€user is no, I will shoot you because you are not telling the truth, I am telling the truth, the pure truth, I am saying the truth and nothing but the truth,

    And I swear that you are the one who is disturbing him here. What should I have the student say, I say But all the time that promises I wouldn’t even believe it if I did it with my own earphones. You can use your own lithium to be sad. What

    I hear, I see how you are very much me and what I taste at the moment, but there is no fund Awakens in the parish community let a little voice be heard love yes a very big pheasant I said yes at first but hotter you can ask yourself

    Do you want to speak yes or no the state not that’s a very small dog yes he said yes while speaking the sweet one That’s great, he didn’t speak, I know what you’re blooming now, man is unpredictable, the cloud doesn’t

    Talk about anything, but he fell in, now it’s your turn, he said himself that he doesn’t have anything [music] up to this point and nothing further Does that mean now you’ll walk and I’ll ride again I can’t wear it if I don’t contradict myself but

    Don’t forget that I’m your boss, I’m your boss, I’m glad that you have a dozen people following each other, even if that was part of the advertising contract [Music] there we have the salad I won you nothing was done

    [laughter] I would like to draw your attention to the fact that I was still sitting ceo Stephen are hot and his boss is clear who was that I can in Django from the light cavalry with I’m sorry, I didn’t know what to do next, who is that

    [music] well, two pretty ones, do you want to earn 1000 dollars then let’s listen carefully, you riders now to the back you know where that’s no idea and you know you know it I know neither does it I know, but you just said you didn’t what it

    Happened to me again, something like that is here so yes head day stopped and asked for an Evelyn Evelyn is known there as the good one he wants the one with like the western one of the same name Baltic Sea Sausages She’s called

    That because she has a good heart, but in other ways she’s more like a good person today, we’re completely in the picture, he just said, she has to open the coffin lid for assistants, if she wants to,

    She can take the dead person without worrying, but she’s the good one yes a vampire oh nonsense death means crises houses money now you have understood now the case is clear and the bag is not on a

    Headbutt but in which cemetery people are out in any case the grave is in the cemetery says he says I just want what I want Assigned to you but nothing else is right, he says grave of dead

    Assistants and the 1000 dollars here will be given to you by the good one if you have arranged this and if he lifts this please then she will know that you came from me and now do it well is if a he is basically opened and clock precise with strangely funny

    It should be up and at the box office [music] what are you actually doing there but that’s then man was my husband he is about to come to the end and what he did he Stacked up with my money 200,000 dollars

    Secretly stole the media gravel to cheer him on with the whore to Mexico they moved the column and with it the way no one will practice vigilante justice as long as I am the boss now you are no longer sheriff so quickly If the

    Vamos [music] works, it’s gradually time for us to find the good one because we’ll soon have to go back and donate the 1000 dollars for the success of the south You don’t know the cheesiness of the army here, the saying “silver was there for players” I have the dollars are made of gold

    Silver mine I have to talk to him Let’s try a quiet place but there’s nothing like that here What did you want to tell us about Arx? lie far more than 1000 dollars that was a mistake football we don’t know the cemetery where the boy the class the

    Difficulty you know too if I’m in the cemetery you have to go out everything especially our business no one does anything to I know where the cemetery is then nothing but go, yes, but we don’t need any money, why I still have a few

    Dollars, hopefully two new hands will be reached, why ask, I don’t have a plan [music] because otherwise he’ll never have more than 1, that’s a gentleman ex everything would also be great and throw a kangaroo or a tiger or an elephant or a renaissance or over-

    Developed parrot my friend could also be a sphinx reduced in size about that things that are no way to grandpa I see it badly I have a horse there is a horse too beer from the barrel nine from one and is there something like that that measures

    Into django’s privacy he is over 21 he can decide what he likes it was nice that’s a beer you can put all your fingers on after the beer is a damn unusual thing Horse in a certain way viceful, you could perhaps

    Put it, it even smokes regularly after eating, the pipe and cigar come after which in the forest there is a unique phenomenon such messes not only made a study every now and then, but they certainly confused him a lot and there There had to be a special reason

    For it. A secretive little place leads to a cemetery, which cemetery we can’t say. That’s our sweet little secret and we have 1000 dollars for this Well, we can still get along without each other. He’s even there when we play poker somewhere

    He himself I know what belongs to my upbringing was very dry on the side and that is Django parade horse please gentleman take a seat You don’t play no please I’m just a kind of goldfinch or like you do in

    Poker and I’m just his advisor in the game matters of his supervision just take off What I play buttons [Music] I mean your bet friend my bet in front here I’m seriously gambling. I had a mission in the girl. Maybe there’s cash here after that. That’s in the treasure chest in a coffin in the cemetery of the dead chest at the HWZ.

    I stand for these gentlemen right here us right now that ‘s of course a different case, well leaf people what does that mean aphids [music] [music] hey [music] you see what’s playing grandpa harry and take everyone out I’ll pay and get the horse in peace and order

    Raise 200 dollars read [music] now we don’t read newspapers I read now you also have to do something for your education maybe that Columbus landed on the moon he had three ladies the old Columbus really let see three ladies three men like please

    Caspar Balthasar and Melchior the three kings 123 is all my friends now you can bring something to drink after the first prank they won’t let themselves be taken out they’ve fallen now they’ve got it under their noses it hasn’t been the last time [music] 500 dollars [music] ask something yes something

    A low runner from Mexico prevailed and determined the weather for the next few days snow is not expected in winter 30 degrees below zero the sun is still shining for the time being that was the weather forecast for the next five years a school and he one Street, you’re not lying

    , shit, why are you suddenly waving cannons around? We all have a mother who would like to see us for a few more Saturdays. They’re now giving [music] a four-legged friend watching the horse I think if my plan works, the winner was in a tourist [music] [music] [music] just one one none [music]

    Dollars 1000 dollars I should increase [music] 6000 dollars [music] that’s what I want to see [laughter ] we [music] at the moment please I only notice three aces while his four ladies are present who are watching yes [laughter] won again [music]

    Please excuse me if there are protests here he has to do water watch people again it’s right I ‘ll take everything there The clocks are also lying down, the mothers would have cursed Google [Music], they are pulling the fur over our ears. We have to do something, we

    Discussed that on the left. I said I would take care of it [Music], I always have to do everything pay off [music] that now of all times is having a good run [music] you can

    Escort the fourth to the men’s room the value a person doesn’t have to have everything people just carry on in peace I keep the karl personal should be with the machine needs that’s with me After all, that’s always what happens, yes, yes, he’s our mascot, he’s our mascot Whether it works, no one, you’re the great, the opportunity was cheap, he had to do it with this horse in XL and but don’t let anything bother you I can’t remember that the second one in her life and in my heart this horse will be pretty in the

    Cemetery for us two can take you are you still of the opinion that I am worth less than the criminal’s cash registers at the moment he is always in 200,000 dollar value and you don’t have one, that

    ‘s a big mistake, a hand of hearts that will be 200,000 as soon as it’s mine, of course, people are important, you know, do you organize the money for me or two couples with aces three stands

    I wouldn’t call it but it seems as if luck turns when If we don’t manage it in the next few seconds, we’ll be circumcised quite nicely in Switzerland. That’s what you’re talking about because you ‘re already completely pledged. That’s often the case with husbands and wives when they speak the partner’s language.

    What are you actually talking about? you one horse that doesn’t have a pig and therefore no longer has a tail, can’t fly, promises to be true, but something isn’t right here, something isn’t right in others. I said something isn’t right here,

    Why are only you allowed to say it’s not true here, why can’t I also say what I’m saying is right here knows who would be playing very we play there 100 away don’t get upset he thinks

    We will do everything from person to person who is there [music] he not only has small ones have to thank you please stand man damn it the stupid thing without a horse you sit and this You’re about to lose, you ‘re only lucky with you, what does that mean ?

    The missing means of course what do you do because the horse makes it to sneeze means that he is bluffing increase where I bet everything [music] I want I see they wanted [music] [music] the horse is a lousy loser once our fortune is chosen fortune

    The On mice we haven’t paid for everything here, not yet, we don’t owe anyone anything, how do you first decide? These are their tip, they owe me nothing. They’ve heard that, yes, it’s now clear that we are their men. Oh no, you don’t owe me anything 1000 dollars and we are also

    Not sure later in a few days we will pay our debts with interest and compound interest we will pay our debts the same. Your words seem dark to me that means nothing more than he dug his grave in Berlin, which is not that comfortable

    Just excuse me to pay gambling debts, you have 24 hours to pay them everywhere , then you draw [music] 24 hours are quick to get them, we’ve been to the checkout, the researchers are asking whether the horse is angry because he didn’t say more before, perhaps Didn’t he know anything? How do

    We get the money? I’m also wondering. The fact is that they gave us 24 hours’ notice. I already said we can get someone to tell us then we’ll drive straight away. Bye, you’re my boss, why did you give it to me? not forbidden why

    Didn’t you advise me against it please don’t say now be offended my friend and answer what else yourself similar why are you now and mine responsible I’m standing and cutting off my tail that’s what I do he cut off our tails now he should

    Also let us believe that now he has done us a very good service, let’s come eat [music] because big time when I was for the bottles for Görges he said he will be dry for the two uppers, he didn’t tell me anything either but I believe with him horse there’s something going on

    That could work [music] he may have entered this phase [music] this and you kicked me in the back and ran away, you’re so stupid to prevent a horse from escaping, what should I do now Can I take care of it again?

    I’ll find what’s coming. We want to at least meet each other with [music], what did I tell myself about that time, everything is in the feathers and there are epidemics in MĂŒnster and tomorrow it was another one of his brilliant ideas So far, ideas have only brought us crawling and trouble .

    You get up earlier. A walk like that in the morning is a real circulatory failure and we get a lot from Chrysler as at home here where there are so dear friends just how would you not leave the city because it is so your

    Aunts away to get the change and debts but if possible in Canada remark will do us a lot of harm the best thing is to socialize them too To grasp that last night, the man doesn’t say a word, says the once ground equal lay down so firmly deserves

    To expand animal to the highest 27 hours we have nothing about raising an objection immediately I had a wonderful suggestion to bury the whole thing and not talk about it is that We’ll hang a tombstone around your neck and whoever of you in the colonies has just

    Discussed it here, we’ll forget all the rural grass that’s grown over the thing, here comes the chameleon, you take capital back, everyone takes everything that begot my share, it has to, but we’ll take it for it The horse, no, that’s not possible, you can’t do that, you don’t have any debts to them,

    Horse robbery, why are you giving me a share and it’s safe to say it’s the horse because you can add two shares together, my friend, but you can’t own a horse. We’re filming the video spit around get

    My share and I get the horse but I have two brothers and I have them with me I also have something with [music] [music] are all still alive not a corpse respect business comes after that was then here too you can go anywhere Seen no, the pigs shot him, maybe they can help,

    Don’t even start because he’s still so alive and say only his beloved brother is bad, don’t do it, let’s say please tell us what please tell us if the dead are responsible for what asked what I’m totally harmless batteries what you’re not dead

    You’re not you thought you said a word or I put a sign around the gollum what I’m sorry you know with guys like them is django meant everything to us that had found out to them But I haven’t done anything, it hurts, we

    Can’t find the treasure at all, darling, that’s nothing more than a kind of saying whoever loses a friend loses as much as a treasure, you lose a lot of new brides, he Janko has been our one and only Irretrievable loss Sharia that you

    Replace the animal, it’s best to hit yourself straight out of the cockpit to do the level we owe the poker to you courage to if you two take good advice otherwise it disappears think about how that happens we have air change very much Necessary, the two

    Of us, we wanted to spend our holidays here in the area anyway, not old age, preferably in a cemetery near one, of course Euler’s work, I warned you anyway, he did n’t come to us anyway, nothing comes on the day, loose companion, first buried for a long time, Frieda

    Is called to his bones That doesn’t happen, you have been our friend, always in the right way, a high spirit, a loyal one, we become the mini and never be allowed to sell because we have enough independent ones Don’t get along with Janko, my darling, let me kiss you, the fact that you’re

    Alive is a miracle, I can do something for Bolt, the poodle was lively the whole time and he’s a colleague who heard the whole defined hand that banged and played dead [Music] [Applause] So experienced real congratulations, it worked out really well, my plan or

    It is and because we’re sitting on the dry side, no reason to be upset, although everything is planned, not transferred to lose when he plays we’ve always been right so far he notices a little bit [music] [music] understood it with full intention that you’re in the stadiums, isn’t it, and then

    You learned everything there was nothing there so it’s actually a valuable one treasure buried a hundred thousand dollars now let me have it for the penny the man with the tobacco can is Jane’s husband called the evil one and what does the good have to

    Do with the matter don’t be so heavy handed the evil one he had the money to do with it with a good one to betray then here the good one is also an evil one that’s exactly how it is and the man now from this

    Evil one who is her a sophisticated scoundrel we here you know but now that this friedrich said zetsche this horse has an enormous knowledge of people won’t maybe I’m still your boss, I can only laugh, I can only laugh [Music] [Music] Tomorrow the gentlemen will get something to drink

    And enough water tomorrow, we can get something to eat, we have terrible carbon steam, yes, whatever you want Unfortunately, the main thing is that we don’t have any money But we can’t drop it off on the way back now. They have a

    Big deal and I’ll do a special tax on the way back so we can pay with this tobacco can. It’s worth over a thousand dollars [music] and we get something to eat in return, of course Do we need that? Maybe soon the drinks will come over [music]

    To you, my beautiful little house, leave your meaningless sayings, I’m not a beautiful little house, I’m Lady Jane, the evil one, and she sees herself saying that the solution is to give her name and address on the spot I also give him credit for

    Having this from a certain cash register, we met them in the mountains not far from Mexico, what did he give you for, so to speak, as an ID card for a certain Evelyn with her friends, they call her the good one

    , he’s otherwise damned a bitch Another thing I said, we should just point out that the beeping money is in one since there is something else in the coffin of billions of certain assistants and with that we should have answered your question adequately. I don’t know for a moment

    About the most important thing Unfortunately you forgot to mention the name of the cemetery the name of the farm fried yes no idea I think it’s for the blessed niche or something like that your logo is

    The cemetery we just don’t know but there was someone a while ago that our horse said animal a horse yes yes You heard it right, I know you think we’re playing, but our horse might tell him, that means if you lie with him, I understood, I understood well,

    The dear animal, it is prepared very well on the outside , the ball in front of which roulette can be played [Music ] but it’s far too short and if someone doesn’t want to talk then they fall under but is the graveyard out with the language how many times do I have to

    Say that I don’t know the only thing that is white is the horse [music] that’s very Dangerous what they’re planning [Music] [Music] the string burned but who needs Hagen exactly the time he has left in 50 seconds to tell me where the cemetery is, my little one, what nonsense is this again, you think I’m really convinced that his friend will sing when we hit the ball with his head, he ‘s smart, he ‘ll

    Take action even if something happens to me and you are a spy I ask you for the last time do you want to speak they don’t trust me thoughtfully I repeat the horse white castle made of men I don’t want the sight of a body

    Without a head here I can’t the Koran can’t stay up they are unfriendly they don’t always kill the devil on the wall who should bring who to Rome no one can hope home ii [music] [music] the building is the forest that’s a stubborn one let’s see if the heart

    Is as insensitive as your head [music] [music] after all You’re a danger to the public She wanted to see a dilemma very cleverly. She was firmly convinced that the boys knew where the cemetery was. That means they weren’t able to get them to talk, not even with the bullet and what about there was a certain amount of confusion the two of them are running away from the use

    And now they are pursuing the industries and you know the name of the cemetery, you have no idea for your information, it’s a clear case who finds the cemetery in which they are pursuing the two, the money is

    On the safe side, you are insulting me because you are me constantly underestimated because I face the facts, which may be astonishing, but we are at the scene of the crime in front of this lady jane [music] what’s broken now where do you want to go to honolulu

    Here comes to captain gaal comes forward in the shed [music] and for that spain [music ] who isn’t so lame, well, obedient, two volunteers, education, welcome to the army of the northern states, people would like to have a welcome drink, it’s usual here,

    Maybe it’s not entirely to your taste, as you would prefer whiskey, you have to come with us make do with orange juice, too many failures due to liver damage, that’s a serious danger, understand we can’t insult them, we just have to support the stuff, so you’re

    Volunteering, as I’ve heard from those in charge, where should we go in the northern states, of course, but that’s pretty much impossible they don’t give in to the army of the southern states in the word later they hang us at home then think about defecting to the stadium they don’t release us voluntarily

    I guess we are in the word to the southern states in a certain way but we didn’t give anything in writing from us that was wonderful you You will feel very comfortable in my eyes. I’m just afraid that you won’t feel comfortable with us. We are, to a certain extent, victims of conscience.

    Refuse to serve. No, not quite to grab something to eat where is that again on the turn do you see the river below it’s at best a stream it’s true but it’s listed as a plus on the general staff maps of the northern and southern states this is a mistake but his

    Death had yes you can see that there I protect the wooden bridge like the apple of my eye, it’s worth its weight in gold because both sides north and south need it and undestroyed. Now you also know why you won’t be shot at. We can’t afford

    To even damage the bridge, whatever the cost Staying unharmed isn’t a bad thing and the southern states are pulling in the same direction as long as the prey wants to stay at risk and don’t let them out of your sight. That’s a printing cost I tell you my friends after

    Many people would lick their fingers. It’s a clear case that it’s clear who With us we can’t complain, he’s dangerously honest, this captain of the left, but on the other hand, to the 0 from our captain Denker. How have you decided? Here you’ll have to

    Kiss my feet a lot if he stays here with me then lives here in peace until At the end of the war and Django do you still want to think about it? We still have to consult with you and

    Have your permission . The three of them have to prove it. Captain, yes, she is a service so dark for how they run, they don’t cross the path very often. They don’t have to be careful right away

    We’re talking to a horse, it’s as if you’re talking to me, then you think you’re talking to a donkey. What’s the point of him wearing shoes with you today? He wants us to work for the toll states. We have the best life

    Has reported the 200,000 dollars you just let it go if we try to escape and next to it we are delivered Franco you could play a double game of sticks I’m in the budget that’s what happened in poker relationships at the moment we’re getting away for me

    It’s at the moment Since I’m leaving, I have you behind the bridge, you can’t take us back as orphans, probably not like that, everyone has to remember it, we’ll have a plan again, what we have a plan, has become self-employed on the horse, captain and maybe the spring

    [music] it is We only got along with your consultations, we’re sorry captain, but we can’t stay in your paradise, important business is being distributed, certain things are in progress, we need to know what you’re doing, we are known to be real democrats, freedom is above all for us They’re coming soon,

    My horse, Servus Kempten, there you have it in the north, you can do whatever my film whatever the captain wants, that’s the small difference because you’ve volunteered. From now on, you’re soldiers of the Union and as such Are you

    Subject to the code of military discipline Read out the text the most important paragraphs A soldier who leaves the company without permission is a deserter and is therefore guilty of a serious crime He will be punished with lifelong forced labor in times of peace

    And with death by shooting in times of war Understood Zurich that behind the ears that was even worse than Chinese I didn’t understand a word she said if we go to donate we’ll be shot and when we’re dead peace will come over us she does

    Send us to forced labor I’m afraid only then they can’t stop us there’s only one thing left we have to satirize but please explain one thing what does going to these pens mean deserting is all the right it means leaving without permission then why don’t we ask

    You only a little left with the orange juice captain the alcoholic the clue alkali luketic alcohol I drink something from the core of no category but juice [music] [music] [applause] there is a message from the enemy page that’s what I’ve been

    Waiting for, finally two Dead people found that you could take prisoner, wonderful, really a reliable friend, our enemy on the other side of the bridge. Finally, those in the headquarters no longer think that we are pushing a quiet ball here in this section.

    Tell the courier, let me thank you and greet you again put together a patrol [music] and said I’m making of it and as soon as I’ve eaten I talk to the nice and mistaken captain Jack was very fair tennis racket came up wasn’t like

    Made by a ban when he wants us worth it I gave me gives us food and to drink and on top of that come to the war he is so even clubs like sap now have little nice little order I will be able to eat my peace he should do the captain a

    Favor I for myself was even go through the fire for the captain You don’t have to go that far to the stream, it’s enough boys, you should go for the captain, especially for a browse and I’ll take care of the red ones. It’s unfair, I mean fishing rods, but we can’t use them.

    How else are we supposed to have a table? Look at the sardines want to separate nonsense now I understand we don’t need to fish for them I’ll put a pizza in I thought that would mean a special team with 320 dollars that should be demolished over the price that’s what

    You do when you give a gift you idiot of course you have to destroy the price we will present this present to our nice captain good [music] they have adapted the trout so quickly captain oh what these two

    Idiots are doing today are the two prisoners and in the morning they will send us about the ones here who can be captured at the headquarters Don’t blame us for being lazy, scratching our stomachs out of boredom [laughter] [music] you’ll be fishing here understood the ten pieces further and then

    We compare who has more prisoners just not a word true for a long time that he’s landing place the the animal travels west iesus cheating, reading, even if he is using the rod of others, we are hanging with explosives and where is the

    Explosive, the new rent is then speaking for tutoring, it’s a shame that I was told that beforehand, I have explosives breasts away so that you can, you can already whine on yourself [music] for the camera they don’t know anything after they’ve moved forward but there’s

    No such thing as running away where should they run we are us and it says on the ears nadu have overcome the stupid snow from last year so it’s nice if we go through everything again listen

    You have to light the fuse I know second you have to let it burn until the end until you collect what’s left of me a layer is eat a pretty one without cancer the brand on and sends me to Italy a third the dynamite will go into the stream into the water

    Is called into the river and so that you are just now important and the fish hear the way, but the second time they are still dew for the first time and then comes our moment they don’t hear anything and that is the moment when we look at the city It’s not terribly bad

    But against the later nobody, on the contrary, I admire you rightly [laughter] but it’s pointless but when your food comes safely try to be patient then hide behind the semi-trailer and tell her that it’s no use, he thinks Otherwise I would have let you go,

    What was that, what’s going on here, what’s going on here, have you gone crazy blowing 1000 meters to the attack [Music] Did you invest money this hour Well [Music] that’s now making sense for the cathedral [music] [applause] [music] we believe the bridge [music] soldiers [music] we have to be driven safely [music]

    They can really drive you crazy, they can buy me everything [music ] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] you have to keep the whole 0 but at least a few of them are at the top if you want to adapt [Music]

    The moment has long since come when we have our cinemas, no I can really woe, Niklas, I support the fans, the cloud gives you one more boost, you can drive yours crazy, I can’t do it now [Music] I won you, it’s already here, it’s completely unnecessary, throw away the weapons and don’t shoot,

    He can’t do anything to them, he doesn’t have any Weapons and nothing at all, please don’t do anything to us for the official maybe you invited us a sign to protect our nerves so shattered it’s no wonder if you always do everything wrong

    You don’t ask me directly for you if you’re honest with me If they are legally grateful from the bottom of their hearts because they’ve always been knocking us out somewhere the whole time, but that

    You’re afraid of us for a year, that’s not nice of you to come, but to the cemetery they are at the call of direct to send them on their way for ever and ever We must have [Music] Finally reached our destination and so I wish we’ve had enough trouble and a lot of sweat to have found this secret cemetery. Now no one can stand the treasure anymore. Hopefully not. I don’t trust the peace on the farm I can’t use the rest of our blood,

    I tell you, you’re a lousy person. We haven’t found the grave that we have yet. You don’t trust me anymore. This cemetery is scary to me. It’s crawling with dead people. In fact, I’m damned in the back of my head. I rarely use it We don’t need to tremble in front of the

    Dead, in front of the shops we have a few lives, what do you want to bring us around 200,000 dollars that gave the hearts are hidden? I don’t like these two, they want something from the next one, that’s Evelyn dear good excuse he had the impression that you wanted something from him

    But so nice that he again not a nice guy he didn’t give it enough go give me this 200,000 dollars as it’s the name that’s all you want to know from us why are you raining Now put it away, put the gun away. We’re happy to say that voluntarily.

    If you give us the name, you’ll join us soon. They don’t want to kill us sooner. If we know the name, they don’t need you anymore. He dares to interfere. Django senior [Music ] Don’t lose your nerves [Music] I’m scared, well, I’m a woman, but why

    Are you following me? I’m worried about you [Music] The Tokyo stock exchange, they say, to live has given me a corpse, yes, I’ve just been invited, the guy has a voice how good you make me sick [laughter] I am but I’m keeping your guard

    Up, this resemblance is perfect, you look like two drops of water, so Franco hid it from you again, you called her life, I don’t have any other choice, thank you, why are you? Because I thought you were ghosts, did you appear in the spirit in the stupid ones ? I

    Dressed up as a ghost. I wanted to get the gangsters off your back. Instead, I have stories for you about the men. He scared the good ones away. Now we can look for the grave in peace and then send the money out with our hands work someone comes quickly hidden ems with

    [music] jobs body you’re happy too early the one we need it means think you always have to spoil the mood even in the cemetery maybe the artistic troupe aldo moro aldo moro isn’t stupid ten years old either in this goddamn country

    Every few minutes someone says hands up come I have her yes she is moving forward you are the evil one that is her mamma mia he is also the one who scares you I know because she is the evil one but that is certainly slander they are a good one

    That you can see Your articles, yes, what should I do with you? Then you’ll definitely come up with something. They’re not crazy, aren’t you? Second , I’ll send you both back to the creator that you are as stupid as blonde who just said that you are just a humane you paquito no

    Then it was this horse is it true that he really has to lead a team he was perhaps not one he saw that you had gone too far she just told me Now you cowards are running, retreating, left without me [music]

    Comes here and just the 2 or I’ll make short work of it comes out before I lose patience I can get damn unpleasant make sure we don’t lose them leather beautiful you can even put corpses on the palm bring let’s leave our writing quickly you can this dead act that

    ‘s no we get very unpleasant and that’s not very pleasant I tell you [music] a company is that in this cemetery sometimes goes know who comes here pipes for the sun comcom comes if you’re not on me, mamma mia, you can put my legs to sleep

    Or these things that are underneath, they’re still called feet, then it’s just not that nervous, I’m not that nervous either, but even where you live you have to dig your hands again for a long time haven’t heard the two

    Words, there’s something about the dead and us in peace, finally I’m at my money, chest opens the bag with pleasure, yes, we’re making room, the fins stay up nice and well [music] [music] to live, yes, don’t close it boring You think you’ll find 200,000 dollars here but cash registers aren’t stupid I grabbed the cash all I’m leaving you behind is a juicy all I’m leaving you behind is a juicy one [Music] end stop like that So you know how

    He can also be called provost, maybe you can clarify that he wants to give you the wind, you can tell me why you are called the good one again Yes, it’s the dealer again who is to blame for the whole mess. You shouldn’t talk to them as such as a cock

    Trainer. I would get caught then, mercy on him, my name is their pieces [music] do you have Django’s words for it? This district has given us a written foothold So far, I ‘d rather not put it in the mouth. He knows what it’s for. We didn’t find the treasure ,

    But at least now we can be calm again. I can do it anyway. Now they’re completely gone [Music] [Music] trumpet channel what do you say you are world class lonely world class tango is the biggest of the Amag is a great job I have to hug you there has to be a

    Kiss because it has you here we owe our lives to the Trojan horse a wretched piece has come up against you turned upside down [music] [music] [music] this said to do this to schavan the greatness of the climate through [music] [applause] [music]

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