Lawful Assembly
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    Show Notes

    Florida Man Facing 91 Criminal Counts Wins Iowa Caucuses

    Trump called a judge a ‘bad person’ for not allowing him to travel for a funeral. His calendar says he’s got a campaign event that day.

    Schiff would abolish filibuster, end the Electoral College in his pro-democracy plan – POLITICO

    15 States Shut Out Food Aid for 8 Million Children – The New York Times

    Christie ends presidential campaign, says Nikki Haley is ‘gonna get smoked’ – ABC News

    Vivek Ramaswamy ends presidential campaign | CNN Politics

    The Proud Boys are collapsing: Surprise! Legal consequences do hurt authoritarian movements |

    Scientists assert ‘alien mummies’ in Peru are really dolls made from Earthly bones | Reuters

    They’re not aliens. That’s the verdict from Peru officials who seized 2 doll-like figures

    All the “wellness” products Americans love to buy are sold on both Infowars and Goop

    Ben Carson: Trump is being used by God like ‘King David’ and is a ‘man after God’s own heart’ – DeadState

    Loomer questions if Haley is using “weather manipulation” to steal caucus from Trump |

    Recording live from glory hole studios in Chicago and Beyond this is cognitive dissonance every episode we blast anyone who gets in our way we bring critical thinking skepticism and irreverence to any topic that makes the news makes it big or makes us mad it’s skeptical it’s political and there is no welcome mat

    Today is Thursday January the 18th and C so I believe you have some news for us I do Tom I uh over the last uh six months I have been working with an old colleague of mine so I was let go from my university job and at the same time

    Someone I know there left and while I was at the University I had created a podcast with him and I was literally just a voice in the podcast that was scripted in to ask a question once in a while that was it I I I did the intro I

    Did the the outro in a reading voice and then I I literally just asked him questions so he could basically expound on some things the person was a law professor and a legal activist and a ref and like an asylum activist and he did this podcast called lawful assembly and

    So we did that podcast together while I was at my old University can I ask how many years did you guys do that so he was he wasn’t very good at at at putting things together he was I would tell him you know you got to do it weekly he’s

    Like I can’t no way I could do it weekly with my current schedule he was a you know the UDS person of the University he was a an adjunct law professor he was and he did like he’s a he’s also a reverend like an ordained minister so

    He’s he’s also a reverend outside of of work so he just had like he’s always busy so I would say you need to do it every week and he’d say yeah I’ll try to do it like once a month so so we did it for many years but we only got 39

    Episodes total time passes and uh I get let go and he reaches out to me he says I’d really like to continue the podcast and I say well I’m not going to do what we were doing because I don’t want to do I don’t want to just ask you like ask a

    Question do editing work and then just do editing work and I said if you want to do a real podcast with me I’d love to do a podcast with you to talk about the law and to talk about uh you know legal issues that are facing you know our

    Country and things like that as well as immigration and other things and also he’s a religious guy and I’m not and so there’s like a secular thing there and so he I said I’ll I’ll start a show with you if you want to do that and he said

    Sure he really liked the name lawful assembly that was what it was at the at the old place where we worked they had given him the rights to the show but we took all those shows down all the old ones are gone so the new show launched

    It launches it launched today and the new show launched with five episodes there’s one episode on Friday so if you’re listening to this as a patron you’re getting and you go there you can go check it out uh patron of COG disc I’m saying right um You can go check out

    The six episodes probably they’ll be there by the time you hear this uh the show website is lawful and it’s a show about the law like it’s really show a show about it’s not as it’s not there are law podcasts out there and I

    Know a lot of them dig into that Trump stuff all the time we don’t really spend as much time on that but we do talk about it and so there’s it’s just a show that’s about it’s it I think the focus mostly will be immigration but then

    There’s other stuff that we talk about too and it’s a it’s it’s just an interesting show to talk to a law professor I try to find interesting topics to talk to a law professor about well I’ll tell you I’ve I’ve had the pleasure of listening to the first uh

    Five episodes of lawful assembly um and it’s been it’s it’s a very different and I think very welcome and refreshing show that needs a space in our community it is not a hot take show and it is not a cynicism show yeah it is a refreshing

    Like here’s a guy who’s a law professor from a big university who’s been doing this work literally on the ground doing the work hands dirty getting people you know through the immigration process through the Asylum seeking process and like is not lost he is not lost he has

    This like terrific sense of like social justice that he brings to things optimism that he brings to things but it’s tinged with reality and I think that Dynamic that you guys have is just terrific it’s very different than our Dynamic so different it’s so different

    Than our Dynamic but I love it we we met and became friends at work so I don’t swear around him yeah so it’s a clean show I I don’t swear at all I don’t think in the first five episodes I might say like ass or [ __ ] or something

    You guys push each other on that show I’ve been listening to that show over the last couple of days Cecil sent me advanced copies Advanced copies Advanced copies it’s the benefits of 25 years of friendship you get Advanced copies and but no I I love I love the push pull

    That you guys yeah we don’t agree on everything right and there’s a there’s a difference between our opinions and he is a religious guy and I’m not yeah and that’s where we contend and so it’s a really interesting show here’s what I hope people do I hope you give it a

    Shout just give it a shot just go take a listen to it lawful download it listen to it this is an opportunity too because it’s just growing and I’m just building a rapport with Craig so Craig and I are just starting to sort of work our way through becoming podcasters

    Together and your feedback super welcome right your feedback at this point is super welcome so listen to it and if you really like it rate it and if you really like it share it those are important things right now and so if you have a minute this weekend go to lawful

    Literally any way you want to download it on your phone if you go there on your phone you can find it on this on this the homepage of the site any of the podcatchers should be it should be there so you just click a button and it should

    Load up onto your pod player and you can subscribe and listen to it and see what you think and let me know what you think but I really hope people will check it out lawful lawful assembly new show in the podcast of verse and it’s a

    Totally different show from I think what a lot of people are used to from this sort of you know sort of skeptical group that we sort of belong to Cil for that uh feedback do you want them to email this show no so lot at at the end of

    Every episode I say you can send lot you can send a message to lawful pod and lawful pod is a great place and you could also leave feedback on the website itself so you can like the website has a feedback form you can also leave a voice message for us

    There’s plenty of ways to get in touch with us and it’s all available at lawful awesome you’ll understand when you learn what state I live in I am a Florida man I am a Florida all right so this story comes from Mother Jones and I don’t even care about

    Any part of I think we need to read the whole thing cuz it’s literally two paragraphs it’s the best this is the greatest headline in all of headline writing though except for maybe I real quick I still think that my favorite headline of all time and I just would

    Love to have been in the room was after 911 the onion hijackers surprised to find selves in hell do you remember this I do remember it was just I do remember it was just perfect it was just perfect so I love it all right Mother Jones Florida man facing 91 criminal counts

    Wins Iowa caucuses I love calling him Florida man oh it’s the best it’s so good 91 criminal counts it’s so perfect so just read the two paragraphs Donald Trump just accomplished something he wasn’t able to do in 2016 he won the IA conques not long after Precinct sites open Monday

    Night the networks called the first in the nation GOP race for the former president who appeared to be cruising to a dominant victory over Rivals Ronda santis and Nikki Haley Trump who in 2020 tried to overturn the general election and illegally hold on to power is facing four indictments covering a whopping 91

    Criminal counts an array of civil suits and a supreme court fight over whether he can even appear on the ballot in some States but none of that seems to have turned off Iowa Republicans instead they rewarded him for it we’re we’re at this weird place right now

    Where Donald Trump is g to is going to start winning again right there’s been a we we’ve had this moment in our history I am tired of it where where Donald Trump has been losing yeah uh you know losing getting brought up on indictments losing getting admonished in court

    Multiple times different places and we’re starting to see some of the cracks right but now we’re going to start to see some of those things disappear as he as he keeps winning these primaries there’s no indication that he’s going to lose any of these primaries Tom no not

    Not a single indication there is literally no way and I know Iowa is just Iowa and I also know Iowa is not predictive it’s not I mean it has essentially no meaningful predictive value um in the races like statistically it’s just it’s just first like it’s only

    First now for the Republicans yeah so like you got to take Iowa with a giant grain of corn like just a colel of corn just huge colel one big colel that’s stuck in your teeth and you can’t get it out yeah he won he’s going to win in New Hampshire he’s going

    To win on super Tuesday he’s going to win win I don’t think everyone’s wasting their time probably Nikki Haley might take South Carolina probably probably Dan santis will take Florida but other than that I don’t think there’ll be any other real victories people are starting

    To drop out now and one thing I didn’t even consider and I’m I’m stupid for not considering it it didn’t even occur to me until the people started dropping out I was like oh of course these people we’re we’re complaining the whole time they should attack Trump attack Trump

    Attack Trump but they’re not because what they want as a job in his staff that’s it so now you can sort of see Vivic he he winds up losing his Los he loses and decides to back out and now he’s in he’s endorsing Trump and Trump

    Is saying I can probably find a place for him one of these people wants to be the running mate me one of these people wants to be his running mate or at least you know secretary Diplomat somewhere whatever so that’s why they’re not talking bad about him because they recognize they don’t

    Have a chance to win but if they put their face out there enough people may say Hey you need the Santa says you’re right VP and so that that’s what I think and it didn’t even occur to me until because I thought why would you run

    Unless you want to win and I was like oh duh of course they want to run because they want their face out there this is like this is all a brand like running against Donald Trump as a republican is a branding moment it’s not a strategic all it you know I think that

    It was personal for Chris Christie sure I think one or two of them yeah I think for Chris Christie he really wanted to and he never got a chance he really wanted to get on a debate stage I think he really wanted he never got a chance

    But Trump you know and and this is something I thought about this over the last week if you’re a republican you’ve got to square yourself with some weird [ __ ] and you always have had to right just always had to square yourself with some weird [ __ ] but you you have to contend

    With this fact as well right now which is that you are asking for your party to govern the nation to say like we are the guys and girls who can get this job done that’s that’s you’ve got to be saying that while at the same time being absolutely aware that you cannot even

    Put together a debate within your own party yeah you can’t even you can’t even get agreement inside of your your own party to have a substantive debate among the candidates I mean you now have Ronda santz or is it Nikki Hal you have know Nikki Haley saying well I’m not gonna

    Debate unless Trump debates so now the only one willing to debate is Ronda santz he’s just going to be standing at a [ __ ] lect turn contradicting himself yeah while people just like like there’s there’s it’s all Fallen apart the party is so fractured and so disorganized and so just a [ __ ]

    Cluster [ __ ] ungovernable disaster yeah that they can’t even put together a [ __ ] debate Cecil yeah there it was it was disheartening though to see what happened on on the day I thought I was hoping that there would be more push back against Trump because in 2016 he

    Didn’t win Iowa right and so I thought maybe you know Ians would come together and do their caucusing and caucus together and say no it’s not going to be him a weird process but he he he took it and so expect Trump to unless something happens to pull him off let’s say that

    They do do the uh Colorado does uh pull him off the ballot pull him off the ballot and that’s upheld by the Supreme Court right if that happens then possibly we could see you know one of the other ones come up and you know be one of the major

    Voices there although I don’t think Trump would stop running if cuz cuz no red State’s going to pull him off no he doesn’t care if you’re Trump and you’re like well I lost Colorado you’d be like okay I was always going to lose col he’s going to lose Colorado anyway it doesn’t

    Matter how you lose those electoral votes it’s just if the if the places that that he was winning might have a governor or a state representative who wants to take him off the ballot and now that if it’s if it’s president and they can that’s going to be real interesting

    Because it won’t make its way through the courts there or if it does it’ll just get slapped down because they’ll just point to the predent that Lit literally just happened and so that could be really interesting in some states it could I think if it happened

    In Wisconsin right that would be a big deal I think if it happened in Pennsylvania that would be a big deal if it happens in like Illinois California it’s not a big deal New York it doesn’t matter like none of those states make any difference all it’ll do all it’ll do

    Is point out the disparity between the popular vote and that more that’s all it’ll do is more You’ be like he won by getting like 12 million votes like what the [ __ ] I will say and I right dude I I will say though I I hate I don’t want

    Him to come off the ballot yeah I don’t because it it it will there’s already you know tens of millions of people who when pulled feel that the 2020 election was stolen that it was rigged they still believe all that lie they believe in this great great big deep state

    Conspiracy pulling Trump off the ballot feeds that fire so much it’s not just G I mean it’s like it’s [ __ ] jet fuel on the fire of that conspiracy and like what needs to happen is a clean loss MH a clean loss as clean as it can be for

    Trump I mean I think the problem that I’m running into when I look at it in the field is how clean will the next election be because right now you’re seeing a ton of people who are probably going to get involved in it because they thought the last one was stolen and they

    Might try to do things to alter yeah oh I know and so we’re in a weird place right now very very precarious place it’s terrifying if you don’t take them off the ballot you might lose if you do take them off the ballot you might lose

    It’s it’s a bad place to be I I don’t like the sort of like catastrophizing but I am if there’s going to be like violence in the streets and a Civil War and all that like I think it would be from taking them off the ballot I I

    Think so too I think if if you were stri the ballot as much as I don’t want them to to get their way because of that right uh because of the threat of violence because genuinely if you give them their way now and and and there’s a threat of

    Violence what happens when they if they win the White House oh dude I know cuz that what’s the lesson now there’s no lesson for them they just like there’s a threat of violence we’ll just do literally whatever we want and so I I recognize that there’s a that that’s a

    Slippery slope anyway in itself but also at the same time I also recognize too that the the government will have a harder time fighting against that that piece of information whether you know if he’s off the ballot they’re going to have a harder time if he’s off the ballot the next Biden Administration

    Will never be viewed as a legitimate and that and like they already aren’t but yeah but I I worry that it would be it would be four years of just chaos yeah and then he said that communism was bad and you were bad too you did the right thing son I feel

    Cleansed snitching is bitching Phil and grade that on something all right so this story comes from Business Insider Trump called a Judge a bad person for not allowing him to travel for a funeral his calendar says he’s got a campaign event this day he he went to that

    Campaign event yeah he went to that campaign event and trial turns out he could have gone feasibly he could have gone all three sure so in this article with a tight schedule he could have attended the trial which he was not required to attend he to go he didn’t

    Have to go did not have to attend he could have gone to the funeral and he could have also made his campaign stop so they were all close enough and you know he’s [ __ ] Trump so like he could have made all three of them but like I

    Want to read what he actually tweeted out because he just used the death of his mother-in-law as a moment to score political Grand standing points so here’s what he [ __ ] truthed out or whatever crazed Trump hating judge Lewis Kaplan was asked if he could delay this

    Rigged political scam for one day so I could attend the all caps funeral of my beloved mother-in-law with my wife the former and next first lady of the United States and he said no Trump wrote on Saturday that’s all in caps guys that’s all in caps God he [ __ ] screamed that

    And I when I read that I was like you petulent little [ __ ] do you not know that you are in the legal system now if I as a regular person had some you know my mother-in-law passed away and I’m like oh I you know can I not go to court

    Tuesday I had a part they would tell me to go [ __ ] myself sideways no they he didn’t say he what here’s a difference between what he wanted right they said yeah it’s real sad she died go you’re welcome to go instead he was like hey my

    This is like this is like telling your [ __ ] teacher hey my grandma died can you cancel class right no I can’t cancel class you can miss class that’s how this works something happened in your life that made it impossible for you to come or harder for you to come then deal with

    The thing that you’re dealing with the rest of us will continue on with this you can just [ __ ] watch the instant replay on CNN that they’re going to play for six straight days you don’t have to worry about it and so he literally wanted them to cancel the thing and he’s

    Like they’re like no I’m not canceling it and it’s because he just all he wanted was to post that oh he wanted to show all the people who follow him that it’s rigged against me nothing’s rigged no one would ever get this [ __ ] no one would ever get this no one would it

    Would never happen to anybody but he allowed he allowed them he basically what he did was he turned to his audience and said look at what they’re doing to me yeah he said like I didn’t get special treatment isn’t that unfair yeah that’s exactly it no man no it’s

    Not unfair no like Cil said like he was not required to attend have to G either there he wants to okay I get you want to I want to do a lot of things sometimes my schedule is like two things which one do you want more and I’m like well that

    Sucks I want both but as every morning I want a croissant from France I want to go to France and get a c guess what I can’t do every single morning go to [ __ ] France get Donald Trump could probably do go France get a croissant every morning if he wanted to so [ __ ]

    You f you just have to deal with it sometimes and that’s how this works and he’s but he this is so good for him because all he wants to do y all he wants to do is manipulate his audience yeah exactly that’s it and so this this

    Is a win-win for him right one thing that that puzzles me about this it doesn’t puzzle me because I I recognize that that the people on the right are that hypocrisy doesn’t bother them that they don’t feel cognitive distance right right but my thought about this

    Was imagine if anyone else talked to a judge the way he talked to the judge while he was there oh I know or imagine if they did the things like had loud conversations or sighed really loudly when someone was giving testimony imagine how they would act if they saw anybody else doing that

    Especially a black or brown person right like acting out in a court yep this is the least it’s like the least respect for authority and they’re authoritarians right of all the people in our country the most authoritarian are the people on the right and they give him the biggest pass when he is

    Defying people that we would normally say they have the right to say the things and they they are allowed you have to give them deference right but instead he he defies them and they love it well I’ll tell you an analogy I learned from lawful assembly listening

    To it recently was you know that the court system is the closest thing to royalty that we still have and like we do treat the court system with a level of deference that we don’t treat anything else El and like for the party of Law and Order to be so openly mocking

    Now I mean and if you think about this like Trump has openly mocked the FBI MH he has openly called for their like you know oh the FBI is is all corrupt if you’re the Law and Order party yeah no if you’re the Law and Order party

    [ __ ] on the feds that’s a big deal seems like deal I don’t know man those are the federal cops right there’s there’s there’s no he shits on the CIA he shits on the FBI he shits on the justice department like it’s it’s everybody but like the local fuzz man

    Well even then if they did something that upset him he would 100% [ __ ] on him in a second he [ __ ] yeah he doesn’t not [ __ ] on him because like of a principled stand he doesn’t [ __ ] on the local cops because like the local cops he probably

    Doesn’t interact with yeah it’s a he is he is he is flying in the face of what is the authority all the time and people love him for it and he’s authoritarian it’s so weird know it’s super strange but it’s something that I noticed and I

    Was like man how does he get away with it and he gets and it’s crazy too because the has he was so disrespectful at this hearing so disect wildly so wildly so he got like admonished multiple times by the judge like it’s at some point and if you’re the judge this

    Is the only candidate in history that has come into your Courthouse that you can’t throw into [ __ ] who gal for contempt because you know that if you do from a pra he can the Judge has the authority but from a practical perspective if you Chuck this guy into

    The [ __ ] cage like for contemp of court it’s going to be riots man you’re going to be responsible for that sh you’re going to get death threats on your family it’s going to be [ __ ] chaos because this [ __ ] has absolutely undermined the rule of law while proclaiming himself as a Law and

    Order president he has undermined the value and sanctity of these beloved and revered institutions of Justice while at the same time you know calling for justice for all of the people that are you know Brown all of the people that are immigrants all the people that like

    He wants to see treated poorly yeah sure what if is a trap turn around and do not come back this story comes from Politico Adam Schiff would abolish filibuster and the Electoral College in his pro-democracy plan I I think that there’s a lot of good that

    Came out of this I he’s saying that if they get a majority they’re planning on doing this stuff now that’s a big if because it turns out that upcoming election this year is going to be uh waiting towards the Republicans as it is again and uh there’s a lot of things

    Right now that people are upset about yeah oh yeah yeah there’s a lot of things I mean the government stance on Gaza and how they’ve been handling that has been it’s been and it’s awful like it’s genuinely awful and so those things are are pushing people away yeah from

    Voting for Democrats and and and they are doing a lot of their their policies are really bad right now in a lot of ways but like there is literally no reason to believe that on that issue of Israel and Gaza that the Republicans would be less hawy no of course not it

    Makes that that [ __ ] makes me crazy because it’s like you still only have the two choices you can hate seven out of ten things on one side and if you HTE eight out of 10 things on the other side you have to choose the side that you hate

    Seven out of 10 things for that’s the choice in front of you not voting is an [ __ ] move well not and voting for The Republican an [ __ ] move voting is a vote for the Republicans yeah that’s what I’m saying like strategically we know this is how this breaks down we’ve

    Run this [ __ ] like simulation how many times now yeah so like I totally am sympathetic I am sympathetic like the the unabashed support of Israel right now is absolutely indefensible yeah I’m there with you but I am also fully aware that that support of Israel is stronger from the Republicans than the Democrats

    There are no other voices on the Republican side that would hold back Israel from Rolling Gaza so you’re like yeah I get being mad but like like at some point it’s like yeah but in November you’re gonna make a choice that’s the truth yeah don’t kid yourself about some different thing and

    I I don’t know like why this favors Republicans I think there’s a couple things that that need to be pointed out just really quickly about that one of them is is that the Overton window has been pushed I think on Israel so far that no matter what you say about them

    If you’re not glowing or you’re not 100% behind them there’s a there’s that you know you’re being anti-semitic or whatever you know like there’s this Overton window push on them that has pushed so far that there can be nothing in our government but rabid support and unwavering support and no condition

    Support we wouldn’t do this with any other country we would have conditions on the support we give them we don’t do that with them we just like there’s no conditions we we put conditions on everything for everywhere this is the only time we allow that the other thing

    Is that the the Democrats I do I do believe this the Democrats feel they do recognize hypocrisy when it’s them I do think that’s true I do think that’s true we can call it out we can call it out and attack it and say it’s wrong and be

    Like this is a terrible policy stop doing it we could do that all the time and we could do it vociferously and we can keep doing it and I think that people will listen we’re seeing even in this article there’s several Senators that have turned they have changed their

    Mind and they are now trying to create a bill to make a ceasefire at g on Gaza they’re trying to do these things you’ve got to push for that and you’ve got to be the voice that pushes for that all the time if you don’t what happens is is

    That is that if they don’t hear it I I think if they hear it they might change their mind or they might soften a little we’ve got to keep pushing them to do that if they don’t hear it they’re not going to do [ __ ] yeah like I think the

    Answer to the problem is to hire better Democrats yeah the answer is not to vote for Republicans or not to vote yeah the answer is to hire better Democrats but that’s always got to be a Democrat like you can’t pretend we don’t have a two-party system you just can’t do it

    Yeah and you can’t sit it out you can’t do any of those things like it it doesn’t it doesn’t work like I do recognize I was thinking about this this week that like you know strategically I think that Israel has acted in that region as a giant intelligence player for the United St

    They act as the you can’t you can’t deny that yeah but the value of that has the value of that and that relationship which I think is a big part of why the United States has supported Israel for so long I mean it’s not ideological it’s it’s intelligence-based you know like is

    Absolutely destroyed when the rest of the world and the entire Arab world sees the United States as a viable threat to their existence ex so like yeah we have Intelligence on our region but we only need that Intelligence on that region in such a a strict key way we stand for you

    We stood up for the guys that are giving us the intelligence so much that we’re creating enemies in the standing it’s like we’re just we’re just creating look at what’s happening in the Red Sea right now I know look look at yell Yemen like yeah the the houthis are shooting

    [ __ ] missiles at [ __ ] cargo ships in an act of like protest and anger and fury at United States you know uh Merchant ships and now the United States is retaliating in Yemen like the risk of this entire thing blowing up into a giant regional conflict is not low yeah

    It’s very very very high and it comes from that support that unwavering support of Israel that seems to absolutely have no limits no limits at all on you got the other thing people don’t understand is like Israel is a Sovereign Nation they do what they want

    Yeah we can we can pressure them but the idea that somehow Joe Biden can look at them and be like stop it that’s not how that works that’s not how this works man you got to understand how global politics work that’s not how this works now I don’t think he’s doing anything at

    All to try to pressure them but I also recognize that he can’t stop it well yeah I do think that like from what I’ve read that the Secretary of State Anthony blinkin has made several trips to try to pressure them to scale back like that’s what I’ve read he’s tried to pressure

    Them to scale back the scope of the war in the Gaza Strip and he’s been unsuccessful in doing it and I think a big part of it from what I’ve read is that Benjamin not nyaho knows his personal individual asses on the line and that if he pulls back at all he’ll

    End up in jail like he’ll end up getting thrown in actual prison if this doesn’t work out for him so like I don’t know that the United States has any real leverage I don’t know that we don’t I’m not but especially against like Netanyahu right I I don’t believe

    That the United States does I do think that we make more enemies in thiss absolutely we can AFF we make more enemies of of the American people too right you make more enemies to the American people cuz they see this and they like what the [ __ ] man why are

    We doing this why are we part of this why are we complicit in yes and I and I’m right there what I don’t understand though is how this translates into and I don’t how this translates into the Democrats losing elections because like again if the Democrats lose the

    Republicans will win you’re the green party is not going to win yeah I know I’m right there with you but I also recognize too that I think I think I think that the younger voter is more idealistic about this yeah and I think that they are willing

    To push back on this in a way that because I I don’t know that they understand the consequences of it I don’t know that I’m right there too it’s just like I just get frustrated I’m just like I’m frustrated but I also recognize like I’m also I’m also frustrated right

    I am frustrated with my own government I am frustrated with what they’re doing I am obsess by what they’re doing they they have it’s been an awful situation from the start it’s been an absolute awful situation to start and it’s not changing what I tell I’ve got a a a

    Friend of mine so this there’s this kid that’s a part of my life he’s been a part of my life for a long time that I kind of have this paternalistic Mentor mentee relationship with and he is very likely joining the Marines he’s gone through maps and all that stuff his ship

    Date is in March he can technically back out up until the day he ships off so and I’m trying to get him to not join I am desperately trying to push him unabashedly and openly to not not go away and a big part of that reason is I

    Do think that in November if Trump wins we’ll go to war because there is nothing Trump would nothing would build Trump’s brand better than his own War oh yeah and a war with Iran which is maybe where this would go or a war with Yemen would be disastrous it would be absolutely

    Disastrous I think we are on the brink of a major if anybody [ __ ] up we are in the brink of a major regional conflict that I mean like you’ve got ran and Pakistan firing missiles and [ __ ] around at each other yesterday or this morning like shit’s like shit’s so tenuous right

    Now and so I tell my friend like every morning I send him news stories and every morning I send him like Hey man if you go away understand you’re probably not going away for some fun adventure it’s not going to be like stationed in Germany no man like there is a high

    Likelihood you’re going to go off to fight some pointless [ __ ] war in the mid East [ __ ] a right so back to Adam shiff the things that shiff I think wants to do and I want to read the things that he wants to do eliminating Jerry mandard congressional districts

    Hats off to you it [ __ ] do it know make voting Easier by designating Election Day a federal holiday expanding automatic voter registration through government agencies like the department of motor vehicles and Universal vote by mail access I want to say this too you know I was thinking about it this week

    Because there’s a big push on the right for voter ID huge push I like the left should embrace voter ID but they should embrace voter ID with compulsory voter voting so they should we should we should do pushes for voter ID but voter ID is free through the mail for every

    Single person just like when you get a birth certificate Etc they just give you a voter ID card in the mail or however you get it I don’t know I it would be interesting to to figure out how you could get onhome people if they’re you

    Know there’s a chance that they want to vote too you they should be able to vote and so getting them their cards may be a little more problematic if you don’t have a post office address or something like that but I really feel like compulsory voting is the thing we should

    Be pushing for if that’s the case if you want voter ID you know because that’s what we’re trying to do I think right now with the border is there’s trying to be like this push and pull yeah I feel like you do this exact same way you say

    Okay fine come absolutely voter ID you guys are afraid of how the government here’s how the voter ID will here’s how it’s going to work and everyone will get voter ID and you’ll all have to vote all the time but what the what the Republicans want is a picture ID I know

    That’s what they that’s what they’re going to fight for if you just send everybody a voter ID they’re going to never support that well do it like fyd where you send your own picture in yeah right yeah you know I mean Cecil’s talking about the firearm ownership identification card which Illinois has

    Other states don’t have it um and that is a [ __ ] joke of a process and you provide your own picture you provide your own picture you literally mail them a picture of yourself although now they use your driver’s license picture if you have one also passports you provide your

    Own picture that’s true yeah and you just go to the Post we just provide our own picture if you want if you want photo ID that’s fine too provide your own photo we’ll just provide our own photo the thing I’m worried about with voter ID is if you make it a process

    Where someone has to pay or someone has to take off time off of work you know how many [ __ ] single moms have time to go to get a a you know they come home from work they’re taking care of kids they’re busy they’re doing stuff you

    Know how many people who work two three jobs have an opportunity to go to a DMV like place and get a voter they’re not going to what you’re going to do is you’re going to alienate those people who have to work or have to do other things to maintain their life instead of

    Going to get a vote a voter card yeah you have to make it easy I’m willing to do it as long as we make it compulsory I want to do it so I could say everybody get to vot has to vote everybody has to to vote you know I will say in Illinois

    I think I told this story before but it Bears repeating Donovan my stepson just got his driver’s license a couple of weeks ago and when I took him he’s only 17 but he’ll be 18 before November he turns 18 in June um so when he got his

    Driver’s license he was signed up and he already has his voter registration card already came and that happens with the they do it I I got my license and they did the same thing too where they said you know you can get vote and they actually had on my latest one vote by

    Mail if you want you could just sign up for that but what I liked is they did it for an underage voter awes when we were kids could do that you wait till you were 18 yeah I this other one too restoring voting rights to felons who

    Have served their time [ __ ] a man what the [ __ ] are we doing you know we have a prison system in this country that constantly we we put people behind bars for way longer than they are in other countries the places that they have to go are way more dangerous way

    More likely for recidivism we have a terrible system of justice in this country that is more like Vengeance and then when they come out and then they’ve served their time we’ve said guess what you did this bad thing now you’re you’re a felon but guess what after you come

    Out your life is [ __ ] yeah your life is essentially [ __ ] and that and there’s a whole book about why they make this is because it’s the new Jim Crow that’s literally what it is this is the idea that like serving your time doesn’t amount to like wiping your slate clean

    In any way it’s not you’re if you have a felony your your slate never gets WIP clean like I mean I know there are some exceptions in certain States first time offenders don’t send me your email I know that but you know that functionally what I’m saying is that but I think

    That’s [ __ ] if I get in trouble and then I suffer the consequences of that mistake and then those consequences are deemed to be complete I shouldn’t just eat Perpetual [ __ ] forever this is like I was thinking like this this feels like very Christian because it’s unending punishment it’s lit literally forever

    It’s l it’s just like yeah okay well you know we’re just going to punish you it’s just forever yeah like we’re into that [ __ ] unending punishment and then term limits for Supreme Court Justices that’s what he wants to do remove the filibuster and start getting those up there all of

    These would make the country a better country absolutely you know it the only thing I would add to this if I had a genuinely if I had a structural governmental wish list I would only add campaign Finance reform campaign Finance reform is huge I would add that too I

    Would make it publicly funded it has publicly funded and be like there’s no no private money that would change so much of what happens in the government it would change so much publicly funded elections or nothing that’s it where are we get a monkey on the car monkey on the car [ __ ]

    Off little followup here Tom from last week yes this is depressing uh 15 states sh out food aid for 8 million 8 million children we talked about this in Nebraska yeah uh just last week um turns out now 15 states all of them red States unsurprising all of them red states have

    All declined federal aid for Hungry children yeah so all of them have basically said let them eat nothing [ __ ] them and 8 million kids and it was and it was because they didn’t want to administrate it but that’s what they’re saying is they that it was it was a

    Difficult system to administrate and so we just don’t want to do it we didn’t want to do it we’re going to do something some of them are suggesting they’re going to do something else or we don’t need the government’s help and you know what the [ __ ] is it there for if we

    Don’t use it and and you know these poor kids these are kids that just don’t have enough food and then you give them a little bit of money while they’re not in school to eat just a little bit that’s it just a little bit of extra money for

    Them to eat while they’re not in school this is this is something this is where you plant your flag this is where you look at people in the face and say you know what I don’t want those kids to eat and this party guys this this system of

    Ideals is Up For Debate and election in November we are going to decide if we want to live in a country governed by people who can look at 8 million hungry kids and say don’t worry we’ll figure something out as their solution and then the that’s what they [ __ ] said they

    You know they they didn’t want to pay the administration costs and then some of them just said ideologically we are opposed to taking money from the federal government yes yeah no I’m being nice to most of them you’re right some of them are just like yeah we just don’t do that

    Yeah we just don’t take money from the federal government I bet they do when there’s a [ __ ] hurricane or an earthquake or fire cuz they all do they all have their [ __ ] hand out every single time there’s a big [ __ ] storm or whatever so they absolutely take

    Federal aid all of them are liars what I what I think the worst part about this is is that the federal government is reaching out to help disadvantaged families right and they are smacking that hand away and then they are definitely going to blame the federal government and help and once they remove

    That they’re going to say to all these people who are disadvantaged in their Community it’s the federal government that’s leaving you behind yeah the local government refused that help but it doesn’t matter because the people who are there are going to see hungry kids and they’re going to be like well the

    Federal government doesn’t care about us cuz they batted the hand away not the people who are getting the help yeah I we’re just we’re just like racing toward this kind of Cruelty yeah as an ethos yeah and I’m like Blown Away what the [ __ ] else is government

    For why are we even living in a country where only when when you add up all the hungry kids in 15 states you get to a number as high as eight million doesn’t that tell you this country is like structurally in need of enormous help why the [ __ ] are they are there 8

    Million hungry kids in only 15 states of this country 15 of them not most populous states it’s not like they’re adding up California New York like those states are taking the money and can feed their [ __ ] kids we are not talking why are there even 8 million hungry kids

    Yeah like structurally we’re we’re we’re supposed to say that we’re oh the you know the richest nation in the world we are but like not most of us no not most of us cuz I’ll tell you what 15 [ __ ] states have 8 million hungry kids and we’re flipping them the bird instead of

    Tossing them some food and and and 8 million kids that are growing and need food so they can become the next generation of this country to take over right and you’re feeding them less and there is no better way to stunt the growth of this nation than to feed the

    Most disadvantaged Le because as time goes I mean that’s what you need to grow not just big and strong right that for your brain you need that for your head y if you don’t get proper nutrition you suffer and and we and and they’re saying we want 8 million kids to suffer and

    That’s our future yep and like you if you want uh higher crime this is a great way to get higher crime I’ll tell you what people who are hungry who are not feeding their brains like if if my kids first of all if my kids were hungry and

    It was a choice between stealing or whatever like you every parent is gonna try to do whatever they’re going to do what this does too is it not only puts these kids at disadvantage but think about the people who are going to turn to other types of work that is dangerous

    Or illegal in order for them to earn enough money to feed their families and then some of those people will get hurt will get killed or will get caught and then that cycle gets worse for that family this is such a dangerous thing to do you’re putting these kids in this

    Awful position which puts the adults in their lives in an awful position which leaves everybody in that chain that family chain at terrible risk abut for a Cascade of events that the government has literally said here’s some money to help I can put up this thing that will

    Stop this Cascade and we’re just like and there are people who are like ideologically I got mine so [ __ ] you that is exactly it this is the thing for Spirit Halloween Grandma way and can’t stop screaming here’s a thing of got I only want to call this up because

    I want to show this image Cecil this is life right nowk you this so this is uh a followup to a story that we did um this story that we covered was uh about the alien mummies and these are the little dolls can I just say alien in big giant

    Air quotes little paper mâché dolls that somebody made from Spirit Halloween and then they handed them off to different governments but my favorite I got to see if I could find this image Again look at these look at the dress on look at this for people who are watching someone has the person I guess who had these these dolls these little dolls made like so up like a little a little dress traditional for him and it is the [ __ ] greatest thing I’ve ever seen

    This is a Barbie Dream Home stuff I can’t get enough of this I can’t by the way the the story is a followup Peru has basically said yeah those are the same dolls those we we looked at those are like chicken bones yeah they’re they’re bones made from Birds dogs and other

    Animals potenti even some human parts traditional Peruvian food Ian would eat I’m just saying Ian’s favorite meal is the head of one of these do thing okay guys it seriously looks like papier-mâché like it doesn’t look like it looks like paper dude it’s it’s garbage it looks like it’s it’s roadkill

    Trash assem thing anybody’s everever tried to pass off and we’re still hearing about it oh and there were this thing is like this in no way will sway the the the people like pict should sway everybody this picture should sway everybody this picture should if you see

    This picture and you’re still like you know what those Peruvian aliens there’s something to it those one foot high the aliens who show up in a SP they’re they’re a foot high I want to I want to flip through like the Sears catalog and come across the P Peruvian aliens and

    There’s like they’re just standing there they got their little dresses on couple of different ones maybe they got a different get him in all different like traditional outfit you could do a whole like small world like kind of rendition with them you know this the best this is so good you

    Just if you’re not watching you just have to see that weird alien thing that we’ve that we’ve talked about in the past into a traditional outfit it is the funniest thing you’re going to see this week I guarantee it God [ __ ] the people are still into this I am a

    Surgeon I am a surgeon I am I am a surgeon I am a surgeon Dr H I am a surgeon this story comes from dead State Ben Carson Trump is being used by God like King David and is a man after God’s Own Heart all right

    Let’s listen to it I’ll put it on the big screen wait can I just ask real quick the [ __ ] Ben Carson’s back I haven’t thought about Ben Carson I think did did Ben car Carson finish out his term I think he did I don’t think he [ __ ] pissed Trump off enough that’s

    The thing is I literally don’t remember Ben Ben Carson was a joke from the beginning of the Trump Administration he’s the HUD guy housing Housing and Urban Development guy and like he was the guy who’s like oh yeah like you could fill the pyramids full of grain or

    Like whatever nonsense he said they were salt shakers Sal shakers or some [ __ ] and then like everybody kind of forgot about Ben Carson everybody at least at least I did did he go back to do Ben Carson stuff like they go back to being a doctor so CU he was a pediatric

    Neurosurgeon that was his like gig before in I do love this like in in December of 2017 The Economist described the Department of Housing and Urban Development led by Ben Carson as directionless so 2017 2017 2017 oh was office furniture Scandal scand you remember that I do remember that oh this

    Is like a trip down a weird like like a memory lane they cleared him of misconduct there yeah in 2019 so that means he probably made it through to the end I think he made it through the end he made it through I think he made it through so I don’t think because

    Everyone just forgot about looking at the article it doesn’t look like like he got kicked out or or left or got angered Trump enough to get fired so he stayed through through the whole end so I think what he wants is his old job back he wants his

    Old yeah so so here’s Ben Carson and uh he’s on Kap kavo caputos whatever sure here we Go well you know you you think about the Bible and uh King David uh most of those people probably if they were alive back in those days would have said oh what a horrible guy you know the episode with bash Sheba and some of the other things

    That he did and yet he was a man after God’s Own Heart God uses different I love that I he’s like no he’s a really shitty dude but absolutely after God’s Own I know I I [ __ ] love that they have some of these guys have to be like

    Look I get it he’s the worst he’s the worst but and you’re like you could just stop there he’s the worst we’re all in agreement he’s the worst let’s just fist bump and go on with our day like look I know out there there are people that

    Don’t like Tom right I get that yeah but like and then there are other people that do like Tom and that’s how it’s supposed to work I would be really upset if the people who do like Tom were like no we agree with the other side Tom’s the worst but

    But he’ll drive us to the store on Thursday you know what I mean yeah I know I know like if your friends are like if the people who support you are like okay let me let me get me try to help you gigantic dick but seriously yeah Mondo ass never have to describe

    Your friends with a butt I know you should never have unless your friend has a great butt yeah then you describe your friend’s butt people for different times you need somebody with a Manhattan business type of personality to deal with the administrative State you know there are some real wolves in that Manhattan

    Business environment and to succeed in that uh you don’t just kind of be a flowery nice person necessarily that doesn’t mean he can’t be I’ve seen him uh when he’s not being attacked he’s a wonderful person everybody I think would love him um but just to be clear uh

    You’re comparing him to King David I I I love that the reporter for lack of a better term that is a lack of a better term it’s like uh but back to the original point I just want to go I just want to roll back to what you had

    Just said you’re comparing trumped King David from the Bible that’s that’s your thesis here Ben Carson I I the volume okay I’m sorry you are just to put up for the record you’re comparing him to King David and and that worked out well for okay what you missed if you’re not

    Watching this is that he he’s touching his ear because he doesn’t he doesn’t he clearly doesn’t want to answer the question right he is pretending all of a sudden Ben Carson did the thing that people do when they are trying to like lie to you by not saying something which

    Is they unfocus their eyes and stare straight forward should answer his phone and walk away from right now do you remember when that guy pretended to be on the phone and is like the repor is like I can see your phone’s not on see not on the [ __ ] you remember that I

    Don’t who was it that was doing that it was like Jim Jordan or somebody like that yeah one of those [ __ ] so good they like he’s pretend like I can tell you king David right I don’t know about him King but uh certainly he has some policies that are

    Very worthwhile and the other thing now that must be mentioned if the left is allowed to use the doj to De to to hurt him and to eliminate him from the process then that’s when we lose democracy um what the [ __ ] are you talking about Trump literally said he’s going to

    Weaponize the doj first day first day day one and it’s not though doj it’s [ __ ] grand juries man do you know what a grand jury is also like this is a guy who in 2016 campaigned on lock her up lock her up the idea that like all of

    A sudden it’s the left it’s like oh like we waited till this [ __ ] was out for like a year they got a special prosecutor and that special prosecutor went to the trouble of getting a grand jury to finally decide to make sure that they’re like seriously and these aren’t

    And and some these prosecutions are by the Department of Justice by the way and some of these people on the grand jury are like [ __ ] rabid right-wing people that’s sat through a bunch of evidence were like no man I voted [ __ ] get him in here yep seriously like do you

    Understand how the [ __ ] process works I want to take back to the thing I said I don’t I I said none of these prosecutions were by the Department of Justice but like that’s not true they are not being railroaded through by the Department of Justice and certainly

    There are State cases like the Georgia case which has no connection whatsoever to the Department of Justice it’s such it’s such [ __ ] and it’s the same narrative over and over again and you’re like dude he literally said he would weaponize the justice department and they seem to approve of that dude he

    Said it in 2016 on the campaign Trail getting tens of thousands of people to scream lock who was he referring to they made a his political rival bee log bee log what a treat a hefty hunk of processed meat dipped in mustard oh what Joy I’m a Jolly Beef log boy hot and

    Spicy mod plane I even eat the cellophane I might share some with my dog cuz we both love beef log oh boy Jesus Christ the story is from Salon I thought it was fake when you put this in the show notes Cecil I was looking all over I’m like it’s probably fake right

    Lomer questions if Haley is using weather manipulation to steal caucus from Trump all right here we go you get yeah you gotta all right so here’s what she says is the Deep State activating HARP h h a RP to disrupt the caucus we all know Nikki

    Haley has a lot of friends the defense industry and military-industrial complex she’s losing in Iowa and now Iowa is set to get hit with a once in a decade blizzard As Trump is set to dominate the Iowa caucus is the Deep State using harp to rig the Iowa caucus looks like

    Weather manipulation to me weather manipulation this is these are people who are on the right and I think there’s a there’s a fabric of reality problem that when they start denying so many different things they just start denying reality in general and this is this is a natural

    Extension of that mentality this is a natural extension of that this is the best the worst part about this is all you have to do is just like tweak this just a little and turn them just kind of a tiny bit and you could be

    Like maybe we’re going to be on the same side with global warming you know like I mean all it would take is just little bit just a n like they almost have it like the leopards have almost eaten their face they’re close they’re like gwing on their cheek and you’re just

    Like just go to the front of the face R to the front just go to the front of the face it’s cold in January in Iowa and you see a conspiracy it is a huge conspiracy you see snow and cold weather in the midwest yeah in January as a sign

    Of like weather man look if it was 143 degrees in January in Iowa I’d be like wow that that is is different that as my attention that’s different that I am right it’s negative five you’re just like yeah it’s negative five it gets cold in the winter yeah that’s why we

    Call it the winter it like a midwesterners are just like yeah it’s cold admittedly it is a it is a big blizzard that did come through admittedly sure but we get blizzards out here blizzards it turns out that’s a thing that happens absolutely so and like the idea that

    Like you got to get all worked up about like oh it’s a Once in a decade event that’s not uncommon to be honest that’s happening all the time now more and more now it’s once every year event right I’m just like and then and then when Trump wins that Iowa

    Caucus so fast that it was called while most people were still in the middle of CAU still caucusing yeah and you’re like probably was uh Nikki Haley who called in some friends who run the giant weather manipulating device in the mil she probably called 1800 military industrial complex she go she goes

    Outside and she sees the general she just slaps him on the shoulder like big help you were I if you can manipulate the weather lightning bolts yeah there’s other ways toip there so many better ways it is it’s sky sky snipers absolutely right you’re not wrong you’re not wrong it

    It’s just like I’ll believe like if somebody’s running like if some candidate is running and like there’s like [ __ ] lightning bolt after lightning bolt like blowing up right behind him I’d be like that looks like some [ __ ] absolutely if it’s cold in the midwest in the winter I’d be like that’s

    Winter wait till next year get a Farmer’s Almanac man it’s coming definitely one is you tagged Zeus in right yeah if there’s a spaceship that you can see it’s shooting lasers at me I’m like that’s suspicious that’s definitely not normal that’s not normal for Iowa but like it’s chilly out it

    Snowed a bunch in [ __ ] January oh I love that lady never changed Laura lur knocked it out of the par never change also real quick if you’re Nikki Haley and you did call 1800 military industrial complex and then they they brought the polar vortex down to suppress

    Turnout and you still [ __ ] lost by that wide of a margin you better just wrap it up soon [Applause] all right that’s going to wrap it up for this week please if you get an opportunity and you’re interested please check out lawful assembly at lawful uh it’s brand new project that

    I’m working on I’m really proud of it I think that the shows are interesting and I think if you are interested in the law and you’re interested in Immigration if you’re interested in current legal cases that are happening in the United States uh might be something they might want to

    Check out so go give it a shot and let me know what you think at lawful go send an email at lapod all right that’s going to wrap it up for this week we’re going to leave you like we always do with Skeptics Creed credulity is not a virtue it’s

    Fortune cookie cutter mommy issue Hypno Babylon [ __ ] couched in scientician double bubble toil and trouble pseudo quasi alternative acup punctuating pressurized stereogram pyramidal free energy healing water downward spiral brain dead P sales pitch late night info docutainment Leo Pisces cancer cures detox reflex foot massage death and Towers tarot cars psychic healing

    Crystal balls Bigfoot Yeti aliens churches mosques and synagogues temples dragons giant worms Atlantis Dolphins truthers birthers witches Wizards vaccine nuts Shaman healers evangelists conspiracy double speak Stigmata nonsense expose your sides thrust your hands bloody evidential conclusive doubt even This the opinions and information provided on this podcast are intended for entertainment purposes only all opinions are solely that of Glory Studios LLC cognitive dissonance makes no representations as to accuracy completeness currentness suitability or validity of any information and will not be liable for any errors damages or butt

    Hurt arising from consumption all information is provided on an Asis basis no refunds produced in association with the local Dairy Council and viewers like You


    1. Been part of "the left" my entire life. I am amazed that people on the left are so pissed about Gaza that they're going to sacrifice the USA in protest. It's a horror over there and I do not pretend to have the answers. If Trump gets elected again, it's not going to be because of the fascists themselves. It will be the fault of those that just have to be right, no matter what. We're so f'd.

    2. Every once in a while something comes along that makes you realize all over again how far we have fallen…. Cecil searching his mind and saying sincerely “it’s a fabric of reality problem” just brought that home to me again lol …hello darkness my old friend

    3. Strategically, I agree w/ the "gotta vote Dems" line, but I don't think the guys are quite understanding the not voting sentiments in a key way.

      Of course Dems are better than Republicans on basically all issues, even if so many of those are moreso a case of being less bad than being proactively good; the problem is inherent within that difference between "less bad" and "proactively good". The Dems don't actively do enough proactively positive things and rely too heavily on just not being as bad as the GOP to get by every single time votes come up; they allude to grand promises of positive forward-thinking change, but then either make little attempt to implement it once in office or not even pretend to do anything new on it. It feels like it is ALWAYS the smallest step forward if any attempt at change is made.

      Look at healthcare. Back under Obama, there was talk of a public option, but even with a filibuster-proof majority of Dems in the Senate there was of course one who would step in to prevent it from happening; instead, we get the ACA, which was modeled after a plan designed by goddamn Mitt Romney in the 90s. While ACA is better than what was there before it (ie: nothing) it was the tiniest steps beyond that a plan could take while making a valid claim at being an improvement on what preceded it. Move forward to Biden, who also was making clear promises during election season about adding a public option, but as soon as he gets in office there's not been a single solitary word about it; all people have seen is a short-term COVID bill in the March right after he was elected, and then a drastic rollback of those pandemic relief efforts.

      Or look at student loan relief. Biden offered up the weakest amount of relief of all Dem candidates, and then subsequently chooses the worst, slowest option at every step for trying to push it forward–all of which left the doors wide open for a long period of time for propaganda against it to be nurtured and an opportunity for the courts on multiple levels to rule against it. Smart move would've been to just eliminate it all w/o some months/years long technocratic deliberation battle; good luck to the courts if they tried to force that debt back on people when it is already removed from 45+ million people's books, and the anger would more easily be squarely aimed at the party that would be behind forcing that debt back on people (the GOP) rather than the ones who actually enacted the policy which lifted those debts. Instead, maybe every few months we see some minuscule amount of people have their debts forgiven, but while that's great for them it is a fraction of a fraction of those who need that relief, who were promised at least some relief, but have seen none of it.

      The blame obviously should first land with the party actively fighting to prevent any positive movement forward on those issues and more, and anyone tuned in slightly on politics in general can understand that. But when the opposition to that enemy is constantly proving to always be weak and ineffective at getting their voters what they want and were promised, it's gonna feel to many like voting for them at all is little more than a waste of time, because the only change they're seeing is things moving in a negative direction and the same party they keep voting for is accomplishing less and less of what they promised they would. Not only that, but it's clear to see they are willing to push for and thru certain things despite the oppositional hurdles (ex: Biden going around Congress to send more and more $/bombs to Israel), while they would rather rest on their laurels of having a cudgel against the GOP on an issue during election cycles vs actually enacting it into law/policy (ie: abortion rights).

      By the time we get to November, I wouldn't be surprised if many who don't want Biden eventually come around to vote for him even if things don't take notably positive steps forward on Gaza/Israel or any other issue that's top-of-mind for them; for many, loudly declaring an intention not to vote for Biden, while being specific in their reasoning, is all they feel they have in terms of a tool to try pushing for the administration to change course. But this is a dangerous fire for Dems to play keep playing with, expecting that people will remain so calculated in their voting decisions that they vote enough for the best option of the only two parties which can win when said best option seems to do nothing but ignore them, admonish them, and take them for granted.

      The Dems are atrocious in the way they constantly treat their voting base, and that treatment pushes people away–not to the GOP, but to a nihilism of political inactivity which slams open the doors country-wide for the GOP to take control and make everything exponentially worse for everyone. The blame and onus needs to be placed squarely on the party for failing their voters and constituents, not the disillusioned voters who rightfully are out of patience and trust with a party which constantly fails them but also demeans them any time they don't toe the establishment-backed party line. Don't talk to them like they're assholes for not wanting to keep supporting a party that's not giving them what they were promised for their support; be firm in understanding that they have every right to be infuriated at the Dems' failings, but clear in how much worse the GOP gaining even more power would be.

      A useful part of that: provide specific examples of good things that have been happening and contrast it against what the GOP is sure to do. A few quick ones:
      – Dems aren't doing enough on healthcare and student loans, but it'd be actively moving in the other direction under GOP rule.
      – the FTC under Lina Khan has become as worker-focused and -friendly since the late-60s, including stopping a bunch of large-scale mergers and acquisitions by monopolistic companies
      – the US labor movement has had a bit of a rebirth in recent years due to
      – the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau functions far better for everyday people under Dem-appointed leadership than the GOP (one of many agencies/etc which the GOP routinely will appoint a person to who actively will work to dismantle it from the top)
      – IRS getting better funding means they can put more resources towards auditing/pursuing rich tax cheats/etc; US Treasury estimates show that every $1 invested in the IRS returns about $6.

      As stated at the top, I do personally agree w/ the underlying sentiments of "gotta vote Dem", but gotta come out w/ a high degree of patience and nuance if you're gonna actually get through to anyone who may be wavering in doing that due to the awful aspects which are part and parcel of the Dem party as it stands today.

    4. Disagree heartily on the idea the US can't force Israel to do anything. The US can immediately cut the $4 billion or so per year given to them if the leadership would choose to do so; even the threat of conditioning aid, if sincerely made/believed, could feasibly do so.

      Netanyahu may still go forward with these unrelenting genocidal actions anyway because he's trying to do anything to keep himself in power, but then the US is no longer supporting it–and w/o that giant yearly funding (not to mention the $ billions in bombs and such sent multiple times since Oct 7) Israel will be at worst drastically hindered in their efforts from that point forward, and in all likelihood no longer be able to keep it going.

      Clearly not gonna actually happen anytime soon if ever, but that is an option which exists if the people in power would actually find some courage to utilize it.

    5. TRump should absolutely be removed from the ballot. What will your excuse be when he wins because he was illegally on the ballot? What's the point of laws of we don't enforce them, especially the one law that could literally save the country? What are you gonna say when tRump wins and this country becomes a dictatorship? It'll only happen because we lei it by NOT following the 14th amendment. If it causes a civil war, so be it. That's kinda the point when our country is being dismantled from the inside.

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