We take a very brief look at the UK’s inmates with whole life sentences (orders) who are inside serving their time today.

    – John Wass is also another inmate who is serving a whole life tariff.

    Thanks for watching.

    * I had issues with my mic while recording, Sorry for any audio issues*

    We have covered some of these criminals in previous videos and some will be new a whole life sentence or a whole life order has been given to a select number of inmates it is the harshest sentence in the UK these inmates will never leave prison we will be briefly discussing the 70

    Plus inmates in prison today serving their whole life sentences one Levi bfield Levi bfield took the lives of three women and attempted to take the life of one other these crimes took place in London between 2002 and 2004 he was found guilty on the 25th of

    Feb 2008 on the 23rd of June 2011 bfield was found guilty of taking the life of Millie d he was given a second whole life sentence he is the first prisoner to be handed to the police are still investigating other cases they believe Levi bfield is connected to dating back

    To the 1980s up to his arrest he is currently engaged to a female visitor who he met through Peter sliff current laws St he is entitled to be married reportedly he will be married in the next few months in prison he works as a bin man the 55-year-old remains in Franklin

    Prison two artha Simpson Kent arur Simpson Kent took the life of former reenders actress sha Blake age 43 and their two sons in their home in London in December 2015 the motive being that sha had planned to leave him and take their kids he fled to his native Ghana but was

    Extradited in 2016 he was given a whole life sentence he pled guilty he has since appealed his whole life sentence saying that A Min term of 30 years would be a just sentence but this was rejected the 57-year-old remains imprison three Jamie Reynolds in May 2013 INR 23-year-old Jamie Reynolds lured college

    Friend 17-year-old Georgia Williams by asking if he could take a photo shoot of her he entered her parents’ home and then took her life taking photos before and during the whole ordal he left her in rexam following the investigation it was made clear he had grown an obsession

    With georger Williams and was a deviant he had previously been cautioned by the police for an incident with another woman he was handed a whole life sentence a 33-year-old remains in Wakefield prison four Gary Smith and Lee new Lee new had been in prison since the late 1980s after tricking his way into

    His 56-year-old neighbor’s home and taken her life Gary Smith was jailed in 1999 for taking the life of 22-year-old Ali Hassan who he believed was a police informant they were both serving their sentence at long Lon prison and became friends in 2013 they followed fellow inmate Saban

    Anoir who was serving time for taking the life of his partner’s child once they entered 24-year-old anir cell they took his life they blamed each other and they never explained why but at their trial the judge mentioned prison’s moral codes and that being a reason for the targeting they were both

    Handed H life sentences and both remain in prison today five George Johnson in April 1986 George Johnson took the life of Hotel worker Gerald Homer and took 8 pound off of him he was sentenced to life imprisonment with a minterm of 17 years in 2006 he was released on license and

    In 2011 he entered the home of an elderly neighbor he knew her as he had done some odd jobs around her home before he took her life and then stole 25 quid he stole to fund his habits he later confessed to his brother who then rang the

    Police on the 3rd of May he admitted to the crime and was given a whole life sentence the 60-year-old remains in prison six Douglas Vinter in 1996 Douglas Vinter took the life of 22-year-old Carl Eden he served 9 years for this in 2008 he took the life of his wife an white and

    Admitted this in court he was handed a whole life sentence he appealed in 2009 but this was rejected in 2011 he attacked Roy Whiting but no charges were pressed and in 2012 he attacked another prisoner Le who we have previously just mentioned the 53-year-old remains in prison seven ARA Hutchinson Hutchinson had

    Spent 5 years in prison for attempting to take the life of his half brother Dino and had several prior convictions of sa on the morning of September 28th 1983 Hutchinson arrived at Selby police station after being arrested on suspicion of theft burglary and R he asked to go to the toilet and whilst

    There he jumped out of a window after 3 and 1/2 weeks on the run late in the night of the 23rd of October 1983 Hutchinson broke into the home of basil and AAL leer he took their lives as well as their 28-year-old son he then add the 18-year-old daughter

    Nicola his identity was established by the description given by Nicola by a pal print left on a champagne glass and by a dental impression left by Hutchinson on a block of cheese after spending another two weeks on the Run wearing disguises and moving from place to place in barnesley

    Manchester and York he was finally caught on a farm in harleypool on the 5th of November 1983 he was given a whole life sentence in 2008 he appealed his sentence and this was rejected in 2015 the European Court of Human Rights ruled that a whole life sentence was a breach of Human

    Rights Hutchinson appealed again and this was rejected the 82-year-old remains in prison eight Anthony arite Anthony arite was known to the police as a petty criminal he boasted to friends and family how he would be as famous as Jack the riffer in 1988 after being fired

    From his job he went on a 56-hour spree he went to his grandfather’s lotman and took his life then went to his grandfather’s home to steal money it’s believed that this is where he took the life of his grandfather’s housekeeper but this has never been proven the night of that same day he

    Went to the pub drinking the next day he had an argument with wheelchair bound neighbor Marcus law he took his life on the Monday Marcus LA’s mom came to see him and alerted the police arite was the main suspect he denied the charges Raymond Ford arr’s neighbor had rang the

    Police a few days before report an archite of robbing his home the police went across to his house to speak to him and found that archite had taken his life too by 1990 Anthony arite was given a whole life sentence he showed no emotions he appealed his whole life

    Sentence in 2014 but this was rejected the the 57-year-old remains in prison nine Lucy leby Lucy leby was a former neonatal nurse she was convicted of taking the lives of seven infants and attempting to take the lives of six others between June 2015 and June 2016 whenever suspicious incidents

    Happened at the hospital it was found that Lucy leby was on duty this was investigated and in November 2020 she was charged on the 21st of August 2023 letby was sentenced to life imprisonment with a whole life sentence she has asked for permission to appeal against her convictions a retrial for

    One count is also planned the 34-year-old remains in L Newton prison 10 Desmond Lee in 1989 at the age of 19 Desmond Lee took the life of his land lady shley car he was convicted and served 14 years he was released in 2004 and in

    2009 he took the life of his lover who was having an affair with Christopher Pratt he went on to use credit and debit cards and go on shopping sprs on the 13th of April 2010 he admitted to the charges and on the 24th of April he was found guilty and handed

    A whole life sentence the 53y old old remains in prison 11 John Maiden on the 3rd of April 2010 John Maiden found his sister to ask for his 12-year-old niece Tia rig to come to his house to babysit when his niece arrived he took her life on the

    Same day he phoned the police admitting to the crime saying he did it because he felt like it on the 4th of October 2010 he was given a whole life sentence the 51-year-old remains in prison 12 Mark Martin Mark Martin had committed plenty of crimes through his

    Teenage years and by 2002 his marriage was in a shambles in 2004 he was arrested on suspicion of hurting his wife the next day he phoned the police telling them he believed he would go further if no action was taken the police took no

    Action by 20 0 4 he was living in a tent the noam’s homeless Community was scared of him along with two of his friends he took the lives of three women between 2004 and 2005 on the 16th of January 2006 all three went to trial Mark Martin the ring leader was

    Given a whole life sentence Dean Carr and John Ashley were given a life sentence with a midterm of 25 years the 45-year-old remains in prison 13 Thomas McDow Thomas McDow was born in Northern Ireland and by 2002 was living in London on the 3rd of July 2002 German National Andreas Hines a 37-year-old

    Trainy Rabbi was drinking alone in the Black Cab pub in Camden London this is where he met McDow they went back to Thomas mcdow’s flat and this is where his life was taken mcdal went on trial in September 2004 he was handed a whole life sentence deeming he

    Was not safe to re-enter the community at any point the 47-year-old remains in Rapton secure Hospital serving his sentence 14 Steven mcco Steven mcco was a gangster as well as a police informant in 1997 the police believed he took the life of Ralph Sprout but was never

    Charged on the 23rd of March 2001 Michael Duran disappeared after spending a weekend in Scotland with Steven mcco who he had previously fallen out with on the 1st of November 2003 Philip NOS disappeared after being seen talking to Steven mcll he had also fallen out with him the police established that Steven

    Mle was the last person to see both of the victims and he took both of their lives ral’s R has never been found the police believe this is due to Steven McCool’s experience working in funeral homes McCool was charged but was already in prison serving time for robberies at

    His trial he denied the charges but was found guilty and handed a whole life sentence he remains in prison 15 John McGrady in 1993 John McGrady had been in prison for 5 years for false imprisonment of a woman he abducted as she got off the bus by 1998

    He was jailed for 6 years for R and sa on two women he was out of prison by 2005 in that same year on the 25th of September 2005 in London relle holus vanished after going to call her boyfriend from a phone box she was found shortly after on the 28th of September

    John McGrady admitted to his girlfriend what he had done the police believe that he could be connected to many more cases from 1997 up to his arrest in 2006 he was given a whole life sentence the 47-year-old remains in prison 16 I mlin I Lin had a long

    Criminal history for theft and other offenses in 1983 he took the life of lover Len delgaty he served 5 years for this in 1989 he was released on license he moved to Brighton and worked in a bar he started a relationship with another Barman Peter halls and took his life on

    The 2nd of July 1992 he was given a life sentence of a midterm of 25 years in in 2012 he was lit out on day release and decided to rob the home of EX prisoner 86-year-old Francis Wright who he had met while in prison Graham vck Francis White’s neighbor heard

    Arguing and entered the home his life was taken after doing so he went to a friend’s house to drink he was handed a whole life order the 66-year-old remains in prison 17 William McFall William McFall was born in Northern Ireland and took the life of Widow Martha Gilmore he was given a life

    Sentence he was sent to serve his time in England in whole prison this is where he met Steven Enwin who was in whole prison for the same charge in 2010 McFall was released on license Steven amwin his former cell body was also free they moved into a house

    Together in August 2017 they lowered a woman to their house for potential maintenance work but they demanded her money and her bank cards they essed her and then took her life she was discovered in her own car when it was set on fire they both went to trial and were given whole life

    Sentences they both remain in separate prisons 18 Victor Miller in 1980 Victor Miller served a 7-year sentence for the Abduction of a 13 y old boy by 1988 18-year-old Richard Holden was attacked by a man while riding his bike in Wellington another incident occurred on the same day in a park with a

    Woman only a day later paper boy Stuart gof turned up to do the first half of his paper round but never returned to the news agents for his second round a huge Manhunt began Victor Miller was arrested and questioned where he conf Fest he was arrested because of his

    Criminal record as well as a description given for the two other crimes reported to the police the day before he went on trial and was handed a whole life sentence for taking the life of Stuart go he has never appealed his sentence and said in court that he

    Believed it was just he remains in prison 19 Peter Mo Peter Mo managed Cinema in hollyhead in Wales at the time of his arrest he took the lives of four men in 1995 due to his trademark attire of a black shirt and tie he was dubbed the

    Man in Black at his trial Mo told the jury the crimes were committed by his lover he nicknamed Jason after the Friday the 13th movies which happened to be his favorite the jury found him guilty on all counts he was handed a whole life sentence and befriended Harold Shipman while in Wakefield he

    Appealed once but this was rejected the 78-year-old remains in prison 20 Paul O’Hara in 1998 O’Hara took the life of ex-girlfriend 21-year-old Janine waterworth he served 13 and a half years for this and was released on license in 2012 in March 2014 Cher shanan rang O’Hara’s probation officers telling them

    That he had attacked her later that day police officers arrived at her house while at the door he pged past them and attacked them as well as cherilee he took her life and injured the officers he went on trial the same year and was charged and handed a whole life

    Sentence the 54-year-old remains in prison 21 Steven PA Steven PA was convicted icted of taking the lives of four young men and multiple RS and essay of a number of others for received a whole life sentence on the 25th of November 2016 the police are investigating various other Crimes of

    The same nature they think he could be linked to the 48-year-old remains in prison 22 Mark Robinson on the 27th of May 1979 he took the life of neighbor 32 year-old Patricia Wagner in Billingham the teenager was charged and served 10 years in prison he was released in 1989 and

    Met Sharon moley the relationship was very toxic in the September of the same year he was released he found a photograph of Sharon’s old boyfriend this made him angry and he took the life of Sharon he was handed a whole life sentence while in prison in 20 11 he got

    Annoyed that his bread ration had been changed he attacked various prison officers and it took 10 to restrain him five needed hospital treatment this added 5 years to his whole life sentence the 62-year-old remains in prison 23 Kenneth rean and William Hy both were found guilty in 2005 of

    Taking the life of millionaire amri chuhan as as well as his wife mother-in-law and two sons his sons were never found they were bothh handed whole life sentences they both remain in prison 24 Anthony Russell on the 1st of October 2020 Anthony Russell took the life of

    David Williams he then went to the home of David’s mother and admitted what he had done realizing she would tell the police he then took her life to to on the 26th of October he fled from centry he attacked a man and a woman for cash he then took the life of Nicole

    McGregor he went on to steal a car but was later arrested David Williams and his mother were found and all cases were linked he went to court in 2022 and was handed a whole life sentence the 41-year-old remains in prison 25 Michael Smith in 1975 25-year-old Michael Smith took the life of his

    Girlfriend Sheila Deacon after serving 29 years he was released in 2005 on license while living in a hostel he met Peter Summers he knew Peter Summers had a stash of money in his Loft so he took the life of Peter and then took his girlfriend on a shopping spree after the

    Sh shopping spree he told his girlfriend and then handed himself into the police in May 2007 he went on trial and was given a whole life sentence the 75-year-old remains in prison 26 John Sweeney John Sweeney was given a whole life sentence for taking the life of Melissa

    Halad a former model from Ohio he took her life in Holland but was not convicted to 2011 he attacked a woman in between then and went on the run while on the Run he took the life of Paula Fields who was 31 years old she was living in North London

    At the time John Sweeney was already serving a life sentence for an attack on a third girlfriend he refused to come up to hear his sentence and remained in his prison cell at belmarsh there are currently two other cases that are open involving disappearances of women but there’s not

    Enough evidence to charge him the 68-year-old remains in bmarsh prison 27 David Tilly in 1995 David tily served six years for art he was released in 2006 and met Susan hail who was disabled they met at an amusement park in Southampton that same year he moved in

    With her but was went back to prison for 10 months for not letting the police know his change of address in 2007 he was released him and Susan got engaged on the 5th of March it was the last time Susan was seen they had argued and Tilly took her

    Life Susan’s carer Sarah Merritt arrived at her home and found what had happened David Tilly demanded her bank cards and then took her life also he then fled to wayth they were found and till he was arrested in swanage at his trial in June 2007 he admitted to all the charges he was

    Handed a whole life sentence the 65-year-old remains in prison 28 Rose West Rose West collaborated with her husband Fred West and took the lives of at least nine young women between 1973 and 1987 one including her 8-year-old stepdaughter charmain in 1995 she was handed a whole life sentence her husband Fred West

    Never got sentence as he took his own life before his trial she appealed her sentence but they were rejected she was moved prisoned due to her safety twice the 70-year-old remains in prison 29 Steven Wright Steven Wright took the lives of five women who worked in ipswitch the crimes took place during

    The final months of 2006 Wright was found guilty in February 2008 and given a whole life sentence police are still investigating other cold cases they think could link back to him the 66-year-old remains in prison 30 Mark Hobson Mark Hobson took the lives of four people in July

    2004 he was arrested after an 8-day Nationwide man hunt involving more than 500 police officers and 12 police forces during which time he was Britain’s Most Wanted Man police discovered notes written by Hobson and plans showing that the crime was premeditated in April 2005 he went went

    On trial and he plad guilty to all charges he was sentenced to four terms of life imprisonment with a recommendation that he should never be released he was handed a whole life sentence he appealed but these were rejected the 55-year-old remains in Wakefield prison 31 Philip hey in April 2003 hegy

    And his best friend Derek Bennett went out together drinking in local pubs and Swansea they went to a party and then headed back to he’s flat once there Philip hegy took the life of his best friend he then stole money from him Bennett was found in his burning car DNA

    Evidence confirmed what the police believed and Philip hegerty was arrested he went on trial in 2004 and was handed a whole life sentence he appealed in 2014 but this was dismissed the 42 year old remains in prison 32 Christopher halwell in march7 Becky goodon took halwell on as

    Client he began to become jealous so he took her life she was not discovered until 8 years later in March 2011 sha o Callahan was 22 years old and got into hell’s taxi after clubbing in Swindon by March 24th halwell was arrested in December 2012 he was charged with life

    Imprisonment for taking the life of sha ‘ Callahan halwell then led the police to Becky Gooden he laughed in 2016 he was handed a whole life sentence the police are still investigating other cold cases they believe that could be linked to him the 61-year-old remains in prison 33 Malcolm Green in Cardiff in

    June 1971 Malcolm green bumped into glennis Johnson after leaving a nightclub he then took her life he rang the police saying have you found her yet there will be four more the calls were traced back to where green worked and he was arrested in 1971 he was given life

    Imprisonment with a midterm of 25 years after serving 18 years he was released in 1989 and moved to Bristol where he met New Zealand tourist Clive Tully in 1990 Malcolm green took the life of Clive tul and then left him across South Wales they went to Tal’s flat and found the

    Scene of the crime as well as Green’s fingerprints green was then arrested in 1991 he was handed a whole life sentence where he shouted you were wrong the 79-year-old remains in prison 34 Paul Glenn in Feb 1989 at 17 years old Paul Glenn and a friend robbed

    A local guest house they took the life of the owner and stole money he was sentenced to life imprisonment and served 13 years he was released in 2002 in 20 2004 Builder Robert Lots hired poor Glenn to scare Vincent smart who he thought was intimidating his son Glenn traveled from Liverpool to

    Cambridge he kicked down the door and entered the home where he took the life of Robert ble who he F was Vincent smart Robert crawled into the street for help where a group of teenage girls saw Glenn calmly walked down the road from the house Vincent smart lived with Robert

    Glenn was arrested on the 2nd of August 2004 and in 2005 was handed a whole life sentence while serving his time in white Mall prison in 2007 Paul Glenn got married he appealed his conviction but this was rejected the 46-year-old remains in white Mall prison 35 Steven griffi between June

    2009 and may 2010 Steven Griffith took the life of free women in Bradford he was arrested on the 24th of May and was charged after being found guilty he was sentenced to life imprisonment with a whole life sentence without any possibility of parole the 54-year-old remains in

    Prison 36 David filler in 2021 David filler was convicted of taking the lives of Wendy Neil age 25 and Caroline Pier age 20 he broke into their homes months apart in 1987 in the area of Kent David filler was charged thanks to new forensic techniques and a cold case

    Review as well as his Holo sentence he was also charged with an additional 16 offenses committed at mores in the now closed Kent and Sussex hospital where he worked he pled guilty to the charges on the 3rd of November 20 22 the 70-year-old is imprisoned at Franklin prison and remains there today

    37 Mark fellows Mark fellows took the life of John canella and Paul Massie in gang rivalry in 2015 his Garen watch placed him at the crime scene he was handed a whole life sentence in February 2019 fellows was seriously injured and airlifted to hospital he was attacked again at

    Whitmore prison he appealed his sentence in 2021 but this was rejected the 43-year-old remains in prison 38 Anthony M whistle Anthony M whistle was Jed for life in March 1988 for taking the life of Michelle Carvey a school pupil he committed his crime after being released from a 10year

    Sentence in prison for R he was handed a whole life sentence he has appealed five separate times times the latest being in 2013 the 75-year-old remains in prison 39 John Duffy and David mccoi John Duffy and David mccoi were childhood best friends they went on to attack numerous women and children and

    Take the lives of free women around Railway stations in Southern England during the 1980s in 1988 David mccoi was given three life sentences he has won art awards for the stuff he creates while behind bars and full s in prison Duffy was given a whole life sentence and the 66-year-old remains in

    Prison 40 Wilbert D on the 17th of July 1982 Wilbert D pretended to know Keith Cunningham the brother of England footballer Lori Cunningham who was the father of one of Norma Richard’s children he walked her home from the Pub he then took her life and the life of

    Her two children he put graffiti over the house to try make the police think it was a racist attack in 2010 the Cold Case was reinvestigated and the now improved DNA forensics linked Wilber D to the crime he went to court in November 2010 he was given a whole life sentence the judge

    Stating for 28 years he showed no remorse the six 69-year-old remains in prison 41 Joanna Deni in 2013 Joanna Dene took the lives of three men she was handed a whole life sentence she first served her time in bronfield prison but an escape plot was

    Found in a diary where she would harm or take the life of prison officers so she was placed in solitary confinement in 2018 while still in bronfield she requested to marry her soulmate they both attempted to take their own lives in a pack that failed she was then moved

    To L Newton prison in Durham upon her arrival she allegedly threatened Rosemary West who was moved to another prison she remains in L Newton prison where she is currently in solitary confinement 42 Victor’s deisy in May 2005 he took the life of 17-year-old jesma in West London on our

    Way home from school he fled to his native laia for 4 days but was arrested and returned to England DNA evidence was found at the scene and he had stolen her necklace which was found in his pocket in 2006 he was charged and given a whole life sentence it was revealed at the

    Trial he had previous charges of R in ltia the 62-year-old remains in prison 43 Andrew dson in 1982 Andrew dwon was given a life sentence for taking the life of 91-year-old Henry Walsh in 2010 he was released and within weeks took the life of neighbors John Mathews and Paul Hancock he was arrested

    And told the police he just felt the urge in 2011 he was handed a whole life sentence he is 66 and remains in prison 44 Wayne cousins on the evening of the 3rd of March 2021 33-year-old Sarah evad was kidnapped by off-duty met police officer Wayne cousins he

    Identified himself as a police officer handcuffed her and placed her in his car he then drove her near DOA where he took her life he admitted responsibility and on the 9th of July he pled guilty he was sentenced to life imprisonment with a whole life sentence on the 30th of September

    2021 the 52-year-old remains in prison 45 Dale KGAN on the 18th of September 2012 two Manchester police officers Nicola Hughes and Fiona bone had their lives taken by Dale KGAN in an ambush while responding to a report of a burglary in Manchester on the 12th of Feb 2013 KGAN

    Changed his plea to guilty in relation to taking the lives of the police officers 3 months later he admitted to taking two other people’s lives in a crime related to Gangland feuds in Manchester in 2013 he was handed a whole life sentence in August 2013 it was reported

    That KGAN was on a hunger strike at forart in prison he was moved to Ashworth hospital near Liverpool in the September he was transferred back to Manchester in March 2018 from Ashworth where it was reported he boasted about his workout regime and access to Snooker and Tennis The 40-Year-Old remains in Manchester

    Prison 46 John Cooper John Cooper was sentenced to 14 years in 1998 for robbery and burglary he was released from prison in January 2009 in April 2009 the police carried out a cold case review because of developments and DNA and they identified John Cooper as taken the lives of siblings Richard and Helen

    Thomas in 1985 and taking the lives of Peter and Gwenda Dixon he was rearrested and in May 2011 was handed a whole life sentence the 79-year-old remains in prison 47 John char child John Charles also known as Bruce Childs was contracted to take the lives of three people in the

    7s he implicated Terry pinfold and Harry mckenny but they were released in 2003 he was given a whole life sentence while serving at long Lon prison he admitted that he has committed five more he remains in prison 48 mark shiven in 1992 while living in Germany Mark

    Shivers took the life of Sabine rapold he was sentenced to life imprisonment he served 15 years and was released in 2007 in 2008 now back in the UK he served four months for a domestic on his girlfriend Maria stubbings she complained to the police that he had

    Broken into her house on the 18th of December the police went to Maria’s House marked Shivers said that she was out they arrived back later that same day where they realized her life had been taken he was arrested and at his trial in 2009 he admitted to the charges he

    Was given a whole life sentence the 58-year-old remains Behind Bars 49 leeor Campbell in 1991 Leroy Campbell was charged with r he had a previous offense in 198 83 in 2003 he was jailed for another offense on a woman he was made to attend lots of Rehabilitation

    Courses in 2005 while he served in Wakefield prison he went to parole it was determined he was not suitable for release this happened again in 2007 in 2016 the parole board deemed he was safe to enter back into the community he was released in that same year he climbed into the

    Home of nurse Lisa Skidmore in wolver Hampton where he took her life he attempted to take the life of Lisa’s mother and set the house on fire in 2017 he was on trial and he was handed a whole life sentence the 62-year-old remains in prison with no chance of

    Parole this time or ever again 50 Damen Bendle on the evening of September 18th 2021 Damen bendor took the life of his partner Terry Harris her two children and a child’s friend at their house in Sheffield the next morning he was arrested where he told the police what

    He had done he pled guilty to all charges and was sentenced to a whole life prison term on the 21st of December 2022 the 36-year-old remains in prison 51 Ian Burley in 1995 Ian Burley took the life of 69-year-old Maurice Hoy and went and robbed the home in 1996 he

    Was sentenced to life in prison he was released in 2013 on license he continuously broke his license agreements in 2015 he took the life of John gorti he did this with his partner Helen Nichols they then stole money so they they could settle a debt on the 5th

    Of December 2015 both Ian Burley and Helen Nichols were found guilty Helen Nichols was given a midterm of 20 years and Ian Burley was handed a whole life sentence the 53-year-old remains Behind Bars 52 Mark Bridger on the 1st of October 2012 5-year-old April Jones disappeared after she was last seen

    Playing outside of her home in Wales Mark Bridger helped with the search but subsequently was arrested on the 30th of May 2013 Bridger was found guilty and was handed a whole life sentence the 59-year-old remains in prison 53 David baxendell in 2001 David baxendell was sentenced to 11 years for

    Taking the life of his friend in Spain while he was under the influence he was deported back to the UK in 2008 he was released that same year in 2010 he met Sarah Thomas at a mutual friend’s flat they went back to her place where he took her life the police found

    Forensic evidence in her flat but he fled to Portsmouth using his brother’s passport and ended up in France a member of the public recognized him while in Spain and he was arrested and deported in 2011 he was handed a whole life sentence he appealed in 2012 but this

    Was rejected the 54-year-old remains in prison 54 Jeremy Bamber Jeremy bambar was convicted of taking the lives of his adoptive parents his adoptive sister and his sister’s two twin Sons a majority guilty verdict returned and the jury found that the motive was so he could secure a large

    Inheritance at the trial it was stated they believe that bambas set the crime seen up to make it look like his sister had done it as she suffered from mental health issues he was handed a whole life sentence he has repeatedly applied unsuccessfully to have his conviction overturned or his whole life sentence

    Removed his extended family remains convinced of his guilt there is evidence to suggest his innocence but all appeals have been rejected on the 10th of March 2021 a new application was lodged for a referral to the court of appeal as of 2023 he has spent 37 years behind bars

    Making him one of the longest serving prisoners in the UK he remains in prison 55 Ali Harvey Ali on the 15th of October 20121 Ali Harvey Ali took the life of politician sir David amus in six he was known to the police and was an Islamic State sympathizer he was arrested at the

    Scene in April 2022 he was sentenced to life imprisonment with a whole life order the 29-year-old remains in prison 56 rahan Shard rahan Shard took the life of his wife and their three children in Greater Manchester in August 2006 on 13th of March 2007 he was jailed

    For life and was given a whole life sentence he fled to Thailand originally but returned and was arrested at his trial it was told his motivation was because he had found out his wife was having an affair the 55-year-old remains in prison 57 Michael adab belajio on the

    Afternoon of the 22nd of May 2013 Islamic terrorists Michael Adagio and Michael Adali took the life of British soldier Lee Rigby they were both found guilty and handed life sentences Michael Adali has been in and out from hospital to prison in July 2014 Michael adalaj lost a two front teeth while being restrained

    By five officers at bmarsh prison the 31-year-old remains in belmarsh prison today 58 kahiri sadala he was 27 years old when he took the lives of three men in 10 seconds during a jihadist attack in a reden park in 2020 he had previously been part of an

    Islamic extremist milit in Libya he was refused an appeal against his whole life term in 2021 the 30-year-old remains in prison 59 hakeim kandu hakeim kandu took the lives of two people by setting fire to a block of flats in Ren in 2021 he made voice notes of his

    Intentions bought 50 lers of petrol and poured it on the ground floor of his former home before igniting the fire at his trial it was told this was an act of Revenge for being evicted he plad guilty to two counts he was found guilty and was

    Handed a whole life sentence in 2022 2 the 34-year-old remains in prison 60 Louie deisa met police Sergeant mattity rattana who was aged 54 had his life taken by lewi deisa who smuggled a weapon into the building of the Cen custody Center in 2020 he then used the weapon on himself

    And his brain damaged he was found guilty in 2022 and handed a whole life sentence he remains in prison 61 Robert morsley Robert morsley has been in prison since he was 21 after he was found guilty of taking the life of John Farrell who was convicted of offenses against children following his

    Imprisonment he has taken the lives of three other inmates he has spent more than 16,000 500 consecutive days in isolation many people believe that he was failed by the system multiple times throughout his whole life the 70-year-old remains in Wakefield prison 62 Andrew Randall Andrew Randall

    Took the life of a 7we old daughter Jessica at their home in kin he was sentenced to a full life sentence in 2007 he remains in prison 63 anoir Rossa former Soldier anir Rossa was given off a whole life sentence for taking the life of four-year-old Riley Turner in

    2013 Riley’s family had let Rossa stay the night in their home out of compassion after he turned up drunk following a night out at around 4:00 a.m. he crept up the stairs and took Riley’s life he remains in prison 64 Ian maidman Ian maidman was sentenced to a whole life sentence for

    Taking the life of a man in 2017 9 months after being released from prison he set the car on fire to conceal his crime nearly two decades earlier maidman had taken the life of a 72-year-old man in a flat in Manchester 65 Ryan Matthews Ryan Matthews took the life of a healthc care

    Assistant at a psychiatric hospital in 2014 the following year in 2015 he was given a whole life sentence he he remains in prison today 66 David Mitchell David Mitchell took the life of Robert hind while out on license from an earlier sentence for taking the life of his girlfriend he was

    Sentenced to a whole life order in 2015 he remains in prison 67 Jason Gomez Jason Gomez and Paul Watkin Lear Darren Flynn into their cell at swells side prison on the aisle of sheepy they took his life Gomez was already serving a life sentence he was given a whole life sentence in 2015

    Wkins was jailed for a Min of 30 years they both remain in prison 68 Anthony years Anthony s was out on license he took the life of his ex-girlfriend in 1993 while out on license he took the life of another woman at a friend’s flat in Essex he was handed a whole life

    Sentence in 2016 and remains in prison today 69 Billy White Billy White took the life of his girlfriend in 2015 and was handed a sentence of life imprisonment with a midterm of 30 years later he took the life of a fellow prisoner in Long ltin prison his

    Sentence was increased to a whole life sentence in 2017 he remains in prison 70 John Taylor John Taylor was jailed for a midterm of 30 years for taking the life of school girl Leanne tman in 2000 after being arrested he was linked to a string of other offenses that

    Happened in leads from the 1970s 80s and ’90s which he admitted he was then handed a whole life sentence in 2018 he remains in prison thanks for watching until next time


    1. Thanks for the upload. It would be great if you could add your thoughts on some of these prisons too, I think your sub count would go through the roof. regardless loving the uploads thanks.

    2. Just think how many people could have been saved by not releasing these people in the first place it’s so common for most of them to have already served a life sentence for murder then they do it again

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