Why be a ‘Hybrid Athlete’? Something I’ve never really spoken about…

    00:00 – Start
    14:02 – Why Hybrid

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    Yeah man welcome back to the YouTube we’re on a we’re on a morning walk I’m getting the um the frequency in for the running early even if I can’t run so I’m taking it easy as well man so my shin is a little bit tender we run

    Yesterday my plan is to run Monday Tuesday Thursday Friday Saturday like I said though they’ll be they’ll be walked for a long time most of them like five times I’ve never run five times in a week so that’s going to be a walk for a while um but yeah man slow old process

    This but we’re on the route we’re on the route man it’s only week one it’s still still winter time here as well man which is uh which is always good but I’ll be honest I like that’s a New Year’s resolution man I’m always thinking of like the next season I don’t know if

    That’s from being English and just being obsessed with the weather but I’m always like right I can’t wait to get to winter when I’m in Winter I’m like What’s Next oh it’s that Smoky season that’s going to be [ __ ] and then I’m like yeah then it’s uh

    Rainy then it’s hot season it’s rainy season and then before I know it I’m back full circle thinking about being in this season or something like that so that’s a New Year’s resolution for me concentrate on what’s Happening Now and it’s uh it’s sound um yeah man today it’s that busy

    Time of the year is it January taking a lot of calls with guys who want to want to jump on also also missing a lot of calls guys book in and I’m just sat there like yeah man chatting to myself but like I say it’s um you’ll see a lot

    Of stuff online with like you see the the memes don’t you where people new year new me you’ll do nothing you’re a piece of [ __ ] whatever it takes man to get you get you going just use it even if it is New Year anything holiday anything whatever it’s

    Going to take to get you get you going use it man and uh the the secret the secret I say secret the the thing that’s going to click for you is when you realize this is a a forever game there’s no like there’s no like on and off you just

    Got to do something you can do forever which might sound a bit crazy but that’s the way it is man you can’t just get you don’t just get in shape and that’s it you’ve completed Fitness you have to stay in shape so and it’s good man you’ll enjoy it

    So um yeah we’ll take off today we’re going to finish this walk man and then uh do some Trainings I’m running out of Yorkshire Tea Bags very quickly I’m having like four Brews a day man it’s just the perfect weather for it which won’t last forever like I said we’re in the now um I do my morning cardio which obviously is just a walk

    Today but then I hit the protein oats we keep it a decent amount of protein but a very carb focused meal so I can um basically Blitz the gym in about two hours time I eat this do my main bit of work which today back end of the week is just

    Program programming for current clients so we Blitz that out this is the this where you can do your best work man in the morning after that I’m just distracted which I need to work on man I’m always just out I thinking that yesterday I’m just always in the afternoon rubbish useless man A Let’s see how we’re looking post Christmas feeling very very S yeah not too bad considering considering it was just 10 days of pure but yeah man this video well not um first week back in the game so after 10 days like I say just chilling out so I just like to ease my way back in it’s um this week I

    Guess it’s just about getting into it like that was very sore session man I sort of pulled the volume a lot near the end and just give you give yourself chance to get back into it but don’t use that as a as a time to not get back into

    It it’s going to this week’s going to happen inevitably when you start training again so just EAS your way back in and a couple weeks time you’ll be back recovering as as normal just flying man I can’t wait for that to come cuz I am s this week man

    The that Inception point between hamstring and glue has been screaming screaming from training and then sitting on the bike that’s just an extra kick in the teeth dude but um let’s get back get some food and then I’m on the phone all afternoon which is exciting I do enjoy talking speaking to

    You guys if they want to jump on board and not everybody joins but it’s good just to I don’t mind as long as as long as you turn up for the call that you booked that’s that’s bang on for me you don’t there’s no obligation to join sign up or join the

    Coaching but I do enjoy just chatting about what the the cuz some guys it’s not it’s not time you know what I mean they’ve got they can do certain things and then touch back in later down the line but yeah man I will uh I will get out of here before I turn

    Into a mosquito bite we eating L one tons get a bite get a bite get a bite m thank you He this is a monstrosity of food but it’s so good man steaming though Steaming three calls ticked off two very good ones and one very strange one but that’s the game man that’s the game um the last meal has been fried rice cow pack think we’re going to go with it again man as well got rice chicken Chinese kale and one egg combining that together Good good morning man oh I’m S as a dog it’s um yeah it’s one of them sessions where you just don’t want to do we got two between two and 2 and 1/ half hours zone two I’ve got a [ __ ] ton of work to do I’m sore as a

    Dog it’s a little bit little bit colder than I’m used to so it’s just how easy to not do it but you’re in the same position man where I’m voice in your head is just like do this another day or or spread this volume out or something like

    That it’s just got to see that as a great opportunity to crack on and get some um get some points in the bag get some points in the bag for yourself man and uh yeah man it’s uh and as soon as you’re out man what have been out 12 minutes and

    Look at it man as if I wasn’t going to come out I’ve already feel better but let’s crack on today see how it feel strictly zone two I want to stay around like between 135 on 130 BPM with the hot rate get it in the B 2 hours ticked off man went okay to be fair but be proud of myself so I thought I’d get a a chocolate teddy bear 100 calories cat on the back a bit of a side C there pushing up with my ice cream and this american guy stopped me asked

    Me ask me what the crack was around here wants to renew his passport got chatting to him and he’s been cycling I thought I thought I did a decent amount of volume but he’s been cycling for 11 years around the world so yeah man that’s just that’s mad I’ll try I’ll put

    His YouTube YouTube channel there man but it’s crazy you meet man crazy but yeah that’s some um some crack I wish I I should have made a video with it but yeah it was um this dogs are absolute piece of [ __ ] man but yeah it’s Tom matter you

    Me get out there 11e ride never good morning 4 minute run one minute walk time three with a 5 minute run to finish off 20 minutes in total happy with that progress is there we managed three run walks two walks and the net positive with the

    Recovery yeah man um but I thought I’d answer the question why hybrid training now you’re probably even watching me or on this video because of the tagline hybrid athlete but you’re probably never well I’m confident you would have never heard me say those words um basically the reason I don’t say it

    Is because it’s just training man we’re just training we’re all here just training we we all just want to look and feel our best and for me the a hybrid the the tagline is just basically for me it just means you’re being intentional with your cardio I mean I’ve been there myself

    Where I’ve got in some pretty decent shape not doing cardio and spouting off how I’m not doing any cardio but at the end of the day it’s all energy balance I was doing 20,000 steps per day so I was doing basically zone two walking so for

    Me it is just a case and and and that just leads you to I mean I’ve been like I say I’ve been there just hating cardio there’s no reason to hate cardio and I think one thing to stop you from disliking cardio is to have a program

    Have have some intentions so you you know what it’s like you’ve got 150 minutes to tick off and you’re just on the incline treadmill just wishing the time away so what being a hybrid athlete and entails is just having a program for your CV work and now 8 80% of that work

    Is going to be in zone 2 so but it just makes you just have something to look at and a direction and some workouts mixed in there just stops you from disliking cardio and like I say we all just want to look and feel our best so you’re

    Going to in order to be have a leaner composition the energy balance equation is going to have to be skewed towards either a high output or lower food and we all know how low food feels nobody wants to be eating low food you rather get yourself out get yourself

    Moving and in terms of I mean you can see the videos Man the training that I do it is on that tagline the reason the reason I don’t say it too much is well I feel like coming out of a English person’s mouth a British person just

    Sounds a bit cheesy don’t it I think Americans can get away with it a bit better but yeah man I just thought I’d address and I hand on Art I’ve trained across like I’m 17 years now this is 17 years of training I’ve trained with different modes different different form like I

    Said I’ve done it with no cardio just steps I’ve done I’ve done it I’ve done quite a lot of different things and I can hand on heart say that the hybrid approach makes you I mean it’s hard to say it makes you look look better but 100% it makes you feel better there’s

    Nothing better than getting in zone 2 for a couple hours with no like headphones or anything like that and just thinking through some stuff that’ll um you’ll come out of that feeling better than you did or you’ll have figured some stuff out you know what I

    Mean so yeah man I just thought I’d address that and uh yeah like I say get intentional with your cardio don’t become someone who’s like I Hae cardio cuz we all ate walking on treadmill incline in a pack gym for 30 minutes it’s it’s dead you know what I mean get

    Out there man get moving and uh don’t feel like you’ve got to cuz I was kind of doing the training and then it sort of popped up on my for you page Fergus Crawley Nick bear well I’m kind of doing that so and I was getting like one view

    On my video so I thought I’ll pop that in the in the tagline and don’t feel like you’ve got to do a Marathon run a 100 mile cycle from one country to the next it’s as simple as doing your resistance training and being intentional with your cardio which

    Unless you want to do 20,000 steps 30,000 steps a day which if you do fair enough but unless you want to do that get on a program man get some intentions behind it and enjoy it I think that’s um yeah man and just say no to wobbly little Manti Is yeah man


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