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    ► “Das Dritte Reich privat – Leben und Überleben”

    FSK: Freigegeben ab 16 Jahren

    Rückschauend und auf den ersten Blick wirkt das Dritte Reich wie aus einem Stück geschlagen, uniformiert und gleichgeschaltet. Wer sich aber die Zeit nimmt, genauer hinzusehen, erkennt, dass dieser Eindruck täuscht. Hinter der einförmigen Fassade existieren Nischen und Freiräume, in denen sich der Alltag in seiner ganzen Vielfalt abspielte. Ein Alltag, von dem wir wenig wüssten, gäbe es nicht die privat gedrehten Schmalfilme, die unverstellt und jenseits der Propaganda das “private Dritte Reich” bis heute bewahren. Sie zeigen das kleine Glück und die privaten Leidenschaften, aber auch das Leid und die Sorgen, die Empörung über Ungerechtigkeiten und Verbrechen. Anders als Dokumentationen, die aus der Rückschau den Nationalsozialismus erklären wollen, sind sie mitten im Geschehen. Nie zur Veröffentlichung vorgesehen, spielt Propaganda in ihnen ebenso wenig eine Rolle wie das, was heute als “politisch korrekt” gilt.
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    PLAION PICTURES is a serious and legal video on demand company located in Berlin, Germany. We are holding proper license for all of our published movies. For any questions contact: copyright.berlin@plaion.com

    Looking back and at first glance, the Third Reich appears as if it had been cut out of one piece, uniformed and aligned, but anyone who takes the time to look more closely realizes that this impression is deceptive. Behind the monotonous façade there are niches and open spaces in which the

    Day took place in all its diversity Everyday life that we know little about if it were n’t for the privately made small films that preserve the private Third Reich undisguised and beyond propaganda to this day. Private films are contemporary witnesses without the filter of

    Later experiences, they keep people’s trust in the regime out of time, the joy of success and victories, they show the suffering and worries, the indignation over injustice and crimes, unlike documentaries that

    Explain the inner connections and the crimes of National Socialism from the perspective of hindsight, they are right in the middle of the action. The chronological structure and the factual structure serve to better understand the individual films Commentary Since the pictures themselves are primarily

    Intended to tell the story, explanations are provided as cautiously as possible. The special appeal for the viewer lies in the possibility of being able to directly experience the past again in this way, the fascination and enthusiasm of the broad

    Masses, the fear of the persecuted, the horrors of the war, looking the other way and joining in, we go back to 1928. At this point in time, hardly anyone in Germany was talking about the Third Reich. The NSDAP was one party among

    Many. Hitler was a politician who played no role outside of Bavaria. In the summer of that year, a cameraman was filming in Niederschönhausen Berlin an advertising film about the local companies, its recordings say a lot about the mood and wishes of the people. 10 years

    After the end of the First World War, there had been enough deaths. Now people wanted to live. We use the film to show the historical development in Germany up to the year 1928 To outline the Treaty of Versailles had not brought peace to Europe, on the

    Contrary, the unfulfillable requirements of the entant suffocated the weak shoot of German democracy and favored the parties who agitated against the Weimar Republic. Recordings like this one, which convey an ideal world and contentment, should therefore be viewed with caution to enjoy because while the bourgeoisie

    Began to settle into the post-war order, the army of uprooted radical political slogans grew in the metropolitan areas. Uprisings and strikes shook the empire. Street battles shaped everyday life. The majority of the soldiers who returned from the war stood by Rejecting the new political order to prosperity as

    Shown in this film was a foreign word for many millions. One of the uprooted soldiers, faced with the disgrace of Versailles, later wrote that he made the decision to become politically active. His name was Adolf Hitler. He will go down in history as Mass murderer and dictator

    As a propagandist of an Aryan master race and as the person responsible for a war with which he swept all of Europe. With his entry into an interpretive political circle that pompously called itself the German Workers’ Party, the rise of the organization began, which

    Soon later renamed itself the National Socialist German Workers’ Party, NSDAP for short After a failed coup attempt, the ban and the re-establishment, the party achieved its first success in the Reichstag elections on May 20, 1928 with 12 seats, exactly in the year in which these photos were taken. Military formations and uniforms

    Were in popularity again at this time. One of these groups was the so-called Young German order was founded immediately after the end of the First World War by former soldiers. The aim of the IH Br and sisterhood organized members was initially to

    Rebuild the empire with a return to the similarities of the front-line experience. At the end of the 1920s, the young Germans reoriented themselves towards military training, which was the determining factor at the beginning Element of federal life lost in importance to the former first lieutenant

    From then on, the alliance led by Arthur Maraun advocated for reconciliation with the hereditary enemy France, and cooperation with the groups in the political center was sought, like many others. After the National Socialist

    Seizure of power, the Young German Order ended up on the list of opponents in the summer of 1933 and was banned dissolved, isolated attempts to continue association life in secret were suppressed by force, the center of the nationalist and militarist associations was Munich.

    A film from the summer of 1929 captures the atmosphere in the Bavarian capital. Further political developments are known after the Reichstag elections in July 1932, from which the NSDP emerged as the strongest party, it was no longer possible to

    Form a government without the National Socialists. On January 30, 1933, Adolf Hitler was appointed Reich Chancellor. This appointment undoubtedly marked a censorship. The path to dictatorship had begun. The door to terror against those who thought differently was, however, thrown wide open With this event,

    Life in Germany suddenly changed is only true to a limited extent. The transformation of society into a National Socialist national community took place gradually. March 21, 1933. Parade in front of the Grand Duke of Meklenburg on the occasion of Potzdam Day.

    This day was ceremonial in the presence of Hinterburg and Hitler The newly elected Reichstag opened, as here in Ludwigslust, a small Mecklenburg garrison town. Marches of the military and political associations took place everywhere in the German Empire. Apart from such exceptions, in Ludwigslust it was unspectacular

    And in an orderly manner. A cavalry officer held it under the title Ludwigs Luster newsreel Everyday life in the garrison, horses, rides and traditions determined life. National Socialist propaganda played no role. The Reichswehr was distant and reserved towards the new masters in the country. Only later would

    They swear an oath to Hitler and, with a few exceptions, implement his criminal orders. The soldiers were pleased population with open-air concerts on Sundays and, apart from exceptions, every man stayed as far away from day-to-day politics as possible, the children attended elementary school and spent their free hours playing with the new railway

    [music], the usual world still existed and none of the veteran officers could imagine that Hitler would shake the foundations of their traditional life within a few years and set up a dictatorial system in which blind obedience

    Would take the place of individuality [music] At the same time, the traditional tree blossom festival was celebrated in Werder near Potzdam. Werder was originally a fishing settlement Founded on a peninsula on the banks of the Hafel at the time of Frederick William the Dutch settled here who began growing fruit

    To meet the needs of the nearby city of Berlin. The growing areas were constantly expanded. Every spring the orchards were transformed into a fragrant sea of ​​flowers that are numerous attracted visitors and was celebrated as a tree blossom festival far beyond the borders.

    October 22, 133 Hitler visits Kelheim in the presence of numerous high party leaders, a so-called liberation ceremony takes place in which the fight against Napoleonic foreign rule is commemorated [music] should be on the Michelsberg above the confluence of On the Danube and Altmühl rises the imposing Liberation Hall

    , which was built as a German national monument in memory of Napoleon’s defeat. The film, shot by a citizen of Kehlheim, records not only the later parade but also the preparations for Hitler’s reception [music] in the so-called battle period like that The National Socialists

    , in the years before they came to power, placed particular emphasis on winning over young people. After taking power, they immediately began to bring all youth groups that existed outside of Hitlerjend into line. Allied and independent youth associations were banned, as were scouts and religious communities. Film recordings of trips were also banned

    And camps of non-National Socialist young people after 1933 are a [music] rarity in the summer of 1934 when these recordings were made, the conformity was not yet complete, nor was there a free and independent youth culture that shaped life [music] according to its own laws

    Klappholtal between Kampen and List on the edge of the Nordsült nature reserve, Knut Alborn, a leading figure in the German youth movement, founded a meeting place at the beginning of the 1920s, where people of different ages and from all social classes were obliged to meet the Free German Youth Movement

    As a means of social renewal, Ahborn and his friends used nudist culture, which was originally only intended as a protest against the prudish Empire. After the police intervened against a group of people bathing in the nude and reports of causing a public nuisance, klappholtal came under the influence

    Of the National Socialist People’s Welfare Association and thus under the educational guidelines of the Third Reich provides an interesting insight into the private Third Reich, a film made by a German engineer working in China during a visit home in 1934. 35

    What at first glance just seems like a classic tourist tour turns out to be an interesting source of flags upon closer inspection and uniforms make it clear how much society was now permeated with National Socialist content and symbols. His photos of the German ice skating championships can also be seen at

    The Garmisch-Partenkirchen church festival When Hitler ceremoniously opened the first section of the Reichsautobahn from Frankfurt am Main to Darmstadt on May 19, 1935, an engineer shot these recordings, which he later compiled into a film with commenting subtitles. The Reichsautobahnen were among the most obvious large-scale projects of the Third

    Reich However, planning for this began in the mid-1920s. On November 6, 1926, a road for express motor transport from Hamburg via Frankfurt am Main to Basel was launched. The plans were taken over by the Reichsautobahngesellschaft after Hitler came to power and [music] Continuing with the route, the National Socialists placed particular

    Emphasis on scenic features and culturally and historically significant monuments. People should literally experience the beauties of Germany. To implement these guidelines, detours were even taken into account when planning the roads. A little later, German military columns would roll along them to the west and east

    Every year the motorway network was supposed to grow by 1,000 km. Plans were only implemented until 1938, after which military projects had priority. However , around 3,100 kilometers of motorway could be opened to traffic by the end of 1941. Progress was also made in other areas years unmistakable these

    Previously inaccessible private photos show the legendary rail zeppelin a propeller-driven two-axle vehicle in lightweight construction with sensational aerodynamics after the first driving tests the rail zepp lin reached the world speed of 30 hours on the route from Berlin to Hamburg in June 1931. A REK that

    Had the best up to 19 but back in the Year 195 recordings V bet trip of the Radium gumke a kölnbrck organized by the nsgemeinschaft Kraft durch Freude, which is subordinate to the German Labor Front. This organization, led by Dr Robert Lei, was one of the most successful institutions of the

    Third Reich, whether sporting events or cultural trips, whether company outings, hikes or social holidays with KDF like them was popularly called, almost anything was possible. At that time, the majority of Germans had come to terms with the regime and the destruction of the parties and unions remained with them

    Without widespread protest, only a few workers expressed open criticism who did not agree with the attacks against those who thought differently politically. They consoled themselves with the idea that such grievances would end on their own after a phase of consolidation. People believed Hitler’s assurances of peace and

    Were convinced that Germany had a great future [music] the Treaty of Verai had prohibited Germany from owning aircraft that could be used for military purposes. Only gliders were allowed. As early as the Weimar Republic, numerous clubs were formed in which boys and girls could learn the basics of aircraft construction and flying,

    A development that took place in the Weimar Republic Third Reich was promoted and expanded when Hitler later ordered the establishment of an air force, the glider pilots formed the reservoir from which enough pilots could be recruited for the war within a very short time.

    At the same time in Austria, Chancellor Engelbert Dolfuß had established a Christian, conservative dictatorship here, which was initially Still in democratic channels, mutated from 1933 into an open dictatorship. Parliament was smashed. Freedom of the press was restricted. The Austrian NSDAP, all organizations close to it and the

    Republican Protection League, the paramilitary organization of the Social Democratic Party of Austria were banned. On February 12, 1934, an uprising by social democratic workers during the civil war began took on similar characteristics after bloody battles in which over 1,000 people died or were wounded. Dollfuß also banned the Social Democratic Party and

    The [music] trade unions. A few months later, the Austrian National Socialists staged a coup. Dollfuß was murdered when Hitler refused support, the uprising collapsed. Kurt Schuschnik, Dolfuß’s successor took tough action against the National Socialists, although it was banned, the Austrian Nazi movement, which operated underground, continued to gain influence. It

    Found support primarily from the German national student associations and the Austrian Gymnastics Association. The German population only took marginal note of these events. The year 1935 was dominated by other topics In March, Hitler introduced compulsory military service. Through this step, and the growing presence of uniforms and military features,

    The political leadership got the population used to the idea of ​​possible military conflict , but at that time no one thought of war, as here in Sopot, the famous Baltic Sea resort in the Near Danzig, people enjoyed the summer of 1935

    To the fullest. The leisure activities on offer were wide-ranging. Particularly popular were the dance lessons on the beach, where the latest dances were presented and practiced . The upcoming Summer Olympics cast their shadows ahead of a special exhibition that included a specially created Olympic procession Even

    In the smallest town, the population got in the mood for the upcoming major event. Berlin May 1st, 1936, the central major event of the NSDAP city took place in the newly designed Lustgarten. A tourist from Hamburg captured the event on film [music]. Berlin has many yesterdays on the

    Edge of the In a city with millions of inhabitants, there were still dreamy corners in which time seemed to stand still [Music] [Music] The National Socialists had declared Labor Day a public holiday. A film by the head of a so-called NSDP film office

    Shows how this day took place in a small village ugly forest Kappel turned [music] the whole place was on its feet and during the joint procession no one was missing spectators there were no more spectators the whole of Germany was now moving in lockstep

    August 1st 1936 Adolf Hitler opened the Summer Olympic Games the decision to hold these games in Germany The International Olympic Committee had already fallen in Barcelona in 1931. Germany, which had been disinvited from the Olympic Games in 1920 and 1924 as the loser of the First World War, was given a unique opportunity

    To present themselves to the world with the slogan “Olympia” issued by propaganda minister Dr Göbbelz, a national task, the Germans were prepared for the major sporting event. Anti- Jewish signs and posters were removed for the time of the Olympics Treatment of foreign visitors, all prejudices against the National Socialist

    State should be eliminated. In fact, the whole of Germany welcomed its guests with open arms and many were deceived by the propaganda machine. A film made during this time slumbered in an attic for almost 70 years preserves the meeting of Irish students

    And the German Hitler Youth Festival Those who visited the Reich capital Berlin together on the occasion of the Olympic Games presented themselves decorated with flags and lands, people strolled on the wide boulevards enjoyed the summer days and admired the top sporting achievements of the athletes [music]

    New symbols and shouted like the Olympic bell and the torch relay race accompanying theater and Opera performances and the specially created Olympic Youth Festival gave the Games an unprecedented atmosphere. The National Socialists used the role of host to introduce themselves and their new Germany when, a little later, the

    So-called racial laws were announced at the Nuremberg party conferences, which treated Jews as inferior and made them second-class citizens the foreign guests had left. Now the Nazi rulers showed their true colors again. The persecution of the Jews determined Hitler’s domestic policy. 12 months later in August 1937, the Berliners celebrated the city’s 700th

    Anniversary. The celebrations opened with a parade that traced the city’s eventful history right up to the present day The present was traced [music] on September 7th the Nazi party conference of the NSDAP began in Nuremberg. The party conferences held in Nuremberg since 1927 were the

    High point of the National Socialists’ self-expression. Their goal was to give the participants in 1937 around 1 million a feeling of community and strength. The party conferences were completely tailored to the person of the leader [music] the order was a party congress

    In the lutpolthalle the remaining days were dedicated to individual party and state formations there was a day of the Reich Labor Service of the Hitler Youth of the storm departments and the Wehrmacht on the latter the military demonstrated the

    Latest to the astonished audience Weapons techniques and the level of training of the soldiers, since the National Socialists knew full well that visitors expected entertainment as well as politics, exhibitions, concerts, sporting exhibitions and a large folk festival, a wide variety of variety,

    The party conferences were preceded by weeks of exercises in the barracks and on the maneuver areas, every move should be right, every movement To be carried out in absolute unison there was no room for individuality – the individual was absorbed into the national community as

    A whole – that everyday life as a soldier also had sides and was not always so serious. Pictures like these in the same year show that an engineer in the former colony of South West Africa took a picture Meetings of young people of German origin who

    Had organized themselves based on the model of the Hitler Youth. His recordings are historically important because they show the effect that the political changes in the Reich also had on those of German origin living abroad and meetings like this took place in many countries across the globe, even in America

    And China, there were foreign organizations of the NSDAP, the press led by Reich Propaganda Minister Dr Göppbels now manipulated and directed not only the German people but obviously also numerous people of German origin all over the world through concessions in other [music]

    Areas, on August 24th, Bartolomew’s Day, the closed season for fish in the fishing village of Strahlau ends In the oldest part of Berlin, Friedrichshein, this day has been celebrated since 1780 with a parade and a folk festival that attracted thousands of visitors from near and far. In the spirit of changing social

    Consciousness, the parade was dominated by images and uniforms from Prussian [music] history On March 12, 1938, the German Wehrmacht invaded Austria. Hitler’s pursuit of world domination took concrete steps. Previously, Hitler had forced the Austrian Chancellor Kurt von Schuschnik to hand over government power to the Austrian

    National Socialists when the Austrian Federal President Wilhelm McKl refused to accept Hitler’s orders In order to appoint the National Socialist Arthur Seis Inquart as the new Federal Chancellor, the invasion was carried out by a member of the so-called Fuehrerbegleitkommando and during Hitler’s later visit to Vienna these

    Recordings were initially planned, Hitler only planned a union of the two states. The enthusiastic reception by the Austrian population prompted him to make a change of his plan and for the annexation of Austria to the Greater German Reich, foreign countries largely did nothing and sent congratulatory telegrams to Yugoslavia and Romania. Only Mexico

    Lodged a protest in the League of Nations. Exactly one year later to the day, the Wehrmacht occupied the so-called remaining Czech Republic – a step that no longer corresponds to the right of self-determination The Germans slowly began to suspect the dawning of catastrophe, but now it was too late to stop the dictator.

    Holiday photos from East Prussia. The easternmost province of the empire enchanted visitors with its unique beauties, never before published color photos of the shy East Prussian elk There was a touch of melancholy in his territory over the last summer of peace

    , but peace still reigned, but the coming events cast their shadows more and more clearly ahead, while the German Navy units were already gathering in the ports, people were still hoping for a peaceful solution and at the same time they were celebrating In Soltau in the Lüneburg Heath, the

    Traditional shooting festival like all other organizations, the German shooting clubs were now subject to the requirements of the National Socialists. They promoted traditions and historically grown customs, all individual and organizationally independent, but they were suspicious of the people who had taken part in the Sch

    Redesign accustomed to society, took part and closed their eyes to the dark clouds that were gathering on the horizon. Somehow they hoped that things would go well again this time. Recorded a few weeks before the start of the war, although uniforms and the military dominated everyday life,

    People believed in Hitler’s peace slogans because of the eavesdropping Foreign broadcasters were banned and all newspapers, magazines and radio programs were brought into line, there was a lack of critical dissenting voices and comprehensive information, cleverly staged propaganda had a firm grip on Germany. For many, all that was left was internal emigration, retreating

    Into private life. You become wrong by looking the other way. You are right Less to blame if you remain silent than your Jewish neighbor is picked up and imprisoned at night and fog. On September 1st, 1939, the German Wehrmacht marched into Poland. The

    Beginning of the end. On September 3rd, Poland’s allies France and England declared war on the German Reich. Europe was in flames The beginning of the war also brought about a censorship in the area of ​​privately made films. New topics came into the field of vision of

    Amateur filmmakers. The opinion of German soldiers since photography and filming was forbidden during the war was wrong. Such bans also applied to armaments factories, laboratories and military research facilities, as in every other country Apart from that, there were no restrictions and in the years up to the end of the war, countless film

    Recordings were made on all sectors of the front that differed in many ways from the official newsreel reports The soldiers did not have professional cameras, the quality and image management are often borrowed. Direct combat footage is also rare. Who thinks about their camera when the grenades

    Hit? Private film footage is of particular value for today’s documentaries. If it were n’t for them, they could only use the film materials from Those in charge of the Third Reich have now been released as propagandistically desired images from the [Music] Polish campaign, a poor farmers’ market somewhere in [Music] Poland and there

    Was also humanity and compassion in the midst of the inferno from the field kitchen of an infantry unit, soup is distributed to hungry Polish children There are hardly any private recordings of what was going on behind the scenes. Jews who

    Were forced to do clean-up work and thus publicly displayed are only weak harbingers of a racially motivated orgy of violence that would shortly later cost millions of lives. On April 4th, German troops occupied Denmark and Norway without a fight Norway surrendered only after tough

    Resistance. When Hitler struck against the Benelux states and France on May 10th, most of the German troop contingents were moved from Norway to the Western Front. In the country itself, only security units remained, including naval units that were supposed to protect

    The Norwegian coast against possible British attacks For these units, the fighting was over. Shore leave for the sailors of an oil tanker. The strenuous march through the Norwegian forests is recorded as a reminder. The view from the observation rock high above Oslo is the well-deserved reward for their efforts, but the German occupation

    Politics had a different face than these pictures make it appear the occupied nations were plundered and misused as a food and labor reservoir everything that could increase the willingness of the German people to go to war was confiscated and transported to the Reich food furniture valuables art and clothing

    Thousands of forced laborers worked in German companies under sometimes murderous conditions pictures from France After the campaign, German soldiers remained as law enforcement troops in the occupied part of the country. Photos like this were taken, which are typical

    Of the country’s experience in the stage. A Bavarian unit passed the time by building a bowling alley. The soldiers enjoyed life in France. Articles and food were offered had long since become a scarce commodity in Germany and

    Could only be purchased with purchase vouchers. Film enthusiasts were sometimes even able to buy some of the rare Kodak color film rolls. This film material, produced in America, had not been exported to Germany since the beginning of the war. Because of its color fastness, it was extremely sought after by narrow film makers

    And also That was the Third Reich private lands Photographs from French bordels Memories of fleeting love affairs With the surrender of France, people in Germany hoped for an end to the fighting. There had never been enthusiasm for war like at the beginning of the First World War

    Anyway and the numerous dead and injured from the campaigns against Poland, Norway, the Netherlands, Belgium and France strengthened the desire for peace. At this time, Berlin hobby filmmakers made a film in the style of old silent films, which they called a recipe for cold married couples. Anyone who reads between the seasons

    Will recognize that it expresses wishes that are different from ours not much different from today, people longed for peace and harmony, a beautiful home and prosperity, politics, one was their own life, the [music] other [music] [applause]

    Was also one of the units returning from France to their homeland in the summer of 1940 The training battalion of the Infanteri 13 arrived in Schwäbisch. These photos were taken. The old Staufer town had already successfully tried to expand the old barracks in the mid-1930s.

    The new buildings that were then built were also used by the 13th Regiment In June 35, a law had already been passed on general compulsory labor service for male and female youth. It required every German to do six months of labor service.

    However, given the lack of organizational and personnel structures, it took until September 4, 1939 before compulsory military service for female youth came into effect During this time, the girls lived in camps and were used by families with large children as helpers on farms and in caring for the sick and

    Wounded [music]. As early as May 1940, the British Royal Air Force responded to German air raids by bombing German cities [music] Starting on May 10th, the English increasingly flew night missions against northern German cities. The bomb load was still low, but an attack on Hamburg on May 18th, 1940 had already claimed 32

    Lives in order to ensure that the population was fed and the fair distribution of food was over So-called ration cards were issued for the first time in August 1939 [Music]. The resulting levy regulations initially only applied to food. As the war progressed,

    All important goods fell under this distribution system. The quantities printed on the cards were divided into different levels, which differed in color Expectant mothers received larger amounts of forced labor, smaller amounts of Jews were not entitled to ration cards. At the beginning of 1941, construction of

    Igloos as part of military training, which was still entertaining here, was to become reality just a year later when millions of German Lancers were left to fend for themselves in the harsh conditions without sufficient winter clothing delivered to the Russian winter [music] on June 2, the rumors became certain. Hitler had

    Begun his campaign against the Soviet Union. Here, too, films of various quality were made. In addition to recordings in which the warlike perspective dominated , films were made that showed the simple Russian people the poverty and deprivation that prevailed everywhere Life in the middle of endless nature came into focus

    , images that could not be seen in any newsreel, Russian gypsy women reading fate from the hands of members of an air force unit. December 24, 1941, the third war Christmas for many soldiers who had received home leave, a very special experience due to their long

    Stay At the front, they only knew their children born in the previous months from pictures because the army remained on alert, the days off were short [music] Summer 1942 In order to be able to cover the future need for political leaders, the National Socialists had the so-called Adolf Hitler schools Graduates

    Of these schools were to be prepared for deployment in the NSDAP in a subsequent three and a half year training course at the Ordensburgen. The staff at Ordensburg was around 1000 students and 500 staff to look after them, as each Ordensburg had a special training focus, the students should be in the The

    Training centers are changed annually. Visits from well-known and popular military leaders, in this case General Colonel Eduard Dietel, served to increase the motivation of the students who, as future leaders, were to carry the National Socialist system into the future. Summer 1942 in Russia the German Wehrmacht’s offensive had begun because the existing

    Forces were no longer available were sufficient to advance along the entire front line, the German offensive was concentrated on the southern front. The first step was to encircle and wipe out the units of the Red Army standing in the thunderbow. Secondly, before the winter, along the Don to the Vololga knee near Stalingrad

    A well-developed defensive front should be set up. As a final step, units should advance towards the Caucasus and the Caspian Sea in order to conquer the oil reserves stored there. [Music] The everyday life of soldiers and the face of the war had changed permanently – the resistance

    The Red Army had strengthened, many German units were only inadequately equipped and their own losses were increasing. Images like these were now part of everyday life – a rare document and yet indicative of an entire war – civilians were hanged somewhere in the vastness

    Of Russia, which was accompanied by cleverly selected music and martial arts Text-provided propaganda cover up newsreels allow images like these to become visible. The German army was not a uniform monolith. Millions of soldiers represented the entire spectrum of the social, cultural and social diversity of the German people, from simple

    Unskilled workers to philosophy professors, from enthusiastic music lovers to silent desert farmers, from accountants to to the hands-on farmer’s son, no profession, no type that was not represented thousands of times. Many fought because they were convinced that their efforts would save their fatherland from Bolshviism, the fatal consequences of which

    They saw with their own eyes in Russia. Others were convinced by the propaganda slogans of the nationalists who showed the enemy showed no quarter towards them and took part in the extermination of the Jews who were driven into camps by the hundreds of thousands [music]

    The complexity, contradictions and monstrosity of the characters and actions SPI is also reflected in the films and gives them a unique historical [music] meaning [music] In the Reich, military thinking now determined even the children’s play. They recreated what they lived in their fathers’ everyday lives, with the

    Seriousness of adults, the uniforms were checked and adjusted, sneaking up in the field, a bicycle shadron on the way and roll call before the officer on duty, perfect copies The reality of the soldier had become a role model for an entire generation, that entire generations were manipulated in this way

    In order to later give up their health and life for the omnipotence fantasies of a single man. Images like this quickly appear. It is therefore the task of historians to put images like this in the right ones What is interesting to put in context is the children’s clothing,

    While some are in their fathers’ jackets that are too big or dress up civilian clothes in a military style, others obviously have precisely tailored pieces of uniform. The Reich Marshal and Commander-in-Chief of the German Air Force,

    Hermann Göring, visits a squadron. Göring was killed after the air battle was stopped England, in which the German army had suffered the first defeat of the war, Hitler had fallen from grace to his men. He still presented himself in his usual juvial

    Manner. He was accompanied on this visit by his old World War 1 comrade and friend, Colonel General Bruno Lörz in the midst of the young pilots, the two seem like baroque apparitions from another world. Their uniforms decorated with medals are the reward

    For their willingness to serve the dictator. The more depressing everyday life is, the more people thirst for distraction and entertainment that the popular American comedians Stan Laurel and Oliver Hardy was also well known at the time as Dick and Stupid. A small slapstick film from the autumn of 1942, shot by a Hamburg

    Film club , proves this need for languages. These recordings from the winter of 1942 43 illustrate that the Berliners did not want to miss out on the joys of winter Flat, quickly frozen Rangsdorfer offered ideal conditions, especially for ice sailors, allowing one to forget that a tragedy

    Was taking place in the Stalingrad cauldron at the same time. Previously never shown footage on January 10, 1943, the Romanian head of state Adolf Hitler visited the Wolfschanse. The date marks a historical turning point

    In the Second World War It was precisely on this day during the Second World War that the Russians began the assault on Stalingrad. The professionally shot footage provides a unique view of the course of the encounter and the atmosphere in Hitler’s headquarters in the

    East Prussian forests near Rastenburg. Hitler had long since had the law of action Lost, but his blind hatred did not stop anyone in the extermination camps, his henchmen murdered millions of Jews, Einsatzgruppen shot tens of thousands in the Russian vastness and in the prisons of the gestabo, Hitler’s henchmen folded

    Anyone who thought differently until they died, the high loss of those trained in peacekeeping in the previous war years Pilots had noticeably weakened the combat power of the German Air Force in order to be able to stand up to the incoming bomber fleets of the Allies.

    Young pilots were trained in crash courses throughout the Reich. Since training machines and gasoline were only available in limited quantities, further training was insufficient and thrown into action without experience Many of the young pilots died in their first air combat, but for Hitler and his paladins the individual was worthless and spoke of

    Human material. Every means was right to ensure the survival of the regime in view of the horrific atrocities in the extermination camps and the deaths at the fronts Photos like these seem like they were taken from another world in the Berlin headquarters of the Sarotti chocolate factory. Here, the trained confectioner Hugo

    Hoffmann had already started producing fine chocolates in 1868. Within a few years, the smallest beginnings developed into a thriving, large-scale company that was included in the original film reel Note says that these recordings were made in 1943. They were filmed as part of training for aspiring

    Wehrmacht film reporters. The truth was completely different. Hundreds of thousands of Russian prisoners of war and forced laborers, starved Jews, had to work in underground tunnel worlds on so-called miracle weapons until they collapsed and died In the ghettos in the East, the children beg for a piece of bread to

    Survive. Films that capture the lives of the German civilian population or the soldiers in the year 4 are rare, apart from the fact that the film material had now become scarce, people had other worries, life was many

    The war with which Hitler and the Wehrmacht had engulfed Europe had become a battle for survival in places and had returned to Germany and the enormous outrages that became known when the Germans withdrew from the countries liberated by the Allies showed

    The criminal face of National Socialism more clearly from day to day The Allies’ hopes of breaking the population’s willingness to fight with the bombings and destroying the productive capacity of the German war economy did not come to fruition. On the contrary, the production figures for tanks, aircraft and heavy weapons reached their

    Peak in 1944. Important armaments factories were relocated underground or decentralized there In this way, the individual components of a weapon, for example, were manufactured in different places, often in the smallest of companies, and were only assembled in the last step. One production city

    Took over partial production, while another immediately took over partial production. This approach enabled the German economy to maintain production until the end of the war Before the end, a flag battery somewhere in Germany was now protected by half children because there was a lack of operational men.

    Girls were also called in as air force helpers. Hitler had never been interested in human fates. Anything that could contribute to the dictator’s life was thrown into the fight ruthlessly His closest surroundings were extended by a few days. The

    End of the Third Reich had come. In the turmoil of the collapse there was no time for filming. In addition to many other irreplaceable cultural assets, countless film rolls were lost forever during the area bombings of expulsion and looting. The remaining remains were also lost are all the more significant because today they

    Give us insights into everyday life in the Third Reich. They show how the poison of dictatorship and hatred ate into people’s hearts and brains and ultimately destroyed everything human they are document and accusation in a never again racial hatred never again dictatorship never again [music] war [music]


    1. Liebe Community,

      lasst uns gerne wissen, wie Euch die Doku gefallen hat. Möchtet Ihr mehr in die Richtung sehen oder habt Ihr komplett andere Wünsche?

      Hinterlasst uns gerne einen Kommentar 🎬🍿

    2. Doku hat mir gut gefallen. Auch der durchgängige Kommentar.
      Wieso auch immer am Anfang von "zurückhaltendem Kommentar" und "für sich sprechenden Bildern" die Rede war. 🤣🤣

    3. Lässt man den Krieg & die Verfolgungen mal beiseite, war es ein Deutschland, dass ab den 30ern mit seiner Infrastruktur & seinem Erfindergeist, dass heutige
      Deutschland in vielen Bereichen in den Schatten stellt. Schade was alles mit Willkür kaputt gemacht worden ist.

      Tolle Doku

    4. Es ist nicht zutreffend, dass – wie in der Doku erwähnt – die Royal Airforce Luftangriffe als Vergeltung auf deutsche Bombardements durchführte. Tatsächlich begannen die Briten den Bombenkrieg Anfang Sept. 1939 mit Angriffen auf Wilhelmshaven, Cuxhaven, Westerland auf Sylt. Zahlreiche weitere Angriffe auf deutsche Städte folgten. Auf deutscher Seite wurde monatelang vermieden, Bombardierungen auf dem britischen Festland durchzuführen. Erst im Juni 1940 entschloss sich die deutsche Führung zu Vergeltungsluftschlägen auf militärische Einrichtungen in England, nachdem auch im Mai 1940 wieder Städte auf Reichsgebiet aus der Luft angegriffen worden waren.

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