Exploring Bissau, the capital city of Guinea Bissau. 🇬🇼

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    #guinea #senegal #bissau

    7-8 years ago from today there was no electricity in the country. These kids behind me approached me saying they want water. I said, I’ll buy water for them but then asked for money to buy water. This is Prashant from India, Hyderabad. Prashant brother, keep going. Where is your Aadhar card and…

    Welcome to a new video from Guinea-Bissau, one of the 10 poorest countries in the world. I am sure you don’t know much about this country. In fact, I also didn’t knew till long. Guinea Bissau is a country in West Africa with a population of 2 million or about 21 lakh.

    It has an area of 36,000 sq km. If you look at West Africa’s map you’ll notice 2 Guinea. One is Guinea Bissau as it’s capital is Bissau. The capital of other one is Conakry hence called Guinea Conakry and the other is Guinea Bissau. However, people of both countries are identified as Guineans.

    Those here are called Bissau Guineans and others are Conakry Guineans. I see a structure in front of me, let’s go and see that. Interestingly, tourists don’t usually come to Bissau or in their capital city. The very few that come go to the islands near Guinea-Bissau or to Cape Verde.

    I will explain it’s connection with Cape Verde in a while but a few days back you saw I was also in Cape Verde. It’s another country in Africa but lies in the Atlantic Ocean. This is their main area with this tower in the center. I knew its name but forgot it now

    & since my internet isn’t working I’ll write its name on the screen. But you can see it’s like a roundabout with some benches around. As it’s sunny, no one is siting here. People might come during evening. This is centre? Impero? You speak English Portuguese? Portuguese? Spanish? Guinea Bissau is a Lusophone country

    Lusophone refers to countries where Portuguese is spoken. However, Creole is their vernacular language and Portuguese is spoken fluently by a very small population. Since Portugal ruled here the official language here is Portuguese. On 5 July 1975, Guinea Bissau got complete independence from Portuguese after being colonized for almost 4 centuries.

    Yes, after being colonized for 4 centuries they got independent. If you have seen my videos from Cape Verde you would remember Cape Verde also got independent from Portuguese in 1975. Yes, both these countries united and consider themselves brothers. Creole of Guinea-Bissau and Cape Verde are very similar. People from here go to

    Cape Verde to work. Very few people come from there as it’s a poor country. You’ll find people from here in Cape Verde as you might’ve noticed in my videos. Portuguese used Guinea Bissau as a trade post for the trade of gold and slaves. Yes, Guinea-Bissau was a hub for slave trade

    And about 20 lakh or 2 million people were sent to Brazil as slaves for plantations. They were also sent to Carribean and US. A lot of slaves were sent from here. Architecture of the houses you see here is Portuguese-influenced. House design we saw in Cape Verde with Portuguese style architecture

    Is the same here too. Talking of the religions of Guinea Bissau 45-50% follow Islam or are Muslims, 20% follow Christianity and remaining 30% practice their traditional or folk religions or their indigenous religions. There’s this big hotel here. What is its name? Bissau Royal Hotel! There are some kids here

    Who might have got off from school. I liked this area a lot. It’s the area around the center. There are Portuguese-style buildings and clean roads. The roads in other parts were broken as you saw when I came yesterday. Roads aren’t there outside this city and people don’t know what roads are.

    They don’t have electricity too and I’ll tell you about it. But seeing the roads here, honestly seem like a luxury. If we talk of the ethnic groups or demographics If we talk of ethnic groups or demographics then most people are Fula 30% people! You will ask what Fula is.

    So, all are basically blacks only but they have some differences and just like we have caste they too, have differences and people belong to different ethnicities with their own languages. 30% people here are Balanta which is another ethnic group. Then 15% each are Mandinka and Manjak. Then, in small populations,

    There are groups like Papel, etc. This is a hotel. I’ve never been to Portugal in my life. But after coming to Cape Verde & Guinea Bissau I feel like I’ve already seen what I’ll get to see in Portugal in terms of architecture. As I told you guys, you won’t find tourists here

    As they mostly go to their islands. Flights also operate to Cape Verde so people coming here directly fly to Cape Verde from the airport or go to the islands. The Bissagos group of islands is visited by sea turtles & they lay eggs. Tourists go there to see its nesting. And Poilao island has

    One of the largest green sea turtles. Here’s this beautiful church. From the route that I took yesterday I had no expectations of seeing even a single thing. But then, by chance I came to this area and is honestly a nice area. I’m having fun here. Only 30% are Christians here

    But here’s a big church in the center. Interestingly, I didn’t find a mosque yet. But found this amazing church. You will be shocked to know until 7-8 years ago there was no electricity here. People didn’t knew about it or using a fan, forget about AC. They didn’t knew of fans, TV, phone.

    Only the rich people until 7-8 years ago had fuel-powered generators or solar panels for generating electricity and got electricity recently. I’ll tell you how they got it. This is a school here with their flag on top. Their flag is very similar… Flags of Guinea Bissau, Mali, Senegal have these colors

    Yellow, green, and red. These West African countries have similar flags. Guinea-Bissau has a Turkish power ship on which it depends entirely for electricity. 100% of their electricity relies on that Turkish power ship. Yes, you saw a similar ship in Gambia too and 5-6 countries have that Turkey power ship. But, I don’t think

    Any of the countries completely rely on it for electricity needs. But Guinea-Bissau’s electricity is obtained from that ship. The ship basically burns HFO or Heavy Fuel Oil The ship has been funded by the World Bank. However, it’s tenure ended recently but has been extended by 5 years

    & will be available to the country and they will get electricity from it. It is done so that the country gets time to build their own dams & electricity plants World Bank is helping them for the time being with the ship to provide electricity and meanwhile, they build their dams

    To generate electricity later on after the ship’s tenure ends. The ship’s tenure is about to end but people do not have hopes of dams being built. Hence, local people have started saving money to buy generators or solar panels. It is the worst when you get used to something

    And it gets snatched by you as that is when you realize its purpose. They didn’t have electricity earlier so they didn’t knew its value. Now, it is available to poor too as World Bank sponsored or funded it and people have gotten used to electricity, phones, fans, luxury, comfort.

    But their ship will be returned and this country is a defaulter as they took a loan from World Bank and didn’t pay it back. So, the country is blacklisted. Hence, locals are aware of the government being corrupt hence lack state owned energy plants. The government isn’t stable. People know there’s no solution

    And are hence saving money to install their own generators or solar panels. There are blue colored taxis here like these. Gambia had yellow taxis and are blue here. It feels so weird to think that nation’s electricity relies on a small ship. All the things they run are due to the ship. It’s interesting!

    I didn’t face issues with safety here even when I came at night but there were many military check points. I’ve told you there’re no roads but had many military check points. The military stopped us every few meters, checked our bags and skimmed through our things. They checked the van & everyone.

    Google maps showed a 5-6 hour journey from Banjul in Gambia, to Bissau I thought it might go up to 7 hours but I left from Gambia around 11 am and reached here at midnight. You can figure out how troubled I was. There are no roads, and the military stops often.

    Their government & military is very paranoid and hence check so much as they are scared. I am staying at Gorilla Hostel and I think it’s the only travelers hostel in the country. I didn’t ask for its fare and told them to book the bed for me. As you can see,

    This is my hostel room and this is my bed. I met Yanik, the owner. His grandfather is from Cape Verde I asked him the fare when I met him on the way. It is 8000 CFA ($13.31) per night. See, there’s Turkey flag with Guinea-Bissau’s flag. I think Turkey is bringing a project here.

    Turkey is making investments here. I forgot to tell you about the currency, which is West African CFA or Franc. It is used in Senegal & many countries. It was Dalasi in Gambia. It is used in 14 countries in Africa with 8 calling it West African Franc and Central African Franc in the remaining.

    So, my bed hostel cost me 8000 CFA which is over ₹1000. Hence, the country is a little expensive. All the things are imported and might not produce anything here. There’s a market on my right. Broken roads have started again. This place on the right looks nice with Om written on it.

    The place is called Handi. I think it’s the only Indian restaurant. Jai Ambe Maa (hail the goddess) Let’s go! Consider this as being at home. This is the Indian restaurant here called Handi. Where to sit…how are you brother. So, I came at this restaurant and met Rahul who is from Udaipur, Rajasthan.

    He came here 1-2 years ago. I met him and had a good conversation. Here’s Rahul, brother. How are you? I’m fine, brother. Which Indian Youtuber has come here? Doctor Yatri… Doctor Yatri Yatri Doctor is a special friend of mine. We are best friends. Raja also would’ve come. Raja… yes.

    Cycle Baba also would’ve come who’s also from my city. We are all close friends. Raja is also a good friend of mine. Doctor Yatri is from my city. It seems great meeting someone from the country. I was talking to him and you saw in the last video

    How I got stuck during entry at night when Sabby brother came who is also from Jaipur. He’s the owner of A.P. Trading here. He took me to his home and made me eat so much and offered to stay the night there. I said he’ll just get troubled

    And asked to drop me at the hostel. We went to the hostel at 2-3 am and on knocking the door the guard came out He also thought, who is this man as very few cars here have black windows and I think there’re just 1-2 Parrado cars.

    As I got down the car & entered the hostel the guard might be thinking about me as I’m staying in a hostel and coming in car with black windows. It was a very funny incident. Let us go and have food. And… Wow! It will be amazing. There is yogurt… Is this chicken?

    Okay, chicken with chapati. Amazing! I’ve taken a chapati with chicken, onion and yogurt. In African countries the local food isn’t that great and I won’t like it. I get full by eating Indian food only as you won’t get anything else. I mostly survive on milk or dry fruits.

    I ask for home-like food at Indian restaurants and that is when you enjoy it. It felt good after having food. He treated me with desert, yogurt, chapati, vegetable and chilled water. It felt good. Outside…oh man! See, vultures and pigs. Dreadful! Oh man ! I don’t remember the last time I saw these birds.

    There is definitely a lot of filth. I asked, how much is the bill and he said 8000 CFA ($13.31) I asked him, how is it so less and he said it’s for me. But I gave him 10,000 CFA ($16.64) as the country is expensive. If you’re thinking to afford luxury in Africa

    By eating good food at a decent place then it is very expensive. Stay, food, etc. The country isn’t ready for tourists as is not visited by them. Locals are living in poverty and hence anything above poverty will be very expensive in Africa as everything is imported as they lack the infrastructure

    And the system isn’t organised either. Things are imported in small quantity and hence, the rates are high. So, even the slightest of luxury in Africa costs a lot in about Europe’s rates. Honestly, there’s not much to see in Bissau. Everyone told me I won’t find much here. I researched online too

    And didn’t find anything like an activity to do here, something to see, or a beach to go to. This is one of the reasons I will not be staying long & will most probably leave tomorrow. Honestly, there is nothing. What to do or see.

    It’s a different situation if you just want to rest as there’s not much to do here. No one knows English here. There’s Bande market nearby and I’ve been trying to ask about it but no one knows English. They either speak Portuguese or Guinea-Bissau creole. They speak Spanish slightly

    As it is very similar to Portuguese. So, I speak a bit of Spanish and then people understand me a bit. As they say muchos in Spanish they say muitos in Portuguese. Instead of Muchas gracias (thank you so much) they say Muito obrigado in Portuguese. They say De Nada in Spanish for your welcome.

    They say the same in Portuguese too. It means your welcome. *calling the boy* Hello! What an amazing bench! Let’s sit on it. I will tell you one more thing Guinea-Bissau is corrupt, as I told you and has a coast with Atlantic Ocean. So this is the best place for all drug traffickers

    To send or smuggle drugs or to export till Europe. Drugs from South America come from the ocean to West Africa at ports of Guinea-Bissau. Due to corruption being high they give money to the officials to enter Africa with drugs. After entering Africa they make their route towards north or towards Europe.

    Through Morocco or Libya drugs enter Europe and are sold there. So, Guinea-Bissau is a great loophole for drug traffickers which is used or abused by them. This is their best area in the nation, in the capital Bissau and in the best area of Bissau. As the sun is setting,

    You can see the beauty of these buildings, gardens or trees. It feels so great to walk here. What is this? Let us see. National Cashew Agency of Guinea-Bissau! Oh, Caju reminds me of something. I am so mad that I forgot to tell you the main thing about Guinea-Bissau. For the people here,

    Cashew can be thought of as a blessing. World’s best cashews are found here. They are big in size & most of their economy relies on it. The livelihood of most people is by the help of cashew. There’re cashew trees around & in houses. Cashews from those trees are exported.

    Even Indians are involved in this trade. During the cashew season Indians come here and export cashews from here. No, I don’t know French. English! English & a bit of Spanish. You know Spanish? Yes, little. I know a bit of Spanish. Yes! Do you know about Bandé Market? Is it nearby? Yes!

    How many minutes’ walk from here? About 15 minutes. About 15 minutes, okay. 15-20 minutes. Thank you very much. So, I asked him how far is the Bandé Market and he said it’s 15-20 minutes walk away. It might get dark by the time I reach. I saw this stadium next to the road

    So I came here. Football match is happening here. It’s not a stadium but a football ground. As I entered, the kids were playing football on the right as well as on the left. Some women were sitting at the entry and were selling peanuts, etc. So, they stopped me and I didn’t record

    Because it felt odd as they might think I started filming as soon as they stopped me. Hence, I didn’t record. They said something to me in Portuguese and I didn’t understand. Then what she did, she showed 2 fingers and gestured of joining them and the others started laughing.

    She gestured at me and herself & joined 2 of her fingers together. She meant to say if we can be partners She said something like that and all the other women started laughing. I understood it might mean the same. I told them I don’t know Portuguese and know Spanish.

    So, she asked my name then. I also asked her name and age and she said 36. I told her, I am 26 years old. I told her, I am a kid in front of her and why she said that. It turned into joking around and I left after saying thank you.

    The cricket stadium was behind and the market is on the other side. But I don’t know in which direction I am going. If I’m going near or away from the hostel. I don’t have internet. I got an e-sim here but interestingly, it’s not working. The same happened with me

    In Nauru where I had an e-sim but it wasn’t working. It is the same here and I don’t know why. But my Airtel sim-card is fortunately receiving messages. I am able to freely record this time during evening hence, it is a good country. You can’t do this in most African countries.

    I will also tell you another thing about the blacks specially. You must have seen I don’t want to sound racist but you guys know as you watch my videos you also have an understanding of the world. They keep shouting a lot, make noise for no reason and are a little uncivilized.

    They shout for no reason but don’t get dominated by them. There’s one thing that they will try to dominate you but as you shout back on them they will get shut. Indians in Guinea-Bissau or in Africa have given them employment. We are running their economy by running big business here leaving India.

    We have given them employment as they lack knowledge or else they would have used their resources. We are giving them jobs and they’re shouting on us. There’s no need to listen to their nonsense. This is Seiba Hotel. It is a 5-star hotel. See…it’s written there. Seiba Hotel!

    This huge building is in the centre. When I went in the football stadium a healthy man interrupted me there while I was entering. He was shouting. I went to him and asked what’s his deal and he got quiet instantly. The people around him started at him and he got embarrassed.

    There’s no need to listen to them as we provide them employment. We’re Don. We respect them & have come to their country and try to show positive as much as we can but are not here to hear their nonsense. See, these benches are also new. These nut bolts seem recent.

    You might be seeing it. It is totally new! These kids approached me saying… like they stopped near me and said they want water. I told them I will buy it for them but denied asking for money to buy water. I told them I will buy it for them.

    I’m taking them to the shop now and let’s find water for them. This is a market nearby so let’s try finding it here. They are selling fruits here. We are at a supermarket called Good Market. What do you want? Water? Take milk also. Water is here. No milk? Milk… Milk…no?

    There was no milk here, just water. I asked them to go to another shop as I’ll buy milk for them. Milk? Milk? Do they not drink milk? I can not find it anywhere. May be they all use powder. Let’s go in another shop. I asked them to give an egg tray, and milk.

    They are packing the tray and we have taken the milk. I am not taking it. It is yours only. Hope he didn’t take less milk and took money himself. Good, he didn’t do that. Come! Good? Bye-bye. Let’s go back towards our hostel. They maybe felt that I’m buying milk for myself and…

    Very good! The kids felt I’m buying things for myself. But then told them, it is for them. You guys won’t believe the egg tray… You guys won’t believe that the egg tray was for 4000 CFA ($6.66) or for about ₹600 that had 30 eggs. It’s so expensive than India

    And is so poor compared to India if you see. Even the cost of 1 liter milk was 1000 CFA ($1.66) or about ₹125-150. So, for Indians things are expensive if we compare prices to India. These would be so expensive for them and there’s so much poverty.

    To eat eggs or drink milk is like a dream to them. I could not find milk and could only find powdered milk. I refused to buy powder and only get milk. All these things, including bottle of water, 1 liter milk tetra packs and egg tray cost me ₹900-1000 ($10.83-12.03).

    But if we bought these things in India, it would’ve costed ₹500-600 ($6.02-7.22) while it cost the double here. And if we talk about poverty, then Guinea-Bissau is one among 10 poorest countries. So, it is shocking as they might not be able to afford nutrition. Yes, since it is near the coast

    They eat fishes, etc. but don’t have any other options. The kids came after playing and look at their innocence At first, I got them a bottle of water yet they were helping me a lot. They thought I wanted to buy milk and eggs and went with me to the shops

    To help find milk for me to buy. I saw eggs also in that shop and I bought that too. They got those eggs packed for me so that they don’t break. They even kept milk properly. In the end, I told them to keep the milk and eggs. The kids were innocent

    As in return for a bottle of water they helped me a lot. Those two girls stopped me and I sneezed loudly. She shouted at me and I thought about what happened. Then they called me as I looked at them. I went to the two girls who started saying something in Portuguese

    And I told them I don’t know Portuguese and responded back in Spanish asking what they want. They said, quieres dinero (want money). I burst into laughter as they asked for money for me and I responded saying, I don’t have money either and I left from there. So, just give them money…

    I went to the hostel where I changed my clothes and rested for about an hour. Now, I’m going towards a gym. I have found one and is nearby based on the location it shows. I think I can see it. This is the gym. Let’s go. It’s called Fitness Bissau

    And they have this lion statue outside. This is the gym and loud music is being played. The daily fee was 3500 CFA ($5.82) or ₹500 approximately. I will start my exercise now. There’s a football field in the front. People are playing at this time too. It is around 8:30 pm now

    And kids are still playing. I’m surprised to see a light here. It is a good thing for the kids. I got done with the exercise. Let’s go now. I made friends in the gym. He’s over there. I asked what his name is and he said, Prashant. Come on Prashant! Prashant, keep going.

    Prashant from Bissau. Where’s your Aadhar card & PAN card? He met his brother from India in Guinea Bissau. Prashant brother! Yeah, Prashant! He met his brother Prashant. So, he is Prashant brother. I met him in the gym. Yeah, this is Prashant from India, Hyderabad. I’ve been to India for 5 years.

    He was in India for 5 years. What were you doing in India for 5 years? Yeah, I was there for studies. What were you studying there? Yeah, computer science. Computer Science! You know Indians are genius and they are amazing. Unlike me. Yeah, unlike you? I am a dumb person.

    But Prashant, what’s your actual name? I want to know your real name. Yeah my actual name is Tejani. Tejani! Yeah, Tejani from Guinea-Bissau here. What was… What was your favourite thing about India? It was a lot of things to be honest. Name some of the things that you really like…

    Some of the things that you really liked about India. Biryani! Let’s say Chicken Biryani. Hyderabad’s Biryani! Hyderabad’s Biryani… It must be so good. So, you loved the food in India. I do love the food in India. How about the people? And the people also. They are amazing people in India.

    Did you ever face racism in India? In India… Yeah! Be honest about it. Yeah, let me be honest. Let me be honest. In some cases, for me I don’t really like racism They’re local people who never travel. Yeah! To other countries! Yeah, exactly. If they see a guy from Africa

    Whom they have never seen in their life. So, they just ask … Yeah – yeah! They just ask about the man. Who the guy is! I have never seen this guy. They start looking at you. But, I don’t call it racism as they never know as they don’t travel to other countries…

    So, basically we tend to generalize all Africans into one category and then … Yeah, they see you like that. They say… if they ask you you’re from which country? Yeah! If I tell them, I am from Guinea-Bissau… They don’t know where that is. They just say… Everyone’s African.

    That guy is from Africa. All from Africa! So, not many people know about… No! I know, even Conakry, Bissau, West Africa…we don’t know about these countries Do you have a message that you want to give to the Indian audience? Being a Bissau Guinean what would be your message to Indians

    If you want them to come here to travel or … Yeah to come to West Africa. Yeah! If they come they’ll discover different cultures. Yeah! We are all black but we have different culture due to the countries. We are nice. Yeah, of course. You guys are friendly. You have been to…

    I have been here for like less than 20 hours and I already have so many local friends like you. People are very warm here. Yeah, so Indians who want to travel to Africa specially West Africa are welcome. They can come to Guinea-Bissau. And you can… I mean if you are fortunate enough

    You can find people like Prashant who speak fluent English. Yeah, definitely. This is one of the restaurant… Handi… I came here in the evening. I already came here. I know the chef and met him. Are you sure? I’m telling you I already have friends here.

    Okay, let’s go out and then chill out. Let’s go yeah. So, he brought me to Handi restaurant for dinner. They say, what’s your name? What’s your name (in Hindi) Yeah! That means how are you no… what’s your name? Yeah, what’s your name in Hindi. Yeah, in Hindi. In Hindi! And other one is…Telugu.

    Telugu! Yeah, in Hyderabad they speak a bit of Telugu as well. In Telugu they say… I don’t speak Telugu. You don’t speak Telugu? No! Oh, I am sorry. I just know Anna in Telugu. You know, *asks something in Telugu* No, I don’t know. It means, what’s your name?

    You know more about Indian languages than I do. Yes brother, I brought a guest for you. He’s my friend. We became friends in gym. I just realised the video recording after getting down the car was blurred out and grainy. Even those inside the car are grainy.

    I can’t have the same conversation again but I thought to repeat my thoughts as you guys keep asking while traveling, how do I make so many friends and end up making friends to every country I go. Many people are desperate for this as they are unable to make friends while traveling,

    Are unable to meet new people, and unable to see the world. You don’t get things by becoming desperate. Just pursue or follow your passion. I haven’t made you meet my hostel friends. It’s not been 24 hours since I came here but just 20 hours and I met Sabby brother as I came.

    I went to his house where I made some more Indian friends. I made friends in the restaurant and with this brother in the gym. I became good friends in hostel with a Japanese guy. There’s a guy from France too but I became good friends with the Japanese guy.

    I haven’t made you meet him. Do what interests you and focus on yourself People automatically connect with you if you have good intentions. Travel the world, stay in hostels. I like going to the gym and exercising. But I won’t get fit in a day I won’t get fit while traveling

    But at least, I can stay maintained. I get to know of the gym culture of each country. You make new friends in the gym and you’re surrounded by them. How do you make friends? When you meet people with common interest. You meet people having common interest

    When you do things you like. If you keep sitting in the room and think you aren’t able to make friends, girls don’t talk to you, you aren’t able to travel or you don’t get attention from people or girls. You won’t get it! Start ignoring these things and stop being desperate.

    Forget about making friends, talking to girls, and start following your passion. These things will automatically follow. This is the reason that wherever I go I end up being friends with people and find like-minded people. It has not been 24 hours. I make more friends in countries where I stay for longer

    And if I stay for short period I still make friends.


    1. Paramvir Bhai I live in Portugal from 9 year's and I have a business here and I have so many customer's from Guine Bissau , cape verde, Senegal… They always brought Caju for me from their country and you explain very well about communities like Phula, Manjinka and Mandaku… Even till today they are like slaves here in Portugal and do hard work like construction

    2. Beta paramvir tumhara rojgar b un se he chal Raha ha…wahan apni cheejien bechty ho ja kr fir hmara desh Bharat chalta ha..ma apki bot ijjat krta hon..lakin aesy bakwas ni krty Kisi k bary ma…aesy tu indians Jo UAE r Saudia ma Tum log Kam krty ho fir wo b tumhien bura bhala Keh sakty han q k wo tumhien rojgar de rahy han…Tumhary desh ki arth vivasta ko smbhala Howa ha un countries…otherwise India should collapse,.😢😢…r Tum se ghatya koi ho sakta ha Jo nude thumbnail lga kr apni videos share krta ho…ma ne 100 se zyada logon ko apka channel share Kiya tha k ye bnda acha…lakin ab ap famous hogye tu bhool gye khud ko…O han yad ye tu insan ki nature ha..badal Jana 😊

    3. A bhai pucho apni logse ke aap india ko sri lanka ke part banane keliye pasand he ke nahi, aap mere desh me aaye or logose puch raha he , ask the same thing from every country you go, ask that from pakistan , why only from sri lanka , if you have balls go pakistan and ask would you like to be part of india?

    4. rahul bhai mere area ke he udaipur me kherwada karke ek jagah hee waha ke he janta hu me inhee bhai aap aao kabhi udaipur me le jaunga apko ghumanee

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