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    – Aufstockung der 1. Frauenfußball Bundesliga verbunden mit weiteren Maßnahmen. Pro und contra.
    – Women´s Champions League Bayern und Frankfurt in der Pflicht
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    Music. On Monday. Discussions and analysis. Competent and objective. On the match days of the Google Pixel Women’s Bundesliga, the Women’s Champions League, and the women’s national football team. We are happy. A new edition from the FF. I wish all of you who are watching for the first time

    A happy new year. You’re probably still allowed to. This is also the first edition of the FF in 2024. We have come up with a few chapters and we will go through them accordingly here. We start with Adriana, who is back today. Hello Adriana.

    Hi, I’m German. Nice that you’re here. And you can get started right away. You wrote an article with Helene about increasing the women’s soccer Bundesliga. Pros and cons. If you would perhaps briefly explain to the audience what is in the article, then we will take part in the discussion a bit.

    Yes, there is a very polarizing topic going on here, I would say. Yes, increase in the women’s Bundesliga. As most viewers probably know, we currently have twelve teams. teams. We currently have 18 men in the Bundesliga. That means there is still room for improvement if you can make a direct comparison.

    In international comparison, England has twelve teams, just like Germany. In Italy there are only ten, in France there are twelve. Only in Spain, I think we currently have around 16 teams, which is more. That means it is, so it definitely makes sense to discuss the fact that there will be an increase,

    Which would initially mean that there would be more games, means more excitement, more competition in the best case and then in the Ultimately, more money for the clubs, but also for TV reporting. This means there will be more overall visibility for women’s football if this is implemented correctly.

    On the other hand, of course, you also have the thoughts in your head that there are currently a lot of difficulties with the calendar, how everything is laid out, that there are currently problems with a lot of worries about injuries. For example, we have now heard again from Ada Hegerberg that

    A national team match day will be scheduled again next summer. So the players hardly get a break. In the last two years we have had the European Championships and the World Cup. This year we have the Olympics. That means some people don’t actually have a summer off for three years , I’ll say.

    And to that end, of course… these structures must first be improved, in my opinion, so that we can actually talk about enlargement. But Natascha, for example, also mentioned it in the group earlier as an argument that of course the quality from below has to follow. So if teams like that come up and

    Are immediately relegation candidates and lose all their games without scoring goals, that of course doesn’t make any sense. That means that it has to be built up slowly structurally, but of course you have to keep in mind in the background that there are already plans to increase other things.

    That means you can’t fall behind in international comparison. Well, that was a lot of fun for now. That was a bit of a synopsis of several pages of article that was very interestingly written. You have already brought the burden with you. Then it was also said that more games, more visibility

    Would be associated with it, and of course more money and more interest from sponsors. I agree with that. More games is certainly a good thing for the critics. The strain and the risk of injury are of course increased. It also says that many teams play for nothing,

    I.e. they have no chance of winning a title, but only for relegation, or somewhere in the middle of the field, playing for the Golden Pineapple. And that would certainly not be wanted and that is why we have often brought it up here that perhaps you could underpin fourth place by perhaps

    The European Cup, the cup winners or whatever that entails. How do you see that, Charlotte and Andreas? Let’s start briefly with Charlotte. What does the article tell you? Well, on the one hand, I think you have to say that an increase

    Will only come into question in two years at the earliest, when the current television contract expires. That’s one thing. On the other hand, I personally would be in favor of adding two teams. At the same time, something needs to happen in the lower area, i.e. in the second league.

    And what’s even more important to me is that there should be some kind of third league or a maximum two-track regional league, to say the least. Or have another competition so that perhaps teams come up that don’t immediately become a shooting gallery in the first league or even

    Something that comes from the regional league into the second league. Maybe we could then abolish that and at the moment it is perhaps doing a little bit of abolishing itself. The second teams, at the moment three out of four second teams are in

    The lowest area in the second league and if there was a certain quality in a two-tier regional league, that would certainly be good if, for example, the second teams were playing there and in the second league also have a little more space.

    There are no longer any secondary representatives in the second league, which is what many are demanding. With that, I think you would also get a different quality in the second league and therefore also a different quality in the promotion to the first league.

    So last week at the Wolfsburg press conference, Toni Stroot said something like this: I don’t think it would be that dramatic if Wolfsburg were relegated like that, with the following reasoning. At the moment they are just defending and trying to score points. If they were relegated, then they would also…

    Play forward. And that would actually be the philosophy of Wolfsburg, that you play the offensive game. Promoted in the club and also wants to play and that this is accommodated. It must also be said that we already have an inequality in the second league, in which the second representation is ultimately a U20,

    So it is age restricted. Only a maximum of three people over 20 are allowed to be on the pitch. And that could also be softened or changed or would change so that teams that are more experienced in the second division also play overall. Okay, Andreas, more games, more visibility, more exposure.

    We’ve talked about it several times before. How do you see the expansion of the first Bundesliga? Yes, in principle I am in favor of an increase. Of course, I see the counterarguments that have already been raised several times. And of course, the increase cannot happen overnight.

    It’s not even organizationally possible. If you start planning this at some point during this year, then it won’t be implemented for at least two years or three years. That’s why you have to start planning well in advance. We now have the

    New reform of the Champions League, which will only take effect in the season after next. If we just keep saying, no, we can’t do that at the moment and we’re not competitive, then when the newcomers come up, you can see that they’ll go straight back down.

    Yes, now, but we have to start planning now. Plan now for an increase in two years or whenever. And an important step is to promote professionalization in the substructure. The second league needs to become more professional. And we simply have to see that we make upward mobility possible , that clubs like Dortmund,

    Schalke, Stuttgart, who want to invest in women’s football and who are also working on moving up step by step, that they too have the opportunity to play in the 2nd league and 1st league for the foreseeable future. So basically I’m for it, but of course this argument about the

    Burden is also one that I often bring up, that’s the main counter-argument. where you have to find solutions. Wherever you have to find solutions with UEFA, with the other associations, with FIFA and not just more international match windows, Nations League qualification, another training camp, you have to find general solutions.

    But overall, this step needs to be addressed. Not implemented next season, but a step taken so that in two years we can say, now we’re increasing to 14. I would be for that. Adria, you have also written that some active

    Clubs are moving up and striving for the top, as Andreas has already mentioned very briefly. Borussia Dortmund, Schalke 04, Mainz 05. For example, I saw the indoor tournament with the youth team. So there is potential there are also other clubs, Dortmund and. Could they really exert a little bit of pressure

    To stop it? Yes, I definitely think so, because I think that just when you hear the names and know them from the Meller department, then it has a great appeal for young talents who might not normally even start with football then only because their favorite club or that of their parents exists.

    Exists because then really start playing football. And I think that is of course extremely important in order to be able to think sustainably in women’s football, because the most important thing, before we even think about expansions and so on, is that we are sure

    That it will take women’s football further and not again takes a step back and then the double-digit results come back in that direction. But what I don’t believe, but you have to start investing in the youth areas and I think it’s a very good decision

    That these clubs are now starting from the bottom, I would say, and themselves work up. But you have to wait a bit until they have fought their way up. And in women’s football, I think we’re a bit used to something happening all the time, all of that.

    There is an improvement from season to season, but I think we have also reached a point where we just have to let it run its course, I would say that the quality will simply improve. There will be a little more, but at the same time the associations have to

    Properly anticipate what will happen in the future and not, I’ll say like the example of FC Bayern Campus, where you think, yes, not so many spectators will come in the future, but Then think smartly and anticipate what is going to happen. Yes, I also think that you should start planning your thinking early

    And not wait until the child has fallen into the well. Charlotte, what else would you like to add? Yes, I think there was a statement from Almut somewhere recently that there is no real goalkeeper training and so on. There are no performance centers for girls, which you can’t leave alone

    , is coming now. And me. I don’t know how many there are now. There are certainly fewer of them than boys or men or young men. But it is a start. It is there. Investments are being made. So, for example, Essen is a very important location for me. Also what I think

    Would strengthen the overall food or the location of the yes, that ‘s the last women’s football club, so to speak, and well in the three years they won’t be alive anymore or something like that, but I think that’s a point where Such clubs in particular are also strengthened, which if you think back,

    Was what made Potsdam great, for example, by having appropriate cooperation with the sports school or sports high schools and so on. And it’s no longer just the school, but you also have the sports center where you bring everything together for young girls. And I think that’s the path we just have to take.

    And when it comes to the stress on the players, I can only say that, I’m always a bit ambivalent, even when I read something like what Ada said again. On the other hand, it also has to be a broad squad, which most clubs actually have,

    At least nominally, I would say, in terms of number of players, but then coaches are also required more, including all of them to use players. What Chelsea, for example, probably does best, as far as I can tell, is the extent to which players are used in rotation , i.e. a lot of rotation.

    And I think that on the other hand you also promote quality, so by rotating more and you also lead the players to more quality. It’s such a cycle for me. I mentioned the European Cup, the cup winners for example, or fourth place. Now Adriana wrote in the article.

    That you could even have playoffs, like in Italy or Austria, Switzerland. Would that also be a measure that could perhaps… Yes, be adopted. Whether the experience is there, Switzerland, Austria, you could take a quick look over there, Andreas, and maybe do playoffs. So in general, no such consideration should be taboo.

    You have to deal with everything. I don’t know if that’s the solution, such playoffs. I can’t estimate it. The danger that simply if we have 14 teams instead of 12 teams, that we will have a larger midfield, a larger no-man’s land in the league, that is there,

    And UEFA has now announced the prospect of the second European competition for the season after next , but that’s more of a catch basin for the Champions League. So there will be no fourth starting place for Germany, Europe. Yes, you have to be open to all ideas and, as I said, professionalization

    Must move forward in the House of Commons. Now when I read that Newcastle United has decided to make the third English league fully profitable for its women’s team. This is simply a courageous step and yes, we have already said it, we also have names, big ones,

    Existing names coming up and we have to give them the opportunity to have upward permeability and yes, if we have one have the first league in which Dortmund and Stuttgart and Schalke also play, then I think it’s not so tragic if they end up sixth or eighth and maybe

    Have nothing to do with the championship and nothing to do with relegation either, but that The name then draws, which then also draws spectators. So you definitely have to approach the considerations or the planning so that in two years we don’t say, oh look, in England with the newcomers that they founded,

    They are now not just one step ahead of us, but two steps ahead. Oh, France and Italy also have the steps. Oh, now we should. That just can’t happen. That’s why I think we should start thinking now so that we can increase it in two years.

    And no consideration, playoffs or whatever, should be taboo. And if only… Yes, absolutely not. Oh, it is, yes. Adriana, you brought it up a lot, but then only mentioned it very briefly in two sentences. I brought this up a long time ago. You didn’t arrive so well.

    What thoughts did you have today about the playoffs? Well, I think, in principle, you shouldn’t rule anything out from discussing it, because, I mean, we often talk about, then somehow compare women’s football with men’s football, with the model and I think we could do that again create a way where women’s football

    Sets itself apart and perhaps in a positive way. One doesn’t know how this would be received if there were actually playoffs , regardless of how they were played. That’s why, in my opinion, the experts or those who care about it,

    The associations definitely have to deal with it and also the advantages and disadvantages think about it or maybe even do a test season something like that and see how it is received by the fans or the clubs and then make a decision based on that, because we now also have it in

    America, for example, I think you also mentioned it and. Where this is also this fixed model. That’s why I think, I mean, women’s football is there to break down ways of thinking in a certain way. And I think if you can’t try it out here, then where,

    So it could become a unique selling point in a certain way. Yes, I am absolutely for that. It’s certainly a possibility with playoffs. You could put experts from Austria and Switzerland at the same table with German experts. You could collect reports from these people,

    Whether they are spectators, whether they are stressed or something like that. So that you don’t just fool around in Japanese somewhere, but rather that you are really confronted with facts and can say, we like the playoff system in Austria or Switzerland, or we don’t like it here.

    This could possibly be adapted to the German League. In any case, I would advocate that the experience from these countries be brought to a round table. What would you forgive yourself for? I believe nothing. Okay, do we have anything else to say on the subject? I think

    We can discuss this for a long time. We have now discussed it in a little more detail. I hope that it will also be discussed on YouTube in a factual manner and perhaps in the groups. Okay, Andreas, you’ve been silent for a long time.

    Have you been to England or seen it on TV? No, no, I was in England for the weekend. I’ve only been back for two hours or so because I also skipped the midday flight. Yes, I saw two games live in the stadium. On the one hand, my favorite club,

    Arsenal, won 2-1 at home against Everton. Yes, it was, as they say, tough stuff. So… In the end, what counts is that Arsenal kept the three points, but it wasn’t a really good game for Arsenal. Everton fired one shot at goal in the first half and,

    As is often the case, it was a goal. And in the last ten minutes Everton realized, oh, we were only one goal behind, maybe it would always be enough to take another shot on goal. So then we somehow came home and won the three points.

    But it was a nice goal. Everton was a beautiful goal. Nicely released in the alley, nicely converted, ran in. Into the space and then nicely converted against Zinsberger, who came out of there. Came out and then stopped and that’s why, in the criticism it’s often called Frozen Manu, because she just stands frozen.

    We don’t want to transfer the Arsenal discussion to ourselves here. It has happened many times this season that we have allowed one or two shots on goal and then promptly conceded a goal. Then on Sunday I was at the top game between Chelsea and Man United.

    3-1 for Chelsea, outstanding Lauren James, of whom you can think what you want about her character. In my case it’s not her appearance either, but she’s a great talent, an amazing player. Those weren’t just three goals, they were really nice goals where she was sent straight in the 1-on-1 goal.

    Quickly made the right decision and ran away from her opponent on the third goal. So, great player, great goals scored. Yes, Chelsea remains top. I don’t think this is all that interesting for our viewers . That’s why I now want to talk more about the three Germans who are under contract with Chelsea.

    That’s more interesting then. For me , Melli Leukholz in the starting line-up played one of her stronger games again, was very present on the 6th position. Some Chelsea fans said to me beforehand that in such a top game without Sophie Ingle, it couldn’t go well. The normal one is the ex game.

    Oh, Milly Leupolds solved it very well. Jürgen Nüsken came in after 55 minutes, again in this more offensive 8 or 10 position. And I just really like it. So I’ve said it many times in the last few weeks, this offensive role, she comes in and is immediately

    Present, can be played immediately and also brings forward passes. Is dangerous in the penalty area himself and has the confidence to finish. So I came back in and fit in just fine. So also for the national team, I think I would no longer plan for Genüske defensively, but she has really impressively

    Demonstrated and further developed her qualities in the attacking midfield area at Chelsea . For me, the most interesting personality at Chelsea at the moment is Kathrin Berger. Not in the squad for the fourth time in a row. She’s not injured, she’s not sick, she’s there, she’s warming up.

    And then she goes into the stands. Chelsea, it has to be said or known again, have three top defenders with Berger, with Musovic, the Swedish number 1, and with Hannah Hampton, the English number 2. I said Arsenal-Chelsea after the game at the beginning of December,

    Geiger I had a used day and didn’t look so happy. It wasn’t the first time he didn’t look so happy. And it was consistent, next game, in the stands, Musovic in goal, Hampton on the bench. Then Hampton in goal, Musovic on the bench. Now you can’t say,

    Yes, then the others can play in the smaller games. The one against Man United on Sunday was a top game. against top opponents. And I found it very surprising that Hannah Hampton was in goal. But I also observed it in the game against West Ham in November,

    When I was there and again now. All three goalkeepers at Chelsea are warming up, being warmly shot, warmly thought about. And there’s really Hannah Hampton, this 22-year-old, she’s there with such enthusiasm that you weren’t in the squad the one time she was sitting in the stands, she’s warming up.

    Short T-shirt, shorts, full sweats and Berger, we know she’s not a hot-tempered girl right now, but yes, I have the impression that, well, she’s just there too. And then, yes, long sweatshirt, long pants, whether she was playing or, like on Sunday, wasn’t in the squad at all and then she stood there

    Next to the post and watched the other two get warmed up and Only when Musovic was out of the goal did she go in and save three or four balls. But, yeah, somehow I don’t get the impression that she’s fighting for her place there, or I don’t know.

    Sure, it’s also a mentality thing. As I said, she’s not the paragon of temperament. But interesting… How many spectators were there? There were 20,000 tickets. So yeah, something like that. That was in the big stone, Stamford Bridge. It will be interesting to see how Horst Grubesch sees the situation.

    Does he continue to appoint a perpetrator who is only number 3 in her club as a second force for the national team? Or will Sina Johannes now move to the two and become a vacant place? So that’s an interesting personality, really.

    And Berger will be 34 this year too. So I’ll keep watching and just find it interesting to pass on this information about our Germans who are now playing in England. OK. Adriana, did you see the Chelsea game? see? I only saw the summary, but I can confirm everything

    That Andreas said at the time. I was also happy that Sirke Nüsken also gave an assist at the end and yes, it’s his birthday today too, so everything’s good at that point. And no, with the goalkeeper issue, I mean, Chelsea are really spoiled for choice, Emma Hayes, and I think England will also

    Do something about that goal that then Henna Hempten is becoming more and more popular to number 1. And yes, to Katrin Berger, I mean, the contract only runs until the end of the season, so there is also the question of whether she will then,

    I mean, as a goalkeeper you can normally play longer, but whether she is already thinking about the end of her career or whether she wants to take on another challenge. It will definitely be exciting. I think you see it very positively that they are getting started. Offensive, convincing.

    Is that also in your interest or did you see it that way before? Well, she actually came to us in Frankfurt with permission to play like that. Then came these requests from Nazio that she would play more at the back. And I think Emma Hayes doesn’t care a bit about

    What a national coach might want or not. In other words , we also have a change. So, no, I think she’s in a good position. It would certainly have been good for us in one or two games in Frankfurt if she had played in that position. No, I’m happy for her.

    It’s also, I think, as I’ve already said elsewhere , that she’s made a huge step forward in terms of her personality development. And I think it was exactly the right time to take this step. OK. I can only support that. Okay, anything else to add to you?

    About our German players? Yes, goalkeeper, I’m going with Andreas d’Acord when it comes to Nazio. Although I have a few concerns. Somewhere Horst Trubesch is also a bit old school with his squad. Let’s see what kind of squad is coming soon.

    But I think it won’t look much different than the one before Christmas. And that means Ann-Kathrin Berger will be back in the squad. And number two behind Merle when Merle is healthy. So my personal opinion. Interesting statement. I think Andreas is hoping for Mahler. Can this be?

    I don’t see a chance, unfortunately. Okay, okay. At the moment I think Robes will also stay with Romsberger Johannes. But in the medium term, Horst Robes will also have to think about it if the tendency at Chelsea increases that a Kathrin Berger only sits in the stands without any match practice. Yes, sure.

    There is enough talent, but it is simply an exciting development. Yes, but we have great goalkeepers up our sleeves again. So with Malakos and Mamutovic, just to name two perhaps. There are many, many others. So our goalkeeper school, our training and scouting of goalkeepers is

    Actually unique in the world, I would say. Or, Charlotte? down? Yes, we can, I think we have a luxury problem, and I think in one club or another we also have a luxury problem in this regard. But every year the goalkeeper in football remains that they

    Are only replaced when they are injured and you cannot switch back and forth and change the goalkeeper quickly for a penalty like in handball, like in handball for a seven meter penalty change. That’s the difference between the small and the large. The big risk of a goalkeeper.

    Okay, but still, we have great goalkeepers and we can be happy about that. A lot of people would insult us because of that. Many, many countries. Mary Irps is certainly an excellent goalkeeper, but what comes next, I don’t know. A Hempten. Yes, but still, a German goalkeeper would be good too,

    So you could think of that, right? Yes, surprisingly you don’t have such a thinking and troppert problem in women’s football in England. So Erbs is the top to see in Europe and with shirts comes a huge talent, 22 years young and on the line, incredibly responsive.

    And she also played very well with her foot against United. She is also brave when it comes to crosses and comes out. Of course she still makes mistakes, but what do you want from a 22 year old? You can’t expect it to be perfect yet. So there was a huge talent

    After and actually number three or before even two or one was Ellie Roebuck, who has now fallen into disrepair at Man City. We don’t know why. But Kiara Keating, a 19-year-old, has now become number one at Man City. A great talent there too. So you don’t have a goalkeeping problem in England.

    What’s perhaps interesting again at Chelsea is that a coach has the courage to swap a goalkeeper from game to game, I’ll say. No matter who it is, there is hardly a club that does that and simply

    Says that they are playing in this game and they are playing in the next game and they are playing again in the game after that. So I don’t know what leads you to make these decisions, whether that’s load control or saying I’ll line up for the opponent, the opponent plays like that, I

    Have the goalkeeper, yes there are strengths there, weaknesses so I’m going to line up too a goalkeeper according to the opponent, so I think it’s very interesting, it’s a thing that I said to our people years ago, why don’t you take a look? I have to take a look at an opponent.

    What kind of players does he have? Who plays in front? Who scores the goals? And, well, to look at it, and in fact to react, but that ultimately means that in the Bundesliga I wouldn’t have to draft anyone who has that voluntarily. Wolfsburg has done this several times now, but for injury reasons,

    Because they were all injured. It was always an injury. Maybe Bremen. Bremen perhaps in the justification. Ah yes, that’s true. But they only did it because they were hurt at the beginning and so the way Emma Hayes does it, I don’t mind anyone. It’s justified, absolutely. Is a tactical means. Good.

    Now we have Champions League this week. And with Eintracht Frankfurt we have had a great representative so far who has shown good performances in front of many, many spectators and who has gained sympathy for women’s football. Unfortunately we lost the direct duel against Benfica, so we hardly have any chances.

    Or Adriana, can you win against Barca? In theory? Difficult, no. Mathematically it is still possible for them to progress. Of course, they have to hope for a little help from Rosengart. But of course, when FC Barcelona plays against you again and at home too.

    I don’t think they’ve lost at home since 2019 or so. So that’s a stark statistic. But on the other hand, Frankfurt has nothing to lose if they compete there. So they are the underdog and they already showed in the first leg

    That they can hurt them if they hit them at the right moment. And that’s why I wouldn’t write it off completely, but it’s just going to be extremely difficult. Andrea, I guessed last year that Barca would lose to Bayern Munich. And I’m not sure whether I feel the same way about Frankfurt today.

    What do you think, do they have a chance? So they play in Barcelona too, but to put it bluntly, they can actually only win. So they have nothing to lose. If the thing ends up 4-0, 5-1 or whatever, then everyone says, yes, it’s normal. And yes, of course, against Barcelona.

    And in the game you saw that the first half went to Frankfurt. Why not again? And if you manage to resist for half the time and keep the game open. Who knows whether Barca can turn things around again. What I now see as a disadvantage for Frankfurt is that they

    Are going into this game without any competition practice. The fact that the cup game was also canceled while Barcelona was already playing this Supercup, Supercup, yes, this is called this Supercup in Spain , so they practically already had a competition. Yes, we don’t need to talk about the quality or the squad.

    Barcelona, ​​of course, favorite. But Frankfurt has absolutely nothing to lose. And yes, I think they are all looking forward to the game, the Frankfurt women. And being able to compete against this team. And if they just approach it in a relaxed manner and with joy or fun, they can’t try any harder.

    Well, Mr. Charlotte, I used to be happy when I played against Schalke. It’s something very special, playing against such top-class players. Now Frankfurt is playing in Barcelona. Barcelona, ​​Supercup won, 7-0. Is an exclamation mark. How is Frankfurt dealing with this, the team? I think they’re going there just happy

    To be able to play in Barcelona or against Barcelona and see what happens. And we already had it in the first leg, as Adriana said or Andreas, who would have thought that we would go into the break with a 1-0 score.

    I think anyone who had bet money on it would have won a lot of money at that moment. And the fact that we conceded these quick goals was a lack of attention, it shouldn’t have happened at all and if they play with more concentration now.

    I think there’s a bit of something in it. I think there are some fans from Frankfurt there, I think the entire U17 is there, so there’s a bit of a Frankfurt atmosphere and we’re not playing in the Camp Nou, but in the Kreufstadion, that’s all smaller, a little more familiar, a little closer.

    Let’s see. I go positively, so I drive along positively and say, see what happens. And if you think at all now and look at the group, I think it was actually clear to everyone, or at least it was clear to me, that we probably wouldn’t make it to the intermediate round.

    That was actually true for me. I had already rated Lisbon very strongly. You saw that last year when Bayern struggled. Therefore, there would have been more. Yes, Germany is still well represented. Exactly. Of course you can say we should have scored our goals against Lisbon.

    Then we wouldn’t be talking about this now. Then we might have a better chance of getting back into the second round. But I think before or after the draw, I don’t think anyone gave much thought to the fact that we would get to a semi-final or something like that.

    So I think we were rather positively surprised, from a German perspective . Yeah, okay, okay. But we should also mention that you and Natascha over there, wherever you are, you will certainly support the team well. You already mentioned the U17s, I think there will

    Be a few from the Fendt Club over there too and will spend the night there and take on the club. So I wish you much success and a good game in Barcelona. Yes, then Bayern Munich. You play next. How does it look? Losing is forbidden in Rome. Actually winning is almost a must.

    So you ruined your own starting position in the two home games. Led 2-0 against Rome, played 2-2, led 1-0 against Amsterdam, drawn, lost in Amsterdam. So you couldn’t have performed much worse in the Champions League. Starting position is not good. With the victory in Rome, Bavaria is back in business, of course.

    But everything else does, then they no longer have it in their own hands. Sure, you still have the home game against PSG, PSG won there, and if they drew against PSG they would have the direct comparison against the French. But to get involved in such calculation games, Bayern actually have to

    Go to Rome and say, we are the stronger team, we are going to win there. So losing, as I said, is forbidden. And in terms of quality, if I also think about the first leg, they really dominated Rome for 60 minutes and then somehow

    Opened the door and couldn’t manage to at least keep the score 2-1 over time. But Bavaria has recently been in crisis, to put it cautiously or to put it kindly. Amsterdam at home, Amsterdam away, Nuremberg. So things didn’t add up much anymore. That’s why the winter break was hopefully

    Good for hitting the reset button. Pernilla Harder is back. Dara Bühl should hopefully be available again so that we have options again on offense. Yes, Magda Eriksen is missing at the back. Let’s see how quickly Linda Sembrand fits in, but I think it

    ‘s also a disadvantage at Bayern, too, the cup game was canceled there too, they’re going there again without competition training, but they know what it’s about. Adriano, how do you see Bayern’s possibilities? Yes, they actually have to win the last two games. That should be the claim.

    I think from the beginning there was also the expectation that we should actually play to win the group. So the opportunities, the ambitions are definitely there from the team, from the squad. And I think they made life a little difficult for themselves.

    I also had a lot of close results and wasn’t completely convinced. Especially, as you have already mentioned, especially in December, when they were no longer feeling like themselves. And I also think that it was extremely important that the break was there.

    It felt a bit as if the air had simply run out and the batteries needed to be charged. That’s why I believe that there will definitely be significantly more energy and more passion back now. Panela Harder is there. I’m curious to see how the central defense

    Will line up like Alexander Strauss and how it will behave. But on the other hand, you also have to say that Rome has already been able to get some match practice, but they also lost to Inter Milan in Serie A. And against Turin in the cup. Exactly, also against Lina Magul,

    Also with the experience of success abroad. Yes, I’m excited, but Bayern clearly have to get two wins now. Okay, so then we wish both teams good luck, that Frankfurt plays as well as possible, looks good, doesn’t allow itself to be picked apart, but shows that German teams can play football and Bayern Munich

    Does the job and then moves into the next round. Do we move on or have we? I would say that’s where we’ll end the Champions League. Question for you. There have been a lot of changes. What was the biggest surprise for you? Maxi Rahl announced today that he is moving to America.

    What was the biggest surprise? Which club or club has strengthened and would like to avoid the decline or would like to play a better second half of the season? Who wants to start? So for me it was basically that Lina Magul no longer had a chance at FC Bayern.

    That was clear and she has had extremely few appearances so far this season. That’s why you’re not entirely surprised that she’s leaving. But of course she shaped the club for years. That’s why I think it was still a bit of a shock for FC Bayern fans.

    And for me it was also a bit surprising that she then went to Inter Milan, because they are currently not playing for the Champions League directly, for the Champions League places, which is why it is a downgrade, I would say, for her in a certain way she is.

    But she got her playing time right away in the first few games and I think that’s definitely the right decision for her personally, especially when we’re looking at the national team again and the chances she’s getting there hopes.

    That’s why I hope that she will be successful there and then get back to her old strength. You also have to downgrade every now and then and then downgrade again. So playing times show the national coach that she is fit again, that she is involved in the game, that she is

    Providing assists, maybe scoring some goals soon, taking her free kicks again and so on and so forth. So I think it was the right step. It was also the right step to Milan. So I personally wish her all the best. Yes, who else has an opinion on all the…

    New purchases, commitments, some clubs have rushed forward quite a bit. I would also say, if you ask, what were the big surprises? Of course, Nina Magul also met me as a Bayern fan, but from her point of view it was the right step.

    And Feli Rauch, that totally surprised me too. I didn’t expect that . And then USA. So clearly, from her point of view, again, she also has little playing time and after injuries she was no longer the first choice in Wolfsburg and it was perhaps also

    Foreseeable that in the second half of the season she did not improve her personal situation much with playing minutes, and with smoke It’s the same as with Magul, they just have the Olympics in the back of their minds. If they qualify for the Olympics,

    Then they can only offer themselves for the squad by playing and showing themselves, I’m a force to be reckoned with or I am can be used there. That’s why the step was understandable for her, but to be honest, I didn’t expect her to move to the USA. I don’t know

    Whether she’ll necessarily be so visible to the national coach, but it’s a trend again now can be seen with the USA, Maxi Rall is also going to the USA. We have to be careful that not many top players leave the league.

    No matter where you go and if a new destination opens up, it’s dangerous. So the changes really surprised me. With Rall it was actually to be expected. Although, yes. Okay, Sarah Agres left Wolfsburg. Charlotte and Carlotta Wander. That’s all, so the changes are all understandable somewhere

    Because they were all players who, whether those who changed within the Bundesliga, like those who went abroad, in the USA or Italy, all players who in their current ones I can understand that the club or old club didn’t have enough playing time . So absolutely.

    At Maxi Rahl you have the money sign straight. Yes, I didn’t mean that about Maxi Rahl, but like it did about Feli Rauch. I wanted to say that the USA has also become more attractive when it comes to money. With this new girl contract they have and so on.

    There were years when the pay wasn’t good in the USA either and that’s currently changing. So they already have good players there and can also earn very good money there. Maybe many more like the Maxi Rall, I don’t know. I don’t know any figures, but I know of another player

    Who had offers from over there and she would have earned more than she did in Germany. And in Germany, he’s not one of those who earn in the lower sector, let’s put it that way. With money? That’s why it’s more attractive, I’ll say now, also in terms of money.

    And I think it also speaks, especially perhaps for Feli Rau, who says she wants to play. And if I go to Barcelona or Lyon now, I might have the same problem as in Wolfsburg. I sit on the bench more than I play. Maybe you see the opportunities or the perspectives that

    Were offered to her in Washington, that she was also told that you would also get your playing time. What Andrea has already said, everyone who hopes that the Olympic collectivization will be achieved is missing from the Olympics. And then the new cards are shuffled and of course everyone wants to take part. Exactly.

    This is a development that you simply have to take into account, because experienced players are now going to the USA. So I don’t know how to properly describe this. So I’m going to say a stupid word now, grown women, not young

    Girls of 19, 20 or like those from England, many of them go to college football in the USA, play college football there for two or three years and then switch back to the WSL . These are now mature, adult personalities.

    Of course, the USA is also attractive. And living and working in the USA in your late 20s or 30s is an interesting life experience. Financially it’s also true that the offer is such that people say, I can live well with it, with the money, maybe even better than in Germany.

    Absolutely understandable for the players or players’ point of view, but I say again, we have to keep an eye on this development and so we shouldn’t necessarily. We now regularly have such Adalas from current national players in the USA. Yes, something that I don’t think you should underestimate

    When you play in the USA is the time difference that they have when they play. This back and forth, I know from Kerstin Gareregis, she said it was pretty tiring. So she played over there for half a year. That was a wish back then when we let her go for half a year.

    Before she stopped at some point she said this time zones weather zones so you’re playing now it’s in New York it’s minus 20 degrees and then you played in Florida it’s plus 15 plus the time difference so you’re doing it on the other side of your body too Yes

    , I don’t think you should underestimate that and I don’t know if everyone is aware of it when they go over there like that, I don’t know. We won’t assume anything now. But that’s also a challenge, I think, that shouldn’t be abandoned. And I can understand

    The changes, briefly, the changes within the league, whether it’s Agrisch or Bamse. They want to play. In Cologne they probably have a better chance of being able to play, like in Wolfsburg or in the Kadotta here. You have to see. And as far as other clubs are concerned, whether it

    ‘s Nuremberg or Duisburg, for me that’s the case. I don’t know whether the players they’ve brought in are reinforcements. I can not judge. These are such unknown players. Even if it is a national player from Iceland who is going to Nuremberg and

    Has only played the Icelandic league, I don’t know what level it is, comparable to ours. Well, these are changes that I can only make to a limited extent . I don’t know whether these are just acts of desperation. Adriana, all the changes that have now taken place, Freiburg for example,

    That was a team that went through the series so well. They brought in players from Austria and Switzerland. Were you able to track that? Do you have a player, Aline Kemperl for example? Yes, I mean, Freiburg, it was also announced at the same time

    That Janina Minge would be leaving Freiburg at the end of the season. That means they may already be planning potential successors. That means something definitely has to happen because she

    Is one of the best players in the team, and one of the most important ones, who has been at the club for a very long time. And it definitely won’t be easy to replace them. And as you said, there’s a lot of ups and downs anyway,

    There’s little consistency in the results and it’s probably important to integrate new players as quickly as possible , so that quickly too a replacement can be found and then integrated. Good. Overall, there have been a lot of changes this year.

    I felt like there were really a lot of them for me. Unlike last year. Do you have that feeling too? Without the numbers but there were more prominent names, let’s say that’s why I think it happens more but I think otherwise it was, I don’t think it was any more, no less

    Or and significantly more just more prominent ok ok probably the window will close on January 31st And I’m curious to see what else happens there. 90 Minutes has made a prediction as to who will go by percentage. Adriana, it might be interesting if 90 Minutes presented the comparison, forecast and facts.

    I’d be happy to pass it on. Yes, okay. So let’s check it out with the new additions. Or does anyone else have a special new addition or farewell to say? So Maxi Rade was announced today. So we certainly wish you much success there too. Yes, then we can start

    With the Bundesliga at the weekend very quickly. Friday evening, you’re already looking forward to the game. Werder Bremen against Bayer Leverkusen. Werder Bremen, the surprise of the season. Bayer Leverkusen is certainly not to be underestimated either. A good start to the return series, in quotes return series.

    Actually both surprises of the season. Both played a great preliminary round. And that’s a really nice start to the matchday. So I didn’t want to decide who was the favorite. I think it’s a really nice, good game between two teams that are good, you can’t say that it makes sense, you don’t know,

    But they were in a good mood recently and surprised. Yes, I have to say quite honestly, I’m surprised by Leverkusen and Werder Bremen that they’re playing so well this year and are on 13 points. They were usually always pretty far down.

    I think this year they no longer have anything to do with Adriana’s relegation. Well, okay, if they continue like this, things are looking very good there. I think the two teams are currently only three points apart and are directly next to each other in the table. This means that you could either

    Gain more distance or even overtake the other team. I think Leverkusen started the season very well and then slacked off a bit towards the end. I’m curious to see whether the break can perhaps release new energy again . And yes, as I said, Bremen is definitely one of the bigger surprises in

    The league. and I could well imagine that it will be a very close and exciting game. Yes, 1-0 is enough for Bremen, then they would be past Leverkusen. Leverkusen would have 16, Bremen would also have 16, but they are better in goal difference. Yes, RB Leipzig will continue against Freiburg.

    RB Leipzig has strengthened a bit, but not in any way well-known. Freiburg, we said, has complemented itself a bit and may have already planned for the new series. What do you think RB Leipzig can do at home? No opinion? This is a game that I think could go either way.

    Just like Bremen went down in Leipzig. But that could just as easily be the other way around. I think that’s… No other opinion. Then we come to Bayern against Hoffenheim. Bayern after the Champions League game who just equalized against Hoffenheim, who are of course also hoping that they will attack at the top.

    How does Andreas see it? Will be difficult. Hoffenheim. Difficult start. Hoffenheim is definitely one of the stronger opponents you can face there. And in this Champions League sandwich. In Rome, then at home against Hoffenheim and three days later at home against Paris. It’s difficult and I can only hope, as we said before,

    That this winter break has been very good. Yes, the squad is a bit broader again, the injured are back and yes, it will also depend on how you play in Rome. Yes Yes okay. If you… If it works and you win in Rome,

    Then you go into the game against Hoffenheim with the appropriate euphoria and self-confidence , but it can also go the other way. If you mess that up, then, oh dear, things will go on like they did in December. We don’t win anything anymore. And now there’s Hoffenheim. And Hoffenheim should not be underestimated.

    They started fresh and happy, especially this season. So then they fell off a bit. But they have very, very strong offensively and started too. Scored a lot of goals. So yes, this will not be an easy task. But now, taking the fan glasses away, it will certainly be an attractive game.

    Bayern against Hoffenheim. Of course I hope for a win for the Munich team, of course. But let’s wait. Okay, we’ll continue on Sunday. Frankfurt against Cologne, Adriana. I’ll take Charlotte on later. Does this also apply to Frankfurt? Should they lose so much that they then play against Cologne with their heads hanging?

    Frankfurt has had a great training camp. Nick Gornhout is very optimistic for the second series. Cologne played good friendly games. How do you want to see that? Yes, of course, it will also be difficult because Frankfurt also has these English weeks. But I still think that even if they, we already mentioned before,

    If they lose against Barcelona, ​​that’s what you expect from the outside. I think the way they play and the result will be more important, that they find themselves correctly again, even in this competitive mode and then simply get into that flow

    That sets them apart, like that as a team, this solidarity, I would say. If it fits, then I think the result has always worked out well so far. So I think if they find their way straight away, then it will work against Cologne too.

    Even if Cologne is of course a strong opponent, also physically strong. So it definitely won’t be easy when they meet there. OK. Frankfurt can catch up with a win, could catch up if Bayern Munich loses to Hoffenheim at the same time. So they can definitely be worth it.

    First of all, consolidate third place more and even catch up on the ground. Yes, then Hoffenheim is on our backs again, is what I’m saying now. So I’m saying now, if we want to get third place again, we have to win. That is beyond question. And Cologne is an opponent where we always

    Have a bit of a hard time and have been for years. This is no longer a sure-fire success. more. So from there. It will be an exciting 11th matchday. So we can prepare for that. I hope that the listeners will then

    Go to the stadiums despite the cold that may be there – we don’t know for sure. But, MSV Duisburg-Nuremberg relegation duel. Second to bottom versus bottom of the table. So if RB Leipzig wins and RB Leipzig loses at the same time, Nuremberg could, I think, leave the relegation zone

    For the first time . Totally doable, right? Andrew? Oh dear, hard to say. My Nuremberg played well against Bayern and got a feeling of success and that you can just recall yourself in your head and say, look, we can even keep up against the top teams, but for us it’s abstract and yes,

    So it should Duisburg lose that, then the lights go out. On the other hand, somehow this is a 0-0 game or 1-1 game in terms of assessment. Yes, hardly anyone will play there with an open face. They will try to keep the score at first and maybe

    Score the goal with a great moment. Okay, Monday game. Essen against Wolfsburg. I think we’ve already said that food is another kind of surprise. At least that’s what we showed last time. Mr. Höger really made something out of his young doll. There are really great players there who also promise a future.

    Are they strong enough to unbalance the she-wolves? They won 10-0 against Sparta Prague at the weekend. Wolfsburg can’t do anything with such a broad chest. But I don’t think Prague is a fine knife now. OK. But he has to score ten goals now, right? Yes. Isn’t that a lot for the food?

    Yes, I think so. Well, that’s quite a house number. And of course there is also tailwind for Wolfsburg. I have from Thomas Troth read, He says it was the best training camp he has ever experienced with a team.

    They are going into the second half of the season with a bigger chest or stronger and are in first place, even though they played a good preliminary round. This needs to be said clearly. If you don’t play a good half-series and are still first,

    Then you can actually only get better if they start playing well now. Yes, but Essen, we’ve said it several times before, so hats off to their performance or development again or talent development, which they did again in the preliminary round.

    So yes, it would be nice if the Essen team could keep up. On paper everything speaks for Wolfsburg, but first game. Adriana, what do you think? Is it better against Wolfsburg? I mean, the situation is clear for Wolfsburg. They are currently leading the table and don’t have the Champions League

    Where they have to let off steam, I’ll say. And right now they have to take advantage of the chance, even though there is the possibility at Bayern that they might drop points again against Hoffenheim, that they could pull away even further with a win.

    That’s why I believe that they will prevail, even if Essen is of course definitely a serious opponent. Yes, then let’s call it a day. I would say, we’ve now eaten everything we could eat. I hope that was interesting enough, Charlotte actually wanted to go to handball. I’m looking, it’s 6-6 right now.

    It’s been running for half of the time. Okay, everything is clear, then thank you very much here, thank you very much for being there again, thank you Andreas for waking me up. I almost planned it. Adriano, thank you very much for joining us again, it was a real enrichment again.

    Charlotte, thank you very much and hopefully next time also with our other candidates, Natascha and Alex. Alex. Okay I got it. Thank you very much. Bye.


    1. Sehr schön Folge 🎉….
      Bei Chelsea wird auch spannend wie der neue Trainer/die Trainerin die Torhüterinnen Rangfolge in der kommenden Saison aufstellt. Und je nach Situation kann das auch auf die Stimmung drücken innerhalb der Torhüterinnen.

      In Barcelona sind vom EFC Adlerträgerinnen ca. 20 Mitglieder vor Ort. Einer der zugeteilten Blöcke ist wohl komplett verkauft. Daher ist damit zu rechnen das ordentlich Stimmung sein wird. Leider erlaubt Barcelona keine Blockfahnen.
      Barca ist jetzt das Vorbereitungsspiel für das Spiel gegen Köln 😉

      Maxi Rall und Feli Rauch haben in ihrem neuen Verein nun auch Deutsche Kontakte mit Babett Peter, die dort im Management arbeitet. Dazu Ella Masar Co-Trainerin. Und definitiv spielt das Thema Olympia eine Rolle, zumal insgesamt auch nur 18 Spielerinnen erlaubt sind. Tränen so oder so vorprogrammiert im Sommer, bei fünf Spielerinnen.
      Alle anderen Wechsel hatten wir in den letzten Wochen vor Weihnachten schon erwartet und da und dort erwähnt.

    2. Frau Peschmann hat das mit der Rotation im Frauenfußball klar benannt. Frauen spielen, wie Männer, 90 Min. auf dieselben Tore, bei schwächerer Physis. Das ist auch richtig so. Für weniger als 90 Min. geht keiner ins Stadion. Aber Trainer müssen, nochmal müssen dem durch mehr Rotation gerecht werden. Die vielen diesbezüglichen Fehlentscheidungen von Stroot & Arnautis in der Vergangenheit haben den VFL & die Eintracht schon viel gekostet. Ich hatte das Spiel Chelsea-United gesehen. Frau James war wirklich gut, ist aber das beste Beispiel dafür, daß die Verbände & Vereine (Bernd Neuendorf, Uli Hoeneß/Peter Fischer, im Grunde alles charakterliche Schließmuskel, Hoeneß sogar Krimineller) Politik aus dem Sport raus halten müssen. Fußball spielen & blond gefärbte Haare sind ganz klar eine kulturelle Aneignung seitens Frau James. Dementsprechend dürften Asiaten oder Afrikaner gar nicht kicken, geschweige fliegen, telefonieren oder Auto fahren. Für den apolitischen Sport würde ich auch mal eine eindeutige Aussage von der Redaktion erwarten. Warum heuert der FC Bayern nicht Frau Berger bis zum Karriereende an? Allemal besser als Frau Grohs. Zwischenzeitlich könnte man sich in München um den besten Torwart der englischen Frauenliga, Barbora Votíková von Tottenham bemühen. Die ist auch besser als Zećira Mušović oder Mary Earps. @Herrn Andreas & Herrn Gahr, Ena Mahmutovic & Mala Grohs sind Talente geblieben & gerade international ist Mala Grohs einfach nur schlecht. In der Liga merkt das keiner wegen der Bomben-Bayern-Abwehr. Beim Frauenfußball-Kanal Kickball wird ganz klar Stina Johannes favorisiert. Anneke Borbe ist zB ziemlich gut & es war ein Fehler von Borbe von Bremen nach Wolfsburg zu gehen. Die Spiele der Eintracht, des VFLs, Bayerns in der Vergangenheit gegen Barca sind einfach physische Kämpfe. Man muß gegen Barca in der Halbzeit vor allem die Abwehr auffrischen. macht Barca, wenn sie hinten liegen im Angriff auch so. Bayern wird in Rom verlieren, einfach deswegen, weil der Bayern-Sturm nicht trifft. Bayern hat zusammen mit Leverkusen nur den 4tbesten Sturm der Liga, dicht gefolgt von Bremen. Alle Gegentreffer, die Bayern in der letzten & dieser CL-Saison gefangen hatte, waren haltbar. Herr Andreas ignoriert einfach diesen Fakt. Inter steht auf Platz 4/10 der Italienischen Liga. Die haben sicher Ambitionen. Guter Verein, um sich zu beweisen. Bei Maxi Rall ist es noch krasser. Bayern war mit Maxi Rall auf dem Platz besser als ohne. Klar, daß die weggeht, 1,80 Meter groß, körperlich stark, Sie wird in den USA eher vorne spielen. Ich bitte die Redaktion zu bedenken, daß bei Olympia nur 18 Spieler zugelassen werden. Nimmt man da nur 2 oder doch 3 Torwarte mit? Da wird weiter ausgedünnt werden müssen. Wolfsburg hatte in Portugal 2:0 gegen Hoffenheim (mit unbegrenzten Auswechselungen) gewonnen. https://youtu.be/ksDe6_7qzjA

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