Alec Baldwin has been indicted on involuntary manslaughter after the death of a producer on the set of Rust.

    The Grand Jury indictment was filed in Santa Fe, New Mexico, today over the death of Halyna Hutchins, who died after a prop gun, held by Baldwin, went off on set in October 2021.

    Responding to the indictment, the actor’s lawyers said “we look forward to our day in court”.

    Plus, we’ll have the latest on Prince Harry withdrawing his libel claim against the publisher of the Mail on Sunday.

    Other stories making headlines:

    🔴 Japan in contact with moon lander – but problem with solar panels puts mission in jeopardy
    🔴 NATO preparing for war with Russia – as Germany warns Putin may launch attack
    🔴 ‘Danger to life’ warning as Storm Isha to batter UK with 80mph winds

    From 10.30pm onwards, we’ll take a first look at tomorrow’s front pages on the Press Preview

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    It’s 10:00 this is Sky News at 10 our top story he’s saying sorry enough why haven’t you met any sub post Masters yet the Jitsu admits it knew there were errors in the software and witness statements were edited which helped in prosecution of hundreds of post office convictions accusations the issue is

    Still widespread in Scotland with one sub poost mistress telling Sky News she’s losing money now because of the faulty computer system that’s the reality of having a post office there also tonight detained and humiliated a woman claims to Sky News that she was stripped and threatened by police officers in Manchester after

    Making a complaint feel like they’re going to be after me forever if I don’t leave Manchester I’m scared that the what the police are going to do next anger and despair but a community fighting back as TARTA steel confirms that nearly 3,000 jobs will be cut in Port

    Tolber a family of four including two young girls have found dead in a house near Norwich actor Alec Baldwin is in indicted on a charge of involuntary manslaughter over the shooting of a crew member on the film set Rust and the race is on Japan becomes the fifth country to land a spacecraft on the moon but a glitch leaves the mission hanging in the balance thus we’ll take a first look at tomorrow’s front pages in our press preview from 10:30 30 right through to Midnight good evening Fujitsu the company behind the Horizon software in the post office Scandal has admitted that the company knew about errors as early as November 1999 and witness statements were changed hundreds of people have since been wrongly convicted and today Sky News has spoken to one sub

    Poost mistress in Scotland who’s using an upgraded version of the computer system which she says is still costing her thousands we’ll get more on that story in a moment but first IA Bennett reports from the inquiry into the post office Scandal if Fujitsu was hoping this would shift the spotlight they may be

    Disappointed answers that led to more questions he saying sorry enough he’s saying sorry enough just I’ve just given uh quite an extensive evidence to the inquiry we got some followup to do we’re going to be doing that and uh I’m sure we follow through thank you he saying

    Sorry enough why haven’t you met any sub post Masters yet you’ve been in the job for 5 years are you proud to work for the J it was Paul Patterson’s second time in the hot seat this week and as he did to MPS he began by apologizing Fujitsu designed the faulty Horizon

    System and its bugs we now know were shared with the post office and forit knew about them from the start all the bugs and errors have been known at one one level or not for many many years um right from the very start of um deployment of of this system there were

    Bugs and errors and defects which were which were well known it was an extraordinary admission problems with the system the post office treated as sacran for many years after but it wasn’t as extraordinary as what came next Paul Patterson told this room that witness statements were edited to remove

    References to the bugs and these were witness statements given by Fujitsu staff and used in the prosecutions of sub postmasters innocent victims who had denied a fair trial because the evidence was incomplete and I no doubt you would regard that as shameful I would yes that

    Would be one word I would use what’s the other one um shameful appalling um my understanding of how our laws work in this country um that all of the evidence should have been put in front of the sub postmaster that the post office was relying on to prosecute

    Them Horizon heline thank you for waiting Lee Castleton is one of the heroes of the ITV drama a former sub postmaster made bankrupt after being taken to court and pursued for more than £300,000 should hang their heads in shame the whole lot of them really they’ve they’ve conspired to prosecute people for 20

    Years and it’s it’s still the prosecutions are ongoing but the prosecutions Still Standing but where fitsu said sorry only Silence from those who were at the post office this was Angela ven Bogard a former top boss but the cameras and the questions aren’t going away Iva Bennett Sky

    News to Scotland now and the post office has been accused today of using a Computing system which is still failing thousands of people post officers toll Sky News the current software is robust but it continues to work on improvements Fujitsu has yet to respond sky Scotland correspondent Connor Gillis reports from

    Persia there continues to be bugs for people to say that it is historic and that there are no glitches in the system is mischievous The Hangover of a scandal that left deep scars in a discredited post office system where possible problems persist the most unexplained thing I had was a

    Discrepancy of it was a couple hundred in fact um and I spent the night going through the safe looking at notes couldn’t find anything went to bed I got up in the morning I redeclared my uh cash amount and there was no discrepancy it had vanished a mystery for Marlene

    Who says repeated unexplained shortfalls means she stands to lose everything my business is feeling I will go you think that’s linked to Horizon um in part in part and part to the discrepancies my marriage is gone if it does go under I’m going to have nowhere to live my house

    Is above the post office yeah yeah that’s the reality of having a post office that’s the reality of it although the original faulty Horizon system that was linked to so much misery has now been overhauled and the risk of unwarranted prosecution has been lifted there is a sense among postmasters

    Across the UK okay that history could be repeating itself for please thank you Sarah represents around a thousand postmasters and alleges IT issues are still widespread there’s plenty of of times that um they can’t account for where the mistakes are coming from they’ check CCTV they check transaction logs

    And they don’t know where they’re coming from um and I’m sure the system has improved from 2015 but it’s still happening it’s still having issues um there’s still plenty of people who are having sleepless nights it’s probably not a postmaster in the country who hasn’t had some kind of issue with

    Horizon the post office says the current version of the system has been found to be robust relative to comparable systems but they say they are not at all complacent officials have said sorry to Marlene but they did not deny the alleg ations that lingering issues are still causing headaches Connor Gillis Sky News

    Perire a woman has told Sky News that she was strip searched by greater Manchester police and threatened by officers after complaining that a child’s sex offense was not being investigated properly the police service has been accused of targeting Danny CT Stewart because they saw her as a threat

    The testimony will form part of a review commissioned by the city’s mayor Andy Burnham after Sky reporting on the issue last year our home editor Jason Farrell reports right Dena the time 10:42 you’re under arrest on suspicion of blackmail and Dena Stewart’s arrest in October 2022 captured on police body cam your

    Phone being seed she believes this happened because she’ complained about the police today Dena is taking me back to to where she was arrested her story began when she reported an alleged sexual crime committed against a young person but complained to the police Watchdog that it wasn’t being properly

    Investigated she told them she’d recorded a police officer admitting failures 3 months later she was told police wanted to speak to her so came here to Pendleton police station in Manchester then these old coppers stood here and they have arrested me and put me in a van which was here in custody

    She was told the man she’d accused of a sex crime had accused her of blackmail then inside a police cell she was told to strip naked so I took my TR suit bottoms off which I knew they were going to take away from me anyway and

    I’ve took my leggings off and then I’ve took my nickers off so I’m just sat there naked so why do you think they stripped her you it’s power because when I left the police station that day the the sergeant on the desk said to me you need to drop all your complaints again

    To the police they needed to show me who was boss Den’s test testimony will now form part of a wider review Into the treatment of women in police custody commissioned by Manchester’s mayor in the wake of a Sky News investigation last year into claims of unwarranted strip searches and we understand that

    When published that review will strongly criticize the police complaints system Dena filed another complaint this time about her strip search an internal police investigation claimed she hadn’t been strip searched she asked great am man their authority to review this and they found the internal investigator hadn’t actually watched the CCTV of her

    Time in custody Dena repeatedly applied for her right to be given the footage and was eventually told it had been corrupted Dena became a target of that police force she was seen as trouble she was seen as a threat to Greater Manchester police and what they did they decided

    They were going to to go and lock her up and just like in the post office it is about concealing what is going on it is um trying to protect the reputation of an organization that is a very powerful public body Dena says the problem is that the complaint system through the

    Independent Watchdog website go directly to the force themselves in one instance to the officer she was complaining about if there was an actually robust and fit forp purpose complaint system the police wouldn’t have known about the complaints that was placing them complaints should have been investigated by an independent

    Body in response greater Manchester police said they’re driven to fight prevent and reduce crime to keep people safe and care for victims where we’re not successful we admit our failings and we work transparently within governance and Regulatory arrangements to address what has gone wrong Miss Stewart’s complaints continue to be reviewed by

    Dame ver bad and the Professional Standards directorate until these reviews have concluded and reported their findings to Miss Stewart it wouldn’t be right for the force to comment publicly the force says they provided Miss Stewart with information to some of her allegations and she’s welcome to contact Professional

    Standards for updates I feel like they’re going to be after me forever if I don’t leave Manchester I’m scared that the what the police are going to do next she has not only lost faith in the police she sees them as the enemy Jason Farrell Sky News TARTA steel has confirmed today

    That up to 2,800 jobs will go when it shuts down its two blast furnaces at Port Tolbert as part of its transition towards Greener energy it’s a huge blow to the coastal town which has relied on the plant as a source of income well steel was once a major

    Industry in the UK but the news of thousands of layoffs in Port Tolbert is a continuation of a Sharp decline in the last 50 years in 1971 there were 320,000 people employed in steel 50 years later that had dropped dropped by almost 90% to less than 40,000 and now major increases in

    Production in Asia has significantly overtaken the industry here in 2020 steel still contributed 2 billion pounds to the UK economy and between 2013 and 2023 the UK government invested more than 1 billion pounds into the UK steel industry including committing 500 million to tataa last year to assist transition to Green methods of

    Production our business correspondent Adele Robinson reports from Port Tolbert this is more than an iconic Skyline for Port tulbert without this steel Works behind us we’ll be absolutely like a ghost town it represents A Century Of Steel making devastated desperate uncertain and overnight to be perfectly honest very

    Angry and the lives intertwined with it now all that will disappear with the closure of two two blast furnaces and the loss of 2,800 jobs Gary’s been here for 37 years it’s a way of life we steal men and women we know nothing else empty heartbroken feeling to be honest with

    You we there’s no one in in this town and the surrounding communities who has don’t have someone involved in us what are we going to do and Andrew’s dad worked here like him too emotionally I I’m a third generation and to me we’ve all got a tie to it even

    I’m from The Valleys I I’m a steel worker is in my blood that is part of the Heritage 100 Years of Steel making is about to end you unless we stop it part of plans to cut emissions a new electric Arc furnace will make no longer new but recycled steel from scrap a

    Financial decision say the Indian owners tartar steel as well as a green one it’s a difficult day we appreciate that I think we’ve had these conversations with the unions particularly over the last 4 months uh uh they’re not happy with the outcome that’s clear we do believe that

    The proposed Way Forward is the best way forward to secure the future of the site and with money from the UK government to help we are absolutely committed to Steel making in the UK and that’s why the government provided half a billion pounds to support TARTA the alternative

    By the way was that the entire plant would be closed and all 8,000 jobs would be lost this community exists because of these blast furnaces and for multiple Generations it’s all they’ve known but it’s not just about the people here it’s about the future of UK steel making

    Tartar steel argue that their plans help secure that unions say the opposite they’re worried the UK will become more reliant on Imports but the more immediate concern decimating a community if our members tell us they want to take industrial action then that’s what we’ll

    Do they got kids all they want to do is feed their family and have a good life and that’s being taken away from him so how much is the sentiment we will not accept this we we won’t yeah we have no option but to fight if we have to we

    Will we hope Tata will change their mind we hope the government will put more money in a piece of still making history is about to be lost here that was perhaps inevitable nobody can imagine this place not being here it’s not in the community this place is the

    Community for unions the fight is far from over Adele Robinson Sky News Port tobert Police have launched an investigation after four people from the same family were found dead at a house near Norwich officers forced their way into the house in ki shortly before 7:00 this morning following a call from a

    Member of the public the bodies of two young girls a 45-year old man and a 36y old woman were found inside our correspondent Ash harag reports a family tragedy and no explanation this house in the town of Ky on the outskirts of Norwich is the focus of a police investigation after the

    Bodies of a 45-year-old man a 36y old woman and two young girls were found inside we believe there are injuries at the moment you you’ll appreciate this is really early on in the investigation and we’ve got a forensic examination going on at the scene to understand um what

    That actually means and furthermore we will be doing um home office postmortem to understand any causes of death a passerby called the police just after 7 on Friday morning officers forced their way in and found the bodies Our later and the lights are still on inside the neighbors are stunned it’s

    Just a really shocking sort of incident it’s a really strange time this place is so quiet it’s a really nice place to live and to have this on our doorstep is just absolutely you know it’s beyond belief really it’s understood the man lived here with the two young girls and

    The woman had been visiting mystery surrounds this culdesac we’ve learned today that police had been in contact with the residents of this property back in December regarding a missing person’s inquiry officers are trying to establish if the two incidents are connected there are lots of questions that investigators are asking all in the

    Hope of answering just how four family members ended up losing their lives in Suburban Norwich ashn harag Sky News a grand jury in the United States has indicted actor Alec Baldwin tonight over the fatal shooting on the film set of rust in New Mexico he now faces a charge of involuntary manslaughter let’s

    Speak to our us correspondent James Matthews um so bring us up today James what does this mean now for the actor hi Jullian that means that he is facing very serious criminal charges involuntary manslaughter you remember the story goes back to October 2021 that’s when Alec Baldwin was the lead

    Actor and co-producer on the set of the film rust it was rehearsals he had a gun in in his hand that gun went off killing the cinematographer Helena hutkins and the film’s director Alec Baldwin always said that he had pulled the hammer the part of a gun that one typically pulls

    Back with the thumb but he hadn’t pulled the trigger charges were laid against them charges were dropped last April but now after fresh tests on the pistol investigators believe that the trigger was indeed pulled that’s where the evidence was pointing and there for they presented this new evidence to the grand

    Jury and they have laid charges of involuntary manslaughter the family of the woman who died lawyers for them say that they welcome developments because they have always wanted to know the truth of what happened on that fatal day we haven’t heard from Alec Baldwin himself but in a brief statement his

    Lawyers say we look forward to our day in court James thank you Dr doctors have issued a warning that measles is likely to spread rapidly across the UK unless there’s a concerted effort to vaccinate more people the West Midlands has declared a national incident with the number of cases rising

    And concern about vaccine hesitancy our community’s correspondent Becky Johnson reports from Birmingham Ellie Rosco has been left with ongoing health problems after becoming seriously ill with measles I thought we wouldn’t get through it that that’s that’s the truth um she was delirious her body was covered in the

    Rash which you couldn’t touch your skin she wasn’t fully vaccinated as a child her mother had been concerned that the MMR jab caused autism a health scare that’s since been disproven am I risking measles or Autism and I thought at the time that the autism was far worse than the me it was

    Me in my situation with having gone through measles if I was having children I would vaccinate them um because it is a dreadful illness they live in Birmingham which has seen the largest number of cases in this recent outbreak schools have been urging parents to get children

    Vaccinated I think if you if you’ve got the children vaccinated um we should be quite safe isn’t it I think parents that haven’t have got something to worry about parts of London too have seen a rise in cases this child’s mother didn’t want to be identified but told us why she won’t

    Let her children have the vaccine I do not like it the ingredients they had in there stuff they had in there and after actually researching and seeing many stories of how parents have actually vaccinated their kids and seen how actually affected them MMR vaccine uptake has fallen right across the

    Country we’re being warned measles could spread across other towns and cities the number of cases has grown so rapidly that the UK Health security agency has now declared a national incident meaning they’ll Focus resources on trying to limit the outbreak and targeting those most at risk this lab in Birmingham is where all

    The latest cases are being confirmed there will be very different and I cultural or religious or other reason why people have not been vaccinated to this point now some of them may not have been offered it so for example a refugee from a country may never have been offered a vaccination but Health

    Officials face a combination of misinformation cultural and religious concerns and post-pandemic vaccine hesitancy Becky Johnson Sky News Birmingham a newborn baby girl is in hospital this evening after being found in a shopping bag on the streets of East London when she was less than an hour

    Old she was found by a passer by last night who kept her warm until paramedics arrived the baby who’s been named Elsa was uninjured and is safe and well police have appealed for the mother to come forward if you are the baby’s mother please know that your daughter is well

    No matter what your circumstances please do seek help by darling 999 the Duke of Sussex has withdrawn his Lial claim against the publisher of the mail on Sunday Prince Harry was suing over a 2022 article about him challenging the home office for altering funding for his security the Prime Minister has been

    Challenged by a member of the public over the state of the NHS today rishy sunak was walking through Winchester when he was asked why the strikes were so prevalent make me feel good about the future so last year towards the end of the year we had two months with

    Virtually no strikes in October and November well that was a fortunate thing and you know what happened the waiting list fell by 150,000 over those two months and it just shows that when there aren’t strikes we really can make progress so we didn’t last year because

    Of all the strikes but you could stop it all you could make it we go back to how it used to be where we had not literally yeah but where we had if you had a problem you could go to the hospital my daughter yeah seven hours waiting I’m

    S the key thing is that we have resolved all the industrial apart from the junior doctors who have uh are still not saying yes but everyone else has said yes so a bil it was 55 years ago that man first landed on the moon and now the space

    Race is back on Japan made history today after successfully Landing the moon snipe on the moon becoming only the fifth country to ever achieve such a feat but has it all gone to plan here’s our Science and Technology editor Tom CLK with the slim Lander Japan has made

    Space history becoming the fifth Nation to execute a soft touchdown on the lunar surface but you can tell from the faces at Mission Control that while they made the landing they didn’t exactly nail it the the solar cell is not generating electricity at this point in time what

    Went wrong possibly the Lander failed to settle the right way up like in this animation and its solar panels are pointing at the lunar surface instead of the Sun but they’re talking to their probe and it successfully deployed two miniature Rovers equipped with cameras which could in the coming days reveal

    What’s happened and whether it achieved its key objective demonstrating a precise Landing for future Luna prospecting well moonrock might not look very exciting it contains Rare Minerals and also on certain parts of the Moon surface say water ice and if you want to exploit that for a future Luna base for

    Example you need to land as close as possible to where those mineral deposits are and it’s that accuracy that the slim mission is trying to demonstrate unless they can restore power it’s unlikely slim will be able to fulfill its Mission but jaxa Japan’s space agency has done

    Better than others in the current race for the moon in May a privately funded Japanese probe crashed in August Russia’s Luna 25 also failed to stick its Landing Days Later India’s chandrian 3 ended the Run of bad luck successfully touching down but this week a commercial American Mission fell back to Earth

    Never making it to the moon but there are more to follow it’s become marginally more affordable to send things to space not just because there are more rockets and more capacity to launch things now but also because computer equipment has gotten so much better Japan has joined an exclusive Club of

    Luna Pioneers but it could be weeks before we know just how successful it’s been Tom Clark Sky News teenage Dance Sensation Luke L beat Michael Van go in 85 to win the Bahrain Masters title little was making his debut at the World Series competition and through a nine Darter in a

    Quarterfinal win against Nathan aspel it’s Little’s first senior PDC title after coming up short against Luke humph in the world darts final ear this month well he’s made up for it now that was Sky News at 10 coming up we’ll take a first look at tomorrow’s newspapers in

    The Press preview tonight we’re joined by the deputy editor of conservative home Henry Hill and Daily Mirror colonist Susie bonface amongst the stories we’ll be discussing this story on the front of the mail their headline UK gripped by Diesel’s crisis we’ll be right back do stay with Us Oh Oh You’re watching Sky News in just a moment the Press preview a first look at what’s on the front pages as they arrive just want to bring you some breaking news that’s just come into to us uh this um via the newswires and um it reads that as part of ongoing efforts to

    Protect freedom of navigation and prevent attacks on Maritime vessels US Navy ships are present in the Red Sea and at at 6:45 p.m. this is uh Santa time in Yemen us Central Command forces conducted strikes against three hoofy anti-ship missiles that were aimed into the southern Red Sea and were prepared

    To launch uh US forces identified the missiles in houthi controlled areas of Yemen and determined that they presented an imminent threat to Merchant vessels and the US Navy ships in the region US forces subsequently struck and destroyed the missiles in self-defense this action will make international water safe and secure for

    US Navy vessels and Merchant vessels so that’s the uh breaking news coming into to us at this point um we’ve got that confirmed by us Central Command uh that that has taken place this evening there’s also um an update on uh President Biden who has um been in talks with uh Benjamin

    Netanyahu um and he spoken with the Prime Minister yesterday excuse me and for the first time in nearly a month he spoken about Israel’s ongoing strikes in Gaza and the differences over a future Palestinian state which he says that he can see the possibility of a two-state

    Solution so those two uh related uh pieces of breaking news coming into us this evening that of the strike on three houy terrorist anti-ship missiles and President Biden’s uh comments following a meeting with uh Benyamin nessen yahu today we of course keep you updated on those stories uh but for now you are

    Watching The Press preview a first look at what’s on the front pages as they arrive it’s time to see what’s making the headlines with the deputy editor of conservative home Henry Hill and the Daily Mirror colonist Susie bonface they’ll be with us from now until just before midnight so let’s see what’s on

    Some of those front pages for you now the final betrayal that’s how the mirror describes news that tataa steel is to shed almost 3,000 jobs at its Port Tolbert plant in South Wales despite getting half a billion pounds in government Aid UK gripped by Nel’s crisis is the

    Lead story in the mail which reports that an urgent vaccination program is needed to ward off a growing wave of measles outbreaks the telegraph reports that the home office has been quietly granting Channel Asylum Seekers work permits in care construction and farming despite its plan to send many others to

    Rwanda the I carries a poll suggesting only 23% of respondents believe the government’s r migration policy will discourage Small Boat Crossings in the channel while 50% believe it won’t the times leads with fears expressed by generals that the UK’s shrinking Army may leave it unable to function as a top level fighting

    Force the guardian reveals that what it calls vital legal protections for the environment and human health are being lost as the government scraps EU legislation following brexit the financial times reports that the office for Budget responsibility is poised to tell the chancellor Jeremy Hunt that he is in a position to offer

    Tax cuts before the next election the express speaks exclusively to assisted dying campaigner Dame Esther Ranson who makes an impassioned plea for MPS to debate changing the law to make the process easier for patients and families and a reminder that by scanning the QR code you’ll see on screen during

    The program you can check out the front pages of tomorrow’s newspapers while you watch us and we are joined tonight by Henry Hill and Susie bonface welcome to both of you let’s start with the mirror and the uh top story today those are TARTA job losses you take us into this

    As it’s your paper Susie wish it was my paper s it own by someone else um shareholders mostly yeah so this is the fact that um as the mirror is reporting there um that the government has sort of it’s been announced on the same day that

    TARTA steel uh in Port tabba is going to lose shed what about a quarter of its jobs close a couple of furnaces that are making steel within Britain fresh new steel um using coal uh and going to replace it with furnaces which are more carbon friendly and use electricity but

    Can’t make the same kind of Steel that make steel from scrap that just isn’t as good and they’re going to lose 3,000 jobs and at the same time uh the British government has has given them a bung of half a billion pounds and what it really

    Shows apart from the fact that a load of that stuff is questionable problematic we could argue about it aside from that it shows some really poor political n and messaging within Downing Street that they allowed those two facts to be announced on the same day because if you

    Had any sense at all you would let tartar announce the job losses one day and on the next day you’d say we’ve given them half a billion pounds to protect the rest now what’s happened instead is because they’ve come out at the same time all anybody is ever going

    To remember is half a billion pound bung and 3,000 job losses and when Wishy sy’s been out today giving interviews saying oh but with that money we’ve saved the other jobs and without that blah blah it’s too late you know the fact that the government’s given a bunk and the jobs

    Have been lost has become part of the mythology of what’s happened in South Wales as a result of a huge Global factors but it’s just been so badly handled by Downing Street they could and should have just messaged it better um never mind actually concentrated on fixing some of these issues rather than

    Worrying about small boats and immigration another old tribe that matters this matters more to the people in South Wales and it’s been absolutely mishandled in every possible way and Henry what the government would say is that they’ve prevented the closure of the entire plant so actually it is it is

    Good news but as Susie says the unions are saying number 10 give Tara 500 million to throw 3,000 workers on the scrap PE yeah I mean Susie is entirely right that it is abysmal political messaging uh you could have staggered it better I think she’s too kind on the

    Government but blaming this entirely on global factors though um the UK is now going to be I think the only one of the world’s 20 largest economies that doesn’t have do the domestic ability to make fresh steel virgin steel uh this is at the same time as we’re in a new cycle

    Where politicians are sort of solemnly warning us that we need to be ready for a major war with Russia or another Power Within sort of 10 20 years okay steel is a key strategic industry we now don’t have it and a big part of the contributing factor for this is the fact

    That the UK has uniquely high energy bills because our energy policy has been so badly mismanaged in other countries heavy manufacturing like steel is simply more viable because electricity and power is so much cheaper so actually and also the the government insisted on the bailout package for tataa that the that

    The the plant itself had to be subject to uh Net Zero commitments now that’s absurd I I’m a supporter of Net Zero but fundamentally we need vir steel so what that’s going to happen now is we’ve essentially offshored the carbon where it’s going to be manufactured somewhere

    Else and then imported here but the plant itself will be running these Arc furnaces and so the plant will be cheaper it’s it’s it’s this is an industrial policy failure on an epic scale and it all means that that steel that we need to buy in to build Net Zero

    Infrastructure to build cars to build solar panels to build nuclear power plants is all going to be more expensive when we have to ship it in from somewhere else and create job somewhere else but but even the the workers acknowledge that the industry has to be

    Greener and there has to be a transition though don’t they but you could T you can’t transition to a clean way of making virgin steel that that technology currently doesn’t exist Net Zero is important and it’s important that we find cleaner ways to do things that we

    Can do in cleaner ways cleaning the grid by moving towards green energy for example but making virgin steel requires blast furnaces and requires coke and coal there’s there’s simply not a green way of making it so the there isn’t a green transition to be made for steel

    Yet it might be that in the future we come up with a new technology but at the moment this is a form of carbon emission that human civilization cannot and will not do without all that’s happened is we no longer have that capacity and those jobs in South Wales I think what what

    They have said is that you know at least if it were staggered but it’s the the number of of losses in one Fell Swoop let’s move on to the mail and uh this measles outbreak a national incident declared um because many people not vaccinated uh their children there is um

    A residence to do so um historically and really there are going to be consequences that there already are consequences there people die as a result of measles infections um in the 1950s there were maybe sort of half a million three4 of a million people a year catching measles and most of those

    People um probably aren’t with us anymore and generations have grown up with the measles vaccine completely unaware of the damage and the harm and the risk and the terror that it causes measles is so contagious that if you walk into a room several hours after someone with measles coughed in it then

    You can catch it it infects 15 people from every one person on average it causes en keytis swelling of the brain it can cause pneumonia even if you get a very light dose of it as my mother did when she was a girl with three weeks in

    Bed no devices no daylight no nothing no television you know you’re just there with covers over your eyes it’s really serious and there’s generations of growing up unaware of that there’s a there’s generation of young adults now who are reaching adulthood who probably weren’t vaccinated because of the stupid

    Andrew Wakefield scare stories in the 90s and probably may not even be aware that they never had the mles mums and rebella vaccine if you catch rebella as an adult is a bit you feel a bit ropy if you pass it on to a pregnant woman she’s

    Going to have a deformed baby it really matters if people aren’t aware whether they have an MMR vaccine or not they need to check and if you don’t have one or your children don’t have one it needs to be given and unfortunately you know there are lots of

    Public Health experts say look you can’t force people to have vaccines it doesn’t work they react badly to it you’ve got to coax them and persuade and all the rest of it hold their hands and yes and that’s the way that works and that’s what they’re trying but it’s not good

    Enough because it’s not working is it so people are catching it people are dying today and I wrote a column about this today I genuinely believe that anyone who is willfully refusing to let their child child get vaccinated without valid medical reasons should be prosecuted for child cruelty because that’s what it is

    And it’s not just cruelty to your own children it’s to other children who can’t get the vaccines because they’re immunosuppressed for some reason it’s Dreadful thing to do to not get the vaccines when they’re safe we’ve had it for 63 years there’s no earthly reason not to get your children vacc well

    Britain was declared measles free by the World Health Organization in 2016 I mean Henry do you think that there should be some um or there should be more public health information than we should be seeing films about the dangers of measles because as Susie rightly points out there is a whole generation that

    That’s unaware of what this disease can do absolutely that sounds like a very sensible first step I mean the the challenge with this as well it doesn’t say so on the front page but it says so in the story is that this is a geographically concentrated problem the

    West Midlands and London are the two areas where it’s biggest and it’s partly the Andrew Wakefield nonsense but it’s also they say there’s there’s sort of religious and cultural barriers in some communities towards getting the vaccine and so you need to make sure I think that as Britain becomes more diverse

    That your public health messaging is actually reaching everyone because the same messaging won’t work for every group or every group of people and it’s not as Susie says it’s not just about making sure that those children are protected vaccination is a shield that depends on mass takeup because once you

    Get cracks in it and you start getting people Contracting the disease seriously that protection can break down so this is a really urgent issue that we need to get in front of to the eye and migration only one in five voters thinks we she will ever send Asylum Seekers to Rwanda

    Surprise no um it’s kind of astonishing to me that he’s put all his political eggs in this basket and he spending all his political capital on it because surveys have shown that the only people who really hugely care about the Rwanda issue and small boats and so on are about 30% of conservative

    Voters which means two-thirds of Tory voters don’t care about it as much and don’t think it’s their number one priority it means that labor and libd voters that he needs to try and bring over and build a coalition of as Boris Johnson did in 2019 they’re not prob as

    Their top priority either and it it’s not their top priority why is it his top priority and most people they’re fully aware look it’s not going to work because the reason people are coming is not because they don’t have to go to Rwanda when they get here you know and

    It it’s not going to stop the fact that they’re coming because where they’re coming from has got huge economic inequality and uh climate problems and that’s why they’re moving all around the world to from and to countries globally it’s not just our problem and this is

    Not not the solution by any means but he’s just put all his eggs in this this one basket which is least likely to be able to hold eggs Henry do you have any insight as to why he’s perhaps chosen this as the hill to die on uh so it’s I

    I think there’s two things that have contributed to this the first is that the government genuinely thought the Rwanda scheme would be easier to do than it has proven uh they the original scheme they designed specifically so would hold up in court they actually won

    In the high court they then lost in the court of appeal and and the Supreme Court so they ended up backed into a corner because they’d already sort of put quite a lot on Rwanda and then they had to overcome the supreme court judgment which means this bill the other

    Problem is that the Tories you know they don’t they’re behind on economics there’s not that much Blue Water between them and the and labor on a lot of issues and immigration is one thing where they think that that’s a good issue for them in a defensive general election to shore up the conservative

    Coalition the problem is they can’t talk about legal migration because they’ve been running one of the most Laz Fair immigration policies in modern British history and we had a net inflow of 745,000 people last year which means they can only talk about illegal immigration and that means that you can

    Only really talk about Rwanda and the only tactical Advantage they get out of this is that it is actually it’s a really intractable problem what do you do about people who are coming here illegally um how do you how do you make the uh system effective in getting rid

    Of people who shouldn’t be here and labor do not have an answer the problem is that the Tory answer isn’t very good but it’s at least they think better than nothing but it’s not a great position to be in but if you want to run an immigration and you are importing more

    People per year than any government in modern British history small boats is what you’ve got and so we’re going to keep hearing about Randa from now until the election Susie the National Crime agency is saying this week that that the deterrence the only thing that will work

    In terms of stopping people coming into this country but that’s what governments have been saying I think the entirety of my adult life I can remember David blaner as labor Home Secretary going we need to give them a deterrent impact I know we’ll stop them working when they

    Get here it didn’t make any Mark difference whatsoever well on that which takes us to our next story front page of the telegraph um Channel migrants have been quietly given the right to work in sectors including care construction and Agriculture and can still retain access to State subsidized bed and board under

    A home office scheme yeah so as D blanket suggested that you R ruled stopped that working in 2002 and in one Fell Swoop made Asylum Seekers um a group of people who could be part of a community and integrate and pay taxes while they’re waiting to have their

    Status decided turned them into a cost to the state that had to be housed and given um a subsistence payments and so on and so forth and separated them as well it made a lot of the problems we’ve got now and but there was a rule BR

    Brought in that if it took more than a year to decide your status then you could be allowed to work and that seems fair enough because it takes more more than a year just living in a hostel you need to let someone out and and give them some fresh air and what’s happened

    Is because the problems in our Asylum system are so immense and they haven’t been processing people more and more people have gone over that onee limit and so again this is this is a re this is a fault of conservative policy and successive Tory home secretaries and

    Some labor ones before to just slow down the process and not deal with the Asylum process probably Susie we must leave it there sorry sorry Henry you get plenty of time on for the break uh we’re going to take a break coming up the chancellor has apparently been given the green

    Light to offer tax cuts before the next election we’ll discuss that Next I’m Katie Spencer and I’m Sky news’s arts and entertainment correspondent as a team we’ve interviewed some of the biggest stars in the world the liks of Tom Cruz Brad Pit selton John we try to give you an honest sense of how these people really [Applause] are I’m David blevens and I’m Sky’s senior Ireland correspondent I’m based in Belfast a city transformed by peace but still struggling with its past politically the two sides are as far apart as ever and it’s over that question of who has sovereignty in Northern Ireland the very issue that’s

    Been the source of tension here for Generations it takes 60 Minutes to cross the Irish sea it took the British Monarchy a century I’ve spent 25 years reporting the journey from conflict to peace the political parties of Northern Ireland have reached agreement we help you understand the world with us today

    We have reached an agreement with the conservative party on support for government in Parliament we already know what the government gets out of this deal what exactly does the dup get out of it well 1.5 billion welcome to Winterfell it’s an iconic location in this globally acclaimed drama

    Ailia was the most powerful hurricane this far east in the Atlantic on record oh my God you can’t live in a place like this and not appreciate the Environment Welcome back you are watching The Press preview still with me Henry Hill and Susie bonface right this section we’re going to have a look at the front page of the Ft um which suggests that JY Hunt is going to be given the green light on

    Tax cuts on the tax cuts that he wants to uh share with the population take us into this story Henry yeah so uh this basically is the OB saying that because the cost of borrowing is set to fall the the cost of servicing the vast amount of government debt uh there will be

    Potentially up to six to 10 billion pound worth of so-called Headroom uh for Jeremy Hunt versus original projections that he had and that is money in theory that the chancellor can put into cutting taxes before the election and that’s exactly what they’re planning to do we

    Don’t know exactly how yet uh but the other interesting thing in this story is that Jeremy Hunter said there might be two fiscal events this year there’s going to be the budget in March but there may also be one in the Autumn and if there is one in the Autumn that is

    Basically going to be presumably immediately pre-election just shop window uh a shop window budget the obr is a bit of a is a bit of a sort of Shadow dance in a way because I’ve already they already the government created 30 billion pounds worth of uh fiscal headring by basically shunting 30

    Billion pounds worth of cuts into 20256 um which are never going to happen but because they say they’re going to happen and the obr is obliged to take the government at its word the government can say well we’re going to make all those cuts in the future so

    We’ve got some room to make tax cuts now and the OB says yes this looks a little bit more solid in that the B the cost of borrowing presumably will actually fall so that will give them some more room and the government taxes are at historic highs and the problem the government has

    Is that they’re trying to scare Monger about Labor’s tax policies but in 1992 when that really worked taxes were low whatever else you thought about the country taxes were genuinely low taxes are now very high and that means that messaging about Labor isn’t cutting through yes and as you said that Jeremy

    Hunter open to the possibility of holding a second fiscal event in the acean that could allow him to cut taxes again if the economy improves um now just because of time we’re going to go to rhubarb because I know you’ve got an interest a special interest in this

    Sorry Su I did not know this that rhubarb is best when it’s picked by candlelight yes so this is the front page of the Yorkshire post which got a fantastic picture of a chop called Robert Tomlinson who’s picking rhubarb by candl light in his farm uh in pudsy

    Just outside leads in what is known as the rubarb triangle which is fascinating bit of history Google it kids if you’re at home so what what they do in this part of the world they have done for for a very long time there’s only 10 Growers

    Left that do this and Robert’s one of them but they take rubab outside for years Let It Grow leave it alone bring it into sheds and then Harvest it from Christmas to Easter in the complete darkness when it is sweeter and More Beautiful they used to compost it with

    Human waste it’s just fantastic she’s so FAS she grows her own rub fascinating Susie and Henry thank you very much do stay with us for the next hour let’s take a look at the weather for you now warm memories wherever you go fly the weather sponsor by katar

    Airways we all change this weekend as snow and ice are replaced by wind and rain with the arrival of storm Aisha on Sunday overnight cloud and rain will spread across Island into western parts of Britain by Saturday morning bringing ice risk and Hill snow to parts of

    Scotland much of England and Wales will be cold and dry with patchy freezing fog the weather sponsored by Kata Airways A

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