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    Dans cette vidéo, je t’apprends à parler de tes projets pour le weekend en français. Avec des amis, des collègues… c’est une discussion qui revient régulièrement. C’est important que tu sois à l’aise en français pour parler du weekend.

    Quelles questions un Français peut te poser ? Quelles activités peux-tu prévoir pendant le weekend ? Comment répondre à quelqu’un qui te partage ses plans du weekend ?

    Tu apprends tout cela dans cette leçon de français.

    00:00 – Introduction
    00:42 – Questions basiques sur le weekend
    03:09 – Les activités du weekend
    09:57 – Répondre à quelqu’un
    11:27 – Le dialogue

    *🇫🇷 Mes vidéos YouTube te plaisent ? Tu vas adorer mon cours en ligne !*

    🚀 50 dialogues du quotidien pour booster ton français 🇫🇷

    Comme des centaines d’étudiants, améliore ton français grâce à 50 dialogues du quotidien (au restaurant, pour réserver un train, en soirée, etc.)

    ✅ Débloque ta compréhension du français.
    ✅ Sois plus confiant quand tu parles en français.
    ✅ Transforme ton français en quelques semaines.

    👉 Découvrir le cours : https://bit.ly/46q3KBj


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    #learnfrench #frenchlessons #coursdefrancais #intermediatefrench #aprenderfrances #frenchconversation #frenchexpression #frenchgrammar #frenchvocabulary #apprendrelefrançais #speakfrench

    What are you doing this week-end ? Do you have anything planned this weekend? With friends, with colleagues, questions about the weekend and planned projects come up very regularly. It is therefore important that you are comfortable on this topic in French. Welcome to this new French video. Today, I’m going to teach you

    The questions and basic vocabulary to talk about your projects, your plans for the weekend. As usual, don’t forget that you can download the sheet for free to review the expressions and words in this video. Just click on the link in the description. Let’s start with the questions that a

    French person can ask you if he wants to ask you what you have planned for this weekend, for next weekend. What are you doing this week-end ? What are you doing this week-end ? What are you going to do this weekend? You, we will use it if there is a formal relationship, therefore

    Referral, or if we are talking about several people. For example, if someone wants to ask you what you are going to do this weekend with your wife, the person can say: “What are you going to do this weekend?” What do you have planned this weekend? What do you have planned this weekend?

    Don’t hesitate to pause so you too can repeat these sentences and be able to ask these questions to other people. A French speaker can also tell you… Do you have anything planned this weekend? Do you have anything planned this weekend? What are you going to do this weekend?

    What are you going to do this weekend? The wording can also be… Are you doing anything special this weekend? You’re doing something special this weekend. To say, is there anything special for you about the weekend? You can also hear… What are your plans for the weekend or what are your

    Plans for the weekend? In the plural or in the formal form, we will say what are your plans for the weekend or what are your projects for the weekend? And a little extra sentence, once the weekend is over. For example, if it’s Monday at work, during the coffee break,

    This is again a subject that will come up very frequently. We’re going to ask you what you did over the weekend. So someone may ask… What did you do this weekend? Or: did you do anything this weekend? Or: did you do anything special this weekend? Here, we are in the past.

    Now let’s look at some interesting vocabulary to talk about plans for the weekend. If you don’t like going out much, you can say… I don’t have anything planned. I’m going to stay home or I’m staying home this weekend. Nothing special. Nothing special, that means it’s a normal weekend. You’re going to stay home,

    Maybe do a couple of things, but you don’t have a special event. And if you’re tired, you might want to sleep in. A lie- in means you’ll sleep longer than usual. Saturday, I’m going to sleep in until at least 11 a.m. If you like to stay at home

    Rather than go out, that might mean you’re a homebody. You can say… I stay at home, I’m a homebody. That means you don’t like going out much. Other activities you can plan include watching series or watching films. It’s going to rain this weekend. I just planned to watch movies with my boyfriend.

    If you stay at home, you may also have plans to do some cleaning. I’m planning to do some cleaning. If you are more of a morning person, so you like to get up, you can have coffee with a friend or say: I have coffee planned. You can also have brunch.

    I’m going to brunch at a new restaurant on Sunday. Small break in this vocabulary that we are seeing. I tell you all the time, when you learn new words or new expressions in French, it is very important to anchor them in your head, to see or hear a use in a real context.

    I have already spoken to you many times about Lingopia. You know, it’s a streaming platform dedicated to language learning. Today I will tell you about a particular tool of this platform. She has indeed developed a dictionary, but not a dictionary like the others. The tool will search for extracts from series, films,

    Videos with the word you typed. For example, today we just learned the word homebody to talk about someone who doesn’t like leaving the house. You see, when we type it on the platform, you can see a video clip with the use of this word. You can also try sleeping in.

    I think this tool is really great because sometimes you hear an expression once, and then when you want to reuse it yourself, you don’t really know how to use it anymore. This dictionary therefore allows you to make the words you have just learned more concrete. If you want to test this

    Platform, you have seven days free and if you decide to continue because you like it, you have -70% on the lifetime subscription using the link that I put in the description. Now let’s get back to other useful words to talk about your plans for the weekend. For next weekend,

    You can plan to go to the cinema. I’m going to the cinema. You can also plan to go to the museum. I’m going to the museum or we’re going to the museum, if there are several of you. Among the cultural activities you can do, there is also… Go see a play.

    Go to a concert. If you have kids or the weather is nice and you want to have a picnic, you can say… I’m going to the park this weekend or I ‘m going to go to the park this weekend. You can also plan to visit family or visit friends.

    This weekend, I am visiting friends in Marseille. If you’re going away for the whole weekend, but you don’t want to go into detail about who you’re going to see or what you’re going to do, you can simply say… I’m going away for the weekend. Or specify, I’m going for a weekend

    To the sea, I’m going for a weekend to the mountains. If you are someone who likes to party and see friends, you can also go for a drink. I planned to go for a drink with friends. If you’re even more of a party animal, If you like to party even more, maybe you’ll

    Go to a party. So I have a party with friends. So an evening, we can use it just to talk about the evening, but if someone says they have an evening, that means they have a party. And if you like to party even more, maybe you will go to a nightclub,

    If you like to dance. This weekend, I’m going out clubbing with friends. This weekend, I’m going to a club. If you are a sporty person, you may have plans to go to the gym or go to the gym. Very frequently, we shorten and don’t say at the gym.

    We just say I’m going to the room and thanks to the context, everyone understands. Again, if you like sports, you may have planned to go cycling. It’s going to be sunny. I planned to go for a bike ride. I’m planning to go see a game. I’m going to watch the France-Spain match.

    If you are a studious student, perhaps you plan to work on your French. You can say… I’m going to do my homework. If you are taking French classes and the teacher has given you homework to do. What can you say to someone who shares their plans with you for the weekend?

    Well, you can say… It looks great! It looks great ! If the person has a lot of things planned, a busy schedule, we can simply answer… What a schedule! Which program ! If the person tells you that they are not going to do anything at all, that they just want to rest.

    We can answer… Sometimes it feels good to do nothing. Sometimes it feels good to do nothing. Again, if you know the person plans to do nothing or is particularly tired. You can say… Rest well this weekend. Rest well this weekend. If you leave work just before the weekend, you can tell your colleagues

    Or friend… Have a great weekend! Have a good week-end ! Have a good weekend ! Have a good weekend ! In plural or if you want the person. If you know that the person is going to do something really cool over the weekend, you can say… Enjoy your weekend! Enjoy your weekend!

    I now suggest that you listen to a little conversation which covers some vocabulary words that we have just seen. Do not hesitate to listen to it several times or to pause so that you too can answer the questions in this dialogue. It’s finally Friday! Do you have anything planned this weekend? Yes !

    This evening I’m going to the theater with a friend. Saturday I plan to sleep in and go to the museum in the afternoon and on Sunday I’m going to have brunch. Which program ! It looks great ! And you, are you doing anything special this weekend? No ! Nothing special.

    I plan to stay home. You’re right, sometimes it feels good to do nothing. That’s for sure. But I still have to do some cleaning and shopping for the week. Have a nice week end. You too, enjoy your weekend! And you, what do you have planned for your weekend? Do you have anything

    Special planned or is this a regular weekend? Don’t hesitate to respond orally or write in the comments to work on your French. I hope you enjoyed this video, that you were able to learn new words, enrich your vocabulary in French. Don’t forget that you can download the sheet to review

    All of these expressions. See you soon. Don’t forget to like the video if you liked it and to subscribe to see more content in French. See you soon.


    1. Ce week-end, je vais assister à une fête appelée Robbie Burns Night. C’est un événement écossais pour célébrer la naissance du poète le 25 janvier.

    2. Concernant le mot "casanier/casanière", je dois dire qu'ici au Brésil, nous avons le même terme. Cela vient du mot CASA; en d’autres termes, si vous aimez rester à la CASA, vous êtes CASEIRO. En français, si vous suivez le même processus de formation des mots, au lieu de casanier, le mot devrait être : maisonier. MDR.

    3. Ce week-end, j'ai passé la journée à apprendre et à grandir. J'ai lu de nombreux articles sur des sujets variés, de l'histoire à la science en passant par la culture. J'ai également travaillé sur des projets créatifs, comme écrire des poèmes et des histoires.

      En fin de journée, j'ai passé du temps avec des amis. Nous avons parlé de nos vies et de nos projets futurs. Nous avons également joué à des jeux et avons ri beaucoup.

      C'était une journée productive et agréable. J'ai appris beaucoup de choses et j'ai passé du temps avec des personnes qui me sont chères.

    4. Félicitations pour la chaîne en constante évolution et félicitations pour le beau travail en langue française, continuez, vos vidéos sont très intéressantes et importantes, merci toujours, Miss Professeur😊

    5. Quant à l'activité culturelle, j'ai le projet prévu de regarder un film franco-belge intitulé :
      " Une belle course " au cinéma dans ma ville natale. Robert du Colorado [États-Unis d'Amérique]

    6. Elisabeth est si naturelle et humble. J’adore sa chaîne. Dans des autres vidéos, Elisabeth et Matthieu sont un couple adorable. Good match for each other!

    7. Ce week-end, j’aurai des Confessions dans l’église le samedi matin. Le samedi soir, je regarderai un jeux de hockey sur glace à la télévision J’aurai deux Messes à célébrer le dimanche matin. Dans l’après-midi, je regarderai un match de football américain à la télévision. Après, j‘irai à l’hôpital visiter des malades dans mon rôle comme aumônier Catholique. Après mes visites à l’hôpital, je rentrerai chez-moi regarder l’autre match de football à la télévision. Pour moi, ce sera un weekend typique ou habituel. Merci Élisabeth pour cette nouvelle vidéo intéressante et informative. Salut à Mathieu! Bon weekend prochain à vous deux. À plus.

    8. Merci beaucoup pour la nouvelle vidéo. C'est génial – comme toujours.
      Le week-end, je vais chasser avec mes amis français. C'est la dernière chasse de la saison. Jusqu'à la prochaine fois. Cordialement

    9. We would like to see both languages on the screen .
      the French language you speak and the Arabic subtitle, please ?
      because the Arabic subtitle hides the French on the screen .
      Thank you very much ❤

    10. J'adore cette video et cette chaine de francais. L'une des meilleures chaines de francais sur YouTube! Je donne beaucoup de vos videos pour devoirs a mes eleves de 15-18 ans et ils les adorent et elles les aident beaucoup. Merci beaucoup pour cette chaine de francais!

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