It’s been a while since I rode my pride and joy, so here goes!

    Guys this thing is a Beast hello and welcome back to mike spikes from pelli Mountain it has been a while I know but I’m pretty much occupied with a thing called life I’m the latest period I’m very busy so videos are not my priority but you know I tend to push out some just to

    Keep you on your toes I hope at some point this will grow back to what it was but even if it doesn’t you you will have to settle for a few videos uh every every couple of weeks so today I’m at pelli it’s Dum it’s windy it’s cold cold

    Cold for a Greek standard it’s around I know 12 13° I’m with my Santa with my Beast uh it has been a free morning so I used it to Pedal up and suffer Fest the uphill of of pelli and now I’m going to enjoy it I’m going to go down and I’m

    Going to see you on the trails Long Trail woo windy There guys this thing is a Beast okay hello and welcome back that was it for today it has been a while since I rode my Beast guys this thing is is the best bike that I have ever ever ever wrden I don’t know how much better can a bike be for my skills this is a thing of

    Engineering that I admire and I’m not affiliated in anyhow with any of the branch I just have my normal day job and I I do videos for a for fun so uh for those that haven’t tried coil yet you will be amazed you will be amazed it’s

    It’s a different story except if you do major jumps if you do major jumps then the air can must be better because you’re pumping and and you’re you’re putting uh you’re putting energy that drives you up so at least for my type of riding for the terrain that I ride it’s

    Freaking awesome coupled with this bike is something that I admire it’s something that it it blows me off any time that I go I go down a trail I cannot understand how much better can a bike be than that I hope you enjoyed the ride I hope you

    Enjoyed the video now I have to load it up and I have to go back home so with that thanks for watching my videos thanks for sticking around although I’m not very you know punctual in posting any more uh subscribe if you like it keeps me motivating and you know

    Generating more content and ride Safe Ride hard and ride for fun all the best Cheers


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