Poole Speedway presents the Poole ‘Pirates’ vs Redcar ‘Bears’ Championship match at Wimborne Road on 06/08/2023, originally live streamed by Pirates TV.

    POOLE ‘Pirates’
    1 : Richard LAWSON : 8.57
    2 : Kyle NEWMAN : 5.04
    3 : Ben COOK : 6.70
    4 : Zach COOK : 5.88
    5 : Steve WORRALL (C) : 8.00
    6 : Anders ROWE : 4.93
    7 : Joe THOMPSON (G) : 3.67

    REDCAR ‘Bears’
    1 : Rider REPLACEMENT : 8.13
    2 : Danyon HUME : 5.20
    3 : Connor BAILEY : 4.79
    4 : Erik RISS : 7.77
    5 : Danny KING (C) : 8.05
    6 : Jason EDWARDS : 4.11
    7 : Connor COLES (G) : 3.14
    TM : Gavin PARR

    Referee : Chris DURNO

    Connect With The Pirates:


    Proudly Sponsored By:
    Wessex Marine: http://wessexmarine.co.uk
    Link Fabrications
    Morrish Homes: https://www.morrishhomes.co.uk
    Trethowans: https://www.trethowans.com
    M B Wilkes : https://www.mbwilkes.com
    County Crest Pallets
    Chateau La Briance : https://www.chateaulabriance.com

    Brought to you by Pirates TV:

    Pirates TV Crew:
    Main Camera : Rob Haywood
    Roaming Camera : Paul Hague
    Presenter/Commentator : Scott Mitchell
    Pits Reporter : Rob Dyer
    Stadium Presenter : Nigel Leahy
    Producer/Director : Andy Hague

    00:00:00 – Introduction with Scott Mitchell
    00:02:12 – Danny King Interview
    00:03:25 – Neil Middleditch Interview
    00:05:04 – Team Line-ups
    00:07:08 – Parade
    00:10:18 – Heat 1
    00:12:45 – Heat 2
    00:15:39 – Heat 3
    00:18:21 – Heat 4
    00:22:17 – Neil Middleditch Interview
    00:23:00 – Heat 5
    00:25:52 – Heat 6
    00:28:18 – Heat 7
    00:31:46 – Steve Worrall Interview
    00:33:31 – Heat 8
    00:36:43 – Heat 9
    00:40:32 – Heat 10
    00:42:08 – Heat 10 ReRun
    00:45:06 – Heat 11
    00:47:56 – Gate Stats & Team Scores
    00:48:44 – Zach Cook & Richard Lawson Interview
    00:51:40 – Darcy Ward Centre Green Interview
    00:59:51 – Heat 12
    01:02:48 – Heat 13
    01:06:30 – Gate Stats
    01:06:51 – Heat 14
    01:10:07 – Heat 15
    01:11:46 – Heat 15 ReRun
    01:15:11 – Ben Cook Interview
    01:16:32 – Team Scores
    01:17:04 – Conclusion

    He went inside outside he W him up he looked for the Gap and he bur through it I think he’s not it what to finish [Applause] unbelievable this is good racing ladies and gentlemen Here the CR again for another po 51 good evening and welcome to the Pirates TV viewers this evening I’m Scott Mitchell your presenter and commentator and it feels an age since we were here when we riding the baric bandits all those weeks ago but tonight we have a big cabs direct Championship

    Meeting for you tonight we have the Paul Wes Marine Pirates taking on the red car agilia bears and what’s been going on since we were last here well I’m not going to go too far back I’ll only go back as far as last week in the BSM

    Meeting what a great meeting we had here between Paul and Oxford a real toptable Clash Oxford went away with a bonus point but Paul ended up with the home win a real real good meeting last week and we’re expecting some more tonight well what’s been happening more recently well

    Friday night they went away to edinb and picked up a four-point win up there so that was good and a bonus point so now we’re looking at the meeting tonight and the red car bear has come to town a little bit depleted couple of injury worries which we’ll find out about

    Shortly but the Pirates well they’re off the back of Steve warl getting a second in the British Championship uh he’s going to Cardiff so the pool fans will have plenty to cheer about in September when the GP hits the UK let’s head over to the pits now see

    If we can find and have a little chat about tonight’s meeting so as a as a pool fan I want to say welcome home Danny King but for you you’re wearing different colors tonight thanks mate yeah um yeah it is what it is is it you know we’ve uh We’ve sort of

    Said about it before but uh it’s nice to be back um you know I always enjoy coming down to wimbor Road it’s a great track and I enjoy riding it so looking forward to tonight it’s going to be a tough meeting but I’m up for the challenge I’m expecting a massive

    Welcome from the crowd you were two great years here with us two of the Fantastic years for us in the championship and you picked up every bit of silver where we had at the championship in those two years as Captain I did yeah it was um it was a

    Great two years probably two of the best I’ve had in the sport so you know it was a shame when it didn’t happen this year but um as I say earlier that’s that’s business that’s the way the speedway World works and we move on but um I’m

    Really looking forward to to coming back here tonight and last time I came I got a great reception so hopefully it be the same tonight we know you love to ride the place are you going to be giving away too many secrets to the rest of the

    Team tonight you know what um it probably wouldn’t matter anyway cuz the way I ride the place is probably different to most anyway so um yeah you know I’ll do my best but we’ll see well mate we wishing you a really good evening this evening as a friend as a

    Pirates fan you know I just want you to be safe and just don’t score too many for me good lad I appreciate it thanks good so herea Pirates manager Neil Mich tough ass tonight even they’re a little depleted you can’t take anything for granted can you no that’s right it’s a

    Shame that Charles is injured um at the British final but yeah as you say they’re a good side coming from a win last night at plmouth so they’re all confidence is high and and um you know Eric riss has finally found the form which everybody knew he had and he’s

    Been banging in some good score so yeah I think it’s going to be a bit of a test for us tonight there’s going to a couple of people that know this place really well going to get extra rid because of it aren’t they yeah that’s right Danny I

    Mean he he’s certainly going to be he loves his place anyway doesn’t he so he’ll be getting some extra rides for sure yeah I’ll just asked him not to pass on any tips that he has about riding the place on setups and stuff and he promised me that he he’ listen to him

    Anyway if you told him yeah I don’t about that now Danny’s very very knowledgeable about tracks and I’m sure he will be passing on all his knowledge to their boys got to be pleased with last week in the Oxford result you know that really was a potential banana skin

    For us here at home and and we came through it with flying colors in the end yeah that’s right I think you know I think everybody I mean I I think Oxford came here full of confidence as I’m sure they should cuz they’re going really

    Well at the moment but but yeah that was good we we we need to do that because you know could be meeting them again later on in the playoffs and and it was just a case of flexing our muscles and showing them what what we can do against

    Them down here and we and we certainly did that they brought a large crowd with them as well it had a real sort of local Derby feel didn’t it yeah it was a great night I mean it was fantastic I mean the it’s funny because you know Ben and

    Zach’s Mom and Dad have been over here and and you say them what’s the best track you’ve been to and they say Paul for the atmosphere and and I think last week was was was tremendous excellent well we wish you all the best again tonight hopefully we get going from the

    Start and we’ll get another po win hopefully so that’s it from the start we need to do it hit hit him hit them hard so here we are these are your teams for tonight we’ll start with the Paul Pirates at number one Richard Lawson holds on to the coveted number one spot

    In his redecoration of the averages at the end of July Kyle Newman on press and practice day is at number two so he said at press and practice day he wanted to be in the main body of the team by mid-season and he’s done that number three Ben Cook never fails to impress

    Here every time with turn of a wheel here at wimbor Road at number four Zack cook the same can be said of him the mid- team store war of this pirate side at number five Steve warl he’s really found his Mojo since the June averages reshuffle no more evident than his

    Second place in the British Final on Monday gaining him the wild card place in the British Grand Prix at Cardiff at number six Anders row since dropping down to the reserve spot he has sha for the Pirates and is a guest tonight for the Adam ruyan is Joe Thompson and

    Manager as always Neil middleditch so we head over to the red car Bears Charles wri is missing injured for the Bears tonight they will operate ride a replacement in his place at number two Danon Hume the former pirate will receive a warm welcome I’m sure here from the home fans at number three

    Connor Bailey the current 2023 British under 21 Champion having a good season with the Bears at number four is Eric riss he’s hit he’s hit form after an early season injury a fast rider who could be a thorn in the Pirates side this evening at number five Danny King

    Crowd favorite here at pole the last two seasons picking up all the championship silverware as Pirates Captain number six Jason Edwards like Gavin Stacy he’s from biler Ricky in Essex a vastly improved Rider from last season doubling up with Kings ly in the Premiership and Connor Kohl’s comes in at number seven tonight

    As guest for for the injured Jake Mulford and team manager for the red card Bears is Gavin par hand you over to Nigel now our Center Green announcer as he goes through the Riders lineup speedy recovery let’s get to meet the Bears let’s give them one more big

    Round of applause they’re in front of you please for the red car again number seven he returns to pool his fa guest tonight normally playing his Tri with the baric bandits of course con HS six Billy on his average in his second year back with the Bears Jason [Applause]

    Edwards you know this guy at number five he led the Pirates to two League titles in 2011 and 22 he’s here on the other side of the pits but we still welcome back Danny King number four missed the early part of the Season through injury he’s back and

    Making up for lost time in no uncertain terms Eric RIS number three new CR British under 21 individual champion at Glasgow just four weeks ago Conor Bailey and number two impressed with double figures last week versus edin at Seaside he was a pirate in 2021 danian Hume putting himself back in the shot

    Window welcome Joe Thompson number six yet a Stella performance last Wednesday taking the Scout of the visiting number one Anders [Applause] R number five and a hearty congratulations here in the place in the British Grand Prix after taking the silver medal of the British Final on M Steve [Applause]

    War next to him four number four of 100% racer he’s a danger man to any opponent Don’t Take Your Eyes Off Zack [Applause] cook number three he’s been the success story of 2023 at wimbor Road taking no prisoners Ben [Applause] Cook number two he’s found in the top

    Five hasn’t held him back still enjoying a productive year Kyle Newan and number one Char last R has helped secure all the points for the Pirates Richard so two captains Danny King standing as Captain tonight alongside Steve warl spent a couple of years in the same side but tonight opposing captains

    Tails so Danny calls correctly it was tails and he’s calling one and three and he W for the Bears so on the inside in yellow former pirate Danel Hume for the Bears in Gate two in blue current pirate KL Newman he’s in Gate two gate three in

    White a r of replacement is Eric rist for the Bears and in gate four is the Rocket Man Richard Lawson in red for the Pirates as we go down the clock goes down to zero the boys have to be ready on the old juliar take her up and away we go RIS

    Looks to have got a good one and Danon Hume has got a good one on the inside as well the Pirates boys getting a little fill in the rocket man trying the high wide en handsome line there’s not usually a lot of grip out there early doors and he’s passed underneath by his

    Teammate Lawson’s been filled right in I don’t think he can see but it’s a good start for the red carelia Bears this is the dream start that they would have been hoping for yman looks a little bit quicker than Danon here y’s going to work Danon he’s

    Got a lap or so lap and a half to do it but H has been here before as a pirate he knows this place well done many laps here also but Eric RIS is out front what a Super Start he had what a return to form it’s been from him from

    That early season injury and boy oh boy this is a shock to the poor fans it’s a 51 heat win as we go white yellow blue and red as they cross over the line it’s a 5-1 Heat score in favor of the red car Bears what a dream

    Start so here’s the confirmation of the heat one result in first was Eric riss in white for the red car bears in second it followed home by his partner in yellow was Daniel Hume in third was Kyle Newman in blue for the Pirates and in fourth four trailing at the back was the

    Rocket Man Richard Lawson so the first heat is a 5-1 Heat score in the favor of the red car Bears the running score after heat one is one to the Pirates and five to the Bears here we go here’s heat two sponsored by compact lifting services in

    Gate one we have Anders Rowan red for the Pirates in Gate two in white we have Jason Edwards for the Bears in gate three in blue we have the guest Joe thomp son for the Pirates and in gate four in yellow we have Conor Kohl’s the guest for the Bears on number two for the Bears Jason Edwards here we go the takes her up and it’s a good start from Anders row Thompson gets pushed a little wide it’s all getting very tight very tight indeed up the back straight of a turn two Thompson really got squeezed there but

    Anders row really showing his class out front he’s been riding well on the continent 17 points at the sgb2 of the the Great Britain’s 20 came from Anders Joe Thompson giving it a real good go at the back there got filled in a little by on a call but Thompson goes wide again the action here is between three and four Pirates fans absolutely willing Thompson all the way it’s another big one round the

    Outside he’s going to have to hope for a mistake from Conor Kohl’s he’s not quite got there it’s a win it’s white it’s red yellow blue uh red yellow red white yellow blue as they come over the line I’ll get my tongue twisted out of my head there three all is the Heat

    Score so H is even in that one but you have to say a very good win fernandz row here’s the confirmation of the heat two result it’s a win for Anders row red for the Pirates second was Jason Edwards in white for the Bears in third was

    Connor Kohl’s in yellow for the Bears and at the back was Joe Thompson in blue for the Pirates so the match score after two Heats is four to the Pirates eight to the Bears Toates fantastic start there from row and I think maybe by cutting across he did cut across Joe Thompson’s nose but a didn’t it get tight there Thompson had his wheel up the inside but the Gap sort of closed in on him and then he got filled in but it didn’t give

    Up gate one it’s Connor Bailey in white for the Bears in Gate two in blue is Zack cook for the Pirates in gate three one his first outing in yellow is Eric RIS and in gate four in red for the Pirates is Ben Cook Eric R is actually out of the same gate gate three that he was in when he won Heat one cook starting very close to him takes her up and away we go big wheelie on the inside Ben pulled a bit of a wheelie as well he’s going around the outside is

    Ben Cook he’s going for R up the out side the pool fans going crazy wrist goes wide Ben now tries to cut back up the inside excuse me wrist shuts the door cook looks the quicker Rider there’s no two ways about it Zach is in third R is come back to the

    Inside Ben Cook flies around the outside of him what a move from Ben Cook then he moves to the outside and finds a drive now Zach looks to be having a go as well Eric rist seems to be slowing off I don’t know whether there’s Machinery

    Problems but Zack cook is now going to give him a go up the outside as well he looks over his shoulder wrist he’s got one corner to go Zach still there wrist stays tight Zach had to put the brakes on it’s a win for Ben Cook it’s red

    Yellow blue and white as they go over the line what an entertaining race that was everyone it’s a 4-2 heat advantage in favor of the [Applause] Pirates here’s your waist Renner the tenacious the terrier like Ben Cook really is a favorite here at wimborne Road and you’ve just seen exactly why here’s the heat three confirmation of the result it’s a a win for Ben Cook in red for the for the Pirates in second in yellow was Eric

    Riss for the Bears in third was Zack cook in blue for the Pirates and in fourth was Connor Bailey for the Bears the Heat result was a 4-2 in favor of the Pirates but the match score after heat three is eight to the Pirates 10 to the Bears two points pegged

    Back it’s heat four sponsored by top class consultancy and on the side in yellow is Connor Kohl’s in Gate two in blue is Joe Thompson for the Pirates in gate three in white is Danny King for the Bears that one’s difficult to say and in gate four in red is Steve warl

    His first ride for the evening for the pirates for me by doing that it does give the British final relevance and what a big big prize it is to to go and do five laps there at the GP and card if we’re 50,000 plus fans superb stuff so here we go

    Heat Four B the last one in let go the takes and away we go and it’s a good one from Danny King now being chased by warl Conor Kohl’s and Joe Thompson going at it at the back Danny King and War used to travel together down here to wimbor Road wi in

    The same team now they find theel absolutely throwing bikes at each other here two races in one Joe Thompson looks to have made a few bike changes he looks all together more comfortable on the bike in this one he’s sat in third but it’s Danny King out

    Front doing his best to hold off warl and looks to be doing so at the moment Conor Kohl’s is just starting to get dropped at the back warl is not a Million Miles Away here from Danny King just waiting for a mistake if one comes it doesn’t look to be the case Mr takes the flag win in white for Danny King followed by Red followed by Blue followed by yellow it’s a three all Heat score it’s the result of heat four all packing the minor [Applause] placings here comes your heat winner round to the crowd and a warm Applause from the pool Faithful as Danny King returns to the pits here’s the confirmation of the heat fall result there a win in white for Danny King for the red car bears in second was Steve warl in red for the pirates in third was Joe Thompson in blue for the Pirates and in fourth was

    Connor Kohl’s in yellow for the Bears so the match score after heat four is 11 to the Pirates 13 to the Bears and on aggregate it is over the two meetings it’s 56 to the Pirates and 58 to the Bears so the whoever wins this meeting will take home the aggregate points

    Here we see from the start Connor kohs really did have a good start but initial drive off but Joe Thompson got over the top of him really nicely on the inside and that kind of secured his third place it was Danny King from the start lightning from gate

    Three and he was never headed from There so Hy King see warl having a little problem going into turn two there as he threw it In can see warl going for the tear offs the track a little sticky still NE we just have a very quick word on the live stream and uh 1113 not a disastrous start they’ had the one and three gates and it swings back in the Pirates Advantage shortly yeah that’s

    Right I mean the first CP A it was a bit sloppy first few you know if you had to make the starts I mean Richie came and looked like it from the British final he was that muddy but yeah no no it’s a long way to go yet we just got to sort

    Of uh got our heads down and push on and red carard no team of mugs are they with Eric rist there with Danny King there and they got some upand comers with danion and Connor Bailey so they can’t be taken lightly no that’s right I mean you know obviously missing Charles right

    But Eric R you know he been been poorly for a while he’s really hit the form now so uh yeah there’re no mugs that’s for sure long way to go keep them going now okay we’ll do thank you so here we go heat five lineup sponsored

    By trens in Gate one in red is Ben cook for the Pirates in Gate two is Daniel Hume in yellow for the Bears in gate three is Zack cook in blue for the Pirates in gate four Conor Bailey takes the rider replacement ride in white for the Bears So here we go then Riders are ready keep FS away and it looked like Daniel had a bit of a flyer There Ben Cook’s coming up the inside Daniel Hume is mid track the took Brothers absolutely attacking him no matter where he goes somebody’s going to get him Ben come up the inside is he going to force Daniel wide and then the Zach going to come up the inside also

    Almost talk about brothers riding and helping out Conor Bailey’s not out of this either he’s now trying to attack Zach Zach trying to go around the inside because danon’s out there Ben Cook is away at the front Zach goes wide and cuts up tight on Danon Hume on turn four he’s not

    Quite got there he’s going to do a bit more he sucked Danon hum into the inside what a super super move from Zack cook on the last lap it’s a 5-1 heo to the Pirates red blue yellow and white as they come over the line the C the cook

    Boys do it again it’s a 51 heat Advantage going the way of the Pirates Could that be the big change in the meeting could that be the Turning Point here are your heat [Applause] winners the Cook Brothers I’m sure Mick and Liz are back in Australia this week watching that one and would have been over the moon with it here is your heat five confirmation of the result to win for Ben cooking R for the Pirates in second in blue was his brother Zack cook in third was

    Daniel Hume in yellow for the Bears and in fourth was Connor Bailey in white so the match score after heat five it’s 16 to the Pirates and 14 to the Bears the Pirates take the lead for the first time on the evening here we go in Gate one is Danny

    King for the Bears in gate two is Richard Lawson in red for the Pirates in gate three Jason Edwards in yellow for the Bears and in gate four Kyle Newman local man in blue for the Pirates last minute clutch adjustments there for Danny King here last week on this meeting the

    Inside Gates were good at the start of the meeting and the outside Gates were better at the end and I’m one if that’s going to be the same tonight away we go Lawson has got over the top of King and he’s gone headed out to the dirt King is coming around the inside

    Newman’s gone around the outside of the hole off where did he come from I’ll tell you where he comes from he comes from Dorset he’s our boy super Ro super first turn there from you and he’s doing all he can to keep Danny King behind him King looks the

    Faster Rider King’s now gone down he’s doing his best to get up he’s not laying there he’s doing all he can to get out from under the fence but he can’t get his bike out it’s trapped under the air fence Dany King did all he could there what a ride from Kyle

    Newman so there we go the heat six result it’s been awarded it’s another 51 to the Pirates it’s a win for Richard Lawson in red for the Pirates in second was Kyle Newman in blue the local man for the Pirates in third Jason Edwards in yellow and at the

    Back obviously failing to finish cause of the stoppage was Danny King in white so the match score after heat six is 21 to the Pirates 15 to the [Applause] Bears There we go from the start Newman look at him out around the outside he never shut off and you just thought it was going to be enough for him to get in front of Jason Edwards he did more than that he catapulted himself down into that turn three and he went round the

    Outside of Danny King too what a super move so here we go it’s Heat number seven sponsored by westex Marine Steve and on the inside in Gate one is Steve warl for the Pirates in red gate two is Conor Bailey yet to trouble the scorers

    In white for the Bears in gate three in blue xanders row he won first time out and what a super gate he had then and in gate four is Eric riss Five Points from two rides in yellow for the Bears already had a lovely message from Javy

    The other week when I said I thought a bike was leaking some engine oil it was just the chain oiler down there leaking a little oil onto the chain which is supposed to do thanks ja for that here we go the takes are up on seven terrible start for Anders row no

    Such problem for warl he’s out front Anders row now having a good look around the outside of Connor Bailey and he’s had b a good look he’s gone round him Bailey’s now trying to shut him off up the inside but row is past him Eric rist

    Looks to have a problem with his machine minery and he’s now stopped down on turn four so the Pirates in yet another 5-1 position so how important was that pass from Anders Row War warl the British silver medalist in red he’s out front half a straight ahead he’s goes nothing of what’s going on behind him he’s bringing home the win for the the Pirates here in heat 7 it’s red blue white as they cross the line it’s another 51 to the Pirates [Applause] Max Here Comes Your British silver medalist from Monday night the Pirates man who will be starring at the GP at Cardiff the Pirates fans are always out at Cardiff he will have a massively great reception there here is the heat five heat seven result it’s a win for Stevie WL in red in second is Anders Row in blue for the Pirates packing the points in in third was Conor

    Bailey in white and failing to finish was Eric riss in yellow at the back the match score after seven Heats it’s 26 to the Pirates 16 to the Bears a 10-point lead tonight on the night and also a 10-point lead 7161 on aggregate for the bonus Point here we

    Go it’s a magic start from warl he looked over his for his partner to see if he could help him at all but there was nothing going until this point in turn three big run round the outside from Anders row Brave move and that was enough to get him

    By Conor Bailey and then he looked to set around rist but R had already fik had expired Steve uh tell us about conditions out there it’s changing isn’t it yeah it started off um I think there was a little bit too much water on it

    But it’s so hard to get get it right I guess um yeah no as it’s drying out it’s getting better and better um now like see a little bit of racing if we can the dirt’s there we just got to you you need nice entry and then you can move around

    And pick different lines but uh if I don’t have to pass I’ll be happy I’ll just make starts and certainly that was the case in the last one wasn’t it you know good a good gate get to the dirt line on the outside and get away and all

    The action was behind you really and unfortunately guys uh I think was Eric R came off or engine failure there and that’s helped the Pirates into a good position at this time but can’t be complacent got a strike on no you know

    We was a bit we was a bit of a you slow starter today really um usually we’re like banging in them heat advantages early on but we seem to know all the heat leaders got beaten the first few races so no Bend didn’t did he um so

    Yeah um now we’re we got going again now and our I felt felt comfortable and you know really fast and I’m happy with my right so you know feed along with everyone else I think we’ve we’ve got a bit of a Target today what we want to

    Hit to um I gu it kind of puts us at the top of the league so yeah we’re we’re aiming for that now which you know now everyone’s firing it’s it’s a bit more realistic so certainly is and um I know you’re going to talk to some of the boys

    Back conditions out there uh keep it going and J the boys up as well because good wins on the cars tonight yeah that’s it thank you thanks D he8 sponsored by Bournemouth B in Center in Gate one is Anders Ryan blue for the Pirates in Gate two is Jason

    Edwards for the Bears in what yellow in gate three in red is Kyle Newman for the Pirates and in gate four in white it’s former pirate Danon Hume so we wait the tapes to go up on heat eight a start Marshall’s ready our referee let the tapes go and it’s the Pirates boys out front Sanders row here in white coming diving up the outside around the outside theander Road Danon Hume he knows the place well

    The poor boys now and as row there looking after Kyle Newman a little but having to go wide to get a bit of speed to then cut back to the inside riding with a very wise head here Anders Row the reserve in blue him and Kyle looking to do what’s right for the

    Team and bring this home they have one lap to go gon Hume lost a couple of bike lengths there in that turn the poor boys look to have this Shield bar mechanical [Applause] failure it’s going to be a winning red for Kyle Newman red blue white and

    Yellow four on the for the pat number it’s the fourth 51 Heat score on the bounce for the Pirates and surely [Applause] surely pirates on the way to another Victory and bonus point there are there’s your heat winner Kyle Newman in red here’s the confirmation of the heat

    Eight result it’s a it’s a win for Kyle Newman in red for the Pirates followed on by his partner and his Row in blue third was Daniel H and what a good go he gave it in white and at the back in yellow with Jason Edwards the mat score after eight Heats

    Is 31 to the Pirates 17 to the Bears the Pirates stretch their lead and that all important aggregate lead or so here it was and his R bit of elbows there with Edwards put pay to him then shut off and let Newman R the outside almost let Daniel Hume come as well had

    To then grab the throttle and come across y to make sure he didn’t get a run on Newman super bit ride in from Anders row what a talent he is turning into and once again getting better and better as every wheel turns here for him at wimbor Road looking more masterful Newman was

    Out front in Gate one in blue is Zack cook gate two in white he Danny King in gate three in red is Ben cook two wins for his name tonight already and in gate four is Eric R in yellow who had that engine Failure before the meeting gets away from them 14 point to the Gap take go up on heat nine and it’s a good start from Danny King on the inside and riss is now found the dirt around the outside in yellow Ben Cook going high wide and handsome like he always does Jack trying him on the inside and he’s got under

    Wrist oh it’s got all tight there Ben chucking it up the inside of his brother saying I’m coming through BR let me at him let me at him rist doesn’t look particularly quick and Ben Cook’s gone around the outside of him so now can Zach get up into that dirt and do

    Exactly the same that bike doesn’t look very quick that riss is on maybe that engine failure from the previous one means he’s on a slower bike riss is looking over his shoulder he knows that bike is not quick he knows it Zach is out there he knows he has to defend the

    Outside line as wrist Zach trying the big one around the outside he’s going to bomb up the inside to the line and he makes it wow what a move what a move from Zack cook we forgot the two guys at the front it was red white blue and yellow as they came

    Over the line so here’s our Heat n result it’s obviously got to our production team I wasn’t looking at the screen I was looking at the pit sorry about that so the heat nine result confirmation first to Danny King in white second to Ben Cook in red third

    And a great ride to get up Zack cook in blue and fourth was Eric riss in yellow for the Bears so a three all Heat score taking the match score after nine Heats to 34 to the Pirates and 20 to the Bears as the tapes go up Danny King you can see made a flyer I thought that he jumped it but obviously not it was just that good a start off of two RIS got there with him and the cook boys were at the back Zach almost gets up the inside and

    Then it all gets confusing when Ben throws it up the inside of Zach as well and they were all then the cook started to hunt down Eric RIS whose bike was not traveling anywhere near as quick as his other one that he had w and it’s a pass there [Applause] from

    Cook and then we await to see Zach knowing he’s quicker wrist was looking over his shoulder knowing that his bike was slowing or just not set up and not quick enough to spare bike and Zach looked to come up the outside there so wrist went tight drifted wide

    To try and block him going around the outside and Zach did the big switch and come back up the inside and just about takes it in Blue on the inside in blue kyl Newman 6 plus one good return for him in Gate one in Gate two Eric riss is due straight

    Back out he’s in yellow in gate three in red is Richard Lawson the rocket man for the Pirates and in gate four is Connor Bailey in white solitary Point came from when Eric R had anur in Failure melting number four for Eric rist he’s been a busy boy so is his

    Mechanic wondering what he’s done to the bike for this One start Marshall’s ready what a great action shot that is away from the Tapes and it’s Eric GIS has made the start this time round Lawson drops into second Kyle Newman having a good go there at Conor Bailey two races in one here oh Newman is down at the back just at a shot I don’t know whether he lifted coming out of the turn but he’s LED on the track just out of my eye [Applause] shot just gra a bit of drive there

    And up she went the bike doesn’t look in good shape at all when you’re carrying him back like that oh good to see Carl on his feet thank you for that support obviously car Newman not on gate one cause of the stoppage so in Gate two

    In yellow we have Eric riss for the Bears gate three the solitary pirate in red Richard Lawson and in gate four in white is Connor Bailey back number 11 Heat number 10 it’s not one that you’d run all the time so the rerun of heat 10

    Begins and Lawson’s got a flyer he’s out front straight up to the dirt conab Bailey looked to come under him but it wasn’t going to happen now the Rocket Man will get his head down he doesn’t have to worry about a partner he will now get his head down

    Put his wheel in that dirt and try and leave the two bears behind Eric riss is still having bike problems he’s looking down at his bike is he actually going to complete the race RIS Connor Bailey looks very good here absolutely all over the Rocket Man he’s found something that works he’s

    Like a different Rider there in second place Connor Bailey where has this Connor Bailey been since the start of the heat but it’s a win in red for Richard Lawson white in second and wrist limps over the line and yellow in third a three all he Heat

    Score is the rest is the best the Pirates could wish for as a result of heat 10 after new being [Applause] excluded here you can hear the fans as Lawson comes around to the home straight the’re back straight here fans absolutely loving that win so heat 10 result

    Confirmation first with red was Richard Lawson for the Pirates second was a vastly improved Connor Bailey in white I have to say and in third was Eric rist still having a few bike problems so the result heat the match results or match score sorry after heat

    10 37 to the Pirates 23 to the Bears Aon just got that front wheel hovered off the ground for the first sort of 15 yds there Dr driving all the way to the first turn and then it was adio from there he wasn’t Headed gate one in white is Danny King for the Bears in Gate two in red is Steve warl for the Pirates in gate three in yellow is Danon Hume for the Bears and gate four for the Pirates xanders Row in blue from the game four slot Anders Row for the taking the rer Placement so here we go then our start Marshall’s ready our referee is ready takes go off on heat 11 and ll’s got a flyer over Danny King and as row has got up the inside of Danon Hume and now Daniel Hume is going back around the outside of row

    What a good move that is from Daniel Hume row staying tight on him now he needs to find some speed and get back by can he do enough to get back by y’s gone wide in the dirt row stayed tight Steve warl he’s out front and gone he’s getting Danny King

    Back Anders row there still trying that inside run on Danon Hume Hume will now go tight row goes big high wide and handsome and is he going to make it around the outside of the back oh he was cut off not quite it was red it was

    White it was yellow and blue with the order of the Riders over the line good race that one more passing three all there the Heat Score nice wheelie there from British find silver medalist just two three days ago here’s your confirmation of the heat 11 result it’s a win in red for Steve warl and the pirates in second Danny King followed him home in white for the Bears in third Daniel hum and he had to

    Fight hard for that point in yellow as in fourth was Anders row all over him so match score after 11 Heats here is 40 to the Pirates 26 six to the Bears here are some gate stats we were talking about the gates earlier gate one looks good is

    Three as you can see the starts and where the points are coming from gate three looks the one tonight gate four looks a bit of a graveyard which it usually is but it wasn’t last week I wonder if our managers get to look at these gate stats before they start selecting on captains

    Before the last Heat and here’s just a little quick look at where the scores are coming from six for lawon 6 plus one for Newman B having a good night couple of wins there Anders row a good win early doors on the bear side D King had a nice

    Win and Eric whis had a nice win early doors but other than that guys we’re on live pirates live let’s talk to you together if we can and Zach first of all not too bad a start for the Pirates uh going the right way yeah um everyone’s riding well tonight

    The tracks it’s nice everyone sort of enjoying it and yeah was keeping it simple and uh got to say great win at scum on um Friday night everybody chipping in and those vital League points bonus Point as well so a good good night all around yeah definitely um

    Everyone was sort of battling a bit there to start with but uh yeah everyone sort of all working together seeing what was working and yeah we kept it close obviously and then um yeah went down to that heat 15 and yeah Rich got it done

    In the endzone that was it was a good meting yeah yeah let’s talk to Richard Richard heat5 all the pressure on you up there at scunthorp how do you approach that just take a deep breath and think yeah let’s get on with it yeah I was confident with

    My gating um I wasn’t that confident on track cuz Stevie had won e13 and and Ben was quick in his last few rid so it was kind of a tossup between me and Stevie um but like like I said I was confident with my gting I think that’s what kind

    Of tipped it in my way and uh Ben suggested gate four so I took that and he was right so uh yeah it was good and it’s a it looks like a racy track up there it’s somewhere where you can blast around the inside you can cut back and

    Get up the inside it looked like it was a good racing track to be on yeah it’s not the prettiest of places but it does produce some good racing um like you said you go inside outside and you know it’s a good home track you know they got

    Some lines there that you got to be careful of and um you always feel a bit vulnerable but um hey like Zach said we all chipped in and we we got it done and u up p bellw uh this coating that you got tonight is exactly the same up there

    On Monday evening tough going yeah it was um yeah it was pretty sketchy and you know same for everyone but uh the starts were important you know I felt good when I when I got up front suppose most people did and uh yeah just uh

    Didn’t get out that start in in in the final but uh yeah it is what it is trip coming up to Edinburgh shortly to finish off the away fixtures uh things happened up there of course last time we were there and we hope there’s no repeat of

    That sort of situation again but it would be good to get there get a win wouldn’t it and uh end the end the season on top of the league yeah it’d be good to go out there for a fourth time everyone enjoys that drive so everyone’s

    Looking forward to it I think got plenty of CDs yeah yeah shame what happened up there but um yeah we’re off to a good start I think we were sort of surprised ourself how how good we got off to and um they’ll be wary of that now I think

    When we go up there but you know we’ll just be going there do the same thing and yeah hopefully get the win up there as well on the road and keep them points coming in for the for the table and yeah securia we want a top spot in the

    Playoffs so that’s what we’re all going for okay well there we are that’s Zach and Rich together thanks very much indeed guys for your time team Ander energy so that was that was a blessing a part of that and then then yeah we’re with waiting on now um for my

    My brother-in-law to get married and just been um struggling with weather it’s been it’s been a tough one but uh yeah it’s nice to be here it’s lovely to have you here I can see the chin doing doing a few motions on the bik while you

    Were talking he was showing off a few of his motions over there his he cuts a dash figure uh do you see a future for him could have been related to her this is what he call Daddy Ward a round of applause everyone he’s made a special stuff you know that

    Guy yeah he’s seen photos of me doing that doing wheel but yeah it’s just a blessing to be here with my family I have two young kids now my last uh yeah totally moved on you know it’s um nothing that I thought it was

    Going to be but um it is what it is and I’m really happy with it and yeah I’m just thankful of what I got you know you’re looking great got to say and of course things are really buzzing for you back home uh you’ve got a real interest

    There with uh being in charge of the the setup of Brisbane uh so tell us a bit about that and who you’re still in touch with I think we still hear that what is still around obviously giving you a hand from time to time are they helpful or

    More hindrance yeah it’s it’s um it’s funny Chris Chris calls me Chris calls me Matt Ford you know um I’m kind of doing the same as Matt but in brisban but at a smaller level but um yeah so you may have seen that Chris is obviously rting this summer have one of

    The me I’ve got on and I got to do deals with him and and negotiate and it’s a funny thing but um yeah it’s uh I’m really blessed to be um just on the St brisb and being a part of kind of the only thing that I ever knew when I was a

    Kid you know grow up so to be still doing it um uh it’s just lucky think i’ like to do that yeah so yeah it’s good I’m helping the kids um as much as I can and kind of just give them my time free and

    I uh not looking for enough out of kids you know it’s um if I can give some kind of kid that can ride a b any kind of knowledge um then that’s cheap for me you know so that’s good and then yeah just on the seway events and trying to

    Build the sport back in Australia uh with my involvement of in Brisbane it made all the other clubs in Australia go oh [ __ ] we need to step up so Speedway Australia in the moment has going really good and uh yeah we’ll keep building and keep going fantastic and as

    I said just go keeping in touch with some of the faces in particular I know you’re keeping in touch very closely with Matt so you’re possibly passing on knowledge and things that you pick up over there we being able to share some of that a look yeah it’s nice to um yeah

    St still cool po I guess part of my family you know with mat Matt mlo and and and sponsors that me with Andy Tracy and D we and yeah it’s uh yeah it’s nice to be back here and see these guys I still talk to him throughout the year

    But to to actually be here and be a part of his um is schol um and he W remember but you’ll see photos one day and yeah see how he thinks about it you’ll know what the old man did for sure that never goes away and your legacy will be here

    For forever and ever I mean it just we we we think about it we talk about it I can’t tell you the number of people that talk to me and say you know we missed gy and I’ve got to be the voice for everyone in this Stadium tonight I know

    That you’re behind me when I say this guy is still loved he’s remembered we miss him and very very special here and we’ll never forget yeah I yeah thank you very much um yeah this this was my home you know this is where I

    Um this is where I was based and Liv in midow and then yeah the memories I’ve got here withis um yeah something super special that probably no one else in the world with the experience so uh yeah it was really cool and uh yeah just to be

    Back is obviously emotional and and also I kind I kind of try not to look too deep into it I that was my old life before and now I got a new life and now I’m nipping back into the old life and got to still deal with the new life

    Tomorrow morning at 6:00 and you know what I mean so uh yeah last good I’m really proud of my family and where I’m where I’m at in life so I’m thankful this be way got me into a position that I’m in right now so hey we uh I think

    All of us admire the attitude the way that you’ve combed it and the way that you’re looking ahead looking forward it’s the only way to be um in terms of what’s Happening Here Tonight I mean there’s a couple of guys here tonight uh that you know only too well um the cook

    Boys uh We’ve occasionally hinted at them as being the new turbo twins uh and uh they they’re not keen to take on that mantle but I’ve got to say they’re pretty impressive and are you do you like what you see when you see the cook

    Boys yeah yeah it’s um I’m glad to see two of these still in the team and being a part of it and yeah they’re good they’re good they’re good Riders I haven’t had a great I’ve kind of had no involvement with if I’m honest but um I

    Obviously follow what’s going on I don’t know as probably well as you think I might I I sadly I sadly don’t but I’m happy to see two Aussie boys here doing well and obviously Ben’s kind of got the balls of the two brothers and and R hard

    Is more of the Gator and more of um the smar on the bik where out there so um there’s always that two pairing like that you know um but yeah it’s good to see him just scoring points and and getting better I think we can all say that within this season they’ both

    Gotten better so that’s all they would want and let’s see what they can keep bringing over the next couple years and uh just build on their own career and their personal yeah personal careers fantastic and uh tonight Pirates have got enough in the tank do you think um

    If the little Target that they’ve got is if they can score 50 tonight it won’t just put them level with Oxford at the top of the league it’ll put them over Oxford at the top of the league because on points difference they’ll have a better points Difference by one if they

    Could win by 50 so uh that’s their target tonight boys got enough yeah I think so um yeah I think I I every time I kind of watch pool and speak to Matt it’s kind of like well who is going to be a cool you know I kind of don’t really see

    Anything Team better thanol so yeah come down the finals all that kind of stuff but I will always say just a full the top leag it’s just not the same but um the sports really yeah transferred the last couple years and it’s not the same so he’s still trying

    To find its feed I think with a couple changes coming up in this winter and um yeah it’s still awesome that yeah P parts are always to wi with mat the background fantastic job ladies and gentlemen thank you your attention P to this man for taking it all the way from

    Australia to come and talk to us tonight to the family to the wonderful Lizzy what about it Lizzy and the children absolutely fantastic to see you here tonight [Applause] Everyone and on the inside in yellow for the Bears is Jason Edwards in Gate one in Gate two in red is Ben cook for the Pirates in gate three in white is gner Bailey for the Bears and in gate four is Joe Thompson in blue for the Pirates do their bits of Tire

    Packing on their Ruts so our start Marshall is ready our Riders are ready away we go it’s Ben Cook flies into turn one oh he’s got a absolute engine failure it looked like the chain jump there Thompson got a big bit of lift in turn three Ben cannot believe his Lu this bike comes to a stop but it’s the r car be on a 51 I’ve got to say Connor Bailey looks very quick out front and we saw that he changed a few things as his last ride pretty quick as well Edwards in second in yellow being pursued by Joe

    Thompson and bar Thompson having a few problems in turn three on the first lap I think he would have been pushing Edwards but it’s a win it’s white yellow and blue as they come over the line it’s a 51 heat advantage to the Bears and what a surprise heat advantage that was Here’s your winner Conor Bailey well that was a pretty hopeless wheelie but not the whe he worries about it’s about the points and the race win he really has done something to his bike and found something here we go it’s a confirmation of the heat 12 result

    It’s a win for Conor Bailey in white for the Bears in second is Jason Edwards He’s in yellow for the Bears so it’s a 5-1 third was Joe Thompson in blue for the Pirates and at the back was B cook failing to finish in Red so the match

    Score after heat 12 it’s 41 to the Pirates 31 to the Bears it’s Daniel Hume who comes in as Ryder replacement so here we go on the inside is Richard Lawson in Gate one for the Pirates in Gate two Daniel hum in white for the Bears in gate three in

    Blue Stevie warl for the Pirates and in gate four Danny King in white for the Bears Canon Hume won’t be in many won’t have been in many heat 13s in the past takes her up and away we go and to be fair he made a good one there on the inside he’s pushing WL up the fence it’s all got a bit tight

    There but it’s Danny King made it absolutely bu off of four got across the Pirates Lads and now it’s Lawson out front chasing Danny King it’s warl at the back trying to get the better of Dani young Hume he’s going in wide coming out tight now warl trying to

    Make long straights of it hum has made a mistake coming out of turn two and warl is now all up his exhaust pipe he is warl is the better Rider here and the quicker Rider can warl get around him Lawson now at the front going underneath Danny warl goes underneath y

    Oh dear Hume has gone down and under the fence but as we go over the line King I think got it in yellow from Lawson and warl Hume is unstuck under the fence so I’m not sure what the outcome of this is in the final turn for Daniel Hume

    Daniel Hume went in hard and fast it looks like the heat 13 result has been confirmed and it’s a win in yellow for Danny King in second in red was Richard Lawson for the Pirates in third was Steve waral in blue for the Pirates and fighing to finish after a valiant effort with

    Daniel in white there he’s up and about just checking the bike what an entertaining heat that Was Danny King absolutely flew out of that gate four got across everybody from what’s usually a tough tough gate and then the chase was on warl looked a little bit quicker than Danon Hume and Lawson looked equal on Pace to Danny King we began to get two races in one

    Bson just there looking over his shoulder to see what’s going on warl buzzing all over the back end of Daniel Hume like a buzzy B Daniel Hume looking over his shoulder a big wide and deep one there from warl trying to give a long straight Richard Lawson at the front

    Trying to do something similar and Lawson gets up the inside here of Danny King it got all very tight Lawson had to put the brakes on to stop him drifting in but as you saw there Daniel Hume was unable to do the same and here come our gate

    Stats and as we’re seeing gate four starting to come to the four two wins off of gate four I suppose one and three just edgit at the minute three wins off of gate two as well on the inside in white have Eric riss who has been unfortunate since his first couple of

    Heats he’s definitely been on a new bike thanks to Gary havlock for letting me know that thanks ja in Gate one Eric r in white for the Bears in Gate two Anders Row in blue for the Pirates in gate three Conor CO’s in yellow for the

    Bears in gate four Zack cook in red for the Pirates So Callin our start Marshall trying to get the guys in to position here we Go P4 is up and away and it’s a good start from riss on the inside B CO’s Anders row elbow to Elbow Zack cookling red was coming around the outside of the pit turn Chris has made some adjustments and looks mighty good out front There last time he made a good start and the bike died on him that cook is now taking Chase Anders Row in third Conor Cole at the back Zach cook seems to be making inroads on rist he absolutely scamed it into turn three did Zack cook then he’s

    Just done exactly the same on turn one he’s out there trying to make a long straight of that back straight he’s going to go big one wide if he can and come up the inside rist has blocked the run good move from rist white red blue and yellow sensible riding there from

    Riss good thinking on of the good win for him to end heat 14 there’s your winner for the Bears in white Eric riss found a bit of something there and there’s your H4 result confirmation it’s a win BR ring white for the Bears second how

    Quick was he going Zack cook in red for the Pirates in blue in third was Anders Row for the Pirates and in fourth was Conor CO’s in yellow for the Bears so the match score after 14 Heats is 47 to the Pirates 37 to the Bears one one heat to go bonus

    Point it’s all the Pirates now the victory three but he need it got tight there on the inside didn’t it Anders row and Conor Kohl’s you can see the lift that Zach cook look how far he started behind here we go cheat 15 sponsored by Morris

    Holmes our last Heat of the evening in Gate one for the Pirates Richard Lawson in Gate two in red Eric riss in gate three in blue is Steve warl and gate four in yellow is Danny King and he Lear his last right off of gate four everybody used to dive out under the

    Boards and try and start off a gate four here last couple of seasons and pick the dirt up from right under the fence but Danny didn’t do that when he was here with the Pirates he would start closer to gate three and start a little bit on the

    Slippery stuff cuz he knew it wasn’t quite so far to go and then he sits very up UPR right Danny King he sits very upright on the start what compared to the others to try and get the drive to the back Wheel and he’s done it again but he hasn’t quite made it we have an incident there the rider in white has gone down Eric R he’s still calling it first Ben bunching [Applause] today there up and looks okay the safety checks will have to be done now

    We can have another look at it now that he’s up all just got very tight in the first turn Lawson made a good start you can See he kind of went for the dirt everybody was level looking for the same spot I don’t believe he actually touched R so here we go restart heat 15 in Gate one in red is Richard Lawson for the Pirates in Gate two Eric riss in white

    For the Bears in gate three Steve warl in blue for the Pirates and in gate four Danny King in Yellow for the Bears wondering I’m sure Danny will be starting somewhere different he looked to be trying to cut back in that one in the first start heat

    15 like I say quite masterful off of gate four at the end of the meeting here in his time with the Pirates he’s trying to do something similar now he’s with using all that knowledge with the Bears so P 15 underway for the second time of

    Asking RIS made a good one as well but the Pirates have just accelerated into turns one and two that little bit longer they kept the throttle on it’s now Stevie WL silver medalist at the British championships on Monday he’s out front followed by his teammate Richard

    Lawson these five points will see us go by the 50o marker and take see Paul go top of the league for the first time this season in 2023 all over mechanical failure for me the Pirates are out front Flying and it’s a win in blue for Steve borl second Richard Lawson and in third Danny King it’s a 5-1 heat advantage to the Pirates here are your heat winners heading round with Danny King come round to the pirate faithful there it is your heat winner in blue Steve warl c a shot there what of the even Speedway we’ve had here what a good meeting lots of passing lots of entertainment here’s the confirmation of

    The heat5 result it’s a win for Steve warl in blue it’s second for Richard Lawson in red it was third for Danny King in Yellow and it was fourth in white for Eric riss so the result after heat 15 in the match score 52 to the Pirates 38 to the Bears 9783 on aggregate win to the Pirates winning a 16.3 take the bonus Point second in the red and they head to the very top of the table for the there you go the aggregate result we’re going to head over to Rob D and see who he’s got with

    Him well I’ve got Ben cook with me after Heat number 15 here at the stadium Ben Pirates win which is good to consolidate the victory up at scunthorp but a bit of a frustrating night for you personally talk about the team effort first of all yeah another good team performance uh

    All the boys done well and chipped in and uh and got that 50 score that we were after and uh yeah we can’t ask for much more and up at scunthorp a racy track and certainly one that you uh died into very quickly and you had some super

    Speedway at Friday yeah it is a it’s a good racetrack uh scunthorp and uh yeah I haven’t ridden there for for a while and uh took me a couple of races to get to in but uh yeah know it was good end of the night and good win for us and

    Tonight Ben uh three good rides and then a mechanical problem and you look very frustrated two weeks in a row you know it’s it’s frustrating enough and then then it happen happens again the next week uh you don’t laugh you’ll cry so uh n it’s all good you know uh come back

    Sunday and uh yeah but like you said it was a good night until then uh and was always always happens when you’re in front and and leading but um what do you do well what you do is you you lead the Pirates to the top of the table which

    Has happened tonight so congratulations on your efforts and we look forward to seeing you in action again at the weekend thank you cheers yeah good stuff there mate there’s a quick look at how it was done Stevie warl there 12 plus one for him the stand out rider for the Pirates

    Tonight and no surprise his opposite number number five Danny King on the bear side he picked up 12 points tonight as well good night for Lawson 10 10 for him Eric riss after all his problems still got 9+ one and Anders rose stand out there 8 plus

    Three and we have some happy fans leaving a big thanks to the Pirates TV crew main camera Rob Haywood roaman camera Paul H presenter and commentator Sun fella pitch reporter Rob D what a job production and director Andy ha we’ll see you all on Sunday please come join us again and enjoy more

    Speedway from wimbor Road he went inside outside he weighed him up he looked for the Gap and he bur through it I think he’s not it what a finish unbelievable

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