We visited Kimberley Caravans on 20th January 2024 for their Showcase Event showing new models of campervans, Motorhomes and Caravans.

    Where we going today Charla Charla where are we going today do we know where we going where we going today are we going to Kimberly Caravans for the Showcase I think that’s where we’re going that’s right isn’t it Debs it is I’m just getting ready yeah

    We’re off to Kimberly Caravan to the was it um to Showcase showcase Showcase Event yeah all the new models of um Camp of vs motor homes yeah and I’ve drove plastic coming on from work and it looks really nice yeah so lots of ANS there

    Lots of Swift careras I think by of it all all them are there yeah scary motor rooms new ba Caravans so yeah yeah looking forward to having a look at all these new Vans it’s on today and tomorrow apparently on next week as well on next weekend oh it’s on next weekend

    It’s the 20th today it’s the 20th it started yesterday it’s the 20th today 20th of January and it finishes the 28th so by time this video goes out there’s still chance for you all go over there yeah and guess what got free food as well oh there’s food on yeah I’m not

    Just going for that right and tomorrow there’s an artist on Market on but that’ll be too late by the time the video goes out so you’ll miss that got a hog roast on apparently today hog Ross I think yeah I was reading somewhere to hog Ross yeah we’ll see anyway so come

    Along with us yeah look at forward to it it’s a bit nippy though I think there’s another storm coming is when we go anywhere there’s always storms yeah it’s going well it is it’s quite windy at the moment I said it was going to be windy yeah this it’s took CH up this

    Morning and it was very cold and windy the ice has gone the snow’s gone just got the cold now the wind not you I’ve just got the wind now the beans they had yeah we’re going get There come on Mrs Lo I’m oh she got a CT on what take let Che my car we take Debbie’s car well I think Mrs lock lied to me there’s no fuel in the car [Laughter] um I’ll just put it in and by the time I

    Get back there will be no fuel in the G Going it daring it’s only what when got down it’s only 15 mil Road they ever put fuel in this car try putting fuel in [Laughter] dogie oh well then you know about it where’s TS she just that back there good girl

    Right on onwards my friends yeah then we’re here what time is it let’s go get a new van only joking no we just going to we just like looking we just like looking and just going to be nosy you see what’s going we know the carer is here 144 look

    At that but uh no intention of selling the coner have we no no hey TS let’s go look at some Vans oh boo Bo SS gets bored more boring Vans to look at hey but this if there food you be should be all Right Oh what be them neck curtains again it’s probably a bit windy L of wind noise here look who we’ve met hello David and Rachel hi from Li AE morning and of course debie and Tyler anything that you like here there’s quite a few I like I actually

    Really like the one at the end there The Coachman not that I’m a coach built fan but have a look inside of that it is absolutely cracking you can’t whack the Mercedes dri that that one yeah but still it’s camper f for us yeah we quite

    Like the second one along us well second one along second one along yeah we will have a look at that one won’t we we will yes yes lots to see lots to do well we just had a littley chat with Dave and Rachel I a bit haven’t we we

    Have yeah lovely couple of them too I want to smell bacon oh the strong smell of bacon it’s coming from there that’s all right hello there you’re right yeah as we were saying had a lovely chat David and Rachel really nice really nice couple

    And we’ll see them in a h won’t we we will yeah look forward to that yeah good sure oh these two BS are still here that’s that’s been there a while these have been here a while and what prices do we talking about now 58,800 22 play on the new F CB series

    Eight oh hello everybody not a bad little fun oh stood M oh it’s that one what you mean it’s that one I don’t like that F oh it’s that one don’t like that I don’t like cv60 yeah I don’t like it’s not my favorite it’s that my bed

    Really is a bit I don’t know yeah um it’s nice enough get down stand on here one thing Hasan doesn’t have microwave I want to look at the cv60 prestige this time let’s in this one this is on the old DE fat CB which is probably reflected in the

    Price as this one is 52,900 I do like to say at the front um this one doesn’t have a microwave got a bike rack it looks in pretty good condition actually and this one is on a 70 rge these aren’t partly events these are just what we’re looking at when we’re outside

    Oh be only cute we do like the pier camps don’t we yeah something about just cute sure what it is but they are quite nice as a little Caravan goes kind like you got everything you need haven’t you I think even got a they even got washroom

    House yeah I like the uh do like the base camps yeah they’re all car they’re not badly priced I’m saying that there’s one there for 82,000 done again you can pay that for a c of them this one that’s one of them like uh oh it’s a air CL is

    It 76 76,000 or a 69 R you be NOS he looking this one I just like you do don’t you don’t think you drive it though would you lot of space what the space I don’t like this dark ding dinginess no it’s got a drop down bed there I

    Think there were two drop down beds oh it has yeah yeah you think this is only foury old looks dired very shiny shiny water yeah no for 76 as well yeah and this is a nice one the adamore 694 quick look in here on the Ford Transit chassis very nice

    Not as big as you think it is this is what Mrs lock likes on the adamos the fact that you can use that for Preparation it’s a really good idea I might actually CL about and rle when you’re driving no all in all this is a nice fan bed where’s the

    Bed a drop down bed this one it’s a separate chel it an auto sleep I don’t know if that’s uh don’t think it’s for sale is it oh no it is for sale yes it is for sale’s this one oh it’s a king this is the one you

    Like one with yeah you like the king didn’t you R for that one 69 R again it’s like a glorified cv60 isn’t it with a little bit of a seat yeah that’s narrow it’s very narrow you have to back in you’d have to back in got the toilet

    Already got the toilet in there yeah well I to have a shower the compromise and it’s dark it is have to back it that no it’s got a air condition unit like yeah good SI B bun for the price to be honest is it going make a with oh

    Yeah it’s got to make a with oh well there you go which is a mirror doubles up as a mirror even better for you oh that’ll do me nice yeah that’s perfect oh yeah yeah I’m having it so one a pair is yours same as

    Ours what what you have the this is your bed isn’t it that’s another bed isn’t it that’s what I sleeping yeah you’re sitting there looking at the sink yeah I just don’t get it really don’t get this doesn’t work the tell would have to be up here

    Somewhere would it doesn’t have one but it’s uh you it’s nice if it’s well made but not when I have put it where the M no that’s a lovely one Advia Supreme 116,000 that is lovely got some good stocking right need a coffee something whereever is something hot where is away oh we

    Going inside and get something doing she back there’s lots of stuck here lots of Caravans loads of Caravans is there Caravans are cheap oh it’s a nice Coachman those Coachman the Caravans this understand Caravans really aren’t for us are they me I like Caravans car when I Liv at home Caravan so

    No get off so what’s that is part of the event we’ve got oh what we’ve got food vouches some food vouches the most important go lose them they still only the bil Endeavor is I don’t I see this the bil Endeavor I’ve not seen that one I’ve just seing the yeah that’s a nice one that one they C oh they yeah oh Swift all the Swift That’s the M put we’re having a coffee now in a sausage roll and we’ got food vouches there we got a bit buty on the wheels is

    Here all day we’ll be most of the day and the sun’s coming out now is it is outside do it’s cu the the uh the glass is like darken isn’t it yeah that’s what I like as regarding kind of base camp I love them yeah we

    Just looked at that one we yeah they’re cute oh many she won’t win she never getes anything right Got W So we’ll have a quick look at the Swift carera 122 let no stay there sit down this is a new van sinks bust straight away what have you noticed now the sink’s broke oh je well look at it oh no it’s all right oh nooke isn’t it was it look funny a

    Minute ago no it is there look me you broke it no look that’s not right is It you you must it doesn’t just flip down it seem like lift up and then you pull it out I’m trying to do a better video Bobby and sure looking around fans and there you are breaking everything I’m not breaking I’m just pointing out the

    Some wrong with the sink and I never did it I’ll never be as good as BN we use me sidekick Boog I need Jenny who just stays at [Laughter] home it’s still a nice fun though I don’t it is it is a nice fun this is nice

    Now we never looked at the 122 before because I didn’t know it it’s got a fly screen across the back oh yeah I didn’t know that no I didn’t that is good that is a good idea good idea know I didn’t know it had that that and that the first time we

    Looked at these that one didn’t I no yeah they that it’s a nice looking van yeah at least I wear it that that’s quite flimsy mind you that sink you look at it if you look down at it there it’s quite I know yeah it’s very thin

    And I don’t know I don’t particularly like the sink like the rest of it it’s a it’s a nice F I do like the dash on these new FS mind and these seats are really comfortable this is still the 122 by the way that we’re in these seats are very

    Comfortable um and I can get a good Dr position I haven’t noticed there as well electronic handbrake even better yes where’s control panel is that over there it’s up there it’s up there oh yeah is that it yeah you just turn oh there we go oh what ni control panel oh

    That’s nice I just touched it oh yeah I wonder if that’s the on the new ones it must be yeah yeah you smoke alarm your C alarm and no headbanger no exactly but there no storage here though I’m going to say Miss yeah but you got right isn’t

    It did it have a microwave it didn’t did it no it doesn’t have a microwave oh so going to make a way that’s a thumbs down well NE is ours is the one David yeah yeah that’s good yeah CU you got that bit this is the um Swift

    Carrera 132 this is good you got this little area it is be yeah yeah yeah cuz your fridge is up there now yeah your fridge is over there on the 132 you want to sit here it’s slightly longer than the 122 this is quite good actually you

    Doing anything I think it’s it’s a bit longer this one is it it’s still got the longer seats hasn’t it yet but you got the bit at the front and I like this you got this little area here got little area preparation area yeah still no

    Microwave no but I could put one on there you could put one on there definitely I she’s got a thing about microwaves I like them I don’t care what people say and again the same FID just moveed back a bit hasn’t it put this a nice fridge that

    One I’m not mad on the sink M you’re in it it’s not a very good I didn’t know was this no it’s like oh yes you mean it’s like it’s quite I don’t know it’s but you get used to got nice little cupbo in it Haven it yeah anything I don’t like about

    That bit flimsy that’s what I mean yeah it’s not as I think it’s cuz this is stuck in the way that needs to be out the way come back this way and this is a little Nifty idea on the back doors of these yeah I didn’t know they’ve done

    This night that might be an upgrade or a change like that like that yeah so when you set outside oh wow yeah that’s so upgraded yeah theyve got like things on there I like the 132 what I don’t like is these stringy things well if find use for them well I

    Would be playing music I love you get bored cuz if they snap what do you do cuz it’s it’s within the I don’t know just be careful so they don’t snap oh she up in there should she be in there she there I like the one three to

    Then you get the awning I think all these come with a few awning standard yeah and this is a nice little area here it’s a nice fun now this is the one that we ordered that we never saw this is the Carrera 144 which I still like I do I still

    Think this is my favorite one out of these um there’s something about it I just like the layout of this one and uh I’ve just noticed as well the prices have come down yeah it’s now got 1 half th000 off I don’t know if that’s an event special or if what doing have

    Thing across the back was talking I’ll beg you p I’m but it you stay up good girl yeah there is a few changes for when we ordered it originally is it yeah as I said that fly screen wasn’t on the one we looked at originally across the B

    That’s but I like this spit at the front yeah well we like this that’s why we ordered it we spent a good time looking at it a few years ago didn’t we yeah then it never back here yeah okay it’s got the uh the series 8 dash which is really

    Nice and this is uh it’s quite a com to see this one at the front here tler stay there good girl sit down good girl sit down Sit Stay good girl yes area I see they’ve all got the new uh screen as well which is very nice in the washroom I definitely don’t

    Like that sink it’s just a design of it it’s not very good I don’t understand how I think somebody’s BST that one and all don’t know it work the one all be broken maybe they haven’t been fitting properly I don’t know it’s a tiny area it’s a tiny area

    But we’re used to the conert though which is got a big area it’s only cuz you got a bit cross there I do like little table and don’t mind yeah that is a good idea and as say the fly screen changed them all them little things are good and theid I really the

    Only things I don’t particularly like is the sink in these things yeah I don’t know whether I like having the table either it’s a bit ugly looking have that stuff there yeah I you got a big big cupboard there again where else with the porridge it’s a funny place to put your

    Fresh in your waste water dump I didn’t put that on the control panel I making this better you just pull it out don’t you no you got to lift that up take all this off then that has to bend over doesn’t it yeah and it’s

    A bit of a oh you bend that down that’s it this flap comes down there yeah then this opens out over here or even so that’s a bit you don’t idea do it’s a bit of a wa on if you’re tired and whatever you oh yeah you always there

    Meed and I think all the careras come with these you got like a little what’s this one The Little Oven is it yeah it’s like um it’s got like a little tray thing on that’s nice enough I think if it turned up we’ have been happy with it but

    Um touch it no I don’t break anything else I’ve BR out this I don’t really like bringing Tor into Vans cuz he don’t know the salesman and the sales people we’re going to react to be honest with a dog coming a new van even though little kitties can

    Come all over the place have a little uh little greasy little bits all over it your hands could wash up in that it’s tiny for some reason on the Swifts I don’t know why the put drawers yeah you kind of wasting space yeah it’s all right what’s under that one you

    Have your gas bottles oh your gas bottles yeah that’s right there and then you’ve got a little space and the electrics yeah got a little bit of space got some space you can use it’s still a nice F it’s still a nice looking F yeah yeah as you say everything’s a compromised

    There yeah definitely nice little 184 is a bigger one we’ll have that one in a second so now we’re looking at the Cera 184 which is like the 144 but a bit longer see this yes you have to carry all this cuz it makes the bed well well I wouldn’t we wouldn’t only

    Two US wouldn’t use that no see that would just be space wouldn’t it storage space yeah lots of storage space getting the fridge back here like I said this is the 144 but a bit longer the same yeah yeah Debb’s favorite sink it a bit awward like is it yeah I

    You like it kind of spoils it that’s thing oh this has got this table set up at the front the table yeah yeah you’d have I’d use this area here for some other idea I do like these control pan I what to do where you go oh there you

    Go don’t like that this is a really nice uh control panel no still there h I know you lose storage but I do like the gar like here where you don’t got that head banger the only thing I don’t like about this one is it says

    This you oh waste of if we had one of these that wouldn’t be in we just store that put your microwave in there wouldn’t you what I don’t know it would have to be all changed it’s like a and that like bends out it’s funny it’s a nice it’s a nice one

    I like the the first the second one and the third one and now gone to the 194 oh this is yeah this is uh this is completely different to the other ones yeah I think this is to people well cycling and stuff isn’t it really so obviously this comes down and makes you

    Bed not one wheel yeah it’s got things on the floor to strap stuff down yeah this is for the diard cyclists yeah wasn’t dochen area if anybody probably would I what oh this is got the old uh it’s got the old control panel yeah maybe the new ones

    Maybe the only only one they had again with a little table seating area but no not for R the 194 no so that is all the Carreras they got them all here which is your favorite I think I still like the 144 or the 132 well we’ com in we a lovely here

    Today at Kimberly Caravans and thank you for the great hospitality and the uh the free hog Ross that we had and the coffee very nice although we did buy a drink as well though didn’t we Deb yes you did yeah um Deb just doing the washing up

    After our lovely steak dinner and a nice bottle of um sabur malbeck yeah it was a good day really enjoyed some nice bands there nice to see all the careerist together the full range which makes a nice change was it D it was yeah really enjoyed it

    It was good what was your favorite van boiling what was your favorite van yeah they were all very nice yeah the 144 the 1 32 there two of the Swift ones I liked in the um was it the uh Swift oh I’ve got you now I put you on

    The spot haven’t I I can’t remember which one it was one with a real lounge and what with oh that was a scar scar yeah it um 392 or something I don’t know 372 372 or 37 yeah one of the mcard ones with a real Lounge yeah yeah that was nice

    Motor home that one yeah and I think if we were in the market for a motor home I think that is the one that I think we’ll be looking at and to be honest it wasn’t that expensive when you compare it to the camp man it about 70,000 something

    70,000 something which yeah we all know 70,000 is a lot of money money but when you think camps can go for a lot more money yeah it’s h you get a lot more value for the motor rooms you do with the camp fans but I think yeah if I was

    Looking for a motor room it was I think it would be the the the Swift the scaring um the one said the 374 394 I can’t remember can’t remember but the camp van wise I still like the 144 I still like that careera 144 and the 32 would be equally as nice I

    Think yeah M you mind I’m trying I’m trying to wash your P we steak dinner haven’t we we have yes yes we [Laughter] have I know but I’m just trying to put everything together why it’s why it’s freshing on our minds yeah well nobody wants to see me washing up

    Do washing up for a change would be nice yeah see see yeah see me wash it up I don’t know what I’m doing I don’t even know what fairy liquid is no you don’t I don’t really I don’t the washing up sometimes do you of course I do when up quite a

    Lot yeah you don’t put anything away do you I do all yeah in the wrong place and never find anything again on you washed up so I’d rather do it myself there you go you see she’d rather do it herself so why wish M doing it when she would

    Rather do it herself got that over so after the show went looking at cars de’s after looking at a new car so she wants a five for the smaller one so went to the garage and I look around there didn’t we look around um SG pitches and M the points

    And yeah looking at I go and F 500s um and salah’s been brilliant today she’s been really good didn’t back at many people did she really no she was very good she’s been all right yeah so yeah I hope you enjoyed the video that I’ve just put up um and we’ll see you

    Next one and also don’t forget to what what’s that Deb don’t forget to like And subscribe cuz that that’s what makes our Channel grow and that’s what we need yeah yeah lots of likes lots of subscriptions and comments as well comments if you disagree with us so even

    If you don’t like us what we’re doing I don’t care just just come and put something down I’m the bother put what you want don’t care nice yeah been yeah it be nice it was something nice but really just like we try to entertain you well yeah we do we try to entertain

    You in a sort of way in our way are you still washing up I am I am well there’s that much stuff all over the place we’ already had a steak from SS Bree and a bottle of wine and a few Oven Chips I need to Big a kitchen anyway

    Catch you next time guys take care Bye


    1. How are you finding the osmo 3? I’m really disappointed in the wind noise, the original osmo was way better in my opinion, Stay clear of the wobble boxes Debz looks a bit too keen 😂 the 132 is a nice van, having no headbanger is nice but the storage would be missed. What’s your favourite Gladiator then?

    2. Thanks for the 'tour'. I really like the Carreras and they've made some nice changes to the back door storage, table and flyscreen. I just can't get my head around white material on the seats and it's on me because I had white seats once and one pair of jeans later, they were blue seats!

    3. Great Vlog guys and decent good looking vans. But totally agree with the drop down sink, unnecessary draws under the lounge sofas and a few strange designs decisions. Also I think it is difficult to get hold of the right size gas bottles to fit under the seats … looking forward to seeing the Ascari rear lounge which looks really nice in the pics

    4. Swift 2024 Carrera Range, as per Swift website, compared to 2023, now have 2x leisure batteries (Instead of 1 in 2023 range), new electric control panel & new pockets/shelves and new small table on rear doors with a new rear fly screen. BUT, Swift are bringing-out another new van in 2024, as they have just released a teaser video on their website. Will be interesting to see what market this van will target when properly revealed reportedly in late March 2024. For 2 people with a dog, with UK rainy weather a consideration, a good size bed & good size rear lounge becomes important, which the Swift Carrera 132 surely wins, over any other layout. The main selling point, is the styling & modern colour scheme within the Swift Carrera van range or Swift Ascari Motorhome range. Negatives are the small kitchen sinks, though the washroom sink implied in this video as a negative, is seen by many as a positive and works well in this small washroom area. Unfortunately display models get pulled about, by people who do no research on Swift websites or view tutorial videos. So sadly they break parts of vans and motorhomes on display. No wonder they are so expensive due to peoples ignorance, as manufactures/dealerships constantly have to repair display models! Swift also need to change the gas storage locker, certainly by 2025 model year, due to the small size gas bottles for this locker, no longer being available from some gas companies.

    5. Was great to see you guys yesterday, and what a lovely photo you took. We did quite like the 132. Wasn't so keen on the lack of underslung gas tank on the Swifts and I did love the Mercedes cab in the expensive coachbuilt 🙂
      Great video and again was fabulous to see you guys, catch you soon, all the best, David & Rachel (and Roxy) 👍

    6. Hiya I agree with Debs i didnt think much about the sinks in the swifts cheap and breakable ? Hopefully your consort is a lot better ? Tyler is so good isn’t she we would never get our 2 to sit on the step while we looked inside a van! 😂

    7. Great review guys. I would echo what others have said about the sinks. They looked dreadful. I do, however , like the separate showers on some of the vans shown. I've got a wet room type, and its hopeless. I love your delivery, by the way. Bob and Jenny explain things well, but I find them to a bit soporific on occasions 😂 cheers,

    8. We liked the 132, but if we were changing would prob look at Consort or S&L. We always think the coachbuilt are disappointing, rarely as spacious inside as you expect. 👍

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