You might get a cycle lane.
    – Drivers will pull out into it without looking first
    – Drivers will park in it when they shouldn’t
    – Drivers will drive and turn across it without looking.

    Products I use / Recommend:
    Cameras –
    GoPro Hero 11 mini black:
    GoPro Hero 10 black:
    Insta 360 x3:

    Garmin / GPS head units –
    Garmin Edge 1030:
    Wahoo Bolt:

    Mounts –
    K-edge Out front mount:

    Lights –
    Exposure Strada RS Light:
    Garmin Varia Radar:
    Exposure Joystick:

    Helmet –
    Kask Valegro:


    1. The barriers seem to work. There was the one car who tried to get in your lane, and vans still stopping in the bike lane.

    2. Personally, I hate these type of bollards. Ones in a vid looks fine, but usually (here, in my place) they put it too often, so that you cannot swing in and out; and they also narrow bicycle lane, so that you have 0 chance to overtake any other cyclist.

    3. What are the rules on a car overtaking a cyclist if the cyclist is in a line with a barrier. Still 1m50?Just curious whether the bollards impact on overtaking rules.

    4. Hey, you Londoners may complain about your cycle lanes… lucky you have what you’ve got. The most cycle lane I get round me is a 50 yard strip on an A road that didn’t really need a dedicated cycle lane, and certainly not one so short!

    5. Too many people condensed into the UK's relatively small land mass. Too many vehicles for our infrastructure to accommodate. Something will have to give.

    6. People in the UK just don't know how to fucking drive, I drive in London and sometimes it's just disgusting, literally a free for all.

    7. Things could always be better, but they could also be worse. Roads I bike here sometimes not only don’t have a bike lane but also don’t have a paved shoulder or even a sidewalk. This is on 45 mph roads. If you want to bike, ride in the gravel and grass shoulder or say a prayer and go in the car lanes. This is in the suburban Washington, DC area.

    8. This is better than most UK cycle lanes. Posts like that aren’t always helpful as grit and other road debris accumulates around them.

    9. CycleGaz
      Your warp drive is so powerful it distorts the spacetime continuum making the lamp posts and other objects bend as you go past. Either that or it's an optical effect of a wideangle lens.

    10. Cycling lanes around my home are much more widely abused than this !
      I really don't know why councils bother wasting the road pain because nobody takes any notice of them at all !

    11. Is the suggestion that people in cars can't ever pull up at the side of the road if there's a bike lane? Because that ain't in the Highway Code – it's the parking restrictions as shown by lines and signs that take precedence.

    12. That can’t be a cycle lane there is a cyclist in there 😂😂 and before you all start yes I know they can use the road too but when I cycle I prefer to use the cycle lane than the road as much safer but a lot choose not to?

    13. And you are still going too fast relative to the cars, don't show any courtesy to cars struggling yo get out at junction. The wands prevent people moving aside for on-coming emergency vehicles or pass inside cars turning right. The problem always is cyclists too often ride too fast for the conditions.

    14. The Scotland parking bill should finally be implemented sometime, in the next few months. This bill will make it an offence to park your car on the kerb of the pavement, or cause an obstruction. Fines will range from £70 for parking on the kerb, and £100 for causing an obstruction

      This bill could equally be applied to other, to other spaces, where parking is not permitted, like cycle lanes, which is covered in the highway code

    15. Why are you riding in the parking lane? Surely that white paint shows cars where to park…? (That's what happens near me, anyway)

    16. Around where I live the pavement is designated as a cycle lane, so the cars park half on the road half on the pavement. White vans of course ignore double yellow, crossing zig zags, cycle lanes and any other signs or road markings.

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