Evan Belford doubled up at Donington Park in 2022 British Talent Cup last round! πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§

    🏍️ A spectacular fight for the lead as the season reached its end.


    Foreign Ton Park and the penultimate race of the season for the Honda British talent curve of 2022 the big news was before the race even started Johnny Garnes the champion the dominant champion of this year was hoping to run with the celebratory number one but was ruled out with an incident at qualifying earlier

    On in the day drama down at the first Corner as well contact almost inevitable in some ways there Harrison McKay was down and Ryan Hitchcock as well caught up in the action up at the front though Evan Belford was charging and Reese Stevenson absolutely desperate to win

    For the first time this season but then it all kicked off Belford ran wide at the old Harpoon last momentum they went side by side up through swans and Stevenson caught out on the curves on the outside very lucky to get away with that one it was just a little bit of

    Tissue damage with our top but it could have been so much worse so they charged to the checkered flag Carter brown right up behind Evan Belford who comes through to win for the second time this year foreign just come and go as quickly as that don’t they race two at Donington Park

    Race number 18 of 18 in the 2022 Honda British talent cup and there are still things to be decided even though the championship itself is uh all set of course in favor of Johnny Garnett so go off fastest laps for him at yesterday’s race so zoroviak is sick on the grid

    Cook here who is back in Action James Cook the 15 year old younger brother of Max cook the newly crowned Junior Superstar Champion here at BSB Harley McCabe was right up there in race one here on Saturday in third place he heads up row two fourth on the grid here’s

    Evan Belford yesterday’s winner out with injury for most of the Season bounce back at knock hill with a spectacular Victory so yesterday’s result takes him up to two wins for 2022 Carter Brown writes up there last year right up there this year he’s in the middle of the

    Front row of the grid but are we finally going to see I have to say a very well deserved first Victory look how confident rocket Reese is Reese Stevenson in an incident yesterday a bit of a racing incident reading Neil Mackenzie fell it wasn’t deliberate from Belford

    And Stevenson was just caught out on the outside high speed incident but she wants curve is he going to take Victory there from Pole Position now we’re just hearing that baby Stuart Campbell missed the sighting that but unfortunately he’s gonna have to start this race from the back of the grid he

    Would have been eighth in the middle of Row three so that’s a real lack of luck for Bailey Stewart Campbell already Neil One race to go still some temperature positions to be decided and I think it’s going to be a pretty exciting few laps here at Donington Park if you’re

    Watching on Eurosport we have a quick break get ready now they get going on the warm-up lap on the Walnut lap here for the final race of the season for the Honda British tanker of 2022 Neil McKenzie and Greg Haynes are with you streaming down the crane the curves and here’s the

    Situation with Johnny garness who unfortunately is not racing but there is a little bit of good news about that which I’ll tell you in a second after Brown then aiding for the championship Runner right spot he’s confirmed Crosby and Stevenson are absolutely together locked almost on points for third in the

    Championship there was an incident early on by the way for Harrison McKay who escaped major injury in a warm-up crash down the train occurs good positions for this one decided by the fastest laps of race one here on Saturday so Reece Stevenson rocket Rhys who’s been really

    Out of luck action deserves a victory can he get it in the last race of the season from pole Carter Brown and Evan Belford alongside the Nish Harley McCabe James Cook and Philip zoruiac from Poland Neil McKenzie and Rick came to the sake of the commentary box and I’m

    Delighted to say that we’ll be enjoyed by the 2012 Champion Johnny Garnett who’s something with Neil McKenzie Neil we’ll start with you a bit of a fanboy thing to do there a Salford yeah I’ve got a child sitting next to me it looks about five but I’ve watched them and

    Listening yeah well we’re not we’re here we’re not your mental age they’re great for that pass okay everybody’s aware of that but yeah young Donny’s sitting next to me and you watched him all year uh demolish the opposition um and I’ve seen him being interviewed

    On TV he has a full package already but uh yeah great to see that Rhys Stephenson made his way through that incident yesterday in his other one piece because he was a writer that kept Johnny quite honest a few times this year Johnny always managed to get a

    Better run but yeah one last chance there he is one last chance to uh uh just stamp his authority and maybe get that race win some grits he’s pumped up on the grid and ready for action how are you feeling by the way yeah I’m feeling

    Really good thank you but yeah I think it’s going to be a good race it’s always the best race last of the last race of the Season everyone just wants to do their best because it’s been such a long hard season and yeah the average was

    Supposed to go out there and enjoy it and just make the most of it you feel a bit Lucky in a way to be sat next to Neil McKenzie despite what happened and qualified all right no but yeah yeah but it’s always nice for a ride to win the

    Championship and then just watch the rest of the contenders have a bit of uh scrap it out for the the final position so yeah real luxury to for Johnny to sit here and just watch his competitors in action yeah just banister I think that was it’s been repositioned in the middle

    Of the uh one of the roads towards the back of the field lights on last race of the year then it’s at Donington and it is go with Reece Stevenson away from Pole Position everybody away off the line that’s good news as we stream that to reggae for the first time look at

    Harley McCabe straight up into the lead Evan Belford goes up the inside great start for Sullivan mounsey as well number four nearly concept there with Ruth Stevenson out of record a couple out on the green paint Lucas Brown was one of them Carter Brown it was at the

    Over down through the train occurs uh Neil McKenzie all clean so far yeah I’ll secular own Red Gate we’ve seen a few incidents already this weekend at Red Gate but perfect conditions public track conditions and topic behavior for all the youngsters in the first corner on the first one Johnny don’t actually be

    Racing but he’s with us here in the commentary box this is quite strange to be watching this on the TV yeah it’s quite strange but yeah it’s kind of nice to just sit back relax and just enjoy watching it but yeah I’ll definitely rather be out there battling with all

    These boys so Johnny you know all the guys out there I’ve had 50 pence to bet on them got gold noses it’s gonna be a good race as always is there any Darlington are there any donating Specialists anyone you think that goes pretty well I think

    Well I think we know part is dominant here because he was dominant here at the start of the season with me and yeah he’s just been winning um yeah well look at this so far this is the most bunched at first that we’ve seen for quite a long time isn’t it baby

    Stewart Campbell there on the pink bike coming from the back of the grid after a problem before this race started should have been eight from the grid he’s coming right through the field so watch out for him out of the Melbourne Loop Belford in the lead that was Steven

    Sunday and we look back with baby Stewie company see the order on the left-hand side of your screen Carter Brown is attacking Harley McCabe Harley mccaving Shuffle back on this opening lap he was almost in the lead when they came out of Reggae where’s Bailey Stewart companies in that

    Gaggle look at the top of the screen coming out of Ghana this is a really tight road so far yeah last race this season and they just all look so determined they’ve all got a point to prove there’s so many potential winners here from Harry McCabe who’s a couple of

    Podiums so far well three puddings this year a couple of that Silverstone earlier in the Year Reese Stevenson desperate for that one back to Brown who um has done uh don Knex bear and of course Evan Belford we know he can win races we know how fast he is this

    Confidence took a massively forward yesterday with his race win on Saturday is everybody’s it’s just going to be fascinating birthday in the last few weeks and of course the age limits are going up aren’t they it was 12 last year 13 this year 14 is the minimum age next year so

    Quite a few Riders I think including you staying in the British tank next year yeah definitely a lot of riders have stayed in this Championship next year I think the majority of the riders in the championship right now are still in the next year but I think obviously yeah

    They’re moving the age limit as this advantage and a disadvantage because it’s a disadvantage for all the young Lads coming through um then they can’t really they have to stay on the same bikes but yeah I guess it’s all right because then we have more time to experience the tracks and the

    Bikes and I think it just gives us more time to move up of the foggy s’s we’re gonna get some side by side I think here down into the moment look at Sullivan Mountain before attacking Stevenson on the left Belford on the outside gives him space great riding there by Felton

    The first of the bikes in third place right behind is Carter Brown and you’ve already said there I think this is going to be a classic end of term confrontation here at Donington yeah one of maybe bigger stronger Road as he really condone for that but I don’t know he’s got off-road

    Skills so lots going on there uh yeah thinking about an outbreaking maneuvering to God that didn’t happen this time but yeah very much in the mix and Pro ven but as he has a little bit bigger having a couple of bikes in front of them especially on the streets two bike

    Slip streams just work perfectly for him so uh yeah he just needs to hang in there and we know he can be there at the end and maybe today will be the day oh look at that what a move from Stevenson then down towards the Ukrainian curves

    And into the old hope and Stevenson leads on lap three or 15 but it’s Lucas Brown now who’s made great progress this year working so closely with thirsty Patrick CERN and he’s badly and he’s up there in fifth base fastest up of the race so far this is a wonderful scrap

    Isn’t it the top six locked together this is the championship situation if it stays like this the man alongside Us in this commentary box comfortably aired by 108 points but look Stevenson would move back ahead and Harrison Crosby the third in the championship Crosby down in seventh place at the moment on the

    Yellow thanks racing machine who’s the toughest to race then in this group per Johnny you’ve raced with all of them all season a lot yeah it’s got to be reached because he’s always managed to stay with me and he always just hangs behind me and just Waits the last couple laps and

    He’ll just pounds but yeah it’s been fun racing with all of these last this year I think Carter will just pass Ed it’s gonna be a gamble already because look the front group’s massive already so many riders in it they’re saying I still need that for him

    Oh look at that very very tight round the Melbourne league and we’ll keep an eye on the situation with Crosby at the moment then just to confirm it we’ll go to count back because of second places Stevenson yet to win but of course if he stays where he is he’s gonna be winning

    For the first time this season anyway but if the Lebanon points of course it goes to your uh highest number of best places if that’s made sense so if you haven’t won it would be your second places so Stevenson for example if he drops to second place he’ll be level on

    Points but he would still win on count back with more second places Crosby at the moment is in seventh position Lucas Brown still has the fastest lap of the race and Neo it’s been a while hasn’t it since we’ve seen this many riders locked together at this point to the race yeah

    Nine Raiders within a couple of seconds and that’s to be expected because Friday there’s a lot of wet practice didn’t get a lot of dry track time yesterday was dry the guy’s got more time in the boats more times to get settings right got a race under the belt so a little more

    Confident in these conditions and uh yeah times are closer blessings are closer and that’s just due to every one having a race yesterday and just getting getting things set up and getting things exactly how they want it for another perfect day here at Donington piano via

    Is flying as well he’s up 10 positions already to 15th on the in the order for the 25th on the grip Bailey Stewart Campbell from the back is now up to 19th position look at Stevenson you’ve got to say Johnny it would be a really well deserved win for Reece because he’s

    Fought so hard hasn’t he this year this is the 18th race and he deserves a win but they’re not going to make it easy for him yeah they’re not going to make it easy for him though we’re gonna look like there’s no pass in every single quarter

    I hope safety car safety car is out they don’t know it yet look they need to look for the yellow flags in the boards I don’t know why we have a safety car but on that four just a throw another spanner in the works if you could

    Spotted it hand up Crosby as well and it’s because a rider has crashed Dan Goodman one of your teammates of course so the envelope visual track Academy has crashed that the crane occurs you’ll be taken to the medical center here’s the situation let’s hope Dan Goodman is okay

    And that the medical center message is just precautionary we’ll take a quick break if you’re watching on Eurosport back for the restart Foreign ERS across the weekend you can see the yellow flags waving the SC board because many of those boards around the track here the four kilometer two and a half mile layout of Donington and this is the reason the safety car then for the first time this weekend is out on the track

    And Johnny I can’t remember too many safety cars in Talent kit races this year no there hasn’t been one safety car this whole yeah I really hope Dan Goodman’s all right because he’s a really good friend of mine but yeah he’s a teammate and yeah I just really hope

    He’s all right it looks like he’s walked away from it though but yeah this is the first safety car this year so none of the ride is this is all new to them I’ve never had a safety car in my career so this is gonna be a challenge isn’t it

    When they get going obviously the lights get Switched Off on the safety car before it comes in and then the leader effectively becomes the safety car but yeah we might see a few mistakes here what do you reckon um yeah you never know because now look the front groups just get bigger a

    Couple Riders are joining and yeah it’s just it’s just going to be good when the safety couples and tickets and everyone’s just gonna go bad so we’ll keep you posted bikes Riders gonna drop that’s right as Johnny said they haven’t had a safety card this year but all around is a

    Briefed in the event obviously if the car coming out so they know the rules uh they know that when the the lights go off on the safety card we’ll be pulling in on that lap and they also know that they can’t pass see if you can’t do it

    Safely in particularly and they can’t do any passing on the track until they’re over the stat Finish Line after accept that goes in we’re one third of the way through the race here at Donington Park under safety car conditions the lights have been switched off as you can see on the top

    Of the safety car because it’s coming in at the top of the screen at the end of this lap positive news uh Dan Goodman who’s crashed at the train occurs has been stretched away and is conscious and talking to the medic but he’s complaining of back pain so if we hear

    Of anything while we’re still on the air from the medical center here and Hike Aroma who heads up a wonderful medical team at BSB we of course will let you know the track itself has been cleared down here through the crane occurred section so a Johnny garnest has exclusively revealed alongside us here

    In the commentary box it’s the first safety car they’ve had in the tanning car so pretty much the first safety car for these riders in their whole career what would you be thinking now if you were leading the pack yeah God knows everyone’s looking behind them look how

    Big the front group’s getting now so I think when the safety car pulls in everyone’s just gonna try to save each other I think I think the front group might might put away again but yeah we’ll have to see what happens so the safety I will peel off into the back pit

    Lane entrance which is just before Goddard and then the leader Evan Belton will effectively dictate the pace they need to be careful uh not to pass the safety car of course we had a problem with that at sneterton with BSB earlier this season although Neil with the uh

    The other pit Lane entrance here that shouldn’t be an issue no idea yeah I’m sure they’re rather aware of that but yeah particularly in entrance at the the back of the pit switches after they get round and next here at gun corner and it’s pretty much up to the lead grader

    To control things you can pretty much do what he wants within reason he can back them up or he can accelerate away but there must be no passing for any of the Riders until they cross the staff Finish Line on this one right this is offensively going to become an yeah

    It’s Labyrinth to the last second bug of the Season our safety car pulls off to the right hand side with its indicator going they’re getting up to speed remember not allowed to pass before the Line Round Goddard it’s getting quite tight there Midfield one of the first ever safety car restart

    In the 2022 Honda Talent cup we are away again on lap seven at Donington Park Belford Lee Stevenson is second Carter Brown is third mounsey has a look look at McCabe attacking Lucas Brown there is Harrison Crosby number 15 and he needs to get up to the front as quickly as he

    Can if he can because he’s fighting hard with Stevenson for third in the temperature technical problem for Mason Johnson who’s not even been able to take the restart so unfortunately that’s an early bar for Mason but look at this three pressed almost down into the old hairpin and they’re really ganging up

    Now as McKay dives into the pits I don’t know whether that’s a legacy of his crash earlier on today in the warm-up when he was hurt down through the train of cars but Neil they are absolutely ganging up on Belford now the iron I’m so pleased to have made their own this

    Half lap because when lap times slow down and take the safety carries out then tires cool down there’s less grip so first the half lap is always a bit of a worry when the guys are committing and trying to get in person [Applause] up to temperature and everything’s good

    I’ve got to say Evan Belford I think played the safety card thing as good as it possibly could he kind of had a nice Gap he led on to the to start finish straight there but this Cavalry is coming they’re all backed up behind them now oh I thought

    We might see somebody over shooting actually came there yeah the double something you’ve already done got four times this year Johnny so it became a bit of a habit for you didn’t it over the last one just trying to go through as well and Lucas with the first of the black bites

    He’s up into third place Stevenson pushed down into fifth position so we’re counting down the laps every time they come through and this is absolutely impossible to call and uh the 75 uh siroviak is weaving around in the background as well the police Rider he’s really found some form this weekend look

    How close the field is as we come down into the eighth of the 15 lap so it’s your good mate and teammate Carter Brown in the front now not for long though uh yeah like I said the group’s already bunching up and yeah you can’t put your

    Money on anyone now because look they’re all looking hungry for the win and yeah you can’t really bet on anyone because they’re it’s all bunching up again what was interesting it’s a good test for car to grow and getting into the league in the Melbourne look and he managed to

    Hold off until the start Finish Line so yeah it’s good testing yours now no sometimes squeezing music I know but by the same talk in the opposition know that as well so they need to make sure he’s not leaving [Applause] one of them is taking the lead now Lucas

    Brown cop this corner that was elected he’s throwing here certainly was on a good pass as well and the element of surprise involved there but yeah really nice pass there did a good job executed it perfectly oh one two three four five abreast why not down into the foggy

    Asses son of a bouncy comes through get to it in the class as well he’s going to run wide on the exit three impressed coming out of offices which way do you go Evan Belford has been leading for the whole race so far he’s down to about

    Fifth place not for long back at the inside Carter has missed his breaking point and he’s going to run wide and Crosby’s coming through as well now on the yellow bike he’s trying to get up to uh Stevenson don’t forget the third in the championship I hope you’re keeping

    It with this manzi on the right Carter Brown now comes from a long way back oh this has got to be the best race of the Season no disrespect by the way but this has got to be the best race of the season so far let’s be honest Johnny

    Made it boring this year as much as we’re very impressed but yeah sorry Johnny it just hits him yeah no this is a really good race so far I’m loving it I’ve got such a big smile on my face like going into Melbourne Evan was like

    Six better now he’s in the league going into the corner but yeah this is such a good race so the Dutch Rider is out of the race by the way we just had a note here Johnny needs to leave before the end to go to his championship podium in the leathers

    And that’s from Lucy at Eurosport and just so you know you always follow what Lucy says okay so if you’re going to be working with us more make sure you follow the instructors Johnny because there are severe consequences for the last time for the ninth time leads this race because you’re going to

    Be presented with your Champion trophy aren’t you as Carter Brown goes up the inside of mounsey that’s the second Stevenson’s now in four position again back in front of Lucas brown but yeah it’ll be nice to see you on the podium Johnny having not been able to race this

    Weekend you will get your championship trophy yeah thank you for that um I think now I think Carter’s guaranteed second but I think just the battle for third for in the championship is between Reese and Harrison I think Harrison has uh finished I don’t know I’m not too sure about

    Recess to finish but Reese is looking really hungry for the win and I think And yeah I think to be honest the way he’s right and all the moves he’s doing he looks he looks quite good for the win I’d say no everyone’s been actually very clean so far haven’t they John have you gotta run and put your letters on all right thank you very much

    Thank you congratulations 2022 Honda British time he’s gonna go put his Leathers on now we’ll see him on the podium in a bit as he leaves this commentary box and I feel like we are in danger of losing our jobs in the future because I think he did a pretty good job

    Of that yeah that’s enough he’s far too impressive for a first attempt at the commentating Lark so yeah come on do you want to look after your own career exactly you have been behaving themselves Greg but we’ll get into the the sharp end of this race and and

    Normally like in any more to three any small class race whether it’s World Championship on the British talent cup or whatever uh the last two or three laps are the most frenetic and the most hectic and quite often to reduce the most action and incidentally one thing

    We didn’t say there with Johnny is that he’s going to be doing a full season of the European tanning cup again next year as well and I believe that will be the priority that feels 2023 like a long way off at the moment with this last race still to

    Compete in 22. Lucas Brown goes at the inside of Stevenson then back up to Fourth but uh you are watching the top nine here right down to James Cook the captain who’s back in the Tunica now 15 years of age and he’s quick and he’s having a great weekend here at Donington

    In Ninth Place Korea is tense still and I was talking to him about his family over in Florida luckily for them they’re a little bit further north than where the Hurricanes hit in the last few days he’ll be going back to about America tomorrow having a good race here up in 10th Place

    The soil is 11 from Hopkins fire from towards the back up to 13. hunting for his 14th Ryan Hitchcock is 15th as we focus on this fight for the lead Belford goes through Mountain sits it up on the outside well they’re not to run into the

    Back of Carter Brown and once again it is absolutely anyone’s race Stevenson has been quite calm and level-headed knee with all this chaos going on around him yeah certainly has just gave his seat little tap there to indicate delicious ground to follow him whether he wants to do that or not I’m not

    Convinced but yet uh yeah Rhys Stevenson Ford Lucas Brown fifth this is at uh got out at the end of the lapis Luca Hopkins number 41 on one of the Steve Patrickson bites into the barnsdale Leisure bike out of the race so these Luca is all right and walking

    Away and uh incidentally actually there were some interesting there was some interesting gossip from the palace on from Steve Patrickson regarding uh Hopkins himself and I’m just checking the official line yes he’s hoping to get enough money together so he can buy a donkey and I said are you having me on

    And he said no he’s not he’s actually hoping to buy a donkey Neil in the offseason I suppose you’ve got quite a long off season yeah any team up with Tommy GoGo he’s just invested in yeah Tommy Ray was just invested in uh flock of sheep or shoots as he likes to call

    Them and he’s also got a man sheet there to yeah help her as well with activities so yeah they they these two should get together in the offseason a little bit more fascinated trivia just before the season ends you are watching the Honda British Tanaka by the way motorcycle racing

    Belford continues to head up the pack Harley McKay don’t forget started up there with fourth place he was on the podium yesterday number 79 in sixth place and does have the fastest lap of the race at the moment which is why he’s got that uh purple that lilac colored

    Circle next to his position number on the left-hand side of your screen Mounds is really earlier on this yeah as well but yet uh yeah fantastic Raider but yeah just needs to calm down a little bit on the starts and as I said we’re on lap 12 of 15 now and seeing

    Some personal best sectors appearing so that indicates to me that was uh that’s uh George on the microwave machine I think that’s gone down there oh what a shame over at the uh Melbourne Loop you can see they’re just rested there the bike on the Long

    Lap penalty Lane on the outside it feels to me like they’re really getting the hammock out yes they are indeed look that record for Stevenson at 142.005 the fastest ever Talent now he’s wasting this that’s what happened yesterday so let’s go on the outside of the Belton here yesterday ended up on

    Those curves there on the grass and out of the race it was the national day of Lincolnshire uh Reese’s mum was proudly telling us yesterday into the on the grass and out of the race and Kenny now come out of Donington with a victory in this 18th and final race of 2022. I

    Noticed manzi was on the green paint there on the outside of McLean so he needs to be careful with track limits otherwise it will be a Long Lap penalty but Stevens is looking really racy now he is he’s so impressive this kid 1.6 faster than foreign Remember he was involved in that historic double Victory here when himself and garness went across the line totally level on time and we’re both given 25 points at the first onington meeting earlier on this season three to go then in 2022 look at Lucas Brown there up the inside of Harley McCabe and

    He is up into fifth place but the top four are edging a well at by far the biggest Gap we’ve seen in the pack so far half a second in between them as they come down the craners for the last time and uh Mr Garnes has got his

    Leathers on and please so before he goes out onto the podium and he’s back in the commentary Rock so he’s going to join us I think for the last three laps of the race I knew it was just uh Mackenzie yeah he’s got my levers on now and I’m

    Just gonna watch the last couple laps in the race okay okay let’s see there goes Stevenson at the inside of manzi he’s gonna try and pick a winner well I was just going to say every lap it’s uh a different favorite here Carter Brown’s back in the mix

    Ah and they’ve got I think we’re just here in the young Scott Troy Jeffries he’s crashed so uh after an incredible not kill a couple of podiums up there so uh yeah let’s hope Troy’s okay trainer cards and it is a red flag it’s a red flag here at Stonington Park what

    They’re showing for the race to end in this way but my goodness maybe that is a massive amount of damage to Troy Jeffrey’s bike I hope Troy himself is okay but that’s the enormous accident isn’t it down through the crane of Curves and this race therefore is over

    Early at Donington Park we had two laps to go when they next came over the line he will not now head to the podium of course for the championship prize giving as well as the race prize ceremony and that means that nailed that Evan Belford has done the double what a great double

    At the end of the season yeah yeah and that’s the thing when you get into two thirds this you need to try and be in front every time you go over the line whether it’s uh to move into the last Corner because it’s so important oh yeah these bikes

    I’ve got to say these bikes do crash Well normally but yeah that’s the cartwheel job and obviously the front end of that bike has disappeared yeah they’re dragging that along with the cables only the brake lines that are pretty much attaching it so there you can see the notification

    There of the red flag going back to the end of the last full lap of course here under BSB regulations everybody being fed in through the uh the same pit Lane entrance that the safety car used earlier on in the race I have to say I

    Feel very Stevenson I uh I know we’re supposed to be a neutral I would have been pleased to see him win the race this season because he really deserved one and that means of course but Harrison Crosby stage third in the Championships right Carter Brown as well he’s obviously disappointed he felt he

    Could win it Ray Stevenson but winners always believe that they’re going to win and when it finishes area they’re always going to be disappointed but it was uh yeah Evan Belford got the best hand dealt on there he’s in the right place at the right time and it’s something to

    Always think about as a Rover to once you get past it is there’s distance just try and make sure you get over the lane in front but please forever either tough starts this season broken leg come back and knock hill with a win and a double

    Win here is done if there’s a lot of way to end the season for early instead yeah well done the 15 year old from grendon in Warwickshire as we said before the age limits have gone up we’ve seen quite a few changes across the board in bike racing over the last year

    So it’s gone from 12 to 13 and will be 14 next year minimum age so sadly red flags come out for Troy Jeffrey’s crash at the trainer curve so we didn’t get the last two laps of the race Evan Belford though an extremely well deserved double here his third

    Victory in total this season katabani second Stevenson denied that win but another great Podium for him at this season mounsey was up there all through the race well done Lucas Brown to me right up there in the leading group for pretty much the whole race and the top

    Five they’ll be made up with that McCabe Crosby siroiac cook was in that leading group for the majority of the race that it was buyer well done up to 10th from near the back of the grid Correa 11th from desoi huntingford Walker and Peter Willis there completing the point

    Scorers Bailey Stewart Campbell nearly in the points he missed out by half a second there coming from the back of the grid after that problem just before the race started foreign Races done and dusted this is it the final Honda British talent Cup Championship standings of 2022 and despite missing both of the races here this weekend Johnny Garnett the dominant Johnny Garnett just turned 14 from ilfrikum in Devon wins by 104 points Carter Brown is your runner-up in an

    Mlab Vision track academy one two Crosby gets the better of Stevenson who will look at that just four points he’ll be lamenting that crash of Saturday Lucas Brown top five in the championship from De soy Belford as Neil said plenty of injuries otherwise he would have been

    Much higher than that fire show some flashes of Brilliance through the season Hitchcock Rouse book completes the top 10 from McCabe and Julian Kareem who heads back to America on Monday mounsey McKay Stuart Campbell and Troy Jeffrey despite the crash at the end of the season is inside the championship top

    20. and Well Done Manny Brinton as well 24. if only put a few outings in but some stunning performances Evan Belford do you want to explain to me how you overtook six people in one maneuver going into the Melbourne Loop and then come back here to see me for a Winner’s interview

    Um I don’t actually know to be honest it was a brilliant race um a lot more people in the group than yesterday which makes it more exciting for me and everybody else so yeah I’m really happy to come out on top of the group unfortunately it was a red flag I

    Would have seen to I would have like seen the race go on to the very end see how it ended um but yeah I’m really happy with the double this weekend and that’s as much as I could have could have done so I’m really happy with myself so you should

    Be a fantastic job amazing maneuver well done thank you foreign anchor we’re hearing here for Troy Jeffrey and under the circumstances that is uh not wonderful news but positive news a positive update of course bearing in mind what could have happened look at that that is a massive amount of damage

    You can see the the fluids coming out of the bike there there’s Troy himself we were concerned at first but it is an ankle injury we hear there for Troy Jeffrey not the way he wanted the season to end of course he’s being treated as

    You can see on the stretch but he is conscious and it’s an ankle injury and thankfully no more than that Alex baldini there who is the uh Dorner representative alongside Matt Belton who is the msvr representative for the Honda British talancer I’ve got to say as well

    Jonathan Palmer just sat in behind us and he was watching that race the head of imagery that was incredible wasn’t it it really was I must say it’s so exciting to watch and uh obviously they’re saying that Johnny couldn’t be amongst it but um what a great job we

    Did on the commentary didn’t he I’m a bit worried actually yeah I think yeah I think you better work a bit harder I think you’re under pressure the camera as well I’m getting all nostalgic now as well because I remember listening to you with Mary Walker back in the day so yeah

    How fast time flies there’s Maria there on the right Alex baldolini’s wife and uh Jordan and all the guys from the mlab vision track Academy what an amazing way to finish a pretty amazing season in the talent cap yes ultimately it was dominated by one Rider but a glorious

    Race and uh like Neil said he gave them a little bit of a chance to me by not taking part in the races this weekend but best wishes to Johnny Garnet there’s Alex baldolini he’s played a major part in boosting the uh the mental side of the rider’s abilities as well as their

    Actual riding out on the track and believing in themselves and we’ve seen a massive rise in the level here this year and they’re much much much more on form now when they go over to do the European Talent cup as well previously over there they’ve been on a much higher level so

    They’re getting closer and closer all the time well done rocket Rhys Stevenson another great Podium yes he misses out on his third place in the championship but it’s his sick Podium of the season and two-thirds four seconds Carter Brown of course was a regular up on the podium

    And confirmed as the championship Runner right man and Evan Belford let’s see of course pretty much all these guys are staying in the class next year so uh bring it on if it carries on where we left off there it’s gonna be absolutely Sensational this is of course is the

    Race Podium and now we’re going to get the championship Podium as well player fennel from msv is overseeing the whole procedure with Alex bandolini there from Dorner as well and as we said in the coverage on Saturday look how happy these guys are there’s Johnny he was

    With us just a few moments ago and he’s going to be handed the champion trophy of 2022 it’s the Dave Simmons trophy Jenny Simmons is around here somewhere as well daughter of Dave Simmons who uh was the 1969 125 CC road racing world champion the first ever

    Kawasaki title as well so an historic one there for the great late Dave Simmons and it’ll be Robin Apple Yard this is going to be so emotional you can see Robin there with the trophy in hand having announced that his team after many many years we’ll be leaving the Bennett’s British Superbike temperature

    Paddock at the end of 2022. he’ll be handing out that trophy in the next few moments with the top three then in the championship for 2022 head up onto the podium there’s Carter Brown Do you unfortunate incidents weren’t the for Carter earlier on in the season he failed to finish if you remember the second race at Silverstone uh Chaos on the last lap one of several Riders taken out but of course the big big cheer alongside Crosby on the right and brown

    On the left is for Johnny garness he did 16 races only failed to finish two of them only one of those was his fault the other he was taken out 12 wins one second one third from 16 races what a sensational season it has been there then is Robin Apple Yard

    There is the flag for Johnny Garnett could we please don’t she’d get a chance to get up onto the podio here this weekend having missed the races and he misses the European tank up as well sadly now we’re going next weekend but I’m sure there’s great things ahead there’s baldolini

    Well done Johnny Garnett he was 13 when the season started he’s 14 now Matt belting on the left there is the msvr rider representative and Coach I was talking about before and here comes the Dave Simmons Trophy and Robin Apple Yard I’m sure we’ll cherish this moment as well

    Lovely Jester going out to everybody on the podium carterban on the left Crosby on the right and Johnny Garnett the 2022 Honda British talent Cup champion of course the talent clip has changed in format over the last few years and it’s a dominant dominant win for this man in 2022

    Well you really could not have scripted the drama in the last race of the season for the Honda British tanning cut of 2022 they got away then off the line here at Donington Park Johnny Garnett’s not racing this weekend as he’s been injured in a qualifying crash on Saturday he did

    Collect the championship though at the end of the afternoon well it did leave us with was an absolute free-through for victory on the full Grand Prix layout here at Donington Park including this very Corner the Melbourne Loop Rhys Stevenson number 23 that had an incident with Evan Belford on Saturday was

    Looking to beat Harrison Crosby to third in the championship as it happened it didn’t work out for Reese even though he was on the podium in the race itself Dan Goodman went down at the crane occurs escaping major injury thankfully Bell foot up into the lead at this point but

    At one point we had nine Riders all fighting for the lead it was spectacular out came the red flags for this Troy Jeffrey with an ankle injury thankfully no more than that Evan Belford does the double darn s is the champion foreign Foreign

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