I’ve mentioned the changes being made to turn the old railway line between Capdenac and to past Cahors into a dedicated off road cycle and walking route.

    Work began late last year and I’ve been following the progress and researching the project. I am keen to ensure I capture the ‘before/after’ view of the project which runs to 20256.

    This is an update with the plans, progress and state of it all around Cajarc in January 2024.

    Morning everyone I thought I’d do this before I wrap myself up and zip myself up cuz it’s bright but it’s chilly um I’m just going to I’ve got a bit of a mission today so I’ve got a tick list you can tell me if I did it when I

    Finish and do the video we’re into the new year so over the Christmas period I got a new phone I got a iPhone 15 Pro thing which does really good photos and videos and things so in the local area they have a load of old postcards from like the early

    1900s and I picked some of those out and I’m going to go and find the places the postcards were shot from and shoot the equivalent in the modern day I’ve got quite a lot to do but today I’m just going to knock a few off cuz obviously I

    Started with Kio where I live um the other thing I’m going to do is the v86 the lot Valley Cycle route I’ve mentioned this a few times now but is underway I will put some more so I’m going to go up now and um try try and

    Get some pictures of the place before and what it’s like now because in a year’s time and another year’s time it’s going to be different so the idea being I can do birth of a cycle Rose anyway let’s get on with [Applause] It Things you see on a Sunday when you’re out eh right well I’ve taken some video some video what am I talking about absolute gibberish um I’ve been taking some pictures of the station to try and match all the postcards and ridden around and found a random shter in the middle of

    The Church Square I’m down at the station now and this is the Old Railway line you see the tracks are still over there but already above kajar they’ve got uh the tracks up and I think they’re going to start graveling in soon I’m going to go up the valley a bit and see

    What we see but yeah this is uh the L station and ultimately it’ll continue right the way down there but not till finishing in I think 2025 I’ll put some more information on this when I actually cut the video together anyway that is the state as a somewhere around about the

    15th of January 2024 we just trying to remember what year it is Welcome to the kajar Riviera the uh plan do water side okay You it’s one of those days you’re hot as minute you stop and freezing when you’re moving you just can’t get right but whatever at least it’s not raining eh right well I’ve in the furtherance of the the cycle route the v86 I’ve come out of kajar a bit now and

    Up the valley and you’ll see here hopefully that it’s coming on start of the year uh 2024 as I say about the 14th 15th of January can’t remember which and um yeah the tracks are up um I’ll put a plan of this up I found out what’s actually happening some

    Sections of it are going to open end of 24 going into 25 and then the middle section the main Valley section the year after that now that’s not to say that they’re not actually working on that middle section um they are from what I can see but they’re being quite smart

    About this actually they’re doing the sections either the side of kah because that’ll help tourists in cah it’ll help to uh commuters as well and they’re doing the section from about 20K down the valley into Kaja which again will help with tourism as well um what they’re also doing with

    That though is they’re picking off the easier bits quite honestly there are tunnels involved all the way down but when you get into the main Valley the hell of a lot of old bridges and God knows what else so I think when they’re looking at it they’re say well let’s

    Prioritize privilege these couple of sections start the works in the middle complex section and get on with that and try and open some this year and some next year which when you think about it it’s quite smart really isn’t it um to be honest I’m super impressed already

    Because they haven’t been working that long and you know you can look now and look at that and think put some leay or some tarmac or something on top of that and you got a cycle rout hav you it’s as simple as that yeah sure you got Road

    Crossings and tunnels and things that they got to S out but it’s really good I mean as people I know would ride this as it is quite frankly I’m not one of them anyway I I’m shooting this now because I’m so conscious normally I shoot stuff

    Cut it into a video delete it basically um but I’m conscious if I don’t do it now they’ll finish the damn thing and I’ll go why didn’t I take some pictures of it before it happened so hence the reason I’m doing this now and I’m going

    To bank it and save it till I’m older and so are you right that’s it that’s uh bulletin from January 2024 on the lot Valley Cycle Road see you in a [Applause] Bit


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