Todays Driving lesson is with Abdullah, he has had around 25 hours of driving lessons but does not fully understand how a car works. He has never driven on a big roundabout AND his test is next month!
    So today’s driving lesson is a very detailed lesson on a manual car with an intro to big roundabouts.

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    How to drive safely. How to pass:
    This video is filmed during a driving lesson. It is filmed for educational purposes.

    Throughout the video there are highlights to show how you should be driving safely.

    I hope this video will be useful! 🙂

    #driving #lesson #howtodrive #practical #test
    #hazards #roundabouts #London #drivinginstructor
    #pass #drivingtips #femaleinstructor
    #learn #dualcarriageway

    Stay in your lane stay in your lane Thank You by by you see what you’re about to do there driving a car riding a bicycle with gears exact same thing level I just just keep going just keep going we’re going over beet ready let’s take it looking ahead accelerate good good

    Really well done nice is it well done Though that was put that in Hazard perception that was skillful yeah no fair enough I you have to read it yeah that was started off a bit doy but you got there in the end yeah you got there in the end okay hi guys welcome back to

    Clear view driving for those of you that don’t know me my name is Ammon and today I’m doing a driving lesson with Abdula welcome to the channel so before we get started tell me a little bit about yourself so how many hours of driving lessons not

    Personality so I was ready to give into you um so I’ve done around I’d say 25 26 hours of driving mhm and have you been driving with family outside of those driving lessons no because my family has an auto car and I’m doing manual so it’s

    Kind of hard it’s much harder when you try and especially when you’re new to it yeah okay so for your lesson today what are your main concerns well there’s many okay let’s start with let’s let’s say three to start and then we’re going to through okay so so you know when you’re like

    Your clutch control basically okay clutch control all right so I usually what I do when I’m get I’m starting off in gear one I take my foot fully off the clutch and then accelerate so you me to balance them too yeah but I I can’t do

    That I find it really hard we’ll talk about that in a second let’s go next one secondly roundabouts and the lanes mini roundabouts big roundabouts big roundabouts many roundabouts are fine all right those really good to me have you had a bit of practice on roundabouts

    In general like have you been I’ve had yeah just one one roundabout but I don’t really control the car cuz my instructor is always on the clutch bedal which is nice wait how many hours of [Laughter] lesson 28 hours yeah no no I that’s one of my pet peeves actually i’ think I

    Mentioned that before and understandable yeah okay so when you’re ready we’re going to get started um throughout the drive I’m going to keep telling you when to turn if I’m not saying anything just straight it’s just going to be a normal driving lesson we’re talking throughout any concerns

    That you have if there’s any mistakes you’re making I will be mentioning them and kind of going through them if there’s anything major we’ll stop over and discuss okay okay so remember I’ve got a brake and a clutch pedal on my side I’m only going

    To use it if I absolutely need to it’s my first T but if I’ve ever if I’ve used the controls you’ll know because I’m going to make it clear that I have used the controls and why yeah okay okay all right so when you’re ready let’s start

    The engine so to start its brake and clutch as a good habit okay so definitely need a signal y I don’t know why I’m acting like a NB right now there we go now it’s all good just is it clear on the road behind you just check over your shoulder again

    Brilliant yep now just with your feet it’s a balance of accelerator and clutch it’s a diesel car even if you’re not um accelerating you’ll be able to move with that little bit of clutch anyways yeah but focus on your clutch rather than trying to run to the brake okay okay all

    Right all clear and right foot over left foot halfway don’t look at your feet look at the blue car so right foot over to the accelerator clutch up halfway get the clutch up a little bit more bit more higher a bit higher hold it there lower

    Lower lower lower too high there’s a bit in between there sweet spot that’s what we’re trying to get to okay so just check the road again yeah right foot over clutch at the ready up a little bit higher once you start moving forward hold it there

    Little lower if you want and turn the wheel fully really nice control there if it’s not moving a bit of gas but keep the clutch where it is keep the clutch where it is you got this you’ve got this done yep yeah let’s make a left

    Turn out of here so signal on let’s go right up to the end after her so just going to turn it towards the right signal on again and just get right up into that corner right foot over clutch a little lower I need you to actually press the accelerator this next

    Time okay clutch a little lower lower than that don’t do that way too quick that’s cuz your clutch was too fast okay oh that much all right when I’m telling you to press the accelerator looking forward when I’m telling you to press the accelerator gently rev about

    1.5 on that rev count there okay press it just listen to a gentle hum that’s what you’re looking out for okay yeah that’s what you’re hearing out listening listening out for yes gently press the accelerator gently that’s it keep that going keep it going you want to hear that

    Throughout yeah yeah so you’re just listening out for it rather than looking looking at the dials cuz you need to be looking in front change go yeah go for it just do what you normally would do I’m only going to be talking through some parts where you need that little bit of Guidance have you ever driven around here before no never okay looking here what do we see keep clear Crossing is z Crossing clear yes all right look for the bigger sort of Hazards so like now we have a bus we have a busy High Street which means pedestrians and somebody might open the

    Door into the road to look for those kind of things so that there that man on the right is he going to with the purple good with your feet that’s it now that blue biker we’re going to keep an eye on him aren’t we yep now with your feet he’s he’s not

    Going but keep an eye on him oh no he’s changed his mind okay with your feet press the accelerator first and steady with the clutch there we go give the van lots more space cuz he’s going to yeah there we go you doing okay yeah I think

    So all right we got a mini roundabout ahead we’re going to make a right turn out there second exit watch this lady cuz she’s not kind of uh looking at the road can we go with the bus yes yeah take it quicker though there we go we got to take it at the

    Same time as the bus all right how are you finding the um accelerator in the clutch climbing I’m getting a little bit more yeah don’t worry if it sounds a bit louder like don’t worry if the revs go up a bit higher it’s all about how you control

    The clutch so just rev a little bit and look ahead look ahead as you’re doing it if the revs are a bit higher it doesn’t matter as long as you control the clutch cuz if your clutch is only coming up so much that connection’s only going to be there that sort of control

    Yeah now we’re following the road ahead make sure you don’t go over the giveaway line they did break there okay cuz we’re going over beet ready let’s take it looking ahead accelerate good good good really well done nice is it well done though listen there was a delay between

    Moving off right yeah but that’s normal you’ve only just started to add this in yeah when you’ve had a few more attempts out this it’ll be a lot quicker now breake clutch cuz you don’t we’re not getting through that are we pop it into gear one without looking down right foot left

    Foot there we go all good yep you’re going to be a little bit slower at first yeah 100% because you’re you’re starting something new Yeah okay so your first concern how are you feeling about it now I’m feeling a bit a bit better yeah Mhm of course trying to be able to do this whilst waiting for a gap on a roundabout there’s going to be that delay 100% And then you get anxious cuz then it’s like oh I’m too slow people too many things going on yeah but that’s that’s a matter of practice and time

    Really cuz essentially it’s muscle memory yeah pressing that accelerator just kind of knowing what it’s at yeah this is that’s why I don’t drive Auto cuz I start using both my feet yeah you can’t use your left foot breaking there right hand steady let’s go for the next

    Gear go on three there we go up two and three and now speed up a bit more now keep an eye on the bus again and look at how bus see the bus stop Is is there anyone getting on and off yeah now he’s Crossing okay he’s Crossing so we’re going to just slow down should we drop down to a lower gear yeah go take your time with it accelerate nice and quickly bit more speed right hand steady again brilliant and

    Then next step straight away hold on for not looking down and what’s speed can we get up to on this road yeah it’s quite wide now what’s the bus doing here stopping again so you see we’re always looking to overtake us not just kind of stop behind

    Him so this time easy yeah just keep an eye in case of like someone running out in front cuz that tends to happen there’s three lanes here use the middle one okay good more pressure on that brake so we don’t leave it right till the end bit

    More pressure bit more bit more now ease off that pressure imagine you’re riding a bicycle yeah that’s how you want to be braking oh okay Progressive and then easing off the brakes once you’ve rolled to a stop like as you’re rolling to a stop yeah feet

    Ready go on right foot left foot that’s it good keep going there we go move off quicker that time quicker go on once you’ve moved off in first it’s Middle Lane Middle Lane Middle Lane where you going middle go straight the pass is what you doing he’s flashing his headlights there are you

    Was he yeah cuz you drifted off into the left lane so he wants you to go left now all right right foot press it now get your left foot halfway so right foot left halfway there we go so the clutch has to get to the biting point for you

    To start that movement good change gear once your clutch is up put your foot down on the accelerator completely get it down there we go and then step off just to let that guy in so the moving off part is good once you’ve moved off you need to actually press the accelerator

    Down to R cuz you know when we were behind that bus we were lagging behind a little bit weren’t we lagging yeah not fair enough as then we moved off with the bus but then the bus was over there at the next bus stop and we’re still

    Here we’re still here you just need to accelerate more once you’ve actually gotten into that gear okay yes and then go for the third now clutch out in 3 seconds 1 2 3 and then down on the ACC to straight away does that make sense now yeah it

    Does okay gear changes I’m happy with we’re going to go and stop somewhere we’re going to talk about roundabouts then we’re going to practice roundabouts hopefully that there isn’t too much traffic yeah okay I’m going to leave you in charge of the moving off and the gear changes and

    Making sure that you’re keeping up with traffic a bit better I’m not going to be talking through Those we’re going to be parking up on this road you see where that green lemony green car is lemony yellowy greeny yeah yellow whatever we’re going to be parking up there so signal and just break clutch from now don’t go too close to the curb don’t go close don’t go close breake

    Clutch and stop there just stop there so we’re not in the drive secure the car push and just switch off the engine oops just turn that off as well just when you’re parking I know you wanted to park up there and kind of roll into it

    Yeah what I would do is I would slow the car down and then gradually get close to the curb rather than trying to get close to the curb and then and then keep rolling yeah cuz then you’re more likely to graze the side of the tire the alloy

    It’s done yeah whereas if you’re slower and now you end up touching the curb you’re less likely to get that damage okay so from the point that you move your foot to the accelerator clutch halfway there’s a bit of a delay lay already yeah so now you have to start

    Putting that into your head and going okay I’m waiting at this traffic light as that light’s going Amber you’re going right foot left foot yeah as it goes green you start to roll yeah so you can’t then wait for it to go green to then do that cuz that preparation takes

    2 3 seconds and then person behind like wait why are you not moving mate yeah yeah but then that this this timing also we now need to factor into when we’re on roundabouts when we’re approaching when we’re waiting mostly when we’re waiting so let’s say you’re waiting at roundabout

    And you’re looking for The Gap when to enter so you look for the traffic ahead to kind of be blocking the traffic to your right so when you notice that you start preparing your feet you don’t wait for them to get to the exit and then try

    Cuz then it’s too slow yeah yeah again that’s matter of practice as well now ahead of us we have a big roundabout which is not traffic light controlled okay it is a major roundabout where we’re crossing a 40 mph dual carriageway yeah okay the traffic on the right will

    Not be slow we’re focusing more on kind of Lane marking knowing um where to position how to signal and so on so would you say basic like on big roundabouts you say that you’re kind of beginner still yeah 100% okay so let’s suppose approaching a roundabout you

    Have two lanes yeah if you were going straight ahead what Lane would you start in the left or right the left one perfect there you go you’re not beginner at all you’re more intermediate already so left lane goes left right lane goes right to go straight ahead start on the

    Left unless Road markings State otherwise or like Signs and stuff yeah okay so at this roundabout we’re going to be going straight okay we’re going to approach in the left lane yes as you’re getting to the top of that roundabout that left lane splits into

    Two yeah and as it splits the first exit it’s onto a dual carriageway so what’s going to happen is because it’s onto a major exit it’s going to go left only yeah so now to go straight ahead we started on the left but we’re now in the

    Middle in the middle in okay so as soon as you enter this roundabout let’s suppose the roundabout is completely clear as soon as you’re entering you’ve got to make sure you’re going round the roundabout so it’s a kind of rounded movement but look for the island of the

    First exit you know where the yellow ball usually is one of those ones yeah when you see that Island that’s what you’re heading for and you need to be on the left lane there once you’re on the left lane pop your left indicator on and just keep going just keep going in okay

    Okay so it’s really important you keep that round position yes if you if you drive into it like this you’re going to get hooted at from this guy cuz he’s got nowhere else to go yeah and plus it’s harder to actually get out the roundabout on the

    Other end yeah so that’s that’s how you go straight going left on this one’s easy it’s just out the way um let’s suppose we’re making a right turn we’re going to start off with the right signal right hand lane yeah as you enter you’re going to go in and round there’s only

    Two lanes in the roundabout you’re going to be on the right one yeah now as you go go round this roundout well as you go round this roundabout that lane is going to split into two two yeah as it splits take the outer Lane yeah because your

    Lane is going to take you right anyway so as it’s splitting it’s going to guide you to your exit okay okay and because we’re taking the third exit we want to be switching into the left lane and switching on a left indicator so it’s going to be mirrors signal and getting

    Out and then get out so I’m going to be just talking through it for the first one and see how you get on and then depending on how you get on we’ll kind of change it up a little bit okay yeah yes but this roundabout the the real

    Challenging part on this one is actually knowing when to enter no I think that’s fine no it’s just cuz the the roundabout is busy that’s why I’m saying that not because of your ability it’s just the roundabout itself yeah okay you can see like the traffic up there oh yeah yeah and we’re

    Crossing three lanes of traffic so brace yourself if you still not the end of the world but timing with your feet oh one more thing with your clutch again this isn’t something I want you to doing all the time but with your clutch right foot on the accelerator 1.5 clutch at the

    Ready there’s a point on the clutch where you’re not going to go forward you’re not going to roll back we’re just idling we might need to do that depending on how busy the roundabout gets okay okay yes all right let’s start the engine so until you don’t reach that

    Middle Point the will not go anywhere the biting point is different in every car in this m that’s that’s that’s what’s going on cuz with the the golf ey Drive yeah the B points a lot lower yeah that’s a new car then probably newer car newer

    Clutch so you know it won’t move until you reach that point so when you’re trying to move just get to that bit and then and slow yeah all right so we’re going straight ahead you can see it’s a really thin line which means it’s not a

    Major exit yes okay so we’re going from left to Middle all the way around the behind it’s extremely busy go over that Middle Lane Middle Lane there you go break clutch into it and pop it into gear one all right this roundabout was in fact very busy today so we had to wait

    Some time before we could enter as you’re waiting like this you can wait with the clutch just below the biting point and hold the brake as soon as you need to go you want to move your over to the accelerator and then lift the clutch just slightly to get that movement now

    As we were waiting somebody did come up on our left hand side and this is a left only lane but they did go straight you want to be careful that people tend to do this when the traffic gets busy they shouldn’t be doing it but this is

    Something you want to be aware about as we enter the roundabout we’re going to go into the far left lane right next to the Ballard but always shake your left mirror in case of somebody from the left who might be cutting across right foot over clutch a little

    Lower all right after the learner let’s go take it yeah go across and just put your foot down good really go for it on the accelerator position more right speed up a bit more that’s it speed up a bit more don’t go for the gear change next time we’ll talk about that later

    Okay signal left keep left if you can just turn that off but stay in this Lane okay now check the right side we’re going to move into that lane there’s a car on your right signal right please yeah go right up to the top again just

    So we can see past this car can we go yeah we can take it right foot left foot Island get your right foot down do not change gears put your foot down on the accelerator completely completely now change gear and just keep left as you’re doing

    It clutch up and Signal left swi you know the gap on this roundabout are hard to find right yes so when you’re entering you kind of go for it quickly you delay the gear change yeah because because if you just do your do it all the day yeah yeah you end up slowing

    Them down watch my foot come off the clutch for a second we’re not going to go anywhere until we reach that point there yeah okay so when you’re trying to go it’s a diesel car so even if I’m not I don’t have the accelerator on my side yeah it

    Goes yes yes that’s the car auto revving you can see the Rev have gone up yeah yeah okay as I lift the clutch the revs go up it auto revs that helps you but that’s not sufficient enough when we’re trying to enter that roundabout yeah you need more you need

    More especially with the speed at which those cars are coming like the guy next to or on that roundabout he went he didn’t get H boss yeah it’s because he accelerated he found a decent sort of Gap and just went for it and went for it

    Yeah but that’s about being able to you know be skillful and being able to actually be quick enough to to take it yeah I’m not saying do that no no no course but when we find the right Gap you got to go quicker you can’t rely on that little bit of acceleration and

    Clutch and second gear get second gear put your foot down what I’m saying put your foot down I mean fully put your down yes you’re not going to go crashing into things okay hope not because we’re not doing it when there’s anything around us one more okay so get your left foot

    Near the biting I’ll there you guys giving away take your time go on take it focus on the road what’s he what’s he doing there you go he’s he’s giving just just go go go just just just just go just go he’s trying to give away but I don’t think

    You have the patience for It Go on no you’re holding the brake so okay move your right foot over and clutch foot up and have a look to the right there we go that’s why we didn’t move off the first time cuz you were holding

    The brake and then as soon as you came off the brake the clutch went too high let’s go straight ahead on this roundabout again okay so Middle Lane so can I leave you in charge of how to move in like the speed Hopey and delaying that gear change yes Okay roundabouts calm down a lot more with the weather as well Look go right up to that point there and kind of turn your nose a little bit look through the windows you can kind of see the gaps of bit um but not enough to make a decision good don’t lift the clutch any higher than that point otherwise you’re

    Going to end up stalling when you do it so it’s right foot then left foot okay yeah heel down stabilize there we go there we go we have a gap after the biker feet ready right foot go on yeah take it nice and confident get that

    Speed more than that go on left lane change gear get to that left lane I was trying to yeah kind of keep going forward was too many started good the entry was nice it was after that it was just after that if we don’t talk about signal right let’s go around one more

    Time and keep that indicator running as you’re going around this time and just kind of loop it now at this point we need to switch to the left so how do we switch mirror signal yeah good nicely done all good yes all good okay I’m not saying anything about

    Your pedal work when we get there to enter but I need you to be quick on that entry like we discussed yes yeah delay the gear change remember remember it’s a middle Lane have a look before you enter by the way I let them go I think I can

    No what about after this black car is he turning in no he wasn’t turning but it’s about the speed at which we can kind of going take the Gap all right feet ready y good and think about that Pickup good and gear change right now and keep as far left as you can at this bit and how do we tell people we’re leaving level I just just just keep going just keep going where did you think we were going I genuinely forgot that we were going straight okay thankfully the road

    Marking does allow for it okay yes but don’t do that we’ve just done we just made a right turn you’re on a 4y road I need you to pick up speed now okay good and then it’s all right not the end of the world cuz round about ah head is going to be

    Clear and we’ll just come back yeah yeah I’m sorry for that it’s okay it’s okay now as soon as we enter we said rightmost Lane right yes once you’re in that lane your lane will start to slowly move outwards okay follow the white line with your left

    Tire okay and that’s going to bring us right back round without you needing to do anything so I just follow the lane into the roundabout so first just go in to the roundabout once you’re there follow the white line to your left and that’s going to keep keep bringing you out

    Okay really nice footwork there let’s go and let’s stop again cuz these traffic light lets about two cars three cars through now you know what the biting point is you don’t need to wait like this you can just kind of wait with it down and then get to this point when it

    Goes out number let’s go I I’ll mention that later yeah so a nice and Quick Lane to the right most you said didn’t you this one rightmost you said yeah change gear now follow the white line on your left tire and just keep with it get the clutch out and just stay in

    This Lane okay do not change lanes and this will take you straight to your exit get ready there we go now this is the third exit in front of us put the clutch down fully as you’re waiting and then get ready when you need to don’t make a

    Habit of waiting on the biting point it ruins the clutch it ruins the clutch’s clutch yeah now look right with that black stay in your lane stay in your lane thank you byebye bye you see what you’re about to do there yeah the mar I started changing lights it’s so easy to

    Just kind of Drive way don’t rush take your time you R in second gear it’s all good there we go nice and quick keeping up with the traffic now that’s it go for that gear change on the straight bits come on with your left hand you can do it there we go

    Done really nice and quickly go for the next gear go straight into four this time straight into four thank you cuz we’re fast enough you go to four yeah you can do gear changes like that just watch your speed now we’re going to do a bit of engine braking leading up to the

    Next roundabout first things first we need to switch into the right hand lane so check top and right and keep it at 40 please signal on keep checking the top mirror can you see he’s speeding up here yeah yeah speed up a bit more keep it nicely at 40

    You’re too slow of course they’re going to want to overtake us yeah and then move over after him but not too close to him though okay all right now we’re going to do a few gear changes downwards we’re going to go three clutch up then two okay so keep

    Your right indicator running but making a right turn put your indicator on now ABD start breaking please keep it on throughout get it into third gear with the clutch keep the brake on third gear clutch up but keep braking drag your foot off the clutch more Brak now second

    Gear quickly have a look at that bus don’t bring the clutch up cuz that bus is coming round now what gear should we go into Don’t Go Over The Line okay all right looking at the gaps beet ready after the learner is there anyone else yes okay Mercedes

    Okay feet ready there’s our Gap now let’s enter and keep right as you enter speed up nice and quickly just like we did earlier good change gear right now otherwise it becomes harder now that’s the second exit so we move left so check left signal left and you

    Want to be in that left lane thank you really get outwards really nicely done and there we are was was better than last time yeah you know when you’re in the roundabout you felt that drag yeah it’s cuz I took my the clutch yeah F just when you’re

    Releasing the clutch it’s just the biting point you need to be slow with not the whole clutch try and position your car in the center of this space cuz this space isn’t wide enough for two anyways yes so even if someone turns up you’re not going to share it you might

    As well go no I’m taking the middle cuz it’s not wide enough for both of us it’s so windy right now was that the wind that’s the wind what at this noise Oh I thought it was that construction or something going on no break for these

    Guys but get away from him to go around him okay thank you now clutch cuz you can feel that chatter can’t you first gear and get yourself right into that corner and have a look before you stop get the clutch ready in the meantime up can we go up no

    Your foot’s on the brake come on get it where it needs to be thank you look yes you can good you got to now start thinking okay can I go and get in that clutch ready rather than having it fully down good come on let’s go nice and quickly and then next

    Gear get to the middle of the clutch and then release slow go on middle of the clutch release slow and release so it won’t drag like that SOA my leg is happening here what speed on this road yeah when you were checking Mir um mirrors to change lane on the Dual

    Carriageway yes you went from 40 down to 32 oh you remember when we were trying to change over behind the vanand yes so even though you’re trying to change lanes your speed needs to be maintained otherwise you’re giving everyone behind you a reason to overtake you let’s have a little chat about that

    As well so every single gear has a minimum speed yeah okay oh even better driving a car riding a bicycle with gears exact same thing yeah okay when you’re in a lower gear gear on a bicycle it’s quite easy to Pedal yeah but you don’t really go very far yeah

    But once you’ve but if you’re if you’re very slow and you go up a gear there’s more resistance isn’t there yes but it’s really difficult to actually get that movement right but once you’re already at that speed and you’re fast and you go up a gear it’s quite easy you can keep

    Pedaling you can yeah same thing here so when you’re driving if you’re in a lower gear you’re using a lot more fuel yes when you switch up a gear your fuel efficiency goes up your power decreases decreases yeah which is why when we’re driving so first gear minimum is five we

    Have to be at five in order to get that pickup yeah after that it’s just acceleration which is just you exerting that energy in yeah then we go into the higher gear second gear the minimum is 10 m per hour that’s wind go on off you

    Go right foot left foot let’s go let’s take it you’re in the right lane put your foot down and get that clutch out you’re too slow with it the gear change timing was fine but we can’t take that long to change gears now go on clutch down change and

    Clutch out in 3 2 1 that’s how efficient you want to be with the gears check the left mirror as you’re going forward no G no signal just come back into the side mirror your signal doesn’t always have to be the indicator by the way your signal is your

    Position your signal is your break your signal is what you’re doing on the road okay yes so when you hear mirror signal maneuver that doesn’t mean you need to indicate you don’t have toate yeah MH all right now we’re talking about minimum speed in the gears right

    Currently which gear we are we in good okay the minimum speed in this gear is around 15 so right now what speed are we at 25 25 we do not need the clutch until you get to 15 of course you can change gears before then but then you’re on the

    Higher bracket of two so the revs will go up yeah okay so just here just break if something happens clutch when you need it okay okay if you’re in fourth gear what do you think the minimum speed is in that gear roughly take a guess 25 20 20 yeah

    I’m not saying go to that speed but you will feel it lagging at that speed feel it when it’s okay but that means if you’re driving on a 40 road you can keep driving in fourth gear until lower than 25 and not need the clutch yeah yes

    Engine brake is when you okay now breake only brake only cuz his car’s just coming in bring it down to 15 now drop it into second gear quickly and clutch out in three 2 1 dragging your foot off the clutch when you’re doing it how’s that it’s better than before yeah the

    Car’s not coasting cuz you’re not holding the clutch down for ages yeah okay then now breaking good and clutch when you need it again sometimes you might even put the clutch down and then realize actually I don’t need it and just back up again just take off as long as your speed is

    Around the minimum of the gear or you kind of bring it up fast enough for that gear it will work you feel that resistance thank you now look we’re in second gear no no leave it leave it leave it we’re in second gear right yeah can you move off

    In second gear from stationary from stationary when you’re moving you can look forward we’re going to do it right foot left foot don’t let go of the clutch until you’re at what speed five it’s second gear oh um 10 10 yeah just like if you were in a bicycle you could

    Move up in a higher gear it’s just harder don’t let go of the clutch until you reach that number otherwise it will conch out agreed yes we’ moved off successfully okay now give me an example okay one second I’m I’m trying to get you to use

    Your brain here wow so I wasn’t using that before no no generally like it’s really it’s really about thinking of this and if you’re riding a bicycle and kind of coming back and forth because it’s ESS it’s a good analy yes yeah so to move off in second gear

    Successfully what speed do you need to be at 20 the minimum the minimum yeah 10 10 so you need to be at least 10 for second gear to survive right yes okay and third is it possible to move off from stationary and third is it possible

    Yes or no yes what speed would you need to be before you can let go of the clutch 15 15 I’m not saying do it but it’s possible oh yes question um we’ll talk about it in a second cuz it’s it’s a complex answer I’m I mean I’m thinking

    About it but I think of something logical just watch this man he’s kind of just you know when you move off first gear yes your tires pick up that rotation fairly quickly don’t they yeah because you only need to get to what speed five but oh my go just seber crossing is

    Like it’s right there just use it oh oh what they all decided to I think they rolled out a carpet that we can’t see literally all right we good to go yeah just scan both sides cuz it’s easy to miss pedestrians behind the pillars she just turned up after us but be careful

    With that always kind of move your head to look behind the windscreen pillars at Crossings okay because they’re blind spots there’s blind spots yes basically when you’re moving off in snow yeah oh my God oh my God first gear it way too windy BR I wouldn’t risk it in case he’s going

    There beet ready going oh my God what do it just go after him and then you go you can really feel the wind even in the car in the car yeah it’s so bad I can guarante when you see someone flying that’s all the old man just being

    Like running across the road I think the wind was pushing him shouldn’t be laughing that’s sad no asn’t he got across the road a lot quicker the road was safe I didn’t mean it like that so to the question that I was asking you just now yes when would

    You need to move off in second gear or a higher higher gear like in snow or something like when you need in snow usually you can’t really move off in a lower gear you need more RPMs to move off so you would need to go in a higher

    Gear to like because you’re going to yeah you’re going to just skid out right yeah you you want to actually get the tires to grip the road surface so we purposely use a higher gear so that the pickup is slower and so you can actually get that traction yeah or if you’re like

    Stuck in mud and things like that never done it but that’s kind of how I think that it would go but yeah um all right right summary of today’s lesson from you please how are you feeling about I feel much better yes I think I do need more

    Practice with it but it was better than before yeah so in terms of your clutch control concern would you say you have a better understanding we way better understand I feel like you picked that up straight away cuz once we kind of had that discussion and had a bit of

    Practice Yeah the whole bicycle analogy yeah I think that help yeah that helped me a lot so as you’re driving try and put that into practice and I know you went all was that good though was it really good stop being so harsh on yourself because I know you’ve had 26 28

    Hours of lessons yeah but you’ve not done it this way and now all of a sudden to do it this way yeah do different yeah way different because you’re used to just driving yeah and all of a sudden you’re moving off slower than you’re used to yeah so that’s why it feels

    Weird but it’s about practice cuz you saw the difference later yeah I did we did a bit of driving which you guys is uh didn’t see but we don’t talk about what happened we not going talk about what happened there but um yeah moving off was a lot better when you actually

    Started using your right foot all the difference in the pickup um roundabouts how are you feeling about roundabouts I feel much better about roundabouts cuz before I had no clue what them at all okay cuz I haven’t practiced on routs at all even after yeah 26 hours been on one roundabout and

    And do you know what it is so many roundabout what yes so it’s that just cuz of where you live like you just don’t yeah it’s because of it’s because of that but it just F I need a new [Laughter] instructor um all right guys

    That’s no you know what it is you just need to keep practicing practice maybe looking for another new instructor might help you I I can’t advise you on that one I’ll let you make your own mind up but when you get into any car you want to be pressing the accelerator otherwise

    How’s the car moving yes if you’re trying to move up your bicycle but you’re not pedling how are you going to get going that’s it that is it guys that is the end of today’s driving lesson hopefully you guys have learned a thing or two along with abdilla over here um

    But if you enjoy watching these videos don’t forget to give the video a thumbs up comment down below subscribe and select that Bell icon so that you get a notification every time that I upload and that is it from us today thank you for watching bye


    1. Well done Abdullah, you're finding your feet! There's a lot going on with those big roundabouts but you get used to it all, good luck with your driving test, come back and let us know how it went.

    2. Seems Aman will have plenty of learners for a mock test this month.😊
      Abdullah and the American girl Erika in near future. 😮

      Harriet’s mock test on Wednesday 17th 🙂

    3. Had a test tomorrow.. cancelled it. Any tips on chronic test anxiety. I've had one test before it went badly and ever since I can't face the idea of doing it again

    4. Those who have passed… are any struggling to find a first car?? Insurance is so much. I think ford ka or vauxhall corsa are the cheapest 54 – 56 reg. Any advice?? ❤❤

    5. Ahh, I failed today with 1 serious 3 minors. Absolutely gutted. I stopped in a yellow box junction while moving straight on as the lights were green and I didn’t check to see if traffic was still progressing. I’m so disappointed in myself.

    6. Abdullah, good smoothed drive. Listen to the instructor, as she explaining how to applied individuals functions! ("Check-Signal-Manuver), all the times when you driving. You will be fine, and your awareness, observation. Being proactive, than reactive.🐻

    7. Aman, thank you for a useful video. Im hoping to start my lessons again this year and ive saved this video to my youtube playlist to come back to. 🥰

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