1. Happened to my family and I in Barcelona. The guy used chocolate. It happened 15 years ago and I still remember the guys face. They stole my mom's purse with cash, a camera with my brother's graduation pictures that had yet to be downloaded and ear rings that belonged to my grandmother who recently passed away. Pretty sure the police were in on it too.

  2. Another one is they have someone dirty up your shoes with sauce or coffee and walk away, and then later have an unassuming stranger come by and offer to clean your shoes but they'll make it sound like it's a tough stain and charge you too much for something you can do yourself

  3. Nearly happened to me in a reverse version they do. Someone pretending to be an American tourist stilled a drink on me, was being super apologetic, so before she could pickpocket me I took her out with a karate chop.

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