August 20 2003. A chance to discover how information gathered from
    Crimewatch appeals is followed up. Interviews with victims and dramatic reconstructions help explain how members of the public have aided the police in cracking some of their toughest cases.

    And if that’s after your bedtime as we always say don’t have nightmares do sleep well good night good Night you’re about to see what happens after crime watch comes off the air from when the calls come in to when the case is cracked this is crime watch solved you’ll see the breakthroughs behind each crime which we couldn’t tell you about at the time but now justice has been

    Done we can show you how the job was done the forensics the covert surveillance how the police deal with trauma how the criminals react to National exposure and above all what a call from you can Do this is the Cross Keys in Redgrave in suffk the couple who ran this place from the summer of 97 it was a dream come true their own idilic little Pub in a picture postcard English Village Marilyn garide bought it with some redundancy money but not long after she and her

    Husband Jim moved in here their marriage started to turn sour the chain of events that followed led to Murder Marilyn and Jim had long had a difficult relationship but at first the pub seemed to bring them together as she’d hoped but we moved into didn’t we and uh I started working here about four years ago as a bar made they were really nice and they really looked after

    Me he was a womanizer he thought he could have any woman he wanted he tried on with most women who came into the pub and just made a fool out of himself been acting like a right all Night you got something to say to me don’t say it in front of the customers the pub was it was dead after that um the trade went down and uh it was a real shame when the regulars stopped coming money got tight and the garides took a

    Lodger there’s just no room for anything I had no idea what I was walking into and we had not gone in there now he he started off being nice thanking me welcoming me thanking me for what I was doing around the the pub and the flat and uh and then he started being

    Rude and started coming on to me and uh started threatening me um he said I was his woman you ain’t here just to clean glasses darling he told her about us on Christmas day he said Lan I want you for love and security it and Truce I want you for

    Sex Marilyn was aware of her husband’s philandering her hopes for the marriage were being crushed Lynn stayed here because she was scared of him and she knew deep down what he would do to her if she did leave he kept repeating I could Sho her like a rabbit real hating his

    Voice eventually Lynn did pluck up the courage to leave and Jim seemed fairly relaxed about it the pub was sold and Lynn went back to ES to live with her son and daughter a few weeks later Jim moved in with another woman Lynn planned a divorce and she agreed to give him

    Half the proceeds from the pub she was much happier since she come back from the pub she was back to her old self and laughing and joking and she was so full of life again knowing that he was out of her life so to speak once back in Essex Marilyn visited

    Her mom every day sorry I’m late mom well it was so nice to have a back to help me and I was coping but I couldn’t do the house work don’t you want your tea oh leave it too later Jim just rank pointing to know where I was oh yeah

    What you WR on that oh I like that can I help you oh l l as I drove down the road it was like something out of a movie scene there were flashing lights everywhere people had lined the streets and I thought oh my God what what was going on and I

    Obviously thought thought the worst at that stage but I don’t suppose anything could have prepared me for for what what the worst was all right yes thank you did you see you did it I saw him but I didn’t see his face no which way did he

    Go well through the gates yeah which way did he go once he come through the gates I didn’t see him then up devastating to see it happen to your own daughter and to hear it happening Jimmy turned up later that evening and he put his head in my n’s lap and it was

    Just this wailing noise going on and I was sitting to the side of him and I was just looking at him and I couldn’t see one tear rolling down his face when I got to losers they told me what did they tell you they told me Lynn was dead she was

    Stabbed that was it there was no signs of uh sympathy or empathy towards uh Marilyn at all or any usual signs of grief I knew right from the beginning he was involved in it from what she told me but I wasn’t allowed to say because it

    Was his say but I knew what had happened in my heart I knew a week after Marilyn’s murder Jim took possession of her car moved into her house in Romford and changed the locks to stop her son returning home Jim just decided to get rid of all my mom’s um possessions all her

    Clothing um just apparently put me into black Sachs and and and threw him out very soon it was apparent that uh Jim was behind the death of his wife there was no other reason that we could fathom out for anyone wanting Marilyn dead other than Jim but Jim had a firm Alibi

    I was out bowling in Kings Lin I got a call from linan he said mom’s been attacked I said I’ll be down straight away to the hospital we told crime watch exactly what we had that we that we suspected that Jim was involved and that we were gathering evidence of his

    Involvement in the case but I still did not know who the killer was so the program was directed to assist me identifying the killer in N usual twist detectives hope to set an elaborate trap for Jim they plan to set up a bogus incident room in Norfolk invite him to watch the program

    There and convince him the net was closing in they hoped he’d panic and make contact with a Hitman but Jim was already getting rattled before crime watch went on air he took a sudden trip to alante as it happens even with without the trick planned by detectives

    The program turned up trumps the crime watch appeal was a great success we had over 30 calls but there was two real uh golden nuggets of information that come in one was from a former wife of uh Jims who we’ve not been able to track down

    And she was able to tell us in great detail the horrendous domestic violence she’d suffered at the hands of Jim and this gave us uh evidence of Jim’s previous violence Behavior towards women but secondly and more importantly a solista the contact D us right my wife

    Um called out to me that the cross keys at Red grave was on the television um and I recalled that I had seen Mrs garide she came to see me and she discussed the fact that she was in an uncomfortable situation it’s unusual for someone to come in and um and and say

    That they feel that they are being threatened with Murder by their by their spouses which she did say there were guns on the property and that she was concerned safety with all this new evidence when Jim flew back from Spain the police were waiting for him we uh were able to keep

    Surveillance on him until we were satisfied where he was living and then we arrested him Jim it’s a police we didn’t charge him at that stage we questioned him and we released him on bow and that again was to try and attempt now that he knew some of the

    Evidence against him whether he would lead us to the Killer in fact it was Jim’s phone calls eventually led to his accomplice the police worked out Jim had three phones and had given one to the killer we were able to track through the mobile phones a succession of calls from Jim to the

    Killer of Marilyn your wife’s killer had the phone you’ve been using the day before she was killed no comment we know that the killer had the phone in the area where Marilyn was murdered and they thought that no one would be able to establish who had this

    Phone however the killer made one fatal mistake and the killer rang home of short call to his home address and through that I was able to establish Richard Bates was the killer of Marilyn garide Richard Bates worked at Fisher a frozen food factory and he had a set of knives for boning

    Meat Richard Bates yeah DC Galpin this is DS prior I’m arresting you on suspicion of murder you do not have to say anything but it may arm your defense if you do not mention when questions some of you later relying in court anything you do say will be given as

    Evidence come with me please so who introduced you to Jim garide Theresa I used to work with Theresa at the factory first time I met Jimmy came to the car park of fishes I thought that’s nice the Mercedes had been stolen and Jim persuaded Richard

    Bates to help him drive it to the cont where it was to be sold it was during that 4-day drive to Greece that the two men plotted murder you can spied with Richard Bates to have your wife murdered no Richard bates’s skin you manipulated him you offered him money to be involved

    In the murder of your wife and there was more compelling evidence to come partial DNA found at the crime scene matched that of Richard Bates the chain of events was now becoming clear a week before Lynn’s murder Richard Bates went to her mom’s house to plan it then on the day he

    Waited outside for her to arrive hello Jim yeah she’s not come I’ve been waiting all afternoon 12:00 you said she’d get here all right I’ll call you back hello all right where are you I’m in Romford shopping for new shoes are you bearing up all right yeah I’m all

    Right yeah look I’m late for Mom I’ll see you tomorrow yeah yeah see you tomorrow sit tight she’s on her way can I help you it’s done in June after a 3-month trial at the Old Bailey Jim garide and Richard Bates were found guilty of murder and sentenced to

    Life Jim garside’s conviction was an unusual case for crime watch because the police already had a prime suspect but in this as in every case once the viewers ring in with information it’s up to the police to do the final leg work and they’re pretty crafty not to say

    Ingenious this is the national police training college or centx of bram’s Hill and this is where they teach the craft if you take surveillance as we saw in the James garide investigation it’s not a matter as you see in the old movies of just tailing someone and hiding behind a

    Bush if he turns around it’s pretty sophisticated stuff there are scientist here statisticians and crime analysts details of thousands of offenses are stored together so when there’s a new one instead of looking at it in isolation they can detect patterns and once they found pattern patterns they can link

    Crimes then there the science everyone’s familiar with nowadays forensics they have their own team of independent scientists but they’ve also got a database of experts in almost everything from fibers to teeth knives to knots even funny walks as in funny peculia not only is the task here serious it’s often deadly

    Serious this is Paul Dean a crime watch viewer gave his name after our reconstruction of a killing but police still had to prove he was the culprit this is CCTV footage of him with a bike walking beside another man James Donson that night he robbed James who died next

    Day give me all your money oh don’t give me now take another look at this CCTV look again and again it showed a man who we’re certain was James Donson and walking alongside him pushing a bike was another man we showed it at one of the briefings uh to

    The inquiry team and one officer in particular said to me boss that guy’s bowlegged um I’ve got to say that the footage was not of good quality and I wasn’t at all convinced at that stage but when we started talking to people who knew Paul Dean um it became readily

    Apparent that he had an unusual gate and that he had pronounced bowleggedness humberside police contacted a foot specialist Hayden Kelly When most was walked down the street we don’t really give great consideration to how people are walking because we all assume that we’re walking the same but that’s not strictly true person’s

    Walking style is unique to them more so than a than a fingerprint when first examining the tape it doesn’t appear to be anything unusual other than perhaps the tape is not the best quality and perhaps the person on the right hand side of the bicycle is walking in a

    Slightly strange manner here we have a split screen showing the CCTV footage on the left hand side and and the same view of Paul Dean on some other video footage on the right hand side initially when you’re viewing this it may not be immediately apparent as to

    What the similarities are but when we slow it down and we PR frame the exact same phase of the walking cycle on both we can clearly see the magnitude of the bowleggedness a jury accepted the podiatrist evidence it helped put Paul Dean at the scene of the crime and he’s

    Now serving 9 years for manslaughter and a half to go one flight to jump just Beth and M and the two f for the lead there moali now drawing clear by go score living the High Life takes money lots of money and this is the story of

    One woman who insisted on living the High Life even though she couldn’t afford it her name is LIN Wright and she blew thousands of pounds on horses cars champagne jewelry money that belonged to her friends but extravagance as Lynn found out always comes at a price 20 on the nose please

    You cheers when you think of your pension what you get it’s nothing is it so when I went to work I used to put money in the bank for when we were retired so we’d have a little bit of money and that was it now she’s got

    2,000 of it all she knew it was money that I put but put away that it was mine My Little Secret my little Nest deck she knew that why did she do it to me I don’t think I’ll ever get an answer the answer

    I want from her cuz I think that if she did tell me she’d lie because she’s lied before ly was a wealthy man’s daughter he owned a local scrap dealers business when her father died she was left a considerable amount of money she then lived the lifestyle of the Rich and

    Famous I’ve been told that she hired a private plane would think nothing of jetting off to a horse racing meeting with some friends and she’ pay for it Lynn used a personalized plate but she never paid for it because she’d soon spent all her inheritance she and her

    Husband were declared bankrupt but Lynn came up with a scam to get more money the interest rates are staying the same I told you that didn’t I she has got no professional qualifications in the investment field whatsoever but she was very uh persuasive and people believed in her her father had a

    Knowledge of the stock market and that’s where I think she got her Knowledge from it was Lynn’s GP who first complained to the police Lynn had persuaded him to give her 5,000 to put on the Amsterdam Market he knew her well but now he suspected he’d been conned he

    Explained how Lynn had asked that his wife should pay for the investment in cash I love you’re right got then 5 grand yeah great let’s get it out do a big favor there’ll be a lot more than that bad see you later on one occasion the

    Doctor told me that he was on the telephone talking to Mrs Right and she told him that she was in Chesterfield where are you oh oh well I’m away in Chesterfield with Jack he says your Shares are on the do you know when I’m going to get my share certificates I

    Don’t really have the details at the moment with me when I I get back I’ll give you a call but he drove past her in the street in rexon once the GP had been made a complaint other members of the public heard about what was going on and came

    To the police station and made further complaints I don’t know much about Lyn herself but I knew her father very well we went to a funeral and the week afterwards she just started eventually in the conversation saying that she was doing shares and she was really enjoying

    It it’s brilliant is that Mak so much money I said very nice people who’s got money they can do it so she do you don’t have to have a lot couple of weeks after she rung up I went and had a coffee at Lynn’s house she started on again about the shares if

    You know what you’re doing you can make quite a lot of money and I said well you know I can’t afford to lose the money that I’ve got so she said oh you you know if it doesn’t work out if they don’t shares go look you know go down

    That she would pay me out of her money hi you’re right could I have a glass of wine please thanks you got to now obviously the longer you invest the money the better return you’ll get all right she gave me a receipt I made a

    Sign a piece of paper that she’d had my money and that was it I just seem to be waiting in for her for nearly 12 months to bring the man hold on a second it’s Jack he says your money’s on its way can I speak to him hello no he’s

    Gone maybe I’m naive but I just didn’t think people did that to a friend I’ve known her for 19 years from when the children were little that’s how I got to know her and we’ve been friends since then I was grateful because she was a good friend to Carol

    When Carol really needed it when she was on her own hi Carol been looking for you get in the car I bought the drink which when I think about it now you know what I thought it was really comical I if I can make some money for your mom

    I mean that would be great why don’t you give her a call see she wants to invest it hi Irene Soha honestly you’ve known me all these years you know you won’t lose your money if I can do you favor I will do it for you because she said

    Carol’s such a good friend I can guarantee you two grand back I never saw her again it was only through phone calls she was phoning up and saying I’ll have the money for you Cal can you hear me it’s Lynn yeah I’m away I’m away with Jack on

    Holiday at the moment as soon as I get back I I’ll come around with the money and I put it in a carrier bag for your love I used to stay in but she never she never came she never turned up all right love look can you hear me can you Carol

    Carol I can’t hear you how can a friend of 20 20 years do that to you I mean I don’t know of a closer friendship that two people had as Lynn and Carol Mrs Right was due to ATT 10 court facing a number of serious deception charges she

    Failed to turn up at court and that the magistrates is should a warrant for her arrest but Lynn had vanished from rexam so the case was brought to crime watch in fact Lynn was hiding out at a caravan Park in wampton and someone who knew she’d been on the program decided to

    Call the police Lin Wright served 8 months of a 20mon sentence none of at least £50,000 she conned from Friends has ever been recovered invariably it’s the people who can least afford to lose money who end up on the receiving end of criminals like Lyn Wright or Joseph casser he made

    A career out of ripping off the elderly with a lottery scam until you helped put him in prison I think the worst thing about this particular crime is praying on elderly and vulnerable people your Ms and your granny’s and you can’t get much lower than that but he didn’t work

    Sorry he would phone up pretending to be the nephew or grandson hello IO man is that you Brian yeah of course it is sorry I haven’t run for a long time listen then I got some news I don’t know if I should tell you oh I’m going to tell you you’re

    Sitting down what is it I’ve won the lottery 2 million quid I’m up at the lottery office I’m so full of champagne I mean know it don’t sound like me but it certainly is and from then on he would bring off phone back again hi n Brian again oh hello Brian

    Love listen then I’ve done something really stupid I’ve left my cards at home I can’t believe it I wanted to get Dad something I’ll see if I can get someone here to lend me some hello he planned it well he he just um didn’t pick on any old crime he put a

    Lot of thought in this and carried it out uh with a a very successful rate hello hi Nan it’s me again Brian oh hello Brian love how you getting on I’ve got someone to let me 150 quid but I don’t want to go all the way back to the

    Lottery office can you borrow me any to pay him back I’ll send a cab for it I don’t know about that Brian I could let you have 80 it’s all I’ve got left to M pension it’s not enough Nan I need a bit more than that I could give you 20 from the

    Rent all right I’ll have to do and he tell them to put it in an envelope and we’ll send a mini cab down to pick it up and the mini cab driver would turn up pick up the envelope and then uh take it down to the East

    End if you’re a mini cab driver in East London when we phone crime watch um I wasn’t sure what I was going to get I mean really I wanted to warn these L people that uh this sort of com was taking place and I wasn’t expecting

    Somebody to phone in and give me a name and that name was Joseph casser and also I was surprised just the amount of calls that came of and showed that how many people had been conned in the same way and were too scared or too traumatized or too embarrassed to report these

    Crimes we got a search warant and and went down to cass’s address with other officers we forced the door [Applause] please and on the first floor we found casser in bed he was arrested and then we searched his address after his arrest up to the time

    He was at court we never had one more reported crime of this sort so I knew we had our man he never admitted his involvement in this crime at all the evidence was overwhelming I never believed him the jury never believed him and he was sentenced to 5 years

    Imprisonment crime watch tells it like it is there’s a lot of crime and it causes a huge amount of grief but there’s one positive thing you should be aware of crime is falling and it has been for many years now if that sounds like government propaganda the dropping crime started under the conservatives

    And it’s been more or less consistent for a decade if Prime is really falling how is it that almost nobody believes it the reason is the spin put on the figures by journalists who are looking to make headlines take murder over the last year it seemed to rise alarmingly in fact for

    The first time since records began they’ve counted over a thousand homicides but that’s largely because of the activities of the GP Harold Shipman 172 murders that took place over many years have all been lumped together in the latest figures we’re told in the papers that violent crime is rising

    Alarmingly but that’s largely because of a change in the counting rules for the first time in the latest figures police have been required to record every assault that’s reported to them even where no one’s been hurt it’s not all good news detection rates are still hovering at only about

    25% but car crime is down burglar is down street robberies that’s muggings are down all the most common crimes are down but of course none of this is the slightest consolation if you’re one of the victims and in serious crime that often just means being in the wrong

    Place at the wrong time which is precisely what happened in our next case on crime which solved in Liverpool put me in an ambulance and took me to Wern hospital I me Dad and me girlfriend was waiting there this is we don’t usually go down that

    End of town we usually go for the other end of town but just for the change though we go that way what are you laughing at not you have you got a problem No just turn around don’t forget it things were getting heated and the waiter intervened and asked all for to pay and leave oh come on let’s get out of here we just getting fed up with arguing with him so we just decides to get off thought it was nothing to worry about

    Like but the man at the next table had other ideas and used his phone to summon reinforcements they running towards us I felt like a bang on me hand there was only when I pulled me hand I realized what had happened report of disturbance white CH yeah report of a male having his

    Take it was obviously a serious matter it was unusual and one of the things was that um it wasn’t drug dealers it wasn’t so-called gangsters the victim Mark in this case was a reasonable uh lad who’d been to work that day he’d gone for a couple of points with his friend and

    Then decided to go for a meal in the restaurant four months passed and we still have not traced uh the email any of the attackers or in fact the vehicle um and we went and approached crime watch The Press strategy was to appeal for the female to come forward I felt

    She would be known and she would be the weakest link in terms of she was not involved in the attack itself we got certainly two very significant calls which mention the female as being Melanie and more importantly mentioned that her boyfriend Danny Gilmore was actually serving in the Army right

    That’s brilliant boss the tip offs were Anonymous but the information was so good that merys side police went round to search melan’s home yeah what do you want I’m DC Wilson this is DS Davis got a warrant to search the premises may we come in when they actually started searching

    Their bedroom a significant piece of evidence was found in our own personal diary and showing on the 5th of November was an entry to say that she’d been for a meal she was with Dany and also the word fight the other signific piece of evidence was photographs the photos showed Melanie

    Her boyfriend Danny and his friend Shawn Campbell Shawn turned out to be the man with the sword Danny Gilmore first though police contacted the Army and found he was at a barracks in Canterbury in fact he was on remand to be Court marshal for vehicle offenses detectives

    Set off to see him okay thanks for letting me Know isn’t Gilmore on court Marshal you’re joking we’ll have to turn around what is that he got out we believe he’d been tipped off of our imminent arrival by friendor Associates up here in Liverpool Melanie uh was the girlfriend of Danny Gilmore and she had um a conflict of interest so she was

    Arrested to give her side of the story she gave an account that she was in the restaurant and that she was with Danny and also that a phone call had been made to a man uh who she knows as Cambo which was actually Danny’s mate that’s a That there they are what if you turn I ran after one of the lads with the BS we never got him Sean Campbell had never come to the police notice prior to this incident he was only 18 years of age he denied from the outset ever being involved in the

    Attack don’t I know what you’re talking about mate Melanie was now a valuable witness for us and we needed to take a full statement from her the concern was raised by a couple of the officers that Danny now at large May made contact with and therefore would disrupt the evidence

    Gathering that we were hoping to achieve so officers were sent out to a place of work to actually collect her to start taking a statement from her unfortunately when she came out she got into a car before the officers could see her and drove off Melanie was actually

    On her way to meet Danny Gilmore police followed her anything Gilmore and the suspicion the wounded on the 5th of November 2001 on the 16th of May at Liverpool Crown Court Shan Campbell received 8 years youth custody which will be a prison sentence when he is 21 and Daniel

    Gilmore received 21 months for an offensive AR Fray but with other matters including failed to appear at court 30 months in all this is Mark 23 Sal tonight TW with a sword Mark has made a as best he can he has use of his right hand not full

    100% use he still has difficulty with his thumb and his one of his fingers and he will need future operations but he went back to work in January and I think the biggest satisfaction is that now Mark can put this behind him of course it’s not just the reconstructions that get results over

    The the years we’ve shown hundreds of faces that have had thousands of viewers reaching for the phones and often there are really big Stories Behind these pictures here’s a case we featured last month it started in a pub in Lincoln where an 8-year-old boy is watching this man playing with slot [Applause] machines

    What are you doing just trying to win some money can I play and if I win can I keep it you’re not allowed but I’ll give you some money if you come to the toilet with me you what what do you want mean there for I’ll show you

    Come on I’m not going to hurt you just come with me follow me go In do you want to do it for5 what do you want no just let me go Mom Mom there there’s a m took me anything but it may harm your defense if you do not mention when question something which you later align and cour anything you do

    Say may evidence there get off you’re hurting me get off you’re making them a big mistake look my wife’s there I’ll be right love I’ll be right don’t worry he had identification on him in the name of Kirk Williamson he had no previous convictions that we knew to at

    That time um and we had no reason to disbelieve that he was who he said he was so you’re sticking to your account absolutely absolutely so you’ve not said to this 8-year-old lad do you want to have sex in the toilets for5 honestly I’m being truthful here I’m completely

    And utterly heterosexual I’ve got kids of my own there’s no way I would ask anybody for sex or even pay for it especially with a male Kirk Williamson was bailed because we hadn’t got the victims version of events on video which is what we needed due to

    His age um and he was bail for two weeks to come back to the police station Kirk Williamson had been in skegness with his family on holiday but promised to return as part of his bail conditions when he failed to turn up they checked on his home address in Kent

    Good afternoon may speak to Mark spearpoint please speaking hi this is DC Dawn shoveler from Lincoln sh police I’m ringing to ask if you can help me trace a bale noow who’s given us an address in Deal Kent it’s Mr Kirk Williamson we’ve just interviewed and

    Bailed A David brigh using the name of Kirk Williamson for credit card fraud fraud well we’re after him for an indecent assault on a minor Kent’s police had also let him out on bail but now went round to his home address it was in empty but his land

    Lady had given them a key I check upstairs with you Steve yeah hold up it became clear that he had done a runner he had taken his family and all his belongings I found a photograph of him and his family and fortunately an old bank statement which had DC brigh written on

    It I made inquiries with the bank into DC brigh and the information that came back was that of a David Charles brigh and a date of birth with that information I then researched the police national computer again and bang a presto we had the details we wanted it opened up a

    Whole new side to Mr David brigh you’ll see that his real date of birth is the 29th of July 1965 bloody hell I was a bit horrified really at the thought of what on Earth has this gentleman done before You’ realize you’d been duped by cever man

    And you were on to him another traveler also somewhat confused about his name David Charles brigh Kirk Williamson David Hall or well maybe now it’s something else whatever you know him man colleagues in Lincolnshire want to speak to him about deception and indecency offenses he may be living with a woman

    And her two children so it’s urgent we find him now take a look at God it was a normal evening really watch K much we always watch K much I don’t normally like to watch it on my own and his picture came on and I just I was really

    Stunned and I thought can that really be the man that I was with you know the previous weekend at a birthday party and I thought my children were there and other children were there that I knew and I felt sick that something could have happened to them within minutes of the calls to

    Crime watch the search moved from Kent to Sussex just after midnight police arrived at an address in Hastings why are you banging on my door what’s going on what’s your name my I’m Simon and could you open the door and show us some identification please yeah come

    In I’m have a few bit in the kitchen I’ve got a few papers in the drawer here what about this it’s got details of my wife and it okay um yeah that’s okay but have you got something with your photograph on it yeah something else David brigh yeah Mr David brigh I

    Am arresting you for failure to appear for bail in Lincolnshire for indecent assault you do not have to say anything but it may harm your defense if you do not mention when questioned something which you may later in and no comment he then went into the toilets and you allegedly grabbed him

    Pulled him into the cubicle and locked the door do you remember that no comment you then said to him will you let me do it with you for5 do you recall saying that no comment the boy then got upset and again you said to him will you let me do it with you

    For5 no comment as a result of people ringing in from crime watch David received u a much higher sentence he would have received possibly 5 years for my offense and possibly 5 to seven years for DC spear points offense but as a result of some more victims coming forward as a result

    Of crime watch he received life imprisonment I think it’s definitely been worth coming forward I’m glad I did I never did it for a Revenge point of view my motivation was to put him in a place where he couldn’t be hurting other children I think David targeted me probably because I was already

    Vulnerable actually and I think I was probably an easy target some have some beer not going to kill you he never forced it he never forced me he used things um to make me do things and would use guilt against me but he did it in such a clever way that

    I never really disliked him the strange thing was I still wanted to keep the contact going although I didn’t want anything to do with um the physical things that had happened I actually still wanted his friendship David brgh is just one of many sex offenders who’ve been convicted

    This year thanks to caus to crime watch in fact over the last eight months alone he and 10 other sex offenders have received a total of 179 years and 17 life sentences and that’s all as a direct result of viewers responding to appeals but if a suspect doesn’t plead

    Guilty the victim want to appear in court and that can mean reliving years of abuse but three women did give evidence against the two men who raped them both cases were featured on crime watch and both men ended up in the dock because of cause from viewers thing I was most worried about

    Was how it be treated by people in the court by his barister how it re react on me um things like that really that was really worrying me whether I’d have the guts to go through with it my name was there she was there to

    Support me I felt hard for her because I wasn’t sure how she was going to cook with it like having to listen to what her granddaughter had been through and stuff I had to everything from every Last Detail that was the worst thing having to face him and go through

    Everything again and in front of him on the night happened I was walking to a friend’s house and he pulled up I carried on walking by and he flagged me over I walked over and I was talking to him through his through the passenger window trying to find the garage on fish

    PS any ideas just go straight up and he was talking to me as if he knew my family and I thought that he was a friend of my mom’s how’s your mom my she had a little baby how how do you know that H I’ve known you M for

    Yours I tell you what when you get in show me to the garage and uh I’ll give you a lift to your friends he got her into the car by coner if you like tricking her it’s one of a better word um he approached her and he said that he

    Knew her mom um she felt safe with that um and so she got into a car look you’ve just comeone past the garage inside the attack was a serious sexual assault one of the worst kind it was uh that’s a rape um during the rape she sustained a fractured humorous and broken collar

    Bone she was examined by a police doctor and certain swabs were taken from her those swabs were analyzed and it was then that DNA was found on some of those samples those samples were put in our database and the name of Martin Williams Came Upon the database

    We had his mobile telephone number we thought we’d ring him up which we did um he was extremely angry a frustrated man yep we asked him to hand himself into the place he didn’t and I thought what an ideal opportunity to put up the crime watch and use the public to locate

    Martin Williams for us and have you seen this man he’s Martin Williams and he’s wanted in connection with the abduction and rape of an 18-year-old girl in Bristol Williams is a lorry driver and we’re fairly confident he’s been traveling around somewhere in the country in a white Renault Arctic just the tractor

    Unit its registration number is p 834 rwr we had one phone call telling us that he was in a certain Street in a stap Hill area uh by the time the police actually arrived at that street um all was there was his Lori Martin Williams

    Was on his toes U but we took his Lor from him instead oh clear one day we had numerous phone calls saying it was at a bed and breakfast uh we deployed plane cloth officers to watch the addess um they saw him leave the address getting his clothes officers that had followed

    Him all they needed was one last positive ID before an arrest could be made and it was then they called the strike strike strike strike the assistants of our uniform colleagues he was arrested at ano Garage in the a fa Martin Williams my name is Colin I think

    You’re Martin Williams I’m arresting you on suspicion of abduction and rape okay you don’t have to say anything but it may harm me defense if you don’t mention my question something with you later on in court do you understand that when I saw him I I can’t even

    Explain my reaction it was like he was that but he was just staring at me all smug and like he was like happy with what he did and just felt disgusted with him why did you consent to getting into the car with him when um his barister

    Got up and spoke it was for ages and he was asking the same questions over and over again just in a different way and some of the words he were saying I didn’t understand I didn’t understand the question and I was all in the state

    As it was anyway and what made you enter that vehicle of your own free will I didn’t think I did very well but apparently I did she was a star she uh sat through the trial um she was patient beforehand she she turned up at court and she gave

    The evidence she told the truth of what happened that day Martin Williams was found guilty in sentenced to 15 years in prison the woman who gave evidence showed amazing courage and so did two other rape victims they helped convict Glen Kenyan whose photo was shown on crime watch and

    Who abused and terrorized them for 15 years is people first found out anything was happening when some kids off the estate found some black bags in the back Garden the bags mistakenly thrown away contained documentary evidence of the grotesque secret life of two abused young girls it was constant sexual and

    Physical abuse throughout childhood growing up into late teenage the police became involved and we moved away and Glenn disappeared I was worried that maybe he gone and hooked himself up with another family and you know was starting all over again with somebody else’s children all avenues of police

    Investigation to trace Kenyon had drawn a blank the only alternative that I could see was an appeal on crime watch these men are all wanted for serious sex offenses against children Glenn Kenyan could be doing stonemasonry or casual building work we received a phone call from a viewer in Blackpool a Mr Neil

    Walls who knew where Kenyan was I knew of him because he lived in the same property where I used to live lived upstairs in one of the bed seats I’ve always thought what would I do if I’d seen somebody that I know and obviously I did and I found up somebody

    Came from Black Pearl police station he just happened to be out they asked me where he worked told him that he was as far as I knew he worked on a market Bonny Street Market in Black Glen Kenyon I’m arresting you on suspicion of rape and assault it was

    Really amazing I just remember I was at work and I got a phone call saying he’d been arrested and I just bounced all around where I was working it was really it was really good to hear that i”d been arrested eventually well he pleaded not guilty to everything and it was

    Expected knew he would because he always said he would it just meant that I was going to have to go to court I did think about Not Giving evidence I said quite a few times I’m not going but at the end of the day when

    It got when it came to it I just looked at it as though it was something I had to do the girls had to discre every offense that was committed by Kenyan in open court and it took a great deal of Courage for them to be able to stand before a jury barristers

    Solicitors and the defendant he’d always been powerful and it was like reversed now you know he was pathetic little man sitting in the corner and I was the one everyone was listening to because of the strength of the girl’s testimony the Judgment was over overwhelming and Kenyan was given 16 life

    Sentences it was just amazing to hear so many sentences could be handed down at one time on one person and that these people I’ve never met in my life had believed everything i’ said physically I’ve got scars but they go away you can hide them they go away don’t have to

    Think you know don’t have to see them all the time but it’s not it’s not bad it’s not too bad and the story did didn’t end there Glen Kenyan got a further life sentence after his DNA was matched to an attempted murder on another woman but this program does end here there were

    Many more cases which caused a crime which have helped solve but too many for us to include in one program but join us next month to help solve Some Mo K much is back fact next month on Wednesday September the 24th till then don’t have nightmares do sleep well good night good night N


    1. Until this episode here are the "missing from YouTube" Crimewatch UK episodes
      Thu December 10 1992
      Thu October 11 2001 (the last 38 minutes has been uploaded we now just need to find the first 20 minutes of this episode)
      Wed March 6 2002
      Thu June 26 2003

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