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    E e spe e spe e for Come let us worship our King come let us bow at his feet he great see what our saor done see how his love overcomes he has done great things he has done great oh Hero Of Heaven you conquered the grave you free every captive break chain oh God you have done great things

    We dance in your freedom awake and theive oh Jesus our savior your name LIF in high oh God you have done great things you’ve been faithful through every sto you’ll be faithful For you have done great and I know that you’ll do it again for your promisees yes Sunday man you will do great and great oh here of Heaven you conquer the grave you free every captive I break every chain oh God you have done great things we dance in your freedom awake

    And the life Jesus our savior your name lifted high oh you have done Great hallelu God above it all hallelu God unshakable hallelu you have done great things Hallelujah God above it all Hallelujah God unshakeable Hallelujah you I’ve done great things done great things oh Hero Of Heaven you conquered the grave free every captive and break every chain oh God you have done great

    Things we dashed your freedom awaken the life oh Jesus our savior your name lifted high oh God you have done Great hallelu God hallelu God and Sh Hallelujah you have done great things Hallelujah God above it all oh Hallelujah God unshakable hallelujah you have done great things you’ve done great things Lord Hero Of Heaven you coner the grave free every captive and break every chain oh God you have done great things

    Amen amen God you have done and you are doing and will do great things woooo I’m Leslie I’m Tony we’d like to welcome you here this morning to Christian Life Church and you know we come here today to worship God our heavenly father but also to represent the body of Christ

    Here in hered and as soon as we mention the name Jesus or Christ you know what the holy spirit is like whoa I’m going to go there because that’s the Holy Spirit sent to help us and we’re starting our series of healthy living today and just looking at what the world

    Says about singing because we start off with our worship and it says increases our lung capacity it helps our breathing it gives us a sense of community and a sense of confidence now that’s just what they say about singing when when we come into God’s presence and we bring him our worship it

    Adds a whole spiritual Dimension to it and it enlarges our vision and love for God if you think about those words we’ve just been singing It’s like wow God you have done great things it helps us remember His blessings it enlists God’s protection so just coming here today and singing and

    Saying God how much we love him and how good he is that enlists his protection ction and on top of that it breaks chains opens doors and it just brings us into a whole level of life that is healthy living you had something you wanted to say yeah I

    Just struck yesterday any you watch Michael McIntyre did you watch last night did you see that guy who has cble proy ohing tears to your eyes but what was wonderful was the fact that as Leslie was saying it was when he was singing that he said I feel

    Free when he was singing he felt free well that’s just singing imagine when you’re singing to the god of the universe amen imagine when you’re singing worship to the one who made you and made all things imagine you’re singing to the person that can do and change all

    Situations does that bring freedom amen is that going to bring freedom yeah amen so let’s stand let’s stand right now continue our worship amen but let’s as I think as Mick I can’t remember exactly what Mick said earlier on the prayer he said something like you let’s let’s

    Worship like it don’t matter or like children yeah just whatever just yeah no inhibitions that was the word you used no inhibitions Breaking Chains let’s just yeah and see those chains break amen let’s see Miracles even during worship amen cuz we’re declaring the truth yeah amen father we just come

    Right now we thank you that we have a God that we can worship who sets us free a God that breaks chains a God that changes situations and Lord right now whatever situation we’re in what we’ve come through however we come through this door Lord we know that as we meet

    With you we can go out changed and so father we want to give you everything we have this morning want to give you all our heart our praise our worship to you in Jesus name amen let’s worship your name the mountain shake and crumble at your Name the oans Roar and tble your name angels will bow the Earth will rejo your people cry out Lord of all the Earth Will shout your name shout your name filling up the skies with endless praise endless praise we love to shout your name oh Lord at your name the morning breaks in

    Glory at your name creation sings Your Story at your name angels will bow the Earth Will Rejoice your people cry out Lord of shout your name shout your name filling on disguise with endless praise endless praise yah away we love to shout your name oh Lord

    Lord of all the Earth Will shout your name shout your nameing up disg endless praise endless praise yah y we love to sh name oh Lord there is no one like our God we will praise you praise you no one like our God we will sing

    We will sing there is no one like our God we will praise you praise you no one like our God we will sing God of all the Earth Will shout your name shout your name filling up the with endless praise endless praise away we love to shout your name oh Lord

    Lord the ho Earth Will shout your name shout your name filling up the with endless praise praise yah we love to shout your name oh Lord there is no one like our God we will praise you praise you no one like our God we will sing We will sing there is no

    One like a God we will praise you praise you no one like our God we will sing of all the Earth shout your name shout your name filling up the with endless praise endless praise we love to shout your name oh Lord this business of shouting the lord’s name is um it’s counter British you know but but we’re not in that sort of mindset or at least we shouldn’t be because we’re praising God all right so shouting out actually and shouting in singing um actually brings out a whole new release

    Of blessing really I think so you know when I do sing that I do try to shout sing and I don’t apologize for that sorry about that but there we go anyway I just apologized didn’t I terrible yeah yeah stop it stop it Hallelujah Lord I Love You Lord oh my Mercy never fails Me Oh my days I’ve been held in your hand from the moment that I wake up until I lay my hand I will sing of the goodness of God oh my life you have been faithful all my life you have been so so good but every breath that I am a I will sing all the goodness of God love your voice you have led me through the fire the darkest You Are CL like no other known you as a

    Father I’ve known you as a friend I have Liv in the goodness of God all my life you have been faithful all my life you have been so so good with every breath that I am I will sing in the good God your goodness is running out is running after

    Me your goodness is running after there is running after me my life lay down Surrender you everything your goodness is running out is running out yeah your goodness is running out is running after me your goodness is running after is running after me my life lay down surrender now you everything your goodness is running out there is r oh my

    Life oh my life you have been so so good with every breath that I am a I will sing the goodness God I will sing of the goodness Sing of Your goodness I will sing of the goodness Of When theic all Stripped Away and I simply come just to bre something that’s a wor that will bless your heart I’ll bring you more a s for a s in itself is not what you have required you search much deeper within through the ways we you’re looking into my

    Heart I’m coming back to the Heart of Worship and it’s all about you it’s all about you Jesus I’m sorry Lord for the I made it when it’s all all about you it’s all about you Jesus king of endless world no one could express how much you Did we can pour all I have is yours every single bre I’ll bring you more than a song for a song in itself is not what you have required you search much deeper with through the way things I am looking into heart I’m coming back to to Your Heart Lord It’s All About

    It’s all about you it’s all about about you Jesus I’m sorry Lord for the thing I made and it’s all about you all about you J I’m coming back to you Heart of Worship and it’s all about you it’s all about you Jesus I’m sorry when it’s all about

    You it’s all about you Jesus It’s All About You Lord my savior Jesus It’s All About You Lord my am all and you are wonderful Lord Holy praise you father I’m coming back to the Heart of Worship when it’s all about you it’s all about you Jesus I’m sorry Lord for the made it when it’s all about you it’s all about you Jesus amen amen Jesus it’s all about you I was I really believe that during that time of worship

    That chains were loosened and prisms were opened that God spoke into your heart or reached into your heart because he so loves it when his children just come together and say Daddy I love you you are amazing we are grandparents we are parents we were parents first um and

    It’s just so lovely when you just have that tight hug from God God and that’s what he’s wanting with his people and I have to say there are three little ones over here not so little you were amazing I was so impressed and there was just a real

    Sense of Peace here this morning in the worship and it was lovely so thank you to all ages um wow we had a great time last week with all sights together we have a chance of being together again tonight um not just with all our sites but with the other churches in Herford

    And that’s kicking off at the Cathedral tonight at 7:00 City praise okay so try and make it to that it’s a lovely time it’s for about an hour and a half or so sharing the word sharing worship together um there’s a 24-hour prayer coming up on Saturday the 10th of

    February that will involve all Sites more news to follow but a real time to to dig in to some of those promises that God gave us last week about CLC um with smoke coming and there’s no smoke without fire so we have to you know let us burn

    We want that fire praise is partly the start of it wow ignite us amen um children are going out now engage is going out um crash is in the first room that’s for the under threes as you go down the corridor on the right children of primary age up the stairs

    And through into the Through The Red Doors I think it’s red these days and then engages on the balcony and it’s also a time that you can put in your offering if you do it electronically or we have boxes on the walls for your tithe and offering our finances belong to God and

    It’s also our way of worshiping him and seeing his purposes and plans come to fruition as well anything else did I forget do I need to remember Tony think we’ve done it woo woo woo short and sweet hopefully thank you to the worship team they were beautiful

    Songs those are truths about God I’m going to ask Tim to join us now as he’s coming to share the word of God woo woo woo let’s give him a really big welcome and because he’s got back from Brazil safely and we’re praying that dree gets back as well well soon just

    Pray with you father I just thank you for Tim father I thank you that he is a man of God and that father he wants to see your plans and purposes come to fruition and father I just pray Lord you continue to anoint him that Lord the

    Word that he shares goes into our body soul and Spirits deeply in the name of Jesus amen amen great to be here everybody as lesie said my name’s Tim one of the leaders here at Christian Life Church I’d like to welcome you all uh again you’ve been welcome but UHD like to add

    My welcome and online if you’re watching online welcome it’s great to have you with us uh we’re we’re doing some changes to our online to try to make it a bit better so uh that’s quite Technical and don’t know what’s going on but if if it’s a if it’s a bit dodgy

    We’re working on it and we’re going to make it better so that’s uh hopefully we’ll improve our online offering um just just want to say before I get into what I prepared is that you know that last song’s beautiful song uh it says worship is not just about the

    Singing wor our worship to God is much more than our singing and uh and you know when we come to God he wants us to come as we are um in other words if we’re if we’re feeling Cross or angry we don’t need to hide that from God because

    We don’t think that’s holy enough God’s big God he’s big enough to take all our emotions even if we feel a negative so when we come to God we need to come with honesty yeah we need to tell him if even if we’re cross with God we can say God

    I’m cross with you I’m angry with you the Psalms you read the Psalms the psalm is in the B book in the Bible of a list of it’s like the song book in the Bible and sometimes David David who writes lots of he’s crossed with God and he

    Sends it out in the end he gets around to kind of understanding what God is that God is is in control we don’t need to be crossed but you know in our in our worship to God we need to be honest and bring our hearts and I just felt you

    Know if you feel you’re not worshiping like you should be worshiping no it’s not the case you worship as you are speak to God honestly amen just want to also say um a couple of things that uh we meet together as a church on a Sunday yeah and it’s great

    To be together but so much happens uh throughout the week uh and too much to say and the life of this church happens throughout the week in homes in other situations and just came to light uh my mind uh this week because I came across it is uh firstly just to highlight and

    Remind some of you some of the things that are going on uh yesterday I was in I was doing shopping in the central town and I’d forgotten um was a reminder because I jump bumped into a group that were out on the streets Prett preaching the gospel through a microphone and and

    Onetoone on the street and praying for people where Dan Tracy here so um they were there with h James and Sarah and a few others just talking to people on the street about the love of God and praying with people and uh and it was freezing

    Cold so well done for doing that in the freezing cold but they yeah they’re out regularly this is this is this as much church as this on a Sunday and uh um if you think i’ I’d quite like to get out and you don’t need to preach on the microphone but if you

    Just want to get out and pray with people in the street chat to them about God then speak to Dan and Tracy there there they are at the back if that’s your thing if it’s not your thing but you think maybe I’ll have a go have a go

    If it’s not your thing then you know do something else also um every night uh from throughout the winter um with feeding the homeless uh those that unfortunately not have a house at the moment and Steve Vicki are heading that up uh so just stand up just just wave

    Wave and there’s a reason I want you to to wave I’ll tell you later that um so every night meals are being provided and taken to uh it’s not hope City Church now it’s uh City Church Harford along uh Union walk and meals are coming from uh

    Various sources to be uh given out to the homelesses so on a Monday I think it’s Amar Amar well done Amar she cooks and Tex and a team but andry is heading that up on a Monday with a team that take that and various restaurants uh taking

    Food to uh to be served there uh so I was there on Wednesday Mo’s always there as well St yeah and it’s a great job that it’s the not just uh but churches in haran and other organizations that are involved it’s great to be working with the council while the winter night shelter

    Goes but um uh they would they would like some more volunteers to help serving food and chatting to the guests who were in difficult situation at the moment so if you would think you could help in any way then have over with Steve and Vicki afterwards it’s it’s a

    Great I went there on Wednesday uh um great food and a great great able to serve people in the city so there’s lots goes on in the church that that’s beyond what happens on a Sunday but back to Sunday um first we want to say happy new

    Year is it too late to say happy New Year no no how until when can we say happy New Year December 2 December 21st okay hope you had a good Christmas happy New Year um do you anybody make any resolutions no nobody anybody anybody broken them already didn’t make them I didn’t make

    Yeah get to you get to a bit of experience you think the best way not to break them is to not make them anybody make any resolutions or decision about their health yeah yeah I didn’t make a resolution but I kind of kind of thought yeah there’s a few

    Things I need to do better for my health I haven’t started yet but I’ve decided I’ve decided to make some changes um and I’m going to show you a cartoon in a a moment which kind of sums up my Approach it’s not a good approach my approach to

    Health so I didn’t remember do they still have the handicap cartoons did they still have them they shouldn’t have them because they they used to be terribly Politically Incorrect but in this cartoon handicap goes to the doctor and the doctor gives him some advice and he says I can’t read the best

    Thing you can do to give up smoking drinking and fried food and he asks what’s the second best obviously giving up smoking drinking and fatty food if you’re into that is quite hard isn’t it so you going to want to know what the second best and to be honest what I

    Want what if anybody could invent this it’d be great is that you eat McDonald’s and fast food and junk food and then there’s a pill you take that converts in your stomach to a salad that’s what I want that would be my approach to Healthy Living because

    As as lesie said we’re going to do a series about healthy living and I’d like to sit on the sofa and watch Telly all night and then take a pill that is equivalent to a five mile run anybody in for that one yeah yeah I’ve got bad news

    I was talking to a doctor some time ago and she was saying that people people go to the doctor and expect the doctor sort out their health issues without them taking responsibility and I thought yeah that’s exactly what we want we want you to take responsibility our health and

    Sort us out um but apparently that’s not how it works apparently we have to do some stuff for ourselves apparently we have to look at our diet our exercise uh our rest our mindfulness all those kind of things we have to take responsibility for ourselves which I think is is bit

    Unfair we’ve got the in it yes but apparently that’s the case um and so we’re starting this series called Healthy Living um but we’re not talking about physical health which would be okay as well but we’re talking about spiritual health and they’re not disconnected when we look at spiritual

    Health it is actually our responsibility to keep ourselves spiritually healthy uh and we can’t do it on a Sunday morning just a Sunday morning it’s not like come and get your pill that keeps you spiritually healthy through the week it doesn’t work like it’s this is much more about what

    Happens Monday to Saturday and what we do for ourselves to keep ourselves spiritually healthy so we’re going to be looking at that and why are we doing this you know God is a God who heals us he heals us physically of sicknesses and and uh diseases uh and he heals us

    Emotionally and spiritually as well yep and I really believe that we need to press into more of God’s healing in this church and see God uh heal miraculously but God is a god of health so if we compare it with physical health it’s much much better than taking

    Medicines and antibiotics it’s better to live a healthy lifestyle that keeps us a high immune system and a high resistance to diseases yeah I’m not I’m not saying we shouldn’t take medicine if you need that I do uh so I’m not saying that but but that that is only part and the most

    Important part is to do all we can to keep our bodies in physical health and so spiritually rather than look to God for healing all the time which he gives us we need to look at how we stay spiritually healthy are you with me does that make

    Sense now we do talk a lot about God’s uh part in our salvation and we know that in our spiritual health our Salvation our relationship with God the most important part is what God does that by his grace that is unmerited love for us he has saved us

    He’s forgiven our sins and we call that Grace Grace is God’s riches at Christ’s expense on the cross when Jesus died he B us salvation ation for us and we put our faith in that we are accepted by God because of his love and Christ on the

    Cross not because we Merit it not because of our performance and the new in the New Testament in the Bible many of the letters about uh explaining that it is Christ that has done a work in us and not it’s not about how about our own

    Effort Paul goes to Great length to say that it is not special knowledge it is not our it is the goodness of God that brings us into relationship with God but it also goone on to say having receive that free gift of God’s life how we to live our

    Christian Life in health and so the Christian life is about God’s power and our coop cooperation it’s not one or the other and we’re looking at those regular things that we have to do to keep ourselves healthy y I don’t know what you what your experience is of say physical health

    Um if you’re like me I eat very well that’s because Adriana does the cooking when I say well I mean healthily and on top of that I eat badly so they snack in so there’s things we’ve got to take out of our lives and there’s things we have to put in and

    When you’re on a a um a program a resolution to to live better healthily uh do you find that like the first week or maybe not first three days is great and first three days yeah I’m eating well fourth day oh just one bit of chocolate and then the whole Bar’s gone

    Does anybody find that the consistency is trouble I do consistency is is the difficult thing and so I I have got some exercises for my back I occasionally have um some back problems and I’ve got these exercises I that that when I when I do them they

    Just get rid of all the possibility of that but what I’ve discovered is that uh my tendency is to do those for a week and the back gets better and then I stop anybody else find that with exercise yeah and we do that um but we’ve got to keep going

    So so there’s no condemnation if you’re not doing the spiritual exercise that do I say yeah I find it difficult but I want us to encourage one another to do these things as though we were doing a physical exercise prone we would be saying to one another you doing your

    Exercises how’s the diet going how’s the the the new new regime going so I look at some of the exhortations in the Bible to to this kind of thing so first one is 1 Timothy 4:8 eight which says this keep yourself in training for a Godly life physical exercise has some value but

    Spiritual exercise is valuable in every way because it promises life both for the present and for the future so it says keep yourself in training it’s not once and for all keep yourself training for a Godly life and the result is is our eternal life with

    God but now as well we will reap the rewards of that and in Colossians it says this just as so then just as you receive Christ Jesus as Lord continue to live lives in him rooted and built up in him strengthened in the faith as you were taught and overflown with thankfulness

    There’s something we’ve got to do well after we’ve received Christ to continue in him and to put our Roots firmly in him and to be strengthened in him and and taught so there is something we do because God wants us to get more rooted into him more strong in him and for our

    Spiritual life to grow amen so I look this verse in second Peter kind of I think um expresses the two halves of of the Christian War the first one is the is what God has given us so it says in 2 Peter 1:3 his divine power has given us

    Everything we need for a Godly life through our knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and goodness through these he has given us this very his very great and precious promises so that through them you may participate in the divine nature having escaped the

    Corruption in the world caused by evil desires so this this this this talks about what God has done he has he has given us promises and by his glory and goodness he has saved us and he gives us these promises that we may be like him

    That we may partake of the divine nature and and we escape the world he has given that’s what God has done for us Amen on the cross he gave us new life he gave us these promises and so it’s like yeah we could say it’s his power

    His power in me and that’s true and then he goes on to say for this reason because of what I’ve just said because of his power make every effort so this is our part and it and this is the bad news it requires our effort it requires our effort it’s like physical exercise

    It’s like growing muscles it’s like being strong in God uh but physically it requires effort so make every effort to add to your faith goodness work at being good add to goodness knowledge maybe what trips you up is you don’t know what you need to know and to knowledge self-control

    That’s a good one for growing in God a good one for uh physical and spiritual exercise self-control perseverance perseverance you know God doesn’t want to start the Christian War and give up he wants us to go on and to perseverance godliness to become God like God and to Godliness Mutual

    Affection or in some versions brotherly affection love for each other and in mutual affection Love that’s the uncond the word for the love here is the unconditional love that we have for everybody if you possess these qualities in increasing measure they will keep you from being ineffective and productive in

    Your knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ so it who who wants to be productive in their Christian Life all of us don’t we and so part of that is to grow in these qualities and it says it says at the end you need to have them increase in measure so it’s not like

    I’ve got faith I’ve got that one sorted and now I’m going to add goodness oh I’ve got goodness now I’m going to add knowledge no it’s like a cycle we keep adding to our goodness to our knowledge to our perseverance that we are on this cycle and when we’re on this cycle then

    We grow we’re strengthened in God in every aspect of our life but if you stop exercising guess what happens you lose muscle you lose strength it’s something you’ve got to maintain and that’s true of spiritual so over the next few weeks we’re going to be we’re going to be

    Looking at uh some specific things of how to how to grow spiritually how to be healthy spiritually so if we were talking about physical health we’d be talking about food getting enough getting the right food what to avoid uh we’d be talking about exercise we’d be talking about

    Rest work life balance Hobbies maybe avoiding stress that’s what we be doing if we’re talking about physical spiritual we’re going to be talking about food Jesus said man does not live by bread alone but by every word that comes from the mouth of God we be looking at

    Feeding on the word of God we looking at prayer we’ll be looking at worship as we said when we when we sing and when we sing to God it does something to our health our our spiritual health rest we looking at health healthy thinking the Bible talks about that as

    Well healthy serving and healthy relationships and one or two others I want to say because I’m I’m not going to be long I really want today is put out the challenge to you and we’re going to look at some specifics in the weeks to come probably in

    Your in your physical health many of you know what to do yeah and many of you don’t do it I would be one of those yeah I know that I need to lose some weight I know I need to do those exercises I know I need to do a couch to

    5K and I know I need to do these things but I’ve started and I’ve stopped but that’s no reason not to start again it you everybody wants to stop when I was was in Brazil I was in Brazil for a few weeks and we stayed at our

    Adriana’s cousin’s house and uh I I always wake up early in the morning and so I decided I’m going to wake up and go and do go for a walk so for a couple of nights while we with uh her cousin I woke up at half six and at half a six

    Uh my wife’s cousin and her husband are already up in fact they’ve already they’ve come back from the gym yeah I know it’s horrendous I just go out from a little walk but I meet them coming back from the gym at half 6 and I was talking to uh her husband and

    Saying what they do about exercise so they get up and actually they read the Bible for a while and then they then they go to the gym and I say I hate the gym I really don’t like the gym he says I hate it as well I hate it as well they

    Go every day you know athletes and Sportsmen most of them don’t like training they like the sport they like the exercise the actual sport and they don’t like the training but they do it anyway and that’s that’s what we have to do when we want to get physically well

    Now I hope that our spiritual exercise isn’t isn’t as miserable to going to the gym really I in fact I enjoy it I enjoy it but there’s times where we need the discipline yeah I’m not I’m not sounded like anyone promoting a life of misery here it’s not it’s not spiritual it is

    Joy but there is also discipline and hard work and I don’t want to hide that from you so just as many of you know what you need to do for your physical health and don’t do it I think many of you right now even before we’ve gone

    Into some of the specifics each week know what you need to do and you don’t do it as well as you you you know that you need to do it and so some of you know that you need to read the Bible more that you need to pray more I know

    Some of you do that and they do you do it well but some of you you need to do and I want to say that I’m with you just because I stand here and lead the church and I stand on the platform doesn’t mean say I’ve got all this sorted doesn’t not

    At all but what I want us to this year to say together we will do this we will improve our spiritual health together so what we’re going to be doing we’re going to be not only just saying you need to do this but giving practical help of how

    You can do it and we’ll get people to share maybe some some ideas how they do how you read the Bible how you pray what have you found what are the challenges what what helps you and so we want to help one another to you know be physically uh spiritually fit some

    People go to the gym and they say it’s great to be with other people we push each other on and we’re a body want to push each other on Philippians 3: 16 Paul writes this and he says let us keep up the level to which we have

    Attained do you know sometimes we we attain a level of spiritual spirituality a level of reading the Bible of Prayer of con consistency and we slip back and uh I don’t want to shame anybody you know we’ve probably all done that but what I want is is to get back to the

    Highest level of of Walking with God of being close to God of hearing his voice of reading the Bible the highest that we ever been and go beyond let’s be as fit as we’ve ever been and healthy and even Beyond amen amen and so really I just

    Want to leave leave you I want to leave us as a church with this challenge will you commit this year to a spiritual health program you can answer will you commit to that and it may be that you’re already on a great one and you’re doing

    Well uh and if you are I’m going to say encourage the rest of us and you may be thinking I know what I’ve done in the past I I I I’m not there where I was I want to get back and we want to encourage each other to get back to that and

    So let’s all of us say yeah let’s let’s let’s put the effort in to be spiritually healthy but maybe some of you here you think I I don’t I don’t know how to do that I have no idea how to live a spiritually healthy life and that’s okay

    That’s okay because we want to we want want to go through I want to teach uh and show but I want to say if you if you said I’m right at the beginning of this I’m right at the beginning of this J I don’t know what to do then what I want

    To say is the first step is really easy because Jesus on the cross he took our sin he took the barrier between us and God away so if we put our faith in him then we can start that Journey Jesus Jus when he walked the Earth Jesus the son

    Of God W walked the Earth he he went up to a few people and he said he poured to the mountain and said follow me follow me and it says they got up and followed him when you see the journey they went on with Jesus you saw they they had no

    Idea what was coming but they followed Jesus and that first step the same step for us that we if we have a desire to follow Jesus all we have to do is say yes I want to to follow you and I want to learn from you and and then he comes

    With his Holy Spirit and he teaches how to follow him and maybe that’s where you are today you’re right at the beginning of the journey and you say I want this I don’t know how to do it you know Jesus didn’t give the full manual to his followers when they followed him they

    Didn’t need it he just said follow me and we’ll walk together and so if today you’re thinking I don’t know this but I want this then today you can say yes to Jesus he’s calling you to follow him if you’ve never made that decision to follow him he’s calling you and you just

    Have to say yes and he comes with his power and his help and I want to pray I want to pray two things first I want to pray for anybody here who might not have made a decision to follow God and start on this journey of spiritually Healthy

    Living I want to pray for you and then I want to pray for all of us so I want if you could just shut your eyes for a minute and if you if you’re saying I want to follow God I’ve never made a decision follow God while everybody’s

    Eyes are closed just lift up your hand and I’ll acknowledge you and then put it down and I’ll pray for you is anybody today wants to say I want to follow follow God today I want to make that decision thank you see your hand you put

    It down I’m going to pray for you anybody else would like to make that decision today just put your hand up okay great that’s fantastic that you have made that decision father I want to pray for those that are just saying today I want to follow you I

    Want to pray in Jesus name that you come to them now I thank you that you receive them I thank you that it’s as simple as that just say I’m following you Jesus I pray Lord for your spirit to come on them come on them and and let them feel

    Your presence let them feel your love and bring your new life to them in Jesus name amen I’d love to chat to you and pray for you afterwards if you’ve made those that have made that decision today want pray for us father thank you thank you for your love to

    Us thank you for your love to us I thank you that um you have given us a spiritual life you’ve given us all we need to live a Godly life and you want us to walk in that you want to walk us to walk in your blessings and father we know that

    Sometimes we fail sometimes we do well and sometimes we don’t do so well but we want to say in this season in this year we want to grow in you we want to live healthy we want to have uh the fullness of all you’ve got for us and we pray

    Lord for your help to help our will help our our our our desire for you that we would be full of desire to run after you Lord help us by your spirit and give us perseverence to run after you Lord that we may grow in

    You we pray that in Jesus name pray that in Jesus name amen just just want to say um when when we close meeting if you if you just want to uh to receive prayer there’ll be people here to pray for you you might you might uh why would I just

    Ask for prayer for those who you come with but there’ll be others here at the front that will pray for you if you just want to um one thing I good to do is if you’re making a decision you’re making a determination to um to yeah I’m I’m

    Going to embrace this this year to talk to somebody and confess that that they will be accountable you will be accountable to them so they can say how’s it going and encourage you and pray for you if it’s not going well and and cheer you on it’s good to share that

    So that you know when we make a decision that we’re not standing alone um and so we’ll be here for and I just want to say last last week as Leslie mentioned uh there’s a couple of guys who brought some messages for the church we’re going to be considering those and brought some

    Messages from God who believe from God from individuals uh if you might have found that as that was brought you thought yeah that I know that’s for me that’s really but you might have found I’m not a bit confused I’m not sure what to do with that don’t be confused chat

    To one of the leaders and we’ll help you kind of unpack that a bit because sometimes we need that help so please you know if if God if this guys these guys spoke to you you’re not quite sure then please talk to us but do you want

    To do you want to say this I I I’m excited for this year all that God has got for us and he’s got it for us every day of the week not just the Sunday that we grow in him amen so I’m going to hand back to to thanks Tim

    Yeah can I ask the musicians if you like to just come back up again I like to uh be good to finish back focused on Jesus and one of the reasons it’s good to do that is because in in Matthew 23 it says this you have one instructor the

    Messiah yeah so although we’re going through this Healthy Living stuff I can remember uh couple of years ago I was trying to get back into being being healthy and trying to do stuff and and I was uh a part of a gym and um I had to go to somebody and say can

    You help me can you put together a regime that I can use for me that works for me that will enable me to get fitter not fatter yeah and and to become more healthy and I had particular things that I wanted to get healthy when I was 50 I

    Had a heart attack I want to make sure my heart is always healthy yeah for me that’s a particular thing you guys have got particular things that you need to know that that’s my bit of Health it could be your knees it could be whatever it

    Is but when it comes to spiritual health there are certain things that you need you know are your weaknesses yeah there are areas of your life where you know that’s not as good as it could be and so you need to come back to the instructor to Jesus he’s the one that

    Will help us because he’s the one that will show us this is for you this is what you need this is how you need it and so what I just like us to do now as part of that response is to come back to the Heart of

    Worship again is to come back to Jesus again and just commit ourselves back to him say yeah look it’s all about you and in a way you know it’s it’s it’s not what we say up here it’s what you do with us in our hearts and so yeah I just

    Want us to got the time time just to commit ourselves again to Jesus so yeah it’s all about you it’s not in a sense it’s not about me but it is all about us as well because he loves us so should we stand and let’s just use this time we

    Have it’s unusual for us to have time just to be in his presence not to rush away and if you want prayer during this come up or speak to somebody and they’ll pray with you as Tim said let’s take this opportunity say I really want to

    Get back into this can you help me can you pray for me I need Faith again for this help me to walk in this let’s let’s let’s use this time to allow God to minister amongst us let our health instructor start to tell us what to do amen amen thank you Guys is stripped away and I simply come longing just to breae something that’s a that will bless your heart I’ll bring you more than a song for a song itself is not you have requir you search much deeper within through the way things are you’re looking into my

    Heart I’m coming back to the Heart of Worship and it’s all about you it’s all about you Jesus I’m sorry Lord for the thing i’ made and it’s all about J It’s All About You Jesus king of andless no one could express how much is no I’m we can p

    All I have is yours every single pray I’ll bring you more than a song for a song in itself is not what you have requir Str much deeper within light things up you’re looking into my heart I’m coming back to the Heart of Worship and it’s all about you it’s all about you

    Jesus I’m sorry Lord for the I’ve made and it’s all about you It’s All About You Jesus I’m coming back to the Heart of Worship and it’s all about you it’s all about you Jesus I’m sorry Lord for the thing i’ made and it’s all about you it’s all about Youus yes Jesus it’s all about you it’s not about us it’s not about me it’s not about necessarily what we do but Jesus it’s about you and what you’ve done and as I sort of looked around over there there’s a couple of words and I just get so encouraged because last week

    When they gave the words out over people it’s just like God that is you talking young gentleman over there with the beard in the middle of the row God’s going to give you wisdom I just looked at you and I’m thinking and don’t please don’t take it the wrong way you’ve got a

    Gray beard and it’s sort of and I thought that is wisdom because God is going to give you a wise spirit and a wise mind and you might be even thinking now I don’t even know where my mind is it’s all over the place but God’s going

    To put it in order but he’s going to give you wisdom amen what’s your name Tom hi Tom Simon and Kath at the back yeah I I wrote this down and and and you are such encourages and you have a new have a new phase in life but you know God has got

    Something for you because over the years he has put a lot into you and you’ve had a difficult few years but God’s going to bring something together for the two of you you have different skills different Dynamics different spiritual abilities that God is going to put together and

    Really move things forward I don’t know whether it’s with the youth or whether it’s with different groups I haven’t got that but that’s just what I believe God wants to say to you and do in your hearts because you have big hearts there’s a couple of people at the

    Back over there God loves you that’s just what he wants you to know and you s of might be standing at the side but God just want wants you to know he loves you and it might be that you’re over there CU you’re thinking I don’t know if I fit

    In or it’s a comfy place or actually I can’t be seen but you know what God sees you and he loves you so there’s one two three four five people over there and Maggie Maggie God definitely loves you and then just two more Gareth I work with Gareth um it’s just

    Be see those TW in front of gare thinking who who she talking about Gareth is just over there he’s just about to sit down God loves you you’ve got humility but he’s going to put really put something on your heart to do and he’s going to give you the giftings and

    The abilities to do it I don’t know what it is but I think you know and I think there’s something in your heart you love your football but I don’t think it’s to do with that it might be but he going to put something on your heart and you are going to say

    Yes I can do that and he wants to put a confidence into you that you can do what he’s put in your heart to do and then the last person Francis I just caught you dancing and you know God is going to give you a new

    Dance and a new song and I just really felt him say that I saw you dancing and I know you love dancing and God’s got a new dance for you and keep dancing amen amen God is so good um yeah just really pray for what God wants

    To say and as well and I just sense that there are some people here who felt so broken that they’ve not been able to use their spiritual muscles not even pray just felt broken and uh I just believe I think I believe God wants to build your spiritual muscles back up over this

    Season that as we look at healthy Spiritual Living he’s going to help you to start to use those muscles again and it’s going to hurt and it’s going to be a struggle and it’s not going to be easy at the start because if any of you have ever had an injury a

    Physical injury or you’ve not been able to use I mean Simon I mean Simon over you know you know what it’s like when you had a physical injury and it did it it debilitates your whole body body but then it takes a long time and it’s painful to get that muscle working again

    Isn’t it and it’s it’s hard but I believe God’s going to do that for you and so if that’s you today if you think yeah you know what I just want to I need that spiritual muscle back I’d like to I would I would love to

    Pray for you at the end as we finish now presume finishing now but if that’s you think yeah and if you want to respond to that word then I’d just love to pray pray with you so I’ll I’ll just stand over here and if that’s you please do

    Come and I want to pray with you guys just before we officially close the meeting um there is a notice on the 24th of February um when we’re starting an Alpa and Dean and Marie doing it and it start it’s going to be a a sort of Saturday Morning Breakfast Alpha so if

    You’ve got questions if you want to know more if you’ve got friends who want to know more about your relationship with God about Christ and and what Faith’s all about then come along there are handouts invitations out in the foyer we can give you some and that starts on the

    24th of February and it’s it’s over food it always helps just helps break that ice and just bring in that sort of sense of of togetherness father I just thank you that Lord you are a good good father I thank you that you invited us today into your presence by the holy spirit

    Because of what Jesus has done because of your great love for us and father I just pray Lord that as we go out for coffee that our fellowship with you and with the Holy Spirit and with each other just continues that even if it com you know praying over each other those that

    Might need prayer as well that father you just continue your presence here but also as we go out in the name of Jesus Amen thank you worship group thank you

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