📢 Coming up on The UK Tonight, Sarah-Jane Mee will be joined in the studio by the wife of a subpostmaster, who died before his name could be cleared. Plus, we visit a flight simulator, to find out what it’s like to be a pilot during the kind of storm we saw yesterday.

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    It’s 8:00 this is the UK tonight storm Isa batters the UK with Winds of almost 100 milph at least two people have died and tens of thousands have been left without power we’ll have the latest for you with a second storm due to barlin tomorrow well there’s been major

    Disruption to Planes Trains and feries hundreds of flights cancelled or diverted we find out tonight what it takes to fly in a storm what’s it like trying to land a plane in these kind of well look at it the rain’s pouring in it’s windy you know what’s it like trying to land a

    Plane in Storia we prepare for all types of weather scenarios when we’re training also coming up we’ll have an exclusive report from our home editor Jason Farrell he’s been speaking to a whistleblower who resigned from greater Manchester police and says failures there have left a pedophile ring at large for

    Years and as the inquiry into the post office Scandal continues tonight we’ll hear Peter’s story he was one of the wrongfully convicted former sub poost Masters and he died before he could clear his name his widow Marian will join me here in the studio later and

    We’ll hear about the campaign to make an ordinary woman from Yorkshire a saint all that to come and much more on the UK Tonight and tens of thousands of homes two people have died and tens of thousands of homes are without power tonight this is after storm Isa swept across the UK travel has been disrupted all over the country today trains cancelled roads closed because of flooding high winds

    And Fallen trees and there’s no letup in sight with another storm this one named Joselin due to hit tomorrow bringing with it more Wind and Rain Sky shingi Marque has our first report tonight this was the frightening power of storm Isa in full force extreme weather that proved not just ferocious

    But fatal with two people killed including here in five where an 84-year-old man died after the car he was in hit a Fallen Tree see the car uh traveling along here it sort of swerved um and come to a sudden stop at that point I didn’t really know what had

    Happened I could see trees sort of lying on the road but I didn’t realize that you know collided with the tree it was awful uh you know Scotland gets windy weather all the time uh but this is probably the worst storm we’ve had in around 10 years these wet wild

    Conditions battered Island in Oran Island a man in his 60s also died when his car hit a tree this was a rare blanket weather warning covering most of the country and yet some people still took chances while some rode their luck others were thankful for it on the M1 a

    Disaster was avoided when the sides of a Lori were flung into a field somehow missing cars on a busy Motorway another close call in Lincolnshire where this roof was ripped from a house nearly 200 Mi away in England’s most northern County this was the seventh name storm they’ve seen this

    Winter in po however Northumberland is the kind of place at the mercy of power outages it’s rural rugged and remote after storm EA batted the country overnight hundreds of people here woke up off grid wind speeds have up to 100 mph pushed infrastructure to its limits

    It’s when it gets above 80 that’s when it becomes really difficult because we get wind born de we get trees coming down and and that’s when you start to see a bit of impact on our Network thank you the quick work of Engineers reconnecting power kept Lindsay shop open for business but now

    There’s more bad weather on the way not looking forward to that if I’m honest yeah it’s uh it’s not ideal but like I say we’re in the north it’s what you have to deal with the power goes out regularly so that’s that’s what we do as

    Long as it’s not for a prolonged period of time we all survive in an unusually harsh winter another storm is approaching putting these communities on alert once again now storm Isa could have you know caused some some problems weakened uh structures weakened trees that may then

    Come down as a result of storm jostling so although storm jostling isn’t as intense there is a higher chance than usual that this storm could cause some disruption because it’s following so closely after a previous storm a second battering in less than 48 hours can only

    Mean more chaos and more danger to life shingi Mar Sky News North umberland as always when a storm hits the UK airline pilots have earned um have been earning their salaries we can bring you the scene at Bristol airport as planes tried to land yesterday conditions extremely challenging for the

    Pilots involved many of them taking a number of attempts to land some having to divert to other airports passengers on one flight into Bristol have been describing the scenes on board as hell uh while we all tune in to Big jet TV uh when these kind of conditions hit

    Don’t we uh they were at Heathrow Airport to see this abandoned Landing as conditions got really tricky in London and that area wasn’t even in the Amber warning Zone with London and parts of the southeast avoiding the worst of the conditions so Landing planes in a storm isn’t exactly straightforward I spent

    The afternoon at the London G College of hospitality and tourism which is part of the University of West London to see how it’s done so Umar we set the simulator up for the same conditions as storm Asia yesterday what’s it like trying to land land a

    Plane in these kind of well look at it the rain’s pouring in it’s windy you know what’s it like trying to land a plane in Storia uh it’s a relatively normal Landing we prepare for all types of weather scenarios when we’re training and when you’re considering those you

    You’ve often seen these kind of scenarios before in the simulator when you’ve been doing your flight training as well you wouldn’t have just flown in good weather you would have flown in some bad weather conditions as well and also if the weather is up limits and it

    Puts safety at risk then you either don’t go flying or you divert and you don’t land at that particular airport we’ve all seen the videos over the last 24 hours of planes to the amateur looking like making some pretty hairy Landings at airports up and down the UK

    What’s the difference between making one of those kind of Landings and having to be diverted as a passenger you’re probably only flying a few times a year and what might seem hairy or scary for for you for a pilot actually might be part of their every day yeah so there

    Are obviously extreme weather conditions and we’ve seen the storm it’s uh provided quite some interesting videos um but as far as the Pilot’s concerned it’s it’s always going to be a safe landing if they’ve decided to go ahead with the landing because they will have looked at lots of different criteria

    Before they’ve made that decision and also there’s two pilots in the flight so there’s always two sets of eyes and ears on everything that’s going on well I could see the wrong way approaching so far so good no pressure IMA I realize that I’m talking throughout this complicated Landing or

    Not complicated as you put it how are you be preparing for this Landing because this must be the most difficult part of the journey during a storm so uh preparing for landing often at the uh in the cruise you’ll be discussing with your fellow pilot as to what some of the

    Risks some of the threats might be and you will have thought about those ahead of time discussed those and how you might deal with them um also there’s certain limitations for example if the the wind is too strong you might have to divert you might have to go to a

    Different diversion airport again when when do you make that call because you know we’ve been watching the the footage coming in over the last 24 hours of planes landing and you know they’re so wobbly and a lot of people go how can they land surely they could have been

    Diverted isn’t that dangerous how do you make that kind of call um there’s certain criteria you have to meet which is stipulated by often the airline that you’re flying for and also the the manufacturer uh as to what is considered safe and then they’ll obviously put a buffer into that and

    Then you’ll then be operating within a very very sort of low-risk environment if you don’t meet those criteria the stability criteria for the landing uh then you don’t go you don’t go forward with the landing if even if you after you’ve made that decision you find

    Anything is uh not to your liking or there’s something that you uh you know want to address then you can go around and take the problem back into the air discuss it and then come in for another approach and when you’re experiencing those turbulent conditions in the back

    How does it feel up here and so many passengers get nervous about turbulence in these kind of conditions how do you alleviate that it’s a bit like if you might be driving the first time you hit a pothole it can be very very jarring but after you get used to some uh less

    Than ideal roads you you realize it’s actually whilst it can be a little startling at times it’s nothing to worry about and nothing of con 100 here we go we’re just coming into land 50 40 30 20 10 Umar that looked and felt pretty good to me with me chattering away alongside you I’m sure Pilots would have far less distractions on something that is this is the most difficult part right right of flying in a storm The Landing um or the takeoff well I I guess difficult is

    Relative um you know there’s different challenges at all all the different stages of flight uh Landing has comes with its own challenges um and I’d say that there’re no more or less than other parts of the flight uh I find Landing the best part of the job so it’s the

    Favorite favorite part of the flight well there you go that is really reassuring for people to hear because there’s more stormy weather coming and people have to travel and right the important bit is where’s the but for the tea and coffee cuz you deserve one after that don’t you if you’ve been flying

    There you go that’s it perfect TOA your coffee H coffee strong good choice uh well I don’t know about you I’m not a particularly nervous flyer but I would have been in those kind of uh conditions and uh thank you to Umar for uh reassuring me and hopefully you um as

    I mentioned there plenty more hazardous weather to come over the next couple of days storm Joselin on her way there’s an Amber warning for wind that’s in place for Western and Northern Scotland from 6:00 tomorrow evening with a Met Office warning of damage to property and a good

    Chance of power cuts and disruption to travel elsewhere in Scotland there are yellow warnings for wind and rain looking further south there’s a yellow warning for rain for Northern England and North Wales and a yellow warning for wind across a band of South Wales the Midlands and the

    Northeast uh our chief north of England correspondent Greg milm joins me now live from Wallace SE on Mery side uh Greg what’s been happening there and what more are they expecting well if it is a a lull between those two storms it’s not much of one it’s still pretty blustery here we’re

    Still getting gusts of 50 mph winds uh so they they await that next storm while they’re still dealing with the tail end of Isa uh really um I suppose what was notable was how widespread the warnings were and we saw those warnings were spot on because the damage was very

    Widespread across the country and there are still lots of people dealing with that disruption tonight at the worst of it there were tens of thousands of people without electricity there are still lots of people despite the work by the energy companies today to get them reconnected still without power tonight

    Electricity Northwest sending out details of catering facilities hot food facilities for people who don’t have their power on and therefore can’t cook uh at home uh tonight so that work will continue we’ve seen also of course the railways trying to clear all that debris the trees the green houses The Sheds

    From those railway lines to get things back to normal on the roads as well similar work going on and also this issue of flooding which in some places wasn’t as bad as was expected but still fire services having to rescue people who are trapped in their vehicles in in

    Yorkshire from rising flood water so across the board a significant impact and it’s why we have these Nam storms why they want people to listen to the warnings and take them seriously because of course sadly we saw the impact on the roads with those fat alties from from

    Trees uh being down and Joseline coming in again so tomorrow night around this time they’ll be batt battling that storm here this winter just doesn’t let up on people across the country Greg thank you Greg M there with the latest from wallacy uh the stormy conditions sure to feature in tomorrow’s

    Newspapers uh coming up tonight we’ll have an extended press preview and News Review that’s from 10:30 tonight uh joining us in the studio the political editors of the sun and the guardian Harry Cole and PPP Kera a whistleblower who resigned from greater Manchester police has been telling Sky News that the forces’s child

    Protection investigation unit is not fit for purpose and failures have left a pedophil ring at large for at least seven years the detective Constable that we’re calling Lucy said her work with victims only served to retraumatization of what she says professionals called some of the worst abuse they’d ever ever seen our home

    Editor Jason Farrell has this report a whistleblower herself former detective Maggie Oliver is taking me to meet a woman who wants to expose failings in Greater manage to police hi there hello nice to see Lucy not her real name recently resigned from the forces’s child protection unit which

    She says isn’t protecting children I don’t think we’re making things better for these kids in facts I think we’re making it worse I don’t think this child protection unit is fit for purpose assigned a major operation into a potential pedophile ring in Manchester Lucy first noticed a problem when she

    Realized there had been two previous complaints involving the same suspects and other children one where the case had been closed many of the children have reported multiple disclosures of sexual abuse physical abuse neglect and psychological torture and this is what professionals have called some of the worst abuse they’ve ever seen But Lucy

    Says the children’s records hadn’t been examined she was now leading a complex investigation with very young victims whose trust she needed to gain I wanted to go and see them regularly but the time just wasn’t made available to me and so you’d go and speak to them you’d bring it all back up

    I know that the superintendent level knew about this so it goes that far up you start to realize it doesn’t matter how far you go up no one’s going to listen last week a report into greater maner police found multiple failures during a child abuse investigation in

    Rochdale over a decade ago at a press conference the chief Constable said lessons had been learned but Maggie Oliver the detective who blew the whistle on the Scandal said he was wrong and told the room about whistleblower Lucy and that officer Could Have Been Me 12 years ago she had been banging on

    Doors she has been desperately trying to get a very serious case where many many children are being abused taken seriously greater maner police is looking to reassure the public that it has learned from the failures of the past and in a recent statement said that its child sexual exploitation major

    Investigations team now boasts 120 police officers and staff following a multi-million pound investment the allegation was GMP does not give this issue a high enough priority it doesn’t resource it properly and and that allegation is what I have been uh setting about to correct what higher priority do you need really than the

    Protection of our children from from pet defiles GMP told us Lucy’s concerns are being reviewed at a senior level adding we can confirm that the children in question had been subject to safeguarding arrangements for several years before reports of non-recent abuse were made they were protected and are

    Safe and well and have been throughout the course of the investigation a team of four officers continue to investigate two suspects remain under investigation and reviews have been taking place every six weeks since January 2023 I think if they were allowed to follow the lines of

    Inquiry um I think they would find it was a massive massive job so what is it a pedophile ring that’s what I think it is and I said that and it’s still going on now potentially so it’s 7 years since the first child came for forward yeah so

    That’s that’s a failure Lucy is now calling for a serious case review well Jason is with me in the studio now and Jason just listening to that report there you immediately draw parallels with something we you were covering extensively last week and that was the investigation into the Rochdale

    Grooming gangs and what happened there in the Fallout from it yeah but and and particularly the way in which it was investigated because at the time of course Rochdale was seen as a success in in 2012 which looked at you know the fact that there were nine prosecutions there were successful prosecutions but

    When you saw the report last week they were saying but there were 96 people who posed a threat and what this investigator was saying is that she felt like she was being encouraged to minimize her investigation to look at only a few victims to not look at the

    Broader picture and she’s saying I think there’s a pedophile ring here there’s a lot more going on I haven’t got the resources to look at it she felt like the victims she felt like she was letting them down that’s exactly how Maggie Oliver felt eventually it kind of

    Impacted on her mental health again that’s how Maggie Oliver felt when she tried to blow the whistle and she felt she wasn’t being listened to so more parallels and what you know she didn’t want was what Maggie Oliver had was have to wait 10 years for that Vindication

    She just wanted to come out had left the force and of course the other parallel is you know greater man of police has lost a police officer yeah uh and when we were talking about Rochdale last week they were highlighting indifference from local councils lack of resource as

    Well again that comes up here with regard to Lucy saying that she had an idea of the scale of the problem and there might have been talk about it people knew about it but there just wasn’t the resource and she was never provided with the the staff to actually

    Make any meaningful Headway it wasn’t called an investigation what she was working on was called an operation and that means it’s bigger that means it’s it’s got mult lines of inquiry you expect therefore multiple officers we are told now there are five officers working on this case certainly she says

    When she was working on it she felt like it was just her and then her and maybe one other and that simply wasn’t enough so you know greater maner police say they have invested now in in more police um and we have also currently got another inquiry looking at current cases

    Current victims and that’s due to report in the summer so we should get some indication of whether this is a wider problem within GMP yeah I was going to say where does this go from here in terms of obviously GMP the spotlight are on them for various different reasons a

    Lot of the reporting you’ve done over the recent weeks and months where does this particular story go well I think now it is this this particular case will form part of that subsequent review there’ve been three reviews into historic cases this fourth review now looking at current victims and the

    Victims in this case and this police officer’s testimony will no doubt form a part of that review which is due to repor in the summer okay Jason I know you’ll follow the story and we’ll follow it with you on the UK tonight thank you uh right still to come on the program

    The inquest into the death of a 13-year-old boy in South Wales who drowned after being pushed into a river as a prank ministers urge parents is not too late to get children vaccinated this is as the National Health Service warns there is a very real risk of measles

    Outbreaks and the W J for 6 years over this explosion at her ex Partners flat we’ll have the Details we’ve got a colony of 16 gen two penguins here at Sea Life London uh and this morning it’s uh it’s cleaning and Swim time for them they get up with the daylight uh which comes on at about 9:00 at the moment first thing they do go for

    A nice little swim little bit of a wash uh and then stand around waiting for the keepers to come along I think most people are aware of penguins uh but the main point of penguin awareness day is to raise awareness for the things they are facing in the wild which are

    Reducing some species numbers uh like African penguins for example uh they are one of they are the most endangered penguin uh they face a lot of habit threats over fishing uh climate change all those factors combined are having an effect on um some penguins in the wild

    Which is a shame H so as as fun as they are um to watch and to see them do all their their weird things building nests out of rocks um it’s important to you know be mindful that these guys are facing some challenges in the wild gen

    2os as a whole they are um some of the nicest Penguins they’ve all stopped they’re very curious I’ll just turn it this way you can see they’re all watching this there we go but yeah I don’t want to be on camera I watch from the side so yeah

    They’re very curious animals uh really nice to sort of see uh but also yeah they are incredible divers they are the fastest swimming species of penguins they can swim at about 22 miles per hour uh which is pretty Speedy they’re quite a small species of penguin so because of

    That they’re a little bit more ctitious and curious um just because there a couple of predators in the wild you’ll find these guys around the Faulkland Isles um so they actually they don’t usually live on the ice like you imagine most Penguins they’re usually on a bit

    Of dirt or a bit of grass and they dig a little uh don’t dig a little hole but they find somewhere like that so they’re you know Penguins do nest and live in a variety of places not just uh in Antarctica Hello welcome back you’re watching the UK tonight here’s what’s coming up the Scottish born transgender golfer dreaming of a place on the LPGA Tour and the campaign to make a Yorkshire woman who set up a School for Girls 400 years ago a saint the first millions of parents in England are being

    Urged to book their children in for misted measles Ms and rebell Jabs Health officials are warning of the very real risk of measles outbreaks and say that the decline in the uptake of childhood vaccinations including the MMR jab is a serious concern well that campaign is launched today Sky Amelia Harper is with

    Me because Amelia been talking for a number of weeks now about measles outbreaks and the disease being on the rise in the UK what numbers is the campaign talking about because they’re talking pretty much about measles outbreaks up and down the country yeah that’s right well this rise in cases is

    Really concerning for medical professionals it’s What’s led to this NHS Campaign which is urging parents to get their children vaccinated if they have missed out on these routine childhood uh vaccinations what is measles though I think for those that don’t know what measles are it’s a highly contagious uh disease that could

    Lead in some cases to death to also serious uh Health complications as well some symptoms include high fever cough runny nose and a rash all over the body and it is easily preventable with two Jabs one aged one and another one aged three years and four months now the UK

    Health security agency has said it’s really concerned about the very real Prospect of an outbreak of of measles uh it has declared uh what it calls a national incident which essentially signals the risk to Public Health that it sees that could be in the future but

    In terms of that data uh it’s basing this on uh the West Midlands uh particularly Birmingham they say that’s the worst affected area uh it says 216 confirmed measles cases and 103 probable cases in the last four months uh these were mostly in children under 10 and it

    Also cited London as an area which had a a rise in cases uh so fundamentally this is a catchup scheme parents of children age 6 to 11 will be urged to get their children vaccinated the NHS says this is a safe and effective jab and it wants

    Parents to come forward to ensure that we can continue to have adequate population coverage against measles okay Amelia thank you Amilia Harper there with the latest now uh we can take a look at some of the other stories making news in the UK tonight uh first of all a woman who

    Set her flat on fire and caused an explosion at her ex partner’s home has been jailed for six [Applause] years Laura Marie Tolbert started several fires in her flat in Northampton back in December 2022 and carried out this pre-planned attack at her ex’s flat six months later her ex partner wasn’t home and nobody was injured Tober admitted ask with intent to endanger life analysts say there will be a sharp

    Fall in Energy prices in the spring they say the average annual household bill is going to drop from 1,928 to 1,620 bills would still be higher than pre crisis levels but there could be another fall come the summer the UK’s biggest airports are set to miss the deadline to install new

    Security scanners to end the 100 Mil limit on liquids herro Gatwick and Manchester also say they’re not expecting to have the scanners up and running by June the 1st airports such as London city and tside are already using these scanners and passengers can carry up to two liters of liquid in their hand

    Luggage there consumer Group which says the differing rules could lead to confusion and delays at security this summer and a new report suggest the pandemic caused a generation of problem dogs the Royal Veterinary College Study estimates High rates of behaviors such as separation anxiety and aggression towards other dogs the report author

    Says introducing puppies to people other dogs and the world around them at an early age things made much more difficult of course by the lockdowns is crucial for their development the inquest into the death of the 13 old boy in South Wales has found he drowned after he was pushed

    Into a river as a prank the assistant coroner said that Christopher Capa who wasn’t a confident swimmer was deliberately pushed into the river by another boy in July 2019 our Wales correspondent Dan Whitehead reports cheeky and a shining star that’s how the family and friends of Christopher Capa remember him the

    13-year-old drowned whil playing play with friends in the river cunan in South Wales in 2019 today a coroner has concluded he was deliberately pushed into the water in what was a dangerous prank because would have celebrated his 18th birthday in January of this year it was difficult watching other

    Children do normal things that chrisal won’t be able to do I wonder every day what he would have looked like now the ER found that another boy Jaden Pew 14 at the time did intentionally push Christopher into the river dismissing his evidence that he fell into him as

    Untrue in 2020 the crown prosecution service said there was sufficient evidence for a manslaughter case but it was never brought saying it wasn’t in the public interest when Christopher entered the water he began panicking and shouting for help other children jumped in to try and rest rescue him before he disappeared below the

    Surface one of those who tried to help was Christopher’s school friend Milly Morgan I think I was the last to jump in because it’s obviously scary but you could see he was like giving up and he couldn’t try anymore and I tried going under and looking from underneath the

    Water but obviously the water was just pit black and green and freezing and it was so deep and it just couldn’t go no more on Christopher he remembered as a shining star um so much potential and just Joy just Joy the lack of prosecution led the family to accuse South Wales police and

    The CPS of racism today the police Watchdog the iopc said although communication with the family could have been better there are no grounds for any disciplinary proceedings against officers the family’s legal team say they now want the case to be reviewed Dam whed Sky News in Pony PRI South

    Wales so come here on the UK tonight I’m going to be joined in the studio by the wife of a postmaster convicted of false Accounting in the Horizon it Scandal Who died before his name could be Cleared Now Peter Holmes was a retired policeman and a sub postmaster of 13 years when he was arrested due to the faulty Horizon computer system he was accused of stealing 46,000 when his case came to court in 2010 the post office said it would drop a theft charge if he pleaded guilty to

    Force accounting Peter agreed and he was given a suspended sentence he died died 5 years later before his name could be cleared he was exonerated in 2021 but as far as he was concerned when he died he was still considered a criminal and his wife Marian says that

    Is something that can never be put right or Marian joins me live in the studio tonight Marian good to see you thank you so much for coming in to talk to us about Peter’s ordeal and your family’s ordeal because it continued after Peter’s passing first of all tell me

    About Peter a retired policeman going into the post office policeman he’d run his own post office and then he went relief working and then he was actually managing a post office for somebody else when he got kicked out and I honestly knew nothing about it and I I had a shop

    At the time and he came and opened the shop door and said can you come outside Maran and when I went out he said I’ve been kicked out the think £46,000 and that was like a bombshell um but we we never thought that anything would come of it because

    We knew he was innocent you knew he hadn’t taken that money um when I came back the following day to pick something up out of the garage Peter was there I said oh where’s your car I said they’ brought me home I said they don’t seriously think

    You’ve taken that money do he said I’m afraid so and evidently did search the house found nothing of course but searched the house what kind of stress was Peter under you say you didn’t know until it reached the point where he was kicked out with the post office unceremoniously

    Taken away from his job but you knew something was up this kind of stress that’s hard to hide yeah we knew there was something wrong because when he was getting ready to go to work in the morning morning my daughter who was at home at the time and I could hear him

    Throwing up in the bathroom but when we asked him what was wrong well nothing I was just coughing he wouldn’t he wouldn’t let me know what was wrong so we had no idea he like so many others were told that he was the only one experiencing this

    Discrepancy uh as I’m sure he called it to the investigators but the investigators were clear it was theft taken the money and also he like so many others pleaded guilty to force Accounting in the hope that he wouldn’t get a prison Center as a retired police officer um he

    Didn’t want to go to prison so he he plad guilty to a lesser charge got a suspended sentence what was that like for him a proud man as I said retired police officer to be a convicted criminal he just shut him down he um fortunately the day that we came out of

    Court a friend said go on to the your computer and type in post office problems so straight away we heard of Alan Bates and the gfsa and that weekend we had to go down they were having a meeting at a solicitors down in Bedford and they said

    Pete said well just about cuz he was caref you from 7 at night till 700 in the morning and he said I just about get there and back if I can see somebody straight away and he did and we already by then knew that there were several

    Others so that helped us a lot because when we sat around the room the first meeting and everybody told the story they were almost all identical nearly everybody had been dropped the theft dropped at the last minute nearly everybody had been told there was nobody else involved had had a problem

    His name was not cleared until after his death no as a family how do you feel about that sad it’s can’t be change so there’s no point in dwelling on it but every time something happens I just think I wish Pete was here to to see what’s happening

    Now he died just as we were getting the uh papers together to go to the uh group litigation um meeting to the the courts so he knew something was hopefully heading in the right direction but he never knew what the outcome was they hadn’t even gone to court when he when

    He died so yeah he as far as he knew he was still convicted well Maran you continued the fight in Peter’s name yeah and on behalf of so many others as well tomorrow as part of the inquiry you’ll be sitting there in the same room as the investigator who started the criminal proceedings

    Essentially against Peter what do you think you will hear from him what do you want to hear from him tomor I want to hear why and why he didn’t listen to the fact that Peter had a good record he had a a as I say an ex policeman he he

    Nobody believed him and I just wish somebody had just listened to him and said this I mean it was obvious he wasn’t guilty everybody who knew him I mean we were luy cuz some people they had villagers and everybody else stand against them nobody about that knew

    Peter ever thought that he was guilty but it hurt him and it hurt him to see the big newspaper out article saying ex policeman guilty of false accounting and I think that was what really hurt him because it was just there in black and white what do you want to happen at the

    End of this Maran because there is a wave of momentum this inquiry is ongoing there’s much more to come what does the conclusion of it look like in your mind’s eye what keeps you going I want everybody to get what they deserve and as a say that’s the good as well as the

    Bad I want those who had any hand in it and there right through post office Fujitsu governments of all colors had a hand in it I knew about it and buried their heads and I want to see Justice Done For those but more than anything else all of those that have been

    Affected get compensation well it isn’t compensation it’s getting redressed but without having to fight of it you know we’ve having to fight every single bit they come out with these big Ideas oh yes everybody can have this much everybody can we never get it we just have to fight every single step of

    The way and we shouldn’t have to it’s been proved that we’re right so they should accept that and just get on with it Marian thank you for coming in to speak to us and to tell us Peter’s story and we wish you luck tomorrow I know

    It’s going to be difficult um but we really appreciate you coming to talk to us and we’ll talk again soon this isn’t done yet thank you right thank you Mar thank you s now a Scottish born transgender golfer has spoken of her dream of earning her

    LPGA Tour card this is after winning a tournament in Florida Haley Davidson won the next women’s classic to earn a spot on the lpga’s qualifying tour however her victory has sparked anger online our Sports correspondent Bob Harris has a story what you have to win next a first

    Golf trophy in three years for Haley Davidson I am so proud of you Haley a Scot success in Florida celebrated with Mom but as a transgender woman her very participation in last week’s all female events in Florida is questioned I win and people freak out as

    Soon as you play well the whole world kind of you know ends and oh I’m destroying women’s golf now and and all this other stuff do you recognize that you might have an unfair Advantage I recognize that I did have an unfair Advantage um a few years ago I’ve

    Been transitioning for 9 years I’ve been on hormones for almost 9 years um I had surgery well coming up actually coming up almost on three years exactly um I’ve lost oh just over 15 miles hour swing speed but those who lost out to Davidson will now be pulled by event organizers

    While reiterating ating a commitment to inclusivity nxxt golf CEO Stuart McKinnon responded to critics by saying we believe it is vital to consider the perspectives of those directly affected by these policies furthermore in maintaining the Integrity of our standards we have requested Haley Davidson to undergo additional testosterone testing to ensure

    Compliance with the appropriate guidelines activists are trying to protect female sport for those female at Birth it is just not possible for a male to compete in a female category without creating unfairness for those females you know if we didn’t have female categories there wouldn’t be any professional women golfers there

    Wouldn’t be winners of this women’s tournament golf has shown it’s open to transgender women competing in female events but other sports have prioritized sporting fairness over inclusivity and that means we’ve seen cycling swimming and Athletics impose restrictions on anyone who’s gone through male puberty from competing in female

    Categories at this club amate golfers want trans women to feel welcome in their Sport All Sports should be open adjustments can be made for um people who’ve moved over from one sex to another um if there are like biases by muscle or or testosterone or estrogen the change of gender is a personal

    Matter and we shouldn’t really interfere it is true in competitions it’s got to be uh it’s got to be decided uh and probably monitored the see what is fair and what is not Haley Davidson is willing to play Within whatever rules are required with the dream of earning a place on the LPGA

    Tour and competing at the Scottish open my kind of outlook on on everything is trans athletes shouldn’t be banned but at the same time there needs to be regulations in place because it shouldn’t just be a free-for-all fighting for acceptance while just wanting to play the sport she loves Rob

    Harris Sky News West London coming up on the UK tonight the campaign for sainthood for Mary Ward the so-called ordinary woman from York who set up schools for girls 400 years ago and with no more Brits left in the Australian Open singles is this the end of an era for British success on Court the ATT is going to be to set a new world record for the longest Expedition by sitsky so for viewers it’s like a wheelchair without the wheels but with skis mounted underneath and you’re using ski poles to kind of propel yourself forward and currently uh the

    Biggest distance done to the South Pole is the last degree which is 111 km and we’re going to be attempting to do 333 km um supported by some of my closest friends that have been through this journey with me you know from the Mountaineer who I was before for having

    That moment where life changed you know one of the team saved my life on that day and then the kind of Journey that has led to some of these things that we’re going to probably talk about and ultimately has led to attempting to ski to the South Pole which is probably a

    Dream I’ve held for my entire life but never quite believed would happen I think psychologically physically this is going to be difficult but possible psychologically this is going to be really tough it’s going to be an extreme environment where we’re going to be skiing and sit skiing you know using my

    Upper body alone for 11 12 hours a day covering maybe just 20 km because of the kit that we’re pulling with us um and at the end of the day obviously you put up your camp and you have to start the process of readying yourself for the

    Next day um but I think the thing that really gets me through some of these things is the sense of gratitude that you know when I had my accident I very nearly um didn’t survive and I owed my life to my best friend whose quick reactions saved me so the fact that I

    Get these opportunities and the fact that I get to fly the flag for spinal cord injury fly the flag for disability is is something I’m very proud of the real driver and the real motivation for me comes from a place of remembering what it was like to be in

    Hospital you know being told that you were never going to walk again and being told that your reality yesterday is going to be very different to your reality tomorrow and what I really needed and what I really was searching for in those difficult moments was um

    Someone that I could look to and think there is so much that is still possible and one of the things that I get to do from time to time I love is to go back to the ward that I was on for my rehab and talk to the boys the girls the men

    The women that are there and just say to them look you know we’re limited more by our mindset than we are by our physical ability and you know that there is life beyond injury and as hopefully we will prove opportunity and doors that open that you could never have Imagined uh coming out the campaign to make a woman from York who set up scores for girls 400 years ago a saint uh but first Dave is here with the sport Dave no Brits left at the Australian Open Cameron nor Our Last Hope did put up a

    Fight though didn’t he put up a hell of a fight against Alex vand spev Olympic champion former world number two never taken a set ofev before he took him all the way to deciding tie break two sets a piece sudden death kind of tiebreaker he lost 103 in that fairly convincingly but

    Go he did play really well um he’s reached the wimon semi-final before lost in four sets to Novak jovic but at 28 years of age he’s our British number one very much taken over from Andy Murray and yeah he’s not far away from from taking now some top 10 opponents yeah

    The Australian Open all the Brits going out in the early stages big names Emma ranu Andy Murray sort of hinting that that might be his last Australian Open are we going to have to get used to seeing fewer Brits at these sort of big Grand Slam events now in the latest

    Stages particularly well let’s hope not I mean Andy Murray has flown the flank hasn’t he for British tennis for such a long time and it’s been fantastic to watch his career and and even in the latter years when he’s had hip problems and hip replacements and all sorts it’s

    Been brilliant to watch the way he just refuses to give in but just he’s got unbelievable Spirit but he just has in in in the latter weeks suggested that yeah it looks like he might be coming to the end and it’ be a sad day when he

    Does call time on his career hopefully it’s not for while yet but we’ve got Jack ja 22 norri who’s 28 Emma ranu US Open champion in 2021 of course she’s only 21 years of age so I don’t think we’ve seen the end of the of the young

    Brits yet I think there’s still plenty of life in us so I hope in them yeah well in them not in us one okay one or two concerns for the tennis then one or two concerns for the rugby as well this Sky News Sports bulletin is brought to you by

    Vitality getting more people more active live life with [Applause] Vitality 20124 will Mark the return of the Olympic Games to Europe for the first time since London 2012 team GB sprinters have an enviable strength in depth but only three male and three female sprinters can compete in the

    Individual events Eugene amod dadsy is one of a number of British sub 10 second 100 meter male sprinters he’s a little bit different though yeah a late starter very late in fact he began just five years ago narrowly missing out on the world championship 100 meter final last

    Summer at the age of 31 he’s getting faster though and that’s all the more incredible as before he began sprinting he’d forged himself a career meet the world’s fastest accountant right now I I still don’t refer to myself as a printer I’m just a ched accountant F account that’s why I

    Like to call myself wait every penny every little house right that’s what that’s what people think accountants are I’m unbelievably proud of my accountant qualification you know my parents pushed me to you know go to school do well get good grades um and qualify you know as something being from a West African

    Household it was called that doct lawyer engineer um accountant so I guess I went down that route so I’m incredibly proud of it um and the sky new sports bulletin is brought to you by [Applause] Vitality all right another storm is on the way let’s take a look at the

    Weather Warm memories wherever you go the weather sponsored by kataar Airways well there has been a very brief Lull in the weather between storm iser’s departure and the arrival of storm Joselin tonight showers have been dying away throughout the day and winds easing for the South but stormy conditions will

    Return overnight there’s an Amber warning in force for northern and western Scotland winds likely to reach storm Force again further south windy once again with gusts between 50 and 70 mil per hour expected this evening remaining showers over Scotland will die away and winds will ease further from the

    South the weather sponsored by Kata Airways it’s at that point in the show where we like to leave you with something weird or wonderful and the campaign for sainthood for an ordinary woman who led the way on girls education in the 1600s is gathering momentum uh Mary Ward was born in Yorkshire more

    Than 450 years ago into a society where women had few rights and lived in closed lives what’s more she was a Catholic which meant religious persecution her grandmother was jailed and her cousin executed however Mary went on to found schools in 10 European countries where girls could have an equal education to

    Boys and her supporters say that she is still very relevant today we’re joining us live from York is Dr Hannah Thomas special Collections and research manager at the bar Convent the bar Convent in York uh the oldest living Convent in the UK a close links to Mary uh what a

    Fascinating woman so ahead of her time tell me more about her and why people believe she should become a saint uh I mean she is she’s a very interesting woman the more you kind of get to know her the more the more you want to know about her really um she’s

    An absolute Pioneer for Education um for equality so for women’s equality and in general the power of Education you know the fact that education gives you the opportunity to do anything anywhere in the world um she really sort of paved the way for that that idea of education

    Opening doors yeah uh when you think about Saints they really were the first role models it’s the ancient world’s version of you know Role Models but to be a sa you literally need a miracle where does that come in as part of this campaign and this story I mean I think there’s different

    Aspects of um of proven Saint today so is partly the miracle element um which sadly we we don’t know too much about so there are things kind of ongoing on that front that are necessary kept confidential you know while they’re being investigated um so the other element of it is proving you know

    Relevance to today’s society so it’s not just a woman from Yorkshire 400 years ago she’s a woman who changed things who who is relevant to today who talks about values that we can identify with um and who people uh should know about so it’s not just about that sort of that

    Well-known bit of it it’s the other side of it as well you know the idea that it’s it’s something of relevance to today’s society and something worth celebrating yeah give us an idea of the battle she faced the obstacles she had to overcome because you know when you look at

    Countries like Afghanistan Iran and India those still very much relevant today for for women and girls yeah and her her um follow the followers of her order are still changing you know education so there’s been recent legislation in South Sudan that her sisters have actually influenced um her

    Order that’s working there currently to provide education for for young girls um so for Mary Ward herself this is this is at a time where philosophers are debating if women even have souls or not um so women are just seen as you know wives and mothers that

    That’s all they’re sort of they’re there for um and Mary Ward says that they deserve an education they’re intellectually as capable as boys you know they deserve an equal education they deserve all the opportunities that boys get and with education anything is possible for them um very modern um as

    An approach yeah a woman well ahead of her time being just described as an ordinary woman from York but as you’ve said there so eloquently an extraordinary woman from York we’ll follow the campaign thank you for joining us on the UK tonight thank you right you can catch up on all the

    Highlights on our web page just scan the QR screen but stay with us here on Sky News coming up it is the launch of the world with yala hakeim tonight yala is going to be joined by the shadow foreign secretary David Lamy so stay tuned yala hakeem’s brand new show is coming up


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