The bike tour continues. Woke up to almost perfect conditions on the second day. Clear blue skies, 25 C and a small tail wind. Cycled past some really nice small villages as Överklinten, Åkullsjön and Botsmark before I made it to Vindeln in the evening. At the Vindel River NAture Center I prepared a dinner and enjoyed the surrounding views over the rapids. Finally ended up wild camping about 10 km north of Vindeln. The campspot couldn’t be any nicer, just a couple of meters away from the River.


    1. Beautiful country, thanks for filming it and taking us along. You are really helping us as we are still in lock down here, no bike riding allowed, thanks again.

    2. Bro I like your videos , but your like Darren, you both gotta start and up the quality of food you eat processed shit cheese, see your a good guy and am sure you want to be cycling into your 70s plus, so what you eat now mike does matter.

    3. Beautiful film Mikael. I loved the wide shots as you cycled by – they really showed up the scenery well. Again, great mix of shots, talking and music. The Vindel River looks amazing. Was that mainly snowmelt or had there been a downpour further upstream? Nice reference to Kevin too. I'm missing hearing from him on your and Darren's films – I hope he's well given all the bush fires and Covid scares. Thanks again.

    4. Thanks for sharing these videos, Mike. It's great to see another part of the world even if virtually. Have you posted your routes? I'd love to try one next year.

    5. Your videos just keep getting better and better. Impressed by the work you do. Especially these clips that are taken at a distance. keep up the god work

    6. Hey Mike, well done on hitting 3k subscribers. Your video's are getting more professional each week.
      Blue skies, 25° and a tail wind, sounds like heaven. I hope you had your sunglasses this time, I've only just recovered from all that eye ball gore from last year.
      Your food looked good again, you can't go wrong with some easy peasy squeezy cheese.
      Hope you enjoyed the heat wave last week, take it easy Ed

    7. How Swede it is as they say in Minnesota. Do you get many requests to join you or do you prefer to go it alone? It's getting closer to art now with the Bergmanesque shot. Keep up the good work!

    8. Oh my goodness Mike, like everyone said that's a lot of setups and effort. Thank goodness the days are long. Well done, really enjoyed it

    9. Satan så stiligt. Köpte en Long haul trucker 2år sedan med mål att komma ut på något längre än heldagsturer. Har lovat mig själv att lägga undan pengar varje månad och komma iväg 2022, innan vintern ska jag vara nöjd allt på cykeln så jag kan samla på mig kamping utrustning under vintern.

    10. Your editing very good. The continuity of events is seamless. Must have taken a lot of time to do all the shots and then come back to the camera. Again. And again. And then some. Like I´ve said before, keep the videos coming1

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