Time Stamps

    0:00 Intro.
    3:13 Reason 1.
    8:30 Reason 2.
    13:19 Reason 3.
    14:53 Reason 4.
    17:10 How to find a good review.
    18:29 End of the road and fishermen.
    22:58 Reason 5.
    26:20 Conclusion and End.

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    Safe riding,


    Good morning everyone Reginald Scott here how are you all doing did you have a good Christmas and New Year’s sorry I haven’t been around for a little while uh basically my wife and I took the opportunity to go on holiday and so I haven’t been about to make many

    Videos but I’m back now and uh oh before I forget don’t forget to like comment subscribe hit the notification Bell share with a friend all that good stuff I would really appreciate it thank you very much okay so today I’m going to take you somewhere that uh reminds me a little

    Bit of where I used to ride back in the UK now obviously there’s a lot less tropical fruit and palm trees in the UK but what I mean is the kind of Roads these are sort of like where I used to live in the UK was a country side

    Farmland SL Village area and so there was lots of narrow lanes and it was very hilly cuz it Nottinghamshire Nottinghamshire is quite hilly it’s not mountainous but it’s hilly and where we’re going today as you can see is a little bit sort of back end of nowhere and uh very pretty in

    Places little town little Villages and uh narrow streets as you can see didn’t slow down much at first did she I was avoiding the pothole there you go obstruction was on her side so right there are are that is the standard of driving thank you very

    Much all right I’ve got to drop a gear here I’ve already dropped a gear here know what percentage this is but it’s pretty steep excuse me I might not talk much for this God I need to get onto the subject of today’s video don’t I okay give me a second so today’s subject

    Is why you shouldn’t trust YouTube product reviews okay many reasons why you shouldn’t trust YouTube product reviews and I’m going to tell you all the reasons see very reminiscent of English country lanes I think you know stick a few Private Hedge RS in and a few sheep

    And you could be in the back end of notum so let’s get on with the reasons number one the reason why you shouldn’t trust YouTube product reviews is when obviously but I’m going to point it out anyway even though it is obvious the product in question is

    Sponsored or the channel is sponsored so if you’ve got gcn and their video is an ad and it says sponsored or they say it’s sponsored and gcn are sponsored by for example or and they’re reviewing the latest Ora whatever super bite chances are you’re not going to get a very good

    Review um in the sense that it’s going to be a great review they’re going to tell you you all the great things about the bike but they won’t tell you a single bad thing about it so basically if you really want to know if that product is worth

    Buying you certainly shouldn’t rely on a paid for sponsored advert from the likes of gcn now a lot of YouTubers so-called independent YouTube can you see that independent YouTubers from time to time receive sponsorships okay so again you really have to question is this going to be a legit review

    Because sponsorship equals money and unfortunately as I’ve discovered in my nearly 40 years on the planet not quite there yet but getting close everything’s about money almost everything’s about money I think pretty much everything is about money at some extent because without money you can’t live and

    A lot of these guys on YouTube including myself you know have to make a living we have mouths to feed including our own so when someone comes with a big fat paycheck it’s very hard to turn that down and if that means just bending the TRU slightly or avoiding it entirely

    Well that kind of comes with the territory and here’s the thing you can’t really blame them and I imagine the way that most of these people rationalize their decisions is by saying well I’ve told people this is a sponsored review or I’ve told people I’m being sponsored well people know that

    I’m sponsored by this brand so you know if they go and buy this product just on my say so maybe that’s their fault not mine but the problem is that marketing has really changed I remember when most of the marketing we used to get as people was directly from the companies

    By adverts that they paid for on television or radio or Billboards and it was strikingly obvious that you were talking to someone with a corporate face you know that you were being sold by the company whereas now with using all these independent YouTubers independent um it it does give a false uh impression

    Even when they they are clear about their sponsorships you know we are more inclined to trust people that we feel we know I mean I don’t know about you guys but when I watch certain YouTubers I I follow them for a long time and I feel

    Like I get to know them and they almost become you know not a member of the family or something but like an acquaintance that we recognize and we look forward to seeing they kind of almost seem like friends so yeah we have a certain level of trust

    With them and we don’t think they’re going to betray us because why should they right we don’t we don’t have this idea that we’re going to be scammed uh from these people but and like I said I don’t think it’s intentional I think these people are rationalizing it themselves and saying

    Look all I’m doing is taking an honest paycheck to show you a great new product but how have they really tested it properly have they told you everything that’s the question you need to ask yourself you know if they do a really thorough review but they just hide one of the

    Negative things they found or they don’t mention it that can totally change the image of the product right it can go from being an amazing product to being a terrible product just by one small piece of information so like I say be wary the next thing is when people are

    Sent something for free now to me although they’re not taking money cash in hand right although they’re not getting money cash in hand to me that’s almost identical to being paid to do a review because some of the things that people get sent for free cost thousands of

    Dollars and here’s the thing a lot of these YouTube channels survive based on the fact that they have constant flow of new products in which to review people like David Arthur they would have no business at all if they did not have a constant stream of free products that they are sent to

    Review in inverted comers right if that supply of free stuff dried up their channel would dry up up in an instant people want to see new stuff I want to see new stuff I bet you want to see new stuff and so we click on the

    Video so it’s a very powerful system and they’re not going to rock the boat so back to the YouTuber thing if a YouTuber gets sent a product let’s say it’s a wheel and they’re not 100% on board they will not be receiving the next product simple as and if they don’t receive the

    Next product they don’t make a video if they don’t make a video they lose views if they lose views they don’t eat so it is a really vicious cycle so don’t trust people to get sent stuff for free they always say oh I’ve been sent

    It for free but I’ve been told to give it an honest review I’ve done it myself I remember very early on in my YouTube career I met a guy out cycling in Nottingham and he found out I had a small YouTube channel he said do you want to review our

    Products uh they bicycle products they were cleaning products so I said yeah sure so he sent me to sent me the products he didn’t tell me to give him a good review or anything he just said you know see what you think let us know and I did and uh

    Well I was not that impressed and I tell you what I never received the call back they never came back to me with an answer they never you know nothing it was just deadly silence that was it and I never spoke to them again I certainly didn’t get a channel sponsorship that’s

    For sure so yeah don’t be stupid you know big big businesses or even small businesses are not going to work with people that don’t 100% support them just not going to happen look at these lovely little Hills just like Notting him English country lanes look at them similar Road quality as

    Well in some places taking it easy today cuz I’ve been off the bike for two weeks basically and I am fat ate way too much over Christmas and new years’s I’m really trying to scale it back it’s crazy right let’s just get down here first it’s a bit of a fast one

    All right well where was I so yes if somebody gets sent something be very dubious they basically can’t tell you the truth they just can’t do it what a glorious day the same goes for anything that somebody got a heavy discount on you know that’s a monetary

    Incentive you know for like me for example yeah I’m going to criticize myself like me when I review any of my products I did buy them myself you know I had to pay money for them nobody told me to review them and uh nobody sponsored me to review them not being

    Paid I didn’t get anything for free I’m a shop I have to buy my products to get them when I buy a product to review I don’t I don’t buy it to review I buy it to sell and then I sometimes occasionally review it I have

    Had like a 30 40% discount on that now it’s a little bit different from an independent YouTuber who doesn’t have a business as such um being given a 30 or 40% discount on a product just to review it that is you know to me that’s as bad as being

    Paid but still I do have a bias and I guess my bias is I didn’t pay full price so a product that seems good to me maybe for example I don’t know a set of wheels might seem great to me because I only paid ,000 for them and you pay I don’t

    Know 1,500 something like that you know 1,400 so I’m saving all that money in theory which in theory makes me biased towards the product okay so again be aware of that be suspicious of that another kind of product review you should really be wary of is you know

    Hate to bring them up again but the likes of um well I’ll say friends right I won’t mention the two friends but there are two famous cycling YouTuber friends both who claim to work in the same field of uh I don’t know mechanical science should we say and when one

    Friend reviews the other friend’s product I would call that a little bit suspicious okay now not saying there was anything underhand there um the one of the friends claims that he was not paid to review his good mates product but still I would be a little bit wary of

    That if I was you simply because I didn’t see any negatives in that review really and he did basically avoid speaking about something quite important uh about the product which was totally skipped over so again you know little bit suspicious so be wary if you know two YouTubers are friends and

    One is reviewing the other person’s business or product yeah little bit suspicious get up this hill Oh it’s a hard one come on I need a drink at the top of here for sure I am so unit so with all that said and if I’ve missed anything anything that you should look

    Out for with regards to reviews and how to protect yourself do let me know I’m a drink so what should you look out for like what should be a review that you trust okay so avoid all those pitfalls I’ve just mentioned and try to go for small YouTubers obviously because the more

    Successful you get the more you are likely to fall victim to the corrupt system just like politicians many of them I’m sure start out with good intentions many people start with good intentions and then they get corrupted by the system here we go End Of The Line This is where

    The road kind of finishes basically we have to turn around and go back but I’ll just show you the end of the road first hey y we got a lot of fisherman here today my pgy py after you sir thank you there we are are you going out or coming in uh coming

    In coming in successful fishing trip H yeah just get SP ohang is it udang galaa oh very good yeah they went out fishing for big prawns this morning they’re kind of like crayfish they call them udang Gala and they’re very delicious um maybe we’ll get to see what they’ve

    Caught but this is a spot that I like to come to it’s really pretty and quaint here and often you you can see lots of uh interesting creatures and animals like if you look down there there’s some tracks in the sand so something has been prowling around this morning looking for things

    To eat could be uh lizards there’s some Crocs in there for sure but you probably won’t see them cuz they already gone out hunting so where was it yeah so try and pick small YouTubers as independent as possible you know no sponsorships no paid advertising uh for them uh no discount codes

    No uh what do you call it you know uh no free products and then really importantly try and pick someone who’s actually had the product for a good long time and hey if you know any YouTubers like this do stick them in the comments below so we can go and

    Watch their videos um but yeah they’ve had to have the product for a while like I mean I’m talking months it’s no good someone getting a product you know in the box and saying this is a great product where’s the testing you know how long have you had it for that’s the key

    Right this is the Steep Hill on my word that must be crazy D ask me the gradient I don’t know but it is steep I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s more than 20% it’s without a doubt the steepest hill I know very short but very steep jeez I got a bit though even with me Christmas fat on oh Santa Maria make

    Sure the YouTuber has done plenty of mileage on the product first there’s absolutely no point in a YouTube review that is nothing more than a guy showing off a product he’s only had for a week you know yes it can give you first impressions but they’re really not that much use at all

    So one person who sticks out in mind who I do like and who I do watch is uh trell guy who reviews a lot of Chinese products that are like AliExpress stuff and I buy AliExpress stuff so I do like that you know I do like um watching his

    Reviews but what he tends to do and I’ll I’ll point out one in particular which was the um the L L2 is it called I think the electronic group set that he did recently um he got the thing he put it on his bike he reviewed it he said it was

    Great you know and then literally a couple of days later I think less than a week later something on it broke and like seriously broke like something snapped or fell off something like that right now if you follow his channel you watched his review and you went wow that

    Looks great and he likes it and I trust him and then you went out and you’d already bought it You’ paid your money and it was on the way so you couldn’t return it you know too late and AliExpress is quite difficult to return stuff on because you know the uh the

    Onus is on the the buy buyer not the seller so you have to prove as a buyer that the seller did something wrong yeah and so you went out you bought it you spent hundreds of pounds on that thing electronic group set and guess what very next day major flaw

    Discovered so be aware of that you know go with people who’ve actually put the product through its Pacers and that can be annoying because that means all the people that are going to review it first and give First Impressions and get all the hits are going to be people that you want to

    Trust the Least make sure the person’s actually actually spent some good long time with the products at least a couple of months you know that’s why when I did my product reviews like my my chanelli review I had that bike for the best part 6 months before I reviewed it my hyper Wheels I

    Had those for a few months I think before I reviewed them cuz I wanted to check them you know wanted to actually make sure that they were at least robust enough to last a few months which believe it or not a lot of products aren’t believe it or not a lot of

    Products are that bad but they won’t even last a few months I think that’s about it folks so thank you for watching hopefully that was useful to you yeah be very careful who you trust especially with your money I know I can talk but uh I have

    Been cheated many a time in my life I know it and uh it’s never fun and I don’t wish that upon anybody else so do be careful When selecting your next products do try and get lots of little reviews from independent as independent people as you can find

    And as people have tested it for as long as you can find and do you’ll be aware of any kind of sponsorships right folks I shall see you all in the next video do ride safe bye-bye e


    1. Get your point and it’s hard to disagree with some of it, but if you actually want to see ANYTHING how on earth is that going to happen if I will have to wait for a truly independent reviewer to get around to paying for the product him/herself (a product which might be quite expensive) and then review after 6 months every time? How exciting is that for me as a viewer? What about those who only get the product for limited period of time and then have to return it after reviewing it (or at least that is what they say), is that ok in your opinion? How can anyone actually be regarded as being 100% independent really? You run your own business and sell bikes (I think?), parts, lube and whatnot, and you “sell” your own reputation as a trustworthy bike mechanic and people pay for your services. Not saying you scam people or get filthy rich, but it puts food on your table to (almost) use your own words. Trust is something you earn, and I do believe many of us are able to see a YouTube review with a certain healthy skepticism. Wether or not the reviewer says the product is great or bad might not be the most important thing either. Maybe I just want to know a specific thing which I’m not able to google myself, or maybe I’m just too lazy. I might wonder about the weight of a bike, the tire clearance, price, available colors or whatever. It might just be enough information for me to disregard a product entirely or make me interested enough to investigate it further. In my experience (and I might just have been very lucky every time) if several reviewers say the same/similar thing and they mention pros and cons I can consider myself, then I’m happy to take my chances and trust them. It’s often not possible to find a shop which has that specific product I would prefer to examine in real life, and ordering every thing I might find interesting online and have it delivered just to review it myself and then return it is definitely not an option. I don’t trust everyone and I don’t necessarily trust one person’s opinion, but I choose to trust someone’s opinion.
      Criticizing Tracevelo for actually being honest and saying he might have been wrong about a product he first said was great is kind of strange to me. Haven’t we all some time or another been quite impressed or even blown away by the first impression of something and later been disappointed? He could have chosen to keep quiet about it, but he didn’t. In fact I find most of his reviews to be quite honest (and of course I might be wrong) and mostly he mentions both pros and cons, good and bad. And he is not the only one. Surely people are biased, just like you with your 23 mm tires, titanium, mechanical group sets, rim brakes and whatnot. Not saying you necessarily are wrong, but I might not agree with you, and the best choice/product for you might not be the best for me. You love your rim brakes and think they suck. I think you’re a dinosaur and you think I’m a moron who just believes anything GCN tells me. Well, some of us actually made our choice ourselves before we even knew GCN existed, and some of us actually have a different opinion than you. We might both be right to some extent, we might both have valid arguments. Blindly trusting ANYONE on YouTube is just stupid in my opinion, but I appreciate the information I am given, information I might be able to use to make my own decisions, or I can choose to ignore it. I don’t trust every YouTuber’s reviews but I do appreciate that they actually do them. I find it very interesting to just see what’s out there, even if I mostly will never even consider buying the product they’re reviewing myself. I also truly believe YouTube would be quite boring and much less interesting without them.

    2. Born and bred in Nottingham and never moved away 😊. Weather your end looks much better than here I can tell you 😊. Totally agree. I've started to take everything with a pinch of salt now on YouTube. Certainly getting fed up with the shameful promotion of fully integrated cabling, which the reviewer knows has little to no value, but comes with a multitude of problems for the end user.

    3. I couldn't agree more. Then again perhaps you are stating the obvious but then ……
      There's so many reasons for a review to be biased. There are many cases where "it doesn't look cool" is more important than "it does the job at a reasonable price", particularly as regards does it make you look like a pro or not.
      Too often there is an assumption that you want, and can afford, the ultimate.
      Too often there is an assumption that we mortals are as strong as ex-pros so, obviously, we don't want a tripple for instance, or we don't want provision to carry all the food etc for a full day out without a team car in support or …..
      Everything you say is true and indeed "the road to hell is paved with good intentions".
      I think the only thing you can do if you want to gain anything out of youtube reviews is watch lots of reviews by lots of people. Learn their individual bias (and allow for it) and see different reviewers for the same product What's different in them? Then accept that there is risk involved in taking anyones word for things.
      Yes I like Luke at Trace velo too because he at least says when its broke.
      I don't like Peak torque because he seems too opinionated, everyone else is wrong.
      I also like the velomobile channel but then I like a recumbent too.

    4. Hey hope your ok looking great on your bike. I totally agree with what you say if a channel gave a negative review of a product then the company's will not send you anything ever again By the way I'm living in ipoh Malaysia I married a Malaysian lady been living here for 2 months now I love it.

    5. I don't trust youtubers who are taking videos while riding and hearing wind noise. My god, can't you make a point by just creating your content in a room with no background noise?

    6. GCN & GMBN don't review things, they have stated that before, as they are have partnerships, several have asked for reviews., but they won't do it due to the sponsorships.

    7. 6:08 Some brands still do ads even with famous people, or riders, YT bikes did an add for YT Jeffsy with Christopher Walken, where he tells a story about a friend, and the friend is the enduro bike Jeffsy.
      Specialized did an add where a pro rider was dressed up as an old man. But all of this won't make me buy a bike. Nor Danny Macaskill riding crazy stuff, doing stunts, ort riding trough a head deep puddle, they made just for the video.

    8. I review stuff I use, but I pay for everything, I try stuff, if it sucks I say so, I try to tell all the pros and cons. But I've not made tons of reviews, But I'm limited with stuff I need. I will likely have more shoe reviews as I need to figure out shoes that fit me, and work for what I do, currently I'm looking into winter shoes, water and wind proof shoes. As there's no store near me that has all mountain biking shoes on the market I cna't easily try them for size.

    9. Some channels have sponsors not related to cycling. But I hate when ads interrupts videos. most common ad spamming is Squarespace, but at least the Raid ShadowLegends thing faded.
      Howe to do ads in videos: have ad at the end of the video, if interested you watch the ad look into it, if not ignore it, hate when people force you to skip trough the video.
      I see shaving kit sponsorships, intime care products, supplement products. But hate when people do split screen with half being an ad.
      Some creators have same ad over and over or mention same product over and over, so annoying. Review or not I hate the ad spamming.

    10. The electronic groupset was a prototype, so should not really be on sale. Prototypes are not for sale, unless it's a frame, that is solid, and could be ridden. I saw someone had a prototype Geometron frame.

    11. More honest reviews are needed. I've not seen much proper reviews of many products I'm interested in, a lot good and bad to say about some products yet nobody mention them, don't test long enough.
      But if I review something I try to mention it all, so I take good time before I post a review, and I update reviews too.

    12. We all must come to that point in our lives when we stop choosing to suffer through the learning curves of others. We have our own learning curve to suffer through individually and not to inflict it anyone else.

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