Mexican Isaac del Toro hit hard, but Stephen Williams responded for stage glorey and defended to win the 2024 Tour Down Under overall on Mount Lofty. #tdu And more action here:


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    We’re hearing a crash there it is now who’s involved down there that must have been near the back of the race I presume because we’ve got Finn Fisher black in the white jersey is there definitely and I can see also down there uh Dion Smith the Canadian Rider number 56 playing with his

    Bike it looks as though the contenders may have escaped but there’s where it happened massive fall really goodness me a lot of riders caught up in that one some 10 or 10 riders or so hitting the ground a lot of others held up and that was quite far forward in the peleton

    Around 20th position try and do it again there is the ochre Jersey still pushing and looking quite in control at the moment look at the splitting the peleton now as the Riders start to peel off their jobs are done and they can’t keep up with the pressure now this is the

    Santos door down under and a race for just 1 second could win the day it’s Harper Bennett Naz Williams there on the right hand side Del Toro number seven next to him a little bit further back in pink is Archie Ryan another specialist com Oscar Onley on

    The inside in the white jersey is Yates back Left Behind the yellow helmet of Damen H Yates poised he’s going to come forward he’s got to come forward but you know this somebody’s attacked here Del Toro Del Toro the man that stole the Jersey into Lal and led and looked like

    He was going to win it lost it yesterday and here he goes again and boy is he stringing out the Riders this Mexican is only 20 years of age well this is a huge explosion Steve Williams has been distance the ochre Jersey he’s the man trying to close the gap na’ as goes

    Around the rider from group armor fdj onto the wheel of Del Toro the Mexican is doing damage what a session look over the shoulder from Naz but he sees Williams come back into the the wheel so delaro nvz Williams has read that well he’s got himself into it the only has

    Been distanced at the moment rer trying to get away what a return for them though for the group armor team well there’s the Gap Del Toro leading them B Lemma up there as well and here comes na so they got back on terms with the rider

    From group army fdj deloro with the last itch na in second wheel but Williams doing everything that’s been required of him so far only not in the picture so Williams only needs to finish in the wheel of Jonathan na is he no it depends if na wins he gets 10 seconds bonus 5

    Seconds the difference at the start of the day he must at least finish in the next position behind Naz if not beat him if he has deloro in between them and Naz wins navz would win the Tour now come the Sprint they’re going to dip down

    This is a what in Earth is that man doing running down the street but lmer coming back from behind they’re in the last couple of hundred met now Phil the road about to dip down 200 M to go deloro here goes Willi Williams is going to go for this and

    Take it out in style in the leader’s Jersey he wins the stage on Mount lofty what a way to Crown a winner of the Santos tour down under they got not going to catch him he’s got the victory in ochre now that is class out of all the race scenarios and

    Possibilities there could have been Steve Williams says let’s just keep it simple I’ll just win well he saved the uh the race commentators having to work it out he gets a 10-second win bonus well he certainly made it easy for us with our maths look at this now this

    Is that’s a result a terrific victory for his team incredible week Steve Williams the winner of the tour down under how does that sound brilliant yeah oh what a stage it’s over the moon honestly the the support the team have given me the last few days incredible uh I can’t

    Thank them enough staff one year’s mechanics the boys the Riders everyone feebe on the media just uh yeah really proud to come down here start the season like this on the front foot and head back now to Europe and continue on what about having a look at this replay here

    It’s Del Toro ahead of Naas then Stevie Williams realized they lull momentarily around this corner and it’s the opportunity for him to jump and then it’s all over to NAS to try and run him down but unfortunately not enough legs there to be able to run down the OCH

    Jersey he wins the final stage and he wins the overall World Tour of the Santos to down under to Stevie Williams and he gets a 10-second win bonus to the six seconds of his arch rival l in redz and the white jersey of Del Toro he came back after his disappointment of

    Yesterday today although he didn’t sound disappointed when we interviewed him


    1. @juanvasques3598 Welcome to cycling racing bro. It's about split second calculations, He did not get lucky at all, and had to close a really big gap when Del Toro attacked, but he still won.

    2. Great effort by all. Del Toro will get more focus from the team for sure. Loosing by so little is a good thing at a young age. Learning is huge. Hes going to do well, let Del Toro grow.

    3. Del Toro is Special, at a young age he seems to be the next star in cycling if he keeps it in this form, from now he'll only get better and stronger every time, UAE needs to take him to the Giro or Vuelta this year, he could even ride in the tour to help Pogacar because he's a great climber, so it would be great to have him alongside Adam Yates and Juan Ayuso in the mountains to help Pogacar win the tour

    4. Glad to see IPT dominating in the World Tour. They have depth in their squad but rarely materialised.
      Let’s see if they’ll be up there with the first division squads this season

    5. The way Stevie Williams closed the gap on Del Toro's initial attack showed just what good form he's on, then to kick again in the sprint. Del Toro is a huge talent but I'm pleased for Williams, been a tough road after some injuries a couple of years back

    6. I'm welsh and that's a amazing win for Stevie Williams absolutely lovely lad what's with the cock getting onto the route with 200m to if he brought them 3.down it would have been an embarrassing end to a great tour he needs a lump under his eye to wise up great content as usual.

    7. I'm a Mexican American and have been riding competitively for 30+ years. I stopped racing 23 years ago. Other than Raul Alcala there really hasn't been a Mexican pro rider with explosive capabilities. Isaac Del Toro is the real deal. First pro race, one stage win and third overall. A few days into his pro career and he will already be a marked rider. I'm so proud. Worth the wait!

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