In this video I try and give an honest opinion on the Triumph STREET TRIPLE 765 RS. This is simple an awesome awesome awesome machine (YES I SAID IT 3 TIMES!) I think it’s one of the most stunning looking bikes available on the market particularly in that beautiful COSMIC YELLOW COLOUR. The engine in this thing sings the most beautiful note and has bags of power at its disposal. It loves to work in the mid to high range of the revs. Super flickable and very planted – this bike gives you confidence in the corners and you feel connected with everything that’s going on.

    I give it a 10/10 and I would genuinely have one tomorrow. It’s also very comfortable which is nice considering its super sporty characteristics.

    A big thank you to my Friends at Webbs Motorcycles for supporting me. Webbs motorcycles is a fantastic shop offering a huge range of motorbikes, riding apparel and accessories. They have physical shops in Peterborough and Lincoln and fantastic online store. (Link Below)

    The Gear that was keeping me dry in this video…




    Thanks for watching and I hope you found the video useful and interesting. Hope to see you in the next one 🙂

    All videos are for mainly entertainment purposes. Although sometimes I may share my opinion or advice it is not to be relied upon. Please check manuals, other information sources, instructions and other things like those examples particularly from the manufacturer before making any decisions, buying anything, changing or fixing anything etc. Videos are highly edited for entertainments and ensure ridding safe and at a sensible speed and abide by the road legislation and rules.

    Hi everyone it’s Mark from Mark’s garage and stuff and today this beautiful bit of Machinery in front of me is something I’m going to be spending time viewing and giving you a real well opinion on what this bike is like to live with this is indeed a beautiful bit of Machinery

    Brought To Us by Triumph it’s the street trip RS and a big thank you to webs Peterborough fantastic motorbike shop there sells all sorts of gear some really really nice stuff that keeps you nice and dry particularly coming into this part of the year and they have

    Kindly lent me the bike to do a review on I’m going to be breaking the review into a few different different bits and pieces and I’m going to be mainly talking about all those things that you can’t necessarily specify by a statistic or you know I’m not going to be talking

    About how much horsepower it’s got what I’m going to be talking about is what it’s like to ride out there in the real world how it fits me what I like about it how it handles all those kind of things that you can’t quite put a specific figure on or anything like that

    So first thing I want to talk about is the ergonomics of the bike in terms of how fits me I’m about 6’1 with shoes and it is really really nice I can easily sort of flat foot it it it kind of Treads that line between a sporty riding

    Position while also being very much something you could live with on a day-to-day basis and what I mean by that is yeah I’m kind of I’m poised them forward however you can kind of shift around on this seat to getting more of a sort of an aggressive tuck for you know

    A Sunday blast however on the motorway let’s say you’ve got 80 mil to do on the motorway and you’re traveling up north for example you know you’re quite you’re upright you’re comfortable and the design that they’ve done down the front here I’m not sure quite how they’ve done

    It for a naked bike but I didn’t get any wind buffeting whatsoever I got everything that’s great about riding a naked bike and a bit of wind and everything like that but nothing coming through the helmet which was fantastic so really clever in terms of design

    There my feet positions nice on The Brak and again on the clutch and um yeah in terms of ergonomics I think they’ve aced it particularly for someone around my height the other thing I want to talk about is well it looks yeah look at that that is a beautiful bit of it’s almost

    Like art isn’t it that is a really really nice back seat and the color is beautiful obviously you got the oin suspension and plenty of stopping power with the brembos but um yeah it’s it’s a beautiful looking machine absolutely beautiful I absolutely love it I think in terms of the coloring as

    Well I mean it just really does work the black and the yellow without further Ado let’s get on to the good stuff take it out for a spin and see sound all right guys you join me out on the road and I absolutely love this thing

    Just listen I’ll wind it up listen to this Engine it’s got so much to give it is such a sweet sounding engine I can’t get enough of this thing what a beautiful bit of Machinery let’s get on the gas oh say it is wet today and I’ve got to say it keeps almost drying out but then

    It rains again but here we are one thing to say about this bike the color really pocks I know it’s rainy and kind of dark but it makes the color look even better this paint workor is gorgeous so we’re going on the twisties now and although it’s wet I can safely

    Say that this bike loves cornering it is super wet out today but I can really feel lot of feedback coming back through the bike let me know where the grip is it’s just a beautiful thing to [Applause] ride I mean it’s one of those one of those motorbikes that really just begs

    You to ride it plenty of feeling through the tires plenty of feeling through the handlebars through the seat everything I just feel connected with the road and for me to say that I mean I absolutely hate riding in the rain absolutely hate it but that just goes to

    Show you the engineering that they put into this motorbike to make sure it make sure you feel connected with it also at these slower speeds the engine is really quite happy it’s a lovely bit of Machinery really really really nicely balanced I think this is where this thing comes

    Alive it just Lov these roads these long sweeping d Road It Feels So at home here and that engine is just Beautiful so my laptop battery done laptop what am I talking about my GoPro battery died there so I just turn it around the road’s drying out a bit but I’ve just been through a ride through town and this thing you could 100% with live with every day it’s comfortable

    It’s it’s it’s more than happy just to have a little poodle around town loves the B- roads it loves the motorway it’s super stable super flickable if you’re looking for a sports bike it really does it all and also looks absolutely stunning then I’d argue you wouldn’t

    Have to L you wouldn’t have to look much further than this I I really don’t know what else you would you would go for what 100% for one of these a test r on the motorway it’s it’s it’s super great and it’s really clever they’ve designed some somehow they’ve got a Naked

    Bike they’ve got a Naked Bike to not have too much wind I mean yeah you got quite a bit of wind going on but it’s not you haven’t got any wind bucket in or anything right that that engine though that engine just sounds so Good oh man this thing’s at home here on the motorway on the look this is uh this it W it’s an incredible bit of Kit if you’re looking if you’re looking for a naked well right we got calm down now we’re going back to the dealer but if you’re looking for a naked bike that does it all that’s comfortable that you could use every day that looks fantastic

    That’s got a great sound engine great sporty ride to it you’ve got to take one of these out I’ll take one of these Out super machine [Applause] superb I’m genuinely hugely impressed with this thing wow Wow just want to say again a big thank you the web for letting me take this out and overall I think you know I’m going to give it a 10 out of 10 for that’s my personal opinion I love the dash love the tech love the ride love

    The engine love the ergonomics it’s comfortable it’s just beautiful to look at what more do you want superb machine I should have brought my credit card with me in all honesty but um yeah thanks for thanks for watching next next time I’ve got an actually really really interesting video

    Coming up I’ll put a few lines in the description just sort of giving a bit of an intro to that but until next time stay safe out there people I hope you enjoyed this review I hope it was useful and uh yeah I look forward to uh

    Seeing you in the next one until then take care and I wish you all well cheers guys


    1. Looks like a nice balanced bike all around. As someone who is still on their first bike, a Kawasaki KLR 650 with a 35 inch seat height and I stand at 5'9. When I do eventually get a naked bike it will be effortless. I like to think of it like when ball players swing the weighted bats around before stepping to the plate, I started heavy and tall so everything else will feel like child's play afterwards lol.

    2. I had to have the Cosmic yellow too. After a months ownership, my only 2 gripes are having to pull the clutch in to start it and having to go find my glasses to read the milage. Hopefully i can bypass that clutch thing like i did on my previous bike.

    3. Yup, 2k miles in on my Cosmic Yellow now with a full exhaust and custom tune and it's just brilliant. Released that slightly more angry edge in the power delivery so really flies now.

      Ive decided its Triumphs comfy version of a GSXR 750, which is praise indeed. It will commute, Tour and more than hold its own on a track day.

      I think what it has is usability, soul and character. The engagement of physically riding the bike and how it makes you feel while doing it, is bang on the money.

    4. Other naked options around the 12-13K mark are:

      MT-09 SP
      Duke R (or new Duke 990)

      All great bikes.

      And if you are looking for something left field the XSR 900 (GP will be around 13k) is worth a look.

    5. Gosh I want one. I test rode this but for budgetery reasons and a hell of a deal that I found I bought the 2018 model the next day. What a bike. I still want the new one though. It's noticeably better.

    6. Great videos would love to see more of the speedo but understand why not ! The instant acceleration is addictive to watch let alone what it must feel like to be on the saddle ! Haven’t ridden since 2017 and can’t wait to get back on 2 wheels in 2024 I’ll be going for a 765 RS hopefully a 2020 if budget allows.

    7. Got mine in July, broke it in in one week and have it at 5.4k km at the moment.

      It‘s my first bike and after riding a 675 R to Croatia and back from Austria I do not feel overwhelmed in any situation on the 765 rs.

      I‘m very happy with the bike overall and can‘t wait for spring to take it for some longer rides.

      I‘m 6 foot 4 btw and feel comfortable on it.

    8. My 2023 RS is my third consecutive street triple and not only the best ever street triple but as Bike magazine said the best ever Triumph by some distance (and MCNs bike of the year), my single gripe is the TFT, the 2017 TFT was good, the 2020 not so good and the 2023 TFT is terrible but it's a small problem in what is overall a superb bike.

    9. I like mine but hate the display as there is no usable tachometer in any of the display settings!
      The gearing is a bit too deep. On the "23" models the gearing was 16T 46t on this one they went to 15t 48t that's a huge change. I think they should' have left the rear sprocket at 46t.

    10. Looks amazing in that yellow! I had a 2020 RS and absolutely loved the bike my only gripe was the LCD, not necessarily the quality but the garbage themes it had. I just wish Triumph offered an option for 2017 dash graphics… Oh well, maybe on the next model.

    11. I was looking for something new and didnt think about coming down in engine size till i saw reviews of this, went and got a test ride in july and instantly ordered one, i could have had it in oct/ nov but opted to hold on and now its just a few weeks away and i cant wait.

    12. Thanks for the review However its a really ugly looking bike. That front end is only what a mother would love. I suppose if you get over that aspect it might be OK
      The only good thing in my eyes is the size of the motor. I have always maintained 750 or so is enough power in a light weight chassis on the road

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