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    Yes yes peeps welcome back to a brand new episode the time has just gone midnight if we look up at Big Ben there you can see it’s 5 past midnight and I’ve decided to get out on this Saturday morning it’s technically Saturday morning and do some deliveries Now While

    Most Riders are in bed there is a lot of opportunity to make money because there are a lot of restaurants open 247 and I’m heading up into Central London to see how much money I can make between midnight and 400 a.m. yes I’m going to be doing 4 hours of delivering tonight

    This is by popular demand this isn’t the first time that I’ve worked at this time of night/ morning I’ve done it quite a few times but it’s been quite a long time since I’ve actually done a an episode on it so let’s see how much money I can make on deliveroo and Uber

    Eats in the next 4 hours now working at this time of the night does have its dangers it’s not all sunshine and roses with this bee in London there are a lot of opportunists and people that come out in the middle of the night to uh try and

    Make some money but not in the legitimate way and that is by robberies Street robberies and stuff like that and uh I’ve chosen to work in central London as you can see on the left hand side there there is two police officers walking up and down the road and that is

    Something that you would not see in uh South London they do not Patrol the streets in uh in other parts of London not like they do in central London so I think it’s a little bit more safer to work in Central and I haven’t done a

    Central London uh video in a very long time I haven’t even done deliveries in central London in a long time so it’ll be interesting to see how the next 4 hours plays out now I know a lot of people work the night shift and a lot of

    People are on nights out in pubs and clubs and stuff like that so I am expecting it to be busier later on maybe around 2 or 3 a.m. I’ll bring you back when the first order is in I online with Uber Eats and deliveroo what are you

    Doing oh yeah I forgot about the stupid drivers that are in Central that’s the one downside there’s the first order coming in on Uber Eats funny enough paying Β£280 which is absolutely terrible but I’m going to take it because there isn’t other Riders out right now and

    That’s the first order in in 16 minutes that I’ve been online so uh yeah let’s head over to P station I don’t know what the hell that is maybe pass the station oh no entry except cyclists God damn this is another thing that I got to deal

    With I’ve made myself up to totenham Court Road very rarely I don’t think I’ve ever picked up an order on this street actually all right so I pick up from over there but where the hell do I park it’s a bit far away but I don’t

    Want to risk getting a ticket and you’re probably thinking can ticket at that time of night yes in the city of Westminster traffic wardens work 24/7 imagine that they’re giving out tickets 24/7 absolutely ridiculous so even at 3:00 a.m. when there’s no one on the road and it’s like basically dead

    Silent you can still get a ticket wild all right let’s see what we’re picking up aru Toscano fresh pla tag lelli oven grilled chicken o sounds good trying and battle my way through all of these drunks I got that one yeah customer notes on here is me at the

    Back door a back door pasta exchange now KFCs most KFCs are open till around 3:00 a.m. this one is open until 4:00 a.m. wow and there isn’t any money objective tonight as much as I would like to earn my 50 and go home I’m just going to take

    It as it comes and uh yeah just see what people are ordering at this time of the night there we go there’s a phone snatcher on a surum so these guys are out here snatching people’s phones from uh from people in the road they’re in the street sorry absolutely disgusting

    Got to be careful I’m going to turn my brightness down on my phone and the thing is the police can’t catch these guys because they haven’t got fast enough bikes that’s what makes me laugh so so the police in London they recently got sirons to keep up with these guys

    That are out here snatching phones you would think they would get more powerful sirons than the ones that the thieves have but what they’ve done they’ve gone and got the bug standard uh serum that you can buy the road legal version and it’s nowhere near fast enough to keep up

    With these guys you’ve going spent our money taxpayers money to not be able to keep up with them you could not write it ah yeah it’s Madness but they’re the guys that you got to keep an eye out for because one minute your phone is in your

    Hand and the next minute it’s on its way to another country are you waiting for Uber no okay where the hell is where is this place this isn’t this doesn’t look like a back door does it are you waiting for U yeah what’s your name yes that’s the

    One thank you 9361 thank you cheers all right let me turn off that bloody voice that they play go and pick up the order right shut up I have made a grand total of Β£280 in about 20 minutes which is not good that uh that fee of Β£280 is

    Terrible I’m sorry but the minimum on deliveroo is Β£290 and I very rarely accept Β£290 because it’s just an insult you know the minimum for me I think personally should be Β£350 and when I say me I mean all Riders but that’s my personal thought Β£350 minimum fee end of

    So I just switched up the area to see if it makes any difference but in a minute it’s showing that it’s not busy Central London is very very quiet tonight so uh yeah I’ve made my way up to London Bridge where there is quite a few more

    Restaurants hey and there we go two pickups from two separate restaurants paying Β£640 Subway and ry’s Kebab so let’s head over to uh Subway to pick up the first order and then straight on to the second uh there’s one on uh Uber Eats as well but obviously I can’t accept that

    Because I’ve got my delivery order that is paying more all right I managed to find the parking space Subway is the first one I’m going to picking up a foot long hopefully it’s ready when I get there got a delivery 463 thank you next one is Kebab hello M 9063 nice one thank You first one is 8 minutes away 1.9 miles you turning left from the right hand lane cannot be serious surely and the worst thing is he was behind me why would you just not stay in the left Lane 34 yeah 87 thank you cheers all right let’s head over to the next customer only 3 minutes away I can’t find my bike oh God this place is like a maze how do I lose my bike I’ve also got the The Light in the Box I remember to charge it this time

    Turn on the heated grips let’s get over to the Third customer it has been very very slow time’s just gone 1:00 a.m. and I’m only on my third order of the night absolutely terrible and this will be a good indication this episode will be a good indication to you of your think

    About working at this time of night personally I think it it is and it isn’t worth it some nights you come out and it’s just nonstop and then other nights like tonight you come out and struggle to make 20 and a lot of you might be

    Thinking of a side hustle as we’ve got into the new year and I don’t know maybe you have some sort of financial goals for this year or you just want to make some extra cash if you are thinking of signing up and working in the gig economy and delivering food food just be

    Prepared to work long hours uh for little amounts of money and it’s getting even more intense with the new hmrc tax uh thing around side hustles so from next year I believe they’re doing the first accounts on the 20 in January 2025 and it’s going to show hmari exactly how

    Much you have been making working on deliveroo making money through eBay or I don’t know Fiverr any gig economy apps where you can make money on the side hmrc are now receiving reports or they’ve instructed these companies to send them reports of every single person that is on their database so yeah just

    Be prepared if you do have a full-time job like myself I have a full-time job and I do this on the side uh just be careful when it comes to your tax because you can easily get into that 40% tax Band L there for you can I get your delivery

    Code please 74 thank you but again I am not a Tax Advisor I’m not a registered accountant or anything like that and everyone’s personal uh personal financial situation is different so if you’re in doubt I think the best thing to do is to get an accountant or or

    Speak to an accountant all right there’s another job Β£55.99 picking up from a Kebab Restaurant front let’s head over and pick it up it’s only 4 minutes away yeah I’ve had some uh pretty terrible jobs tonight paying really really low fees working at this time of the night they

    Should really put on a good multiplier because there isn’t many riders out and for the riders that do decide to work at this crazy hour or crazy hours sorry they should uh put some sort of incentive because people are still ordering food and they’re still ordering groceries and stuff it’s just weird how

    There isn’t any promotion uh on at this time of the night what have we got one grilled sea bass and spicy rice was not expecting a seab bus nice greasy Kebab I am absolutely starving right now 3337 sorry about that 33 yeah that’s the one thank you all right this one’s going

    Up towards Canada water 2.1 M away ready do we go after our summer went cold coming in hot I was playing it slow letting our story UNF baby I know stun outside just stun it our grow oh cuz all rainbows don’t end with a you wanted something from me wasn’t giving

    Back gave you my trust I ain’t giving that back taking my time I was giving you Slack good thank you very much can I get your a delivery code thank you cheers mate all right there’s another order there deliver hop it’s going quite far but I’m going to accept it because there isn’t many jobs coming in so let’s get over to uh deliver hop all at 3912 and 62

    CR got those two orders champagne quarter to two that’s my kind of order 2.8 M away don’t forget peeps if you want going to be in with a chance of winning a new nqi GT Pro Cargo which is the electric moped that I’m sitting on right now and it is

    In perfect condition with only 5,000 km on the clock there’s a few marks of wear and tear here and there but for Β£149 you can win it and be doing deliveries or your daily commute into work on an electric moped I’ll leave a link in the description down below where you can

    Secure your ticket and the winner is going to be announced live on my Instagram on the 27th of January at 8:00 p.m. I’m going to be working a bit more on the moped this year uh obviously I’ve got the ebike as well the himiway zebra

    Which is set up to be a delivery bike cuz I am going to be using that as well but this is uh this is where it’s most comfortable you just sit and relax and just pull back the throtle and just let it take you to the customers and the and

    The restaurants to pick up food oh that Transit must not come with indicators with it being silent it’s just nice and relaxing I hope you’re enjoying tonight’s episode so far people if you are then please leave a like on the video down below and keep an eye out

    Towards the end of the month I’m going to be visiting a new city and yeah I got some really exciting content on the way highest deliver room I’m just outside oh hello hello you’re right 29 perfect thank you cheers all right that’s those two bottles of champagne delivered now

    We’re heading over to the next drop off which is only 1.7 miles away the time now has just hit 2 a.m. so I’m going to work for another I’m going to say another hour because I’m not going to work all the way until 4:00 if no orders

    Are coming in but it’s been really quiet really really quiet all delivery hello delivery now man been there for like 10 minutes I get you 16 thank you mate all right there’s another one Β£ 767 French tacos let’s go and get that order time now is 2:14 that order took

    Bloody ages to drop off I understand customers fall asleep at this time of the night but so annoying all right then here we are French tacos just picking up one item a double tortilla with free fillings chicken nuggets it’s Perry chicken and FF nice 3914 huh picture yeah I accept yeah I’ve

    Accepted it thank You I’m definitely going to have to get myself some food soon cuz I’m getting hungry let’s go and get this one delivered yeah this one’s a quite a far one to be honest 2.7 Mi it’s only going to take me 11 minutes we got no traffic

    On the road when was this built I don’t even remember sometimes I don’t know if it’s just me but you know when you see construction sites you kind of get used to seeing the construction site and then out of nowhere you drive past one day and it’s just like a whole new building

    You’re like since when I me you know they’re building a building but out of nowhere it’s just finished we got King’s College Hospital on the left here which has been voted or rated sorry the worst A&E in uh in London whoa there foxes there yeah a lot of you were quite

    Surprised about the foxes that we have in the city there is a lot of them trust me all right let me shut up and get some songs on let’s Go kicking off mate kicking off your 55 thank you cheers man all right then peeps the time is coming up to4 to 3 I’m going to finish up the episode there in total on deliveroo which I am quite surprised about because I’ve only done six deliveries on deliver tonight

    So I’ve been working for 2 hours and 41 minutes and I’ve made Β£ 2774 and UB was the one single order paying Β£290 so just over Β£30 for 2 hours work work or 2 and 1/2 hours work not bad the whole aim of this video was not

    To try and make as much money as possible cuz obviously I would just stay out until 6:00 a.m. but I just wanted to see what demand is like if it’s still high if it’s still low but um yeah it’s been a good shift I’ve enjoyed it and I hope you’ve enjoyed watching this

    Channel this channel watching this video I’m going to go get myself some food now thank you so much for watching Peeps and I look forward to bringing you another episode very soon now it’s time to feed myself let’s go get that food it I get one number eight and four barbecue wings peace


    1. I pay Just Eat to deliver my milk ,cereal, sometimes a bag of sugar and I only live half a mile from the shop at most.. but I'd have to start using the supermarket deliveries once a week if it costs too much for you guys sadly.

    2. mate my phone was stolen last friday near Picadilly Station,from behind right from my hand.How you said those people need to be ashamed,they went to be too miserabile and yes absolutely discusting.I block EEsim and IMEI Number as well…Police sill investigate

    3. it's the reason why I make sure if i'm going to victoria or any iffy areas in central london I wear trousers with zips on the pocket so nobody can snatch anything, I only ever go to london to take a train or a megabus to aberdeen once a year or two but i'm still keeping eyes on the back of my head

    4. I never understand why people say that they should stop working so that they don't get into the next tax band. You are still earning more money than you did before. So financially, you will be better off.

    5. I like how you stopped at the traffic lights ..when no one appeared to be crossing ..

      the statement may seem bizzare, however in Barcelona many food delivery drivers don't seem to think red lights exist.

      stay safe.

    6. Fairplay to you in showing how its done and obviously you are a very good grafter.
      Do people tip nowadays or is it all done through the app due to lack of cash. Curious.

    7. Only just found your channel and I think it’s great. I am retired now but really enjoy riding my electric bike. I’ve converted my wife’s and my daughter’s bike as well as mine using the yose kit can’t fault the kit with a good 13ah battery and great motor. At Β£350 a pop it’s a cheep way to get into e biking and the good thing is if the bike does run out of power it just rides like a normal bike. Looking forward to watching your past exploits, brilliant.

    8. There all running the bac 4000-8000 controllers 72v battery’s instead of the 60v it comes out the factory with police got no hope keeping up with a Surron that’s putting out 8-14kw

    9. The worst A and E in London? Could it be because it's now full of people who are turning up expecting treatment who haven't paid a penny into the system and probably never will.

    10. Part of the issue is bro, the police could keep up with the scrotes on bikes but the pursuit commander, more often than not terminates pursuits if theres a risk to public.

      Theyd rather let the person get away, than someone die because of a police pursuit.

      I hope that clears things up a bit πŸ™‚

    11. I also have a regular office job as a Data Analyst. I make 6 figures but I just don't really feel fulfilled with it. I still deliver food every Sunday to break up my lifestyle. I always delivered food in my High School and College days and I always enjoy driving and be by myself in peace. Sometimes take extra shifts for Amazon Flex and love it. Maybe I should be a UPS driver or something lol

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