Donald Trump is leading Nikki Haley in the polls ahead of Tuesday’s primary in New Hampshire, abortion rights take center stage for President Biden’s campaign 51 years after the Roe v. Wade decision and the Supreme Court is now allowing Border Patrol agents to remove razor wire installed by Texas along the U.S.-Mexico border. We’re following these stories and more on “Prime Time with John Dickerson.”

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    When Stakes are so high we will keep fighting you were born for this moment I’m ready to win I’m Tony a copel in New Hampshire for the first primary of 2024 I would like to see some change I don’t know yet I like my choices America decides

    Tomorrow on CBS mornings I know when I wake up on Sunday mornings and I step into this studio I’m always looking at where the story goes next Welcome to CBS News prime time I’m John Dickerson the Republican party is on the verge of having a nominee or a real race for one you can’t just have one or two states decide this the GOP race comes down to two candidates in the granite state the Supreme Court lives a Texas

    This border Barrier the freedom to make decisions about one’s own body and the state of abortion rights in America and on the ballot 51 years after roow versus Wade was decided we’re now marking the 51st anniversary of what would have been uh Row versus Wade hello thank you for joining us and

    Then there were two We Begin our report with the final push ahead of the first in the nation Primary in New Hampshire former president Donald Trump will face off against Nikki Haley in the granite state Tuesday it’s a make or break moment for the former South Carolina

    Governor and un Ambassador who is hoping to hang on until next month’s Primary in her home state Stakes of the 2024 race are now even higher after Ronda santis dropped out Sunday the Florida governor is now throwing his support behind Trump CBS News political correspondent Caitlyn huy Burns has more from New

    Hampshire Nikki Haley is campaigning across New Hampshire like her political life depends on it a big winig win with Florida Governor Ronda santz now out of the race and throwing his support behind Donald Trump Haley is scrambling to make up her double digigit deficit in the polls I have watched the political

    Class line up with Donald Trump America doesn’t do coronations at every stop today Haley hoped to sway an undecided voter and for one independent we spoke with it worked so you came in here undecided correct and after meeting her did you make up your mind I did I did um

    Definitely voting for Nikki Haley and um so you made up your mind right here in this booth after meeting her and asking her questions correct that is the New Hampshire way our independent New Hampshire GOP chairman Chris Ager says independent voters don’t all think alike well independent voters I believe will

    Break both for Trump and I’d say against Trump which is really a Nicki heli vote what do you think people misunderstand about independent voters here it’s That Swing Vote that’s relatively small that can make a huge difference Trump is campaigning here after a detour to New York where the

    Egene Carrol defamation trial was delayed when a juror fell sick and he’s increasingly confident the nomination could be wrapped up by tomorrow maybe she’ll drop out on Tuesday let’s see what happens independent voter Kevin St Pierre is holding out hope for Haley anybody but Trump but he hasn’t been

    Able to persuade his longtime friend and neighbor Doug Krauss I think he’s an honest guy um and what he says he did think we love each other I just laugh because when he says he’s an honest guy which I think opposite and Caitlyn joins me now from

    Salem New Hampshire Caitlyn I’m NBA yes I miss those conversations um now that you’ve had all these conversations um what strikes you about I’m I’m doing these questions in Reverse everybody wants to know about tactics but what strikes you about the conversations you’ve been having in New

    Hampshire and what it’s like there in in this political moment in the Republican party yeah John you’ve covered so many of these as well and New Hampshire is a place that really Prides itself on having the first primary Prides itself on being kind of a a small town in a lot

    Of ways where you can meet candidates face to face run into them and usually in other contests we’ve seen it be kind of difficult to go anywhere without running into a presidential candidate this cycle has felt so different because it’s really just a two-person race especially now so that uh dant’s dropped

    Out but you just haven’t seen that kind of uh pace of the campaign that kind of you know uh Pace that we’ve seen in previous campaigns until today it felt a little bit bit different because Nikki Haley knows that she has some ground to make up and what struck me so much is

    That there still are those voters out there who are so disenchanted by the whole process not really into any of the choices but are still planning to vote and are still making up their mind so I really enjoyed that conversation I had with that woman uh at that restaurant

    Because it showed kind of the traditional retail campaign politics can still perhaps win out the question is are there enough of those types of Voters and everyone that I’ve been talking to on the ground that works in campaign says that that is still a big challenge for Haley so just very briefly

    About The Temper uh the temperament of people and the voters in New Hampshire so even though this is a very different kind of year do you think there’s less enthusiasm or there or you’re saying there’s as much as enthusiasm even though it’s a different kind of animal this time

    Around yeah there’s still enthusiasm to turn out to vote and actually the secretary of state is projecting uh record turnout of nearly 40,000 more voters he’s saying he’s expected turnout in the Republican primary here than turned out in 2016 the last Republican competitive race but overall voters are

    Just you know not excited about their options but are seeing this as a chance to turn out and vote and a just a quick point about those independent voters that we are talking about so much here uh it’s really important to note that it’s not a monolith uh you have

    Independents who supported Trump you have Independence supporting Haley uh and so it really just comes down to a small group of persuadable Voters uh to to kind of make or break this for Nikki Haley um but you know not all Independents or Undeclared as they’re called here are necessarily going her

    Way there are some that are upset with the Republican party but think that Trump is the party at this point and we will know in a little over 24 hours kayn un Burns in Salem New Hampshire thanks so much Friday the University of Michigan reported that the consumer confidence

    Index climbed to its highest level since July 2021 before inflation surged another good sign for the economy Tony deople spoke with some residents of New Hampshire about how they see things and changes they’d like to see when it comes to employment inflation and their overall standard of

    Living we go to the one spot we know people can’t avoid thinking about their finan we out here talking to people about their money you really want to know I do I really want to know of course I really want to know I haven’t seen any prices

    Go down on anything and we find Lisa keer feeling frustrated about hers outside this grocery store in Derry New Hampshire well according to the government the the inflation used to be at 9 and now it’s at 3 I don’t know what pocketbook they looking that but it ain’t mine I got to

    Take on two jobs two jobs yep you have to the need for multiple incomes is a fact of life in the Raji household we all work now but yeah we have like uh six of us in the house five of us work you know it’s like if you go back like

    30 years two incomes would have covered all of our expenses probably maybe even one and not just them nationally in fact most Americans 30 to 64 now say their standard of living feels worse than their parents at the same age the president for his part points to improving economic indicators in case

    You ‘t notice inflation is down too and it’s going lower and in the town of Portsmouth we heard about some at buff and file nailar all right ready owners Andre canel and Alex Sullivan say whatever the bad vibes out there business in here is booming I’m sure people here talk about everything what

    Do you hear I think people might not be as optimistic as they’ve been in the past but we’ve had a great year but if you’re not happy with Joe Biden’s economy what’s the alternative I don’t know yet really a lot of people already made up their mind or they’re totally

    Disgusted and they’re not going to vote for anybody I’m disgusted I’m going to vote because if you don’t vote then you can’t complain right right consumer sentiment is up overall especially lately and inflation is down but those food prices are still Rising year over a year and John that’s the thing that

    Really can drag down overall opinion the everyday items the groceries and in particular the snack food Tony deople for us in New Hampshire thank you Tony and CBS Evening News anchor and managing editor nor O’Donnell spoke with former un Ambassador Nikki Haley about the state of her campaign

    New Hampshire is being characterized as a last ditch effort to topple Donald Trump that how you see it no think how ridiculous that is first of all you had only 56,000 votes in Iowa for him out of 3 million people in the state he

    Got less than 1 and a half% of the state of Iowa and then you’re going to say it’s going to stop with New Hampshire this is not a coronation this is an election you have Iowa you have New Hampshire you have South Carolina you have super Tuesday you can’t just have

    One or two states decide this you’ve got to allow a lot of the country to decide this so you know I know that the political Elites are saying everybody needs to get behind Donald Trump well I’ve always fought against the political Elites because that’s not what the

    People want but if Donald Trump gets over 50% is this race over I think what I’ve said is I want to be stronger tomorrow than I was in Iowa and I think we’re going to do that and everybody wants to say what they think is going to

    Happen but what I’ll tell you is if you talk to the people in New Hampshire they want to make sure that there’s somebody that’s going to deal with inflation and stop the wasteful spending of Republicans and Democrats they want to get our kids reading again and go back

    To the basics in education they want to secure this border with no more excuses they want Law and Order back in our country country and they see the world on fire and they want to know that we’re going to protect Americans and prevent future Wars that’s what they’re talking

    About nobody’s talking about the fact that they think they’ve got to have Donald Trump the political Elites are talking about that but your average people are not saying that they’re saying they don’t want any more chaos they want something more stable and a reminder CBS News will be

    Providing all day coverage of the New Hampshire primary this Tuesday when the average people get to cast their vote with specialist itions of America decides and our show prime time in the evening 51 years ago the Supreme Court made a landmark decision that saw abortion as a constitutionally protected

    Right across the United States for decades a year and a half ago a new generation of justices overturned it since then every single state has moved to either protect abortion access or block it some of those fights are still playing out including in ballot initiatives voters will see in November

    The Biden Harris campaign hopes the issue will drive people to the polls in November and here’s Nancy ctis CBS News chief White House correspondent with a report how dare he the Biden Harris campaign kicked into high gear today going after Donald Trump on the issue of abortion in op-eds and ads around the

    Country in Texas you are forced to carry that pregnancy the goal to tie the recent roll back in Reproductive Rights directly to the GOP front runner we did the roie Wade thing which have been they’ve been trying to get it done since roie Wade was overturned 19 months ago

    21 states have established full or partial abortion bans the issue has galvanized voters on the left who have turned out to protect abortion rights in seven states so far come this November the issue will be on the ballot in up to nine more States including Battlegrounds like Arizona and Nevada people have made

    It really clear that they want this right to be restored Jennifer Klein leads the abortion policy effort at the White House you’ve got folks on the other side who are really quite clear that if they could pass a National Abortion ban they would do so do you

    Want to see a national ban on abortion at the March for Life in Washington Friday most people we spoke to said yes yeah actually do believe that not just in your state but across everywhere I want to see them Outlaw abortion but so far the GOP front runner hasn’t committed to a national

    Ban I’m not going to say I would or I wouldn’t here’s why he’s cautious polls show 2third of all voters oppose it Nancy Cordis joins me now from the White House Nancy two-part first question what abortion Rel related measures uh is the Biden Administration supporting with respect to specific policy and then give

    Me your sense of the Politics as as the White House sees it on the issue of abortion in this presid presidential year well John they are uh actually inextricably linked the first and second parts of that question because the challenge for the White House is that there isn’t that much that they

    Themselves can do on a federal level they can Tinker around the edges they can make sure that uh contraceptives for example are uh made more widely available to federal employees um they can make sure uh to weigh in on uh cases that are moving through the federal

    Court system such as a big case right now before the Supreme Court that has to do with um with with abortion contraceptives but beyond that all of the action is taking place at the state level and so they are encouraging Democratic lawmakers at the state level to push legislation they’re obviously

    Trying to get um ballot initiatives on the on the ballot in November in as many places as possible because it’s such a it’s so proven to boost Democratic turnout which is something that they very dearly want in November yes so tell me about those abortion ballot and issues um there are protecting abortion

    Rights even in Republican stronghold States like Kansas and Ohio those referenda have been successful so what is the you mentioned the White House is trying to get these on the ballot um what’s the state of play and is that where a lot of the democratic energy is

    Um going into 2024 in terms of turning out their base in a year where there’s been some softness in polling with respective opinions about the president so the process is a little different in every state you have to get uh for example in many states a certain number

    Of signatures to uh get an initiative on the ballot sometimes you have to get the wording of the initiative signed off uh by local judges by the local Secretary of State and so in the nine states uh where um abortion rights groups are working on this at least nine they’re in

    VAR I stages of getting approval for these initiatives and and the list of states is really interesting because you’ve got States like Arizona and Nevada that are going to be huge Battlegrounds come November where if you’ve just got you know four or five% more Democrats and more Independents

    Even who believe in abortion rights making sure to come out to the polls to vote uh at a time where they otherwise wouldn’t that could mean the difference and that is why this has become such a huge Focus for Democratic groups indeed Nancy G is for us at the White House

    Thanks so much Nancy you’re welcome John the FAA is recommending inspections of another one of Boeing’s Jets after a door plug blew out on an Alaska Airlines flight a few weeks ago the agency is urging airlines that operate 737 900 ER Jets to quote visually inspect mid exit

    Door plugs to ensure the door is properly secured there are about 380 of these jets in service in the United States under carriers like Alaska Delta and United it was a Boeing 737 max9 involved in the Alaska Airlines incident coming up after the break fighting intensifies in the Middle East as the US

    And UK continue to Target houthi rebels in Yemen will have the latest from the region including recent deadly strikes in Gaza plus Texas has bust migrants installed floating barriers and put up razor wire all courting conflict with the federal government the Supreme Court has now made a call we’ll explain you’re

    Streaming CBS News Prime Time well let me start with this this really Happ your to government did any of that make sense’s your respons you want me to just keep what’s wrong with that argum what have you learned do you know why why why it’s time for 60 minutes Sunday on CBS an original documentary from CBS

    Reports since you started LP in 2014 do you have any sense as to how much food you’ve rescued from the landfill we’ve rescued 4 and2 million PBS I can’t even fathom how much food that is and that’s one little person in one little city in America we’re going to call this chicken

    Picata we did 450 of these meals today this is the exact dish that you and I are going to have yep really good is it good mhm having a plan of how to keep people fed should be in every single City if we eliminated food waste could we eliminate hunger yes

    Eating trash now streaming on the free CBS News app at this moment terrorists could be plotting another attack 911 triggered a counterterror system that included a secret database this person needs a closer look a growing list of nearly 2 million people including some American an who say they’re innocent for 1 hour

    Flight I have to spend 6 hours to go and come back CBS reports explores the system the people responsible for it and those pushing for change I’m not fighting against them I’m fighting for them to do the right thing the watch list now streaming on the free CBS News

    App he was there when the war in Ukraine started extreme history it’s a big moment the extraordinary story behind Shawn Penn’s new Paramount plus documentary superpower when we go person to person an original documentary from CBS reports AI is among the most world changing Technologies ever curing diseases scientific breakthroughs making

    Lives better they can help us with medical Discovery scientific discoveries doing better agriculture having cures for things like Alzheimer’s it’s also going to really transform the way we work the uplifting potential of artificial intelligence is Limitless it gives you a friend somebody to chat with 24/7 that is non-judge J mental he makes

    Me feel loved and desired and so are its downfalls the problem with all this AI is that it’s unpredictable and uncontrollable the choices we make now will have lasting effects for decades maybe even centuries the chat GPT Revolution now streaming on the free CBS News app it’s like a screenplay something

    Straight out of Hollywood human remains found this week the mystery would haunt investigators for years a gripping True Crime original 48 hours now streaming on the free CBS News app how can we become our best selves that may be more about character than Talent the ultimate Mark

    Of your potential is how far you’ve climbed not how high you’ve gone realizing your true potential with Adam Grant as we go person to person the Supreme Court is now allowing border patrol agents to remove razor wire installed by Texas along the US Mexico border the wire was put up to

    Discourage illegal Crossings the Biden Administration argued it hindered border patrol agents ability to process migrants who are already in the country in a 5 to four vote Monday the justice has overturned a lower Court ruling preventing officials from taking it down CBS News immigration reporter Camilo Montoya Galvez joins us now Camilo tell

    Us what the why did the administration s sorry why did the Supreme Court side with the Biden Administration good evening John from the Texas Bordertown of Eagle Pass this is at the center of this legal fight between the Biden Administration and Texas governor Greg abbid this is one of

    The sections John of the US Mexico border where Texas National Guard soldiers some of whom you can see behind me have been setting up and assembling razor wire to repel migrants from swimming across the Rio Grand and entering the US illegally by suspending this Lower Court ruling the Supreme

    Court is saying that the Biden Administration can now remove that razor WI that Texas has put in place to process migrants on us soil this was a brief order that did not include a legal justification John but we do know that the administration had said and argued

    To the high court that this razor wire was obstructing and impeding border patrol operations including efforts to process migrants who are already on American soil and to respond to Medical emergencies it’s important to note John that once migrants get into the middle of the real grand they’re technically un

    Us soil and border patrol has no option but to process them and determine what those migrants should end up what should end up happening to those migrants I should say whether they should be deported released into the country or detained for the adjudication of their cases Texas for its part John has said

    That this effort is designed to deter illegal border crossings so what happens now can Texas challenge um the decision or or is this it this is in no way an end to this legal fight between the administration in Texas over this specific issue of the razor wire John this will suspend a

    Lower Court ruling but an appeals court in New Orleans is still reviewing this case John and could very well side with Texas in another decision that we could get any day now and the administration could eventually be again prevented from setting up or relocating and removing

    This racer wire I should say and so Texas still has some options here legally and very briefly Camila before I lose you since the Supreme Court didn’t say anything does the is the fight over Eagle Pass um the park in Eagle Pass that just continues and this doesn’t

    Really relate to that at all or is there any kind of connection we can draw well the park is the one right behind me Shelby Park here in Eagle Pass Texas National Guard solders John come and de this park earlier in January and have blocked border patrol agents federal employees from accessing this

    Area to process migrants the Administration has said to the Supreme Court that this has obstructed border patrol operations but the Supreme Court did not rule on whether or not Texas can continue to block border patrol Agents from this area but we do know that the Department of Homeland Security John has

    Referred this matter to the justice department so there could be a separate lawsuit on the merits of Texas’s actions here any Go pass as it relates to this park Montoya Galvez thank you family members of some Israeli hostages disrupted a parliamentary meeting Monday in Jerusalem they accused the Israeli government of not doing

    Enough to secure the safe return of their loved ones this comes as prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu rejected a new proposal from Hamas Sunday to end the war and release all hostages the conditions would have included Israel’s complete withdrawal from Gaza the Israeli government says more than one 130 hostages remain inside Gaza they’ve

    Been held captive for 107 days elsewhere in the Middle East the US and UK launched another missile attack targeting houthi rebels in Yemen it is the eighth round of attacks by the us against the Iranian back militants who continue to attack commercial ships in the Red Sea CBS News Charlie Daga

    Reports The Joint us UK strike hit eight houthi targets today and attacked smaller in scope compared to when allies launched Jets from the same Eisenhower aircraft carrier and Cyprus 11 days ago striking more than 60 in that ongoing us-led fight against hthy militants US military officials say

    The search for two missing Navy Seals has ended declaring them deceased 37-year-old Christopher J Chambers from Maryland and 27-year-old Nathan Gage Ingram from Texas were on nighttime raid of this boat confiscating weapons Bound for the rebels in Yemen when one of them was swept overboard following protocol

    The other jumped in to attempt a rescue this new video is said to show one of those houy missiles hitting a Greek cargo ship last week the houthi say they’re attacking Red Sea Targets in support of Palestinians in Gaza where the war rages on today CBS News producer

    Marwan Al goul almost be became a victim of that war while he and his team were filming in southern Gaza narrowly escaping injury in an explosion just a few feet away that killed a passing cyclist they shoot us they shoot us one more life lost adding to a death toll Hamas Health officials

    Say has now surpassed 25,000 Palestinians more on those joint air strikes that took place tonight we’re learning they included strikes on an underground storage site and targeted missile and air defense capabilities John Charlie Daga in Tel Aviv thank you last winter French athlete cyprien Saron was a midling slalom skier who decided

    To try downhill competition switching his Focus from technique to speed this weekend his gamble paid off in Austria where he won two World Cup races at The Strife the most dangerous downhill course in the world it begins with an 85% gradient to get athletes speeding faster than most cars on a Texas Freeway

    Then a blind jump in the middle that’s taken at an angle and a final jump that skiers hit at over 90 M hour The Gauntlet of hurdles has brought unlucky skiers to their knees and their orthopedist since competition began there in the 1930s still ahead it’s a head-to-head

    Battle in New Hampshire only Donald Trump and Nikki Haley remain in the GOP Primary race coming up how the two are attacking each other and if it’ll make any difference you’re streaming CBS News Prime Time hey there welcome to the uplift I thought she was a groom and I stepped back and I went you’re the queen she’s going to be with me every instant that I’m alive I just wanted to see if you go to Disneyland with me today I look over

    At him and he’s smiling I’m going to remember that the rest of my life they told us when he was going to be born he was only going to live for 30 minutes it’s really a miracle that he’s with us today the uplift stream now on the free

    CBS News app there is no more room in our city New York City is receiving record numbers of migrants today we’re going to have more than 500 adults and children come through that door tensions rise a shelter’s reach Max Capacity we don’t have to take care of CBS reports

    Goes inside a crisis cities and families are facing as they fight to survive the United States still has that glimmer of hope for people to come here fighting for a future now streaming on the free CBS News app she’s a country music legend philanthropist Fashion Icon and now rock

    Star but I think there’s a lot to be said about being comfortable with who you are find out what’s next for do Parton when we go person to person an original documentary from CBS reports that desired F it’s a wonderful place to raise children and it still is promises broken black Americans have

    Been the target of racism and discrimination pretty much from the time they acquired ownership in the land costing black Farmers hundreds of billions in generational wealth they did everything to make sure we were run off that land but communities are uniting to continue the fight Collective ownership

    Is powerful to keep their land and their dreams alive to watch my children play on land that we own means everything so land is power most definitely 40 acres and a mu now streaming on the free CBS News app she is a beloved American Icon and

    Head of a media Empire but is Oprah Winfree happy how do you define happiness yeah I call it Happyness find out when we go person to person an original documentary from CBS reports it was genocide a deliberate effort by the United States government to eliminate the food source that was

    Relied upon by Native American tribes American Bison were slaughtered and Native Americans displaced and that’s how tribes were subjugated to reservations and our lands were taken but now through conservation efforts at yellow Stone Buffalo provided everything that we needed now they need help a herd grows we need to step up and

    Help them and a culture is reborn when the Buffalo return and come back that’s when our tribe will begin to heal Yellowstone bison Revival now streaming on the free CBS News app welcome back to CBS News prime time I’m John Dickerson here are some additions to our top stories Monday

    Marks 51 years since r ver versus Wade The Landmark Supreme Court decision protecting abortion access across the United States the ruling was overturned in June of 2020 2022 pardon me now the issue of abortion has made its way onto State ballots and campaign Platforms in the wake of new restrictions Southwest

    Airlines says its Pilots have approved a new labor agreement which includes a roughly 45% pay raise over a 5-year period negotiations had been ongoing since the previous contract ended in September 2020 the deal is worth about 12 billion only two candidates remain in the race for the 2024 GOP Presidential nomination

    Former president Donald Trump and former South Carolina governor and un Ambassador Nikki Haley will face off Tuesday in new H in the New Hampshire primary on Sunday Florida Governor Ronda santis dropped out and endorsed Trump CBS News Chief Washington correspondent Major Garrett joins me now from the

    Granite state I think that’s where he is Major Ronda sandis dropped down yes he is okay good I would have guessed nowhere else but I’m just making sure so give me your take on what happened to Ron de santis I’ll just make it brief yes so John it’s been talked a

    Great deal about there was a DeSantis campaign and there was a heavily funded Dan santis super pack let’s work on this analogy together let’s say you were going to try to open a steakhouse going up against a really popular steakhouse in your community but that Steakhouse you were opening though heavily invested

    In the hostess and the waiters could never talk to the kitchen and they weren’t sure what the mistake was going to be what temperature what the customers actually wanted do you have any idea whether that would succeed or not probably not it was not cohesive

    Never was and I don’t believe ever had a chance because campaigns that I’ve covered and you’ve covered that are successful have to be completely unified and strategy Communications fundraising scheduling and everything that was not true about the Dan santis campaign heavily funded yes but disorganized from

    The very start and to uh pick up your analogy and it appears that the voter voters treated it as if it was a vegan joint and their appetite is for uh steak rare uh Donald Trump R red meat yes very much red meat yes so former president Trump is going after

    Nikki Haley his only remaining Challenger far harder than she is going after him is he really worried or does he just have a single speed which is always you know hard attacks so he said today in interviews on the Fox News Channel that politics is blood sport and a war that’s exactly how

    Candidate Trump thought about it in 2015 2016 president Trump thought about it former president Trump thinks about it everyone who’s an opponent gets everything that he has all the time until they relent and then endorse and then he’s sweet and magnanimous just as he was with Ronda santis yesterday Nikki

    Haley is in everything at you as aggressively as possible and that’s the Trump way and John if I’ve learned anything being in Iowa last week New Hampshire this week talking to Republicans and you know this but it’s worth underscoring the permission structure rhetorically for former president Trump is basically Limitless

    Even aggressive super aggressive even borderline racist rhetoric is accepted why because they believe he’s a fighter they believe he fights for them and whatever rhetorical excesses he thinks he needs they will give him permission to use even if they say almost before I ask they don’t like it that permission structure and the

    Shamelessness around it gives Trump latitude no politician I’ve ever covered has been able to either exert or enjoy it’s extraordinary we’ve seen careers end in fact uh for some of the things but um let me imagine this Nikki Haley has a big day however that comes to be

    Determined tomorrow um with a mix of results Spin and expectations what is the rest of the land cape look like for a two-person race if it if one exists after New Hampshire it’s very difficult for Nikki Haley even if she does well here even she finishes within single digits of

    Trump because most people believe that I’ve talked to in the last three days it’s either Trump by 10 12 or maybe even 16 but let’s say Nikki Haley is within single digits most of that will be an anti-trump Coalition that won’t play well in South Carolina or in many super

    Tuesday states where there is a large as there here is in New New Hampshire an Undeclared or undecided part of the electorate many of the primaries will be closed and they will be win or take all both of those things structurally and by attitude of Republican voters that are

    Trump aligned favors the former president so it’s possible that she has a better than expected night here in New Hampshire tomorrow night that’s certainly possible following that up though will be much more difficult Major Garrett super helpful as always in Manchester New Hampshire thanks a lot major Donald Trump’s defamation trial in New

    York City has been delayed due to illness a jurors said they were not feeling well on their way to court Monday and Trump’s defense attorney Alena habba said she had a fever and that she was exposed to her parents who both tested positive for co9 habba said

    She tested negative the trial is set to reconvene at 9:30 a.m. Wednesday it’s unclear if Trump still plans to testify if the Georgia election interference case has ever confused you this will will not make you less confused a Georgia judge has delayed a deposition from Fulton County district attorney Fon

    Willis in divorce proceedings surrounding one of her fellow prosecutors Nathan Wade the case is separate from the election interference trial involving former president Trump but the district attorney was ordered to testify in the divorce case after one of Trump’s 18 codefendants accused her of having an improper romantic relationship

    With Wade CBS News Congressional correspondent Nicole Killian reports fton County district attorney fonny Willis does not have to testify at least for now in a divorce proceeding involving special prosecutor Nathan Wade and his estranged wife a Cobb County Judge issued a stay effectively delaying a decision on whether Willis should have

    To sit for a deposition in the case Willis was subpoena following accusations that she personally benefited from an improper relationship with Wade who she hired to assist in the 2020 election interference investig ation of former president Donald Trump Cod defendant Michael Roman made the allegations in a filing this month and

    Once the charges against him dismissed Roman’s attorney claims Willis’s office has paid Wade’s Law Firm more than $653,000 in alleges Wade use some of that money to pay for lavish trips with Willis Willis has not confirmed or denied a relationship with Wade her attorney called The subpoena an attempt

    To damage the District Attorney’s reputation and interfere in the 2020 election case also at the hearing the judge decided to unseal hundreds of pages of documents in Wade’s divorce case John Nicole Killian thank you Dexter Scott King the youngest son of Martin Luther King Jr has died at the

    Age of 62 the King Center in Atlanta says he died Monday in California following a about with prostate cancer like his father King worked as a civil rights activist King is surv survived by his wife Leo Weber King and his siblings Bernice a king and Martin Luther King Jr

    III CBS News confirms more than 100 people have died amid a nationwide cold snap over the weekend snow and ice were a problem in the midwest East and parts of the South Common Thread was vehicle collisions due to hazardous roads the roads were also messy in Southern California where flooding closed a major

    Interstate in San Diego for more on the conditions acoss Ross the country here’s Jackie jarus from our partners at The Weather Channel roughly 50 million of us still under winter weather alerts especially across parts of the Great Lakes region this is primarily for freezing rain or

    That rain that comes down as liquid and then ice is everything on contact we had so many problems across parts of the Midsouth earlier and now this is moving northward places like Chicago Northern Indiana into parts of Michigan we’ll see a glaze of ice on the roadways body

    Power outages are going to be possible too warmer air is going to be working its way in so this will be a fairly shortlived event with the ice but we’re going to have to trade off those warmer temperatures for more wet weather as we continue through the rest of the week

    Across parts of the East a very active weather pattern with surges of moisture coming through we could see more than a half of a foot of rain at times uh before the week is out from Southeastern Texas stretching across much of the Deep South we have problems across parts of

    The West as well and here comes that big warm-up on the way many more of us will not be below the freezing Mark now for more in-depth coverage you can watch the Weather Channel on cable and live on your favorite TV streaming device Jackie Jaris thank you turns out the federal

    Government does have a sense of humor sort of it will not ban funny roadway signs as we reported last week instead it strongly recommends avoiding them the Federal Highway Administration prefers messages to be quote simple Direct brief legible and clear the word funny is not on their list Ukraine is running out of

    Money coming up what a $40 billion budget shortfall will mean for the war as foreign aid stalls in the west you’re streaming CBS News prime Time an original documentary from CBS reports tensions Rising between a powerful country and a vital Island the supply of this technology came grinding to a halt the world would grind to a halt absolutely as Taiwan faces threats and aggression Taiwan is on the front line and we understand our responsibility as

    A democracy we cannot fall CBS News examines whether they can defend themselves Putin Ukraine China Taiwan there are manifestations of the battle between autocracy and democracy and that is a fight that we’re all engaged in defending Taiwan now streaming on the free CBS News

    App we love music as much as you do CBS Morning your morning routine just got better I love that CBS okay so let’s just start at the beginning well let me start with this what is at stake here what is the answer then do you know why you want me to just keep going is that a good thing or a bad thing were there death threats how is

    This possible what’s wrong with that AR are you saying they lied have you told the government that why won’t you say the word crisis you’re not answering my question really is that scary does that make sense what do you mean what does that mean to need any of that makes

    Sense what’s your respon what happened why it’s time for the CBS News original 60 Minutes Sunday on CBS and streaming on Paramount plus hello everyone and Welcome to our Dragon capule here in space sightseers in Space the thrill of a lifetime seeing the Earth from space it was so

    Exhilerating but the risks that come with the territory there have been four fatal accds that’s a 1% fatal accd ring might make you look before you launch if you had one out of 100 airplanes falling out of the sky would have a public crisis space tourism now streaming on the free CBS News

    App Morning News matters because it sets the tone for your day and it’s a way of getting you started we take you places teach you new things and we make you feel like you know it’s not all bad we’re going to uplift you people say to

    Me you always seem to be having a good time when you know what you’re right your morning routine just got better CBS mornings when weather turns extreme a massive storm with Winds of 150 miles hour the storm strengthened again overnight CBS News and The Weather Channel bring you virtual weather

    Technology so Advanced so real you’ll have time to get prepared feel the forecast weather when it matters most on CBS News I wake up every morning asking what’s happening in the world why is this happening and how do we answer that question after the tragic loss of

    Beloved newsman Tim russer his son went on a worldwide Journey to Find himself I struggled with his grief for a long time how grard is honoring the legacy of his father when we go person to person turning now to the war in Ukraine at least 27 people were killed Sunday in

    A shelling attack on the Russian occupied city of denes that’s in the east 25 people were also injured according to Russian officials Moscow blams Ukraine for the attack the Ukrainian military has neither confirmed nor denied involvement the fighting is draining Ukraine’s wallet the Ukrainian government is anticipating a $38 billion

    Short shortfall in 2024 financial support from Western allies could cover most of that but Aid proposals have stalled in both the United States and Europe let’s bring in Max Bergman he’s director of the Europe Russia and Eurasia program at the center for strategic and International Studies Max

    Thanks a lot for being with us if money from the West dries up how does what is what what options do you does Ukraine have to fund its military well none of the options are good I mean one of the options is to just simply print more money and that is

    Inflationary we’ve seen a lot of countries in the past in Wartime situations uh uh fall into that and and and do that but the other option is to cut a lot of the government services that uh it’s been providing to not pay school teachers uh to cut back on on

    Transit and and other things that the state is providing the danger in doing that is that you inhibit economic growth if if people feel that their kids aren’t getting an education in Ukraine they may leave and all of this could lead to sort of a vicious cycle where the Ukrainian

    Economy uh gets worse and worse so uh it would require some drastic measures on behalf of the Ukrainian government to try to address that Gap and right and so implicit in what you’re saying is you’d have a morale failure and part of what’s been amazing is the will and strength of

    The Ukrainian people does this change the military strategy then at this perilous moment well you know if there is no economic assistance to Ukraine and there’s also no military assistance to Ukraine then Ukraine will have to do whatever it can to buy weapons uh itself uh so that’s

    Going to further erode uh what Ukraine has to spend on its economy and on its uh on its uh State uh government so it it creates a huge economic crisis in Ukraine and then that will have a battlefield impacts of course so the economic assistance is essential but I

    Think even more essential for Ukraine is maintaining the military support uh so it doesn’t have to uh essentially cannibalize its its its government uh in order to pay for the war what’s the picture look like in Europe with respect to support for Ukraine we know uh what it’s like here

    And and how it’s all bollocked up in in Congress here in the States but what give us a sense of of the enthusiasm in Europe for for Ukraine and how the picture looks there well I think this is the good news now Europe was supposed to uh approve a 50 billion Euro economic

    Support package that’s a little bit more than $50 billion uh last December it was not able to one country Hungary blocked it uh but the EU has sort of gone back and figured out ways that it could potentially get this money approved there’s a big meeting in Brussels at the

    European Council where the EU all the heads of the 27 EU countries will get together and it’s expected that they’re going to approve this 50 billion Euro package for Ukraine so it looks like Ukraine will get uh economic support from Europe now that the the deal that

    Was uh there between Europe and the United States is Europe would provide a lot of the economic support but the US would pitch in as well so Ukraine will still need economic support from the US and if not it’s gonna face a shortfall and Max finally um what does this mean

    With respect to postwar um Ukraine I know people might think wait a minute postwar we’re still in the thick of this but there been long time discussions about funding Ukraine after the war in part as a way to give the ukrainians some hope for this war that they’re

    Right now going through look I think one of the real remarkable things over the last year there’s is that is the Ukrainian economy there’s been a lot of focus on on the failure of the counter offensive in Ukraine but the economy has stabilized inflation has been brought

    Down to you know roughly 5% on par with a number of Western European countries uh and Ukraine through its own military resourcefulness opened up the Black Sea grain Corridor so it’s begun shipping grain out so its economy has stabilized and what this will do if we pull the rug

    Out from providing economic support to Ukraine has sort of thrust Ukraine backwards uh and so Ukraine has had to reconstruct its country while it’s fighting a war and that’s no easy task uh and especially if you don’t have the Assurance of having that funding so it’ll really put Ukraine uh back quite

    Ways in in its uh reconstruction efforts Max Bergman with the center for strategic International studies really helpful thank you so much Max malaria kills hundreds of thousands of people each year according to the World Health Organization the vast majority of them are African children under the age of five that could change as Cameroon rolled out its first routine vaccination program against the mosquito born illness a nation hopes to vaccinate

    Roughly 250,000 kids over the next 2 years years Health officials say malaria cases were up by almost 5 million in 2022 compared to the year prior we’re going to take a quick break when we come back Donald Trump has a familiar move when it comes to women who

    Served in his cabinet who do things he does not like we’ll explain you’re streaming CBS News prime Time We are about to see American weapons in the hands of Mexican cartels a gun pipeline to Mexico we are arming the cartels 100% no doubt about it happening right under our noses who’s doing something about this nobody a CBS reports exclusive most Americans have no idea that we are effectively arming the

    Enemy next door this is the story the American people need to know arming carts now streaming on the free CBS News app people from every corner of America facing challenges everyone is just looking for some type of connection just raise your hand and say hey I’d like to

    Help coming together to find Solutions we are going to do something about it their stories are our stories welcome to I on America stream now on the free CBS News app feel the forecast on the CBS Evening News with nor O’Donnell we aim every night to be factual and fair that’s our

    Goal an original documentary from CBS reports imagine yourself in Manhattan with no police no Army no mayor the people of Haiti stare down poverty corruption natural disasters and violence 90% of the gun that are used by gangs in haen are American Gun but with an unbreakable spirit and eternal optimism

    There are days where I cry but we can’t be discouraged we still believe in Haiti they’re still able to look ahead with hope Haiti is on the brink of transformation a radical shift patients are coming together and saying thingses must change fighting for Haiti now streaming on the free CBS News app

    Since childhood she never stopped reaching for the skies now she’s spent more time in space than any other American I like being a part of something bigger than me Peggy whitson’s extraordinary career as a history making astronaut when we go person to person an original documentary from CBS reports I

    Always tell people that Twitter would not be Twitter without black Twitter it’s just us being in fellowship with each other and it becomes a conversation you don’t want to be left out of people really start Ed to recognize the power of activism on Twitter based on that one

    Tweet the # Oscar so white was trending around the world if anything has really powered black Twitter it’s been humor if your food ain’t right oh we going to tell you about that too we tend to create change create culture and cool that’s how movements happen on black

    Twitter and go beyond more than that black Twitter the Twitter verse that changed a generation now streaming on the free CBS newss app St why did you want to share your story water off this High where are these coming from that’s the million dollar question I’m a very curious person I

    Wake up every morning asking what’s happening in the world why is this happening and how do we answer that question on the CBS Evening News Stanford’s women’s Coach Tara Vander now has the most coaching wins in college basketball history the accomplishment came after her team beat Oregon State

    Sunday and her 45 season career Vander has won three NCAA titles seven of her alumni have won eight WNBA titles the 70-year-old is also known for her nuggets of wisdom or Tara isms they include mental is to physical as four is to one you want to have fun try winning

    That’s fun sometimes you’re the dog and sometimes you’re the fire hydrant and basketball is a team sport if you’re into individual things take up tennis this week again Donald Trump referred to Nikki Haley several times when he meant to say Nancy Pelosi Haley said the switcheroo was a sign of his

    Mental decline she’d have had a cleaner case if Trump had meant to be talking about his sons or something totally different because Haley and Pelosi are not that different they are both women who challenged Donald Trump Trump’s patterns there are pretty consistent whether it’s political Rivals who are

    Women or members of the press like Megan Kelly Maggie Haberman or ma binski first he says the women are not very smart he has some nicknames along these lines about Haley women in the workplace will recognize this from their experience over the ages black Americans recognize this same play in Trump’s lie

    In 2011 that Barack Obama was not born in America both play on the prejudices of those who believe women and minorities don’t belong in important positions Trump has tried a version of birtherism on Haley her parents are immigrants he’s also made fun of her first name and when asked about it

    Referred to quote wherever she may come from Raising questions about where she was born which is South Carolina which he knows this isn’t the first female former cabinet official Trump has belittled this way after treasury secretary Elaine Chow resigned from his administration after January 6th Trump

    Made fun of her name when I was young some people deliberately misspelled or mispronounced my name said Chia who was born in Taiwan asian-americans have worked hard to change that experience for the Next Generation he doesn’t seem to understand that which says a whole lot more about him than it will ever say

    About Asian Americans what does this pattern say about the likely GOP nominee a candidate who plays on racial and sexist stereotypes when minimally threatened there’s a name for that up next it’s I on America for all of us here at CBS News prime time I’m John Dickerson that’s our report thank you

    For spending the hour with Us the grief of losing a child is immense you can’t breathe after Decades of the War on Drugs things have only gotten worse every shipment of Sentinel is a ticking Time Bomb 50 times more powerful than heroin CBS reports goes


    1. Although the world is like a different country, we all live organically together, receiving the same sun, drinking oxygen, and sharing the ocean and atmosphere.
      Without you, I cannot live alone.
      Although humans are physically weaker than other animals, they have overcome this physical weakness by forming groups.
      People all over the world have the same desire to stay away from evil and to be happy.
      It seems like different countries think differently, but that's not true.
      Originally, the source of our life started from the sea.
      Starting as a single cell, muscles attach to the fish's fins to form arms and land on land.
      Even though people around the world are from different countries, the minerals that make up the body, the wish for happiness, the same oxygen, the same sun, and the fact that our ancestors were microorganisms in the sea make it a global village.
      The whole world is one family and there is no profit in fighting.
      Humans cannot live even a day without the help of the land, sea, sky, sun, and star debris that make up our bodies, or the sea algae, coral, and common weeds that produce oxygen, which are essential for the world's people to live on.
      It will be very difficult for humanity to survive on the Moon or Mars in 10,000 years by developing cutting-edge space technology instead of fighting among global families who drink the same oxygen.
      Even now, people around the world are actively participating in the carbon neutralization agreement to prevent abnormal weather phenomena caused by global warming, so that the global family can live together by sharing each other's pain instead of fighting each other on the beautiful Earth, the only place in the universe with conditions for human life. one. I am free from the greed and hatred of the heart and foolishness, and people already have it, but I just cannot see the original true heart of people, including me.
      The idea of war in a short period of time in the human brain is to have a heart of peace, which is our original mind, and to stop polluting the environment on Earth, the only place in the universe where life can live, and to prevent carbon dioxide and nuclear materials from being released into the land. In order to avoid exposure to the atmosphere, we are gradually reducing tertiary production from fossil fuels and changing from nuclear power plants, which are fatal to the human body, to renewable energy industries, preventing pollution of the sea and land as much as possible, and reducing the costs of world wars and cutting-edge space. If you do not intend to develop and live on Mars in the distant future, 1,000 years from now, the cost of developing space industries, such as reconnaissance missions that seek out information about other countries, should be spent on fostering primary industries such as agriculture and pro-regeneration and eco-friendly industries. Please use it to
      As people around the world, one family, return to their original common heart of giving each other happiness and have warm conversations with each other through the Internet,
      Transcending time and space, the world has already become one family.
      Instead of ostracizing each other because of different ideologies or religions, we must share our different narratives, especially the current wars, war-inducing actions, and international laws that are not helpful to the survival of mankind. By dumping nuclear-contaminated water in the Earth, exposing nuclear materials to the sea, land, or atmosphere, where living and non-living things live organically on Earth, destroying the Earth's ecosystem, where they live in a symbiotic relationship, is breaking international law and threatening the survival of humanity, and sharing it with countries around the world. Japan must protect the ocean, which is its property, by discharging nuclear weapons into the ocean without the consent of people around the world. It is important to cherish the lives of others that humans must cherish even when they die.

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