Poole Speedway presents the Poole ‘Pirates’ vs Swindon ‘Robins’ Elite League match at Wimborne Road on 29/07/2015, filmed by ReRun Productions.

    POOLE ‘Pirates’
    01 : Chris HOLDER
    02 : Davey WATT
    03 : Dakota NORTH
    04 : Kacper GOMOLSKI
    05 : Maciej JANOWSKI
    06 : Paul STARKE
    07 : Kyle NEWMAN

    SWINDON ‘Robins’
    01 : Darcy WARD
    02 : Eduard KRCMAR
    03 : Hans ANDERSEN
    04 : Grzegorz ZENGOTA
    05 : Troy BATCHELOR
    06 : Charles WRIGHT
    07 : Darryl RITCHINGS

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    Proudly Sponsored By:
    Wessex Marine: http://wessexmarine.co.uk
    Link Fabrications
    Morrish Homes: https://www.morrishhomes.co.uk
    Trethowans: https://www.trethowans.com
    M B Wilkes : https://www.mbwilkes.com
    County Crest Pallets
    Chateau La Briance : https://www.chateaulabriance.com

    ReRun Productions:
    Steve Girdwood : Editor/Producer
    Rob Haywood : Camera
    Graham Sutton : Interviewer/Commentator

    Brought to you by Pirates TV, ReRun Productions & Speedway Portal

    Footage Includes:
    00:00:00 – Meeting Introduction With Graham Sutton
    00:01:29 – Chris Holder Interview
    00:02:59 – Darcy Ward Interview
    00:05:08 – Rider Parade
    00:09:11 – Heat 1
    00:11:45 – Heat 2
    00:14:51 – Heat 3
    00:17:47 – Heat 4
    00:21:40 – Heat 5
    00:26:08 – Heat 6
    00:28:15 – Heat 7
    00:32:29 – Heat 8
    00:37:23 – Heat 9
    00:40:05 – Heat 10
    00:42:34 – Heat 11
    00:45:27 – Heat 12
    00:49:09 – Heat 13
    00:52:12 – Heat 14
    00:55:53 – Heat 15
    00:58:56 – Victory Parade
    00:59:29 – Chris Holder Interview
    01:00:23 – Kacper Gomolski Interview
    01:00:58 – Maciej Janowski Interview
    01:02:07 – Kyle Newman Interview
    01:03:08 – Davey Watt Interview
    01:03:47 – Dakota North Interview
    01:04:42 – Paul Starke Interview
    01:05:48 – Conclusion
    01:06:39 – Ending

    What a very good evening and welcome to wimborne Road for one of the most eagerly awaited Elite league matches for quite some time on a par I’d say with playoff matches because of one name that name Darcy Ward yes it’s the Swindon Robbins in town and the former pirate

    Who is on loan to the robins for the remainder of the 2015 season spearheads the visitors attack tonight in what promises to be a really close encounter with a result which could quite easily go either way Swindon in a very good run of form away victories handsome home

    Victories and the arrival of Darcy ward of course uh spearheaded not only the team but a victory against uh the bull pirates in that match just a couple of weeks ago and he’ll be hoping to do the same tonight so no lasting loyalties he’s got a job

    To do he said it’s very hard on him to race against his former team but he’s got a job to do and that’s what I’m sure he’ll be doing tonight this is a really really tough match and uh to be honest if if looking at the two

    Teams if I were a Gambling Man I think I’d be inclined to put my money on the robins rather than the Pirates but uh Pirates have made a Stern stuff and uh will probably prove me wrong let’s wait and see well as I just said in my introduction

    Uh my throating first race between Chris who’s with me now and uh Darcy uh mates but enemies they’re going to be an intriguing night you’ve had it already at the away match and you’ve got some more tonight what are your thoughts yeah looking forward to it um soon they’re a

    Good team there’s a lot of others in that team as well so and obviously with Darcy coming back to the big meeting and um we’d like to like to get a good you know if we can keep him at the back we’ll be happy I’m sure you will and I

    Mean apart from a couple of matches early in the season the Pirates this has been Fortress wimborne road so I mean no reason why I can’t do the same tonight but it will be tough yeah of course we’ve had the last couple of weeks have been really good here for us um we’ve

    Seen it got the track sorted out a little bit and um hopefully tonight we can do the same we just gotta you know get off the start early and get some points on the board but um like I said they’re a good team so they’re going to be here trying to

    Turn us over but um fingers crossed we can do it on a personal note I was looking at your schedule recently you must be waking up in the morning and saying which country am I in today I don’t even go to sleep I don’t sleep man I just got from the van

    To the hotel to sit around for five minutes and then fly somewhere else but um it’s been quite a busy quite a busy last you know month and a half I think two months but um hopefully I can be awake at the start tonight and get a lot of points and be

    All worth it there’s a lot of people over there hoping that you can be and good luck thank you cheers Well you heard what Chris had to say he’s looking forward to uh tonight’s match and uh like I guess the same goes to Darcy back at your home but uh on the other side of the pits a bit different first in that first forever then yeah

    But uh you know the main thing is you’re back in Speedway and you hit the ground running and that must be good yeah not too bad um a few ups and downs but you know it’s all progress um new exhaust halfway through the air runs you know

    Full steam ahead I’m catching up so it’s a little difficult but so far not too bad I don’t I don’t think it would be fair to expect Riders to come back after missing half the season and pulling quite the point so you must have had an appetite you must have been

    Well prepared and uh and obviously mentally that’s made a difference as well oh for sure um you know I knew that it would be tough but uh yeah I did what I could to try for myself in the best position to gain points and um to try to

    Put myself back to where I want to be and if not a little bit better so we did what we did and um you know like I said so far so good but you know still a little bit to go still actually a long way to go I don’t feel

    100 comfortable but um I can’t complain too much we’ll be tight the opposition when you are 100 but uh anyway I mean you you professionally said you’ve got a job to do you’re doing it with Swindon which I think is the right attitude uh you know it all that

    Matters is that you’re seen to be doing the right thing for your employer basically and that’s what you’re doing yeah exactly I’m a robin for 2015. so I you know I take that with all the strides and put that on my sleep so um you know it’s been good so far we’ve

    Been going all right I think the team’s you know picked up a lot since I’ve come back so you know it’s fun and it’s it’s a good time and um you know we’re going well so far and I don’t mind the track and it’s close to home well it was a

    Huge queue of people when I arrived at the stadium all coming here slightly more than we’ve seen in recent weeks that can only be for one thing you know mouthwatering Prospect here tonight and and they really want to see you back on track even if it’s in that color let’s

    See what happens good luck thank you very much massive crowd here tonight probably on a par with playoff crowds of course we’ve got the holidays we’ve got uh visitors we’ve got fine where they’re bright Sunshine once again and we’ve got the Swindon robins and we got Darcy Ward it

    All adds up to a massive crowd and a massive interest in this match tonight uh of course it’s not on the TV so that means one thing it will turn out to see it live here at winborne Road and here we are to uh bring you from rerun Productions

    Match of the Season here at winborne Road Daryl richings uh then the number seven gets introduced it’s a Vlad from Coventry all right Charles Wright running at number six he’s had one two guest appearances for the Pirates in the past and they’re very very uh proficient uh Reserve Rider he is

    Troy Bachelor the skipper the Swindon Robbins rides at number five [Applause] Anderson [Applause] not always the most popular visitor here but no booze tonight for hands is the young man that comes into the team at number two Edward krasma what sort of a cheer are we going to get for this Rider wow I think that speaks for itself thunderous Applause there for Darcy Power Pirates lineup [Applause] Nigel hoping up the crowd then as he introduces the Pirates stand from seven to one and number seven Carl Newman [Applause] number six full stop Captain Fantastic magic Janoski [Applause] fellow teammate and Paul Casper gabowski [Applause] one of a trio of Aussie riders in the pool team this season at number three hoping that he can repeat the form of seven days ago Dakota North [Applause] number two and number one just about to be pushed off Chris holder so uh coming into line for race number one eagerly awaited massive Pride as you can see from those shots on the first corner there and uh on gate one for the Swindon Robbins [Applause] In the in the blue helmet we’ve got Darcy ward in White on three and uh Chris holder goes in red from gate four so is Chris far what Ward holder the liner or Maurice number one so uh that Sunshine uh pretty uh low in the sky and very bright at this

    Moment so uh we did have a hold up uh last week had a 10 minute break uh probably don’t have to do the same we’re already late tonight [Applause] around his uh rival there to lead up the first race in second place takes a look over his shoulder to see where Davey what is and uh now he’s concentrating his efforts on Chris holder in front what a fabulous start to the first race he was holding One in third place on Darcy just getting a little out of shape coming out of the pitch perfectly I’ll have to watch that as we know in the first race not too much but this is Super Speedway between two Top Class Riders and uh former world champion still heading the future world champion

    Run the final then they come oh look at this [Applause] great the winner of race number one Xavier Chris holder [Applause] From Darcy Ward what uh racing Speedway what four lapse is Speedway there and uh just uh Chris holder was looking over his shoulders head down so you can come around and join me right on his exhaust pipe and Chris holder does the business for the

    Power so he can do that all night all right sir on for a good one what a race [Applause] well when we go to heat two and uh if we can maintain the momentum in terms of the quality of the racing that we just had in race number one we certainly are

    In for a good night though War of the crowd was absolutely uh mind-blowing I remember the names of the Riders they’re so so uh well right behind me here in the main grandstand and uh I can’t remember who’s owning this one because it’s uh Paul Stark in red for the

    Pirates on great position at number one on two in white for the robins Charles Wright going from gate three in blue is Carl Newman for the Pirates and it’s young Daryl Richards normally a national league Rider he’s in the yellow house you fly there all right the referee thought so too

    So that one’s going to be restarted okay so it’s the restart then just a reminder Paul Stark reading across from the inside This one and once again it starts right who’s uh first to show and uh the two uh four riders in the minor places there where the Carl Newman [Applause] the dirt Charles right just made a little slip coming out of turn four and uh Carl Newman was almost on him full

    Start right there with us Carl going on in this time and uh trying to get some drive around the uh what a fabulous pass by Carl Newman there and Joe’s right it’s not done yet because he’s coming back for more but that really was Carl Newman at his very

    Best there coming through to take over the league is right with him and Richard’s finding life a little bit difficult at the back there and coming around the final band Disappointing uh Knight of Speedway seven days ago not tonight brilliant stuff there and the crowd loved that one there’s a lot packed in here tonight and just on the evidence of the first two races it’s certainly getting their money’s worth Here Comes Kyle now [Applause] um [Applause]

    So the Pirates were the night for lead after two races that could disappear down the drain with a 5-1 uh let’s see what they what they’re pretty useful pairing two he leaders uh Troy Bachelor on gate one in yellow we’ve got all right let’s give

    Her a magic Janoski on gate two in Blue on three we’ve got Hans Anderson the gas replacement for Nick Morris in White on gate three and on gate four in red for the Pirates it’s Dakota North so another very very even looking uh race line up here and uh

    I’m sure the Riders will be happier when that uh low and bright sun has disappeared but nevertheless it doesn’t seem to have affected the uh the riders in the first two races and I understand that uh Chris hold his time in the first heat was the

    Fastest four laps of the season and I’m not surprised you had Darcy Ward all over his exhaust pipe and screwed on uh big time in order to take the win which he did and set the meeting off to a winning start for the Pirates so they’re coming into line then

    For pizza number three get propelled start from gate two they’re absolutely depth repair right Ryan battler and uh he heads him up with Hans Anderson uh back in second place going back to the third um share the spoils at this stage I don’t know whether Dakota North he uh he was

    Unbeaten seven days ago and uh the difficult gate four in his first one a very tough we’re back to her and uh Addison but Dakota North is now getting on the post terms with Troy Bachelor as a Cameroon to complete three laps how do you turn

    Off he just takes a little look over his shoulders still uh challenging there trying to get alongside uh throwing back to the Crowder gym on but uh not too much room on the inside there Dakota looking for a cut back don’t think he’s gonna do it um but there’s a magic zonoski maintains

    The Pirates four point Advantage with a race win in 8-3 ahead of Hans Anderson and Troy Bachelor 3-3 makes the totals after three races 11 points to the Pirates and seven to the Robins Foreign ERS could uh play a big part in the match because you’ve got two poles in this one you’ve got Casper gamolski for the Pirates and you’ve got Gregor so you’ve got her for the robins who gets the better out of those two this evening and how they perform could swing this

    Match one way or the other it’s Carl Newman in Blue on game one for the Pirates Dara Richards on two in uh and uh life pretty tough in this one uh he’s on gate two and yellow then there’s now Daryl on three we’ve got Casper gamolsky in red for the Pirates and

    Gregor zangata goes in the white helmet from gate four key race then particularly from the two poles and of course Carl Newman in the mix he’s already so good for him in there Blaster tapes and uh he’ll be on uh 15. and it means that uh

    Yes this will mean well unless they put pool Stark in they could put pool stock in because I think uh he’ll certainly um what should we say he’ll he’ll be able to take care of uh Daryl Richards um we’ll uh just see what Milo decides to do The restart and mid low I think wisely uh deciding to put Paul Stark in in replace of the excluded uh Carl Newman he might switch them uh those around he might see uh Carla in the next race uh uh in Paul’s Place just uh even things

    Up it does mean that he’s got two Riders on the starting tapes which I think is always an advantage so is the revised lineup for this one then so it’s now Paul Stark in Blue from gate uh one in white there’s four points between them uh

    Pirates will be looking to try and get a little bit of an early cushion build on the Four Points they’ve got away [Applause] for second place and gotta made a better start and cool start now is looking in the last race and get out in the dirt there and get some Drive

    And then go around the pressure but Casper gamolsky leading out in front in absolutely superb form for his uh opposed Army rights along where the Chris holder he was in superb form at the weekend and here he is leading up this one quite comfortably ahead of then got a postcard there

    Seemed to have settled for third place for the Pirates which would extend their overall lead last lap of Speedway for this race and uh no more drama in this one as long as they can safely turn the final band as it’s uh Casper Williams Who now lead by 15 points to nine and I think Castle is going to do one of his uh really good celebrations yep he’s coming there he is so when we go with a race number five after a little bit of a track grade and uh here’s the lineup then it’s uh the

    Pirates are winning three this time and uh with that six point lead they were hoping not to relinquish at this time and uh on paper anyway it looks as if they could even build on it but Davey what in red going from gate one on gate two bad word crack ma in white

    Oh okay three we’ve got Paul Stark in blue so mid low resisting the temptation to uh make a reserve switch Paul maintains his uh for his place in this race and and why shouldn’t he uh he goes on game three then and it’s uh the romance

    Number six in yellow from gate four and he is of course Charles Wright so that’s the lineup then ready across it’s what crackler start right the lineup for Heat number five And uh it’s a good start from daily Warners full stop there gets a bit of rodeo coming out of the pitch turn but he’s current up Looks like Charles Wright not going to get up quickly from that one no that was actually in the horse and Charles writing by of course it was Edward krackman who uh took the uh the Perler it was Charles Wright who was in yellow so Um the uh exclusion treatment the race is going to be rerun with three riders only in the restart Number five well everybody crack my back in the pits uh setting this one out and uh so Charles right up against it uh weight of numbers against him David one on one then and uh pull start gate three okay four is Charles Wright so if I get my program if pirates do

    Manage to get a 5-1 this time they’ll be 10 points ahead and I’m quite certain that that would mean that Darcy ward in heat six would be out with a tactical ride so I don’t know whether midnight don’t call to just maybe take it easy in

    This one I don’t think why to do that from uh gate four so and uh back oh Davey what only just about able to hold him and uh well that who would give the Pirates an eight-point lead and make things uh a little easier for the Pirates in the

    Next round they’ve still got to face Darcy Ward but the thought with the black and white helmet on uh would not be too clever so David leading this one up now quite comfortably Charles right in second place foreign There just uh motoring around on the inside line but not making too much he was leading him when that race was stopped but uh here we go then 4-2 for the past half a lap to go daily what uh got this one sewn up really is in much better form of late is

    Davey he’ll be happy with that right then in second and full Stark in third makes it a 4-2 to The Pirates Who now lead by 19 points to 11. not 10 points up [Applause] Foreign [Applause] Around him because uh Dakota North just had a little problem coming out of the business and uh with Darcy Ward clamping on the line covering his partner team riding wise it’s uh effectively the race over whatever the Pirates do in this one I don’t think they can get on turns with

    The two Robins the uh two azim uh team partners this time for the robins are doing the business as uh looked as if they could they’re going to halve the powers advantages it’s going to go back from from 8 points that’s Troy Bachelor then leading it up

    From Darcy Ward side by side perfect team riding uh again multi some way back for the Pirates and Dakota North who is not having the night so far that he had last week unbeaten last week he had to score a point tonight that’s the ups and downs

    Of Speedway 5-1 to the Swindon Robbins they’ll be happy with that Roscoe will be smiling why is he ever not smiling and uh that makes the scoreline 20 to the Pirates and 16 to the Robins so can the Pirates restore their advantage or improve their advantage

    With a race win in heat seven now you’ve got the Riders to do it here’s the lineup across from game one the inside in white is Hans Anderson onto the winner of the opening race fastest race of the season in red for the Pirates Paris holder

    Okay three uh for the Robins in yellow is okay for hello Paul gotta That’s how they line up in race number seven Paris only four to the good uh very much question of the first spend battle here where there’s been no Hans Anderson a pretty widely customer on that first Corner what can he do here can Chris Unsatisfactory start there I’m not quite sure probably Hans Anderson on the move there I think because Chris holder hardly moved at all but uh Tony Steele the referee tonight was uh on that one and uh it was a whole fallback s okay it’s a restart then of heat number

    Seven uh key race this brother Swindon can uh close the gap even further or the pirate’s going to open it out so it’s uh hands Anderson on one Chris holder on two Greg got it on three and it’s an osteon for and Anderson certainly made the first

    Ben first that time whether it was uh his anticipation that caused the race to be restarted certainly one thing’s for sure Chris holder got a really poor start there and uh he was training going into the corner and probably relieved to see the red light come on I’m sure that

    Won’t happen again this time but uh certainly Robin’s got the gate one and three advantage and uh intriguing to see how this one shapes up the performance of Anderson and zangota here will dictate hey there Swindle Roberts Watkins will be for the rest of the evening starter walking away who gets away first

    And a brilliant gate there as magic zenosi comes around Ryan what a back straight that was a Speedway there Magics are not important he uh had the difficult gate for he just kept it screwed on and absolutely brilliant he’s got this track lined up and the 5-1 on paper uh as very much

    It has Anderson’s training at the back he made the star first time possibly unfairly but uh certainly didn’t make it the second die because Chris holder was all over him magic Janoski just went around the pair of the Robin and there they are the eight-point advantage for the Pirates is being restored

    Big style here in Heat number seven as magic dinosi food Skipper and Chris holder they’re number one take the ticket flag for the Pirates Quality quality Riders robbery Riders top eight Grand Prix Riders and there they are getting maximum points for the pool ready power pirates in race number seven

    To make the scoreline now after seven races Pirates 25 [Applause] Both Riders of course yes so he’d ate and maybe we’re halfway stage of the meeting and uh this time we’ve got uh the robins on one and three with Charles Wright in yellow on gate one okay okay two is Casper good mostly in red for the Pirates on three is Edward krackma

    Ed White and on for air blue for the Pirates coming out his second ride was third actually but he was included in the second one and that’s uh brand new that’s the lineup Superstar by Casper there and pearl Newman looks like he’s uh On Target to joining so certainly Charles right there not making life too easy for him oh oh that’s not a very very nice sight at all there as uh first of all Carl Newman and then well they just came together

    Basically and uh Carl and Charles uh certainly came down pretty hard we don’t like to see that um Certainly one thing’s for sure in the case of Charles Wright thank goodness for the air fence because he went flying into the safety fence and I’m sure that took the winds out of his sails Carl Newman’s still down we’ll just have to keep our fingers crossed and hope those

    Two young they were really battling for it there I’m not really sure Who is the cause of that stoppage so we’ll just have to wait on the referee’s uh decision on that one foreign [Applause] ERS uh making their way back there that was a really uh heavy fall but uh the crowd booing I don’t think they’re booing Charles Wright hopefully they’re doing uh the referee’s decision because quite honestly that was a tough uh decision by the referee he has excluded

    Carl Newman who’s judged to have I mean they just they were just riding hard I mean Carl did uh probably lose control first but uh Charles had driven under him quite hard and uh then um then they both fail basically so uh well I’m sure the replay will show exactly what

    Happened there in uh in detail but uh Craig not happy with Newman’s exclusion uh Refugee just had a hard decision to make Having been excluded we have had a chance to just view the footage and uh it was a tough Speedway decision but probably the right one by the referee although the crowd didn’t like it so foreign In second place and Charles Wright there not surprisingly taking things just a little bit carefully back in third place I think he’s a bit sore possibly a bit winded done about the bike but uh he’s uh just um going to be content to take a point here by the looks Casco gamalski is

    Going to keep this up help the park to maintain their eight point Advantage as we hit the halfway stage of the meeting and he’s got a lap and a half just to hold on to this Advantage which I’m sure he will making his second win of three

    Races tonight Edward Park just looking a little bit happier on the track because he’s seemed to be getting used to the Circuit here on his first visit and in third place we got Tales roll customer gets the three points in Japan wins it again that time for the Pirates [Applause] foreign

    Doesn’t need any encouragement to immediately show vote with one wheeler there he goes 28-20 the score line now [Applause] any suggestion that Charles Wright would be given a little bit of recuperation uh time after that heavy spill I’ve been dashed because Roscoe’s drafted him straight back in for a placement ride

    Here in Heat number nine so here’s the full lineup then we’ve got Greg orange then got her on game one in white for the robins we’ve got pool staff on two in blue for the Pirates the place of Daryl Richards is taken by Charles Wright that’s a change that

    Obviously we thought would happen earlier but uh Charles Wright still looked a little bit for opar in his last race but he’s obviously being put out here to do a job this time that probably lead to beat uh Paul Stark and uh could bring the lineup for the Pirates we’ve

    Got uh on gate four in red jv1 with a win and a third place so far to his credit and uh another race just to come after this and maybe what gets a good start there right the way around a lot of them from uh gate four there although thank God

    Are getting a little bit closer coming out of the pitch turn and uh this would keep the Pirates eight points do the good we’ll start training at the back uh Charles Wright obviously has made a sufficient recovery to once again get the better a pull start but Paul Stark

    Is having none of it he’s uh setting off in Hot Pursuit for the catch holder of this winter number six here the yellow helmet there in third place and I think probably we could say this is another uh drawn race and it will of course maintain the powers eight point

    Advantage and that means that uh England and Robin would not be able to uh make a tactical move so uh last half lap of the race daily walk comfortably up front for his second win of the night looking uh in as good performance as we’ve seen him here for the rest of this

    Part of the season the middle part of the Season absolutely back to his best is Davey and I’m sure he’ll want to celebrate a race win with his own one-wheel celebrations and here he comes draw the ground sound are going to give it to him always a popular pirate here is Davey [Applause]

    Heat number 10 another mouth-watering race and Prospect here with uh Darcy and Magic here’s the full lineup then on one that it’s Dakota North in red for the Pirates he’s not had the best of touch to last places so he needs to look to his Laurels this

    Time on two alongside him it is Darcy ward in Hawaii What is another mouth-watering race here with uh Magic Janoski and Darcy Ward teammates last year not tonight get brilliant start there looks like he wants to join him Darcy Ward there back in third place certainly uh Dakota North is really crying I get this one but he’s already been passed by Darcy

    Ward Edward rapper The Magicians away like the wind Darcy Wards are never going to catch him in the month of Sunday he’s going to make her a 10-point advantage of the part Darcy is really flying though Dakota North now he’s doing his best back in third place

    There but mudgies and asking leading by half the length of a straight and he’s gonna take this one so having already had his colors there by Chris holder magic janoskina doing the same again oh great race win there gives the parts a 4-2 and they now lead by 35 points to 25

    After 10 races Last possible chance in heat 11 for a team to use a tactical ride they have to be 10 points behind them Cindy Robertson ten points behind their final chance and they’ve made Anderson Who raced two wins for Chris on gate two is a hands Anderson in that uh black and white helmet on gate three Davey what uh who’s had two wins out of three and uh there’s another one this time we’re just about well I wouldn’t seal the victory

    But to go a long way for the Pirates but they face a tough opposition because on game four and yellow for the uh Robins who’ve got their Skipper and number five Troy Bachelor who’s having a pretty good night himself uh Troy with uh just dropped one point to an opponent

    From his first two rides so it’s older Anderson [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] to uh leave the two Robins trailing and uh here they come halfway through the race could be up by really uh now the Pirates advantage in this one it doesn’t look as if Hans Anderson’s got any appetite here to improve upon his third place and we’re the one last to go

    Looking at a 5-1 to give them a 14 point Advantage they will clear the Robins in this one this uh could be that time in the match points here tonight certainly Aaron’s Addison there really not uh couldn’t compete were that pair of Aussies out in front Chris holder and Davey what in Center

    Leading form tonight uh Troy Bachelorette was finishing in fourth place five under the Pirates moved the scoreline along to pull 40 points The customary celebration full 40 points that’s when Robin’s 26 14 points to make up that looks a bit of a tough ass to me Okay we move on to the reserves race in uh he12 repeat of heat uh two here’s the lineup on one in yellow for the robins okay two we got Carl Newman for the Pirates in Blue on three we’ve got Charles Wright for the Robinson yellow

    And on four four star for the Pirates in red well Carl Newman’s had this is his third start wins his first one So Charles Wright is the main uh yes should we say obstruction to the uh it’s getting a race win this time uh he’s been in a pretty low deformed Daryl Richards obviously uh still learning what life’s like in the elite league so uh and that’s of course Paul Newman

    And Charles Ryan facing up once again and this time it’s Carl Newman and Charles play into the first Bend together uh almost a repeat of what happened before as uh Wright uh leads it up even though uh come through to take it over on the inside there and Paul start getting [Applause] [Applause] coming up I don’t know this race probably be awarded if he doesn’t get up I think they’re going to put no the chain of Perez coming out now and the red light wow that was uh three laps of unbelievably uh Brave Speedway by uh Charles Wright Carl Newman and uh

    But all those Riders deserve what should we say oh the projects because uh no other Charles thinks that he was sort of the meat in the sandwich there a bit hard done by I don’t know he probably got the rub of the green on the earlier

    Race with Carl Newman at that time uh I think the Pirates got that fair and square they did indeed good to see uh Charles on his feet there I think he just sort of slid into the air fence nothing uh untoward that time other than a loss of uh points

    Royce was awarded as a 5-1 start was the race winner 27. [Applause] Airway Darcy Ward so [Applause] Slightly red faces if he goes backwards all right Darcy needs a push and uh [Applause] a future Grand Prix Rider and the only circumstances have prevented him from still being a grumpy Rider top quality here in heat 13. that was by uh Troy Bachelor there as Chris holder comes around oh look at those a holding off from Darcy wardez who is Chris Holden leading from a Troy

    Bachelor then magic tanoski and Darcy water on the inside of Janoski looking to come through uh Toy Bachelor just drifting a little bit wide there Janoski looking to get through here like a man possessed tonight but uh zanovski there just getting that little bit back to the crowd are going wild

    Here’s the powers onto a 5-1 with Bruce holder out in front letting it off here having a really fine to uh to hold on to his second place because Troy Batson is really going well Darcy Ward there just pulling at the back uh he uh just found

    That one a little bit too tough Chris holder gets the big war along with his partner magic a little bit disappointingly just uh pulls up and goes straight back into the pitch 5-1 to The Pirates Who lead by 50 points to 28 with two Heats remaining all the points are coming this way

    [Applause] and when I say this way I mean this way so you’ve got hit 14 next and can Swindon get a bit of respect to vote in the scoreline or the Pirates going to rub it in a little bit more suppose I wanted three this time with Casper

    Gamoski on one in blue for the Pirates we’ve got gregoires and got uh and a yellow for the robins on gate two on gate three we’ve got Dakota North in red you’ve got one point tonight he had 14 and a bonus and five last week so

    Tunes and Dakota North then in red from gate three when we hope it was something around off the evening with Hans Anderson also on a fairly modest uh three points and three rides tonight and he goes from gate four the Swindon guest he’s in the white helmet so Anderson the lineup for heat 14. Yeah they are coming into line Casper the most here on gate one there he’s had a couple of wins tonight two two race wins out of three he’ll be very happy with that I’m sure and if he could add another one this time he’d be even happier

    So he14 then penultimate race just the uh big nominated As uh he comes around Casper komowski and Anderson into that uh back straight with Anderson just getting around uh Casper and to do them having a right old thing Old English and once again just holding on kamoski in second place Dakota North Fair comfortably in third uh Gregor Zen got her currently

    Closely bunched in this one and uh Casper komowski still trying to catch uh hands and some of her hands just got a bit of uh extra drive that time to pull out a little bit of a lead as it looks like the Pirates tonight double his total on the night if he

    Holds on to this win I think it’s a question of probably too little too late as uh customer he just eases off over the line to let the coding all through into second place fourth place going to Gregor zangata 3-3 makes a score with One race still left 53 to the Pirates

    And 31 to the Robins and it goes to show what we were saying earlier on that matches are not decided on paper because the robins certainly looked as if they had a pretty powerful team tonight but the Pirates were in Awesome form top the bottom and uh

    They’re going to take a full share of the three points like Casper wants to do a bit more showboating I think it’s safe to say even though this young man enjoys the speedway speaker she lets his actions speak for themselves Blown up for the big nominated race uh sees Chris holder on gate one in red for the Pirates Darcy ward in all white for the robins on two Dakota North for the pirates only scored three points in the match he could literally double his total if he uh takes a win here he’s

    Gonna got his work cut out he goes on gate three anyway and Hans Anderson who literally uh only just uh called his reputation out of the fire and in the previous race he14 with a win having scored three points from three stars before that including one of them being

    A tactical ride so uh the Riders on Gates three and four here to go to North and hand Anderson have had modest evenings actually Darcy Ward uh has had three second places so he’s only set it with a total of six in a bonus point

    From four starts he’ll want to put a few up but the man who’s been in absolutely yeah propelled from tonight is the rider on game one Chris hold up he’s had 300 million races they’re gonna make it five and uh it’s Darcy water gets a good one

    From two there Roy around in fact uh looks like Hans Anderson uh wants to join him looks like the robins want to take a 5-1 to finish it off Christmas other ideas as he comes through he relegates uh Darcy Ward and Darcy Ward come back and Chris Holden what a race

    This is superb Speedway here hold on fellas Chris nearly uh over pushed in there up then from Darcy Ward Chris holder in third place he’s really having a go here but it looks like the robins could round it off with a consolation uh result with

    A lot to go this order is uh looks like you’ve got some issues with his bike oh it’s a punch chest because I always got a puncture and Dakota North there is uh cruising around in third place and then whether he’s got a puncture as well but the Robins finish off A little bit of a disappointing uh evening for them in terms of their expectations they take a five one to finish nice Anderson and Darcy Ward makes the final score in the match 54 to the Pirates and 36 to the Robins [Applause] so both those Robins are adding a bit of

    Respect to Bernie under their final score line with Hans Anderson taking his total actually up to uh nine and uh Darcy Ward taking his up to eight plus two oh big sections of the crowd staying on just to uh show their appreciation for a match winning display Pirates certainly consolidating their

    Second place in the league table and just sending a little message out to the likes of Coventry Swindon Bellevue and Kingsland that uh on the end of the season the business end of the season they got a team of seven Riders that can deliver as they have done tonight

    Relief on your face I think I could definitely tell there was a sense of tension in the pitch before he won oh yes Swindon are a tough team and um obviously with Darcy in their side it’s going to be hard to beat him around here

    And um and the team they got is quite good so to get to score we did tonight was really really good effort from all of us and um yeah we’re just happy we’ve got the win and all the points and keep on going as far as Wessex Marine are

    Concerned they tell me that they gave you the verdict because you set the tone in Heat number one and that victory over Darcy I know you are great mates of course it’s uh not often we get to see the turbo twins going head to head but

    It was a treat tonight I’d much rather race with him than against him but that’s the way it is and uh yeah I got up to a good start in the first one and managed to get the win and then yeah the rest of the boys chipped in and we all

    Got some good wins on the board and I think they only won a couple of hits all night so it shows the strength of the team absolutely big statement tonight thanks to Chris on tipped up form Chris holder Casper a better night tonight yeah I’m race my second bike and very

    Better and last last meeting I’m very happy and good result from team and yeah all the team did good tonight and you particularly played your part yes [Applause] is really really good race today and big win keep up the good work in a word Cass was happy

    So close he was very nearly the rider of the night once more but he had to give way to uh Chris in the end ladies and gentlemen Magic inovsky magic you must be very happy with your men tonight um you know yes of course we all was new

    Uh does this will be a really tough meeting and uh and well so I’m yeah I’m very proud and happy we all score good points and all the Riders have good night so um yeah on the Finish we we have good score for uh for pool Pirates

    So yeah did Matt and midlo have any special words for you before tonight um there was uh they were so stressed you know um we try uh we try all all the best and uh we we all knew will be tough so um we we give 100 we was prepared

    Good for this meeting uh all bikes was working good so um yeah I’m very happy did a great job thank you boys brilliant performance by Magic tonight unbeaten that takes infringement he picks up an exclusion uh many of you I know were not happy about that but uh

    That was the way Speedway cut tonight for Kyle Newman Kyle give us your verdict on things all right well let’s do our best to uh describe your feelings anyway oh you know I actually felt a lot better on track tonight um obviously a shame about the tapes and

    Then the other thing we’re just not even going to mention because it’d be in my best interests no we’ll uh we’ll keep that one to yourself and people can imagine the rest but as far as the win went that was great to see and of course

    Pairing up for another 5-1 in heat 12 as well yeah you know uh the teams you know I think we’ve sort of showed a lot of people what we really can do tonight A lot of people come in tonight doubting and uh I think we’ve just proved them

    All wrong so um you know we just got to keep it going now all the way to the playoffs and through and hopefully to that final just keep the faith he says keep the faith where [Laughter] [Applause] Baby I know you’ll be happy with the result tonight and lots and lots of people came to support you mate I’m stoked thank you everyone for coming out and supporting the team and the club it’s uh absolutely amazing so cool to hold a meeting up to wait for you guys

    To come in uh at the start I’m super happy that we had to wait for you and uh so thanks all for tuning out and thank you very very much for your support with the speedway Riders benevolent fun thank you I started to get the speed at the end of

    The meeting and I’m sure he’ll be happier about that than he was at the beginning Dakota North you’ve got your heat 15 in and it looked like you’re starting to get some speed up yeah we had some big problems in my first three which we didn’t find out

    Until after my third ride but uh we sorted it out for my fourth ride and it was an okay one but then uh then none of the boys wanted 15 I said oh I’ve just sorted my bike out I’ll give it a crack but uh yeah it wasn’t my night from hero

    To zero but uh all sorted out it was a yeah I couldn’t do anything about that we uh just took us too long to find the problem but anyway um lucky I’ve got a some killer teammates that covered for me and uh they did their part and uh yeah covered

    For me so I owe them big time it’s the strength of having a good team around you that you can have a night like you did I know you’ll rather forget it than remember it Dakota smiling and it’s great to see because he’s in some great form uh he was riding

    Uh some of his best stuff tonight Paul Stark Paul your score doesn’t necessarily rely your effort tonight and your Rewards well you know it’s a good night for for me really but I’ve worked hard for it but um struggling from the gate you know I’ve

    Put a new clutch on and thought it was going to be quick and it just wasn’t getting me there so I was having to try and pick a few places off and I’d rather do it from the start but you know good night really team one and uh you know

    Rivals swindons are beating them is a big big plus so yeah really happy with that well you slot it into the into the ball very well you know the teams that we really want to make sure that we can eclipse and we’ve done that tonight in big style yeah you know

    That’s what it’s about you know putting in big performances and setting a bit of a benchmark really to the rest of the teams in the league and I think we’ve done that tonight so you know really happy happy for the team in the club and you know happy for the support that we

    Get from all the fans in a really good turnout today so yeah brilliant good to have you on board maintain the equilibrium full start there so uh a convincing win uh for the Pirates plenty of good racing here tonight some fantastic racing I mean uh take your

    Pick that opening race with uh Chris and Darcy was uh was magic magic was magic and I think that uh three of wrest racing heat 12 with the reserves was uh pretty special too so you can enjoy uh a rerun of all that racing once you’ve uh had your first look at

    This and pick out your favorite races and go over them again and again as uh we encourage you to do here at rerun production so from Rob behind the camera myself Graham Sutton from here at wimborne Road a busy busy night it was for the uh the pirates with

    A big crowd we wish you a very good night foreign

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