Riding my bike and ranting about internet service providers. Ahhh!

    A little gravel grinding for the new year.


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    Look at all that snow and ice ice and snow guys wo someone left their gloves here what the heck those look like some nice winter gloves bike vlogger here bike vlogger here top for the day top for the day actually just ran a uh I ran

    A 10K so I’m a little tired but let’s go biking now let’s mix it up topic of the die topic of the die isps internet service providers little rant for you a little rant for you yeah so I’ve been having problems with my internet connection on my other channel

    Uh I think I’m kind of getting worked out but it’s a big hassle because I only have really one service provider for internet where I live it’s basically a monopoly there is another service DSL like through the phone lines it’s uh it’s slower than it used to be which is

    A weird thing years ago there were actually some competition between cable internet with the coax cables and then DSL with the telephone lines but now the DSL speeds are even lower than they used to be so it’s not even a competition anymore so really my only choice is

    Cable internet I don’t have fiber I wish I had fiber but I don’t have fiber there’s some neighborhoods near downtown where I live in the uh kind of like in the uh really dense areas of the city I don’t live in downtown though but they supposedly have fiber and I think

    There’s some more wealthy neighborhoods out in the suburbs that have fiber but not where I live not where I live so that’s really annoying I’ve had so many issues but one thing I found out I could do is when my my home internet is down I

    Can use a hot spot with my phone now phone services will limit you to how much you can use hotspotting because I don’t know I guess phone data is meant to just be for mobile you know like you’re out and about Moby uh not for your home I think

    Actually there might be something written into the contract you sign when you set up a mobile data phone plan where you’re not to use it for home use not for your home internet but you can use hotspotting for your home internet with your phone if your internet goes down

    And your electricity is still on that’s another thing cable internet it gets power from the electrical grid so if the power goes out you’ll lose your cable internet anyway but DSL as I remember it I haven’t had it for years it’s to the phone lines so

    Even if you use lose your electricity at your at your home you could still possibly have internet access to the phone lines if you have like a battery backup or something now I don’t have a home generator but if you have a generator that would run like a few appliances or

    Something if you lose your electricity the generator will not be able to power your cable internet it’s saw this weird interesting trivia I never knew about never really thought about cuz never really had the issue rarely has my internet completely gone out but it’s been out for like days

    Like multiple dies it’s horrible horrible I I have a tiny data plan too on my mobile data on my phone so cuz I’m a cheap skate I could probably spend an extra $20 a month and get a lot more mobile data but I don’t want to do that I’m a chief

    Skate I’m a chief skate that’s okay chief skate B bu I’d rather spend that money on bike stuff yeah give myself some new brakes I could probably use a new brakes oh yeah let me uh let me stop up here for a second I’m not riding my usual wobby lightning bike I’m riding

    My other single speed bike typically ride this when the roads are salted just cuz I don’t want to mess up my nice steel framed bicycle this is a aluminum framed bike it’s a older bike I think it came out in I have it on my website bike blogger.com

    Ssite it’s an aluminum frame bike I built it up I think it’s like really lightweight it’s all all the details are online this is a let me show you from the crank set here this is a special size Langster these used to be very popular back in the 2000s they had all

    Different versions of them this is just the basic uh 200 2008 2007 version I don’t know man that seems like forever ago doesn’t it I bought it used though so man used bikes ain’t cheap just like used cars anything everything’s expensive right now but hey you know if

    You’re on the bottom if you’ve been on the bottom end of the the uh economic food chain so to speak at least your wages are up than they used to be all right so yeah ice P stuff man I just got to compl I got to do a little

    Rant I’m sorry guys uh next week hopefully I get this uploaded here my internet comes back in time but uh and next week will be the thousandth video I have no idea what to do for the thousandth video we’ll just talk about whatever guys it’s all good if there’s

    Something you particularly want me to talk about leave a comment in the comment section below this video video I’ll give it a read and maybe touch on something if you’re interested me talking about something next weeko just taking it easy right nowo it’s actually not that bad right

    Now it’s about 40 Fahrenheit there was some snow but it melted like right away it has been a very very temperate very mild winter so far cross the fingers oh my gosh I have my still have my fingerless gloves on yeah it’s not that bad out here right now yeah with the mobile

    Internet you can get unlimited data but I think there’s there’s always a data cap and the point where they start throttling your speeds but yeah it’s actually not that bad though cuz I was doing some speed tests with mobile just using mobile data like phone for home internet and

    Compared to home internet using a Wi-Fi adapter like not just just ethernet you know wired internet but using a Wi-Fi dapter off my router the speeds were like I’m getting kind of nerdy here but like the Ping the P ping the Ping times I they’re even better than my router

    That means my router probably has bad uh it’s probably going through walls and stuff and it’s just slowing and set down or something having interference or whatever but it’s like wow the hot spot’s better than my regular internet in that respect getting a better sensitivity or whatever let’s get around pedestrian on the

    Left they actually redid this whole area over here I think they’ve been working on it for a while they got like a bunch of construction and stuff over here kind of wanting to stay try to limit my time on the roads right now when we get a good rain and it doesn’t

    You know freeze I have to put more salt down when we get a good rain it’ll clear away a lot of that salt and grime and stuff off the roads right now it almost I’m almost rather ride my bike on the gravel I do want to go to the Katy Trail

    Again uh rails the trails system I haven’t done that in a while what I want to do is cuz I don’t think I filmed it I want to ride all the way to the Eastern end uh I don’t know if they’ve extended it since then man this was like 10 years

    Ago or something but I don’t think I filmed that in of it I took it pretty far west to the point where I had to drive my car from home like an hour and a half and then start from you know that point on going Westward it start to get

    A little ridiculous I much prefer to uh if I’m going to drive my car somewhere to ride my bike I want to ride my bike longer than I would be sitting in the car to get there and back otherwise it kind of seems like a waste that’s all right it’s kind of

    Muddy here actually guys little muddy keep going up the gravel Trail here I don’t know what they’re doing over here some sort of utility work or something been working over here for a while I think it’s water pipes I think I think that think I recognize the name on

    That truck they replace the water mains around where I live be replacing all the water Ms man our infrastructure is all screwed up by that I mean it’s like all like 70 years old everything’s breaking now in this country it’s got a funny since we didn’t really get

    Uh since this country didn’t get leveled during World War II it’s like all our stuff is still uh east of the Mississippi least is all pretty dang old and hasn’t been replaced or anything since I don’t know the early 1900s or the 1920s or whatever woo downhill we’re going

    Downhill feel like riding on the gravel I haven’t done that in a while gravel grinding gravel grinding gravel grinding off the hillo so yeah I tried to doing all the stuff to try to fix my internet too cuz uh I was figuring well the first thing

    To do just a little tips here if you’re having internet problems first thing they’ll always tell you to do is power cycle power cycle means just unplug your your modem and your Wi-Fi router if you have it and then you want to simplify you know try to eliminate weak

    Points you know points that could be messing up you know when you’re doing the test you want to do the very basic test first on the very simplest things like swap out the cables maybe maybe you have a bad cable maybe have a bad Port move your cable around we’re doing we’re

    Talking about hardware issues here pretty much you know take the router out of the equation a modem has a socket on the back that you attach a cable to and then you attach that cable to your router well instead of that unconnect connect unconnect is that a word un un

    Unconnect disconnect I guess disconnect your router and take that same cable and plug it directly into your computer your laptop or desktop ethernet port so that way you don’t so that way you eliminate the router is possibly a source of the issue and if you got internet then you

    Know the problem is probably your router not the modem you can also get a new modem I feel it’s kind of risky though you never know if you might get a worse modem than the one the ISP gave you let me go right here but these newer modems

    They can do faster speed so it’s not a bad idea to get a new one if you really need it a lot of times they’ll just give you one for free or it’s included cuz it’s property of the ISP also of course update your drivers or talking software Now update your l/

    Ethernet card Wi-Fi all that good stuff all your motherboard drivers make sure you have all that backend software up to date on your computer or just some other tips if you’re having problems with internet access of course use ethernet cable wired connection when you’re doing these tests so again you’re eliminating

    The possibility of a problem with your router in terms of routers I don’t really have a preference a lot of people seem to like a Asus just whatever fits your needs on Amazon or wherever router is not that important I think another issue could be firewalls you know make sure whatever application

    If you’re having a problem with something make sure you have a make sure your firewall isn’t blocking the application you shouldn’t have to do any port forwarding man I’m getting nerdy aren’t I shouldn’t have to do port forwarding I don’t think just make sure you’re I’m talking about Windows here go

    To the Windows security firewall page or whatever on is it Windows 10 that’s what I’m still using I’m not using Windows 11 yet uh and uh oh that’s another idea I guess you could update your update your operating system make sure you have a up toate operating system maybe I need to

    Switch to Windows 11 I don’t know I kind I’m always kind of slow to adopt things you know so I want to wait and wait a few versions to make sure they get any bug fixes especially when they’re doing big updates make sure there’s like no hot fixes they’re going

    To need to do shortly down the line so you don’t run into stupid issues like that so they try to do like a beta releases on some things and still not good enough till it reaches enough people and then I’ll do my update usually once things start breaking if it

    Ain’t broken don’t fix it you know that’s my saying that’s the saying that’s the say what else did I try messing around with trying to think uh guess that’s about it can’t think of other things you could do to fix the problem I had a list of stuff have

    Internet issues of course it could be an outage in the area but as I understand it supposedly your internet service provider doesn’t know you’re having issues unless you tell them now I think that’s kind of bull I think they do know they kind they would know they’d be able to see it

    They’d be able to see your modem’s not getting a signal but that probably happens to people all the time so they’re not like watching every individual modem when something goes down and then going to notify hey your your internet’s down you know they’ll just wait for you to tell them

    Then they should be able to see it though they could try restarting stuff on their end I don’t think there’s a magic thing they can do on their end might have to have a field tack come out and look at something of course the absolute worst case case scenario is

    Hardware outside of your building you know it could be you have a problem between you know the power line and your home or business or whatever and they would have to fix the cabling you know from the street basically to your home and that could take multiple service

    Calls so they finally get around to fixing that cuz you know they want to figure out they want just like anything you want to make sure you eliminate all the easy fixes first because you don’t want to spend more time on stuff you don’t have

    To of course it could be you know it could definitely be an outdoor thing if you’re in a storm if like you have an overhead line and they get knocked down well that would obviously be the problem they should be able to fix that pretty easily but if it’s something like a line

    Gets disintegrated or something like something happens to it that could be a little bit more of a hassle of fixing as I understand it reading online but yeah hopefully that isn’t your problem I think that’s kind of why we don’t have kind of why they don’t have fiber internet

    Around where I live cuz we already have internet and if not everybody’s clamoring for it it’s kind of like and you’re a monopoly like what’s the incentive really right but I think I I’ve read online supposedly it’s coming you know like there’s going to be faster upload Upstream

    Downstream internet speeds in the next couple years maybe some places are getting it I think you’re you’re at a greater chance of getting it though if you’re rich and you’re getting like you’re building a new home or something uh but existing homes existing buildings and stuff not so much and the thing is

    It’s like if I want wanted to get faster speed it’s not really possible in a residential setting because basically the way that works is you get a like a new line drawn to your home this is like B quote unquote business internet but uh yeah really crummy choices around where

    I live there’s like no competition it’s like capitalists are all for capitalism until this competition and they don’t want that ranting ranting ranting ranting and ring oh man it’s getting cold it’s cold I’ve been out here for like over an hour not riding my bike but I’ve been out here

    And it’s pretty freaking cold you can see the Sun up there kind of yeah behind the clouds don’t stare at the sun don’t stare at the sun oh yeah guys the uh just remember there’s a solar eclipse coming in the United States visible in the midwest where I live I

    Think it’s like soon isn’t it is it like in April or something and a couple months a few months from now that check that out that’d be cool there’s another one like about five years or so ago I think if I remember correctly back in 201 17 or something I don’t remember

    That was a little while ago woo it is free freezing it is freezing slow down here we get off the road let’s get back onto the gravel plop look at all that snow and ice ice and snow guys ooo really really uh Sandy over here by the

    Water all right a little bit of shot of some snow for you and you see where the Ducks and stuff were walking on the on the water actually those look like human Footprints that’s creepy be careful walking on that ice whoa look at those kids over there look at that a’t that

    Cool all right so they’re running on the ice great parenting great parenting wow see the reason why there’s a big Mound there over there you see that is because they didn’t they didn’t turn the water off I don’t know what the city was thinking they left the water

    Running on that fountain that was a little little Lake over there I don’t know if that’s something to try to prevent the pipes from freezing you know how you keep water flowing through the pipes I it’s just sort of weird though they didn’t turn off so then the the the

    Fountain froze in place man my fingers are freezing I been out here too long I think it’s a wind chill on the bike that’s doing it man woo there’s probably going to be people ice skating up over here let’s see there’s a little ice rink over here let’s take a look at that

    Since it’s winter time usually they’ll play some music and have like a little bonfire going and stuff at night it’s not night right now it’s just kind of afternoon time right now after work right now man I still smell like burnt something around here they cleared this

    Area like they did a control burn but I still smell it not sure when uh not sure when that was exactly it was kind kind of uh recent I guess yeah so there’s a uh ice rank behind the bushes over there kind of think I hear music Don’t copyright claim

    Me don’t copyright me yeah see if feel ice skating over there I can’t ice skate by the way there’s a little bit of trivia for you bike blogger can’t skate bike blogger and bike bike blogger can’t skate though I need like uh what do you call it like those rein those ankle

    Reinforced skates or whereever I just I don’t know I have weak weak ankles or I don’t have the correct muscles or whatever for skating it’s all good look that’s it’s all frozen over there too there is a go guys why are I not wearing the right gloves I was like I’m not

    Wearing the right gloves I should have been wearing different gloves that’s okay all right man the whole sky is clouded not there’s like no I can’t even really see the blue just so dark classic winter Man classic winter guys woo I don’t know what the deal is here I

    Wonder if they salted the bike trail could be it’s all discolored here I am trying to avoid the salt on the roads right now and I’m just riding through Salt anyway on the bike trail I think they probably did salt it because there’s a this is also these the

    Walking path and they’re built they’re doing like they got a construction project back there I don’t if you can see it so a lot of the construction workers I think park over here they’re also doing construction over here look at all that stuff doing a lot of work over there so

    I think people are going back walk back and forth here a lot so they might have saled this part of the bike trail only see if we can go through the construction that uh Hey that cyclist he uh yeah we can get over through here he came through here all

    Right big equipment big construction equipment some big pipes too got the big Pipes Cool C not really doing any work right now is getting late in the day all right up the hill all right up up look how white the road is that’s all salt up up h yeah utility work ahead what it’s so weird it’s like they’re doing all these construction projects in the

    Winter usually you do work in the summer so I don’t know what’s the deal a lot of stuff they got to fix in the cold I guess usually it’s not the best time to be doing construction work bump there’s a bump up he there’s a bump up ahead watch out for

    The bump oh wait D we avoided the bump that’s how we do this that’s how we do it on the bike vlogger channel on the bik vlogger channel and it is weird the road’s all white white road all the uh salt dust around here they use salt primarily

    Although they do have this like liquid chemical spray stuff they use too but I don’t think it works as well in even in like really cold temperatures I think you still got to use the salt I think that’s the newer thing I don’t know I’m just I’m just rambling

    Guys guys I’m just rambling to dieo it’s weird how the salt is kind of whoosh whoosh on the uh sidewalk there it’s like they sprayed a little bit of the sidewalk with the truck that came by with the salt earlier all right made it up the hill

    Think I’m going to jump on to the uh Trail Again see there used to be more gravel on on here but uh they need to replenish it or something I don’t know what the deal is it’s kind of funny look at all this equipment I don’t think they even have that many employ employees they have more equipment than they do have people

    I think working for the parks department all right downhill down downhill nice and easy don’t need to fall don’t need to fall man I am freezing this wind chill guys it’s real the wind chill is real Up the hill I heard the lions roaring earlier at the zoo it’s like a zoo over here to the right oh we’re going in a tunnel guys going in a tunnel going in a tunnel bike vlogger bike voger bike vlogger guys we’ll see you next time thanks for

    Watching up the hell the hell up the helloo oh they’re all slowed down on the highway over there round a bike


    1. You can do a video on the bikes you own and how and where you purchased them. Since you mentioned money being an issue and buying used bikes. Also why you choose to commute by bicycle and other physical activities you do do.

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