Luke Plapp won both the national time trial and road title once again. Mathieu van der Poel dominated the cyclocross races and EF Education Easypost release there kit as well as Polti Kometa.
    Patrick, Ewan and Scott discuss what riders from the peloton and the incoming neo pros are the ones to watch out for in the new season.

    Collaboration between @thecyclingdane and @OwDoCycling

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    00:00 Intro
    00:37 UCI Team Kit Review
    11:05 Australian National Road Championships 2024
    18:17 Mathieu Van der Poel continues Cyclocros dominance
    21:56 Redbull Buying Bora Hansgrohe
    31:58 Cycling Transfers 2024
    35:13 Riders to Watch in 2024
    46:18 Neo Pros to Watch in 2024
    56:23 Rider of the Week

    Hello everyone and welcome to another episode of the ason cycling podcast where we discuss what’s been going on in the week of cycling and also look ahead to the week ahead which actually is interesting because we’re going to get more cycling but as always I’m joined by

    M kugo himself Yan Wilson and Patrick Blake of ALU cycling and this is number 50 so round of applause guys Round of Applause um and almost made one one year now though yeah true we’re almost there I can’t believe it many podcast have died before this so uh we’re doing well

    And thanks to everyone who’s been subscribing and commenting Etc but uh yeah we might as well start with yeah I mean many people will watch the video over on the second date extra but I mean there was some kit reveals so we might as well complete our discussion of that

    Here on the ashon as well and uh yeah what did you think of the Hideous Jak you look at well first of all it’s not hideous second of all it’s very successful so far most successful Jersey of the season after the Australian National Championship there is a point

    There is a point on that um yes Patrick you said this to me what was it that killed you and he accidentally bumped someone oh yeah that was in like the crit Champs which they kind of do count but I I just saw a video on Instagram

    And it was like in the final like Sprint where was like a crash I saw that Caleb like the person who crashed Caleb basically bumped into the curb and it didn’t look like an accidental B but you know that’s by The Bu but it’s also very successful in terms of like the road

    Races because Australian national champs has commenced which means that depending on your cycling status you may think that this is the start of the Season or not it’s it’s Up For Debate some people say it doesn’t start until OB and kerer some people say it’s Tor down under I

    Personally thought it was debay crits but then they canel those so then like that whatever but anyway some people it’s the grand for some people it is for some it’s it’s jir which is quite frankly wrong no it’s the Tor the t is when this season starts exactly that’s everything is just

    A pre to lombardia that’s the actual most important race of the year or did the season even endend or we’ been enjoying the South American uh Middle America races as well true true but the jerseys jerseys J sorry um yeah Jak announc that with a big sort of identity change in terms of

    The color palettes there’s a big splattering of orange that’s across the jersey and on their helmets and their bikes I think this is a nice return for orange Whoever thought a Celtic fan would be saying that yeah I think it’s I think it’s really nice it’s very sunsett

    It’s very Australian if you ask me a rock kind of VI a luru whatever you want to call it I have to agree I’m I’m sticking with it I’m sticking with the opinion that we had over ony D video I think that it is still good kind of a

    View of because of course you know there’s plenty of Victories going off for Jak Wula the last week so you got to see it quite a few times and I just think that it’s unlike anything else of a pelaton and with a a specific kind of

    Increase in just Fades of blue to other colors I’d quite like the orange it’s just a good contrast and you know color wheels and all that orange and blue are complimentary colors so there what science says that it works and selfishly it’ll be easy to to pick out at a bunch

    Yeah it will be which is very very useful SC it um well I think I made my position quite clear on this in I’m surprised I’m surprised you hate it so much it’s just an eyesa it shouldn’t be it shouldn’t be but I will grant you that it’s it is quite refreshing that

    They haven’t just gone for white or dark blue which seems to be do you pre do you fa over last year’s J kit oh kind of white and blue cuz come on that was a bit yeah that was boring as well well at least this is doing something it’s making feel some

    Emotion R bad one but at least at least Luke pla won’t have to wear this kit in either the time trial or in road races I know they should stop giving Luke PL ordinary jerseys because he keeps seeming to wear the national champions kit this the third year in a row that

    He’ll be wearing the green and gold of the Australian Champion elsewhere there’s also EF they Dro that kit this week pink and yellow the jar and the to of France harmonizing on this EF kit in the video we made over in the Cy action Channel we were very positive about this

    Do you remain positive about this jersey I think it’s very nice leaning into their brand identity and continuing was being a very very good streak of EF Rafa jerseys this is a couple of red stripes away from being like a full G tour Jersey kit like you you say that the

    Bike includes red as well so you got all three grandor colors in the bike I’m short visma Le bike are going to be turning in their graves thinking we want or three Grands to have a special bike with all the colors on it and now they’ve just gone and put them on they

    Haven’t won anything blah blah blah go on E just well done for just spting visal Le toik in that sense it’s just hilarious imagine just like the out of it just I think it’s still good I’m looking forward to seeing it at down under and getting a sensus too well

    If you’re paying real close attention you would have seen Elizabeth stanard I think wearing it in the women’s Road Race but I wasn’t paying close enough attention so we agreed it’s probably the best care for this year I think that’s pretty easy speaking of the men’s and

    Women’s Road Race we also got another look at the DSM fic postl Jersey that name never gets old and I mean they had a couple of riders in the event we were told a couple months back that maybe the Jersey will change they’re still wearing the old style helmets it

    Could still change but the jersey that we saw on display this weekend in Australia is interesting I’ll say that it’s white blue and orange all mixed together I wouldn’t say to much avail it’s yeah very unique I’ll say that I know I praising Jake for pulling off

    Some orange but this one does the opposite I think this really looks quite hideous nothing quite works together it looks very dated I’m not happy with this I I do kind of agree it didn’t look like anything it was harmonizing together it just looked really kind of odd in a

    Weird way I can’t describe it but it just didn’t quite look too appealing to the eye it was just really odd I couldn’t tell whether the main kind of C the palette was white or black and it’s just like it just needed sort and out and it’s fine but it’s definitely not

    Going to be the best kit of the Year by far and also like what’s frustrating about this I mean you mention black is that like there’s this weird thing going on where like the bike is black the gloves that Chris Hamilton was dat are black but there’s no black anymore in

    The Jersey it’s like a navy blue that might just be because he hasn’t got the new bike with the new features on it but that just looks a little bit messy in my opinion I don’t think it quite works together it was just like too dark

    Colors next to each other it’s kind of like your lead or track two different shades of something which are somewhat similar but kind of not and it’s just a bit like am I losing my sight or is are these two different cols also just more in general as well about this jersey is

    That like I know DSM fic and postel are now both joining the team well they’re now co-sponsoring it but it looks like these corporations were not have the same board meeting it’s like they had two different ideas and they’ve been separated on the Jersey like the lower

    Half of the Jersey is white orange with the postel logo the top half is the blue of DSM fic with their logo and then on the sleeves you have it half with DSM with the blue then an awkward white patch with the post and L logo there’s not much harmonization between the logos

    Between the two different color schemes of their sponsors which I think also makes this look like a very Frankenstein and temporary kit I’m hoping that they will change it halfway through the season teams have done this before I’m not exactly thrilled about this and I don’t think this is the great what the

    Best start to their new collaboration as a team yeah I’m not really going to put anymore on that yeah I don’t like the DSM I thought it was fine the one they had like we’ve gotten used to it now Uno X as well I don’t think we actually

    Mentioned Uno X at all when they dropped theirs they didn’t really drop anything new they’re just that they’re using the the kit from last year’s to of France which they were using on and off towards the end of the 2023 season it’s that Rama collaboration where it’s like half

    Red with a splash of yellow through it it’s fine I quite liked how the yellow was distinctive but I guess now we have vimma Lisa bike in full yellow somebody else is taking up that that space of being the very yellow kit in the pon

    Yeah I think it’s good it is quite basic but it’s an easy one to identify it’s very unique I prefer it with more red than more yellow funnily enough I don’t know why but I just think that it’s there nothing like it in a pelaton it’s not in a blue palette it’s very

    Different yes it’s also just a good one from the aerial shots usually is as unox usually very identifiable I think they’re going to continue with that so yeah I think Eno X have done a an above average job there for sure do you guys talk about po Keta last week oh please

    Let let’s not Patrick’s going to be set off here yeah well we might as well awful it’s so bad is it it seems like we each have like one terrible kit and uh well y’s trigger point is a little track for anyone who hasn’t checked out kit

    Review video okay you can’t defend party Comm hit you just can’t I don’t think I can but like I like the fact they tried so much like this would look okay I think if they had black shorts I think the fact that they’ve gone for like red

    Orange sort of pumpkin colored shorts is just horrific and the announcement video with it being like a person ironing during it which I thought was quite fun it was quite Camp um leaning into of course py I say of course nobody knows this PTY makes irons that you use to to

    Get crumples out of your clothes I mean this is definitely a Down grade I say that I’m not looking forward to seeing this to the G but at the same way it’s quite nice to have Italian teams have a this is going to s a good aw B had of

    Comment Italian teams having chaotic jerseys and very distinctive ones in terms of their color scheme because like we’ve had some atrocious kids from jro Wild Card teams over the past couple of years I mean even the past 10 20 years so I’m glad we’ve now got another

    Chaotic Jersey that we’ll only see at Italian races and not see anywhere else in the season because like won as much as it was nice felt almost too crisp to be from an Italian Continental or Pro Continental team I mean I think that’s a good place to move on well move back to

    The national championships of Australia I mean did you guys watch it probably not not live Luke pla winning the time Trail Luke PL winning the road race him and Chris Harper getting away basically a onew on the line Harper setting up and Luke Pap Crossing together almost and

    Then getting third place as well it’s very Ori green Edge like completely wiping out the podium and maybe they’re going to do a similar kind of thing in the tour down on it now because we’ve seen them kind of do that hatrick of event I guess it it was it was very dominant

    Overly dominant nobody else really stood a chance on the day considering that usually like green Edge Ora Jake Gula through the years have always had the biggest team because they are like the Australian World Tour team laap was always sort of the Achilles heel he was

    The kind of the Maverick and just solo vineos he could be the one to be trusted to like take it to them now that he’s joined them it is just like a for it was basically a forone cusion that somebody from JK was going to win baring an

    Absolute Miracle so PL winning a third one py thinks would have been cooler to have seen Chris Harper I guess in terms of the longevity of like the jersey and it getting air time I guess PL maybe is bigger name for Jak Wula to be kind of

    Seen in that Jersey than than Chris Harper but I still think that Harper is is looking in really good form and I think that he could be a really kind of key person for Jak alula going into this year he’ll certainly be influential and theor down under because there’s Simon

    Yates and plat and Harper so I guess Harper’s going to be kind of like the lead out man for you know the mountain lead out man for them so I think he’s been growing for the years from like like it’s easy to forget that he was y

    Bisma I think that he’s kind of growing into a really good Rider actually and I was quite happy to see him finish on the podium I think I was well deserved might have liked to seen him win exactly I think last year the Tour of France he

    Was almost the unsun hero as a domes we talking about SE cus and animates and how great they were but Chris har was also fantastic in that to of France really supporting uh Simon Yates throughout that race and this year as well his role will probably be stepped

    Up and this is a great sort of side of things to come for him this could be his year I mean Luke Platt also won the time trial and Patrick did you tell me that he had a bike change or something during the time trial yeah I remember seeing

    That somebody drew a comparison to 2023 we’re in 2024 now still kind of getting used to that in 2023 PL won the TT despite having a bike change and somebody said oh he won again this year despite like the same thing happening because they do a lap like two laps for

    The TT and on the first lap he had a mechanical and he still beat Harper by like 30 something at second so he probably would have won by somewhere near to a minute so yeah really good signs for PL but it’s also worth noting that he was very good last year in the

    Nationals and then he didn’t do anything in the to down under at all oh okay I was going to say UAE tour he finished second that was a good start to the season that’s true but then he also didn’t do anything for our the rest of

    The year so it’s kind of really hard to tell with PL whether he’s going to you know is this just going to be like a TW month Flash in aan or you know he’s going to Theo I think might have been announced this week and Simon Yates is

    Going to the tour so it’ be really interesting to see whether PL can you know convert this to form outside of January and February I really hope it is because I think that he’s a sensational talent and I’m happy with he left inos and I think that Jay Kula could be a

    Really good place for him more widely I think this is like it demonstrates the fact that I mean PR harer is a really good writer but not necessarily a time trialist this shows that the level of Australian time trialing is definitely taking a downturn in the men’s side of

    Things cuz this used to be like a very highly competitive national championships for the time trial and to see it sort of go down in its Prestige uh is quite telling uh to be honest is Australian talent drying up yeah they’re focusing on on new things now what is

    The future of Australian cycling outside of Luke pl we aren’t seeing a huge amount of Australian talent coming through and really sticking at the top of the world tour level we’ve had um the couple guys at Lotto who just sort of fizzled out over the past couple years

    It’s almost feeling like this land that was 10 years ago very fertile for new Talent is almost losing its weight but you and Luke plout 2024 what’s your opinion of what he could do for a season and yeah now Samy Yates isn’t going to win the G ties so that predictions out

    The window now yeah well who else is going to challenge Pachi yeah exactly who’s going to get second hinga straws D do we go I don’t know I find Luke pla really hard to pin down the last couple years maybe because it’s the Ino setup I just haven’t quite been able to identify

    Him as as like what Rider type he could possibly be cuz he’s had these sort of GC got time is RA done well but then the rest of the year sort of Fades Into Obscurity maybe it’s just this guy who does well this sort of southern hemisphere calendar chunk but I’m

    Intrigued to see how he’ll do at a Granda I know he’s been to the Bel of the past but for him to get his own chance at the jar will be interesting but at the same time will it be S of a bit of a futile run or are we going to

    Have a bit like a leard Kem situation where he goes GC finishes about eighth or ninth and that’s like yeah well we proved a point he can ride a top 10 in GC and then he sort of slips back into being this wild card that he usually is

    I mean the course would sued him being such a good tester and I mean his most of his reputation came from the track initially as well hence why inos Grand were all over him so yeah maybe the jro this year could line up feel like Bradley wings with the 2012 to of France

    But pach is in the way there was no Pat at the 20 to toward France what else I I find interesting about PL is that he hasn’t been to many uccl World Tour stage races um he’s only been to just looking this one up now about four in

    The two years he’s been at the world tour level that’s not that much and he hasn’t finished a couple of them as well and the T results aren’t as shattering as we might expect so maybe he is just one of these guys you get them sometimes

    Where they’re a phenomenon in sort of in Australia or in their home nation and can’t quite export that onto the world tour onto the European level because looking at these time trialing results outside of Australia I’m seeing 83rd of the bua time trial in 2022 that was a

    Flat one 18th at romedy time trial in 2022 as well um 102nd at the UAE tour in 2022 uh last year I don’t think he even competed in a single time TR at UC World Tour stage race he did not um there was a stage at the tour of wona he finished

    80th Place in that time trial so I’m not necessarily convinced that I I withdraw my statement well no no but but but but at the same time it does raise point for for suspicion but it’s all not suspicion skepticism rather and um it is a new

    Team it’s a new setup maybe things will change we’ve seen that jakc alula have been improving in the time traling over the past couple of years then again inos are also a great time trialing Squad well anyways now coming to our obligatory match of Bol race around

    Wherever he is winning and I mean did you guys follow any of the CYO proc going on I mean at this point it’s just match of adap having Victory Labs it literally is I I don’t want to be like ungrateful but it is a little bit same

    Same with Vanda just kind of winning I don’t know was I don’t think Pitcock about ban or here vand was wasn’t like on the front row he got stuck behind some other people and then just launched this attack because everybody was running up this one Hill and then other

    P rode it one time in some like clear air and then just rode off and that BS that and that’s all that really happened I I wish there was more to talk about yurus new came second L swake came third swake coming back a little bit

    After having a bit of a slow start to the year Ron har was fourth isabet was six ferar didn’t have a good day he was in eighth place t n is in 12th Place so that’s a big fall from where he was at the start of the cyc Cross season like

    Two minutes down on vanderpol this just feels Like A A A procession towards the world Champs where vanderpool’s just going to win if women’s race Lucinda brand was probably going to win but then she face planted and she may have broken her nose so she um she dnf that race and

    Then Puck petza won PK petza had a mechanical on like the second lap I want to say like a rear wheel change needed so yeah bran probably would have WN because she had a decent Gap and but petza ended up winning ahead of Vander Hayden and Zoe baad came a thir by AR

    Bad’s first Podium of the World Cup this year it is so that’s a pretty good result from her she also won earlier in the we in hexia cyclocross gulan which is a c C2 level of race but you know wins a win I’m going to make this joke

    Once this year Luc sind the brand was on fire today sorry her son name was also on the ground she stumped dropped and rolled literally that’s your contribution to the cycle cross part you and yes to add Scott we also had cook shider which is a very famous race with a lot

    Of history and here while AR he tried to go all out on the first lap and it kind of backfired and ended up finishing third uh Pim run hard in second matcha winning it is very formula 1es Dutch Rider goes off the front and wins by the

    End we we’ve been there the whole correlation between those two so that’s Cy at the moment I’m surprised youan didn’t mention Cameron Mason getting a Podium sorry I didn’t watch the cycle cross what that’s so I’m sorry as much as I like vandero I just don’t tune into the Vanderpool

    Experience every week no but Cameron Mason was second in the goam my boy my boy let’s go let’s bring out the flag let sing Ash here we go a Flower of Scotland when will we see your likes again next segment please hey hey hey anyways I think uh cyc cross is

    Becoming a bit of a chore now because of the absolute dominance I it would have been good if we had a bit of rival like a big back and forth between him and what not but it’s crazy right now I think it’s 10 victories he’s won this

    Year and I don’t think it’s going to be stopping but now Le Yan um what is Red Bull doing in the sport of cycling well what are they doing um this week we had some interesting news come out uh on the sort of commercial business side of cycling um because Red

    Bull the oxygen energy drink is a potentially acquiring a controlling stake of Bora hansora as it’s now known yes this could mean that Red Bull will take over 51% of the team which is enough to control it what this could mean for the future will be very very intriguing

    We have seen Red Bull join the cycling a lot more in the past couple years we have Red Bull athletes competing at the top level of cycling also in cyc Cross as well we have of course wild vanarts who we see with the Red Bull stuff all

    The time also Tom pitock and Tom paler who rides a boram as well is a Red Bull athlete from his mountaineering backgrounds and also with the Rockit transfer that we got at the end of 2023 there was also talk about the influence of Red Bull in securing that deal and

    We’ve also seen Bor Bor has athletes spotted at the Red Bull training center including pron Str glitch the deal hasn’t been formally signed yet but I believe there’s two weeks until we find out about this legally um whether it’s going to be approved or not but for the

    Two companies I mean surely it’ll mean more money being pumped into Bor hansar as a cycling team the team already has somewhat Austrian identity they’re based in southern Germany and they have had Austrian writers for a long time and a close affiliation to Austria where the

    Drinks people are from and in terms of sort of what Red Bull have done for other sports as well they usually do bring that money and also a lot more ambition and visibility to the sports of course F1 is the example we we can all

    Think of when they jumped in in s of the late 2000s we saw Red Bull F1 become a huge Phenomenon with vetal finishing second in 2009 then winning the season then all the way up to Max sain’s current dominance of the sport there’s also other sports they’ve jumped into

    And I they put cliff diving on the map they’ve helped with other extreme sports so it’ll be interesting to see where this goes forward will the team be completely rebranded as Red Bull cycling I know many people have been dreaming about about this day for a long long

    Time will a continuous Bor hand scor we don’t quite know that yet The Season’s only just begun and and this deal hasn’t actually been enacted in law yet so it’s a very very intriguing chapter in the story of Bor hanscar this mean we’re going to get Tom pitock and W Aro to Bor

    Hrow maybe yeah it does kind of raised into the question what’s going to happen with them I guess they can just remain Red Bull athlet do feel a bit odd that there’ll be Red Bull athletes going up against a Red Bull team potentially that seems a little bit odd that that would

    Be the case whether they would have to I don’t know whether they they’re not allowed to wear the Red Bull stuff or whether they decide to join Allegiance with Bor hansgo who knows that would be quite the team to have on there with G roit maybe that would help in him

    Winning the the to France it is interesting and I do quite like it having such a big name like Red Bull some people out know they probably don’t like it but we were ratting and raving a couple of months ago about Amazon and apple potentially joining the sport

    Obviously that hasn’t happened but Red Bull’s still a pretty decent name and getting back into the sport is is quite a good thing I think I believe because like you say you were very involved in so many Sport and they seem just to have this everpresent presence but them being

    Involved in Road cycling not just through some individual Riders but through a potentially you know full designated team I think that would be really cool and also I bet their kit would slap personally can you imagine they would actually have a pretty good kit with like the maybe it would be the

    Same course team as Leal track but I bet they would do a better job almost definitely also what I’m intrigued about as well because we saw with F1 when Red Bull joined that one as they had a whole new approach that sort of took them from

    The mid table all the way to the top we also had that feeder team what was to Roso which what’s now called Alpha Tori whatever it’s called now it’ll be intriguing to see how they can do that here because maybe it’s bit like the inos network where they they have

    Contact they bounce between all these different sports speaking of what day of brf’s been working with Manchester United this week after Jim Ratcliffe bought a huge chunk of shares in that club just before Christmas so it’ll be it be fascinating to see what Innovations they could make for the

    Years to come Ralph already is is super ambitious he’s the guy who runs Boral hcor and he has been quite Innovative over the past couple of years so this could be a really really fruitful collaboration between the two any shove it in your face I mean just looking at

    It like the history of the team net app all that and then coming to this part of it I think is quite interesting and is Rob Dan is he Austrian or is he German I’m about to Google I think he actually might be Austrian but German bad he’s Bavarian

    Which is close to Austria I know yeah he’s from Bavaria do you think we’re going to get like Prim much R glit versus maxen racing up alz him in the F1 C I would I would watch that video would be pretty cool well for us we could definitely get

    Some good marketing stuff out this in terms like the videos and stuff online with like collaborations with like pretty much all good goes sky diving Sam wellsford tries cliff diving you know these kind of things cuz theed marketing team is like incred incredibly good and I’m sure they’ll have their little

    Minions jumping on board with uh with the cycling stuff as well so prepare to see viral Extreme videos of of of the Bor handcore team in the years to come pretty much R ski jumping with a parachute and a bike that’s so unbrand you should work for that market big

    Team um yeah well Patrick was saying that many people were against Amazon Apple takeover but you were not Patrick you actually wanted the big Brands the big names to kind of elevate the whole sponsorship level of cycling and I mean redb is so well known so it’s but I mean

    They’re buying the team so it’s not like they’re sponsoring so there is a bit of a difference so that’s more of a long-term but then what does buying lead to 51% control on the team what’s that going to lead to like probably becoming Red Bull cycl yeah I I just don’t think

    Road cycling is kind of like a yeah it’s not obviously there’s crashes and stuff like this but it’s not like downhill mountain biking where you know you’re probably going to crash H how are you going to get your Red Bull crowd hyped up about stage five of the

    Tour of Austria on a flat stage they go really quick at the end like really really fast really really fast but these are still men who wear lyro that’s like 5 mm th yeah I mean it is crazy when you think about it but yeah I mean anything

    Else to add on Red Bull are we going to see monsters being in the sport kind of with Mark cavish that kind of thing yeah we’ve a lot I mean there been like cocaa used to be in the sport prior to the kind of you know um US Postal

    Thing around and yeah then post that it’s kind of cycling it’s just taking a bit of a DI in terms of people wanting to be associated with the sport from a sponsor perspective and it’s just s of you can just only hope that through getting Red

    Bull in here it’s kind of like a show of confidence and other bigger Brands get involved in it and as a consequence everybody benefits and you know the sea Rises and we’re all just boats getting elevated upwards it’s also like consumer goods as well like you can go to the

    Store and buy a Red Bull where like anyos is huge but who’s jumping online to buy chemicals and petrol and all that you know all the time all the time that’s what I spend all my time doing when I’m not talking about cycling yeah but inos isn’t actually for that it’s

    Not for the chemical company it’s for their 4×4 car which I’ve never seen one I’ve never seen one I have oh okay there we go that’s so big it’s it’s honestly a turret away from being on the Ukraine Russian border will this then then be

    Used as like a vehical for like Red Bull zero zero calories Zero caffeine whatever like probably Twisted te Sal kind of thing or whatever I mean it is better that they are buying a portion of the team or the controlling stake in the team because that is the difference

    Between inos granders and one of the other teams that just kind of get a sponsor attached to it and then after two years the sponsor disappears here they actually have ownership they have some skin in the game so I like that part of it but then again Bor handc have

    Been on this squad since 2017 and and bora’s been there since 2015 but what do you think is going to happen now is it going to be Red Bull Bora Hans gr powered by Hans gr whatever however you get get past the free name rle Red Bull Bora powered by hands

    Grower imagine that it’s just like someone in a shower like a handc shower drinking a red ball and then afterwards GI hindley goes to cook a steak on his little Bora extractor fan in his kitchen oh God are we goingon to see Ro glitch in a shower many people are hoping this

    You probably prob you probably will I see a lot of roit thirst traps on Twitter people PE people are crying out for this also during the Twitter France someone described J hinley as the twink of the week so gay Twitter would go crazy if if we had a hands grow shower

    Appearance from ji hinley in in marketing some point soon okay I’m not going to ask what twink is but uh Google that one but anyways moving on before we go into some interesting segment about the new season we also have still transfers going on who would have thought and I

    Mean you and who who’s been transferring in these late parts of the Season well it start of the new year so it’s not even it’s kind of chaotic at the moment so strong rers are saying that Ed boson Haan is moving to as sorry the C on as

    Mondal for the new year from Total man had another contract in him yeah he keeps going and heo X Udo X was like where I thought he was going to go finally United with Kristoff that makes sense but like for some reason they’re like no no now also

    This would be him returning to the worldour level which I think would be like miraculous there’s a bit of a team crisis at Team visma Lisa bike michell hesman might be serving a suspension next to you and in order for v m Lisa bike to reach the quota of w to Riders

    They need to have one more Rider in their books they do have a development team and that should should be quite an easy way of bringing someone up but um rumors are spreading about who could they fit in as their last Rider if michell hesman is is banned in the next

    Year and this has started the whole rimor Mill Julian verot has been mentioned as have other Riders without world to contracts for next year there’s plenty kicking about so that one does sort of leave a door open but they’ve had their team launch already so suspect that one’s maybe dying out

    Herman penstein a top 10 in the buelta a couple years back or was it the J one of them he’s moving to team felt felan as is Sebastian shenberger two Austrian Riders shenberger who was uh quite a good promising r at BNB hotels um he’s moving down a notch as well similarly

    Barabash payak is moving to adro Mobile which been a sad one Pak was in the walto level wrode the J when it was in his home nation of Hungary really sort of fun Rider as well got a great personality he moved to human powered Health last year but their men’s team

    Died and a lot of their Riders had to scramble for new contracts uh he has a new contract but just with adri Mobile on the Continental level so expect to see him at the tur Slovenia and the crow race very soon I’m still shocked about edal bonhagen I didn’t even realize he

    Was still riding I thought he retired Patrick anything to share on those transfers honestly how is the transfer season still going like what is currently on we we need to have like where there’s like an start and an end we need to have a start and an end

    Because it started in what like August transfers and we’re still going can we have like a designated month where everything happens actually know maybe scrap up because then we run out of stuff to talk about a designated three month period where it can all happen and then it stops because it’s just Anarchy

    And none of them are massively moving a needle for me edos and Har would have made more sense at unx but for some reason they just hate him and they just trying to out him as just for whatever reason I don’t know they were just they just you whatever maybe they thought

    They had too many riders in that position maybe they thought they caught too many Norwegian people yes Danish take over w i mean we might as well move on to well the new season is almost Upon Us 2024 uh which Riders are you guys most excited about in terms of anyone

    And we’ll get on to me Pros afterwards I’m excited for Teo gagen har at Leal Trek since as we all know that Co jro doesn’t actually count and in my eyes he hasn’t won a grand tour and okay I have to defend a Brit against

    Two Brits here I you is very silent on this point I can hear listen do you remember who else finished in the top 10 of that zero was like yakob Fang in there and and he was going to win the 2019 toour BRS mark my words stage one would have

    Should have could have like he didn’t he decked it on stage one or two and he stage one would have won the 2021 to France if he didn’t crash on stage one as well but that’s very true but anyway my point T GH very promising last year was probably

    Going to do pretty good at airo but then crashed High stage penish something like that n CT he crashed out at some point and I just think that he’s got this like momentum I feel like he was getting some really good momentum of the first half

    Of the year at like ter Tero valenciano Etc I think that he could honestly I think he’s going to the tour I think that he could be top five I know that is I think maybe through some miracle he starts tussling the big boys I just think that he’s been a real real

    Late developer into the sports like he had a few years of a start where just things weren’t really working but it seems like he’s finally gaining some traction and I think the Leal tracker definitely a team on the up lots of good signings and I think that te could be

    Riding that wave so I’m very excited about Teo in general as a GC Prospect okay I’m going to be boring Mato jinson who V Malisa bike I know I sang his PES a couple of weeks back but I think he’s at a really good point in his career to

    Make a huge sort of stand out moment in 2024 last year he showed some sort of huge signs of improvement T of man overall win being up there in top 10 a number of big races like par even like ID haker he was right up there in the

    Tour of romedy as well him as sort of a Swiss Army knif Ryder maybe with the new visma setup he could really reach that sort of that next step in his career bit like could have his stal a couple years back would he moved to Vis Melisa bike

    He had that new lease of life I think jensson could really become one of the most defining Dom of 2024 he’s a great Climer he can readed race well likes to go and breakaways also pretty good at the classics I’m super super excited to see what he’s going to bring to the

    Table okay re him at the tour is going to be exciting maybe Josh charling potentially being favored to win the Olympics you Bingo going know maybe win his third tour of France but the T of Catcher the whole season that he’s lined up the meran season if he pulls it off and yeah

    Expect so much like Pikachu I just know he going to do well so I’m just like world champion M of under as well yeah that’s true I there’s also names I’m excited about r at Bor like is that in a single swim to be fair it’s going to be

    A cool narrative him against kind of like yumbo kind of like you know first time he’s been out that team for five years or whatever that’ll be really interesting to see with Bora especially just as like a player in the kind of galactico scene will be really interesting I’m going to say someone

    Quite Rogue Teemo keich on alerson kig he’s that’s a good shot good well he’s been doing cycle cross over the past couple years now he has jumped up onto well he’s now on the world tour team he was riding for the amson toonic development team uh for the past couple

    Of seasons and he won quite an impressive Sprint last year the tour of Bonia and he’s been looking sort of like like a really promising Sprinter maybe with that well tour backing behind him we know abson D can just sort of rush up a sprinter I think team oill could

    Really be that guy maybe wins a a world tour race this year maybe one of these lower level Sprints but becomes a bit of a sort of sprinting superstar in the style of for sort of hitas at that kind of B sort of street seist level I’m just

    Going to spew out some other names to round up my a little bit Aro Dee he’s going to the to oh we haven’t named him a lot of episodes you know he’s been a a real Sensational talent and I think that you know we’ seen a lot of one day races

    Obviously successful there but yeah see at the biggest St is going to be really cool of course after sh Mar Schmid because uh I’m like big fan go to ja I think that he’ll be better without the kind of what Quick Step just didn’t really seem to work too well I think

    That he could be like a really good Arden’s Rider I think we saw some flashes a good form last year but I think that he could there’s definitely more to come and also a last one is uh Riley Shan who won par tours that American amended really well like the

    Two Japanese races as well such just like an unknown such an unknown week like nobody knew anything about him until those races and I’m really interested to see whether he’s just go like burst onto the scene and just start slamming it in the gutter and being just a sensational World beating Talent or

    Was it just like a a little just blip just in the the Spectrum so really interested to see what he’s going to do as well for Israel Premier Tech should be a good Rider from the classics in theory but wait wait see have you seen honor de’s provisional it’s massive his

    March and February are packed with one day races he’s going to go to the amst gold as well the brontis P Frankfurt race toris Swiss the Tor of France the two the Canadian races but like from pretty much well before oml he’s going to start his year in the which one one

    Of the Spanish races Al Mia so okay I think that’s a one day race now it’s not even a stage race anymore it used to be back in the day then Alia then omu then basically all the way down to paru Bay so he’s doing paru Bay and bronda as

    Well so wow yeah 21 years old and this calendar is insane yeah he’s like the Golden Boy for sudal Destiny all they called now ploted Destiny can’t remember I but yeah he should just be like who can forget about Quebec performance where he was just like ripped it with

    Like a 200 meter sprint uphill like he could he’s so versatile but like he doesn’t look like he should get over climbs and yet he does I think that he could be a real even like green jersey at A T like he could be like he’s very

    Much like Mass pedison he could be super big threat just hitting it just immediately so really exciting to see what he can do I think 2024 is quite a big year for bam gay as well obviously wasn’t the greatest year last year because of crashing on the tour of

    Flanders still winning a stage at the taoris wh coming close to a Tor of France stage but it’s just like we had that explosive hype and then it’s kind of gone a bit down and he’s just kind of crept into the back Consciousness on the

    Cycling fan and I think this is the time to step up I think he’s going to be 24 25 this year as well so importantly as well I think this is a really crucial year for him because he needs to stand out in that Squad because they got heras

    They got Anam marit who was really good uh in the second half of last year Ugo par is rising through the ranks as well talented young French Sprinter he needs to stick out to anal and prove his worth especially after the Twitter FRS when they put so many resources into him they

    Didn’t get much in in return maritz got more top 10 at the J than bny got at the Twitter France for instance so he really needs to sort of Step things up I know I I know you can’t quite compare them but if Mari begins next season in really

    Really good form with t as well do they take precedent over B GMI when it comes to a tour to Fran setup he needs to stand out CH is he gonna be doing anything oh come on come off we can don’t bring this podcast back please

    Yeah okay where else we looking well we we talked enough about chrisopher in terms of he’s just damaging his own legacy but who who else is the movie star with nro kintana is that oh I’m intrigued about David aalo to be honest I know I know because I always

    Like always sing his Praises but I think I’m really intrigued to see how he’ll go because at UAE he was really strong as a domestique and in the past two years they didn’t really collaborate him with poacha which was strange given how well they worked in the previous two seasons

    Now he’s away from you he he had a good Strong finish to last season with the win of the venal classic is David formula going to jump back up and become a break away sort of star once more at the grand Tours a a Kazakhstan team as

    Well how do you see them playing out obviously podcast favorite atlet Leno we don’t quite know where he’s going we were kind of try to push him towards the J Tire he has 41 victories I didn’t even realize 41 in glorious moment you remember them all f i remember every single

    One um yeah the kazak double champ I think maybe a lot of those are national championships those victories I think Mark Cades is going to be an interesting narrative everyone wants it to happen will it happen probably not Jasper philipson as well most wins last year in

    Terms of any Rider is this going to be him like stepping on the gas even more well now as well some of his opposition has changed yobs has moved to DSM fic who knows how that’s going to work m is probably not going to get to a France

    Start because of the AAL project that opens up the a little bit for um the man he just said philipsson I think I think he’s definitely like that paradigm shift for him to become the number one Sprint in the world has happened the ball has has has has rolled I think he is

    Probably going to consolidate that in 2024 who else really is there Dylan nun of Asia I think he kind of lost his way last year then the year before he was maybe the third fourth best Sprinter who also be throwing in maybe Olaf Koy can step up to become a top three Sprinter

    In 2024 it’s true making the toour France Coy going to that’s a big excitement as well interested Caleb euan Maybe maybe just going back to ja will ignite something of his kind of Glory Speedy days to of Caleb buan I mean if he puts Phillipson into the curb like he

    Did to that other dude he’s definitely going to win the Sprint so yeah Caleb is exciting like enough I think as well I know I feel like I could just name everyone I mean in terms of NE we might as well start with uat memor cuz they’ve it up two of the biggest

    Names Mado and Isaac Del Toro the Toro lavir winner from Mexico obviously other than that really obviously Isaac Doro is going to be at the tour down under as well so is Mado but are there any other names I mean Patrick’s pretty high on R Ryan and the Le Baston Le under 23

    Winner for interm as well but Y is there anyone you’re looking towards Amil hok from Germany has has been Prett promising over the past couple years he’s moved to to Bor Hare this year was riding for haens bman Action last year and the year before with the Boran score

    Development team he’s making it to the World Tour level he won the men’s Junior road race at the world championships in 20122 and had a sort of bar summing season that year when he the amoui tour uh he won the peace race for the junior

    Level as well as the Judo D PR so I’m I’m really sort of hyped on head SOS to see where he’s going to see what see what press he can make we have seen Bor hanso slip some Talent under the radar over the past couple years CU they have

    Had a lot of really promising International Talent come in buto is sort of homegrown they’ve had him for a while now they’ll know how strong he’s going to be similarly in that setup you have haek as well who’s who making his his jump up at Bora but I me there are

    Plenty other teams I mean Yambo visma they’ve sweeped up sorry Vima Lisa bike have swept up a lot of big Talent p haanz i mean we’ve spoken about them so much with Johan stanet as well they making their world tour debut this year and we’re expecting to see them at the

    Jar so that would be really exciting to see how those young Norwegians step up to the plate I’m gonna say it again that Franchesco basato like SC Al Luna to the 23 the age winner riding for in Mar actually his schedule is already up which is absolutely wild for a 21y old

    But he’s going to a lot of the New Yorker races and then he’s doing stradi Catalonia Bas country he’s doing the ardens to brania Classic the closest thing I can draw him to is he’s a bit like he’s very similar to Brian cochard he’s that Sprinter who’s rather insanely

    Good at climbing as well so that’s kind of I’m very excited to see kind of what what he can do although I do feel that inter maral have a lot of sprinting and semi sprinting type talents so hopefully he gets his own little Nisha hon hin for yumbo sorry there Malisa bike

    And but again similar sort of scenario they’ve got such a world beating classic Squad where Do’s haran has fit into that course he was the wi of the monster landero so he’s an exciting one to be looking out for as well Darren rafy for EF education easy post alongside Archie

    Ryan who I guess we haven’t given him enough ah time yet but yeah Archie Ryan I think he’s probably one which I’m most excited about just because he’s already dabbled in a little bit of like Pro RAC like he’s and he’s succeeded in those already so he’s kind of set to take an

    Immediate Step Up whereas sometimes you see a neopro to take a year to really kind of bed in and get used to the World Tour style of racing so I think that Archie Ryan could certainly hit the ground running it but down down under we’ll wait and see Darren rafay I’m not

    Too sure I feel like he’s kind of he’ll exceed in some races but probably kind of still quite like a learning year what do you guys think about I mean we we talked about delor a little bit kind mentioned his name what do you expect from him this year is UE just so

    Saturated with talent that he’s not going to get anything they filed him and Morgado both to the tund which is interesting that they’ve send them all that way for their first worldour race gives them a chance to see how they perform at the wour level potentially

    And see what they can do in in that kind of bunch and with that kind of opposition if they can stand out there then that’s fantastic I think morado in particular could stand out at um the toand with the sort of profiles that we’re going to be seeing next week for

    Del taro I mean I guess he’s just going to have to tryy to find his way into some of these like Spanish stage races and some of these um smaller stage races that going to come up in the coming weeks maybe the Middle Eastern ones as

    Well so he can go there and try to stand out and prove his worth within UAE because they’ve also got me Yan christen’s just joined the squad as well you got Finn Fisher black who’s looking to make it more of a breakout I though he’s not quite the pure climber that

    Default of Del Toro is but there’s a lot of a talent there and it’s going to be hard to get a grand tour start in the next two years for one of these young guys because that team is is just bursting with so much talent and so many

    Leaders and so many valuable domestics on their roster yeah he probably Grand Tour but like you said like a rad Del Soul valenci that kind of thing he’d be really good to to go towards one final name for me Luke lampy because he’s at sudar quickstep which as we all know

    Sprinters go to sudar quickstep or and their predecessors and stuff like that and they usually turn out pretty good so we’re waiting see what happens with lampy as the new sprinting Talent with mer really as the only other Sprinter I think that lampy will get enough opportunities so I think we’ll see him

    Fairly consistently so I’m quite excited about that with the sprinters you usually see V immediately it’s not like a climber who takes a bit of time to kind of improve like the sprinters are like immediately in the game U AE tour get a top 10 what about there’s a few

    18y olds as well electing to do a rem code skipping the under 23 step um the center senion I probably butcher that name this is the writer that you guys were quite high on actually no he’s not going up to World Tour sorry 2025 next year but um belelli Mel belli

    The son of yo boki is going to be writing for the EF education easy post team which is the world tour obviously it’s not the development team 18 years old I still think like a development year would have been good 18 seems very young to just get a all started and

    Could be like burnout by the time you’re 29 or is this EF education EOS trying to win the rat race with these youngsters to not so he doesn’t end up in movie star UAE or yumbo Spanish riday yumbo and I know it’s kind of it’s an odd one I just

    Don’t really expect anything from 18y Olds as a as a rule like a just anything just nothing literally just don’t expect anything I think a was absolutely like the one in a million who you could expect something from in the first season especially the ones that go to inos do not expect

    Anything from them probably for like the rest of their career because anyos will probably just kill them off to be honest with you or sorry like what’s his name August Andrew August Theodore storm in the same way that Michael Leonard is has been has been murdered by inos in

    We say way but Leo hater has as well they’re all going to end up just shipping off to different teams because inos are absolutely awful of developing Talent so I’m sorry but they are going to suffer badly and tell me the last denos project which has like worked out really well

    Charlie boom he’s 19 it don’t count no because he’s just a Time TR he’s he a Time TRS just time travist these guys who they like or because trying to forge everybody into a GC rider for some reason I don’t know why they just do they’ll be looking to Mar

    Sheffield and try and make make him win the Tour next time around or something like honestly W surpris me what about French names in terms of Alexi at an second place at balad DOA was it yeah um he was top 20 at toal land let me double check yes

    Second place of valida U was up there a couple stages at the Baby G as well we finished fifth place in GC he’s 19 years of age he signed for three years at anal that’s a decent French name to come through and he’s not signed for group

    Armor France dja or the cathon which is interesting what about the one you call the mini the next coming of Al Philip man I I honestly I have no idea what to what to expect from man he’s Nam 10 cm at least mag is kind of like I

    Think he’s a bit of a slow burner I think he will you have to wait like two years or something to see something from him I don’t think he’s going to be the one to be hitting out the gates whereas F Prost that guy’s coming top 10 at the

    Mon 2 challenge that’s what’s going on there yeah that’s like an immediate de facto that’s what’s happening there just simple as um other French talent I don’t know Ed l no noan mudu honestly I’ve never really heard of these guys antoan Hub is going to sud Quick Step Axel Ron kind of

    Is stepping up to World Tour the under 23 champ but it’s kind of like a gray area because he’s competed already for Al and KCK in high level ruses so it’s kind of like a maybe maybe not but Axel R is technically making his world tour debut so under 23 World Champ very

    Excited to see what he can do he should get his own kind of space Vander Phillips and can’t do everything you know surely not I mean let me take you back to 2019 the junior worlds road race in Yorkshire there’s a Colombian Rider who’s at the

    Back he can’t get his wheel cries viral sensation he’s going to be a py coma Rider next year congratulations back all right R of the week you don’t want to talk about any what we hour with everyone in a week of racing yeah who is your R of the week

    Who’s GNA say his name Craig harer DN it it has to be like trand Paul or Luke PL I’m gonna go for Luke PL not Cameron Mason oh I’ve done that before Luke PL one when two events on the road you know what Ju Just Just because I don’t think

    I’ve picked him for any of them despite how many times he’s been winning recently I’ll go with vpol oh my goodness now I have to think outside the box because uh he rode the one sound bank that nobody else could and then flew off into the distance and one once

    Small I’m sure we will all remember this Victory forever fine I’m going to go for pin runhard for getting in between M what not on cook Sher well anyways that’s being it for our 50th episode quite a lot of things to cover still not in the

    Season as we say but uh yeah if you haven’t already make sure to hit the like button subscribe to the channel here on YouTube and also why not give us a five star review on Spotify as well that would help us a lot and as always

    Thank you for watching and we will see you next week


    1. I say you get rid of the blue eolo sleeves and that Polti kit is beautiful lol. Very fun and also classic looking, I fuck with red shorts. As a member of the queer cycling community, I fully endorse a Jai Hindley shower commercial.

    2. I KNOW why Scott is anti Jayco kit. Note Scott’s t-shirt color, the LOOK at the background screen color for show.
      He’s against the kit… because… Jayco is ripping OFF… the Echelon’s show colors!!! 😂

    3. I really wish you wouldn't put race result spoilers in the titles… I've unsubscribed from the podcast for this reason, but will try to catch up via YouTube from time to time as I enjoy the content. Without GCN+ to easily watch races this season, it's become much harder to be au currant.

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