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    Everton and Nottingham Forest are charged with breaching premier league profitability and sustainability rules hi there welcome along to the transfer show car solol is with me to dissect this breaking news this tea time as we look at what is in store now for both clubs and d sheth and Mark mccam

    Are standing by too to take us through today’s top transfer news and on the way alaca fighting to keep Jordan Henderson in Saudi Arabia as Ajax offer the midfielder a route back to Europe and with 17 days of the window left Premier League clubs up their interest in Calvin

    Phillips plus bad weather puts an end to any chance andreana had of playing in cameroon’s afcon open this evening but SEO gassi the stutgart striker linked with Manchester United starts for guinea we’ll let you know how that one Goes yeah there was lots to get to for you but of course our top story this evening is the news that broke in the last hour that Everton and Nottingham Forest have both been charged with breaching premier league profitability and sustainability rules carve solol is here carve there’s a lot to this story

    Of course in the simplest terms if you can start by explaining how we’ve got to to this point this evening well we’ve got to this point because uh the Premier League have released a statement and the wording of it is very interesting because it starts off by saying that the

    Two clubs Everton and Nan Forest have basically admitted to Breaking uh the premier League’s Financial rules now what we’re going to have is two separate independent commissions and those independent commissions are going to act pretty quickly because these rules are new and they are streamlined and this is

    All uh part of a sort of Fast Track process because what the Premier League wants to make sure is that if there are any fines any points deductions uh those are in season so any uh points deductions will be for this season and the process is going to be very fast I

    Think uh the commission uh will hear the case the case will last between 1 to 5 days but we should have a decision within 12 weeks so I think early April we will get a decision and then the clubs will have a chance to appeal as

    Well if they want to and the appeal has to be heard uh and concluded and we’ll have the final decision by May the 24th which I think is 5 days after the season has ended I think looking at the statements today from Everton and ningan Forest as well interesting how they’ve

    Responded understandably Everton are very very upset their statement was very strongly worded whereas Nottingham Forest I felt was far more consiliary uh in tone let’s major in on ever here of course they are already appealing against that 10-point deduction they were hit with in November just explain

    How it is that they can be charged again when that still has not been included well uh what the Premier League’s rules say is that over a threeyear cycle uh you must not lose more than 105 million now in November uh Everton were obviously deducted 10 points for losing

    More than the permitted 105 million over a three-year cycle and on December the 31st they submitted their accounts for last season so we’re into a new three-year cycle and of course some of the seasons overlap with the previous three-year cycle for which they’ve already been deducted 10 points and

    You’re completely right you know it is curious you could look at it as being punished twice for the same offense but I think what the Premier League would say is look at our rules look at our uh the wording of the rules in our handbook

    And it makes it clear uh that you have to be compliant with the rules over a threeyear cycle and it looks like Everton haven’t been compliant with the rules over two threeyear cycles and of course unfortunately some of those Seasons within that cycle overlap now I

    Think the good news if there is any good news in this for Everton at all is that they have uh the opportunity to fight their case at these tribunals there’s going to be an appeal for the 10o deduction and there is going to be a new independent commission as well so if

    Everton feel that the rules are wrong and judging by their statement they do they will be able to uh argue their case I think the best case scenario uh as far as these clubs are concerned I feel would be fines because really what you don’t want is a points deduction and I

    Think you’re an Everton fan this evening of course you’ll be upset you’ll be very angry uh you will feel that you are being kicked when you’re already down but you just have to trust in the process and you have to trust uh in the lawyers who are going to be representing

    You and presenting your case both at the appeal and also the new independent Commission on notingham Forest as you say it’s over a three-year period these accounts only one of those seasons were their Premier League club how how does that impact on the situation for them

    Well I think uh as far as they’re concerned their permitted losses were lower than 105 million over the threeyear cycle because as you say they were in the efl for part of that cycle again Nottingham Forest fans will be saying this evening look have we done

    That much wrong are we really gaining an unfair advantage over other teams in the Premier League because basically what happened is that we were promoted through the playoffs uh and we spent a lot of money in the transfer market because we wanted to make sure that now

    That we’re in the Premier League we stay in the Premier League so yes they have spent a lot of money on transfers I think something like2 200 250 million they haven’t made very much money from selling any players they haven’t recouped that much money they did sell

    Brenan Johnson but that was after this accounting period closed so I think they will have some very strong arguments to make in front of the commission as well and I think they will be hoping that if they are found guilty uh they will be hit with a fine and not a points

    Deduction and just finally for now there’ll be people watching I know this regards accounts that went in on December the 31st and yet just over two weeks later here we have Premier League charges leveled against these two clubs and yes and yet people will ask Manchester City’s case has been well

    Known for many many months years and Chelsea we know and have known for a while are being investigated but there’s no further news on those two teams yet what just explain why that is well because they’re totally different cases uh I think as far as Manchester City’s case is concerned they deny any

    Wrongdoing whatsoever uh they were hit with 115 charges they’re going to uh defend uh themselves against those charges there is no um evidence out in the public domain that Manchester City would say this proves that we are guilty far from it they say we have done

    Nothing wrong but it is a hugely complex case and I know uh maybe it feels like there’s not a lot going on as far as that case is concerned but there is a lot going on behind closed doors but the charges go back all the way to 2009 uh

    So I think it’s unfair to compare Manchester City’s case uh to Everton and Nottingham Forest today I think you mentioned Chelsea as well a lot of people have talked about the fact that Chelsea have spent so much money I think almost a billion euros on players over three transfer windows that sometimes

    People forget that Chelsea have also recouped a lot of money from selling players I think they’ve uh raised something like 500 100 million from selling players as well but the bottom line is all these clubs had to submit their accounts uh to the Premier League

    For this uh new cycle and they were all fine they all passed apart from on the face of it Everton and notam Forest and just finally on this and this is asking for you’re your best guess I suppose when we talk about potential punishments these are only charges at the moment but

    Given that Everton were given a 10-point deduction for their initial charge you mentioned fines how much of a bearing will that particular sanction have on on these charges um I don’t think the commission that will hear these new charges will be a new commission it won’t be the same

    Three people uh who heard uh the previous case I still think for what it’s worth my personal opinion I still think there’s a good chance uh that uh Everton may be successful in some part in their appeal and that 10-point deduction uh may be changed and I also

    Still think there’s a good chance that Everton may be able to uh present such a strong case in this new commission that they won’t face a points deduction but of course if you’re an Everton supporter it doesn’t matter what I feel or what my personal opinion is at the moment you’re

    Looking at the league table you’re looking at all the problems on and off the pitch at the club and you’re thinking what is going on why does it look like the Premier League have it in for us why does it look like they’re kicking us when we’re already down okay

    A lot to take on board with this car we’ll continue to do that through the evening thank you very much uh indeed for now let’s turn to some transfers now uh that could be happening in this window let’s start on the future of Jordan Henderson because Ajax are

    Intensifying their efforts to sign the England midfielder on a permanent deal from Al eifac in Saudi Arabia Dutch Football journalist Marcel Vander Crown says ax are prepared to break their usual wage cap in order to sign him well normally 5 million pounds is the maximum wages for any player to join

    Ajax and I’ve never seen them break the bank before but I understand that also looking at the background of what’s happened to ax this season they really need to to change something in the squad and need to change their results they are prepared to break the bank they are

    Prepared to BU a much bigger wayte than they’ve ever done before there are they are looking at all these structures but they’ve they’re almost certain that they can do that and they can afford him once he agrees and once the club agrees Jordan Henderson has got all the

    Experience and he could really lift the squad he could you know be the leader of the team that kind of leadership is really needed among many young players and there is Talent absolutely in all the years that I’ve watched ax followed them ax always have talent but it’s

    Vital at this moment that somebody like Henderson would come and join them so that is Marcel vaner crown on Henderson and Ajax D cheth and Mark mccan with me uh here in the studio good evening to you both right let’s start with you darish let’s start with this

    Whole ax angle for for Jordan Henderson um they might want to sign him Henderson might well want to leave uh Saudi Arabia but surely this is up to Al Eat they hold the cards here don’t they it certainly seems that way if you look at uh Jordan Henderson’s contract he’s

    Contracted at Al eifac until 2026 and Al eifac they put a transfer fee to Liverpool of around 13 million to sign him last summer additionally they’re paying him a reported 350,000 a week so if you were looking at maybe a loan just say Al eifac said okay

    You can go on loan which looks unlikely at this stage how are the wages going to be paid because Al EA will almost be doing Jordan Henderson a favor by saying you can go but why should why would they think oh we can help out with the wages

    To any club that would would want him particularly how big those wages are if it was to be a permanent deal which Martel Vander CR was alluding to that aax might be might be pushing towards a permanent deal then I mentioned that 13 million pound outlay that they made in a

    Transfer fee surely altif fact might want some sort of transfer fee number one given he’s only been there for about five or six months and also the owners would be on Jordan Henderson to take a massive massive cut in his wages because Ajax aren’t going to get anywhere near

    £350,000 a week so th those are the issues associated with a potential move it’s all well and good Jordan Henderson wanting to go and aax wanting to sign him but in reality it’s a very very difficult deal to go come to fruition and I guess it’s whether he would be

    Interested in going to the area divis as well I mean Mark you wonder whether there might be a potential if altif fact were willing to sanction a move for him to come back to the Premier League the irony of this situation is Jordan Henderson went to Saudi Arabia for the

    Money and it will be the money that stops Jordan Henderson leaving Saudi Arabia obviously dsh has spoken about the sums involved and the fact he T have to take a massive pay cut but there would be a number of Premier League sides interested in Jordan Henderson He’s 33 years old vast experience Great

    Character great leader in that dressing room and he brings so much as well Big Time experience we know that he’s one of the Premier League the champions league and he’s got a you know 81 caps for England financially this is where the problem lies but I think there will be a

    Number of Premier League sides that will look at this and say well we need someone with experience we need someone with knowhow we need someone that can help us get over the line in these challenging and difficult games and Jordan Henderson has all of that although he hasn’t played uh in a

    Successful team over the last few months there will be a number of Premier League sides that say look this is this is an interesting one let’s have a a really really good discussion here but like darish says elac will be saying hang on a second this is the jewel in our Crown

    This is is the player that we have built a side around this was the big signing for Steven Gerard he’s the player that we want if we’ve brought him in we’re not going to let him leave because also it makes Alat look a little bit silly

    Because suddenly he’s one of a number of players that’s trying to find an exit routs out of the Saudi pro league and it’s not a good look for them when they’ve invested so much and I’ll go back to my original Point all boils down to money the interesting one thing I

    Would say Julian is when you have a situation when a Premier League club is loaning a player out to another European Club you almost find that the European Club can’t afford the full wages that a Premier League club would be willing to pay a player for example we know that

    Jayen Sancho went from Manchester United to brusa Dortmund but brusa Dortmund needed help paying the wages here it’s gone the other way because if he was to come on loan to a Premier League club you’d think that the Premier League club would need help with the wages because

    They’re not going to want to pay £350,000 a week also would a Premier League club if they wanted to do a permanent deal be willing to pay a big transfer fee in the region of what Al eifac paid in 13 million for someone who’s 33 years old so there’s so many

    More obstacles it feels like in getting a deal over the line with regard to Jordan Henderson than simply just saying I want to move let’s make it happen yeah it’s a complicated one we’ll watch this space on Jordan Henderson over the days ahead thanks very much indeed for now

    Dar d d dares and got there in the end we’re going to move on to outgoings potential outgoings at Manchester United in a moment which could mean Eric tenar Gets the chance to add to his Squad this month maybe we’ll also get more on the day’s top story The

    Nottingham Forest and Everton as we’ve been discussing have been charged with breaching the Premier League’s Financial rules and I can tell you there’s been a goal in the Africa Cup of n Welcome back to the transfer show much more to come at halfast 5 on tonight’s big breaking news that Everton and Nottingham Forest have been charged by the Premier League for alleged breaches of profit and sustainability rules we’ll be with both clubs at half B mark on this punishments could include points

    Deductions do you think this sort of sanction and this sort of illustrates maybe why we’re seeing a a quieter transfer window this month absolutely well the profits and sustainability rules were effectively brought in to make sure that clubs were sensible with their spending and they had to be much

    More acute with the money and the business that they were investing in players and wages and to try and make sure the Premier League was fair for everyone and that everyone could compete now dares and myself have been speaking to agents managers players over the course of this window and so many of

    Them have said to us the clubs can’t do a lot of activity because they have to be conscious of ffp or pns uh PSR you know the the the profit and sustainability rules so it is making clubs think twice about the money they’re investing in players which means

    Perhaps that’s why there’s not been a lot of deals go through and clubs are being more cautious about what they do and looking more so at loans in this window than potentially investing heavily so yeah this is going to be something we’ll be speaking about every

    Day between now and the end of the window I do expect things to gather a little bit more Pace as we approach headline day but it will be a very different January to one we’ve seen in the past yeah it’s the loan Market really that the clubs seem to be looking

    At yeah only because it’s kind of a lowrisk scenario that they can take keep their powder dry until the summer when the new budget year comes in and then they think right we can spend this much money they have a degree of certainty on how much they’re going to be able to

    Spend whereas unless a longer term Target becomes available in January I don’t think we’re going to see a situation like we saw last January where it was 800 million was spent predominantly half of it nearly was spent by Chelsea and they’re not doing anywhere close to that basically because of profitability and sustainability

    Rules let’s go on to some names then Calvin Phillips uh I your mark on this one could it be a loan could it be a permanent deal could it be Juventus could he be staying in the Premier League if he is on the Move well Manchester City would love to sell

    Calvin Phillips in this window if they can but as we’ve been discussing it looks more than likely it will be Al loone now which is what they’re open to we know that Juventus started the window with an interest in him but today we’ve revealed on Sky Sports News that Palace

    Everton Newcastle and West Ham are also monitoring the situation we understand Man City will be looking for a loan fee of around5 million pounds and his 135 uh 135,000 a week wages to be covered uh as much as possible uh but again at the minute no decision needs to be made but

    As we creep closer to deadline day decision will have to be made by both Manchester City the player and those clubs that are looking for a midfielder that fits that type of profile so one to keep an a yeah across Manchester at United D what’s happening there yeah

    Hannibal Meb this one looks like it’s on the verge of happening we might even get a formal announcement today that he has joined seevilla he is in Seville been having his medical there’s even been pictures on social media showing him with a shirt to show that it’s

    Effectively done it’s a loan deal which comes with a option to buy Manchester United you’ll remember just to protect the value of the player they they triggered the one-year option in his contract so he’s effectively got 18 months of his Manchester United contract to run and they’ve also inserted a

    Buyback clause and a sell on Clause as well because I think they do rate the player but he just can’t get First Team Action at United just now okay so Hannibal on on his way out let’s just try and get to a couple of other names uh Mark with you two more

    Players in Saudi Arabia who could they be on the the move already uh you were referring to of course Karim Benzema and Roberto firminho now of course Benzema is a a high quality Striker that’s won everything in the game hugely successful in Spain and France and there was an

    Interesting moment because he’s not been included in alad’s preseason tour at the moment so a lot of people are jumping to the conclusion saying Striker availability we know a number of Premier League sides are interested in him that’s one to keep an eye on and firmino

    32y old currently at Al Alli um we understand he’s been offered potentially to a number of Premier League sides another player that’s looking to exit the Saudi pro league after just six months Dage forgive me you’ve got about 30 seconds to tell us about a former Celtic player who has been linked with

    The Premier League yeah West Ham United are keeping an eye on the situation of jotter from Al IAD you remember he signed for25 million from Celtic last summer we understand he’s on2 200,000 a week but when the Saudi window closed he hasn’t made the squad Al it he had at

    All so I think West Ham just having a look at that situation potentially later in the window to see if a deal could be done another player they’re looking at is Ibrahim Osman from norand he’s a Winger 19 years old he’s a product of the right to dream Academy in Ghana the

    Same Academy that Muhammad cud has graduated from there we go dsh mark thank you very much indeed uh next we’re going to be live to the city ground and to goodison park to get more on this evening’s huge story that Everton and Nottingham Forest have been charged with

    Breaches of the Premier League’s profit and sustainability rules much more on that after the Break


    1. The only reason the league is doing this is so that, when they let the so called mid table sides off with a fine they have justification to let the top 6 sides off with a fine and they think we are stupid enough to fall for it 😂

    2. Chelsea may be ok, got champs league winnings, super cup, club world cup, 3 fa cup final appearances , new shirt sponsor injection, transfer income of around £350m in sales and dispensation of covid period and the period they were sanctioned by the government, £100m for Hazard sale also in last 3 years?

    3. Man City spent an obscene amount of money but they have also been in constant CL positions, they win big, they spend big, regularly get 50k attendance, sell shirts. Chelsea not as successful as man city right now but they are in europe consistently up until last year, have great match attendance and are still a relatively big club. You cant compare that to teams fighting relegation

    4. Henderson will in effect need to work for free to get out of that contract. His club will want their 13 mill back. Anyone in Europe would only pay half of it, max – The rest will need to come out of Henderson's wages. If he's thinking Euoros – then he shouldn't bother. If he's on the pitch the team won't win anyways. Take the money and deal with it. The rest of your life to enjoy with it afterwards.

    5. Man city 115 charges have to be dealt with now , an not allowed to use legal jargon to navigate around their punishment , they probably deserve to have transfer ban , points deduction an a relegation out of the premier League to put things right , proper corrupt double standards by premier League an Fa allowing city an Chelsea to try an get away with clear corruption breaking FFP

    6. I think you may be mis-using the word cycle, which is what is confusing everyone. A cycle is a complete series of events. They can’t overlap. What you are talking about is a rolling 3 year average and it’s not the correct term to call that a series of 3-year cycles

    7. Even as a Spurs fan this everton FFP stinks. What about leeway for the plandemic?

      Then you've got the constant excuses for Citeh and why they've been given 15 yrs to answer for 😂

    8. Everton and Forrest???? What about CHELSEA MAN CITY LIVERPOOL MAN UNITED ….Shocking but not surprised …..they obviously didn't have enough to pay the proper back handers

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