Are you thinking about moving to Kent Washington? Let’s explore the pros & cons of Kent WA today! Ready to discover the ins and outs of living in Kent WA? As your Seattle Washington realtor, I’m here to unveil all the pros and cons, equipping you with everything you need to know. So, why wait? Embark on this exciting journey with me and let’s explore all that Kent has to offer together!
    Kent, located in the heart of the beautiful Pacific Northwest, is a gem of a city nestled between Seattle and Tacoma. It’s known for its vibrant mix of urban amenities and suburban comfort, offering residents a balanced lifestyle. From lush green parks and a thriving arts scene to a diverse culinary landscape and top-notch educational institutions, Kent is truly a haven for those seeking a blend of city life and nature’s beauty. Moreover, its strategic location makes it a prime spot for businesses, contributing to a robust local economy.
    Stay with me as we unmask the genuine experience of living in Kent WA; unveiling the pros and cons, and everything in between. As your dedicated Seattle Washington realtor, I’ll ensure you’re privy to all you need to know about Kent. You will have a comprehensive understanding of its charm and potential challenges, allowing you to make an informed decision. So, buckle up, and let’s unravel the layers of this vibrant city together! Whether it’s the rich history, diverse culture, or the balance between urban liveliness and tranquillity, Kent offers something for everyone. Let’s embark on this exploration journey of Kent WA – unearthing its allure, the subtle nuances, and perhaps a few surprises along the way!
    If you’re thinking about moving to Kent Washington be sure to give me a call, shoot me a text, send me an email, or schedule a Zoom call. I’d love to help you make a smooth move to Kent Washington!
    00:00 – Intro to Living in Kent WA: Unveiling the Pros & Cons | All You Need to Know!
    01:10 – Where is Kent Located?
    03:48 – Pro #1 of Living in Kent WA
    05:14 – Pro #2 of Living in Kent WA
    07:07 – Pro #3 of Living in Kent WA
    09:43 – Pro #4 of Living in Kent WA
    10:49 – Pro #5 of Living in Kent WA
    12:15 – Con #1 of Living in Kent WA
    13:55 – Con #2 of Living in Kent WA
    15:44 – Con #3 of Living in Kent WA
    18:04 – Con #4 of Living in Kent WA
    20:12 – Con #5 of Living in Kent WA
    21:58 – Wrap Up to Living in Kent WA: Unveiling the Pros & Cons | All You Need to Know!
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    Hey are you thinking about moving to Seattle Washington or maybe a suburb around it called Kent well in today’s video I’m going to be talking to you about the pros and the cons about living in Kent Washington if that sounds of interest to you well stick around let’s get after

    It hey if this is your first time to my channel and you want to know about moving to Seattle or the areas around it like the suburbs like Kent Washington then subscribe to my channel and tap that Bell for notifications so that you can be the first to learn about the

    Current market here in Seattle Washington hi I am Kelsey Anderson and we get contacted all the time from people just like you looking to make their move to Seattle or the suburbs around it like Kent and we absolutely love it so whether you’re looking to

    Move in 7 days or 70 days get in contact with me using the information in the description below so we can help you make that smooth move to Seattle now let’s get into it as I was stating today we are going to jump into the pros and

    The cons about living in Kent Washington so first of all where is Kent located um Kent is just south of Ron which is south of bellw and Seattle it’s about 30 minutes southeast of Seattle Washington it is about uh 15 miles driving uh to Kent from Seattle or it’s

    About uh 14 mi from Tacoma so pretty close to both of those cities Kent is a pretty big suburb of Seattle Washington sitting at about 137,000 people um this city has seen a huge amount of growth um in the last few years seeing about 40% since 2020 so

    This place is booming there’s a lot of uh new developments going in for housing things like that um but Kent is mainly known for two things um number one the outdoor recreation that’s available in Kent it’s got that just beautiful green backdrop of the Pacific Northwest there’s mountains there’s Rivers there’s

    Lakes um so there’s all that outdoor recreation and then there’s a lot of focus on warehousing and Industrial um businesses so there’s a huge uh District in the Central Kent Valley um that has major distributions centers and warehouses um so lots of businesses down there it’s actually the fourth um

    Biggest manufacturing um area in the entire country so hugely important um for that which does bring in jobs and things like that but it is kind of a central part of the city um where the West Hill and the East Hill are going to be your neighborhoods worth more

    Residential settings especially the East Hill um in Kent Kent is the sixth largest city in the state of Washington um and if we think about what’s around it um I’ll take you to a map here and show you that just directly to the north of Kent is going to be Ron Washington

    Directly to the South is going to be Auburn Washington on the west side as you’re heading towards Puget Sound you’ve got de Moes and Federal Way and then on the east side towards the other part of the state um we’ve got Covington kind of tucked in a part of

    Kent so those are the towns right around Kent but Kent covers about 29 square miles so it’s a pretty big city when you’re driving through it um but it’s beautiful and I’m going to talk today about um some of the good and the bad about living in Kent Washington so let’s

    Jump into it so the first pro is affordable housing so the median home price in Kent Washington right now as it stands is about $595,000 now if you compare this to neighboring cities um it’s better okay if you look at um bellw which is a couple towns

    North um we’re looking at $1.3 million for the median home price in Renton just directly north is 676 th000 median home price um and then in Seattle um it jumps up to $824,000 so um that’s a little bit helpful especially if you are a newer um wanting to be a newer

    Homeowner um this is a place where you probably can get that starter home um it’s still 2023 so homes aren’t cheap um but you are going to be able to um take your dollar further living in Kent uh versus those neighboring cities I just mentioned um the other thing is that the

    Cost of living is a slightly better in Kent so things like property taxes and utilities um and entertainment m is all a little bit less um living in the City of Kent so a little bit lower home prices um and then as well the cost of living um that can make affordability a

    Little bit better especially for new home buyers the number two pro of living in Kent Washington is the job opportunities so as I mentioned Kent is known for its warehousing and sort of industrial areas a lot of distribution centers um like for Boeing um o ooyo Berto has headquarters down there Amazon

    Has huge plants um as well as whirlpool and some other companies so lots of jobs um and truck drivers and sort of the managers of all those jobs um are going to be right in this sort of the Central Valley of the city so that brings in a

    Lot of jobs um you don’t have to go out necessarily to Seattle or Tacoma or Bellevue or Redmond to get the those jobs there’s going to be a lot of jobs um right there in the city but if you want to travel out to the city um

    Obviously you’re not too far away but there’s a lot of jobs right here in Kent it’s also has a growing tech industry so if you are into it there’s a lot of jobs right here in the city um there’s also hospitality jobs and restaurants um lots of business lots of hotels and

    Restaurants are right in the city um Lots near Kent Station and other retail places on the on the west side of Kent um and so that’s going to bring in a lot of jobs there’s also a tremendous amount of schools serving 25,000 students in Kent um and so if you’re interested to

    Work in the schools there’s lot also a lot of jobs in that sector there are also jobs in construction and other Professional Services like being a lawyer things like that and then also Logistics and the transportation like I said with all those um the truck drivers coming in and out and those distribution

    Centers um need folks that are managing the logistics so again lots of jobs in Kent that makes it a pro the third Pro for living in Kent Washington is the outdoor recreation um there are several lakes in Kent some of which um you can live right on some of which you can walk

    Around on a trail um and others of which can just be in your backyard and maybe you can’t take a boat on it but it’s absolutely beautiful um there’s also the green river that runs right through it um you’ve got Sue Creek on the east side

    Of the city outlining it’s there’s a 6 and 1 Half Mile Trail right on Seuss Creek um Seuss Creek goes on for many more miles but the trail itself is over 6 miles um beautiful way to go out walk your dog um you know get a jog in take

    Your bike take your family to the parks along that trail super beautiful um there’s also 73 parks in the city ranging from really small parks to really big parks like the one at Lake Meridian I do show that in depth in another one of my videos um really fun

    Um just that backdrop of the Pacific Northwest and you definitely see it in Kent just a few miles away in isqua you’ve got the Cougar Mountain squawk Mountain there’s just a bunch of trails you can go backpacking you can go hiking you can do a pi niic um you can go

    Fishing uh lots of those uh places are just directly east um if you take one67 and then connect out to I90 you’re going to hit a lot of fun um if you connect a little bit further down 90 you’re going to hit um the snow kwami area and there’s I mean floating there

    You can ski depending on the time of year um and you just there’s lots of fun things to do um out in snow qualy um up to Crystal um all those things are within 30 45 minute drive um but lots of things within 15 minutes or just in the

    City boundary of Kent if you want to hit up a ocean beach um going just directly west um you’re going to hit the pet sound there’s lots of beautiful state parks um right um in De Moes which again is a neighboring City directly to the

    West of Kent um so just beautiful if you want mountains if you want the um ocean the beaches all that it’s all within 20 30 minutes sometimes 10 to 15 minutes um of living in Kent Washington the number four Pro of living in Kent Washington is the diverse Community if you drive

    Through Kent or if you look at the schools and you look at the things and the values that they have it’s hugely focused on diversity so there are so many different cultures and languages that come together to make Kent and you can just tell the city takes pride in

    This um there’s a lot of community events that celebrate the heritages from all around the world there are restaurants from all over the world um there are community events and festivals um and things like this that just bring the community together there’s places that have um programs that teach uh

    Different languages and cultures and dances and again this is just reflected in so many different aspects of the city’s culture and Community Vibe so if you’re looking for a place that has lots of different races and cultures um and people just kind of coming together and learning together and celebrating

    Differences Kent might be a really great place for you to consider to live with your family the fifth Pro of living in Kent Washington is the great transportation system so Kent has really thought about about ways that commuters from Kent can get to their jobs quickly and easily 167 runs right through Kent

    It’s also very close to um Interstate 5 um and so these are roadways that can take you up to BW um or Seattle and then easily to Tacoma as well another big Metropolitan City nearby um that’s going to host more jobs than just um is in the

    City limits of Kent um there’s also a great link Light Rail the Sounder um that will take you into the city um and to Tacoma as I said and that is um super convenient also can take you to the airport the airport’s only 15 minutes

    Away so if you are someone that has to travel a lot for work um via plane um this is going to be a great location for you because it’s super easy to get to the airport um the city’s also done a great job of setting up bike routes and

    Encouraging people to um not clog up the roads um but to be able to get to their destination easily and quickly with I mean a safe Avenue to get there as well all right so now it’s time to talk about the cons of living in Kent Washington

    Because there’s always going to be some downsides to living anywhere the number one con of living in Kent Washington is the traffic situation so if you are someone um that has to commute out of uh Kent for work or even if you’re staying in in uh Kent um like I said because

    There are those distribution centers and those industrial areas and warehouses there are a lot of truck drivers that are commuting in and out of Kent and that is going to cause extra congestion um in that Central Kent Valley um if we think about 167 that runs north and

    South uh through the main central part of Kent um those uh that Highway really backs up especially during peak hour um and mostly it’s because of those distribution centers but it’s also people commuting um from 167 to get up north to work in bellw um or to connect

    To Seattle to I5 um or going south to Tacoma so um there’s just a lot of um congestion going north and south and it does go right through Kent um so it is going to be a good idea to plan ahead um especially if you have to travel during

    Those peak hours r showers things like that I will say though that they have done a good job setting up biking systems like I said um on the pro side um with Transportation so there are other ways to uh get around the traffic situation but it is something to

    Consider because especially 167 um it it gets really backed up um and it can be frustrating if you work a long day and then you have to sit in traffic the number two con of living in Kent Washington is the limit limited entertainment options um unless you are highly entertained by mother nature

    Which hey a lot of people in the Pacific Northwest are um but if you like that super you know late night life going until 2: a.m. in the morning you’re definitely going to want to find a city that is closer to Seattle Washington because Kent is more of a you know

    Residential Suburban Town um there are still going to be some entertainment options in the city but it’s not going to be as extensive as going into the major metropolitan cities like Tacoma and Seattle nearby which it’s not that far it’s only 30 minutes but that could

    Be a pretty expensive Uber if you’re um going out late and trying to get a a ride back um there are some options though like I stated uh right located in Kent the shower center is a fun place to catch um the Thunderbirds the kind of a

    Semi-pro hockey team um and they’ve got other concerts um that happen at that venue there’s also Kent Station so they have a r wide variety of restaurants and movie theaters and shopping um so that’s kind of fun there’s also a Pacific raceways um is just um on the southeast part of Kent um

    There there they do a road racing and motorcross so that’s kind of fun um about 14 miles south of Kent kind of on the outskirts of Auburn um it’s going to be the White River and Ampitheater which is a really fun outdoor concert venue but that’s kind of the main

    Entertainment um that you’re going to see as far as like nightlife is concerned in Kent Washington so that might be a con for you it really depends on what you like to do at night the third con is the weather in Kent Washington um not different than any

    Other Seattle suburb but if you are not from around here people do get thrown off by the weather in Seattle I’ve lived here my whole life so it doesn’t bother me but I’m just here to give you the facts um so that you can make the best

    Decision for you and your family so Kent Washington um does follow the same weather pattern as Seattle so it has um just over 150 days that have rain in them now these aren’t like crazy rainstorms like some other places um but it does like tend to just sort of like

    Drizzle um which you know can be kind of annoying for people um there’s also a lot of cloudy days so over 220 days um in the calendar year um Kent Washington does experience at least some clouds so those clouds might burn off and turn into a beautiful sunny day um but especially in

    The fall and winter you’re going to have a lot of gray days um and you might need a happy light um and some vitamin D to sort of uh help you out with that but that’s something to consider now I will say along with that um con uh does come

    The benefit of um Kent doesn’t have any like huge natural disasters that I think are really um scary and daunting in a lot of parts of the country um I think that’s why so many people are immigrating to places like Kent um we don’t have the crazy you know hurricanes

    Tornadoes wildfires um things like that um we haven’t even had a earthquake um since 2001 um you know an earthquake that we can all like really feel happening and that didn’t even do too much damage so that is kind of a pro with the weather is you’re not going to

    Be worried about something really scary happening um but there might be you know more gray days and some more drizzly days and you might walk into work more than once with you know your jean pant leg a little bit damp and you kind of

    Get used to it it dries it’s fine um I’m used to it so it doesn’t really bother me but if that’s something that you’re really used to Sunshine every day this might not be the place for you the fourth con of living in Kent Washington is definitely the education system now

    This is kind of a mixed pro and con because there are some really great schools in Kent and if we compare the school district to the average school district in the country Kent still is considered above average according to um but if you look at the statistics um

    On the Washington Public Instruction website um Kent does have a lot of room to grow in the area of education and some schools are better than others you’re definitely going to want to look at my neighborhoods videos and my Vlog to learn more about the different um

    Areas um but I will tell you there’s some areas that are getting more of an AB rating um from areas in the North and then the South East and then a lot of the areas in sort of the Kent Valley um do get that c rating based on

    Really low test scores so that is something to consider I’ll give you a little bit of facts here so that you can be a little bit more informed about the statistics with the education program here in Kent so number one there are 25,000 people that um are students in

    The district the district pays over 177,000 per student Which is higher than the national average of 12,000 the student ratio is 18 to1 and it gets a B rating by 89% of students do graduate high school so that’s definitely a plus they get their highest scores in diversity college prep and

    Sports with their lowest scores in teachers and administration as well as facilities and resources 30% of kids are passing in math and 40 6% are passing in reading so like I said Kent has some room to grow in the area of education but depending on the part of the city

    That you live in you might encounter some really wonderful schools the last con of living in Kent is the distance proximity to Seattle Washington so as I mentioned some of the other towns to the north um like Ron um and bellw those cities have just a way better commute

    Into Seattle so if you work in Seattle or if you are meeting friends um for a sports game or things like that um you have to go 30 minutes without traffic sometimes a lot more than 30 minutes to get into the city now that’s a huge

    Bonus if you want to find a more affordable house um but it does add a lot of time to your commute if you have to commute to Tacoma or Redmond or Belleview or Seattle for work um it does just take a long time I talked about the

    Congestion on the freeways um so that’s just that’s a little bit hard being far from the city um but if you’re someone that works from home um or you don’t have to go into the city that much then the proximity to Seattle is not going to

    Bother you but it is good to know I think that you are going to have to be on a probably congested Highway at some point in your journey if you are having to get into the city from Kent on a regular basis renting is going to be a

    Better option um if you’re interested in homes between Kent and renon if you’re wanting to get into the city um but renon does come at a slightly higher price point so you’re going to want to weigh that out but it definitely has similar sort of outdoor recreation Vibes

    To as renon in the North and then Auburn just to the South and then Covington to the east as well a lot of those uh cities are very similar um I can definitely help you uh if you have further questions about that but just a

    Kind of a note there all right so I had fun today with you guys I’m so glad you stuck around to the end I hope this video was of value to you um I hope one day we can meet in person I can help you make that smooth move uh to Seattle or

    The areas around it like kend if you are interested so don’t forget to hit the like button subscribe to my channel and tap that Bell for notifications so that you can be the first to learn about the current market here in Seattle Washington I hope to see you around town

    Have an awesome day see you later


    1. Kent is the same as most of the cities near Seattle, it is very beautiful surrounded by many places to work, there is a lot of crime currently, there are people who say that it is a hot area for crime since it is surrounded by unpopulated valleys where criminals They escape easily, but of course it has hundreds of beautiful things.

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