Join to watch this video showing my experience in stage 3 from Tour de Fra… Zwift! 2024 🙂
    Here are some details from Zwift website about the event stages. There will be 8 stages so make sure you come back if you are interested!

    All About Tour de Zwift Ride 2024

    The challenge in this stage is to ride ~26km on Route Roule Ma Poule from France. Here is a link with details about route:

    “Roule Ma Poule” Route Details (France)

    I finished in 54 min on place 12th /48

    Stage 4 Zwift event details:

    00:30 Starting with a climb
    11:00 Start of route
    21:08 End of climb segment Aqueduc KOM
    22:08 Pave Sprint
    30:50 Nice & steady
    33:42 Marina Sprint
    34:25 Start of Marina Sprint
    38:20 Last km
    40:15 Recovering?!?
    41:32 End of Stage 4
    42:45 Ride Report

    #tourdezwift #zwift #cycling #indoorcycling #virtualcycling #zwifting #zwifter #france #cyclinglovers

    Hello and welcome to another video uh this is uh already stage four of twio Swift so I’ll talk a bit of uh how I felt in this stage and um how this adventure goes on it’s already the half of Touro Swift I uh participated in so there are uh four

    More stages left until it’s over in um February in 6th of February so I started this uh stage a bit late I was joining the event like after everyone already started I didn’t uh in the previous stages I was waiting for the event to start but here I I wasn’t uh already uh

    At a good time but I wanted to recover in time and uh it was it went well because I uh managed to get to the first uh I don’t know in the first 15 of uh all the participants I participated here in uh stage four with category D as well as in

    The previous stages this uh stage is proposed to with the root from France uh or Paris Paris it’s only for the category C as far as I can see on their uh zft inside their uh website so uh this uh route that you are seeing here it’s called rul

    Mol I I think this is the way you pronounce it in in French it has uh 20 26 km as a distance with Well they um estimate some 263 M elevation but as I told you in a previous uh video I don’t have a smart trainer so the estimation my my speed decreases

    As I uh climb like here it’s uh the the stage start with a clim which already this this part of the route actually it’s uh going to be in the at the end of it as well so it’s overlapping the start and the Finish as far as I could understand from it so

    Here I’m trying to catch up with the people who started before uh I lost like a couple of seconds I guess at the start I don’t know so um I moving on you will see that there is the actual this is the only the leading um part of the route so later on

    There will be interesting things along I’ll give you an overview and also please find in the description a link with the root description and all the details from zift website uh just as heads up there is this climbing and then uh very very nice uh covering to get to some flat um part

    Of the root then there will be a little segment for climbing uh it’s called aqu qued I I guess this is the way you pronounce it then uh before reaching 10 km um level or how to call it I don’t know before 10 km of the this route there is

    A Sprint called pave Sprint so very important the name to to to remind fave Sprint because I was paying attention when does it start I feel that I need to be very attentive when this Sprint segments start cuz they are literally on the street but if you missed it you don’t know there’s

    No another visual effect on the screen that you’re actually in that segment so that’s a bit annoying I guess you have to when you see on the little screen on the right top you see somehow where you are and when those things come but it’s very rough estimate so I usually

    In this stage for example I looked like for 1 or 2 kilm before it actually started so I was like does it start is it here is it not here yeah uh but there was nice they’re very short Sprints in this route so pave Sprint with uh 300 M

    And then later near the end of the entire route uh there’s another Marina Sprint uh also 30 300 and something meters um I don’t want to give some spoilers right now but please do uh it’s interesting to see how I went with with those prints it was really

    Nice I um I think so far from all the stages I’ve been participated in this is the one I like the most uh the scenery was also nice I it’s in France I I love France I I stayed there for uh two or three months in my uh

    Student years so um actually in Paris and in Orleans so this is somewhere I think in the north France and it’s really beautiful animations um I saw some lavender somewhere in the root so you can maybe I will put some this some pinpoint in the highlights if you want to click to see

    That yeah so there are right now 48 uh participants ladies I really like that uh Z offers this um the name of the users and also it puts on the you can see from which which country people are so it’s really from everywhere uh I like that most of them

    Are from Europe uh I think this is because of the time I’m riding here so it’s somewhere in the afternoon uh when I participated later in the evening in stage two or three I guess um there are more uh participants I think there were

    70 plus or I don’t know if I was in anyone in any state which has over 100 I don’t think so yeah so here you can see I’m trying to push it a bit and get I’m 14 now I’ll stay with the group for a while as you will

    See and then um yeah the Sprint will come this is still a climbing I see so it’s very early in the roots it’s only two and some two and3 km so still 20 something to cover yeah so I’m I’m not quite uh good on climbing uh and yeah I’m this is the

    Simulation because I’m um with my uh basic trainer with Garmin sensors I do what I can so I’m trying to fast sometimes but I don’t know that’s calculated based on the application there with the angle that the clim is and so on so the Watts and power and so on it’s a

    It’s a calculation there I can’t I I’m I’m not even bothering to understand so um yeah so um 19 now so I’m usually going I’m I’m left behind in this climbing as you probably saw in another segments as well I’m uh get along along with some people I I this stage I

    Learned to click and give some likes to people so that was also an achievement um yeah so let’s uh enjoy the ride and I’ll come back later to comment about the Sprint segments I’ll uh I add some voice over there because it’s uh it’s nice to see I [Laughter] guess [Laughter] [Applause] m [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] yeah [Applause] [Applause] [Laughter] [Applause] yeah [Applause] h W [Laughter] all [Laughter] [Laughter] Happ [Laughter] oh Do for [Applause] [Applause] [Laughter] [Applause] Here Yeah [Applause] Happ oh sh He [Laughter] w [Laughter] all righty so this is where it’s almost yeah it’s the climbing is done the The Climb segment that was set and here are the lavender nice things you see now on the screen the pave Sprint which is coming the first person uh out of three

    The only three persons already completed it uh had a time of 31 seconds and uh 75 uh milliseconds so already I’m starting to look hey when does it start so I know to push it more uh if you see on the screen in the bottom uh in the right uh I you see

    The the pace it’s higher so I’m really struggling here I’m I’m putting some more effort into and on the left side you can see the list of people who already completed the pave Sprint uh seven of them so you can it’s updating Lively so I’m eager to get

    There and start it so I think any second now yeah we the here here it started you saw it was uh something on the right side of the the road where that this Sprint segment starts so yeah my Pace increases I’m I have 300 and something Watts uh Power I push

    It and on the right you can see it’s 4.2 I don’t know what it’s uh V kilogram I guess it’s yeah and this is the end so I’m I got got the best time 31 seconds and 36 milliseconds so really really really close with the second

    Place I I didn’t thought I would manage to do this but it was really a great uh a great thing when I saw that I managed to do that it’s very close with the second place as you can see uh 4 Mill 14 milliseconds so it’s quite almost

    Nothing but you know when you’re the second from the second place it’s um it’s annoying so here the pace is really slow because I was um trying to catch up my breath and everyone is in the same situation I guess uh everyone pushed I like that uh yeah so you can

    See B Sprint summary I I’m first out of 24 that uh already uh completed did that it will uh show this graphic for a while some kilometers and later on there are other segments and sft offers other graphics and data about that um you can see that I’m falling

    Behind this group still catching my breath and then I’ll uh get in front for for a bit and um I think yeah I will St there yet i i wrode a lot with um a lady called from I don’t know how it’s SP it it was from United States of

    America yeah here I uh give some likes there as I said I I um already like discovered more from this application and chat there I think I stopped the chat because I don’t want to see there and be to have too crowded the screen so I’m uh basically my setup at

    Home is that I uh ride and with a screen in front of me it’s a desktop it’s a laptop with a monitor but not on the on the device so I because I want to see the the big screen there and record yeah so we are out arrived here in another part of

    The video cuz I I don’t I didn’t record everything it would be a too long video so I uh put only some segments uh so I yeah this is the person I I am riding until the end of the uh this stage um yeah there will be some surprises

    Along so uh there will will be I’ll come back with the the second uh segment the the second Sprint uh so yeah clicking the highlights if you want to jump there for Sh oh for w For E [Applause] [Applause] than You [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] okay so welcome to the second Sprint segment it’s called Marina Sprint we already see on the screen the people that are arriving there so I’m already looking hey when does it start again I’m uh this time I pushed I started the higher Pace earlier than the previous one as you can

    See and my uh colleague the girl from the lady from United States it’s right behind me you can see the pacing and the vs and so on on the screen on the right side so I’m looking forward that this thing starts already seven uh people uh completed the Sprint so here she tries

    To get in front but hard to do that I already pushed a very high Pace yeah so the the segment already start started here does it uh finish great finish so Boom the the second Sprint of this stage I get uh the first uh the best time uh the with only 10

    Milliseconds from second place so it’s even less than in the first Sprint from the stage I really pushed very hard in in the in the end you can see now here I’m very I’m catching up my breath so I think uh yeah you can see

    Until later on that no one else uh gets a better time for this Marina Sprint so this is why I mainly I I I had I started late so I joined the event late but then I was really in the mood to give some push for short segments

    Because they are really short 300 M in indoor cycling I mean it’s not real world so we can really push those segments and get some great times I will I I probably do this route outside of this uh T the sft event and I will see

    There how if I can um let’s say do a better record on this segments a better time cuz we as you can see it shows on the screen uh the last uh personal records in the last 90 days so it it keeps there the track of this

    So it will be really hard I guess to to beat this one but I will see later on when I will do this uh route again and uh I’ll see how it goes yeah so we already there are three kilom left in this stage I’m still riding along with uh

    This lady moose I guess it’s good to pronounce that I don’t know from USA and the climbing starts here so I of course I’ll uh remain behind but there will be some uh surprise near the end in the last kilometer of the race of the group ride

    It’s a group ride it’s not it’s not race so uh people are just joining here to ride together but yeah of course you it’s it’s really motivating to ride with others and try to get in front or get a lower Pace then a higher pace and so

    On yeah so here is the last kilometer as you can see this lady is already again in front of me but someone from Canada which which is behind just a few meters comes really high and uh it will get in front so people probably they have Smart trainers and many much more experience

    And training and they can push to the end with a higher Pace than I could so right now yeah I’m on the 11th but that will change soon like now so this kind of the lady got in front and I uh I didn’t catch that so this was

    The this was the place I I finished in I really enjoyed this it’s um almost 1 hour of riding with some segments of really high pace so I pushed as much as I could and then some yellow zone I don’t know how to call it in the zwift world in that with

    A lower Pace it was a good training so uh 26 km in 55 minutes I’m not sure how that will go in the real world but here is this uh this these were the timings and the the data so um there are four stages left from this to sft

    I will uh I want to to do all of them and have a nice um catchup memory for for this start of the year uh with turo sft here so join for for other videos uh you can see them posted on my channel I made the playlist with uh turos

    2024 where I uh collect all these videos with my uh rides and experiences here so um check in for another one uh in a few days and uh watch the finish the grand finish [Laughter] here [Laughter] [Applause] to [Applause] [Applause] he [Laughter] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] the [Applause] [Laughter] W oh [Laughter] W

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